
Mobilfunkthemen auf dem TOLLWOOD-SOMMERFESTIVAL 2007

Auch auf dem diesjährigen TOLLWOOD-SOMMERFESTIVAL steht das Thema Mobilfunk auf dem Programm. Am 22.6., 19 Uhr wird Dr. H.-Peter Neitzke, Leiter des ECOLOG Instituts für sozial-ökologische Forschung und Bildung GmbH in Hannover mit dem Vortrag: "Geld für Forschung – Forschung für Geld" vertreten sein. Überblick und weitere Mobilfunkthemen auf dem Festival unter:


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 18.05.2007
Der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. (FGF), gehören alle deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber an.


Verwendung von Untersuchungsergebnissen in WHO-Empfehlungen

Die Zeitschrift “The Lancet” hat einen Online-Artikel veröffentlicht, der die Verwendung von Untersuchungsergebnissen, insbesondere von gefundenen Auswirkungen, in Empfehlungen der WHO-Abteilungen untersucht. Die Autoren fanden Folgendes heraus: Systematische Überprüfungen und kurze Zusammenfassungen werden selten für die Abfassung von Empfehlungen benutzt. Stattdessen basieren die Prozesse in erster Linie auf der Meinung von Experten der jeweiligen Fachgebiete statt auf denen der Vertreter jener Gruppen, die mit den Empfehlungen umgehen müssen oder der Experten bestimmter methodischer Richtungen. Bibliografie: Oxman at al., The Lancet Early Online Publication, 9 May 2007. Kompletter Artikel nach Online-Subskription bei Lancet erhältlich – keine Gebühr.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 18.05.2007
Der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. (FGF), gehören alle deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber an.


Environmental risk factors for brain tumors

Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2007 May;7(3):208-14.

* Connelly JM,
* Malkin MG.

Department of Neurology, Room 2546, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226-3596, USA. jconnelly@mcw.edu.

Primary brain tumors, whether malignant or nonmalignant, have devastating consequences. Unfortunately, few known causes exist. Despite decades of epidemiologic research to identify environmental causes of brain tumors, very little progress has been made. The purpose of this paper is to review the most recent studies in the epidemiology of brain tumors. Popular topics of interest in adult brain tumor epidemiology include electromagnetic fields (particularly cellular phones), occupational exposures, nitroso-containing compounds (especially smoking), hair products, and allergic and immunologic factors. Some of these topics are also applicable to the etiology of childhood brain tumors, but additional areas of interest in the pediatric population focus on parental exposure prior to conception, maternal exposure during pregnancy, and childhood exposure to infectious agents. After an extensive review of the literature since 2001, we present the most relevant studies. Although there are many proposed associations with brain tumors, none possess the statistical significance to confidently ascribe causation. However, new findings and associations, particularly those in allergy and immunology, will present interesting opportunities for further development.

PMID: 17488586 [PubMed - in process]



Neurophysiological effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on humans: a comprehensive review

Bioelectromagnetics. 2007 May 14; [Epub ahead of print]

* Valentini E,
* Curcio G,
* Moroni F,
* Ferrara M,
* De Gennaro L,
* Bertini M.

Dipartimento di Psicologia, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy.

In recent years a growing number of people have begun to use mobile phone technology. This phenomenon has raised questions and doubts about possible effects on users' brains. This literature review focuses on the human electrophysiological and neuro-metabolic effects of mobile phone (MP)-related electromagnetic fields (EMFs) published in the last 10 years. To this end, all relevant papers have been reported and, subsequently, a literature selection has been carried out by taking several criteria into account, such as: blind techniques, randomization or counter-balancing of conditions and subjects, detail of exposure characteristics and the statistical analyses used. As a result, only the studies meeting the selection criteria have been described, evaluated and discussed further. The main goal of this review is to provide a clear scenario of the most reliable experiments carried out over the last decade and to offer a critical point of view in their evaluation. It is concluded that MP-EMFs may influence normal physiology through changes in cortical excitability and that in future research particular care should be dedicated to both methodological and statistical control, the most relevant criteria in this research field.

Bioelectromagnetics (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

PMID: 17503518 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]



The Research: Current INDEPENDENT Scientific Research Proves That Mobile Phone Masts Are NOT Safe

In the Freiburger Appeal, initially 50 doctors in Germany reported reduced therapeutic efficiency of prescribed drugs correlated with the use of pulsed microwaves, such as those from Mobile Telephone Masts. Some 40,000 signatories have now supported the appeal, including 1,200 doctors. Alongside the Freiburger Appeal there are now similar appeals from Lichtenfels, Hof, Bamberg and Helsinki. In the Irish Republic, the IDEA group of Doctors has its own reports relating to Mobile Telephone Masts which confirm the findings of the Freiburger Appeal doctors.


Informant: Art Kab




Radiation from baby monitors 'poses risk': Infants being harmed by safety devices, say scientists


Here it is. Responses to sundayletters@independent.co.uk

Radiation from baby monitors 'poses risk'
Infants being harmed by safety devices, say scientists

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor

Published: 20 May 2007

Baby monitors, bought by parents to keep their children safe, may instead be harming them, some scientists fear. They warn that the devices are bathing the infants in radiation at an age when they are most vulnerable to it.

The radiation, similar to that given off by modern cordless phones, is part of the increasing electronic smog to which mobile phones, their masts and Wi-Fi systems also contribute. The monitors use the same digitally enhanced cordless telecommunication (Dect) technology as cordless phones.

Over recent weeks The Independent on Sunday has exclusively reported growing concern that the smog may be damaging human health. The paper reported that Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, has been privately pressing an investigation into the effects on children of installing Wi-Fi networks in schools.

Baby monitors are typically placed close to infants, who are particularly at risk from radiation. An inquiry by Sir William into mobile phones seven years ago reported that a one-year-old child could absorb about twice as much per kilogram of body weight as an adult.

Babies are especially vulnerable because their bodies and nervous systems are still developing and because they will have more time to accumulate exposure to the radiation and for any delayed effects to develop.

Professor Denis Henshaw of the University of Bristol said the monitors are "being marketed without any checks and balances or even studies into their effects".

Professor Olle Johansson of Sweden's Karolinska Institute said that the cells of a growing baby are "very susceptible". Powerwatch, an information service on radiation, says: "A Dect monitor placed in your baby's bedroom will expose them to more pulsing microwave radiation than living near to a mobile phone mast would do. We have had a number of reports from parents that their babies did not sleep well and cried a lot when they used Dect monitors." It added that older wired and analogue monitors do not raise the same concerns.

Dr Roger Coghill, who runs a laboratory specialising in the radiation, suggested that the Dect monitors should be placed at least 10 feet from infants. He said, "You want to hear what a baby is up to, but you don't want to harm him or her."

A spokesman for one company which sells the monitors said it did not believe that there was any danger from the monitors, which more than meet international safety standards.

© 2007 Independent News and Media Limited


Informant: Sarah Dacre/Mast Sanity/Sandi


Baby monitors....900 MHz, DECT, 2.4 GHz, powerful sensor pads


Depleted Uranium in Hawaii




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