
Expert’s mobile phone health fears

They’re as dangerous as driving blindfold, professor claims

Expert’s mobile phone health fears

by Arlene Kelly and Campbell Gunn

WESTERN governments are putting millions of lives at risk by allowing the continued and unlimited use of mobile phones, according to a leading expert. Professor Olle Johansson, a world-renowned expert on the impact of electromagnetic fields and microwave radiation, says the Scottish Executive should suspend the construction of all masts and launch an immediate investigation into the long-term health effects.


Kath Fraser claims living near a mobile phone mast has made her life hell on earth.

Prof Johansson says, “Mobile phones are the biggest full-scale human experiment ever carried out. Using one is like driving blindfolded 200km per hour up the Alps. Hopefully everything will turn out safely, but no-one really knows. “Everyone is at risk, 24 hours a day, whether they are at home, at work or in their leisure time. “In areas where phone masts are commonplace, evidence of health defects, skin conditions, allergies and cancer clusters is extremely worrying.”

Prof Johansson, a neuroscientist from the government-funded Karolinska Institute in Sweden, with more than 20 years’ experience, was the first to study human sensitivity to mobiles, when adverse reactions were first reported in the mid-90s. He’ll visit Scotland this week to brief MSPs on the potential risks associated with exposure to mobile phones and masts.

He will also be appearing as an expert witness before the Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee and will be making appearances at public meetings in Aberdeenshire and Perth. He says, “People who are electrosensitive, together with those in African and poorer countries, who are not high consumers of such products, will have no long-term regular exposure and will come out of this situation best.

“People should not dream of having a mobile. Around 3G base stations especially, there is evidence of alterations in the brain, increased blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, headaches, infertility and accelerated tumour growths.”


Prof Johansson also warns that governments must face up to their responsibilities by funding independent research, instead of avoiding a public health issue they know to be highly controversial. “The commercial and telecommunications companies are not responsible for this problem because their role is to gain profit. They are not doing anything illegal, only following flawed government safety guidelines.

“In my opinion the only safety level, both biologically and medically, is zero. I hope Scotland will see independent Government-based research. But it’s not an issue governments want to address.” Kath Fraser, a former nurse, from Old Kilpatrick, near Glasgow, claims she became electrosensitive after living near a mobile phone mast. She says, “It is hell on earth. I perspire profusely, suffer from sleep deprivation, dizziness, a burning sensation in my legs and hair loss. I even moved house to get away from the microwaves. “People think you are making it up and some doctors even recommend you see a psychiatrist, but it’s happening more and more and everyone can’t be wrong. Hopefully with the help of Professor Johansson we will be able to prove it.”

The Petitions Committee will also hear from Caroline Paterson, of the group Stirling Before Pylons. She will call on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Executive to acknowledge the potential health hazards associated with long-term exposure to high-voltage transmission wires.

Green MSP Mark Ruskell says the problem lies with the planning authorities who can’t take possible health issues into consideration when making a planning decision. “We need to make sure these technologies are safe before they’re rolled out,” he adds.

A Scottish Executive spokesman says, “The evidence to date suggests that exposure to radiation below international guidelines does not cause adverse health effects to the general population. We will continue to monitor emerging research in this area.

“The National Radiological Protection Board’s 2004 report on Mobile Phones and Health notes that there is no scientific basis for establishing minimal distances between base stations and areas of public occupancy.”

A spokeswoman for mmO2 Airwave, the company involved in the construction of the majority of masts, says, “We take the matter of health and safety very seriously. But there is overwhelming evidence that there is no cause for concern. “However, we are not complacent and rigidly follow health and safety guidelines. We regularly look at and review any new information or studies available.”


Informant: Andy

From Mast Network

Protest gegen die Atomenergie

Attac Gruppe "Freies Wendland"

Hier finden Sie die Materialien zu den unterschiedlichsten Themen und Aktivitäten der Gruppe.

Thema: Atomianer

"Atomianer - Priesterschaft" des Atommülls:

Im Wendland hat sich gegen die Atomenergie eine neue Protestform entwickelt! Die "Atomianer" stellen eine logische Konsequenz der aktuellen Energiepolitik dar!

Atomianer Hintergrund
Atomianer Flugblatt
Wir protestieren gegen die Atomenergie 2005
Countdown für die Ewigkeit
Finanzbrief der Atomianer

Thema: Atomausstieg

Widerstand gegen die Atom-, Energie- und Rüstungskonzerne - für die sofortige Stillegung aller Atomanlagen weltweit!

Protest gegen Atommülltransporte (Castortransporte)!
Mobilisierungsbrief Castor - attac - neu
Leserbrief Dialog über die Form der Umweltzerstörung
Flugblatt zu H.A. Schult

Zur bedenklichen Rolle der EU (EURATOM-Vertrag) bei der Ausbreitung der Atomtechnologie und der Absicherung der Profite der Atommafia weisen wir auf folgenden Text hin:
(Siehe auch: F.Alt, in: Was die Europa-Politiker verschweigen, Wirtschaftliche Rechte werden garantiert, soziale Rechte nicht - und ein Zusatzprotokoll stärkt die Atomenergie. Zwei Beiträge über die bitteren Pillen der EU-Verfassung, Publik Forum, Nr. 16-2003, S. 20/21!!)

Thema: Globalisierung
Vortrag von Jean Ziegler: "Die neuen Herrscher der Welt" im Mp3 Format, ca 20 Mb gross.

Jean Ziegler "Die neuen Herrscher der Welt"

Den Vortrag gibt es auch nochmal in Kurzfassung als Textdatei.

Die "gelenkte Demokratie" wünscht sich den neoliberal zugerichteten "Reformdeutschen"!

Herbert Rubisch: Der Reformdeutsche

Der digitale Kapitalismus stößt an seine Grenzen. Die Zivilgesellschaft beginnt sich neu zu organisieren. Oskar Negt und André Gorz denken in die Zukunft.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich Sie auch auf die Zeitung der Gewerkschaft Ver.di hinweisen.

Rezension zu "Wozu noch Gewerkschaften?" und "Wert und Kapital - Zur Kritik der Wissensökonomie"

Thema: Gefahren der Gentechnik

Unsere Aktion bei Restaurants, Hotels, Küchen von Sozial- und Jugendeinrichtungen etc. bzw. bei Schulen/Lehrern soll
a) zu Erklärungen führen, daß für Küchen/Verpflegung Verantwortliche beim Einkauf auf gentechnikfreie Nahrungsmittel achten und
b) Schulen motivieren, sich intensiv mit den Gefahren und Problemen der Gentechnik in Lebensmitteln bzw. der Landwirtschaft auseinanderzusetzen!

Bitte weiterempfehlen und ähnliche Aktionen starten. Für Rückmeldungen wären wir sehr dankbar!

1.Brief gentechnikfreies Wendland
Flugblatt gegen Gentechnik
Genbrief an die Schulen

Thema: Vom allmählichen Verschwinden der Hecken oder: das unheimliche Wachsen der Agrarwüsten
Initiative für Hecken und Bäume in der Landschaft (Unterschriften Liste)
Hecken Mitmach Aktion
Zu viel Grün im Wendland?

Erst kommt die Hecke weg, dann wird der Graben zugeschüttet, dann geht der Acker fast bis an den Asphalt! Straße von Breselenz nach Krummasel.

"Landgewinnung" in Breselenz 2004

An den nicht besonders schön in der Landschaft liegenden öffentlichen Anlagen (Schule/Sportplätze) mußte zuerst eine schöne junge Schlehenhecke (für parkende Autos?) weichen - dann wurden die Bäume verstümmelt! Warum nur?


Kampf von Don Quijote gegen die Windmühlen

Mit meinem Mann und meinem Sohn bin ich letztes Jahr weggezogen, da auf einem Nachbardach in unmittelbarer Nähe zu uns ein Mobilfunkmast aufgestellt wurde (UMTS). Der war noch nicht in Betrieb. Aber alle meine Mühen gegen diesen Mast (Unterschriftenliste, Inigründung, Mobilisierung durch Flugblätter...) erschienen mir wie ein Kampf von Don Quijote gegen die Windmühlen. Denn als ich auf das Dach unseres Hauses kletterte, erkannte ich, dass wir umringt waren von solcherlei Masten, die in der letzten Zeit wohl wie die Pilze aus dem Boden gewachsen sein mussten. Die Ini war so wenig besucht, die Leute zuckten die Achseln, es ist doch alles voll, was sollen wir denn tun? Ich spreche hier von der Hamburger Innenstadt. Also Wegzug. Da wir nicht mit Reichtum gesegnet sind, kam natürlich nur eine Mietswohnung in frage. Jedoch stellte ich bei der Wohnungssuche schon fest, die Dinger sind überall. Jetzt haben wir eine Wohnung, erstens EG, zweitens ist der nächste Mast ca. 500m entfernt (nicht so nah) und die Wohnung ist der anderen Richtung zugewandt. Seit wir ausgezogen sind, leidet mein Sohn unter Schlafstörungen und Kopfschmerzen. Vielleicht hat der Nachbar ein DECT-Telefon (oder alle Nachbarn), vielleicht ist es die neue digitale Fernsehtechnik, oder jemand hantiert mit W-Lan herum. Vielleicht ist es auch der entferntere Mast, der schon in Betrieb ist im Gegensatz zu dem nahen bei unserer alten Wohnung....

Wir sind ratlos. Dieses Schulhalbjahr kann mein Sohn in vielen Fächern nicht bewertet werden, wegen Fehlzeiten. In der Schule stehen auch solche Masten in der Nähe. Außerdem ist die Schule stolz auf ihre W-Lan Technik. Die Physiklehrer sehen kein Problem. Es ist so zermürbend! Wie können wir herausfinden, ob es an Elektrosmog liegt, dass mein Sohn nicht schläft?

Und wisst Ihr was? Ich leide selbst noch unter den Folgen einer Amalgamvergiftung und habe in unmittelbarer Nähe zu meinem Arbeitsplatz ganz viele Masten auf den Dächern.

Ich bin heilfroh, dass ich nur 1 Kind habe. Denn nicht mal das kann ich schützen und für weitere Kinder (die dann krank sind) habe ich auch gar nicht die Kraft wegen eigener Umweltbelastung. Das ist kein Leben, das ist nur Überleben. Wie viele Eltern verzichten aus solchen Gründen auf (weitere) Kinder?!?! Die Politiker müssten doch alles tun, um uns und die Kinder zu schützen, sie wollen doch mehr Kinder in Deutschland haben.

Und wenn nicht mal Rot-Grün uns schützt, wer denn dann?!!!!!! Nur soviel dazu. Seid gegrüßt und uns allen hoffentlich viel Erfolg im Kampf gegen das Esmogchaos.


Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 20.02.2005

Liebe Sabine und Leser bzw. Leserinnen des „Sabine – Briefes“ !

Es tut gut, von Erfahrungen zu lesen, die andere – wenn auch bedauerlicherweise – machen, die ebenfalls in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendern wohnen. Als wir in unserer Familie mit gewissen Gesundheitsproblemen anfingen und daraufkamen, diese könnten sehr wahrscheinlich mit dem Sendemasten, der hinter unserem Haus in ca. 70m Entfernung (unverbaubarer Blick, 32m hoch) steht, zusammenhängen, fiel für uns erst einmal eine Welt zusammen und wir dachten, es ginge wohl nur uns so, da wir uns von allen anderen nur ausgelacht vorkamen ! Wir leben seit April 1999 mit dem Masten, April 2000 kam unser Sohn zur Welt und ich selbst als Mutter war seit diesem Zeitpunkt mehr oder weniger ständig auf unserem Grundstück bzw. im Haus. Bereits im selben Jahr fingen Beschwerden an wie schwere Seh-Behinderungen (ich konnte kaum mehr Autokennzeichen auf dem Parkplatz gegenüber erkennen), einseitige Kieferschmerzen (für die der Arzt aber keine Ursache finden konnte), Gelenkschmerzen (Knie und Hüfte, die nach einiger Zeit wieder verschwanden), Herzschmerzen sowie Herzrythmusstörungen (für die auch nach 24 Std. EKG ebenfalls keine Ursache gefunden werden konnte), Störung der Hypophyse mit starker Schwankung des Schilddrüsenwertes (wurde eingehendst untersucht, ging aber dann zurück), extrem starkem Haarausfall jedes Jahr in der „Freiluftperiode“ von April bis November (der sich dann zumindest bis jetzt immer im Winter wieder regulierte) sowie Regelprobleme bis hin zu einer Fehlschwangerschaft im September 2002. Prinzipiell oder unausgesprochen entschlossen auch wir uns aufgrund aller Umstände, gegebenenfalls auf ein weiteres Kind zu verzichten. Da es uns aus diversen Gründen nicht möglich war, von dem Grundstück wegzuziehen und es eventuell woanders auch nicht viel besser sein würde, bauten wir ein neues Haus, dessen Mauern, neue Fenster und ein Teil-Abschirmputz zum Sender hin uns die Strahlenbelastung erheblich senken konnte. Wir und unser Sohn schlafen unter einem Baldachin und wir haben jegliche weitere Strahlenquelle (Mikrowelle, schnurloses Telefon, Handy etc.) aus unserem Hause verbannt. Momentan können wir wieder relativ gut schlafen und haben gelernt, mit der Gefahr hinter unserem Haus zu leben – aber es ist mehr ein momentanes Überleben, wie es auch schon Sabine in Ihrem Brief nannte – es dauerte eine ganze Weile, bis wir uns mit der Situation abfinden konnten, Lösungen finden konnten und einsahen, unsere Familienplanung derart äußeren Umständen unterwerfen zu müssen ! Wir kämpfen gegen neue Sendemasten in unserer Umgebung und können eventuell und hoffentlich den nächsten, zustäzlichen in unserer unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft verhindern. Wir hoffen sehr, dass sich in absehbarer Zeit in Sachen Mobilfunk etwas tut und das wird es, da die Beschwerden und Proteste immer lauter werden. In unserem unmittelbaren Bekanntenkreis (Nachbarorte) gibt es zwei weitere Familien, die gleiche Erfahrungen gemacht haben, angefangen über Schlafstörungen mit Schweißausbrüchen bis hin zu 1 Fehlgeburt in der einen Familie sowie 4 Fehlschwangerschaften in Folge in der anderen Familie. Beide wohnen ganz nah zu Mobilfunksendeanlagen.

Ich selbst habe mir ein Messgerät gekauft, um die Situation bei uns weiter verfolgen zu können, sowie möglichst vielen anderen Menschen, die zwar nicht unbedingt neben einem Sendemasten wohnen, zu zeigen, welche immense Strahlungsquelle sie sich mit schnurlosen DECT-Telefonen bzw. Handys in ihr Haus holen.

Ich freue mich über den Erfahrungsaustausch in den Elektrosmognews, er mag vielleicht sehr nützlich sein.

Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 27.02.2005

In vitro increase of the fluid-phase endocytosis induced by pulsed radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: importance of the electric field component


GSM-Signal hat Einfluss auf Zellvorgänge


Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 20.02.2005

Erhöhte Krebsrate in der Nähe einer Mobilfunkstation


Aus dem Abstract: Ziel dieser Studie ist die Untersuchung, ob die Krebsrate bei Anwohnern steigt, die in der Nähe einer Mobilfunkstation einer hochfrequenten Strahlung ausgesetzt sind. Es handelt sich dabei um eine epidemiologische Untersuchung, die klären soll, ob die Krebsrate bei Personen, die der Mobilfunkstrahlung ausgesetzt sind, sich von den für das untersuchte Gebiet (Israel, Netanya), erwarteten Werten abweicht, oder vergleichbar ist mit derjenigen von Bewohnern einer nahegelegenen Gegend.

Die Teilnehmer (n=622) wohnen seit 3 bis 7 Jahren in der Nähe einer Mobilfunkstation und sind Patienten einer Klinik (DW). Eine zweite Gruppe von Personen (n=1222), die in einer Klinik in der Nähe behandelt wurden und ähnliche Lebensbedingungen aufweisen, was Umgebung, Arbeitsplatz usw. angeht, wurde zum Vergleich herangezogen. Im exponierten Bereich (Bereich A) wurden im Verlauf eines Jahres acht Fälle verschiedener Krebsformen diagnostiziert. Diese Krebsrate wurde sowohl mit der Durchschnittsrate von 31 Fällen pro 10.000 Personen in der Gesamtbevölkerung als auch mit der Rate von 2/1222 in der nahegelegenen Klinik (Bereich B) verglichen.

Das Krebsvorkommen bei Frauen im Bereich A war der Studie zufolge signifikant höher (p<0,0001) im Vergleich zu dem in Bereich B als auch in der gesamten Stadt. Ein Vergleich des relativen Risikos zeigte, dass im Bereich B 4,15-mal so viele Erkrankungen wie im Durchschnitt in der gesamten Bevölkerung auftraten. Die Studie weist auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen einer erhöhten Krebsrate und dem Wohnort in der Nähe einer Mobilfunkstation hin.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 17.02.2005

Korrektur der Meldung der FGF-Infoline vom 17.02.2005

Offensichtlich ist der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. FGF bei der Übersetzung der Studie an entscheidender Stelle ein Übersetzungsfehler unterlaufen. Die Übersetzung der FGF lautet.

...Ein Vergleich des relativen Risikos zeigte, dass im Bereich B 4,15-mal so viele Erkrankungen wie im Durchschnitt in der gesamten Bevölkerung auftraten...

Im englischen Originaltext steht aber:

…Relative cancer rates for females were 10.5 for area A, 0.6 for area B and 1 for the whole town of Netanya. […] A comparison of the relative risk revealed that there were 4.15 times more cases in area A than in the entire population…

d.h. ...Die relativen Krebsraten für Frauen waren 10,5 für Bereich A, 0,6 für Bereich B und 1 für die gesamte Stadt Netanya […] Ein Vergleich des relativen Risikos [Anm. bezüglich des Krebsvorkommen] offenbarte, dass es 4,15 mal mehr Fälle [Anm. Krebsfälle] in Bereich A als in der gesamten Bevölkerung gab...

Cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station



Some ocular symptoms and sensations experienced by long term users of mobile phones

Pathol Biol (Paris). 2005 Mar;53(2):88-91.

Some ocular symptoms and sensations experienced by long term users of mobile phones.

Balik HH, Turgut-Balik D, Balikci K, Ozcan IC.

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Firat, Elazig, Turkey.

In this study, a survey was conducted to investigate the possible effects of long term usage of mobile phone (MP) on eyes. The studied symptoms are blurring of vision, redness on the eyes, vision disturbance, secretion of the eyes, inflammation in the eyes and lacrimation of the eyes. There is no effect on redness on the eyes and vision disturbance, but some statistical evidences are found that MP may cause blurring of vision, secretion of the eyes, inflammation in the eyes and lacrimation of the eyes. These results suggest an awareness of the symptoms and sensations.

PMID: 15708652 [PubMed - in process]


Langfristiger Gebrauch von Mobiltelefonen und seine Auswirkung auf die Augen

Für diese Studie wurde eine Umfrage durchgeführt, um die möglichen Auswirkungen des langfristigen Gebrauchs von Mobiltelefonen auf die Augen zu untersuchen. Bei den untersuchten Symptomen handelt es sich um verschwommenes Sehen, gerötete Augen, Sehstörungen, Augensekret, Entzündung der Augen und Tränensekretion. Laut Studie gibt keine Auswirkungen auf gerötete Augen und Sehstörungen, aber statistische Hinweise, dass Mobiltelefone verschwommenes Sehen, Augensekret, Entzündung der Augen und Tränensekretion verursachen könnten.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 17.02.2005

Kriege um Wasser

Die Tsunami-Flut, die kürzlich die Küsten Asiens heimgesucht und verwüstet hat, hat uns einen Einblick in die erstaunliche und wahrhaft erschreckende Gewalt gewährt, die Wasser entfesseln kann. Es gibt indes noch einen andere Wasserkatastrophe, die zur Zeit Formen des Krieges annimmt, der das Leben vieler Millionen Menschen nachhaltig beeinflussen kann. Aber dieser Krieg zieht in keiner Weise die Aufmerksamkeit der internationalen Medien auf sich. Vor allem die elektronischen Medien, zu deren Geschäft Katastrophen und Konflikte gehören, sind ständig auf der Suche nach Bildern und Berichten, die ihre Formate bedienen.


Klonen: UN empfiehlt totales Verbot


Klonverbot: Berlin will weltweite Konvention

Abgase: 65.000 Tote jährlich durch Feinstaub


Phone masts raise fears - Another denial of our rights

by Megan Reynolds

MOBILE phone masts on St James' Church, Palmerston Road, Buckhurst Hill, have alarmed parents with children at nearby Loyola School.

Parents of the 190 boys, aged three to 11, who are paying between £1,995 and £3,975 in fees each year, are worried about the potential health risks for their children and "just don't know what to do."

Sandra Barbarino, of Regency Close, Chigwell, who has a four-year-old son at the school, said: "I know there are always going to be risks of radiation spreading out despite what the telecommunications companies tell us. There are so many health risks, nosebleeds, headaches, insomnia and obviously it's been linked to brain tumours and various concerns.

"Do you realise that kids are here in school where they're exposed to radiation? They're exposed to this every day from morning to evening, every day."

Loyola headteacher Peter Nicholson said: "There have been masts on that site for as long as I can remember, going back to 1987. The implication that some folk are making is that the masts have been added to."

Mobile phone company O2 began working on the masts last August. The district council has little control over such matters. O2 is a utility company which has permitted development' and does not require planning approval.

District council spokesman Rob Barwell said: "Masts under a certain size mean the company is going to put them up anyway."

The council can only object to telecommunications masts on grounds of location and aesthetic impact. Under planning law they cannot object to masts on health grounds as government guidance is that there is little or no health risk.

O2 community relations manager James Stevenson said: "There's no danger from the mobile phone masts, no fear at all.

"Churches are a good place to put them because of the money and the way we organise rental payments to the church. There's absolutely no risk at all from them."

Mr Stevenson said several studies conducted by the World Health Organisation have not detected any danger from mobile phone masts.

Sandra Chang, of Dickens Rise, Chigwell, who has a five-year-old son at the school, thinks the addition to the masts was "done backhandedly" as people weren't aware of the development.

She said: "It's such a high risk for our children. They don't know the safety and they can't guarantee anything. I don't want the class to come down with cancer in years to come. Parents just don't know what to do."

8:53am Saturday 19th February 2005


A classic example of misinformation and surrender. It is simply not true to say that "O2 is a utility company which has permitted development and does not require planning approval". Barwell's reported statement that "masts under a certain size mean the company is going to put them up anyway" is a disgrace - as is "under planning law, they cannot object to masts on health grounds".

There is little point in commenting on the words of James Stevenson - nothing more than a dysfunctional O2 employee. "Community Relations Manager"? Heaven help us!

David Baron

A letter to pin on the door of 10 Downing Street?


09:30 - 19 February 2005

I would like to thank the Evening Telegraph for bringing to public attention the proposal to site a mobile phone mast in Shardlow Road, Alvaston (January 31).

I would also like to thank the 93 per cent of the public and the councillors who rejected the idea of a mast in the limited consultation carried out by Walcom.

Unfortunately, it seems that public opinion does not count and the mast is still on.

Apparently the legislation does not allow councils to reject applications for masts below l5 metres.

Other sources of information indicate that failing to refuse and going against public opinion may be due to financial reasons. The prospect of court costs should the company appeal are overwhelming and people cannot generally afford to go to court to fight this type of action.

Should we be playing with our futures and those of our children by placing masts in residential areas?

A letter from a Walcom representative for Vodafone indicates that in built-up areas masts may only be effective for up to a few hundred metres.

Assuming this to be 500 metres, then for an area of 36sqkm, roughly the size of Alvaston, Boulton and Crewton, we would need some 196 masts to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Now that is something for all residents of these areas and Derby to think about.

What I have to ask is when did we become a dictatorship fuelled by profit and not a democracy?

It would appear that mobile phone companies are able to dictate where they are going to place masts and members of the public just have to accept it.

Why do we have one planning rule for mobile phone companies who want to erect masts without fear of refusal and another for us?

Imagine the resistance should you wish to erect a similar structure in the same area.

This entire debate is made even more interesting given that the land in question has been the subject of other planning proposals. All suggested uses were rejected on the grounds that the land is common land, not council land, and cannot be built on or altered.

Who will pay compensation for loss of house values as a result of the mast being erected? And who will compensate for any health problems that may arise as a result of the mast being erected?

Of course, I do have a mobile phone, but I feel that masts should not be erected in residential areas.

I would like to see residents writing letters of objection when the planning application is submitted and attending the meetings in numbers to voice their fears and concerns.

Kevin Winson,
Manifold Drive,


Hartz IV verfassungswidrig – 4,1 Millionen Betroffene werden zu Crashtestdummies einer verfehlten Politik


Datum: 20.02.2005

Bodo Ramelow, Bundeswahlkampfleiter, fordert Bundeskanzler Schröder nach der einstweiligen Anordnung des Sozialgerichts Düsseldorf gegen die Anrechnung des Partnereinkommens bei unverheirateten Paaren und der Vielzahl berechtigter Widersprüche gegen die ALG II-Bescheide auf, einzugreifen und die Politik seiner Regierung im Interesse der Betroffenen zu verändern.

Immer mehr erweist sich: Hartz IV ist ein schlechtes Gesetz und ein schlecht gemachtes Gesetz noch dazu. Es ist absehbar, dass der einstweiligen Anordnung des Sozialgerichtes Düsseldorf gegen die Anrechnung des Partnereinkommens bei unverheirateten Paaren weitere Gerichtsentscheidungen zu anderen Fallgruppen folgen werden, die die Verfassungswidrigkeit von Hartz IV bestätigen. Hinzu kommt die große Zahl falscher Bescheide. Mehr als der Hälfte aller Widersprüche musste bisher stattgegeben werden. Immer mehr Sozialverbände weisen darauf hin, dass die Regelsätze nicht ausreichen, um den Bedarf der Betroffenen zu decken, und damit massiv gegen das Sozialstaatsgebot des Grundgesetzes verstoßen wird. Im Februar rechnen Experten mit bis zu 5,5 Millionen Arbeitslosen.

Es ist Zeit zu handeln und Hartz IV grundlegend zu korrigieren. Doch der verantwortliche Minister will auf Kosten der Betroffenen weiter abwarten. Die Bundesregierung muss aufhören, 4,1 Millionen Menschen zu Crashtestdummies einer verfehlten Politik zu machen.

Ich fordere Bundeskanzler Schröder auf, seine politische Verantwortung wahrzunehmen und nicht auf weitere Gerichtsurteile zu warten. Minister Clement, den er für das Gelingen der Hartz-Reformen verantwortlich gemacht hat, muss handeln oder abgelöst werden. Statt der Arbeitslosen muss endlich die Arbeitslosigkeit bekämpft werden.

Uranium-Electromagnetic Harassment


Uranium-Electromagnetic Harassment


A Real Shocker


The health effects of electrical pollution

Electricity that is dirty

The health effects of electrical pollution


A Real Shocker

Electrical Pollution: What's it doing to you and yours?

Electricity that is dirty

Electrical pollution may be killing you

Electrical Pollution

Uranium-Electromagnetic Harassment

Graham/Stetzer Filters Improve Power Quality in Homes and Schools, Reduce Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetics, Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms, and Headaches


Prohibitions of cell sites for residential areas

The County of Santa Cruz (in California) is close to adopting a very good telecom ordinance that has prohibitions of cell sites for residential areas, and mandatory setbacks of 300' from residential property boundaries where commercial and residential land use zoning is adjacent (subject to the possibility of exception under stringent findings that there are no other suitable places, and requiring alternatives analysis).

What may be important there is their information on RF as a pollutant on electrical lines, and the relationship to electrosensitivity. Dave Stetzer, Marty Graham and Lloyd Morgan have been working on this aspect, and are finding that blood sugar levels in diabetics are very dependent on RF high frequency transients on electrical wiring systems.



To Whom It May Concern

My name is Angela Olstad and I am one of the many people in the Melrose-Mindoro School District who are feeling better because of the recent electrical clean up. This problem is known as electrical pollution or "dirty" electricity. I suffered for 3.5 school years with unexplainable health conditions. The most frightening included numbness, exhaustion, severe headaches, double vision, and memory loss. I went to see a neurologist. After two MRI's of my brain and many other tests, I was diagnosed with benign MS. Benign MS, which I believe, is a term given when no other answer can be found.

To clean up the electrical pollution the electricians rewired the computer lab and put filters into the many outlets throughout our building. This took a few days and the costs were minimal. Yes, it was that easy. However, the demand on electrical wiring is getting greater everyday, everywhere. Our school, for example, is 36 years old. The wiring in those days does not stand up to the demands of today.

Since feeling better I have decided to learn more about this very serious problem. I have spent much of my summer reading peer reviewed reports, EPA reports and books. I realize now how endless these reports are and how the right people are not acknowledging they've read them.

While working with Mr. Dave Stetzer I've found an endless supply of sad and happy stories.

I've worked with children for 14 years. The children in my school are now learning in the safest environment possible. I want all children to have the opportunity to learn without worrying about suffering the consequences of electrical pollution. Every night I go to sleep and hope tomorrow the electric companies do something about this problem.

If you would like more information about this problem see-


I hope this information is helpful in your search to help others who are suffering needlessly.

I have attached an article I wrote that will be included in the WI Teacher magazines this fall, and a letter from our school nurse.

If I can be of any help please feel free to email me.

Thank you,

Angela Olstad

Many people in the Melrose-Mindoro School District are feeling better because of the recent electrical clean up in our schools. This problem is known as electrical pollution. The staff suffered from unexplainable health conditions for years. The list of symptoms includes: fatigue, memory loss, facial flushing, rashes, headaches, numbness, eye irritation, depression, sleep disturbances, double vision, asthma difficulties, sinus infections, bronchitis, loss of taste and smell. These health conditions began when school started and gradually went away throughout the summer months.

Mr. Dave Stetzer, a power quality manager, was hired to evaluate the electrical condition of our schools. He found many problems in the electrical system. The ubiquitous meter readings should have been zero, but our school had numbers as high as 150+. Dr. Martin Graham a professor from University of California, Berkeley has defined ubiquitous pollution.

Dr. Neil Cherry a professor from Lincoln University says a safe level of exposure to RF (radio frequency) is zero. To clean up the electrical pollution the electricians rewired the computer lab and put filters into the many outlets throughout our building. This took a few days and the costs were minimal. Yes, it was that easy. The readings in the building are now averaging 15 or below. An acceptable level could be below 20.

The Mindoro Elementary School, for example, is 36 years old. The wiring in those days does not stand up to the demands of today. The demand on electrical wiring is growing rapidly everyday, everywhere.

Mr. Stetzer has also evaluated the electrical condition for Blair-Taylor, and Brighten Schools. These schools are now living the benefits from their electrical clean up. Problems were also found in the Marshfield and Spencer School Districts.

The results are incredible- healthy people! Staff attendance has improved greatly, and students are now being called their right names. Every symptom above is gone or has improved significantly. Once again we enjoy teaching.

The students are also benefiting from the electrical clean up. The school nurse has documented no need for the commonly used asthma nebulizer and inhaler use is down. In addition the attitude and effort of the students has improved.

It is important that if you or others you know are having these same symptoms that you do something about it. Do not let these problems ruin your life. The Melrose-Mindoro School District is very lucky, the school board and superintendent came to us with this information. In order to get the help needed talk to your school administrators about electrical pollution until they listen. Do the research and know the facts.

Yes, electrical companies deny this is happening, but soon they will have to open their eyes and admit there is a problem. People are suffering for no reason. Are you one of those people? Electrical pollution can be cleaned up and help is available, affordable and necessary. Do not let another day go by without doing something to help yourself and those around you. Insist that your schools get checked for electrical pollution so you can start feeling better today. Your health can improve that quickly, ours did.

For further information


May 21, 2003

To Whom It May Concern:

Angela Olstad asked me to document some of the health changes I have noticed in myself during my time at Mindoro Elementary.

I am the reading specialist at Mindoro Elementary. I have worked in this position for the past 10 years. Traditionally I have experienced fatigue, headaches, stress, and general feelings of malaise throughout the school year, with the end of the year being the most unpleasant.

These changes were pronounced enough to prompt my husband to comment each year that when June came around he would get his "real wife" back. And he was right because after being out of school for a short period of time, the symptoms would disappear only to reappear over the course of the falling school year. I have always attributed these symptoms to job stress; however, at the end of this year, I do not feel ill at all despite having many of the same, plus some additional, situations to deal with. I now have the energy to complete my tasks at work and enjoy my evenings.

I began noticing a change in myself in January. As a Title I teacher I conduct three parent teacher conferences throughout the school year. Conferencing can be a tiring experience; in the past I remember leaving the school feeling extremely exhausted and headachy. Knowing how I would feel at the end of the night I would dread having to spend the extra time in the building in the evenings for conferences. After the January conferences I was pleasantly surprised to notice that I did not have the same level of fatigue that I usually would; I was tired, but not wiped out. I also was able to concentrate much more easily than I had been at the November conferences or conferences in previous years. I wasn't sure what had made the difference, but it was a very pleasant change. The same was true at the March conference times.

I have not changed my work habits or anything in my personal life that would contribute to these changes I have noticed.

If you would like to contact me to personally discuss these comments feel free to call me at school 857-3410 or at home 781-3843.


Constance M. Alvin



Info resources on EHS, plus some people contacts

This message is for Lavone Darnel in Calgary, Alberta - 403-272-3789

Note that she found Jenelle Tuttle in Arizona to be very helpful on EHS. (Electro Magnetic Hypersensitivity). Also she promised to copy me a letter from Robert Bradley of Health Canada.

G'day, Lavone - you rang me yesterday about information on ElectroMagnetic Hypersensitivity. I understand you have what is called "24 hour Hum".

Here are the resources and people contacts on my "radar screen". Note that I am not a specialist on EMF/EMR/EHS - just a housing researcher Some of these items may prove helpful for you, but I can't vouch for them. Please keep me posted as to your progress, and send me Mr.Bradley's letter.

PS - If anyone else has comments then please do share - I can't research this stuff on my own! I am supposed to focus on Healthy Housing and Sustainable Communities, but I'll flag the EHS issue if this deserves CMHC's attention - OK?

Christopher Ives, Senior Researcher, Housing Technology Group Policy & Research Division, CMHC, Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation
700 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P7, Canada
613-748-2312 and cives@cmhc.ca - http://www.cmhc.ca

The EMR Alliance was formed to provide a forum for effective communication and organization for citizen actions groups involved in the EMR issue.

brought to you by the La Crosse Tribune, a site dedicated to covering the important agricultural and environmental issue of stray voltage.

EMR/RFR bioeffects and public policy

C.U.R.E. (Citizens United for Responsible Electricity),
P.O. Box 43, Brantwood, WI 54513, Phone/Fax 715 564 3362 - email: darvr@newnorth.net (with articles posted at http://www.strayvoltage.org )
Website - http://www.electricalpollution.com/

This mentions Graham-Stetzer filters, eliminating exposure to high frequencies. An inexpensive and simple to use instrument called a Microsurge Meter is also described. It produces a digital reading related to how harmful the electrical pollution is to humans in that micro-environment.

In "Mitigation of Electrical Pollution in the Home," released on 19 April 2002, Professor Emeritus at University of California in Berkeley Dr. Martin Graham discusses how people can cheaply and easily identify whether they are exposed to electrical pollution, as well as, a safe easy way to mitigate the problem once it is identified. He suggests using an inexpensive portable hand held AM radio to detect electrical pollution (See "Mitigation of Electrical Pollution in the Home," for details). In the paper, he also discusses the use of filters to reduce/eliminate exposure to electrical pollution. Each filter is made from a 20µf motor run AC dry film capacitor with a bleeder resistor (for safety) and a properly attached cord. Approximately 20 such filters are needed to reduce exposure to electrical pollution in the average home. These filters have advantages over previous filters in that they are small, portable (they plug into any outlet.), have a higher frequency range, and any person who knows how to plug in an electrical cord can install them.

Assembled units are available from Stetzer Electric,Inc. They can be reached by phone at (608) 989-2571 or by email at

Dr. Graham provided pictures of spectra of electrical pollution from a spectrum analyzer.



Before anyone gets carried away with this ill considered idea, get a copy of Dr. Martin Graham's (U.C. Berkeley, Emeritus Prof. of EECS) report entitled "A Ubiquitous Pollutant" about RF currents on powerlines. This is Memorandum # UCB/ERL M00/55 from the Electronics Research Laboratory of the College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA. The first sentence of Dr. Graham's abstract says "High frequency voltages present on the electrical power wires in homes, offices, schools, and factories should be considered a potential pollutant."

Dr. Graham built a filter to be attached to the power line to permit the low level RF voltage to be separated from the normal powerline voltage and measured. One simply plugs his filter into a voltmeter that reads RMS averaged voltages and then plugs the filter into the powerline at an ordinary wall outlet. If the meter reads more than about 30 millivolts (the exact level is arbitrary) there is RF pollution of the powerline.

If there is RF current flowing, it follows there has to be RF radiation from the powerline, and sometimes I have found it with my RF field meter. People who are electrically sensitive are very uncomfortable in these surroundings. Room light dimmer switches are bad sources of RF on the powerline. The dimmer on the lights in my dining room, when set half way to maximum brightness level caused a reading of 82.6 millivolts.

This was 4 times as much as the readings I got in our computer room, where 2 computers were operating at the same time. Computers sometimes leak RF current back into the powerline. Switching transients on industrial equipment cause RF current flow. There are enough uncontrolled sources of RF on powerlines already. Dave Stetzer in Wisconsin has worked with Dr. Graham to document the detrimental effects on dairy cattle caused by use of the ground as a return path for powerline currents that also contained RF currents.

One of the likely unintended consequences of using the powerlines to carry RF currents will probably be RF also on the telephones. I have measured radiation from telephone wall outlets in a house where the telephone lines were picking up radiation from a nearby FM radio station. I predict that RF currents on powerlines will also induce RF currents in telephone lines, unless special measures are taken to prevent it. Now is the time to stop this foolishness before no one's house is safe from unwanted RF fields.

Bill P. Curry, Ph.D. Physics is fun
(630) 858-9377 Fax (630) 858-9159
EMSciTek Consulting Company


Electrical Pollution


The health effects of electrical pollution

Electrical Pollution: What's it doing to you and yours?


The health effects of electrical pollution

Electrical pollution may be killing you

by Dan Small

Sound like science fiction or a grocery-store-tabloid headline? I would have thought so a year ago, but now I am convinced that “dirty” electricity is among the most significant of pollutants, as well as the most overlooked, covered up and insidious.

Electricity is termed “dirty” or polluted when its normal, 60-cycle sine wave carries with it various high frequencies, which are known to damage sensitive electronics and can harm plants, animals and people. Electricity becomes polluted when it passes through anything electronic, which chops up the sine wave and dumps high frequencies into the current as it moves downstream. These high frequencies (radio frequencies, or RF) can cause or complicate neurological, cardiac, respiratory, ophthalmologic, dermatological problems and conditions ranging from headaches, fatigue and attention-deficit disorder (ADD) to pneumonia, psychosis and strokes. Modern generators produce clean power, but the power that reaches us is very polluted, due to the array of electronic devices used in home and industry.

For every electron that leaves a substation, one returns. Because electricity polluted with RF spreads out in what is called the skin effect, the utility wiring system causes up to 70 percent of the return current to flow across the earth’s surface. This ground current enters buildings on water pipes, gas mains and phone lines, increasing the RF exposure already present in your electrical service. Metal structures, such as wiring, lamp cords, heating units and even bedsprings broadcast these harmful frequencies nonstop, whether or not any appliances are operating.

Many people are concerned about exposure to electro-magnetic fields but are unaware that it is specifically the RF in those fields that causes health damage. In schools and homes where RF levels are lowered, chronic disorders ranging from ADD and chronic fatigue syndrome to diabetes have abated.

Last year, my wife developed mysterious symptoms, including cardiac arrhythmia and spikes in blood pressure and heart rate. Expensive medical tests found nothing wrong. We finally discovered that RF was the cause of her symptoms. Research led her to David Stetzer, an electrical consultant who specializes in power quality. His tests showed we had exceptionally dirty power. Due to her extreme exposure, Shivani became a walking RF meter. She experienced symptoms if she went near a television, telephone, computer, even the water pipes in our house. Under Stetzer’s guidance, we installed RF filters; shielded phone lines; replaced wiring components, rheostats and fluorescent lights and reduced our use of electrical appliances. Shivani now uses a speaker phone and battery-powered laptop, avoids high-field parts of the house and yard and rides in the back seat of the car. She remains electrically sensitive, but to the extent that she can avoid RF, she functions normally.

People’s reactions to the chronic stress of RF vary widely. Most never make the connection between their symptoms and dirty electricity until they spend time in an electrically clean environment and notice that certain health problems disappear.

As modern communicators, we rely on electricity to live and work. A clean electrical environment should be as important to us as clean air and water.

An OWAA member since 1981, Dan Small lives in Belgium, Wis. This piece is adapted from an article researched and written by his wife, Shivani Arjuna, a holistic health practitioner and wellness consultant. E-mail Small for references or the full story. For more information, go to http://www.electricalpollution.com .


The health effects of electrical pollution

Omega-News 20. Februar 2005

Besorgnis um das Überleben von Gemeinen Delfinen im Englischen Kanal

John Negroponte soll oberster US-Geheimdienstchef werden

Die Arktis verkommt zur chemischen Müllhalde der Erde

Datenschützer Schaar besorgt wegen Überwachung und DNA-Analysen

Pipeline-Bau an Rußlands Küste gefährdet Wale

Gen-Mais Anbau ohne Kontrollen

Neues Klimaschutzprogramm für Deutschland ohne Substanz

Marshall-Plan für Afrikas Wälder

Armut, Krankheit, Umweltzerstörung wahre "Achse des Bösen"

Datenschützer warnen vor „verwanzten Tickets“

Generelle Vorratsspeicherung von Kommunikationsdaten verfassungswidrig

Dramatisches Artensterben hält an

"Nordsee wird Südsee"

Harte Zeiten für Indonesien: Nach der Flutwelle folgt der Kahlschlag

Crash 2050 - Die Folgen des Klimawandels

Menschenrechte in der Krise

Die heimliche und tendenziöse Forschung der Tabakindustrie

Goldmine in Guatemala droht Flüsse zu vergiften

Lehren aus dem Tsunami

Die ökologischen Grenzen der Globalisierung

Geschöpfe wie wir

Weltsozialforum kritisiert Irak-Politik der USA

Ausbreitung der Freiheit mit Einschränkung der Menschenrechte?

Trophäenjagd auf Grönlands Eisbären

Viktoriasee ist "Bedrohter See des Jahres 2005"

Es bleiben zehn Jahre, um die Klimakatastrophe abzuwenden

Außenpolitische Einflüsterer

Ein Grad Celsius von der Klimakatastrophe entfernt?

Schnüffel-Chips auf WM-Eintrittskarten

Government blocks cancer research in order to cover up scholarship fraud


Informant: Kathy

Social Security: Bush Plan Is Riskiest for Poor


Washington Battles against International Justice


U.S. Torture from Bagram to Abu Ghraib


Iran Will Dominate Bush's Europe Trip


Despite conservatives, government grows


Informant: Frank Gonzalez



Government Involvement with Identity Theft - YOURS


Bush Seeks $400 Million to Reward Allies


Informant: Frank Gonzalez

Scott Ritter says US attack on Iran planned for June


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

A Turning Point for the Anti-War Movement?


Informant: STRIDER

Third NC-Based Soldier Dies After Exhibiting Flu-Like Symptoms

After watching the video newscast below, reasonable people may wonder if the high fevers and infections causing the deaths are either isolated incidents or the tip of the iceberg of a larger problem.


Combat and Rape Face Deployed U.S. Soldiers

The Miles Foundation received 307 reports of sexual assault from soldiers - mostly female - serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Bahrain. And many are reluctant to report rapes to their superiors. In an interview tomorrow on CBS' "60 Minutes," Lt. Jennifer Dyer of the New Jersey National Guard claims the Army treated her "like a criminal" after she reported being raped and was ordered to return to the base where her alleged attacker was stationed.


State-Organized Crime


Who Rules America?


Bush Signs Bill to Curb Class-Action Suits


The Second Wave


Informant: V

Notes on the Founding Fathers and the Separation of Church and State

Some excellent information about the separation of church and state: http://www.theology.edu/journal/volume2/ushistor.htm

© Virginia Metze

Phony journalist - Pimping for the White House


Star Tribune, February 18, 2005

... For more than two years, a reporter named Jeff Gannon turned up at White House briefings and press conferences, where he asked softball questions with a decidedly pro-Bush bent. For example, at President Bush's Jan. 26 press conference, Gannon asked how Bush could work with lawmakers like Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Hillary Clinton, "who seem to have divorced themselves from reality."

Well, it turns out that "Jeff Gannon" is really Jim Guckert, and he was a reporter for an online outfit called "Talon News," which was associated with the online group GOPUSA. com, owned by Texas Republicans. It also turns out that Guckert, in addition to reporting for a phony Web site, has no real journalism training and is a $200-an-hour gay prostitute. He ran numerous Web sites like militaryescortsm4m. com. The photos of Gannon that were displayed on those Web sites left nothing to the imagination about his physical attributes. ... Read more at: http://www.startribune.com/stories/561/5247250.html

© Virginia Metze

Representative Conyers and others file amicus brief in Ohio Supreme Court

by Dena Graziano

February 17, 2005 The Free Press

Today, Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, will be filing an amicus brief in the Ohio Supreme Court with the support of Senator Russ Feingold and 17 other members of the House of Representatives recommending that the Court not sanction the attorneys who brought Ohio election contest in Moss v. Bush (no.04- 2088). Mr. Conyers offered the following statement:

"The attorneys in this case had reason to believe that the election results did not reflect the will of the electorate. In good faith, they brought a case based not only on statistical probability but the depositions and affidavits of computer experts, statisticians, and election volunteers. In only a couple months, these attorneys have amassed over 900 pages of evidence. ... Read the rest at:

© Virginia Metze

Three-Card Maestro: Alan Greenspan just did it again

It didn't look to me like Alan Greenspan was getting the attention he should have, based on his cryptic all-things-to-all-people interview. But you can't fool Krugman, and he took him right on:

Three-Card Maestro



Published: February 18, 2005

Alan Greenspan just did it again.

Four years ago, the Fed chairman lent crucial political support to the Bush tax cuts. He didn't specifically endorse the administration's plan, and if you read his testimony carefully, it contained caveats and cautions. But that didn't matter; the headlines trumpeted Mr. Greenspan's support, and legislation whose prospects had previously seemed dubious sailed through Congress.

On Wednesday Mr. Greenspan endorsed Social Security privatization. But there's a difference between 2001 and 2005. In 2001, Mr. Greenspan offered a convoluted, implausible justification for supporting everything the Bush administration wanted. This time, he offered no justification at all. ... Read the rest at

© Virginia Metze



David Brock: Conservatives 'Willing to Lie' to Influence Media

by Marc Morano

CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer

February 15, 2005

Washington, D.C. (CNSNews.com) - David Brock, a former investigative reporter for conservative publications before flipping his political ideology and writing a book titled, "Blinded by the Right," said Monday that the best way for liberals to expose the current conservative influence in the media is to show how conservatives are "simply willing to lie."

Brock is currently the president and CEO of Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog that takes on some of the biggest names in conservative media. In authoring the 2002 book, "Blinded by the Right, The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative," Brock not only distanced himself from the conservative movement, he disclosed his homosexuality.

Monday, he noted examples of how the "professional" or "mainstream media" are influenced by conservative talk radio, the Internet and think tanks. That influence, Brock said, will diminish as the conservative "lies" are exposed. ... Read more at:
http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Page=\Politics\archive\200502\POL20050215a.html or http://tinyurl.com/6srnf

© Virginia Metze

Gannon’s own statements suggest he fed exclusive stories damaging Bush opponents to networks

Gannon’s own statements suggest he fed exclusive stories damaging Bush opponents to networks; Bragged of feeding Rather story


Gannon bragged about feeding damging stories to media

Rep. Slaughter: Every day brings a new revelation

by John Byrne, Raw Story editor

According to his own accounts, the disgraced White House reporter writing under the pseudonym Jeff Gannon bragged about feeding an exclusive story discrediting President Bush’s opponents to a major news outlet, RAW STORY has learned.

In addition, a producer at an affiliate of the major networks told AmericaBLOG’s John Aravosis that they had also received notice of the story, and another story as well–the exact time for the beginning of the U.S.-led “shock and awe” campaign in Iraq–four hours before President Bush announced it to the nation.

Gannon also claimed to have had access to a highly confidential CIA memorandum naming CIA agent Valerie Plame, a CIA agent who was outed by syndicated conservative columnist Robert Novak.

On none of the stories–Plame, Mapes and the start of the Iraq war– did Gannon actually break the story. This allows for the possibility that Gannon pretended he had information he did not have.
The producer’s account, however, suggests Gannon was used to plant stories in the mainstream press, stories that the White House could not have placed themselves without taking damage politically.

“Gannon’s stuff was always golden,” the producer told Aravosis. “How does this small news outfit get this info?” ... Read much more at http://rawstory.com/news/2005/index.php?p=98


http://www.onlinejournal.com/Media/021805Madsen/021805madsen.html or http://tinyurl.com/59lyv

© Virginia Metze


Rove-Gannon Connection?

And from whom are the Republicans going to seize the mantle of idealism? We Democrats are holding on to ours, and it is hard to think of a Republican ...

Rove-Gannon Connection?

Karl Rove's hope to become a respected policymaker will be hampered if the dirty tricks from his political past are more apparent than his desire to spread liberty around the globe.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 18, 2005

(CBS) Dotty Lynch is the Senior Political Editor for CBS News. E-mail your questions and comments to Political Points

Karl Rove took a victory lap at an SRO lunch at the Conservative Political Action Committee meeting at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington on Thursday. After a glowing introduction by Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association, Rove proclaimed "conservatism as the dominant political creed in America," but warned Republicans not to get complacent or grow "tired and timid." He recalled the dark days when the Democrats were dominant and cautioned that that could happen again if they let down their guard. The new White House deputy chief of staff also called on conservatives to "seize the mantle of idealism." ...

But Rove's dominance of White House and Republican politics, Gannon's aggressively partisan work and the ease with which he got day passes for the White House press room the past two years make it hard to believe that he wasn't at least implicitly sanctioned by the "boy genius." Rove, who rarely gave on-the-record interviews to the MSM (mainstream media), had time to talk to GOPUSA, which owns Talon. ... Read the rest at:
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/02/18/opinion/lynch/main675050.shtml or, if that doesn't work for you, http://tinyurl.com/5tfd5

© Virginia Metze



Informant: David Diggins

Who's sponsoring Iditarod dog torture in 2005?


NEW: Our updated list of corporate Iditarod promoters and supporters

This page lists the year 2005 Iditarod sponsors, and promoters as well as individual musher sponsors. We encourage you to send them a letter or email to protest their involvement with this event.

BOYCOTT: If you are going to boycott a company, please mention it in your letter.


In Secretly Taped Conversations, Glimpses of the Future President


The Dostoevskian origins of Bush's Jan. 20 inaugural speech


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

We feel that our life is in danger

http://tinyurl.com/452ox (in English)
http://tinyurl.com/6xtae (in German)

Ausschuss für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
Öffentliche Anhörung "Mobilfunk" am 2. Juli 2001

Mobilfunkopfer (Victims)

Uranium-Electromagnetic Harassment

Mast-Victims Website - Internationale Website für Mobilfunkgeschädigte

Spanish News Item on Mobile Phone Addiction

My mum has told me that there has been a news item on Spanish Natinal Television about a problem with mobile phone addiction. There are now places in Spain which try and treat addiction to phones/texting. There was a psychiatrist talking about the problem, as well as concerned parents and teachers who say children just ignore them and just continuously text.

Addiction has been the aspect campaigners tend to shy away from (sounds a bit weird) but perhaps it does explain why people are compelled to use mobiles even though it gives them headaches. Also the fourfold increase in the UK of drivers talking on mobiles while driving ONE YEAR after it was outlawed. There are also cases of people texting while driving.

Yasmin Skelt (Chorleywood, England)


Halliburton Contracts Illegal - Bush & Cheney Say So What

by Evelyn J. Pringle

After millions of tax dollars were spent investigating how Halliburton ended up being awarded billions of dollar worth of no-bid contracts in Iraq, the Government Accounting Office determined that the company should never have been awarded the contracts in the first place. In response to those findings, Cheney and Bush both, as much as thumbed their noses at taxpayers as if to say "so what, what are you going to do about it?" Well, it's beginning to look like they were right, there is nothing we can do about it....


The Republican War

by Am Johal

Recently in Vancouver, former US Marine Sergeant Jimmy Massey addressed a small crowd and clearly described US human rights violations and direct violations of Geneva conventions in Iraq. He talked about how the military taught recruits to hate another culture and did not give them the tools to appreciate or understand adequately those who they were being sent to kill and to liberate....


The New Inquisition

by Lydia Howell

Last week, New York City civil liberties attorney and National Lawyers Guild member Lynne Stewart faced a guilty verdict on the vaguest of charges: conspiracy. It's a prosecutor's favorite charge because so little actual evidence is required. What does Stewart now face up to 35 years in prison for? The charges read: "conspiracy to prepare to assist terrorists" and "conspiracy to give material aid to terrorists." What did Stewart actually do? Her job....


Update from the Field 2/17/05


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court


Informant: Debi Clark

By What Standard Is This War Necessary, Wise or Moral?


Censorship of the Media Creating Insidious Chill on Free Expression on our Airwaves


News About Iraq Goes Through Filters


The White House Stages Its 'Daily Show'


In High Gear: The GOP Class War


Rigged Elections Through Software Manipulations Go Unreported


Bei Anruf Demenz

Übrigens nehme ich den Aufruf der Bürgerwelle sehr ernst und bin im Rahmen meiner Möglichkeiten als Warnerin vor Handystrahlen in meinem Kreis recht erfolgreich. Wenn jeder in seinem Bekannten- und Verwandtenkreis als Multiplikator tätig ist, kann in der Summe viel dabei heraus kommen. Sehr viele Menschen wissen immer noch nicht was sie da für HF-Geräte im Hause haben und sind dankbar für Informationen.

Helga Günther


Frankfurter Rundschau


Bei Anruf Demenz

TEXT: Tobias Moorstedt

Die Mode ist ein Feld voller Tretminen. Selten meinen die Dinge das, was sie auf den ersten Blick sagen. Man muss die Zeichen zu deuten wissen.

Heute: Handy-Klone

Ein Telefonanruf kann schmerzhaft sein. Auf dem Handy-Display sitzt ein blass-weißer Frosch, friedlich und ruhig. Immer aber wenn ein ankommender Anruf das Mobiltelefon erschüttert, springt die animierte Tierfigur auf, als hätte man ihr eine Chilli-LSD-Injektion verpasst: Der Frosch beginnt zu halluzinieren, plappert, brabbelt, wackelt mit den Armen, die Augen verdreht, die Zunge am Kinn, hallo, ein Anruf, hallo, Alarm!

Mobiltelefone sind zu Multimedia-Geräten mutiert, können Videos, Bilder und Musik abspielen. Ganz oben in der Handy-Hitparade stehen jedoch keine Videoschnipsel von den üblichen Stars wie Nelly oder Xtina, sondern der so genannte „bekloppte Frosch“, das Nashorn „Spike“ oder das Kücken Sweety“. Kleine, hässliche Animationen aus der Klonwerkstatt des Computers. „MTV mobile“ macht in der Very Heavy Rotation der Werbepause die Kakerlake „Roque“ zur zentralen Identifikationsfigur. Und beim Marktführer „Jamba“ sind unter der Rubrik „Stars“ neben Usher und Beyoncé auch Sweety und Spike aufgelistet, gleichwertig und gleichberechtigt, als Ikonen des mobilen Unterhaltungszeitalters.

Die Handy-Tiere sind keine niedlichen Kuschel-Kreaturen, sondern übergewichtige Dickhäuter, Nager, Ungeziefer. Um ihre schrillen Techno-Kompositionen zu vermarkten, brauchen die Klingelton-Dealer ein Gesicht. Doch im mobilen Markt ist die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne besonders kurz, man muss auffallen, und das macht man nicht mit einem perfekt modellierten Gesicht, sondern mit verzerrten Zügen, Fratzen, Grimassen, den digitalen „Freaks of nature“.

Aber ist nicht Mut zur Hässlichkeit der Anfang jeder popkulturellen Bewegung? Und David Bowie hat in einem Interview mal gesagt: „ Jedes Medium bringt auch eine neue Art von Popstar hervor.“ MTV hat die Musik ins Fernsehen gebracht, und das Auge wurde wichtiger als das Ohr, das Image wichtiger als ein schöner Ton. Nun schlüpft die Musik in das Telefon und wieder entsteht ein neuer Star – schneller, greller, heller. Roque, Sweety und der bekloppte Frosch sind Stars der dritten oder vierten Art. Für die Strategen der Musikindustrie ist das eine positive Entwicklung. Die digitalen Kreaturen sind angenehme Arbeitnehmer. Beschwerden über lange Arbeitszeit und fehlende Privatsphäre sind nicht zu erwarten. Optische Korrekturen führt man ohne Blutverlust im Photoshop-Programm durch. Und das Beste: Spike und Smash sind beliebig zu vervielfältigen. Jeder kann sie besitzen und in der Hosentasche herumtragen. Bis das nächste Update kommt und der veraltete Popstar einfach gelöscht wird. „Popmusik nimmt gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen vorweg“, hat Jacques Attali gesagt.

Was nun in Zukunft blüht, zeigt vielleicht eine Studie der Lunds-Universität in Malmö. Bei Tierversuchen fanden die Wissenschaftler heraus, dass handyartige Strahlen Nervengewebe schädigen und Alzheimer auslösen könnten. Frosch, Kakerlake und Ratte sind perfekte Haustiere für die Generation Demenz. In 20 Jahren tanzen die hässlichen Tiere ein endloses Ringelreihen in unserem Kopf, und wir werden gefangen sein, in einem Alptraum aus scheppernden Glocken und blinkenden Lichtern – immer erreichbar, aber leider nicht mehr ansprechbar.

The New Mexico Governor has decided to replace one of the worst voting machines

The New Mexico Governor has decided to replace one of the worst voting machines, the Danaher shoups, "push-button" DREs,
http://www.freenewmexican.com/news/10644.html after USCV's analysis of New Mexico's precinct level election results proved that NM's push-button DRE voting machines were significantly related to higher undervotes (where no vote registered on cast ballots) in the presidential race.

However, in spite of the irrefutable fact that Optical Scan voting machines out-performed the DREs in NM with much lower under-vote rates, New Mexico's SOS is "still" favoring the purchase of additional DRE voting machines, and claiming falsely that DREs perform better than Optical Scan machines.

If you know anyone in NM, please forward USCountVotes study of NM's election data and its findings regarding the higher rates of undervotes using DREs as compared to optical scan voting machines there:


With the help of USCV's data gathering and statistical analyses of election data, we can mathematically prove which voting machines are causing the worst problems, get rid of bad voting machines, and stop the purchase of flawed voting equipment.

Voting systems experts who have no conflict of interest, because they do not work for any voting machine vendor, can assist states to purchase trustworthy voting systems:


Other News:

USCV's database design for holding all election results for every state in America, is near completion, and we have just mailed off grant requests to a dozen foundations seeking to obtain funding for technical staffing to complete the public archival and database systems. In the meantime, we are plugging away and making progress.

Next Saturday in Oakland, CA there will be a Teach-In on How to Prevent Election Rigging, that two representatives from USCountVotes will speak, Kathy Dopp and statistician Allyson M. Washburn, Ph.D. First Congressional Church, 2501 Harrison St., 10 - 4 p.m. suggested donation $10 . More later on that. Foremost leaders in the voting rights movement will be there to speak.

Kathy Dopp

Umfangreiche Sicherheitsvorkehrungen überschatten den Bush-Besuch in Mainz am 23.02.2005


Mobilfunk Kriftel - fünf vor zwölf auch für Die Grünen

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

„Die Grünen“ in Kriftel wurden bereits Ende 2002 überstimmt, als CDU/SPD die Installation von Mobilfunkantennen auf der Seniorenwohnanlage Josef-Wittwer-Haus in Kriftel genehmigten. Seit dem herrschte bis auf meine Leserbrief-Aktivitäten Funkstille im Ort. Just flammt konkret dieses Thema mit voller Wucht wieder auf, die Verträge von zwei Betreibern liegen auf dem Tisch, unterschriftsreif! Zwei weitere Betreiber haben schon angeklopft!

Nach weiteren Veröffentlichungen meinerseits und seitens der BI Schwalbach in den Krifteler Nachrichten in den letzten drei Wochen, kommt jetzt langsam Leben in den Ort. Über Hunderte von Unterschriften wurden binnen weniger Tage gesammelt und werden unmittelbar der Gemeindeverwaltung präsentiert. Die Krifteler möchten keine Mobilfunkantennen innerorts haben. Die noch im St. Vitus versteckte Anlage wird lt. Bischof Kamphaus vertragsmäßig nicht mehr verlängert (1999-2009). Die Gemeinde Kriftel möge mit den Betreibern die „Bestrahlung“ aus der Peripherie (sprich z.B. vom Hochfeld oder von Strommasten) erörtern, sofern überhaupt noch „Strahlung“ erforderlich ist. Handyempfang ist überall! Es muss eine Bürgerversammlung stattfinden, wir leben in einer Demokratie! und plädieren für „keine Mobilfunkantennen in Wohngebieten!“ Wir möchten gehört werden! Das ist das Anliegen der Bürger.

Bürgermeister Duente ist kurz vor Ruhestand, der viel umstrittene Kämmerer und Erste Beigeordnete Seitz macht sich auch bereits unbeliebt. Und die Grünen hier in Kriftel schweigen sich zu Tode! Außer dem Vorsitzenden ist mir eh namentlich kein „Grüner“ hier bekannt. Und schon überhaupt keiner, der aktiv ist – sonst hätte diese Person spätestens in den letzten Wochen einmal mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen müssen!

Ich möchte Sie bitten, wenn schon „grün“, dann endlich einmal etwas zu tun, was eine Daseinsberechtigung der Die Grünen rechtfertigt. Immerhin wurde meinem Brief in dieser Mobilfunkangelegenheit (bereits im März 2003) an den hiesigen Vorsitzenden der Grünenfraktion bis dato keinerlei Beachtung geschenkt!

Es ist kurz vor zwölf in Kriftel - die Uhr tickt weiter – tick, tick, tick! Und fragen Sie mich jetzt bitte nicht, was Sie tun sollen! Denn die Bürger wissen inzwischen, wie spät es ist!

Die Verträge dürfen nicht unterzeichnet werden!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Marianne Kirst, Kirchstr. 19, 65830 Kriftel, Tel 06192-979200

Aushang als Anregung für andere:

Feds Warned About Fake News Videos

Congressional investigators warned federal agencies this week that the promotion of government policies through video news releases meant to look like TV news stories may violate federal rules against propaganda.


From Information Clearing House

Whose National Security are We Talking About?

The American spy apparatus needs to be rolled back and dismantled -- soon -- not made more convoluted. Anguish not intelligence breeds in the cesspools of such secrecy...


From Information Clearing House

Spot the differences

On Sunday, George Bush arrives in Europe, seeking to build bridges after the Iraq conflict. But despite the charm offensive, several other issues divide the US and Europeans.


From Information Clearing House

Iran preps for a possible war with U.S.

Tehran has recently disclosed efforts to bolster and mobilize recruits in citizens' militias and making plans to engage in the type of "asymmetrical" warfare used against U.S. troops in Iraq, the Washington Times reported Saturday.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. to Syria: Probe Hariri Killing or Face Sanctions

The United States warned Syria on Friday that it must help investigate the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri or face the possibility of further sanctions.


From Information Clearing House

Bush's Iraq coalition shrinking

President Bush, who hopes to coax more Iraq support from European allies next week, used to boast that some 50 nations had joined the United States in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Today, a public listing is nowhere to be found.


From Information Clearing House

Journalist group calls US to account over Iraq

The US government was today accused of hiding behind a "culture of denial" over the deaths of at least 12 journalists who are alleged to have perished at the hands of the US military in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Hijacking Catastrophe

9/11, Fear, and the Selling of American Empire.

Hijacking Catastrophe is powerful, understated, straightforward and educational. In a single meticulously organized hour of evidence and analysis, viewers are treated to a thoughtful explanation of modern American empire, neo-conservatism as a driving force for the current Bush administration.

Real Video.

Documentary featuring Noam Chomsky, Chalmers Johnson, Tariq Ali, and many more experts speaking about the Neo-Con agenda and the cloud of fear which the Neo-Cons have settled over America.


The President's Burden

Documents critical of Bush administration not released until after the election ...

The President's Burden

This column from The Nation was written by Robert Scheer.


WASHINGTON, Feb. 17, 2005

Would George W. Bush have been reelected president if the public understood how much responsibility his administration bears for allowing the 9/11 attacks to succeed?

The answer is unknowable and, at this date, moot. Yet it was appalling to learn last week that the White House suppressed until after the election a damning report that exposes the administration as woefully incompetent if not criminally negligent. Belatedly declassified excerpts from still-secret sections of the 9/11 commission report, which focus on the failure of the Federal Aviation Administration to heed multiple warnings that al Qaeda terrorists were planning to hijack planes as suicide weapons, make clear that this tragedy could have been avoided. ...

The terrible fact is that the administration took none of the steps that would have put the protection of human life ahead of a diverse set of economic and political interests, which included not offending our friends the Saudis and not hurting the share prices of airline corporations. ... Read all of it at

© Virginia Metze

Screw the children

Bush budget takes pennies from hungry kids, feeds billions to Star Wars

Molly Ivins

Creators Syndicate

02.17.05 Working for Change

AUSTIN, Texas -- Budgets are the guts of government. That's where you find the answer to the first of the three important questions about who runs a society: Who's getting screwed? Who's doing the screwing? And what the hell will they do to us next?

There was a time when reporters actually read budgets to find out what was going on, but the things are so humongous these days, we've given up on that. Consequently, there's usually a bit of a pause after a budget comes out, while we wait to hear from the various special interest groups that study their own section of a budget in minute detail. Then, the screaming from injured parties commences, and the press presumably sits up and takes note of who's screaming loudest. ... Read the rest at:

© Virginia Metze

Whistle blower alleges that U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney might have rigged the election in South Florida

This is really old, but it is still valuable information and it is good to see it surfacing once again.

Whistle blower alleges that U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney might have rigged the election in South Florida

by Trevor Aaronson



In the fall of 2000, Republican power broker Tom Feeney attended a meeting at Yang Enterprises in viedo, near Orlando, a former employee of the firm says. Feeney, who would soon become Florida's speaker of the House, wasn't just a politician; he was also a lobbyist. Among his clients was Yang, a small software company owned by a wealthy Chinese-American woman named Li-Woan Yang.

Feeney went to his client with an assignment. According to a former company programmer, Feeney was interested in finding out whether electronic voting machines could be rigged. "Mr. Feeney said that he wanted to know if Yang Enterprises could develop a prototype of a voting program that could alter the vote tabulation in an election and be undetectable," programmer Clint Curtis would later write in a sworn affidavit submitted to U.S. Congress. ... Read the rest of this and marvel how the whole group of them aren't in jail.


© Virginia Metze

Hitchins Thinks Ohio Vote Was Stolen

Yet more about the stolen vote in Ohio, this from the Cobb/LaMarche web page and quotes from Daily Kos:

Hitchins thinks Ohio Vote Was Stolen
February 9, 2005, Daily Kos
http://www.votecobb.org/online_opinion/2005/feb/op2005-02-09.php http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/2/9/1712/26186#196

© Virginia Metze

Malagasy wilderness in the balance


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman



Existence of voting fraud is too strong to ignore


The Pentagon Targets the Press


Attacking Our Memory


A Modest Proposal


Scientists Find Dramatic Changes In Southern Ocean


Informant: NHNE

When the Real News Debunks Fake News



12:00 - 19 February 2005

Parents from city schools and nurseries are signing an Echo petition in droves in a bid to stop the erection of a mobile phone mast.

Protests at Vodafone's proposed mast have come flooding in to the Echo via post and email.

And dozens of Exeter residents have added their name to petitions in shops and nurseries.

The wave of opposition follows the decision of the phone giant to start a period of consultation on plans to erect a mast in Heavitree Road, close to schools and nurseries and immediately outside the maternity unit of the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital.

Lynn Aggett's 18-month-old son Will attends the nursery at the RD &E, where her husband Russell works. She said she was very concerned by the close proximity of the proposed mast to Will's nursery.

She said: "Surely they could find somewhere else. This is a residential area. Our concerns are shared by everyone around, particularly parents at the nursery."

Opposition to the planned mast is being led by residents, St Margaret's School, Bramdean School and Bumble Bees Day Nursery. The owners of the Edwardian guest house in Heavitree Road have also strongly opposed the plans.

Proprietor Kay Rattenbury said: "We are already subjected to high levels of exhaust fumes from cars, lorries and buses."

The phone mast plans are currently in a consultation process and have not yet been submitted to Exeter City Council.

Jane Lee, from Otterton, who lost a High Court battle against a phone mast near her home, backed the latest campaign. She said: "It is so near to homes and schools. It is much easier for the residents if the plans can be withdrawn at this stage."


From Mast Network

Make U.S. spending reflect your values

Bush's Budget Prioritizes Star Wars above Programs Such As Head Start

Tell Congress to Stand Up for What's Right

Beneath the incomprehensible federal budget numbers a $2.57 trillion budget, a $427 billion deficit, $419 billion in military spending the federal budget is a moment of truth. It's the checkbook of our country. And it, like the spending plan of a family or business, should reflect the stuff we care about. But Bush's proposed budget is out of step with Americans' true priorities.

To bankroll more tax cuts for millionaires and a sell-off of Social Security to Wall Street, President Bush suggested record cuts to essential services that provide real benefits to the American people. The silver lining is that what the president proposes, Congress disposes. None of Bush's cuts will happen if Congress rejects his budget.

This is where we come in. Congress needs to hear loud and clear from the American people: The Bush budget should be dead on arrival.

If this mail was forwarded to you and you aren't yet a member of TrueMajority, click here to send your message.

Toward a fair budget,

Duane Peterson

TrueMajority Coordinator

Below are ten misguided Bush budget decisions that particularly offend American values and squander our country's future. Tell Congress to reject Bush's indecent budget proposal. Tell your representatives that you don't want your government to&

Undercut schools in need by reneging on the $12 billion in funding to schools promised by President Bush himself. [1]

Eliminate child-care assistance for 300,000 children by 2009. [2]

Keep college out of reach for qualified students by failing to raise the maximum Pell Grant as promised [3] and by freezing work-study funding. [4]

More than double the copay charged to many veterans for prescription drugs, in addition to requiring some vets to pay a new $250 yearly "user fee" for promised health-care services. [5]

Eliminate Community Development Block Grants lifelines for cities around the country, used to build and maintain clinics, day-care facilities and housing developments. [6]

Eliminate the Even Start literacy program that helps impoverished children and their illiterate or semiliterate parents learn to read. [7]

Cut funds from Medicaid that would pay for health care for 1.8 million low-income children. [8]

Cut food stamps benefits for up to 300,000 of the working poor, largely parents and children. [9]

Force deeper cuts in basic domestic programs by adding new tax cuts that would cost $1.6 trillion over ten years. More than half of these cuts would go to households that earn more than a $1 million yearly, while virtually none target households earning less than $100,000 per year. [10]

Balloon the federal deficit to $1.4 trillion by 2010, thanks to war spending and new tax cuts. [11]

Continue funding Pentagon waste.Bush's budget contains over $20 billion for Pentagon weapons systems such as super stealth fighter jets and the Star Wars program. These were designed to fight the Cold War, but are now unnecessary since the Soviet Union went out of business and they are unusable in the struggle against extremism. [12]

Congress has the power to overrule Bush's grossly misguided spending priorities. Please contact your representatives today and demand that they reject the Bush budget and realign America's spending priorities to serve us all, not just a privileged few. Click here to send your free message .

To see how Bush's proposed federal budget affects your community, check out the National Priorities Project's Web page: http://www.nationalpriorities.org/impact05/budgetpub.html .


[1] Democratic Staff, Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives. FY 2006 Bush Budget: Breaks Promises, Underfunds K-12 Funding, and Forces Students to Pay More for College.

[2] "Assessing President Bush's New Budget Proposal," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. 2/7/05.

[3] Rep. George Miller. Inadequate Yearly Progress Report. Committee on Education and the Workforce. U.S. House of Representatives. December 2003.

[4] FY 2006 President's Budget Request, US Department of Education. 2/7/05. Trends in College Pricing 2004, The College Board. 2004.

[5] "Bush Budget Raises Drug Prices for Many Veterans," New York Times, 2/7/05.

[6] "Bush Plans Sharp Cuts in HUD Community Efforts," Washington Post, 1/14/05.

[7] "White House, Congress to Battle Again over Domestic Programs," Washington Post, 2/7/05.

[8] "President's Medicaid Budget Shifts Huge Financial Burden to States," Families USA. 2/7/05.

[9] "Assessing President Bush's New Budget Proposal," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. 2/7/05.

[10] "What the President's Budget Shows about the Administration's Priorities," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. 2/7/05.

[11] "Bush Proposes Steep Cuts in $2.57T Budget," Associated Press. 2/7/05.

[12] The Cato Institute (www.cato.org) and the Center for Arms Control and Proliferation (www.armscontrolcenter.org).

Here's the letter we'll send to your members of Congress, or click this link below to write your own :


Dear [Congressmembers name]:

President Bush's proposed budget does not reflect my values of fairness, compassion or investment in my country's future. Fortunately, Congress has the power to craft a budget that does reflect America's values. Please use your influence to protect the American people by reversing the following proposals in the president's proposed budget. Don't follow the president's plans to:

Undercut schools in need by reneging on the $12 billion in funding promised to schools by President Bush himself.

Eliminate child-care assistance for 300,000 children by 2009.

Keep college out of reach for qualified students by failing to raise the maximum Pell Grant as promised and by freezing work-study funding.

More than double the co-pay charged to many veterans for prescription drugs, in addition to requiring some vets to pay a new $250 yearly "user fee" for promised health-care services.

Eliminate Community Development Block Grants lifelines for cities around the country, used to build and maintain clinics, day-care facilities and housing developments.

Eliminate the Even Start literacy program that helps impoverished children and their illiterate or semiliterate parents learn to read.

Cut funds from Medicaid that would pay for health care for 1.8 million low-income children.

Cut food stamps benefits for up to 300,000 of the working poor, largely parents and children.

Force deeper cuts in basic domestic programs by adding new tax cuts that would cost $1.6 trillion over ten years. More than half of these cuts would go to households that earn more than a $1 million yearly, while virtually none target households earning less than $100,000 per year.

Balloon the federal deficit to $1.4 trillion by 2010, thanks to war spending and new tax cuts.

Continue funding Pentagon waste Bush's budget contains over $20 billion for Pentagon weapons systems such as super stealth fighter jets and the Star Wars program. These were designed to fight the Cold War, but are now unnecessary since the Soviet Union went out of business and they are unusable in the struggle against extremism.

Reversing these ill-advised policies and investing in the future of America's people will generate great returns in human capital and real national security.

Thank you for considering my views.

[we'll insert your name here]

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Omega-News Collection 19. February 2005

Huge 'star-quake' rocks Milky Way

Simple words from a nuclear scientist



It's Much Too Late to Sweat Global Warming

Earth's magnetic field about to flip

Out of Touch With Nature

The Death of Environmentalism

Turning Point in Global Warming Struggle


New proof that man has caused global warming

Study Predicts City Flood Threat Due to Warming



Protect NW Hawaiian Coral Reefs: A Few Days Left to Comment

Vaccine findings confirm fears

EPA Embraces Human Pesticide Dosing Without Safeguards


Protect Mountain Caribou

First Amendment Restoration Act" - HR 46 - Please make your voice heard in this most urgent matter

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Is Iran next?



EMF-Omega-News 19. February 2005

EMF-Omega-News 19. February 2005


A Break-through in Understanding Non-Thermal Electromagnetic Field Effects

GROWING numbers of islanders are worried about the safety and siting of communication masts

Is this Tower a health Hazard?

Mobile masts health alert

GRAVE Cell Phone Dangers Revealed

Care needed on mast sites



We protest

Municipalities recruit the public to fight against cellular antennas

TETRA group back Irish Health Study

Many people around the world are allergic to electricity

Sperm damage claims over phone radiation

Phone mast applications can slip through the net

Fury over council-approved mast

Residents protest at mobile mast

Urgent request to stop CIE from progressing with their illegal plans to replace a communication tower/mast

Warning signals: Phone mast health shock

Mike Brookes warns directly of the likelihood of litigation

Radiation Research Trust-NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2005

The Barrie Trower Report 2005

Omega-News Collection 19. February 2005

Dennis Kyne - gulf veteran - depleted uranium video

Dennis Kyne, Persion gulf war veteran, anti-du activist, muscian and a hundred other titles, has made with others a very informative and revealing video on the US occupation of Iraq, and the effects upon soldiers and civilans from Depleted uranium. This film last around 12 minutes, and can be seen on-line at his site: http://homepage.mac.com/dkyne What is interesting with this film is that it is narrated by someone suffering from GWS, has worked within military, and has seen at first hand the continuous cover-up that has gone on daily over US casuality figures. For educational purposes, do please pass this around your networks and community lists, or make a link on your websites. Many thanks

Davey Garland
(pandora DU research project)

The time for nuclear disarmament in NOW


The time for nuclear disarmament in NOW.

Every nation in the world received an Abolition 2000 mailing in early February addressed to the Foreign Minister and the Ambassadors at UN missions in Geneva and New York. (see attached letter)

Out letter calls on every nation attending the Nuclear

Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in May 2005 to come prepared with national plans and a timeline for disarmament of their country’s nuclear arsenals, including a complete inventory of all fissile materials for their country as well as an outline of conditions that must be met in order for nuclear weapons and nuclear-capable states to start the irreversible, verifiable dismantlement of their nuclear arsenals.

The following documents prepared by the nuclear abolition community were included in the mailing:

• Security and Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, which lays out all the steps needed for the total elimination of nuclear weapons;
http:// www.lcnp.org/mnwc/convention.htm

• NGO Shadow Report: Accountability is Democracy, Transparency is Security; a listing of fissile materials prepared by NGOs in countries around the world

• International Sustainable Energy Fund Statute;

• Compendium of Past NGO Recommendations to the NPT delegates.

We urge you to follow up!

Make an appointment with your foreign ministry or consulate to discuss your government’s plans :
- to report on their fissile material holdings at the NPT;
- to dismantle their arsenals;
- to begin negotiating for nuclear disarmament within a time bound framework, so that negotiations can be successfully concluded by 2010 with complete elimination of nuclear weapons and appropriate safeguarding of nuclear materials by 2020, as requested by the Mayors Emergency Campaign to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons.
(For Foreign Ministry Contact Information, see

Write a letter to your head of state asking what plans are being made in your country to comply with the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Ask others to write as well.

Distribute this action alert to your friends and colleagues, and encourage them to also take action.

Translate and publish your version of the attached press release, Global Anti-Nuke Movement Demands Plan by May, and circulate it to local and national press in your country.

The world community must deliver a unified and unequivocal message that arduously negotiated treaties and international agreements cannot be simply dismissed, undermined or negated. Nations must come to this year’s NPT prepared with plans for nuclear disarmament. The message is out. We need your help to make it happen!

Let us know the results of your actions. Send a brief report to monika@abolitionnow.org. Was your ministry or consulate willing to meet with you? How did the meeting go? What reasons, if any, did your government give you for not implementing the agreements they have made? Did you receive an answer from your head of state?

We will keep track of your responses on http://www.abolitionnow.org to help others know your country's position.

Monika Szymurska
Abolition 2000
Outreach and Development Coordinator

215 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1001
New York, NY 10016

e-mail: monika@abolitionnow.org
tel: (212) 726-9161
fax: (212) 726-9160


Momentum Is Building for the March 19 Troops Out Now Demonstration

Help build the movement to stop the war:

1) Endorse - http://troopsoutnow.org/endorse.html
2) Organize transportation from your area http://troopsoutnow.org/orgcents.html
3) Forward this email to your lists
4) Donate http://troopsoutnow.org/donate.html

Plans for the March 19 March and Rally in Central Park, NYC are drawing support from antiwar groups across the country.

Saturday, March 19, the second anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, is a world-wide day of protest. In New York City, a broad coalition of antiwar, community,solidarity, and labor organizations will march from Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem to Central Park's East Meadow to demand the immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

Groups from all over the eastern U.S. are organizing buses, vans, car caravans, and peace trains to travel to NYC for what promises to be a massive rally against the war. Activists are travelling from as far away as Maine, Georgia, and Ohio to demand an end to the occupation and money for human needs, not for war.

Troops Out Now

The Troops Out Now Coalition is bringing together diverse progressive and antiwar groups to build a united struggle against the war in Iraq and the war at home. The last meeting of the Coalition drew 65 participants, representing 38 different organizations from all over the Northeast.

March 19 Events

10:00 AM - Gather at Marcus Garvey Park, 124th St. & 5th Ave. in Harlem for a brief rally before marching to Central Park.

11:20 AM - Stop at the recruiting center at 76 W. 125th St. to protest against economic conscription, militarism in the schools, and the return of the draft.

12:00 Noon - Rally in the East Meadow in Central Park

3:30 PM - March (route to be announced - see http://troopsoutnow.org for updates)

Peace Trains

Communities in Long Island, New Jersey, Westchester County, and Connecticut are organizing "Peace Trains" to come to NYC on March 19.

Activists will board trains at pre-determined times and locations and ride to the demonstration together.

If you live in an area served by trains to NYC and would like information about a peace train from your town, or would like to organize a train from your town, please visit http://troopsoutnow.org/orgcents.html.


Distinguished Speakers at the March 19th Rally will include Rep. Cynthia McKinney and other members of COngress, Martin Luther King III, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Rev. Lucius Walker, human rights lawyer Lynne Stewart, Members of the NY City Council, labor officials, immigrant rights organizers, artists, celebrities, vets, military families and U.S. soldiers who are resisting orders to Iraq.. An updated list of speakers will be available online soon. http://troopsoutnow.org/donate.html

Get the CD!

Black Waxx Recordings ( http://www.BlackWaxx.com ) and artists from the New York area have generously donated their time and facilities to produce a Troops Out Now CD, which will feature both music and spoken word. For more information or to purchase the CD call 212-633-6646.

A Global Day of Protest

The global antiwar movement has called for massive demonstrations on the weekend of March 19-20 . In addition to the rally in NYC, demonstrations will take place all over the U.S., including a major demonstration in Fayetteville, NC, fome of Ft. Bragg. For more information, see http://www.ncpeacejustice.org

Ten Things You Can Do:

1) Come to the rally and bring a friend. Join tens of thousands of people in Central Park to tell Bush we're fed up with his war. For travel information, see http://troopsoutnow.org/logistics.html

2) Volunteer to help prepare for the rally. We need hundreds of volunteers for this event. Drop by 39 W. 14th St. #206 in Manhattan to help, or call 212-633-6646.

3) Put up posters and flyers. Stop by an organizing center to pick up posters to put up in your neighborhood.

4) Organize at your job or school. Put up flyers or posters, hand out literature, talk to your fellow workers or students. Organize a group to come to the rally together.

5) Organize a bus, caravan, or peace train. If you live outside NYC, become an organizing center.

6) Call your friends, email your lists. Word of mouth is the most effective way of getting the word out. Tell everyone you know to be there on March 19th.

7) Volunteer to help out on the day of the rally. Hundreds of volunteers will be needed to help with setup, getting out literature, security, and many other tasks. Look for a Troops Out Now volunteers table in East Meadow.

8) Take off work or school the week of March 19th. Come into the mobilizing center office at 39 W. 14th St. in Manhattan to help make placards and banners and with manyn other tasks to prepare for the rally.

9) Endorse. Visit the Troops Out Now website and add your name or your organization's name to the growing list of endorsers. http://troopsoutnow.org/endorse.html

10) Donate. Help with the enormous expenses involved with this major demonstration. Every dollar you donate goes to build the movement against the war. Send checks to: Troops Out Now/Iac, 39 W. 14th St., New York, NY 10011.

March 19
Central Park
East Meadow
Troops Out Now

Consumer privacy and RFID newsletter 2/18/05


New proof that man has caused global warming

The strongest evidence yet that global warming has been triggered by human activity has emerged from a major study of rising temperatures in the world’s oceans.


From Information Clearing House

Freedom Fragile

Rumsfeld says US needs deep-penetrating nuclear bomb

The US needs a nuclear bomb that can hit targets buried hundreds of feet deep, a capability it does not have now, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has said.


From Information Clearing House

US soldiers to receive ecstasy to fight combat trauma

US soldiers traumatized by fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are to be offered the drug ecstasy to help free them of flashbacks and recurring nightmares.


From Information Clearing House

John Negroponte appointed Director of National Intelligence


When he was ambassador to Honduras, Negroponte was involved in what was arguably an illegal covert quid pro quo connected to the Iran/contra scandal, and he refused to acknowledge significant human rights abuses committed by the pro-US military in Honduras...


Veteran of dirty wars wins lead US spy role :

He is tainted by his time between 1981 and 1985 in Honduras, a country that was being used as a launchpad for the illegal US-backed war waged by the contras against the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The Honduran military was accused of taking part in torture and extra-judicial killings.


The appointment of John Negroponte to be director of National Intelligence is the latest evidence that President Bush is strengthening his cabinet's capacity to mislead Congress and trample civil liberties. Ray McGovern, 27-year veteran of the CIA, examines the meaning of the Negroponte appointment and the dark trend it confirms.


Negroponte, Servant of the Empire, Rises to the Top

The nomination by President George Bush of John Negroponte for the new post of director of national intelligence, in charge of overseeing all the burgeoning intelligence operations of the United States, is both obscene and predictable.


From Information Clearing House

ABC News. Feb. 17, 2005

John Negroponte appointed Director of National Intelligence
AM - Friday, 18 February , 2005 08:04:00
Reporter: John Shovelan
TONY EASTLEY: As of today the United States has a super spy, a man who will oversee fifteen intelligence agencies, including the CIA, and report directly to the President.
Veteran diplomat 65-year-old John Negroponte has been appointed to the new post of Director of National Intelligence.


John Negroponte was ambassador to Honduras from 1981-1985. As such he supported and carried out a US-sponsored policy of violations to human rights and international law. Among other things he supervised the creation of the El Aguacate air base, where the US trained Nicaraguan Contras during the 1980's. The base was used as a secret detention and torture center, in August 2001 excavations at the base discovered the first of the corpses of the 185 people, including two Americans, who are thought to have been killed and buried at this base.

During his ambassadorship, human rights violations in Honduras became systematic. The infamous Battalion 316, trained by the CIA and Argentine military, kidnaped, tortured and killed hundreds of people. Negroponte knew about these human rights violations and yet continued to collaborate with them, while lying to Congress.

President George W. Bush has nominated Negroponte to be US ambassador before the UN. Human Rights organizations in the US and Latin America have joined their voices in asking the US Senate to not ratify his nomination.


In May 1982, a nun, Sister Laetitia Bordes, who had worked for ten years in El Salvador, went on a fact-finding delegation to Honduras to investigate the whereabouts of thirty Salvadoran nuns and women of faith who fled to Honduras in 1981 after Archbishop Óscar Romero's assassination. Negroponte claimed the embassy knew nothing. However, in a 1996 interview with the Baltimore Sun, Negroponte's predecessor, Jack Binns, said that a group of Salvadorans, among whom were the women Bordes had been looking for, were captured on April 22, 1981, and savagely tortured by the DNI, the Honduran Secret Police, and then later thrown out of helicopters alive. It is unclear when or how Mr. Binns received this information and when it was known at the embassy.

Informant: Geraldo Cienmarcos

Negroponte a Controversial Pick for Intelligence Post


The appointment of career diplomat John Negroponte by President Bush to be the the Director of National Intelligence brings back sad and shocking memories to those who were active in the Central America struggles of the 1980's, while Negroponte was ambassador to Honduras.

The appointment, on live television early Thursday morning, stunned the solidarity and peace movements. Negroponte was linked to human rights abuses in Central America and has been dogged by credible testimony that he ignored the use of torture during the contra war against Nicaragua.

The appointment calls for Senate confirmation and CISPES is suggesting phone calls to the U.S. Senate calling for a no vote on confirmation. The Congressional switchboard is 202-224-3121 and then a request to speak to Sen. Boxer or Sen. Feinstein.

In addition to his work with the Nicaraguan Contra army, Negroponte helped conceal from Congress the murder, kidnapping and torture abuses of a CIA-equipped and trained Honduran military unit, Battalion 3-16. No mention of these human rights abuses ever appeared in State Department Human Rights reports from Honduras. The Baltimore Sun reported that Efrain Diaz Arrivillaga, then a delegate in the Honduran Congress and a voice of dissent, told the Sun that he complained to Negroponte on numerous occasions about the Honduran army's human rights abuses. Rick Chidester, a junior embassy official under Negroponte, reported to the Sun that he was forced to omit an exhaustive gathering of human rights violations from his 1982 State Department report.

Sister Laetitia Bordes went on a fact-finding delegation to Honduras in May, 1982, to investigate the whereabouts of 32 Salvadoran nuns and women of faith who fled to Honduras in 1981 after Archbishop Oscar Romero's assassination. Negroponte claimed the embassy knew nothing, but in 1996, Negroponte's predecessor Jack Binns reported that the women had been captured, tortured and them crammed into helicopters from which they were tossed to their deaths.

Committee In Solidarity With The People of El Salvador
8124 West 3rd Street L.A. Ca. 90048
Founded: 1980 - 23 Years of Solidarity

Negroponte Will Fit Right In


"Quite the club ..."

Well, now, isn't that quaint, both of the Bush administration's top-guns in the intelligence field, CIA-Director Porter Goss and the new Intelligence Czar John Negroponte were both members of the Fence Club aka Psi Upsilon at Yale. Psi Upsilon was formed as a pact between seven students at Union College in 1833:"We, the undersigned, having determined to form a secret society, and having some conversation on the subject, do now and hereby pledge our sacred honors that we will keep all that has been done and said a most profound secret''

Negroponte and Goss, both 1960 Yale graduates, are shown here in a photo from the Fraternity section of the 1960 Yale Banner, the university yearbook. Yale's Psi Upsilon chapter, the second oldest [Beta] in the country, was founded in 1840. The chapter went out on its own in 1934 naming itself The Fence Club, after Yale's honored gathering spot. The Fence Club then became a local fraternity at Yale and was always featured prominently in the Banner. It was a very prestigious house at Yale and many of its members went on to become members of the Order of Skull and Bones. Prominent Bones members include Henry Stimson, Averell Harriman, and William H. Taft. Son of one the founders of Bones, WH Taft is the only person to have held both the US presidency and Chief Justice-ship of the US Supreme Court. An interesting comment from Psi Upsilon's own history: Our chapters became smaller, restricted to a select elite. Ignoring our roots as an academic literary society, Psi U became more concerned with a person's ancestry than with their friendship.

Porter Goss is also a member of the secret society The Order of Book & Snake. Porter joined the CIA in 1959 while still at Yale, during his initiate year at the Book & Snake Temple. And there is the question posed by investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker -- Is that Porter Goss sitting next to Barry Seal? [The Biggest Drug Smuggler in U.S.History] ...

In the 1960 Fence Club photo Porter is sitting next to William Henry Trotter Bush aka "Bucky" Bush, baby brother of ex-CIA Director/President George HW. Bush and uncle to current president, George W. Bush. Bucky has taken care of the St. Louis end of the Bush dynasty. He was president of Boatman's National Bank in the 1980s. Bucky is currently -- "chairman and founder of Bush Bush-O’ Donnell Co.. He also has holdings in '...Lord Abbett & Co., with about 8 million shares of Halliburton. Lord Abbett's trustees, who manage billions controlled by this investment firm, include Bush uncle William H. T. Bush. Lord Abbett is also one of Halliburton's top ten mutual fund holders (another 4.7 million shares).' 1 Among some of his other holdings are Right Choice Managed Care, Inc., Cobalt Corp., DT Industries, Inc., Engineered Support Systems, Intrav, Inc., Search Financial Services, Inc., Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc., and Medix Resources, Inc. He is also a trustee of his brother's Presidential Library Foundation."

Yale, Secret Societies, the Bush family, United States Intelligence ... brings back memories?



Informant: roadsend


John Negroponte, Dirty Warrior


by Jennifer Roesch


Clearly, Bush has no shame. First it was his friend Alberto Gonzales the man who created the legal justification that led to the torture scandal at Abu Ghraib. He was rewarded with an appointment to the post of Attorney General. Then Condoleeza Rice was promoted to Secretary of State. Now he has tapped John Negroponte, currently service as the US 'ambassador' to Iraq, for the newly created position of Director of National Intelligence. In an administration that rewards lies and promotes those who diplomatically turn a blind eye to torture and human rights abuses, Negroponte will fit right in..


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Negroponte, a Neo-Con? Shocking

"I Pledge Allegiance To .."

Patriotism in America has been turned into a political religion. It’s now a creed that justifies any behavior, right or wrong.

George W. Bush and the Personality Cult

World caught between terror and US empire

The world has been divided into two camps after the 9/11 terror attacks on the US - those who fear global terrorism, and those who fear the American empire, says well-known Japanese professor Kiichi Fujiwara.

Sword Play

'You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."

'US Discreetly Reinforcing N. Iraq Military Bases'

US military bases have been discreetly reinforced in the Kerkuk (Kirkuk) region against the possibility that Turkey might intervene militarily if Kurds take control of the city.


From Information Clearing House

Psywar keeps Tehran on tenterhooks

To any intelligence analyst, it should be obvious that the United States has already embarked on a psychological warfare (psywar) campaign to keep Iran on tenterhooks in the hope of thereby breaking its will to resist US pressure to agree to the dismantling of its uranium enrichment capability.


From Information Clearing House

New Cheney Adviser Sets Syria In His Sights

A neo-conservative strategist who has long called for the United States to work together to "roll back" the Ba'ath-led government in Syria has been quietly appointed as a Middle East adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.

Rafik al-Hariri and the Syria Blame Game

Syria figured prominently as a target on the Strausscon hit list even before Bush included the country in his Manichean “axis of evil” speech, written by the Strausscon David Frum, a “scholar” flunkey over at Strausscon central, the American Enterprise Institute.

Troops say it's hard to get medical care

National Guardsmen and reservists who are injured on active duty face daunting and sometimes insurmountable hurdles to get medical care


From Information Clearing House

Show Us The Bodies

No doubt instances like these help explain why 82 percent of Sunnis and 69 percent of Shiites want US troops to leave Iraq immediately.


From Information Clearing House

Nobody is talking

Thanks to a small group of leakers, journalists and freedom of information campaigners, together with the testimony of released detainees, the story of torture and its official endorsement in America's secret overseas prison system - in Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan and other locations - is emerging more quickly.


From Information Clearing House

Detainee Coerced Into Dropping Charges of Abuse Before Release

"The American public deserves to know which high-level government officials are ultimately responsible for the torture conducted in our name."

US forces in Afghanistan engaged in rape and sexual humiliation of detainees

Photographs taken in southern Afghanistan showing US soldiers from the 22nd Infantry Battalion posing in mock executions of blindfolded and bound detainees, were purposely destroyed after the Abu Ghraib scandal to avoid "another public outrage", the documents show.

Is ID SNIPER not a joke?


New Data Point to Man-Made Global Warming, Severe Climate Change


Groups Preparing New Push Against Iraq War


Major protests against the U.S. - Iraq War are planned for next month. Here is a rare article in the Washington Post giving the organizers wide publicity.


Email Reveals BBC Contempt For Public Complaints

February 19, 2005


Email Reveals BBC Contempt For Public Complaints

In a world of terrible suffering and injustice, many of us cling to the hope that journalists will have the integrity and compassion to report honestly. Above all, this means standing up for the defenceless and crushed against those who would rather we did not know and did not care.

On February 17, a Media Lens reader followed up an unanswered complaint he had sent to Judy Swallow, presenter of the BBC’s World Service Newshour programme. The email contained important testimony relating to US-UK war crimes during attacks on Fallujah. This, in full, is what was sent:

Dear Judy Swallow,

As you haven't responded to my email of 13.02 regarding BBC coverage of events in Fallujah, I thought perhaps you needed more examples of the things that the BBC has so far failed to mention. I would really be interested to hear your views on these stories. Do you think they are untrue, or insignificant? If so, on what grounds? And if not, how can you defend your job within an organization that is continuing to mislead the public about US/UK war crimes in Iraq?

Best wishes,

[Name Withheld]

These extracts are taken from "Remembering The First Siege Of Fallujah: Excerpts From Testimony Submitted To The World Tribunal On Iraq," by Omar Khan and Dahr Jamail (February 14, 2005), available at zmag.org:

"...three of my friends agreed to ride out on the one functioning ambulance for the clinic to retrieve the wounded. Although the ambulance already had three bullet holes from a U.S. sniper through the front windshield on the driver's side, the fact that two of them are westerners was the only hope that soldiers would allow them to retrieve more wounded Iraqis. The previous driver was wounded when one of the snipers shots grazed his head. What I can report from Falluja is that there is no ceasefire, and apparently never was. Iraqi women and children are being shot by American snipers.

Over 600 Iraqis have been killed by American aggression, and the residents have turned two football fields into graveyards. Ambulances are being shot by the Americans. And now they are preparing to launch a full scale invasion of the city. This is difficult for me to see, particularly after being there yesterday and seeing an ambulance with 3 bullet holes in the driver's side of the windshield. Seeing slain women and children, elderly, unarmed people. All killed and/or wounded by American snipers. In the last week there have been over 600 Iraqis slain in Falluja alone, with thousands more wounded."

"The Americans shot out the lights in the front of our hospital, they prevented doctors from reaching the emergency unit at the hospital, and we quickly began to run out of supplies and much needed medications. One of my doctors in Falluja asked the Americans there if he could remove a wounded patient from the city. The soldier wouldn't let him move the victim, and said, "We have dead soldiers here too. This is a war zone." The doctor wasn't allowed to remove the wounded man, and he died. So many doctors and ambulances have been turned back from checkpoints there."

Dr. Abdul Jabbar reported that "Many people were injured and killed by cluster bombs. Of course they used cluster bombs-we heard them, as well as treated people who had been hit by them." Dr. Rashid agreed, saying, "I saw the cluster bombs with my own eyes. We don't need any evidence. Most of these bombs fell on the families. The fighters-they know how to escape. But not the civilians." He added: "Not less than 60% of the dead were women and children. You can go see the graves for yourself."

At Noman Hospital in Al-Adhamiya, a doctor there too said of the people who came in from Fallujah from ten days earlier, that "most were children, women and elderly."At Yarmouk Hospital, a lead doctor reported that he saw American soldiers killing women and children, calling the situation in Fallujah "a massacre."

...according to one Fallujah resident, who after having escaped to Baghdad testified that US warplanes were bombing the city heavily prior to his departure, and that Marine snipers continued to secure residents of the besieged city, shot by shot. "There were so many snipers, anyone leaving their house was killed."

A doctor working in a temporary emergency clinic in Fallujah during April's siege posed a question on Democracy Now!, which he repeated: "When you see a child five years old with no head what can you say? When you see a child with no brain just an open cavity what can you say? When you see a mother just hold her infant with no head and the shells are all over her body?" (Email forwarded to Media Lens, February 19, 2005)

Although harrowing, this email was rational and restrained, and contained credible evidence relating to issues that could hardly be more serious. Judy Swallow answered our reader with an email that was presumably intended for a colleague:

“Oh god mike - do you take care of these sorts of things, or do we ignore them?” (Forwarded to Media Lens, February 19, 2005)

On the BBC website Swallow describes Newshour as "exposing injustice and challenging lies". (http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/biographies/biogs/worldservice/judyswallow.shtml)

What does it say when a senior BBC journalist can dismiss testimony relating to our government’s involvement in war crimes as merely “these sorts of things”? And what does it say that a journalist can suggest that it might be an option to simply ignore a public complaint of such seriousness?

Of course, it might be objected that this is an isolated case; that we are being unfairly harsh. But it is not isolated - we have received numerous examples of exactly this kind of high-handed, dismissive response from journalists right across the media both personally and forwarded to us by readers.

In truth, this is a perfect example of how the media’s power without responsibility has resulted in an arrogant, elitist system which views the public with barely disguised contempt.


The goal of Media Lens is to promote rationality, compassion and respect for others. In writing letters to journalists, we strongly urge readers to maintain a polite, non-aggressive and non-abusive tone.

Write to the following BBC journalists and managers. Ask them how a senior BBC journalist can suggest ignoring a sincere and reasoned complaint relating to war crimes committed by the British government.

Judy Swallow, presenter of Newshour
Email: judy.swallow@bbc.co.uk

Mike Finnerty, editor of Newshour
Email: mike.finnerty@bbc.co.uk

Nigel Chapman, director BBC World Service
Email: nigel.chapman@bbc.co.uk

Mark Thompson, BBC director general
Email: mark.thompson@bbc.co.uk

Michael Grade, BBC chairman
Email: michael.grade@bbc.co.uk

Register a complaint at:

Please also send all emails to us at Media Lens:
Email: editor@medialens.org

Excerpts from Lynne Stewart’s Speech


Informant: Carlos Rovira

From ufpj-news

"Not welcome, Mr. Bush": Besuch von Präsident Bush - letzte Infos


Study Predicts City Flood Threat Due to Warming


Farmers Who Backed Bush Upset with Budget


The Lynne Stewart Trial


Our Friends, the Torturers


The Question Will Not Be Asked


Veteran of Dirty Wars Wins Lead U.S. Spy Role


Papers Reveal Torture at U.S. Bases in Afghanistan


Huge 'star-quake' rocks Milky Way

Interesting - notice it was the date. FYI - Anna

Begin forwarded message:

Last Updated: Friday, 18 February, 2005, 19:10 GMT

Huge 'star-quake' rocks Milky Way

SGR 1806-20 has intense magnetic fields

Astronomers say they have been stunned by the amount of energy released in a star explosion on the far side of our galaxy, 50,000 light-years away.

The flash of radiation on 27 December was so powerful that it bounced off the Moon and lit up the Earth's atmosphere.

The blast occurred on the surface of an exotic kind of star - a super-magnetic neutron star called SGR 1806-20.

If the explosion had been within just 10 light-years, Earth could have suffered a mass extinction, it is said.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime event

Dr Rob Fender, Southampton University

"We figure that it's probably the biggest explosion observed by humans within our galaxy since Johannes Kepler saw his supernova in 1604," Dr Rob Fender, of Southampton University, UK, told the BBC News website.

One calculation has the giant flare on SGR 1806-20 unleashing about 10,000 trillion trillion trillion watts.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. We have observed an object only 20km across, on the other side of our galaxy, releasing more energy in a 10th of a second than the Sun emits in 100,000 years," said Dr Fender.

Fast turn

The event overwhelmed detectors on space-borne telescopes, such as the recently launched Swift observatory.

This facility was put above the Earth to detect and analyse gamma-ray bursts - very intense but fleeting flashes of radiation.

The giant flare it and other instruments caught in December has left scientists scrabbling for superlatives.

Swift moved quickly to track down the source of the gamma-rays

Twenty institutes from around the world have joined the investigation and two teams are to report their findings in a forthcoming issue of the journal Nature.

The light detected from the giant flare was far brighter in gamma-rays than visible light or X-rays.

Research teams say the event can be traced to the magnetar SGR 1806-20.

This remarkable super-dense object is a neutron star - it is composed entirely of neutrons and is the remnant collapsed core of a once giant star.

Now, though, this remnant is just 20km across and spins so fast it completes one revolution every 7.5 seconds.

"It has this super-strong magnetic field and this produces some kind of structure which has undergone a rearrangement - it's an event that is sometimes characterised as a 'star-quake', a neutron star equivalent of an earthquake," explained Dr Fender.

"It's the only possible way we can think of releasing so much energy."

Continued glow

SGR 1806-20 is sited in the southern constellation Sagittarius. Its distance puts it beyond the centre of the Milky Way and a safe distance from Earth.

"Had this happened within 10 light-years of us, it would have severely damaged our atmosphere and would possibly have triggered a mass extinction," said Dr Bryan Gaensler, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who is the lead author on one of the forthcoming Nature papers.

"Fortunately there are no magnetars anywhere near us."

The initial burst of high-energy radiation subsided quickly but there continues to be an afterglow at longer radio wavelengths.

This radio emission persists as the shockwave from the explosion moves out through space, ploughing through nearby gas and exciting matter to extraordinary energies.

"We may go on observing this radio source for much of this year," Dr Fender said.

This work is being done at several centres around the globe, including at the UK's Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (Merlin) and the Joint Institute for VLBI (Very Long Baseline for Interferometry) in Europe - both large networks of linked radio telescopes.

One Month Until 2nd Anniversary of the War

February 19, 2005

We're writing from St. Louis, where hundreds of activists from around the country have gathered at the United for Peace and Justice national assembly to discuss and debate strategies for ending the military occupation of Iraq and creating a better world. It's so energizing to be here with these wonderful activists and be reminded that people who care deeply about our planet and its inhabitants are everywhere!

One month from today, Saturday, March 19, is the two-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. We need to speak out on March 19 - to say NO to war, torture, and occupation, and YES to international law, peaceful approaches to solving world problems, and respect for the planet and its inhabitants.

Please join CODEPINK in participating in regional protests or creating local protests such as the ones listed below.

Military families, veterans of the war on Iraq, peace and justice organizations, and thousands of people from around the southeast will march and rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Fayetteville is the home of Ft. Bragg, one of the largest military bases in the country. Sponsors include Veterans For Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, North Carolina Peace and Justice Coalition, NC Council of Churches, Fayetteville Quaker House, CODEPINK, and dozens of others. If you live within driving distance of Fayetteville, we hope to see you there. Go to www.NCpeacejustice.org for more information.

Also in Fayetteville, CODEPINK will display a Peace Ribbon, honoring the victims of the war in Iraq. Our goal is to create a remembrance panel for fallen soldiers and Iraqi civilians who died as a result of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. We need your help. Please make a panel. For instructions, see http://www.codepinkalert.org/National_Actions_Peace_Ribbon_Project.shtml

Camp Pendleton Marine base, one of the largest bases in the country, has suffered a tragic number of causalities lin the ongoing war and occupation of Iraq. CODEPINK will honor the devastating loss of these troops with a peaceful 30 mile, two day procession. Join us on March 18th and 19th as we walk from Oceanside, home of Camp Pendleton, to the massive rally at Balboa Park where we will unite with the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice to mark the second anniversary of the war in Iraq: The World Says End the War! Bring the Troops Home Now! Rebuild our Communities! For details and information about the peace procession and rally, check out the CODEPINK San Diego page.

The Iraq Pledge of Resistance campaign will kick off on the second anniversary of the invasion with nonviolent civil disobedience actions in Washington, DC and elsewhere. If you are ready to join the ranks of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. as a nonviolent resister, please find out more at www.iraqpledge.org.

We urge you to be out in the streets of your community on March 19, chanting, praying, holding signs, or doing whatever is meaningful to you. We especially encourage you to highlight the impact of the cost of war in your own community. Some communities, especially near military bases, have lost many loved ones in the war. Others are losing funding for vital community programs like public libraries and hospitals while billions are being spent on violence and destruction in Iraq. Get together with military families and veterans, and people who depend on community programs that are being eliminated. Consider holding your protest in front of the health clinic or the library that's being closed down. Check www.unitedforpeace.org to see if a March 19 event is already planned in your community.

See you in action,
Andrea, Ariel, Claire, Dana, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, Tiffany

Konsens unter Reichen

Freihandel ist nicht die beste Rezeptur gegen das Elend in Entwicklungsländern. Arme Staaten brauchen keine Almosen, sondern eine gerechte Ordnung der Weltwirtschaft...

Christa Wichterich aus dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat kritisiert am 14.2. die verlogene Welthandelspolitik:

Aus: Attac-d-info Nachrichtensammlung, Band 35, Eintrag 2


Unter http://www.stopbolkestein.org existiert ein internationales Portal mit Attac-Beteiligung, wo online gegen die geplante Dienstleistungsrichtlinie der EU unterschrieben werden kann. Diesen "Bolkestein-hammer" zu stoppen ist eins der wichtigsten Ziele, wenn wir die neoliberale EU in ihre Grenzen weisen wollen - wir bitten deshalb alle herzlich, zu unterzeichnen und diese Aktion auch breit bekannt zu machen.

Mehr Informationen zur Dienstleistungsrichtlinie wie immer unter
http://www.attac.de/bolkestein .


Die letzten Äußerungen von Barroso, in denen von einer möglichen Revision der Direktive durch die EU-Kommission die Rede war, lassen Zweifel an der vorgesehenen Terminplanung aufkommen. Der zunehmende Druck der europäischen progressiven Kräfte der Zivilbevölkerung, Gewerkschaften und politischen Parteien hängt mit diesen Erklärungen des Präsidenten der Kommission zusammen. Doch Vorsicht! Es ist ungewiss, in welche Richtung diese Revision gehen soll.

Kehrt der Text auf den Schreibtisch der Europakommission zurück, steht es uns zu, mit allen Mitteln unsere Stimme zu Gehör zu bringen! Im derzeitigen Stadium setzen sich verschiedene Kommissionen des Europäischen Parlaments mit dem Ursprungstext auseinander. Der Richtlinienentwurf wird am 7. und 8. März auf der Tagesordnung der Sitzung des EU-Wettbewerbsrates stehen. Der von der Europäischen Kommission festgelegte Termin für die erste Lesung im Europaparlament liegt im Juni 2005.

Die Mobilisierung der progressiven Kräfte bezüglich der Petition http://www.stopbolkestein.org ist also nach wie vor aktuell!

Je umfassender die allgemeine europäische Zustimmung ausfallen wird, um so gestärkter werden sich natürlich diejenigen fühlen, die den Protest im Kampf gegen die Direktive in ihre nationalen und/oder europäischen Instanzen tragen werden!

Am Rande des Europäischen Rates im Frühjahr wird für den 19. März in Brüssel mit Gewerkschaften, Verbänden und Sozialbewegungen eine große Mobilisierung organisiert. Die Slogans betreffen die Lissabon-Strategie, Arbeit- und Arbeitszeit, also kurz gesagt das soziale Europa und den Widerstand gegen die Bolkestein-Direktive.

Außerdem wird die Petition http://www.stopbolkestein.org weitergeführt! Die Website wurde in 6 Sprachen zugänglich gemacht. Durch die Website konnten über 35 000 Unterschriften von Einzelpersonen, mehr als 100 Unterstützungszusagen von Organisationen und um die 10 000 Unterschriften auf Papier gesammelt werden. Außerdem wurden ausführliche Argumente zur Erklärung der Direktive hinzugefügt.

Schicken Sie den Link http://www.stopbolkestein.org an alle Adresse in Ihrem Adressbuch!

Setzen Sie ihn in die Signature Ihrer Mails!

Leiten Sie diese Mail an Ihren Bekanntenkreis weiter!

Noch ist nichts entschieden und bleibt alles möglich.

Jetzt muss gehandelt werden! The fight must go on!

Koordination http://www.stopbolkestein.org

Recent statements by Barroso, announcing a possible revision of the Bolkestein Directive by the Commission, sow doubts about the anticipated agenda. While these statements by the Commission’s President have been triggered by the growing pressure exerted by progressive forces within civil society, trade unions and political parties in Europe, we need to exercise caution ! We do not as yet know which direction this revision will take!

If the text goes back to the Commission drawing board, it is then up to us to make our voices heard by every possible means! As things stand, various committees within the European Parliament are studying the initial text of the draft Bolkestein Directive. This draft will be on the agenda of the Competitiveness Council of the 7th and 8th of March of this year. The date of June 2005, fixed by the Commission for its first reading before the European Parliament, remains unchanged.

Within this context, the Stop Bolkestein campaign is therefore as topical as ever!

Clearly, the more Europeans join forces against this draft Directive at grassroots level, the greater the chances of success of those fighting it within their national organs and/or within the European organs!

Therefore, on the sidelines of the spring European Council, the trade unions, associations, and social movements will be rallying together en masse in Brussels on the 19th of March. The slogans will bring up issues such as the Lisbon strategy, working time, employment, in short Social Europe and opposition to the draft Bolkestein Directive.

The http://www.stopbolkestein.org petition has also been relaunched! The site has been translated into 6 languages! To date, the site has collected over 35,000 individual signatures, garnered the support of over 100 organisations and generated around 10,000 paper signatures. A point by point explanation of the draft Directive is available on the site.

Send the http://www.stopbolkestein.org link to your entire address book !

Include it in your e-mails’ automatic signature!

Send this mail on to all your contacts !

The jury is still out and the outcome is yet to be decided.

The time has come to take action ! The fight must go on !

Coordination http://www.stopbolkestein.org

AUF NACH BRÜSSEL - Gegen Neoliberalismus, Krieg und Rassismus


Auf der Sonderseite zur Demo in Brüssel am 19. März http://www.attac.de/19.maerz findet sich inzwischen auch die Mitfahrbörse. Alle, die einen Platz nach Brüssel anbieten können, sowie die, die noch nicht wissen, wie sie nach Brüssel kommen sollen, sind herzlich gebeten, ihre Angebote bzw. Gesuche dort zu hinterlassen. Die Sonderseite wird auch täglich aktualisiert; unter "Neuigkeiten" (in der linken Navigation oben) findet sich inzwischen auch einiges zu Zeiten, Treffpunkten, Demorouten, Attac-Block und vieles mehr. Auf nach Brüssel - der neoliberalen EU die Zähne zeigen!

Protect the White Pass Roadless Area and the Pacific Crest Trail

#118 WILD NORTHWEST, February 18, 2005
A Message from Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
=====Keeping the Northwest Wild=====

Protect the White Pass Roadless Area and the Pacific Crest Trail
Advocate for sustainable and responsible expansion of the White Pass Ski Area

The U.S. Forest Service is taking public comment on a proposal to further develop the White Pass Ski Area on the Gifford Pinchot and Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forests. Alternative 9 of the proposal would allow responsible expansion within the existing Special Use Permit (SUP) area, while keeping development out of the pristine White Pass Inventoried Roadless Area (also known as Hogback Basin). Expanding within the current SUP area would meet projected skier capacity, create new jobs that benefit local communities, and avoid harmful development of Hogback Basin.

Please send a letter supporting responsible and sustainable expansion that benefits local communities and protects our roadless forests. Send your comments by Tuesday, February 22. To use our quick action center, go to http://www.ecosystem.org/action/index.html?MessageTemplateID=3.

Surrounded by the Goat Rocks Wilderness Area, Hogback Basin is a unique backcountry winter recreation area with outstanding scenery, solitude, and gentle slopes ideally suited for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and winter camping. The White Pass Ski Company is asking to expand their resort into Hogback Basin. If granted, this new SUP would include two new ski lifts -- one crossing directly over the historic Pacific Crest Trail -- new ski lodge facilities, tree removal, and ATV access for construction and maintenance.

The White Pass Ski Area is the winter lifeblood of small Cowlitz Valley communities such as Packwood, and support for expansion is strong. Fortunately, it is possible to meet growing skier demand and create new jobs by increasing chair lift and ski run capacity within the existing Special Use Permit area, without harming Hogback Basin.

By February 22, use the action form above or address or fax below to contact:
Randall D. Shepard, District Ranger
Naches Ranger District
10237 U.S. Highway 12
Naches, WA 98937
509-653-2638 (fax)

For background information, go to http://www.ecosystem.org/nationalforests/white_pass_background.html.

And thanks again for taking action to keep the Northwest wild!

Erin Moore
Communications Coordinator
Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
1208 Bay St., Ste. 201
Bellingham, WA 98225
360.671.9950 ext. 24

Social Security and Bush’s War Budget

by Joel Wendland

With Bush propagandizing about the fiscal “crisis” of Social Security and his critics on the left and right pointing to a bloated $600 billion budget deficit, it is time to look at where all the money went. Clinton’s presidency closed with a $300 billion surplus and rosy dreams about paying down the national debt. (Of course, billions of that surplus were created by cutting or eliminating programs related to welfare.) So where did all the money go? And why did it go there?


Year 5 - Number 4 - 02/12/2005


Rumsfeld and American Morale


Informant: Lew Rockwell

The War in Iraq: How Catholic conservatives got it wrong


Informant: Lew Rockwell

They’ve Got Your Number


The Myth of Democratic Peace


Detainee Coerced Into Dropping Charges of Abuse Before Release

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) today released files obtained from the Army revealing previously undisclosed allegations of abuse by U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Among the documents are reports that a detainee who was beaten and seriously injured was forced to drop his claims in order to be released from custody. Veterans for Common Sense supports ACLU's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit regarding torture documents.


Expose on Very Serious Problems at Walter Reed

Expose on Very Serious Problems at Walter Reed: Behind the Walls of Ward 54

The facts surrounding the case of Army Master Sgt. James Curtis Coons are very shocking. The full story shown below describes how poorly our Nation's wounded, injured, and ill are treated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The bottom line is that WRAMC medical care represents a national disgrace at any time, and it is far worse during wartime.


Activated Reservists Injured in Iraq War Cut from Active Duty to Save Money

Disturbing: Activated Reservists Injured in Iraq War Cut from Active Duty to Save Money

This is how the Bush administration shows their supports for our troops -- "Hundreds and perhaps thousands of injured Army National Guard and Reserve soldiers -- including many severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan -- have either lost or risked losing medical care and thousands of dollars in pay for months because a 'convoluted' personnel system dropped them from active-duty status, according to a Government Accountability Office report released yesterday."


Experts see military draft as inevitable

"I don't believe in war and I don't like the military in any way, shape or form," he said. "I don't think anyone should be forced to die prematurely." That's why he went to a draft resistance training session Friday in his hometown of Newark. It's why Wayne has begun building his case as a conscientious objector.


It could just have easily been me

From a young boy running with school books, to the first time he held a woman's hand, to his marriage to a loving wife, to the birth of his children. Everything pushed him to this: bleeding out on a filthy street in the slums of Baghdad. Did he suspect anything when he woke that morning and left his house, perhaps giving his wife a lingering hug? Did he think he was doing the right thing when he attacked us?


Die Technik im Clinch mit der Gesundheit


LANDESPOLITIK ( 18.02.2005 14:17 )

Die Technik im Clinch mit der Gesundheit

Grüne wollen mobilfunkfreie Zonen / Gesundheitliche Folgen des Mobilfunks müssen besser erforscht werden

Saarbrücken. Die Grünen im saarländischen Landtag haben die Landesregierung aufgefordert, mobilfunkfreie Zonen um Schulen und Kindergärten einzurichten, in denen keine Mobilfunkstationen errichtet werden dürfen. Dazu der Fraktionsvorsitzende Hubert Ulrich: „Aktuelle Forschungen gehen davon aus, dass die athermische Strahlung, die der Mobilfunk verursacht, ein erhebliches gesundheitliches Gefahrenpotenzial in sich birgt. Die Landesregierung muss deshalb jetzt Vorsorge treffen, damit insbesondere Kinder besser geschützt werden können.“ Dabei gehe es nicht um die Verhinderung von Mobilfunk, sondern um den maximalen Gesundheitsschutz für die Bevölkerung.

Die Grünen wollen vor diesem Hintergrund, dass die Landesregierung ein Gutachten über die gesundheitlichen Folgen der Mobilfunkstrahlung insbesondere in Wohngebieten erstellen lässt. Bereits vor zwei Jahren hatte die Partei die Landesregierung aufgefordert, eine Befragung unter den niedergelassenen Ärzten zu den Folgen der Mobilfunkstrahlung in Wohngebieten durchzuführen. Damals hatten die Saar-Grünen auf den so genannten Freiburger Appell hingewiesen, in dem über hundert niedergelassene Ärzte ihre Erfahrung mit der Mobilfunktechnologie niedergelegt haben. Krebserkrankungen, hirndegenerative Erkrankungen, Verhaltensstörungen, innere Unruhe und eine ganze Reihe anderer signifikanter Erkrankungen, die in einem direkten Zusammenhang zur Errichtung von Mobilfunksendern, insbesondere in Wohngebieten stehen, wurden offenbar durch diese Ärzte nachgewiesen.

Die saarländische Landesregierung kündigt bereits seit längerem an, das Saarland zum Mobilfunk-Modelland zu machen. Nach Ansicht der Grünen lässt diese Ankündigung erwarten, dass die Landesregierung das Vorhaben „ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste vorantreiben“ wolle. Dies belege auch die bisherige Gutachtenpraxis der saarländischen Landesregierung: Hubert Ulrich: „Dass das Wirtschaftsministerium und nicht das für diese Fragen zuständige Gesundheitsministerium Auftraggeber der bisherigen Untersuchungen war, lässt nichts Positives erahnen. Auch das bisherige Untersuchungsziel macht deutlich, dass hier nicht die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung im Vordergrund steht. Eine Überprüfung ohnehin zu hoher Grenzwerte bringt eben nur Aufschluss über die Einhaltung von Vorschriften. Es gilt aber, kausale Zusammenhänge zwischen einer Gesundheitsgefahr für unsere Bevölkerung und dem Vorhandensein von Funkwellenemmitenten zu untersuchen. Aufschluss über Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit von Lebewesen können daher nur medizinische Befunde liefern und nicht bestellte technische Gutachten.“


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim



Informant: NHNE


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