
November 3rd Day of Action to Save Ancient Forests


Kleenex sells 180 billion sheets of tissue paper each year and NOT ONE of them has any recycled content. They can make a tissue that stops the spread of the flu but they can't make them out of something besides 10,000 year old forests? Kleenex even goes as far as to boast on their website that their tissues are made from 100% virgin fiber. Kleenex and parent corporation Kimberly-Clark are felling ancient forests to flush them down the toilet. Phooey!

More than 90,000 folks have sent messages to tell Kimberly-Clark and Kleenex to change their ways. We know that Kimberly Clark is wiping out ancient forests for disposable tissues, but we need your help to spread the word and STOP the destruction.

Join Greenpeace and other groups for an International Day of Action on November 3rd. Visit the day of action events center at http://www.kleercut.net/nov3events?lst to find and RSVP for an event in your area, or list your own event!

If you can commit to flyering for an hour at your local grocery store, list it so others can join you. Every flyer, poster, phone call and petition signature turns up the heat on these tissue tyrants. We’ve put together a downloadable day of action kit with everything you’ll need, including event how-to’s, flyers, posters, and petitions.

On November 3rd, tell your neighbors, your friends, your family, and your local grocery store shoppers that buying Kleenex is blowing away one of the oldest and rarest forests on Earth.

Feel free to email usa@kleercut.net if you have any questions or need advice. And be sure to check out http://www.kleercut.net for more info.

See you in the streets!

PS…If you haven’t already, don’t forget to visit our action center to send a message to Kimberly-Clark!



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Oktober 2005

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