
Call Them What They Are


Informant: Gomez

Wir brauchen einen wirklichen Atomausstieg und keine Laufzeitverlängerung durch die Hintertür

Montag, der 24. Oktober 2005

SPD und Union verhandeln schmutzigen Deal in der Atompolitik: Schrottreaktoren Biblis A & B, Brunsbüttel und Neckarwestheim 1 sollen noch länger am Netz bleiben!

Offener Brief an die Verhandlungsführer in den Koalitionsverhandlungen gestartet

Unterschreiben Sie noch heute: http://www.campact.de/atom/sn/signer

"Steinzeit-Aktion" vor der CDU-Zentrale

Kommen Sie zur bundesweiten Demonstration am 5.11. nach Lüneburg.

Laden Sie FreundInnen und Bekannte dazu ein:

Nun ist die Katze aus dem Sack: Union und SPD überlegen, in den nächsten vier Jahren keinen einzigen Reaktor vom Netz zu nehmen, obwohl laut Atomgesetz die Abschaltung der Schrottreaktoren Biblis A und B, Brunsbüttel und Neckarwestheim 1 vorgesehen ist. Dies umgehen sie mit einem Trick: Sie verteilen die von Rot-Grün garantierten Reststrommengen von neueren Meilern auf die alten um. Damit verkommt der ohnehin windelweiche Atomkonsens zur völligen Farce. Wir meinen, dass wir einen wirklichen Atomausstieg brauchen und keine Laufzeitverlängerung durch die Hintertür.

Unterzeichnen Sie den Offenen Brief an die Verhandlungsführer!

Doch noch ist nichts beschlossen. Fordern Sie mit unserem Offenen Brief die Verhandlungsführer in Sachen Atom Sigmar Gabriel und Klaus Lippold auf, ein Comeback der Atomenergie zu verhindern und sich für einen raschen Atomausstieg einzusetzen! Beteiligen Sie sich unter: http://www.campact.de/atom/sn/signer

Steinzeit-Aktion vor der CDU-Zentrale

Heute morgen um 10.30 Uhr vor der CDU-Zentrale: Merkel und Stoiber trommeln im Steinzeitlook auf Atomfässern für ein "Zurück in die atomare Steinzeit". Hinter ihnen pfeift ein in Nebel gehüllter Schrottreaktor aus dem letzten Loch. Mit dieser Aktion machte .ausgestrahlt zusammen mit der IPPNW Druck gegen eine Weiterführung der Atomkraft. Denn im Konrad-Adenauer-Haus wird heute auch um die Zukunft der Energiepolitik in Deutschland gepokert. Am Morgen tagte der CDU-Bundesvorstand, am Nachmittag kommen die Verhandlungsführer/innen zu ihrem zweiten Koalitionsgespräch zusammen. Viele Bild- und Fernsehjournalisten machen Aufnahmen. Bilder von der Aktion unter:

Die Steinzeit-Aktion im Fernsehen

Am kommenden Donnerstag um 23.30 Uhr wird das ARD-Magazin Polylux über die heutige Aktion berichten. Schauen Sie sich den Beitrag an.

Demo am 5. November in Lüneburg: "Erneuerbare statt Atom!" - Informieren Sie Freunde und Bekannte

Am 5. November wollen Tausende ein starkes Zeichen für Erneuerbare Energien und gegen Atomenergie in Lüneburg setzen. Kommen auch Sie zu der bundesweiten Demonstration und fordern Sie mit einer E-Mail Freunde und Bekannte auf mitzukommen:

Proteste gegen den Castor-Transport nach Gorleben vom 19. bis 22. November. Mehr dazu unter http://www.castor.de

Mit herzlichem Gruß

Jochen Stay

New Orleans Professor John Clark Testifies on the Triple Crime of Katrina

John Clark, professor of philosophy and environmental studies, spoke at this weekend¹s Bush crimes commission about systemic racism and the discrimination in the response to Hurricane Katrina. He says the Bush administration is guilty of not preparing for the disaster, inadequately responding, and botching the recovery process.


From Information Clearing House

U.S., Britain Urge Action Against Syria

A Syrian official, deputy Foreign Minister Walid Moallem, said the pressure on Syria was because of America's aim of dominating the region.


From Information Clearing House

Karen Hughes Tells a Big Lie


From Information Clearing House

Prelude to a Leak


Bush at bay

The CIA leak inquiry that threatens senior White House aides has now widened to include the forgery of documents on African uranium that started the investigation, according to NAT0 intelligence sources.


From Information Clearing House


[please forward widely]

Walker's World: Bush at bay
United Press International Editor

WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 (UPI) -- The CIA leak inquiry that threatens senior White House aides has now widened to include the forgery of documents on African uranium that started the investigation, according to NATO intelligence sources. ••• Nonetheless, the forged documents appeared, on the face of it, to shore up the case for war, and to discredit Wilson. The origin of the forgeries is therefore of real importance, and any link between the forgeries and Bush administration aides would be highly damaging and almost certainly criminal.


Let Justice Be Done Though the heavens fall… by Justin Raimondo, Oct. 24, 2005

"...This isn't just about the 'outing' of deep cover CIA agent Valerie Plame anymore, if it ever truly was. Scooter-gate is about one of the biggest and most brazen lies used by this administration to drag us into an unjustified and reckless war: the Niger uranium forgeries...."


Informant: John Calvert

Malnutrition among Iraqi children has almost doubled since U.S. invasion

Children who are acutely malnourished are literally wasting away, and for severe cases their condition can be fatal. Acute malnutrition sets in very fast and is a strong indicator of the overall health of children.


From Information Clearing House

Making a killing

The American government is hiring private security firms to stabilise Iraq — and paying them a fortune to do it. But many of them are unregulated and operate outside the law. Jon Swain joins the hired guns on the streets of Baghdad — and assesses the real cost of privatising war.


Another Iraq war legacy: badly wounded US troops

The human toll for the U.S. military in the Iraq war is not limited to the nearly 2,000 troops deaths since the March 2003 invasion. More than 15,220 also have been wounded in combat, including more than 7,100 injured too badly to return to duty, the Pentagon said.


From Information Clearing House

Grenzwerte werden strikt eingehalten

Welchen Wert haben Grenzwerte beim Mobilfunk?

Grenzwerte werden eingehalten

Mobilfunkstrahlung als schwerwiegendes Risiko für biologische Systeme und Gesundheit

Grenzwerte werden deutlich unterschritten - Keine Gefahr für Anwohner durch Mobilfunk?

Argumente der Mobilfunkbetreiber widerlegt

Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk


October 13, 2005


by Tim Montague

Letters Show Frist Notified of Stocks in 'Blind' Trusts

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) was given considerable information about his stake in his family's hospital company, according to records that are at odds with his past statements that he did not know what was in his stock holdings.


Abramoff Said to Use Ralph Reed to Influence White House

A TIME investigation shows the lobbyist now at the center of a federal probe had a good friend eager to open doors at the White House: former Christian Coalition chief Ralph Reed.


Resignations May Follow Charges

Senators Discuss Leak Case

Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) said yesterday that he expects White House officials will step down if they are indicted this week but stressed that speculation should cease until special counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald announces the results of his investigation into the leak of the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame.


Cindy Sheehan Will Protest 2,000th Soldier Killed

Cindy Sheehan, the military mother who made her son's death in Iraq a rallying point for the anti-war movement, plans to tie herself to the White House fence to protest the milestone of 2,000 US military deaths in Iraq.


Cindy Sheehan

The Bunker Mentality


Gegen 'Renaissance der Atomkraft'

Gegen 'Renaissance der Atomkraft': Bundesweite Anti-Atom-Demo am 5. November in Lüneburg (24.10.05)

Ein breites Bündnis aus Umweltverbänden, Friedens- und Anti-Atom-Initiativen sowie weiteren Organisationen hat zu einer bundesweiten Demonstration gegen Atomkraft am 5. November in Lüneburg aufgerufen. Unter dem Motto "Atomkraft Nein Danke - Erneuerbare Energien Jetzt!" wollen sie vor dem Hintergrund des für November geplanten Castor-Transports nach Gorleben sowie einer "von Industrie und Politik heraufbeschworenen 'Renaissance der Atomkraft'" daran erinnern, dass ein Großteil der Bevölkerung gegen Atomkraft ist. Gleichzeitig verstehe sich die Demonstration als Auftakt für eine bundesweite Anti-Atom-Kampagne anlässlich des 20. Jahrestages der Reaktorkatastrophe von Tschernobyl im April 2006.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Bundesagentur erhöht Druck auf Langzeitarbeitslose

Arbeitslose "nicht erreichbar": Bundesagentur erhöht Druck auf Langzeitarbeitslose (24.10.05)

Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) will die Kontrollen von Beziehern des Arbeitslosengeldes II verstärken. Eine Sprecherin des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums kündigte am Montag in Berlin an, dass die seit Juli laufenden stichprobenartigen Telefonate zur Erreichbarkeit der Leistungsempfänger ausgeweitet werden sollen. Die Sprecherin verwies darauf, dass eine "große Anzahl" von "Hartz IV"-Empfängern bei den bisherigen Telefonaten durch Call Center der Bundesagentur nicht erreichbar gewesen sei. Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte hatte die Telefon-Aktion scharf kritisiert. "Wesentliche datenschutzrechtliche Grundsätze" seien nicht berücksichtigt worden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Eigentum verpflichtet

In einer Öffentlichen Petition, die beim Deutschen Bundestag eingereicht wurde, wird eine Veränderung des Zinsgeldsystems gefordert, da es das Grundgesetz verletze.


Das Internet als "Spitzelwerkzeug"


Aus: q/depesche 2005-10-24

November 3rd Day of Action to Save Ancient Forests


Kleenex sells 180 billion sheets of tissue paper each year and NOT ONE of them has any recycled content. They can make a tissue that stops the spread of the flu but they can't make them out of something besides 10,000 year old forests? Kleenex even goes as far as to boast on their website that their tissues are made from 100% virgin fiber. Kleenex and parent corporation Kimberly-Clark are felling ancient forests to flush them down the toilet. Phooey!

More than 90,000 folks have sent messages to tell Kimberly-Clark and Kleenex to change their ways. We know that Kimberly Clark is wiping out ancient forests for disposable tissues, but we need your help to spread the word and STOP the destruction.

Join Greenpeace and other groups for an International Day of Action on November 3rd. Visit the day of action events center at http://www.kleercut.net/nov3events?lst to find and RSVP for an event in your area, or list your own event!

If you can commit to flyering for an hour at your local grocery store, list it so others can join you. Every flyer, poster, phone call and petition signature turns up the heat on these tissue tyrants. We’ve put together a downloadable day of action kit with everything you’ll need, including event how-to’s, flyers, posters, and petitions.

On November 3rd, tell your neighbors, your friends, your family, and your local grocery store shoppers that buying Kleenex is blowing away one of the oldest and rarest forests on Earth.

Feel free to email usa@kleercut.net if you have any questions or need advice. And be sure to check out http://www.kleercut.net for more info.

See you in the streets!

PS…If you haven’t already, don’t forget to visit our action center to send a message to Kimberly-Clark!


To Create the Democracy We Want

Challenge the Corrupt Two-Party System Don't Participate in It

by Kevin Zeese

Recently, on the anti-Bush, Democratic Party leaning website Daily Kos an open letter


was published urging me to run as a Democrat for the U.S. Senate in Maryland rather than independent of the two political parties. Below is my response to the suggestion...


Poverty And Climate Change Become "One"

Just as Bono's herculean efforts mobilize thousands, the poverty problem gets exponentially worse.


Robin Hood In Reverse

by Beth Shulman, TomPaine.com

When Republicans say the nation can't afford to pay for both food stamps and the Katrina recovery, they're lying.


Syria: The Next Iraq

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

If you thought failure in Iraq and multiple investigations at home would moderate the neoconservatives, think again.


Kennedy....My question: Can he help save the children too?

IN RESPONSE TO ARTICLE RE "KENNEDY RESPONDS TO CORPORATE POLLUTERS" - Milwaukee Sentinel - Business & Your Money - October 2005 - http://www.jsonline.com/bym/news/oct05/364925.asp

Dear John: I am "very angry also!!!" Angry that no politician has the guts to respond to my pleas to report name of person responsible for hiding away the EMF Interagency Committee Report that will trigger the release of information that "prudent avoidance" of certain EMF/EMR (electromagnetic fields/electromagnetic radiation) exposures should be taken particularly on behalf of children toward the prevention of childhood Leukemia as well as all of the quality-of-life health problems such as asthma, sinus infections, ear infections, headaches, poor sleep, ADD, ADHD, gastrointestinal problems and more that occur prior to the development of Leukemia!!! Not surprisingly the government site ( http://www.niehs.nih/gov/emfrapid/home.html ) carefully disguises the fact that this very important report has never been reviewed by Congress and minimizes the results by designating EMF's as a Class 2B carcinogen ("possibly cancer-causing") when former President George HW Bush allowed the EPA to get away with changing classifiication from "probable" to "possible" in regard to carcinogenicity.

The public deserves to know that simple, inexpensive action such as moving electric appliances/devices from close proximity to one's bed -- "anyone's bed, not just children," may prevent or greatly reduce every health problem all the way from poor sleep to cancer. Electrical wiring behind one's bed and/or high frequencies on wiring throughout a house that can be greatly reduced by placement of filters ( http://www.electricalpollution.com ) is another way of reducing electrical pollution.

We citizens of this great country -- the United States of America -- were "ripped off" by a major scam commonly referred to as "EMF RAPID Study!!!" Information leaked to Dr. Louis Slesin, Editor of "Microwave News," ( http://www.microwavenews.com ) revealed the EMF Interagency Committee Report finding "causal connection to immune deficiency and Leukemia" to low levels of EMF's may never be released to Congress!!!! The EMF RAPID Study came about as result of many years of reports of adverse effects from low levels of EMF/EMR and is/was well-known for decades by the Russians as well as our U.S. military!!!

I am including an email I sent to prospective "2008 Presidential Candidate Kerry" that also has gone unanswered.

If you have some way of providing this information to Robert Kennedy, perhaps he will be able to drum up enough anger to properly deal with this tragic situation? If someone doesn't, our health system will continue to plummet toward a disastrous end. Alzheimers will become prevalent in younger and younger persons. We won't have citizens capable of anything let alone running even a corrupt government!!!

Hopefully you can help "spread- the-word" and forward my plea to Robert Kennedy!!! Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: jcmpelican@aol.com [10-24-05]

* * *

[Email by Joanne C. Mueller (contact info below) 6-5-05 to Senator John Kerry. No response as of 10-24-05.]

Dear Senator Kerry: Even tho your platform "Kids First" is primarily re insurance coverage, the phrase "Kids First" applies to my work over the last 14 years.

"Principles -- make sure Washington stands up for needs and interests of American families" also fits right in with my work.

Immune deficiencies in two grandsons were RARE because low IgG subclasses 1 and 3 indicate "ageing." They were toddlers when their beds were moved away from walls opposite electric meters!!! They "GOT WELL" even tho we were asked if children had died in the family and were told they may develop Leukaemia (British spelling because I have appealed to the Charity, "Children With Leukaemia" for help in replicating findings and help re informing the public). IgG subclass deficiencies are "markers for irradiation......"

Cages with two guinea pigs were placed against "powerwall" (wall opposite electric meter) in our own home. Severe blood changes resulted. Several of the blood tests indicated "hypersegmented neutrophils" (slowed DNA synthesis) which is also "a marker for irradiation." The severe neutropenia and lymphocytosis were apparently signs of a collapse of their immune systems. One out of each set of two died within 30 days.

The $46 million EMF RAPID Study's "EMF Interagency Committee Report" has never been presented to Congress. EMF's have been categorized as a Class 2B carcinogen. Leukaemia and immune deficiencies were a couple of the health problems that were included as being related to EMF exposures in the final report.

The 2002 California EMF Report found connections to EMF's as low as 4.0 milligauss and childhood Leukaemia, brain cancer, Lou Gehrig's Disease and miscarriage.

For every positive study, scientists have been paid to come up with inconclusive and misleading studies and the controversy and arguing goes on all the way to the World Health Organization (WHO) that used to recommend "prudent avoidance." The American Cancer Society used to distribute information regarding avoidance of electrical items near beds.

Withholding of information to the public is an absolute crime!!!! Associate Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden is willing to replicate findings re my grandsons and guinea pigs and is currently on his way to Switzerland to attend another WHO meeting in regard to another EMR subject.

In addition to information above, I have found countless persons including my own husband who have been adversely affected by sleeping close to electric clocks and electric clock radios. My husband's neuropsychiatric tests (diagnosed with Alzheimers) "improved" after moving his clock radio!

Michael Boyum (age 23), Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, died from Leukaemia. Bonnie Boyum, Michael's mother phoned to let me know he had an electric clock and a small fan on his headboard (I had written to the Boyum's after reading about their family in the newspaper).

A mother from down our street moved the electric clock radio out of her son's bedroom after I checked milligauss readings at their place and she informed me six months later that he was well for the first time in three years (since they moved in and the clock radio was placed near the bed). He suffered chronic infections as did my grandsons.

Asthma is an economy-breaking health problem that greatly affects many and particularly the poor who can't afford healthcare and who often do not have insurance coverage. Asthma was a major health problem before my grandsons were moved away from walls opposite electric meters. "Little coughs" were the first symptoms I observed in my guinea pigs after placing their cages against "powerwall." Two veterinarians diagnosed "asthma......."

Electrical appliances/devices close to beds are causing literally every health problem all the way from poor sleep all the way to cancer!!!

Electrical pollution on electrical wiring is also causing children all of the above problems plus many more problems including ADD, ADHD and learning problems. The future of our society depends on children with "functioning brains!!!"

The website http://www.electricalpollution.com has information regarding simple steps that can be taken to greatly reduce high frequencies that are on electrical wiring in homes and schools around-the-world. The principal of two schools in Wisconsin, who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis, can testify to significant improvement after reduction in EMF/EMR exposure on electrical wiring.

I am sending a copy of this email to Dr. Fatih Uckun, currently the head of Parker-Hughes Cancer Center. Dr. Uckun made a significant contribution to the conclusions of EMF RAPID and knows that immune deficiencies are caused by such exposure. Dr. Uckun knows the same gene (BTK) is responsible for immune deficiency and is the same gene as that for Leukaemia.

I appealed to Parker-Hughes by email last fall asking for help to "get the word out" by perhaps providing a pamphlet or flyer in their clinic. I did not receive a response to the emails. Since the NIH partly funded the Hughes Institute, perhaps Dr. Uckun is bound by some sort of agreement "not to speak out???" Or, to "carefully limit what he says???"

Former President George Bush never responded to an appeal I made to him through a Leukemia Society in Texas many years ago even tho the Bush's lost a child to Leukemia. Senator Hillary Clinton never responded to an appeal I made to her. President Bill Clinton never responded to a letter mailed to him on behalf of all children........

Our health system problems will never be resolved until "responsible and speedy action" is taken to begin to inform the public!!! Alarming the public should in no way be a concern and is a ridiculous and irresponsible excuse to cover-up vital information!!! Not only will thousands of children be able to pay attention and learn in school, they will also not be running around feeling angry and depressed because they can't get proper sleep. Adults will also benefit in the same way. I estimate overall health costs will go down by about 51% just by "informing the public" about information that is vital and necessary for the good of all people -- the right of all Americans to live safely in peace!!!!

God help us all if a candidate with a platform of "Kids First" and "Principles" will follow in the "footsteps of greed, minimization and deception!!!! God Bless You if you are willing to help in the effort to inform the public!!!! Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: jcmpelican@aol.com [written 6-5-05]

Intervention de Guy PAILLOTIN sur l' Éthique

à l' École Normale Supérieure en 2004

George & Laura stealth Democrats?

Sierra Times
by Jeff Adams


GWB went and picked ANOTHER 'stealth' candidate for the Supreme Court, Harriet Miers. For many conservatives that have doggedly, blindly supported the Republicans, and Bush in particular, this appears to be the straw that has broken the camel’s back. Mind you, this good old boy’s back was broken when Republicans didn’t follow up on their 'revolution' of 1994 and instead started acting like establishment Democrats. I've been wondering how long 'conservatives,' especially those of the evangelical stripe, would continue to back Bush (mind you, I'm an evangelical conservative myself, I just haven't sold out to the Republicans, and I take time to use my brain rather than march in lock-step, like a drone, with an establishment political party). After all, this is the guy who's never seen a spending bill he thought outrageous enough to veto. Outside of cutting taxes, everything that Bush has done while in office would have brought howls from Republicans if these same actions had been taken by Bill Clinton (or, heaven forbid, Al Gore or John Kerry). Right now, the Republicans reek of hypocrisy concerning their 'conservative' credentials... [editor's note: If the "conservatives" ever figure out that it is not about left-right ideology but about empire ... watch out! - SAT]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Wake-up call

Washington Times
by Walter E. Williams


President Bush informed the nation, during a press conference, he might seek to use the U.S. military to quarantine parts of the nation if there is a serious outbreak of the deadly avian flu that has killed millions of chickens and 60-some people in Southeast Asia. That's the second time Mr. Bush has expressed a desire to use the military for local policing. The first was in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. 1385) generally prohibits federal military personnel and National Guard units under federal authority from law enforcement within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the U.S. Constitution or Congress. Enacted during Reconstruction, the purpose of the Posse Comitatus Act was to severely limit federal use of the military for local law enforcement. Would Americans tolerate such a gigantic leap in the federalizing law enforcement? I'm guessing the answer is yes. In the name of safety, we've undergone decades of softening up to accept just about any government edict that our predecessors would have found offensive. Let's look at some of it...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A Constitutional disaster

The Nation
by Chip Pitts


While natural disasters in the Gulf Coast and the man-made disaster in Iraq continue to grab the public's attention, a constitutional disaster quietly threatens the nation. The USA Patriot Act's renewal is now almost a fait accompli -- accepted by all but the most steadfast civil libertarians in Congress. The House and Senate have separately voted to approve the law with only minor changes, and the final conference committee action and vote is expected within the next week or so. None of the provisions of the law that were slated to sunset now appear likely to do so. This law, enacted during a 'state of emergency' declared by President Bush and intended to be revisited in calmer times, is now effectively being made permanent. California Republican Representative Dana Rohrabacher has strongly objected to the reauthorization on this ground...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Your phone is tapped, your email is hacked

Daily News and Analysis [India]
by staff

Now don't jump up and get nervous, but at this very moment you could be under surveillance. Someone may be watching you, your phone may be tapped, or someone may have hacked into your email. Or maybe when you went to the milk booth this morning, your movements were captured by a hidden camera. Inquiries, investigations, and sources have revealed that a staggeringly high number of telephones are tapped in the country, often without authorisation. Similar illegal activities, mostly by agencies of the state, are underway to hack into your email, monitor your Internet chats, and record your movements. These intrusions, signs of a growing police state, will only increase as terrorism remains the biggest worry of governments, even though such steps may not be the most effective way of checking the faceless, stateless enemy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Indictments have consequences

The Weekly Standard
by Fred Barnes

Karl Rove, President Bush's virtuoso adviser, is the most influential White House aide in decades, maybe longer. His departure, if compelled by an indictment in the Valerie Plame investigation, would be demoralizing and a blow to Bush's prospects for a successful second term. Could he be replaced as the most important political and policy adviser to the president? The conventional wisdom in Washington is that no one is irreplaceable. But in my view, Rove is... (for publication 10/31/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Resisting Hillary

by Cindy Sheehan


I would love to support Hillary for President if she would come out against the travesty in Iraq. But I don't think she can speak out against the occupation, because she supports it. I will not make the mistake of supporting another pro-war Democrat for president again, as I won't support a pro-war Republican...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

With a whimper

National Review
by Victor Davis Hanson


While no mainstream Democrat has yet gone the McGovern route, it is still politically toxic for any to state publicly that we should be optimistic about the future of Iraq, inasmuch as they are convinced that such an admission could only help George W. Bush. Some of us who are Democrats are baffled that the party that used to decry cynical realism, gave us the Truman Doctrine and JFK's tough stance against Communism, galvanized us to hold steady in WWI, WWII, and Korea, and preached that we must promote and protect democracies, is now either joining the isolationist Right or drifting into quasi-pacifism -- or simply standing against anything that the opposing party is for...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Unlimited government and the free state

Free Market News Network
by Jason Sorens, Ph.D.


So we have now entered the era of 'unlimited government.' Constitutional restrictions on government apparently mean nothing now. There are now virtually no reserved powers for the states anymore; the Courts allow the federal government to get involved with pretty much whatever it wants. The Democrats and Republicans at the federal level are just as bad. Shall I count the number of promises Bush has broken? It would be difficult to name them all, but I'll just mention three big ones...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Resurgence of the warfare state

Intellectual Conservative
by Bob Cheeks


Review of Resurgence of the Warfare State: The Crisis Since 9/11 by Dr. Robert Higgs: "The author's criticism of the American government is non-political in the sense that, regardless of the party affiliation of the man in the presidency, he is opposed to the constant expansion of state power. He is an honorable reactionary and an advocate of the old republic's first principles .... Higgs, of course, has hit the proverbial nail on the head. President Bush's much touted efforts 'to bring democracy to the Middle East' are fraught with peril and any American history book available to any high school student across the land tells us as much...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The post-Fitzgerald White House

The American Spectator
by Jed Babbin


A month ago, even a week ago, it was possible without delusion to believe that Fitzgerald's investigation would end without indictments. But no longer. Thanks to a stream of leaks that have grown to flood stage, it's very likely that Fitzgerald will, this week, indict senior members of the Bush White House staff including, in all probability, Karl Rove, the president's chief political adviser, and I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, the vice president's chief of staff. Both Rove and Libby were advised last week that they may '... be in serious legal jeopardy,' according to one of the leaks. And they may not be the only White House and CIA employees Fitzgerald may indict. President Bush has had political good times and bad. If these indictments are issued, this will be the worst. Coming at a time of White House political weakness, if the MSM can make its fondest dream come true, Fitzgerald's actions could grow to be as serious politically as Watergate, from as little a seed...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Surveillance supremacy

by Arnold Kling


From 1940 on, the air was viewed as a decisive theater of war. Military men spoke of 'air superiority,' 'air supremacy,' or 'command of the skies.' The cheapening of material goods is leading to another paradigm shift in military affairs. It is becoming less and less costly to assemble and deliver weapons that can cause mass casualties and major economic loss. It is becoming commensurately more valuable to be able to figure out who the bad guys are and keep track of what they are up to. What we need in the information age is surveillance supremacy -- command of the spies, if you will...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The greatest scandal

by Pat Buchanan


[T]he indispensable enablers of war are the New Democrats and potential presidential nominees, Sens. Kerry, Edwards, Clinton, Biden and Bayh. Fearful that Bush and Rove would use their refusal to authorize war in October 2002 to impeach Democrats' patriotism, they voted to give him a blank check for war. Six months later, Bush cashed it. The Democratic Senate could have slowed the stampede. And if it could not have stopped it, it might at least have gotten answers to crucial questions. How many troops would be needed? What was the probability of guerrilla war? What was our exit strategy? Instead, the Senate surrendered the war powers the Founding Fathers reserved for Congress to the president and abdicated its constitutional duty...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Miers nomination is failing by design

...and here comes the swing

by Thomas L. Knapp


That the Miers nomination is failing is no secret. What's surprising is that nobody seems to be able to add two and two together and come up with the obvious conclusion: The Miers nomination is failing by design. She's a sacrifice fly. She's the first handoff in a flea-flicker play. She is the nominee before the real nominee.


Let justice be done

by Justin Raimondo


In Washington, D.C., the heavens will surely fall on the heads of several prominent players, including not only the vice president's chief of staff, I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, but also the president's top national security adviser, Stephen J. Hadley; John Hannah, the vice president's chief national security adviser; and David Wurmser, the VP's chief of Middle Eastern affairs. The fate of the more high-profile Karl Rove is in some doubt: he's probably looking at obstruction of justice and/or perjury charges, but the others -- including, perhaps, a number of unindicted co-conspirators -- are looking at some real jail time. The number of the indicted is likely more than just these few, however, especially as rumors that Fitzgerald's investigation has widened considerably harden into near certainty...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cast of characters grows in CIA leak drama

Cincinnati Enquirer


It began with a clumsy forgery, led the president to backtrack on his own State of the Union address, already has sent one person to jail and has ruined another's career as a covert operative. The cast of characters in this latest tale of Washington intrigue - the CIA leak investigation - keeps growing as a federal prosecutor tries to sort out who told what to whom and whether any of it was a crime...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dems have shot at Senate gains

Arizona Republic

Democrats have a chance next year to cut into the Republican Party's majority in the U.S. Senate. But they can't do it simply by running as the other party, analysts say. The Iraq war, Bush administration miscues, Republican scandals and other GOP turmoil could help put a dent in the 55-44 seat edge held in the Senate by the Republicans (there is one Independent) as both parties prepare for 33 Senate races in 2006. 'Democrats clearly have an opportunity,' New York-based national pollster John Zogby says, 'especially if these races can be turned into a national message. However, the burden is on the Democrats. It will simply not be enough to say, 'We aren't Republicans...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How Scary Is This?

The White House is sweating out the possibility that one or more top officials will soon be indicted on criminal charges. But according to Bob Herbert, the Bush administration is immune to prosecution for its greatest offense - its colossal and profoundly tragic incompetence.


Bush Foreign Policy Team


Informant: eyeodneedle

Bush Administration Lies and Deceit


Informant: eyeodneedle

Abramoff Sought Help From Reed


Informant: mojo_j_2000

051024 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Corporate Corruption of Science



Corporate Corruption of Science and Its Effects on Workers and the Environment

Please find enclosed information ‘Corporate Corruption of Science’ from Dr Gerd Oberfeld, Salzburg.

Best wishes

Eileen O’Connor
Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

in der Anlage wird der Beitrag "Corporate Corruption of Science and Its Effects on Workers and the Environment" zgK übermittelt.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld
Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Landessanitätsdirektion Referat Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin
Postanschrift: Postfach 527, 5010 Salzburg, ÖSTERREICH
Adresse: Sebastian-Stief-Gasse 2


Comments on corporate corruption

From Gerald Goldberg:

Hi Don, Read your article on corporate corruption and the charges waged against the AMA. The problem in this country though I suspect it exists in most industrialized countries is that most doctors work for the company store. They are not free agents, which has certain benefits, but there entitlement is based on strict governmental control and regulation of the store. Most of the grants given to universities are allocated by upper level agencies, ie NIH, CDC, which merely the agenda that the government tries to set up For the most part it is an economic entitlement program that benefits the larger corporations, which are interlocked in maintaining control. Thus you see global manifestations of this in the bid to regulate say nutritional suppliments etc. Anyway to use an example in the US 2 years prior to 9/11 the budget for alternative medicine was halved from 5 milliion dollars, IN a system where the healthcare costs account for 600 billion dollars of reimbursement per year, to a mere 2.5 million dollars. In the same year the government opened a new office for bioterriosim with an operating budget of 120 million dollars per year.

After 9/11 most researchers in the US had to shift their priorities in terms of investigation because they had to go out begging to the NIH to get funds. The government had shifted it focus to bioterriosism and most top programs in order to stay alive had to switch priorites. Pork barrelism is alive and well and we should be proactive aginst the taint of MAD CASH COW DISEASE which is becoming endemic and rampant. See my interview posted on mast-victims. The tragedy is that who is kidding who, no pun intended. There is a tragic amount of sophistry around rational approaches when the system itself is irrational and dysfunctional. I quess it is good to be Pharoh, what has changed anyway.


Dr. G. Goldberg, MD

Source: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=528



Clinton vilified for war vote


Informant: Kev Hall

Torture in Iraq

The New York Review of Books has published an excerpt of a report from Human Rights Watch: "Leadership Failure: Firsthand Accounts of Torture of Iraqi Detainees by the US Army's 82nd Airborne Division." Read this to understand how torture has become a "sport" for US soldiers in Iraq.


Miers Lacks Votes to Be Confirmed

Democrat Charles Shumer said that President Bush's Supreme Court choice lacks the votes now to be confirmed. On the 18-member GOP-controlled Judiciary Committee, "there are one or two who said they'd support her as of now," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-New York, who sits on the committee.


Colleges Protest Call to Upgrade Online Systems

The federal government, vastly extending the reach of an 11-year-old law, is requiring hundreds of universities, online communications companies and cities to overhaul their Internet computer networks to make it easier for law enforcement authorities to monitor e-mail and other online communications.


Mr. Bush, This Is Pro-Life?

Kristoff: "Village women are the least powerful people on earth. That's why more than 500,000 women die every year worldwide in pregnancy - and why we in the West should focus more aid on preventing such deaths in poor countries." But Bush and his allies have blocked funds for the UN Population Fund that would have helped these women.


Leak Case Renews Questions on War's Rationale

The legal and political stakes are of the highest order, but the investigation into the disclosure of a covert CIA officer's identity is also just one skirmish in the continuing battle over the Bush administration's justification for the war in Iraq.



Leak Case Renews Questions on War's Rationale

Source: NY Times
Submitted by editor on October 23, 2005 - 7:23pm.

There are still lots of real secrets in Washington. But the most secretive White House in modern history has learned the hard way - even while its spokesman reflexively utter the caution, "We don't talk about intelligence," or, "Sorry, that's classified" - that it must reveal a pretty steady stream of secrets all the time.

That is one reason journalists and some government officials are so wary of what might happen next in the C.I.A. leak case, which could conclude with indictments within a week. What began as a narrow case on a specific leak, many fear, has morphed into a broader threat to the way business is done here, a system that often benefits both sides. [...] Read it all at http://tinyurl.com/9jd26 For now the NY Times URL for the Sanger article also works.

© Virginia Metze

Using Bankruptcy Court to Trim Labor Rights


What to Do Now? Here Are a Few Ideas


10 Reasons Bill Moyers Should Be President


Saddam Trial Won't Hide Bush's Historic Mistakes


Crime Scene Investigation


US Diplomat Points to Neocon Ideology Behind Actions in Iraq


Blix Says US Misled Itself, The World on Iraq


Putting The “Coming Pandemic” Into Perspective

An update from http://www.lifeboatnews.com Paul Grignon http://www.lifeboatnews.com


Putting The “Coming Pandemic” Into Perspective

By William Thomas

In Pakistan last March, as the avian bird flu virus decimated poultry across Asia, chicken vanished from home menus as families became vegetarians overnight.

Thousands of people engaged in selling chickens became unemployed.

Yet, not a single case of the feared H5NI avian flu virus had been found anywhere in the country.

By August, Turkey was the 25th country to report an H5N1outbreak— in birds. But the panic was on as governments around the globe shoved money at two giant drug firms for antibiotics completely ineffective against H5N1 at recommended doses, and a non-approved “vaccine” still in trial stages.

By October 2005, Europe was on full “bird flu alert”.

In Turkey and Romania, farmyard birds were being mass-culled.

But H5N1 is passed only to people living in close contact with infected birds. The only known human casualties were in Asia, where many households keep birds for pets, and chickens for food.

Nevertheless, France ordered enough antiviral drugs for everyone in the country— at doses too low to be effective.

Finland announced it would vaccinate its entire population against the disease— even though no vaccine was available.

Vaccine trials were underway in Melbourne, where tests showed that up to 12- times the normal vaccine dosage is needed to trigger an immune response against H5N1.

Unless a more effective replacement is found, crash vaccine programs currently underway will only be able to produce 25 million doses per year.

Once this bird flu strain mutates— which it must in order to ignite a global human pandemic— it will take another 12-18 months to develop and produce a new vaccine.

Is a planet-wiping H5N1 plague as “imminent” as the nuclear-biological attack from Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction previously reported by the same media?


As the Centers for Disease Control kept insisting:

The current risk to Americans from the H5N1 bird flu outbreak in Asia is low.

The strain of H5N1 virus found in Asia has not been found in the United States.

There have been no human cases of H5N1 flu in the United States.”


In 1997, the first case of H5N1’s spread from a bird to a human was recorded in Hong Kong.

The virus caused severe respiratory illness in 18 people, six of whom died.

In late 2003, early 2004, more than 100 million birds either died from the disease or were killed in order to control an H5N1 outbreak.

Commonly burned or buried alive, the karma from so much mass suffering cast serious doubt on eating chickens.

So far, human infections from H5N1 have been reported in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia.

The death rate for infected humans is an unnerving 50 percent.

But among the 100 or so people reported infected with H5N1, only 64 have died.


So far so good. Nevertheless, in yet another reprise of alarms issued every few years, the World Health Organization kept referring to a coming global flu pandemic as “inevitable”, even “imminent.” So did the UN.

That’s like saying you are certain to die in your lifetime.

Evoking the nightmare of 1918, the Times of London warned of a bird flu pandemic that could infects half the world’s population and kill “even more than the 20 to 50 million who died in the ‘Spanish flu’ of 1918-19.”

But bird flu is not spread by humans.

As the CDC kept pointing out, “Human infections with avian influenza viruses detected since 1997 have not resulted in sustained human-to-human transmission.”

This doesn’t mean a major pandemic won’t happen, of course. But it’s a little early to panic in Duluth.


Are giant drug companies trying to make us sick by deliberately releasing genetically altered germs?

Or are they just screwing up as usual?

Is there any difference in the result?

All we know for sure is that when Liu Jianlun, a laboratory scientist in Guangdong, became the first SARS victim on March 4, 2003, he was messing around with…H5N1.

This was bad enough. But last April, thousands of scientists around the planet scrambled to locate and destroy vials of a super-dangerous flu strain sent unlabelled among shipments from Meridian Bioscience in Cincinnati to nearly 5,000 labs in 18 countries— to see if their staffs were clever enough to spot it.

Luckily, someone did. H2N2 had already killed as many 4 million people.


Are we worrying about the wrong things?

“Pneumonia killed 63,000 Americans in 2000,” points out MD Marc Siegel.

Plain old influenza kills another 30,000 Americans every year. But it’s the media-hyped, “relatively minor threats” that are “widely feared.”

So what should we be concerned about?

“A reasonable worry is one that is directly tied to a real danger or impending threat,” advises Dr. Siegel.

To properly assess the bird flu threat, “Look at the statistical probability of what you are afraid of actually happening.”

That’s easy.

If you live in North America, right now— and there is only right now— the chances of bird flu killing you is zero.

William Thomas is the author of Bringing The War Home—the first fully documented book on Gulf War Illness. This article has been edited for brevity. Subscribe to Convergence Weekly, and see the fully illustrated and referenced article here.


CATCH ME IF YOU CAN Emerging influenza strains make a mockery out of “best guess” vaccines…

AMERICA NOT READY FOR ANYTHING …“If a hurricane which we knew was coming caused so much havoc, what will happen if there's a sudden outbreak of a killer virus?”

A BRIEF HISTORY OF GLOBAL PANDEMICS Pandemics emerge every 30 years or so…

1918 OUTBREAK ORIGINS REVEALED The Spanish Flu of 1918 sprang from vaccines injected into US soldiers. Just like Gulf War Illness…

WHAT’S THE RUSH? Why hurry to get injected with dubious “vaccines” filled with mercury, aluminum and other adjuvents and preservatives—

WHAT VACCINE? …as the CDC states, “There currently is no vaccine to protect humans against the H5N1 virus that is being seen in Asia.”

CHICKENS BEFORE EGGS …The 2 million doses already on order are only enough for about 450,000 people. But it’s unlikely they can be produced, because dead chickens can’t lay the eggs needed to grow the virus to make more vaccines!

SCARING PEOPLE FOR PROFIT Promoting invisible microbial terrorists is a powerful distraction away from a million dead kids in Iraq.

Or the 100,000 Americans who die every year from taking pharmaceutical drugs….

SARS Remember SARS?…

REVENGE OF THE CHICKENS? If avian flu is making birds sicken and die, IndyMedia goes on to suggest, “well then the finger needs to be pointed at the living conditions of the birds…”

Informant: friends2b

The ends of true peace cannot be attained through the means of unjust war

Forum for Peace, Human rights and Environment

Informant: Raulmax

Broadside Against Flu Vaccination Quackery: Polly Want A Flu Shot?

MWM: These people (a many others) have convinced me to stock up with large quantities of Peroxide, Vit C, Elderberry, Silver Water, Dr. C's Blowtorch Formulae, Zinc tabs, Sea Salt, and other mineral and immune system boosters. Better to spend the money this way than with Dr. Faust's little shots of god knows what pcness.

From: "Isabel Hutchinson" Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 23:41:20 +1300 Subject: POLLY WANT A FLU SHOT?

by Andrew W. Saul

Reprinted with permission from the Doctor Yourself Newsletter, copyright 2005 by Andrew W. Saul. Dr. Saul is Contributing Editor for the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, and is the author of the books "Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing that Works" and "Fire Your Doctor! How to be Independently Healthy." His peer-reviewed natural healing website, http://www.doctoryourself.com , receives 35,000 hits per day.

My daughter's parakeet is in grave danger.

Need you ask why? Because the Bird Flu is coming!

With all this terrifying talk about bird flu, I have a lingering question: Has anyone thought about protecting the birds? Living near Lake Ontario, I regularly feed entirely too many seagulls. They come inland as well. Just this weekend, I fed a characteristically ravenous flock of them at an interstate highway parking lot. The gulls encircled me like a Hitchcock movie. Another time, I was ungraciously harassed by a renegade herd of emus that I was, perhaps unwisely, attempting to feed. I had to climb up onto some boulders to get out of range.

Nice ol' birds; they just wanted a nosh.

Too bad they are all going to die. And soon, too.

Yes, every one of them. There will not be a gull (or at the lake, a bouy) left standing. Surely, now, if bird flu is truly dangerous, the birds are at terrible risk. All of them. No more starlings. No more pigeons. Goodbye, Mr. Hawk. Goodbye, Mrs. Robin. No more Woody; no more "Beep-Beeps"; Donald is doomed.

And then there's all the gorgeous song birds, all those tiny little dickie birds, like the ones I've held in my hand while they were being banded: they are all dead meat.

What's that you say? That I'm exaggerating? That all the world's bird species are NOT condemned to get Bird Flu? Then I say, Ask yourself how that can be.

After all, no shots means no chance. Or at least that is the gist of our pharmaphilic government's and media's clanging presentations to the public.

Truth be told, this is nothing new. They've tried this before with the colossal Swine Flu panic some thirty years ago. Remember?

The U.S. Government cannot say without qualification that flu shots are either safe or essential.

Here is what the government of the United States said about the infamous Swine Flu vaccine, in a 1976 mass-distributed FDA Consumer Memo on the subject:

"Some minor side effects - tenderness in the arm, low fever, tiredness - will occur in less than 4% of (vaccinated) adults. Serious reactions from flu vaccines are very rare."

So much for blanket claims of safety, for many persons well remember the very numerous and very serious side effects of Swine Flu vaccine that forced the federal immunization program to a halt.

As far as being essential, in the same memo the FDA said this of the same vaccine:

"Question: What can be done to prevent an epidemic? Answer: The only preventive action we can take is to develop a vaccine to immunize the public against the virus. This will prevent the virus from spreading."

This was seen to be totally false; after all; the public immunization program was abruptly halted and still there was no epidemic of Swine Flu. If vaccination were the only defense, literally tens of millions of Americans should have been struck down with the Swine Flu, for a large percentage of the population of the U.S. was not vaccinated.

Surely there are other factors involved in prevention of illness or epidemic. But try telling that to allopathically-oriented health commissioners and doctors. You'd think that monks and nuns who work with the sick would have to get their patients' diseases... but they seldom do. Did the elderly and diminutive Mother Theresa die from leprosy? From AIDS?

If germs or viruses are all around us, why aren't we all dead, or at least deathly ill? And how come crows and vultures regularly eat diseased and decaying road kill, pressing their faces into a maggoty mess, and then fly happily away?

And, as my friends and I used to so energetically search railroad underpasses for sick and injured pigeons to take to our treehouse and nurse back to health, well, I now wonder how we survived at all.

But as for you, you non-bird you, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the medical media say that without a shot, you are a sitting duck for bird flu.

It seems to me, by logical extension, that without vaccinations for all birds, all birds are goners. Ducks included, sitting or otherwise. Without flu shots for birds, there will be no birds. Silent spring.

Birds are seemingly such frail little creatures. Their permanently feverish bodies are already around 104 degrees Fahrenheit every day. A bird with a real fever must be one hot little number indeed. Yet, every year, tiny little chickadees spend entire frigid winters in my backyard. Gale force subzero winds and our typical eight to ten feet of snowfall do not stop them. And they do not have vaccinations. Not a one. They don't even have heated socks. How on earth do they do it?

So: Shall I have my daughter's little green budgie vaccinated? All the more reason, really, since the parakeet is also at risk from all the human flu strains. Yes, Virginia, all those zillions of Human Flu viruses are out there, just waiting to kill your 'keet. And you with it.

Influenza is a serious disease, and historically, has been the Reaper's scythe. About 10 million soldiers were killed in World War I, charging machine guns and getting mowed down month after month. There were nearly a million casualties at the Somme and another million at Verdun. A terrible slaughter went on for four years. Yet, in just the two years following the war, over 20 million people died from influenza. That is more than twice as many deaths from the flu in one-half the time it took the machine guns. There is no way to make light of that.

On the other hand, there is ample reason to now, finally, end our wishful belief that flu shots stop the flu, because generally they don't, not even in the elderly, their target audience.

NBC and the Associated Press http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9438511/ reported on Sept 22, 2005 that

"A new analysis of 40 years of research provides more evidence that flu shots are not as effective in the elderly as commonly believed. But health officials said older people should still be vaccinated. . . The findings are similar to those of a study done by U.S. National Institutes of Health that found flu shots for the elderly in the United States had not saved lives."

And then they add: "Flu shots may be required in all nursing homes. Federal officials urging flu shots for all this year."

Will Rogers sure was right: with stuff like this in the papers, who needs a comedy writer? Congress writes farce so very well, and the news obligingly tosses it straight into to our living rooms.

But wait: there's more!

An interesting if not downright revealing article at medicinenet.com (1) says, in part:

"According to a study appearing in the Sept. 22 online issue of The Lancet, vaccines against influenza are only "modestly effective" in people in long-term care facilities and even less effective for elderly people still living in the community. . . "The vaccine doesn't work very well at all," said study author Dr. Tom Jefferson, an epidemiologist with the Cochrane Vaccines Field in Rome. "Vaccines are being used as an ideological weapon. What you see every year as the flu is caused by 200 or 300 different agents with a vaccine against two of them. That is simply nonsense." Dr. Marc Siegel, author of "False Alarm: The Truth About the Epidemic of Fear," agreed. "We have set up a situation where a fear is created, and then we try to create the treatment for this fear. The public gets the idea that the flu is going to kill them and the vaccine will save them. Neither is true," he said."

For the record, both these critics are medical doctors.

With our century's worth of accumulated scientific hindsight, we must today ask this: Was a lack of vaccinations really the cause of those flu deaths, or was it really wartime stress, and especially war-induced malnutrition, that set the stage in 1918? And now, once again, we have an alarming and rather similar scenario: between nutrient-poor processed convenience foods, McNothing meals and TV news scare stories, we have the basic ingredients for an epidemic.

But we now also have a simple, safe and effective answer. First, the nutrition solution: eat a good, healthy, whole foods natural diet, and take lots and lots of vitamin C. And second: relax! De-stress your life, take it easy, and cheer up. It has been very well said that you are of much more value than any number of birds. You are factory-equipped with a kick-a... mammalian immune system that is a true marvel of nature. To maximize your resistance to any viral disease, including any strain of flu, I think you would do well to stop eating processed junk food, and load up on ascorbate.

You too can be chipper and chirping away, ignoring swine flu hype, SARS scares, bird flu panics, or any other viral bogeymen being used to scare you into a coerced relationship with a flu shot.

1. Gardner A. Flu vaccine only mildly effective in elderly. HealthDay Reporter, Sept 21, 2005. http://www.medicinenet.com

MEDICAL DOCTOR CONFIRMS: VITAMIN C CURES BIRD FLU The best presentation I have ever seen on just how vitamin C megadoses prevent and cure avian influenza is posted for free reading at the website of Robert F. Cathcart, M.D.: http://orthomed.com/bird.htm

These online articles may also be of interest:

Flu vaccines are largely ineffective: http://www.jrussellshealth.com/fluvacc.html

Bird Flu Background and Relation to Vitamin C:

Bird Flu Dangers Greatly Exaggerated:

Best Wishes,

Michael Wells Mandeville,
The Hills of Arizona USA at mwman@earthlink.net

It’s like the Watergate Saturday Night Massacre

Fascinating reading. Much of it may be true. The first part is the hardest to believe, but the articles after that look logical.

Bob Reuschlein

Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 23:29:11 +0100
Subject: up! 0016// Tony Blair, MI5 Agent// Oct 23, 05

Bush-Cheney CIA/Plame Case Indictments Released On Friday BUSH ORDERS FITZGERALD FIRED AND ESPIONAGE INDICTMENTS QUASHED “It’s like the Watergate Saturday Night Massacre!”

Washington, DCOctober 21, 200512:00 EST Today Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald handed over 22 indictments to Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, accusing President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney and others of espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury and a variety of other charges in the matter of the CIA/Valerie Plame leak-gate case.

According to intelligence sources who spoke with federal whistleblowers Thomas Heneghan and Stewart Webb, Bush then ordered Gonzalez to fire Fitzgerald and have the indictments quashed and sealed.

Gonzalez (Bush’s former personal White House counsel before receiving a presidential appointment as U.S. Attorney General) refused to release the indictments which have been handed down by the grand jury and ordered served by a judge, subjecting the Attorney General to additional charges of obstruction of justice, the sources said.

The move is reminiscent of the “Saturday Night Massacre” when President Nixon fired Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox in an attempt to save his presidency and obstruct justice.

Intelligence sources added that Bush tried to distract attention from the indictments and delay publicity about his attempt to fire Fitzgerald this afternoon by ordering a diversion regarding a “Capitol Hill police attempt to disrupt a suspicious package in a car near the U.S. Capitol.”

Since Bush was in California this morning, scheduled to speak at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California when Gonzalez received the service of indictments, it can be assumed that Bush’s orders for Gonzalez to refuse receipt of process and fire the prosecutor were discussed over the telephone.

It is open to conjecture whether Bush could be arrested in California before even returning to Washington, given the criminal nature of the indictments.

An attempt to quash indictments and to fire Fitzgerald may also cause a constitutional crisis if Bush and Gonzalez continue to obstruct justice and defy U.S. law and constitutional legal process.

Intelligence sources maintain that the military or U.S. marshals should arrest Bush, Gonzalez, Cheney and others immediately for their criminal acts in keeping explosive espionage, obstruction and perjury indictments hidden from the American people, all of which affects U.S. national security.

Developing……………… [TomFlocco.com exclusive] http://www.tomflocco.com up!

THE WASHINGTON POST, FRI OCT 21, 2005: Several scenarios have begun to emerge if Rove or vice presidential chief of staff I. Lewis Libby is indicted and forced out. Senior GOP officials are developing a public relations strategy to defend those accused of crimes and, more importantly, shield Bush from further damage. " People are very demoralised and unhappy ," a former administration official said. "The leak investigation is part of it, but things were not happy before this took pre-eminence " Bush implicitly acknowledged the distractions in answer to a reporter's question, while reassuring the public that he remained focused on the pressing matters of state facing his White House. " There's some background noise here, a lot of chatter, a lot of speculation and opining," Bush said. "But the American people expect me to do my job, and I'm going to." up!

Authority Of The Attorney General The letter which appointed Patrick Fitzgerald as Special Counsel granted to him the "authority of the Attorney General .
. .
independent of the supervision or control of any officer of the Department." Careful to confirm the extent of his mandate, he further inquired and was advised that

"It is plenary and includes the authority to investigate and prosecute violations of any federal criminal laws related to the underlying alleged unauthorized disclosure, as well as federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, your investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted . . ."

"Plenary" means "absolute and unqualified." In a word, Fitzgerald has all the power of the attorney general, the top law enforcement officer of the federal government himself, to pursue the facts wherever they may lead. It therefore appears he now possesses his own authority, and cannot be legally removed from his position, even by Bush. He has his own operating budget too, direct from the GAO.

For the criminal purposes of the Bush administration, Patrick Fitzgerald is their worst nightmare come true. He is a career prosecutor with a reputation for being not only "frighteningly" brilliant but fearless, and with a driving passion for determining the truth, their most mortal enemy. Indeed, the fastest way to get Fitzgerald’s fur up is to try to lie to him as a witness. See, he's a workaholic already, and liars just make him work harder. UP!

The Most Important Criminal Case in American (and World) History by James Moore // The Huffington Post If special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald delivers indictments of a few functionaries of the vice president’s office or the White House, we are likely to have on our hands a constitutional crisis. The evidence of widespread wrongdoing and conspiracy is before every American with a cheap laptop and a cable television subscription. And we do not have the same powers of subpoena granted to Fitzgerald.

We know, however, based upon what we have read and seen and heard, that someone created fake documents related to Niger and Iraq and used them as a false preteens to launch America into an invasion of Iraq. And when a former diplomat made an honest effort to find out the facts, a plan was hatched to both discredit and punish him by revealing the identity of his undercover CIA agent wife.

Patrick Fitzgerald has before him the most important criminal case in American history. Watergate, by comparison, was a random burglary in an age of innocence. The investigator’s prosecutorial authority in this present case is not constrained by any regulation. Since, if he finds a thread connecting the leak to something greater, he has the legal power to follow it to the web in search of the spider, it seems unlikely that he’d simply go after the leakers and the people who sought to cover up the leak when it was merely a secondary consequence of the much greater crime of forging evidence to foment war.

Fitzgerald did not earn his reputation as an Irish alligator by going after the little guy. Presumably, he is trying to find evidence that Karl Rove launched a covert operation to create the forged documents and then conspired to out Valerie Plame when he learned that her husband Ambassador Joseph Wilson was uncovering the plot. Though it sounds like the plot of a John le Carre novel, it also comports with the profile of the Karl Rove I have known, watched, traveled with and written about for the past 25 years.

We may stand witness to a definitive American moment of democracy. The son of a New York doorman probably has in his hands, in many ways, the fate of the republic (and the planet). Because far too many of us know and are aware of the crimes committed by our government in our name, we are unlikely to settle for a handful of minor indictments of bureaucrats. The final thing most of us believe in is the rule of law. We do not trust our government or the people we’ve elected, but our constitution is still very much alive and we choose to believe that destiny has placed Patrick Fitzgerald at this time and this place in our history to save us from the people we elected. If the law cannot get to the truth of what has happened to the American people under the Bush administration, then we all may begin to hear the death rattles of history’s greatest democracy.

Fortunately, there are good signs. Fitzgerald has reportedly asked for a copy of the Italian government’s investigation into the break-in of the Niger embassy in Rome and the source of the blatantly fake papers which purported to show that Saddam Hussein had cut a deal to get yellowcake uranium from Niger, and which turned up after a December 2001 meeting in Rome involving neo-con Michael Ledeen, Larry Franklin, Harold Rhodes, and Niccolo Pollari, the head of Italy’s intelligence agency SISMI, and Antonio Martino, the Italian defence minister.

Is Fitzgerald examining the possibility that rabidly anti-Arab Ledeen was executing a plan to help his friend Karl Rove build a case for invading Iraq? Ledeen, who makes the other neo-cons appear passive, has long ties to Italian intelligence agency operatives and has spanned the globe to bring the world the constant variety of what he calls “creative destruction” to build democracies. He brought the Reagan administration together with the Iranian arms dealer who dragged the country through Iran-Contra and shares with his close friend Karl Rove a personal obsession with Machiavelli.

Is it mere coincidence that some months after he and his neo-con consorts and Italian intelligence officers met in Rome that the Niger embassy was illegally entered, but nothing was stolen other than letterhead and seals. And is it equally coincident that forged papers under those letterheads were slipped to Elisabetta Burba, a writer for an Italian glossy owned by Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s prime minister, and a backer of the Bush invasion. Unfortunately for the pro-war neo-cons, even the Italian tabloids refused to publish the fake documents, instead turning them over to the CIA and US government in Rome.

The other American attendees at Ledeen’s Roman Holiday are also worthy of scrutiny. Larry Franklin was recently arrested for leaking classified US government information to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Ledeen sprang quickly to his defence but Franklin faces prosecution next year and is most probably cooperating with prosecutor Fitzgerald. Harold Rhode, the other American actor in this tragicomic affair, worked the Office of Special Plans (OSP) at the Department of Defense for Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Characterised as a “counter-intelligence shop,” OSP simply interpreted intelligence in a manner that fit the need for evidence that Iraq had WMD. If the CIA gathered data that said otherwise, OSP ‘analysed’ it differently or ignored the facts and then reported to the vice president precisely what he wanted to hear. Rhode also was the liaison between Ahmed Chalabi, the convicted embezzler the Bush administration was using to feed information to them and Judy Miller about the distortions and lies required to fuel the rush to war.

No great extrapolation is necessary to assume that OSP, sitting inside the CIA, got early word that Joseph Wilson was being dispatched to Niger to investigate the sale of low-grade uranium to Iraq. Rhode needed only to pick up the phone and call the vice president’s chief of staff Scooter Libby, who would tell his boss and Karl Rove. How hard is it for even Republicans to believe, at this point, that Rove is capable of launching a plan to discredit Wilson and punish him by exposing his wife? Rove and his boss were not simply in danger of losing the prime cause for the war; they faced an even graver political wound of being discovered as covert agents who defrauded the government and the public.

I have seen the spawn of Rove’s tortured mind and watched a hundred of his political scams unfold and I am confident I know how this one played out. Rove might have brought it up with his fellow big brains in the White House Iraq Group, a propaganda organisation set up to disseminate information supporting the war. There was likely a consensus to move the plan to smack down Wilson out of the White House.

There you have it, Mr. Prosecutor. To quote an unreconstructed former Republican presidential candidate, “You know it. I know it. And the American people know it.” We expect you also to have sufficient evidence to prove all of this.

There are many of us who are on the verge of losing faith in our democracy. We are convinced there are people within the highest ramparts of American government who are willing to put our country at great risk to advance their geo-political vision. We want our country back. And all we have left is the power of the law. >From what we know, you are the right man come forth at the right time.

Prove to us we still live in a democracy and a nation of laws. UP!


From ufpj-news

Lawyers see charges this week in CIA-leak case


Not In Our Name: Statement of Conscience


CIA Leak Probe

Authority to Expand CIA Leak Probe


CIA Leak Probe

With possible indictments from the special prosecutor in the outing of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame expected before week's end, NOW goes inside the story of how her name became public.


TREASONGATE: Comey Clarifies Fitzgerald's Plenary Authority


Case against the Cheney Cabal


U.S. Nervous Breakdown


Is it the weather or government terror?


Military Enforcement of Unnecessary Evacuations


CIA Leak Case About Selling The War




New Weldon Audio and Video Clips on Able Danger

Disabling Able Danger

Jack Straw and Condaleeza Rice Keep Such Exquisite Company


Jack Straw and Condaleeza Rice Keep Such Exquisite Company, Their Syrian Adventure Is Sure To Pay Handsome Dividends

MWM: And that about says it. These Keystone Cops are at it again pushing what the professional German Media believes is another round of bogus, manufactured evidence. How anyone can even look at these two waddle their pomp without bursting into laughter is beyond me. Modern Germans have a pretty trained ear and eye for bogusity, I would listen carefully.

What should be clear, perfectly, is that this Syrian Campaign is all a scripted operation. It has nothing to do with real facts, evidence, etc. This is an info war front which is just a precursor to a campaign to broaden conflict in the Middle East. We the people are still in extreme danger at the hands of war provateurs.

Year: 2005

[] Central witness to Mehlis report revealed as a paid swindler

Hamburg, 22 October - The most prestigious German political news-magazine, Der Spiegel, revealed today that the central witness, Zuheir al-Siddiq on whom Detlev Mehlis had relied during his investigations into the assault on Rafiq Hariri, was a dubious person with a criminal record as a convicted felon and swindler. Even the UN Commission which had submitted the Mehlis report to the UN Security Council yesterday, is raising serious doubts about the reliability and credibility of al-Siddiq's declarations, since it was revealed that the alleged former officer of the Syrian secret services had in reality been convicted more than once for penal offences related to money subtraction.

The German magazine reports that the UN investigating Commission is well aware that it had been lied by Siddiq, who at first had affirmed to have left Beirut one month before the assault on al-Hariri, but then had to admit at the end of September his direct involvement in the implementation of the crime. It is quite evident by now that the witness had received money for his depositions, considering that his siblings reveal to have received a phone-call from him from Paris, in late summer, in which Siddiq announced "I have become a millionaire". Doubts regarding the credibility of the man were further fuelled by the revelation that Siddiq had been recommended to Mehlis by the long-term Syrian renegate Rifaat al-Assad, an uncle of the Syrian President who more than once offered himself as "alternative President of Syria".

To Mehlis the central witness Siddiq is supposed to have declared that he had put his apartment in Beirut to the disposition of the conspirators to kill Hariri, among them several Syrian intelligence officials. Of himself he had declared to have gathered intelligence for the Syrian services regarding Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. But the Syrian government, revealed Der Spiegel, had sent weeks ago a documentation regarding the man to various Western governments, hoping that Detlev Mehlis would not get caught in the trap of a notorious imposter.

From Michael Mandeville

The Last Word: Preparing for The Worst


Informant: NHNE

FBI probes misused


Informant: Gomez

Neocon Zealots in Trouble


Charley Reese on disinformation


The Plame Case in Perspective


Hillary Clinton is a Warmonger: we do not need a female Bush


Cindy Sheehan

Our Inscrutable Iraq Policy


You Are Brainwashed


Vicesimus Knox: Minister of Peace


Infant dies at DYFS office after shot


Informant: Gomez

Military Recruiters on High School Campuses

Tuesday Night Forum at the Onion

October 25, 2005 - Tuesday 7:30PM

Militarism in our Schools

The Tuesday Night Forum for Tuesday October 25, 2005 will have a program about "Military Recruiters on High School Campuses." Our speakers will be Michael Novick and Andy Griggs of CAMS (Coalition Against Militarism in our Schools)
http://www.militaryfreeschools.org . Young men and women should document their anti war beliefs NOW if they want to be considered for Conscientious Objector status once the draft starts.

7:30 PM at the Onion, Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, 9550 Haskell Ave. in North Hills. Take the 405 freeway north, exit left (westbound) two blocks and turn right on Haskell. We are on the right side just north of Plummer.

For information and to confirm speakers please call Ida Hurt at 818 772 1555.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


"Students and Educators to Stop the War" fall conference at Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles, 4131 S. Vermont, Los Angeles, CA. 90037 8:00 PM to 5:30 PM plus evening social/cultural event. The website is http://www.stopthewarconference.org



It's time once again for the latest flu epidemic -- or "pandemic" this time around -- to start scaring the stuffing out of us. How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from the newest strain of deadly flu? And what can we do if we, or our loved ones, are unfortunate enough to contract it?

Let me begin by saying that I know now, from my eldest daughter's encounter with a viral infection in Costa Rica
http://www.sunfellow.com/jeremia/, that viral infections can be serious business. They can rain hell down on your body, mind, emotions, loved ones, future plans. They can also maim and kill -- and do every day.

But most of the time, they don't do anything -- especially if our immune systems are strong.

One of these days, I plan to give you a blow-by-blow account of what I went through and learned from my daughter's battle. But for now, I'm just going to offer three bits of advice:

1. Don't trust any doctor, nurse, or mainstream "expert" who acts like they know everything and discounts alternative approaches to healing. I actually had one highly-placed doctor laugh in my face when I asked about Vitamin C fighting viral infections (see below for links to the effectiveness of Vitamin C when it comes to treating all kinds of ailments, including viral infections and cancer). Also keep in mind that mainstream medicine has been grievously wrong about just about everything. Moreover, it has been dragged, kicking and screaming, into adopting a growing number of holistic ideas and practices (ponder, for example, the current battle to introduce healthy food into hospital menus; the effort to evict McDonald's and Burger King from hospital corridors; the embarrassing physical condition of many doctors and nurses who advise others on how to attain health; and the ugly, money-grubbing ways that drug companies have funded dubious research, extracted exorbitant prices, and attempted to crush generic drugs and herbal alternatives).

2. Don't trust any alternative healer, practitioner, or know-it-all holistic health author who acts like they know everything and discounts conventional approaches to healing. While I have a long list of grievances with the way mainstream doctors, nurses, hospitals, insurance companies, government agencies, and other status-quo institutions practice medicine, most of the folks practicing convention medicine that I met are deeply committed to helping people. And they've got some tools, especially diagnostic tools, that can be very helpful. Indeed, when it comes to diagnosis, I think blood work, x-rays, and CAT scans are far more reliable than the diagnostic skills of your average aura reader or psychic healer.

3. And finally, and most importantly, don't allow anyone to decide what you should do with your life, or the life of those you are responsible for. When all is said and done -- when the doctors, healers, practitioners, authors, experts, and philosophers have offered their counsel, provided their treatments, and gone home (or moved on to the next theory about what causes and cures your particular ailment) -- it is you and your loved ones who are left to deal with the ramifications of whatever you chose to do -- or not do. Be sure YOU made the best, most informed decisions you could.

And with that, here's some of the best information I've come across concerning the flu (Asian and otherwise), Vitamin C, vaccinations, and related topics. May you make the choice(s) that work best for you and yours...

David Sunfellow



Brent Scowcroft "Breaks Ranks" with George W. Bush


Informant: Todd Richardson

Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists

Please, find some interesting reading:

Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm Sweden

Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists
By Peter Zimonjic
(Filed: 07/08/2005)

Prolonged use of mobile phones can lead to permanent eye damage including cataracts, scientists believe.

Medical researchers have found that microwave radiation of the type emitted by mobile phones causes eye tissue to "bubble" - a precursor to the formation of cataracts - and can also interfere with the ability to focus. An eye test The risk of permanent eye damage from mobile phone use has been revealed by radiation tests on calves' eyes

Professor Levi Schächter, who led the Israeli team which conducted the study, warned: "Our results show that microwaves can cause irreparable damage. Our advice to people with mobile phones is not to use them if they have the option of using a land line until we can conduct more research."

The new findings will reignite the debate into the safety of mobile phones, after warnings from a Government minister earlier this year that parents should be "very careful" about how much time children spend talking on their handsets. More than 50 million mobiles are in use in Britain.

The new study, conducted by the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, found clear risk to eyesight.

Scientists exposed lenses taken from male calves - whose eyes, until they are two years old, have close similarities to humans' - to mild heat, comparable to the raised temperature caused by extended mobile phone use, and to microwave radiation no greater than emissions from mobile phones. After two weeks the lenses, kept in a culture medium, were compared with others which had not been similarly exposed, to identify biological changes.

Prof Schächter's team found that the exposed lenses were less able to focus clearly on a beam of light, which would cause an eye to record a blurred image - but found that over time, when exposure stopped, the damage healed. However the exposure also caused bubbles to form within the tissue of the lens, which did not disappear over time - an indication of development of cataracts, or permanent eye damage.

Prof Schächter said: "There has been much research to determine whether mobile phones cause cancer or brain damage, but until now very little on their effects on vision."

Shortly after the study was published in the Journal of Bioelectromagnetics the authors were invited to present their findings to the Israeli parliamentary health committee. The country's health advisory body subsequently urged the Israeli government to fund more such studies.

Last year a major review by the International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation of all published research concluded that there was "no consistent or convincing evidence of a causal relation" between mobile phone use and any adverse health effects.

However, the new findings have provoked consternation in Britain. Dr Michael Clark, a spokesman for the Health Protection Agency, said British researchers should broaden the range of possible dangers being investigated.

"This is a good piece of work that is properly published and we are looking at it carefully," he said. "If future research delivers the same or similar results then public health practices may need to be re-examined."

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© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2005


Localized Effects of Microwave Radiation on the Intact Eye Lens in Culture Conditions

Immigrant detention centers in U.S. charged with abuse


Informant: mr_tjsmith

From ufpj-news

The fate of the Republic is in Patrick Fitzgerald's hands


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

SUPER-SOLDIERS may get brain-chip


Ask Your Members to Take a UN Pledge on UN Day


Informant: Debbie Metke

From ufpj-news

Freedom more trouble than it's worth


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Dumbed Down


Stop the attack on quality health care

In an attempt to further erode the quality of healthcare and expand their bottom line, a big business coalition led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business, and the National Association of Manufacturers is pressing Congress to pass healthcare legislation that undermines the safety and security of the health insurance our families depend on.

We can stop them with your help. Act Now: http://go.care2.com/59797

So what's big business' agenda?

They're pushing to create a loophole that would exempt Associated Health Plans used by many businesses, from more than 1,000 state consumer protection laws. These loopholes will allow them to:

# Severely restrict coverage for critical preventative healthcare such as mammograms, yearly child checkups

# Raise your rates at any time;

# Deny your claim with no guaranteed right to appeal.

The answer to our health care crisis is not to give people less coverage for more money!

Who's Fighting Back?

A coalition of over 1,300 labor, consumer, and local small business groups, and both the Democratic AND Republican Governors' Associations. They all agree that the result will be worse healthcare that's more expensive, provides less coverage and will actually result in fewer people having insurance. In fact, the only folks who benefit are businesses. Please help us now: http://go.care2.com/59798

They think we're not paying attention!

In order to win the fight Congress needs to hear from consumers and activists like you! The House of Representatives approved this bill in August, so it must now be stopped in the Senate. Send a comment to your Senators demanding that they uphold consumer protections in your state by opposing any effort to weaken Association Health Plans.


Bob Fertik

PS. Your action now can make a real difference in this debate. The coalition opposing this effort is in constant communication with the Senate on this issue – but their message will be strengthened with your letter. Please take action today: http://go.care2.com/59800


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