
'We're sick of mobile phone mast danger'

DANGERS to people living close to mobile phone masts have been proved, according to a Horncastle woman.

The Langton Hill phone mast.

Silvia Wilson of Blackwell Road, has undergone research proving she and her family's health is effected by the Langton Hill Vodafone mobile mast towering over their home. Mrs Wilson, who has campaigned against masts being placed close to houses, suffers from Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, a condition making her susceptible to radiation emitted from mobile masts.

The Langton Hill mast is one of five in Horncastle which have cropped up over recent years following the controversial Wi-Fi revolution, the wireless web technology sweeping the country. Silvia and her family became ill immediately after moving in three years ago. "First of all I felt very sick with lots of headaches and dizziness," she said. "The radiation beam is right on us here and it gets even worse as you go up the hill towards the mast." The family has spent more than £1,000 insulating their home with protective foil, but they are still haunted by a continuous droning sound in their ears. "It is like an engine all day long," said Silvia. "My daughter says 'the wind is in my ears make it stop'. "She has no idea what is happening as she is only four." The mast at Langton Hill was erected in 2003, despite opposition from East Lindsey District Council, following an appeal to the government.

James Gilbert, ELDC Communications Officer said: "Whilst the council sympathises with the Wilson family, we are unable to offer any meaningful assistance towards their wish of having a mobile telecommunications mast shut down." Other people who live under the mast are equally worried about the possible dangerous effects. Penny Mcknight moved to Langton Hill with her husband Robert, who developed epilepsy just a few months after moving in. "It would be better sited somewhere away from people," she said. "There is plenty of wide open space". Rob Matthews, EMF unit manager for Vodafone said: "We take these concerns seriously. "There are over 60 million hand sets in the UK and we have to site the masts close to where people use the services".

* Do you feel your health is at risk from living close to a mobile phone mast? Email your views to alison.sandilands@jpress.co.uk

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Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Mobilfunk und Schnurlostelefon

Zwei Kinder und ihre Mutter – ein Brief an die Newsletterredaktion

Zum Thema „gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Mobilfunk und Schnurlostelefon“

Am 23.12.06 erreichte die Redaktion des Newsletter http://www.gladiss.de die folgende Leserzuschrift. Die Autorin, Mutter zweier 4 und 7 Jahre alter Kinder, ist mit der Veröffentlichung im Newsletter einverstanden.

„Ich bin Ihnen sehr dankbar, dass Sie den Artikel über den Zusammenhang Krampfanfall- DECT beschrieben haben.

Ich habe leider erst auf eigene schmerzvolle Weise herausgefunden, dass mein immer schlimmer werdender Gesundheitszustand, u.a. auch auf mein eigenes DECT Telefon zuhause zurückzuführen ist.

Aber leider zu spät. Meine Kinder Noah jetzt 7 Jahre alt, Elena jetzt 4 Jahre hatten beide schon mehrere Krampfanfälle. Die letzten Jahre waren immer sehr belastend. Und hätte ich nicht vor ca. einem Jahr mein Siemens Gigaset DECT zurückgeschickt mit der Bitte um Überprüfung, weil ich während des Telefonats Schwindel, Benommenheit und Schmerzen auf der "Telefonseite" bekomme. Die Fa. Siemens hat mitgeteilt, dass ich höchstwahrscheinlich zu den wenigen Sensiblen gehören würde. Ich sollte einfach mein Telefon immer auf die Station legen, dann würde es nicht immer so strahlen.

Jetzt inzwischen (ich stehe noch am Anfang meines Mobilfunkwissens) bin ich mir gar nicht mehr so sicher, ob meine Krankheitszustände, die meine Kinder die letzten Jahre hatten, auf diese Jahrelange Bestrahlung zurückzuführen sind.

Ich danke Ihnen für diesen Artikel (die Briefschreiberin bezieht sich auf die Newsletterausgabe zu unspezifischen EEG-Störungen), ich kämpfe nämlich z.Zt. mit meinem Kindergarten, die wollen sich eine Telefonanlage anschaffen, und da kommt in jedem Zimmer eine eigene "Basisstation". Da es sich auch um eine Kinderkrippe handelt, appelliere ich an den gesunden Menschenverstand dieser "Pädagogen". Ich werde angesehen wie eine BSE kranke Lila Kuh.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass nicht alles dem Mobilfunk/Elektrosmog zuzuschreiben ist, aber was meinen Gesundheitszustand der letzen 9 Jahre betrifft (ich bin jetzt 36 Jahre alt), kann man nur in kurzer Form so beschreiben: ich konnte nach jahrelanger Dauererschöpfung, Kiefergelenk, chronischer Nebenhöhlen und Stirnhöhlenentzündung, über Gehörverlust und Geruchsverlust und zum Ende seit Oktober langsamer Verlust über alle meine "Körperzellen". Ich konnte meine Arme nicht mehr bewegen, Steifheit, wahnsinnige Muskel und Gelenkschmerzen, die sich immer weiter auf den restlichen Körper ausgebreitet haben, völlige Vergesslichkeit, verlangsamte Aufnahme, Bewegungsverlangsamung, Muskelzittern auch am Kopf, ohne bewusste Steuerung, Schwindel und Augenflimmern, ich konnte vor lauter Erschöpfung zum Schluss nur noch liegen.

Ich weiß, dass es bestimmt auch andere Symptome gibt, die dazu führen können, aber nach Abschaltung des DECT und natürlich raus aus meiner Arbeit "wo ich auch massiv unter Bestrahlung" stand, werde ich immer von Tag zu Tag immer fitter ohne eine Medikamenteneinnahme, außer Johanniskraut. Auch der Neurologe scheint sehr erstaunt. Ich habe ihn gestern mal andeutungsweise gefragt, ob es denn einen Zusammenhang geben könnte. Er sagt vorsichtig, es könnte sein, aber dafür gibt es paar wenige "Spezialisten", die sich mit "Elektrosensibilität" auskennen. Mit einer Krankmeldung sehen wir uns in 2 Wochen wieder. Aber bis jetzt konnte ich mir nur selben helfen. Von Ärzte Seite ist es schwierig.

Mal schauen wie es weitergeht, als nächstes habe ich mir eine Amalgamentfernung mit Amalgamausleitung vorgenommen. Wenn es mir nicht massiv so schlecht gegangen wäre und aus irgendeinem Grund ereilt mich eine Information nach der anderen, lauter "helfende und weiterführende" Mitteilungen kommen zu mir geeilt.

Meine Kinder haben auch ein Recht auf eine Zukunft, und ich werde im Rahmen meiner Möglichkeiten mich dafür einsetzen. Ich habe mich bei der Bürgerwelle e.V. jetzt angemeldet.“

Vom Privat-Institut für Ganzheitliche Medizin und Gesundheitsförderung


Skin cancer not just a sunshine story?

For those of you that can read and understand Swedish, or get automatic translations, please note the following new debate articles:

Johansson O, "Hudcancer - inte enbart en solskenshistoria?" (="Skin cancer - not just a sunshine story?", in Swedish), Kristianstadsbladet, 2007-04-21 http://www.kristianstadsbladet.se/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070421/TYCKTTANKT/104210292

Johansson O, "Hudcancer - inte enbart en solskenshistoria?" (="Skin cancer - not just a sunshine story?", in Swedish), Borås Tidning, 2007-05-13 http://www.bt.se/edrum.jsp?article=267194

Also, a link to the recent BBC Panorama programme about Wi-Fi radiation and health is given below: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=2243482823849327978&q=bbc+wifi
[ http://freepage.twoday.net/stories/3750193/ ]

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


Cancer Risks from Microwaves Confirmed


ISIS Press Release 24/05/07

Microwaves from wireless mobile phone transmitters may be more potent than lower frequency electromagnetic fields in promoting cancer.

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

A fully referenced version of this article is posted on ISIS members’ website.

Evidence linking weak electromagnetic radiation (EMR) to leukaemia and other cancers has been fast accumulating in recent years [1-3] (Electromagnetic Fields Double Leukemia Risks, Mobile Phones & Cancer, SiS 18; Electromagnetic Fields, Leukaemia and DNA Damage, SiS 24). Such ‘non- thermal' effects of EMR – due to levels well below that sufficient to bring about any heating - have been observed even before World War II [4] (Non-Thermal Effects, SiS 17).

During the cold war period, a four-fold excess of cancer cases was diagnosed among the staff of the American Embassy in Moscow that had been secretly irradiated with microwaves at well below the threshold set in current guidelines. The US State Department study on this episode was described in a paper published in 1997 [5]. This was among the earliest evidence for non-thermal effects of microwaves, and many studies are now confirming the high cancer risks of people exposed to microwaves from mobile phone base stations and transmitters around the world. Microwaves are no different from EMRs in the lower frequency range in that respect; except that microwaves may be even more potent in promoting cancer and other illnesses [6] (Drowning in a Sea of Microwaves, the Wi-Fi Revolution, SiS 34).

Ten year study in a German city found cancer risk trebled

In June 1993, a GSM transmitter antenna was set up in the Southern Germany city of Naila, and became operational since September 1993. The transmitter antenna has a power of 15dbW (31.6W) per channel in the 935 MHz range. In December 1997, an installation from another company was added.

Several doctors living in Naila decided to respond to the call by Wolfram König, President of the Federal Agency for Radiation Protection, to collaborate in assessing the risk posed by mobile phone radiation. They carried out a study to examine whether people living close to transmitter antennas had increased risk of cancer [7].

They found that the proportion of newly developed cancer cases was significantly higher among those who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400m from the cellular transmitter site, compared to those living further away, and the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier. In the years 1999-2004, five years after the transmitter has been installed and operating, the relative risk of getting cancer had trebled for the residents within 400 m of the installation compared to inhabitants outside the area.

For the purpose of the study, an inner and an outer area were defined. The inner area covered the land within a distance of 400 m from the transmitter, the outer area comprise land further than 400 m. In the inner area, additional emissions come from the secondary lobes of the transmitter. Thus, the outer area has significantly reduced radiation intensity. Computer simulation and measurements both show that radiation in the inner area is 100 times higher compared to outer area. The measurements of all transmitter stations show that the intensity of radiation from the cell phone transmitter station in Naila in the inner area was higher than the electromagnetic fields from radio, television, or radar, according to measurements made in previous studies.

Data gathered from nearly 1 000 patients covered almost 90 percent of the local residents, and all patients had been living during the entire observation period of 10 years at the same address. The social differences are small, there is no ethnic diversity, no heavy industry and in the inner area there are neither high voltage cable nor electric trains. The average ages of the residents are similar in the inner and outer areas.

For the entire period from 1994 to 2004, the odds ratio (OR) for getting cancer in the inner, strongly exposed area compared to the outer area was 2.35. The average age of developing cancer was 64.1 years in the inner area, whereas in the outer area it was 72.6 years, a difference of 8.5 years. The average for Germany as a whole for developing cancer is 66.5 years, among men, 66 and women 67.

The new cancer cases showed a high annual constant value. Considering only the first 5 years, there was no significant increased risk of getting cancer in the inner area. However, for the period 1999 to 2004, the OR for getting cancer was 3.38 in the inner area compared to the outer area. Breast cancer topped the list, with an average age of 50.8 year compared with 69.9 years in the outer area, but cancers of the prostate, pancreas, bowel, skin melanoma, lung and blood cancer were all increased.

Four fold cancer risk in Israel

Researchers from Tel-Aviv University, Israel, compared 622 people living near a cell-phone transmitter station for 3-7 years who were patients of one health clinic in Netanya, with 1 222 controls who get their medical services in a clinic located nearby, with very closely matched environment, workplace and occupational characteristics [8]. The exposure to mobile phone radiation began one year before the start of the study.

The cell-phone transmitter came into service in July 1996, and people in the first health clinic live within a half circle of 350 m radius from the transmitter. The antenna has a total maximum transmission power of 1 500 W at 850 MHz, with a 50 Hz modulation. Both the measured and the predicted power density in the whole exposed area were far below 5.3 mW/m 2, and hence far below the current guidelines.

There were 8 cases of different kinds of cancer diagnosed in a period of just one year (July 1997 to June 1998): 3 cases of breast cancer, one of ovarian cancer, lung cancer, Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymphatic system), osteoid osteoma (bone tumour) and kidney cancer. This compares with 31 cases per 10 000 a year in the general population of Israel, and 2 per 1 222 in the matched controls of the nearby clinic.

The relative risk of cancer was 4.15 for those living near the cell-phone transmitter compared with the entire population of Israel. As seven out of eight cancer cases were women, the relative cancer rates for females were 10.5 for those living near the transmitter station and 0.6 for the controls relative for the whole town of Netanya.

One year after the close of the study, 8 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in the microwave exposed area and two in the control area.

Read the rest of this article here


Wi-Fi safety concerns slammed as melodramatic

Dear Eileen: Your commentary is "excellent....!!!"

The "slamming" will continue until Sir William Stewart and others begin to "focus" on the sort of changes that Assoc. Prof. Olle Johansson has studied and written about for years, in addition, to what isn't being challenged on a daily basis -- the issue of white blood cell changes that occur rapidly in infants and toddlers, as well as guinea pigs, when they are polluted every night by EMF/EMR from sleeping close to electric, gas and telephone equipment.

Other than Drs. Robert Becker and Andrew Marino -- "Electromagnetism" in the Chapter titled "Blood," and Dr. Duane Dahlberg's "1994 Minnesota Herd Study," the scientific literature contains very litle "specific information" regarding white blood cell changes as result of chronic, prolonged, low level EMF/EMR exposures EXCEPT studies that are written in Russian or Japanese (still not translated although included as part of the publications on PubMed (National Institute of Health - U.S.). (The medical literature overall does, however, provide plenty of information to make the link between low level EMF/EMR exposures and the inflammatory changes that are precursors for cancerous changes in cells.)

Letters such as yours, Eileen, are very helpful and will hopefully go a long way toward pointing the way to some "common-sense solutions."

Since it is too easy to lambast, ridicule and criticize as well as to "minimize" by saying "cancer takes decades to develop, etc," the only way to really get more "action acts" out there, is to use the information we have regarding the children who are diagnosed with rare immune deficiencies or cancer -- they aren't "10 - 20 years old" -- BUT -- their bodies ARE....!!!"

If Sir William Stewart can direct his powerful influence toward a charity such as Children With Leukaemia to perhaps combine efforts with Assoc. Prof. Olle Johansson, to conduct studies that will replicate what is already known regarding white blood cell changes that occur as result of radiation treatments for cancer as well as in cases of children (and guinea pigs) being chronically exposed to "close," (nighttime) low level EMF/EMR, we will then have a very strong basis with which to effectively compare the more distant, daytime exposures.

We are moving in the right direction...... The children need these studies now!!! Before developing Leukaemia or other cancers, persons suffer from all sorts of inflammatory conditions including chronic asthma, chronic sinus infections, chronic ear infections, memory and cognitive dysfunction, headaches, lack of energy due to improper sleep, depression and much more.

While awaiting "confirmatory studies," charities like Children With Leukaemia, who have the necessary "public exposure" (and ability to raise funds) can make a huge contribution by encouraging school superintendents to inform parent/teacher groups that reporting by parents and teachers to perhaps the school nurse, can begin to help sort out symptoms versus exposures. Parental reporting re any electrical, gas, or phone equipment close to a child's bed along with symptoms and any improvement or disappearance of symptoms after moving beds and/or items away from beds, will help reveal how many children are, in fact, being adversely affected by WiFi or other electrical and telephone equipment within the schools. The Scientific Advisory Panel for Children With Leukaemia would be in an excellent position to review accumulated data but the information will be taken more seriously if such an effort were combined with input from Assoc. Prof. Olle Johansson (Karolinska Institute).

In the meantime, comparisons should continue regarding the above information as well as comparing improvement in health effects in children and teachers in schools where filters have been placed.

The results of not focusing on specific symptoms as well as specific cancers -- certainly Childhood Leukaemia that strikes infants and toddlers -- are apparent....!!! As my now departed, German friend, Erika often said, "we are in a MEST!!!" Best wishes and take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: jcmpelican@aol.com (5-23-07)

"If circumstances hold you back, ALWAYS find another way to achieve your goals...." DaVinci

"The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity......" --Mahatma Gandhi



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