
DeLay Indictments Ripple Across the Country


Bush will veto anti-torture law after Senate revolt


Informant: NHNE

The Triumph of Ideology Over Reality


Informant: Rita Hill

A Doozie of a Recession

Recessions begin when consumers suddenly discover they can no longer keep pace with their bills. And this one has already begun.


From Information Clearing House

A Well-Paid 'Working Mom'

How top Bush advisor Karen Hughes earned $450,000 in speaking fees after being named America's imagemaker-in-chief.


From Information Clearing House

The Unification of Church and State

Big surprise, and big trouble: Bush's new Supreme Court nominee is a Texas conservative and a fundamentalist Christian.



Jerry Falwell Backing Harriet Miers For Supreme Court

Speaking to a gathering of Baptist ministers at the annual Southwide Baptist Fellowship at Highland Park Baptist Church, he said he stood behind President George W. Bush in supporting his second nominee to the Supreme Court.


From Information Clearing House

Did a reporter with GOP ties suppress a story that could have cost Bush the White House?

Saving Ohio:

Espionage Case Breaches the White House

Accused Marine Worked in Vice President's Office. Both the FBI and CIA are calling it the first case of espionage in the White House in modern history.


Covert support of violence will return to haunt us

Unless we hold our government to account for murderous foreign policy, the innocent will continue to pay the price.


Kill! Kill! Kill!

Ex-Marine tells his story about US brutality in Iraq

Bush intends to widen the war


Martial Law and the advent of the Supreme Executive

by Mike Whitney

Every change that has taken place within the government has been designed for one purpose alone; to increase the power of the president. If the congress chooses to overturn the Posse Comitatus Act, they will have removed the last bit of rickety scaffolding that protects the country from becoming a de facto military dictatorship.


US 'lacks moral authority' in Iraq

by Pamela Hess

"I don't know if I have the moral authority to send troops into combat anymore," a senior American general recently told United Press International. - "I'm no longer sure I can look (a soldier or a Marine) in the eye and say: 'This is something worth dying for.'"


Hartz IV-Zwangsräumungen verhindern

Alle Dokumente lassen sich im Archiv unserer Homepage
http://www.die-soziale-bewegung.de ansehen und downloaden.

Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste Koordinierungsstellen: Michael Maurer, m.m(at)dalichow-online.net (Brandenburg); Ottokar Luhn, info-gotha (at) offenes-buendnis.de (Thüringen); Helmut Woda, Helmut.Woda (at) web.de (Karlsruhe); Detlef Spandau, Detlef.Spandau (at) gmx.net (Ostwestfalen/Lippe); Claudio Coladangelo, teoanacatl (at) web.de (Giessen/Mittelhessen); Rainer Wahls, Rwahls (at) web.de (Berlin); Wolfram Altekrüger, W.Altekrueger(at)gmx.de Vernetzungsbüro: Renate Gaß, R.Gass1 (at) gmx.de (Kassel); Edgar Schu, E.Schu1 (at) gmx.de (Göttingen) Wissenschaftliche Beratung: Peter Grottian, pgrottia (at) zedat.fu-berlin.de

Homepage: http://www.die-soziale-bewegung.de
Email: die-soziale-bewegung@web.de

6. Oktober 2005

Hartz IV-Zwangsräumungen mit Menschenmauern des zivilen Ungehorsams verhindern - Sozialproteste verbreitern!

Liebe Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreiter, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

am letzten Samstag, 1. Oktober, fand das 8. bundesweite Treffen des Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste in Kassel statt.

Die wichtigsten Beschlüsse:

1. Wir wollen als Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste folgenden Schritt gehen: Es werden in Folge der Pauschalierung der Mietkosten (das Unwort: Kosten der Unterkunft, KdU verwenden wir ungerne) viele Menschen genötigt werden, aus ihrer angestammten Wohnung auszuziehen und sich irgend eine andere Wohnung suchen zu müssen. Damit dies nicht im Verborgenen bleibt, sollen in den Regionen Not-Telefon-Nummern veröffentlicht werden, damit Hartz IV-Betroffene, die sich dazu entscheiden könnten, trotz Kündigung in ihrer Wohnung bleiben zu wollen, sich bei dieser Nummer melden können und so die Unterstützung durch viele Menschen organisiert werden kann. Wenn der Räumungstermin dann anstehen würde, würden einige Menschen dort stehen und mit einer "Menschenmauer des zivilen Ungehorsams" die Zwangsräumung verhindern. Alle beim Treffen Anwesenden waren sich darin einig, dass dies nur das letzte Mittel nach dem Ausschöpfen sämtlicher Mittel der juristischen und öffentlichkeitswirksamen Unterstützung der Betroffenen sein soll. Dies sei jedoch ein Mittel, das in vielen Fällen dennoch notwendig werden und eine neue öffentliche Diskussion des Themas Pauschalierung der Mieten und Höhe des Regelsatzes befördern könne.

Veröffentlicht Telefonnummern, die als Notnummern für Hartz IV-Zwangsumzüge fungieren sollen, sowohl regional in Internetmedien als auch in Zeitungen, und teilt sie dem Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste zur Veröffentlichung auf der Internetseite mit (Email: die-soziale-bewegung(at)web.de)!

2. Der zweite wichtige Beschluss des Treffens betrifft die angestrebte Verbreiterung des Protestes über das engste Spektrum der Sozialprotest-Initiativen hinaus. Es wurde beschlossen, dass weitere Gruppen, Obdachlose, Rentner, Migranten, Studierende usw. sowohl überregional als auch lokal angesprochen werden sollten. Die Frage, ob auch Umwelt-Organisationen und ähnliche angesprochen werden und zu einem gemeinsamen Protest zusammenfinden könnten, wurde von den Anwesenden unterschiedlich bewertet.

Gemeinsame Forderungen für Projekte mit anderen Gruppen der sozialen Bewegungen sind:

- bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen - Mindestlohn - mindeste Arbeitszeitverkürzung auf 30 Stunden/Woche bei vollem Lohn- und Personalausgleich - Verfügung der Allgemeinheit über die öffentlichen Güter

Ein Thema, das aufgrund der zeitlichen Knappheit auf dem Treffen nicht besprochen wurde, ist die Finanzierung der Infrastruktur und der Arbeit des Aktionsbündnisses. Es geht sowohl um einen gemeinsamen Topf für die teilweise Erstattung von Fahrtkosten zu den Treffen als auch darum, die Infrastruktur und Arbeit des Vernetzungsbüros, die vor allem Edgar Schu in Göttingen kontinuierlich leistet, mit einer Aufwandsentschädigung in Höhe von ca. 150 Euro/Monat zu vergüten, und gegebenenfalls eine Reserve für den Druck von Aufrufen und Plakaten zur Verfügung zu haben. Wir schlagen vor, dass jedes städtische Bündnis nach eigenem Ermessen einen Betrag zwischen 5 und 30 Euro/Monat per Dauerauftrag auf das Konto des Aktionsbündnis überweist.

Die gesamten auf dem Treffen in Kassel diskutierten Punkte und ihre Ergebnisse sind in dem Ergebnisprotokoll im Anhang dieser Email zu finden.

Das nächste bundesweite Treffen wird am 10. Dezember statt finden. Der Ort und die Zeit werden in der nächsten Rundmail bekannt gegeben.

Aufruf: Wir möchten vor allem Leute und Initiativen aus dem süddeutschen Raum auf die Regionaldemo am 29. Oktober in Nürnberg unter dem Motto "Wir wehren uns gemeinsam - Veränderung erfordert Bewegung!" aufmerksam machen. Weitere Informationen auf unserer Homepage.

Mit solidarischen Grüßen Wolfram Altekrüger, Claudio Coladangelo, Renate Gaß, Peter Grottian, Ottokar Luhn, Michael Maurer, Edgar Schu, Detlef Spandau, Rainer Wahls, Helmut Woda

6. Oktober 05 Protokoll

8. bundesweites Treffen des Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste am 1. Oktober 2005 in Kassel

Das Treffen fand im Gewerkschaftshaus in Kassel von 12:30 bis 17:20 Uhr statt.

Protokollant: Helmut Woda mit Unterstützung von Detlef Spandau

Folgende Tagesordnung war mit der Einladung vorgeschlagen worden:

1. Begrüßung und kurze Vorstellungsrunde
2. Welche Bedeutung hat das Ergebnis der Bundestagswahl für unsere Aktionen?
3. Für und Wider einer zentralen Demonstration
4. Kurze Berichte von dem Aktionstag 5. September
5. Koordinierung Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe
6. Konkrete Erörterung der Möglichkeiten direkter Aktionen, Thema KdU
7. Aktionskonferenz 19./20. 11. 2005. Vorschlag gemeinsames Projekt
8. Erarbeitung eines Selbstverständnis des ABSP. Auftrag an den Kokreis, Andiskutieren von Eckpunkten.
9. Spenden, Sponsoren usw.
10. 15. Oktober, Bolkestein
11. Aktuelles

Folgende Änderung der Tagesordnung wurde beschlossen:
1. Begrüßung und kurze Vorstellungsrunde
2. Welche Bedeutung hat das Ergebnis der Bundestagswahl für unsere Aktionen
3. Möglichkeiten direkter Aktionen, Kosten der Unterkunft, Zwangsräumungen
4. Koordinierung Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe
5. Wie weiter mit dem ABSP
6. Europaweiter Aktionstag 15.10. gegen die EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie "Bolkestein"
7. Nächstes bundesweites Treffen des Aktionsbündnisses Sozialproteste

TOP 1: Begrüßung und kurze Vorstellungsrunde Anwesend waren Vertreter/innen aus Aschersleben, Berlin, Bielefeld, Detmold, Dortmund, Giessen, Göttingen, Gotha, Halle, Hanau, Höxter, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Köthen, Leipzig, Nürnberg, Offenburg, Peine und Wittenberg

TOP 2: Welche Bedeutung hat das Ergebnis der Bundestagswahl für unsere Aktionen Wir sehen folgendes Wahlergebnis: · Im herrschenden Block entstand ein Patt · Die Agenda der SPD erhielt keine Mehrheit · CDU erhielt auch keine Mehrheit · Das ist die Folge des Wahlerfolges der Linkspartei · Trotzdem jetzt politisches Ziel: Agenda 2010 Plus!

In der Diskussion zeichnete sich ab:

1. Die Linkspartei kann dann für unsere Ziele nützlich sein, wenn wir unseren Bezug zu ihr als produktives Spannungsverhältnis gestalten.

2. Auf der für November geplanten Strategiekonferenz werden wir versuchen, gemeinsame Projekte zwischen Sozialer Bewegung und Gewerkschaften zu benennen und zu beschließen.

3. Wir wollen mehr werden und den Druck auf die Linkspartei aufrechterhalten, damit sie gegenüber den anderen parlamentarischen Kräften ein lebendiges Mandat vorweisen kann und damit sie immer wieder an ihre Ziele erinnert wird.

Gemeinsam haben wir Konsens bei den Forderungen:

· Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen · Gesetzlicher Mindestlohn · 30 Stunden Woche · Verfügung der Allgemeinheit über öffentliche Güter

Als Schlagwort zusammengefasst: unsere Agenda ist die Agenda 3010 = 30 Stundenwoche und Mindestlohn 10 Euro pro Stunde

TOP 3. Möglichkeiten direkter Aktionen, Kosten der Unterkunft, Zwangsräumungen Das Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste - ein Zusammenschluss von ca. 80 Bündnissen zu Montagsdemonstrationen/Sozialprotesten in den Städten - hat auf einer bundesweiten Aktionskonferenz am Samstag, 1.10.05 in Kassel beschlossen, den von Zwangskündigungen betroffenen Hartz IV-Empfängern durch drastische Formen des zivilen Ungehorsams ihre Wohnungen zu sichern. Die Anwesenden verständigten sich darauf, in nächster Zeit in den jeweiligen Städten Notrufnummern für Hartz-Betroffene einzurichten, denen ein unzumutbarer Auszug aus ihren Wohnungen droht. Als letztes Mittel sollen die anstehenden Zwangsumzüge durch eine "Menschenmauer des zivilen Ungehorsams" systematisch verhindert werden. Die Aktivisten der Aktionsbündnisse wollen auf der lokalen Ebene mögliche Bündnispartner - wie Gewerkschaften, Mietervereine, Stadtteilgruppen - für gemeinsame Aktionen gewinnen.

Beschluss: Presseerklärung dazu im Anschluss an das Treffen

TOP 4: Koordinierung Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Die Recherche z.B. im Internet kann den Betroffenen nicht abgenommen werden. Dazu gibt es u.a. bei
http://www.die-soziale-bewegung.de, http://www.tacheles-sozialhilfe.de, http://www.bag-shi.de viele Links und Tipps. Es gibt jedoch zusätzlich das Angebot von BAG-SHI, in Regionen Seminare für Multiplikator/innen abzuhalten. Ein solches Seminar findet im November in der Region Brandenburg statt.

TOP 5: Wie weiter mit dem ABSP
5.1 Großdemonstration am 5.11. in Berlin:

Der Aufruf ist mangelhaft, so enthält er z.B. keine Forderungen.

Beschluss: das Aktionsbündis Sozialproteste äußert sich nicht zu dieser Demo, stellt aber die Info ins Netz

5.2 Wie weiter Angesichts der zu befürchtenden großkoalitionären Verschärfung zu einer "Agenda 2010 Plus" werden die Aktionsbündnisse zum einen eine Protestverbreiterung mit Obdachlosen, Migranten, Studierenden und Rentnern versuchen, zum anderen auf einer Strategiekonferenz mit den Gewerkschaften potentielle gemeinsame Projekte (z.B. Grundeinkommen, Mindestlohn, Arbeitszeitverkürzung bei vollem Lohn und Personalausgleich, Kündigungsschutz, Rücknahme von Privatisierungen) angehen. Kooperationen mit der Linkspartei sollen ausgelotet werden.

Im Dezember planen wir eine Konferenz der sozialen Bewegungen, um ihre Ziele und gemeinsame Projekte zu besprechen

TOP 6: Europaweiter Aktionstag 15.10. gegen die EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie "Bolkestein" Beschluss: Die für den 15. Oktober geplanten Protestaktionen gegen die Bolkestein-Dienstleistungsrichtlinien, die auf eine Schleifung der sozialen Arbeitsrechte hinaus laufen, werden von den Aktionsbündnissen unterstützt.

TOP 7: Nächstes bundesweites Treffen des Aktionsbündnisses Sozialproteste:
10. Dezember 2005

Der Ort und die Zeit wird wie üblich noch bekannt gegeben.

Detlef Spandau (Ostwestfalen-Lippe), Helmut Woda (Karlsruhe), Renate Gaß (Kassel), Edgar Schu (Göttingen), Wolfram Altekrüger (Wittenberg), Claudio Coladangelo (Giessen), Peter Grottian (Wissenschaftliche Beratung)

Pressemitteilung vom 2.10.2005

Hartz IV-Wohnungsräumungen mit Menschenmauern des zivilen Ungehorsams verhindern - Sozialproteste verbreitern!

Das Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste - ein Zusammenschluss von ca. 80 Bündnissen zu Montagsdemonstrationen/Sozialprotesten in den Städten - hat auf einer bundesweiten Aktionskonferenz am Samstag, 1.10.05 in Kassel beschlossen, den von Zwangskündigungen betroffenen Hartz IV-Empfängern durch drastische Formen des zivilen Ungehorsams ihre Wohnungen zu sichern. Die Anwesenden verständigten sich darauf, in nächster Zeit in den jeweiligen Städten Notrufnummern für Hartz-Betroffene einzurichten, denen ein unzumutbarer Auszug aus ihren Wohnungen droht. Als letztes Mittel sollen die anstehenden Zwangsumzüge durch eine "Menschenmauer des zivilen Ungehorsams" systematisch verhindert werden. Die Aktivisten der Aktionsbündnisse wollen auf der lokalen Ebene mögliche Bündnispartner - wie Gewerkschaften, Mietervereine, Stadtteilgruppen - für gemeinsame Aktionen gewinnen. Angesichts der zu befürchtenden großkoalitionären Verschärfung zu einer "Agenda 2010 Plus" werden die Aktionsbündnisse zum einen eine Protestverbreiterung mit Obdachlosen, Migranten, Studierenden und Rentnern versuchen, zum anderen auf einer Strategiekonferenz mit den Gewerkschaften potentielle gemeinsame Projekte (z.B. Grundeinkommen, Mindestlohn, Arbeitszeitverkürzung bei vollem Lohn und Personalausgleich, Kündigungsschutz, Rücknahme von Privatisierungen) angehen. Kooperationen mit der Linkspartei sollen ausgelotet werden. Die für den 15. Oktober geplanten Protestaktionen gegen die Bolkestein-Dienstleistungsrichtlinien, die auf eine Schleifung der sozialen Arbeitsrechte hinaus laufen, werden von den Aktionsbündnissen unterstützt werden.

Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne unter folgenden Telefonnummern zur Verfügung: Peter Grottian (0171-8313314) Helmut Woda (0721-816319) Claudio Coladangelo (0641-87780112) Wolfram Altekrüger (03491-88652) Detlef Spandau (0175-2039627) Renate Gass (0151-15390382) Edgar Schu (0179-6729724)

Earth Headed for Global Warming Catastrophe


Informant: Mike Neuman

As I've remarked ad nauseam on other sites, I've seen ecological collaps coming for the past 25 years, and have wondered how the interacting near self regulatory systems of the Litho, Bio and Noo spheres, would slowly disintegrated and as each one does, so putting a greater strain on its dependent subsystems, much as the strands of an overloaded rope snap progressively. We are now witnessing the first stages of collapse and it will require a herculean effort of will determination and devotion to the process, to reach some near post apocalyptic ad hoc living arrangement, wherein life does survive. As for practical prophylactic measures I can only think of ones which are unacceptable to the blind luxuriating public, guided by the ignes fatui of outmoded custom and belief..

Mike Neuman wrote:

Earth Headed for Global Warming Catastrophe
by Michael T. Neuman
04 Oct 2005

Summary: A leading worldwide climate research institute in Hamburg, Germany predicted last week that the Earth is heading for a climate catastrophe in the next 100 years, with sea ice in the North Pole region predicted to completely melt in summer and extreme weather events increasing in both frequency and strength.

The study is being followed up this week by the release of a report from the UK's Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to the presidency of the European Union, on the impact of climate change on migratory species. The report details and predicts major losses in many of the world's animal populations with continued global warming.

The releases come on the heels of another release issued by National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), a part of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, which has reported that summer Arctic sea ice fell far below average for the fourth year, with winter ice seeing sharp declines, and spring melts beginning much earlier that even 10 years ago.

Meanwhile, the U.S. mainstream media and government continue to abdicate their responsibility to appropriately inform and alert Americans to the growing threat of global warming, as well as the need for timely and responsive change to slow global warming through massive reductions in fuel burning and other greenhouse gas releasing sources.

Text: According to the climate prediction calculations of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, over the next century the climate will change more quickly than it ever has in the recent history of the earth.

Researchers from the institute said computer simulation at the German High Performance Computing Center for Climate and Earth System Research has shown that average global temperature would increase rise by 4.1° Celsius (°C) by 2100, or roughly 7 times the global average surface warming rate over the 20th century of 0.6°C.

Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases originating from human activities including fossil fuel burning are changing the radiation budget of the earth. The accumulation of such gases in the atmosphere is predicted to continue rising for the foreseeable future.

As a consequence of the higher buildup of greenhouse "heat-trapping" gases in the atmosphere, the global mean temperature rises. The scientists expect that under certain conditions, sea ice in the arctic will completely melt. In Europe, summers will be drier and warmer, and this will affect agriculture. The winters will become warmer and wetter. Another consequence of the heated atmosphere will be extreme events like heavy precipitation with floods. Sea level could rise on average by as many as 30 centimeters.

Expressing concern at the findings, Klaus Toepfer, who heads of the United Nations Environment Program, said that the study's results underlined the need to address the issue immediately, especially in wake of recent anomalies shown by the weather throughout the world.

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology is one of the leading worldwide climate research facilities. The results of the research were presented to media representatives at a press conference held September 29, 2005 in Hamburg.

The National Snow and Ice Date Center (NSIDC) says Arctic temperatures have increased significantly in recent decades. Compared to the past 50 years, average surface air temperatures from January through August, 2005, were 2 to 3 degrees Celsius (3.6 to 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than average across most of the Arctic Ocean. In Alaska last week, satellite images released by two US universities and the space agency NASA revealed that the amount of sea-ice cover over the polar ice cap has fallen dramatically over the past four years.


The persistence of near-record low extents leads the group to conclude that Arctic sea ice is likely on an accelerating, long-term decline. http://nsidc.org/news/press/20050928_trends_fig1.html

This summer, the legendary Northwest Passage through the Canadian Arctic from Europe to Asia was completely open except for a 60-mile swath of scattered ice floes. In earlier centuries, whole expeditions were lost as their crews tried to beat through thick ice and bitter cold. The Northeast Passage, north of the Siberian coast, was completely ice-free from August 15 through September 28.


Global sea level is strongly influenced by atmospheric and ocean water temperatures. Aside from precipitation, the melting of large ice sheets over land (Greenland, Antarctic, mountain glaciers) and thermal expansion of sea water are cited as the two main reasons why increasing sea levels are predicted with global warming.

Since the ocean is able to store large amounts of heat, the sea level will continue to rise even after the concentrations of the different greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are not increasing any more.


Regional differences in the sea level changes are caused by changes of the ocean circulation and the hydrologic cycle (precipitation minus evaporation). In the high southern latitudes changes of the sea level during the 21st century are comparatively small; in the Arctic Ocean, however, sea level rises more than twice as much relative to the global mean, due to an increasing fresh water influx from rivers and precipitation.


Almost mirroring predictions made by the Union of Concerned Scientists for various regions of the U.S., the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology predicts summers in Europe will be drier and warmer, while winters will become warmer and wetter. It is expected that the sea ice in the North Pole region will completely melt in the summer.


Since 2002, satellite records have also revealed that springtime melting is beginning unusually early in the areas north of Alaska and Siberia. The 2005 melt season arrived even earlier, beating the mean melt onset date by approximately 17 days, this time throughout the Arctic.


The reports show a remarkable consistency with "Earlier in the Year Snowmelt Runoff and Increasing Dewpoints for Rivers in Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota", by Twin Cities area hydrologist Patrick J. Neuman, who found the date of first annual snowmelt in 3 major river basins in the Northern Great Plains and the headwaters of the Upper Mississippi River System has jumped back 3 weeks, on average, in the last 50 years.


The trend in sea ice decline, lack of winter recovery, early onset of spring melting, and warmer-than-average temperatures suggest a system that is trapped in a loop of positive feedbacks, in which responses to inputs into the system cause it to shift even further away from normal, claims Roger Barry of the National Snow & Ice Data Center located at the University of Colorado.

One of these positive feedbacks centers on increasingly warm temperatures. Serreze explained that as sea ice declines because of warmer temperatures, the loss of ice is likely to lead to still- further ice losses. Sea ice reflects much of the sun's radiation back into space, whereas dark ice-free ocean absorbs more of the sun's energy. As sea ice melts, Earth's overall albedo, the fraction of energy reflected away from the planet, decreases. The increased absorption of energy further warms the planet.

"Feedbacks in the system are starting to take hold," argues NSIDC Lead Scientist Ted Scambos. Moreover, these feedbacks could change our estimate of the rate of decline of sea ice. "Right now, our projections for the future use a steady linear decline, but when feedbacks are involved the decline is not necessarily steady—it could pick up speed."


"Almost everywhere on earth, the forestry industry will have to husband different types of trees than it has until now", says Dr. Erich Roeckner, the project leader of the model calculations in Hamburg.

Of even more significance than the impacts of global warming on forestry will be the impacts on the world's animal populations. A report that's being presented to the UK Presidency of the European Union this week in Aviemore, Scotland by the UK Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs finds that: four out of five migratory birds listed by the UN face problems ranging from lower water tables to increased droughts, spreading deserts and shifting food supplies in their crucial "fuelling stations" as they migrate; one-third of turtle nesting sites in the Caribbean - home to diminishing numbers of green, hawksbill and loggerhead turtles - would be swamped by a sea level rise of 50cm (20ins); shallow waters used by the endangered Mediterranean monk seal, dolphins, dugongs and manatees will slowly disappear; whales, salmon, cod, penguins and kittiwakes are being affected by shifts in distribution and abundance of krill and plankton, which has declined in places to a hundredth or thousandth of former numbers because of warmer sea-surface temperatures; and fewer chiffchaffs, blackbirds, robins and song thrushes are migrating from the UK due to warmer winters while egg- laying is also getting two to three weeks earlier than 30 years ago, showing a change in the birds' biological clocks.

John Keogak, 47, an Inuvialuit from Canada's North-West Territories, hunts polar bears, seals, caribou and musk ox. "The polar bear is part of our culture," he said. "They use the ice as a hunting ground for the seals. If there is no ice there is no way the bears will be able to catch the seals." He said the number of bears was decreasing and feared his children might not be able to hunt them. He said: "There is an earlier break-up of ice, a later freeze-up. Now it's more rapid. Something is happening."

Stranded polar bears are drowning in large numbers as they try to swim hundreds of miles to find increasingly scarce ice floes. Local hunters find their corpses floating on seas once coated in a thick skin of ice.

It is a phenomenon that frightens the native people that live around the Arctic. Many fear their children will never know the polar bear. "The ice is moving further and further north," said Charlie Johnson, 64, an Alaskan Nupiak from Nome, in the state's far west. "In the Bering Sea the ice leaves earlier and earlier. On the north slope, the ice is retreating as far as 300 or 400 miles offshore."

Last year, hunters found half a dozen bears that had drowned about
200 miles north of Barrow, on Alaska's northern coast. "It seems they had tried to swim for shore ... A polar bear might be able to swim 100 miles but not 400."

"Global warming is a reality for the Inuit. They see major changes affecting their lifestyle, with earlier springs, warmer summers and later falls", says Arctic explorer Will Steger. "They used to dry their meat and fish in the summer, but now it gets so warm that the meat rots. There also is the migration of southern species –animals, fish, even insects.


And now there is evidence that polar bears are facing an unusual competitor - the grizzly bear. As the sub-Arctic tundra and wastelands thaw, the grizzly is moving north, colonizing areas where they were previously unable to survive. Life for Alaska's polar bears is rapidly becoming very precarious.

Already listed as "critically endangered", only about 700 mountain gorillas, including the distinctively marked adult male silverbacks, migrate within the cloud forests of the volcanic Virunga mountains of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. After a century of human persecution it faced extinction. Now its unique but marginal mountain forests - already heavily reduced by forestry - are shrinking, because of climate change. It will be forced to climb higher for cooler climates, but will effectively run out of mountain.

Across Africa, habitats are shifting as temperatures rise, or disappearing in droughts, affecting the migrations of millions of wildebeest, and savannah elephant and Thomson's gazelle.

The number of male green turtles is falling because of rising temperatures, threatening their survival. Turtle nests need a temperature of precisely 28.8C to hatch even numbers of males and females.

The migration of the sperm whale, one of the earth's largest mammals, made famous by Herman Melville's epic Moby-Dick, is closely linked to the squid, its main food source. Squid numbers are affected by warmer water and weather phenomena such as El Niño. Adult male sperm whales up to 20 m long like cold water in the disappearing ice-packs. Warm water cuts sperm whale reproduction because food supplies fall. Around the Galapagos Islands, a fall in births is linked to higher sea surface temperatures. Plankton and krill, key foods for many cetaceans such as the pilot whale, have in some regions declined 100- fold in warmer water.

Europe's most senior ecologists and conservationists are meeting in Aviemore, in the Scottish Highlands, this week for a conference on the impact of climate change on migratory species, an event organized by the British government as part of its presidency of the European Union. Aviemore's major winter employer - skiing - is a victim of warmer winters. Ski slopes in the Cairngorms, which once had snow caps year round on the highest peaks, have recently been closed down when the winter snow failed. The snow bunting, ptarmigan and dotterel - some of Scotland's rarest birds - are also given little chance of survival as their harsh and marginal winter environments disappear.

The report being presented this week in Aviemore reveals this is a pattern being repeated around the world. In the sub-Arctic tundra, caribou are threatened by "multiple climate change impacts". Deeper snow at higher latitudes makes it harder for caribou herds to travel. Faster and more regular "freeze-thaw" cycles make it harder to dig out food under thick crusts of ice-covered snow. Wetter and warmer winters are cutting calving success, and increasing insect attacks and disease.

The same holds true for migratory wading birds such as the red knot and the northern seal. The endangered spoon-billed sandpiper, too, faces extinction, the report says. They are of "key concern". It says that species "cannot shift further north as their climates become warmer. They have nowhere left to go ... We can see, very clearly, that most migratory species are drifting towards the poles."

"The habitats of migratory species most vulnerable to climate change were found to be tundra, cloud forest, sea ice and low-lying coastal areas", the report states. "Increased droughts and lowered water tables, particularly in key areas used as 'staging posts' on migration, were also identified as key threats stemming from climate change."


In many areas, it is the increase in extreme weather events that has posed the greatest environmental as well as economic threat. Scientists nationwide have recently compiled evidence suggesting the intensity and frequency of hurricanes are related to global warming. Several studies recently published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Georgia Tech's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences show that there is a significant statistical relationship between the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the past few decades and the overall rising temperature of the ocean.

The decimation Hurricane Katrina has brought to Louisiana, Mississippi and parts of Alabama has sparked increasing scientific concerns about the threat of global warming to the United States. According to the National Climate Data System, Hurricane Katrina was one of the strongest storms to impact the coast of the United States during the last 100 years. Katrina's losses, in terms of human lives and social-economic property loss, have yet to be fully tabulated. As of Monday, the death toll in Louisiana alone stood at 964.

http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/news/articles.asp?id=34319 http://madison.indymedia.org/feature/display/26152/index.php

Yet many people in the U.S. remain uninformed or misinformed about the threat of global warming and the urgency of dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions from all sources in the U.S., which emits fully one-quarter of the world's greenhouse gases from human activity. The American corporation funded media and government at all levels in the U.S. have abdicated their responsibilities to properly inform citizens of the United States of the growing crisis of global warming and the need for swift and magnanimous action to slow it before the grave threats associated with it become reality. Corporate controlled media and government in the U.S. have become overly influenced by lobbyists for the oil, coal and fossil fuel dependent industries who have a vested interest in not slowing down fuel burning. As a result, many Americans have been misled into believing the severity of the global warming problem is less than what the scientific community has been predicting since 1995 when the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its first report that recognizes the problem.

"Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed." - Chinese proverb

Informant: Richard Harvey

President Bush's Major Speech

According to the New York Times, the president's inability to grow beyond his big moment in 2001 is unnerving. But the fact that his handlers continue to encourage him to milk 9/11 is infuriating.


Mieterbund warnt vor mehr "Hartz-IV-Umzügen" durch Milliardenstreit

Wohn- und Heizkosten: Mieterbund warnt vor mehr "Hartz-IV-Umzügen" durch Milliardenstreit (07.10.05)

Der Deutsche Mieterbund warnt Bundesregierung und Kommunen davor, den Streit um die Wohn- und Heizkosten für Bezieher von Arbeitslosengeld II (ALG II) auf deren Rücken auszutragen. "Es wäre sozialpolitisch unverantwortlich, wenn unter dem Diktat der leeren Kassen die Kommunen noch engere und strengere Kriterien bei der Beurteilung der Angemessenheit der Wohn- und Heizkosten anlegen müssten", sagte Mieterbund-Direktor Franz-Georg Rips am Freitag in Berlin. Die Zahl der "Hartz-IV-Umzüge" würde dann drastisch steigen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Weltweite Aufmerksamkeit: Tierschützer kritisieren "Delfin-Massaker" in Japan


Am Samstag finden nach Angaben der Tierschutzorganisation Pro Wildlife in 30 Ländern Protestaktionen gegen "das weltweit größte Massaker and Delfinen und Kleinwalen" statt. Die Delfinjagd beginne in Japan erfahrungsgemäß im Oktober. Internationale Proteste sollten die weltweite Aufmerksamkeit auf das alljährliche Blutbad lenken. Bis zu 20.000 Kleinwale und Delfine stürben jährlich in Japan. Die grausamen Aktionen von Fischern würden von der Regierung in Tokio nicht nur geduldet, sondern offiziell genehmigt. Die "Massentötungen" hätten bereits zu alarmierenden Bestandsrückgängen bei verschiedenen Delfinarten geführt, meint Pro Wildlife.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Cindy Sheehan: From Despair to Hope


Cindy Sheehan

Battle renewed over phone mast

07 October 2005 14:42

Protesters who emerged victorious after preventing the expansion of a city phone mast are gearing up for another battle after a telecommunications company launched an appeal against the city council's decision to refuse its application.

The Evening News reported in March how Norwich City Council's planning applications committee went against officers' advice and turned down the application by O2 to add further antennae to the Mousehold Water Tower in Telegraph Lane East, Thorpe Hamlet.

They said the proposal would create an eyesore in the Thorpe Ridge Conservation Area, but the delight which greeted the decision has turned to anger from campaigners who fear O2 will win its appeal to the Planning Inspector and be given the go-ahead to add to the "thorn of crowns" on the locally listed water tower.

"I'm disappointed that we couldn't have kept them from appealing," said David Shailer, of Montcalm Road.

"But we are fighting against multi-million pound organisations and they don't take things lying down in getting planning consent for these masts, which will generate them money."

Mr Shailer, 52, a truck driver, said he did not know when the appeal would be heard, but that he would put his views forward again in time for it.

"I will take a proactive stance to have my say if I can," he said.

"It's a case of we've won the battle but the war has still got to be fought. We just keep plugging away."

More than 100 parents of children at nearby Thorpe Hamlet Middle School signed a petition against the antennae on the tower, which already has 17 dishes on it.

The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

A spokeswoman for O2 said she hoped the appeal lodged with the city council would be successful.

"We don't want to leave that area without any 3G capacity or without excellent coverage," she said. "It really is a key part of the 3G network. The more people use their mobile phones, the more masts we need."

Dr Ian Gibson, MP for North Norwich, said: "Why are they doing it? I don t think they should bother appealing. There are no complaints about reception in that area."

Are you opposing plans to site a phone mast in your neighbourhood? Call Alasdair McGregor at the Evening News on (01603) 772443 or e-mail al.mcgregor@archant.co.uk


Terrible technology: White boards fill the classroom with pulsing microwaves

All the white boards I have seen use pulsed microwave technology simliar to DECT cordless phones to communicate between the pupils and teacher's pads and the projector control computer. They fill the classroom with pulsing microwaves. Terrible technology.


"Another possible culprit could be a classroom whiteboard. There is anecdotal evidence that these new gadgets are giving both teachers and pupils headaches, particularly if health and safety guidelines aren't observed and people find themselves staring straight into the projector beam. Check that this is not happening."


It seem there are white boards and white boards.

Ones which just have a ceiling mounted projector driven from a wired in laptop (or PC) on the teacher's desk seem to be OK.

The problem apparently come with the ones that have interactive input drawing and typing pads that can be passed around to various pupils for them to add drawing, comments, etc, to also be shown on the white board. These always weems to be wLAN connected (maybe some are Bluetooth) using ulsing microwaves to and from the pupil's pads to the main system. It was one of those that I measure a few years ago on the DfES stand at an exhibition.


Otto Schily hat Druck ausgeübt

Hamburger Kommunikationswissenschaftler Johannes Ludwig über den Fall Cicero, die Politik des Bundesinnenministeriums und die Gefahren für die Pressefreiheit.

http://www.telepolis.de/tp/r4/artikel/21/21092/1.html Der

Im Auftrag der Geschichte - oder Gottes?

In seiner Apologie für den globalen Krieg gegen den Terror warnt US-Präsident Bush vor einem totalitären Weltreich des Bösen und dem notwendigen totalen Endsieg im Kampf gegen die Feinde der Menschheit.


Giant Steps Towards Cashless/Surveillance Society Going On Unnoticed In London


Informant: Annie

The Right's Dissed Intellectuals

You could cut the disappointment with a knife. "This is the moment for which the conservative legal movement has been waiting for two decades," David Frum, the right-wing activist and former Bush speechwriter, wrote on his blog a few moments after the president dashed conservative hopes by nominating Harriet Miers to succeed Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court.


Paying to Make Enemies of America


Informant: Kev Hall

Manhattan per SMS lahm legen?

US-Wissenschaftler haben eine Studie vorgelegt, in der die Möglichkeit beschrieben wird, Mobilfunknetze per Überflutung mit SMS lahmzulegen.

ht / Quelle: teltarif.ch / Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2005 / 11:10 h

Ein solcher Angriff sei vergleichbar mit den von den Computernetzen her bekannten und gefürchteten Denial of Service-Angriffen (DoS), bei dem Server mit Anfragen so massiv bombardiert werden, bis sie in die Knie gehen. Das berichtet die New York Times.

Wenn nur genügend Handy-Nummern in einem bestimmten Zielgebiet bekannt wären, «können sie mit nur 165 Messages pro Sekunde ganz Manhattan lahmlegen», äusserte sich der Informatikprofessor Patrick D. McDaniel gegenüber der New York Times. Prinzipiell seien alle Mobilfunknetze verletzbar und ein einzelner Computer mit Breitbandanschluss würde genügen, ein solchen Angriff auszuführen. «Es scheint mir nicht wahrscheinlich, dass technisch nicht versierte Nutzer einen solchen Angriff ausführen könnten», räumt McDaniel ein. Raffinierten Hackern jedoch traut er einen solchen Angriff jedoch zu.

Experten geben sich gelassen

Sicherheitsexperten amerikanischer Mobilfunkbetreiber halten ein solches Horrorszenario jedoch nicht für realistisch. «Wenn man nicht darauf vorbereitet ist, könnte das passieren.

Aber wenn man darauf eingestellt sind, ist das kein grösseres Problem», sagte Brian Scott vom amerikanischen Netzbetreiber Sprint.

Deutschlands grösster SMS-Gatewaybetreiber Materna hält einen solchen «SMS-DoS-Angriff» ebenfalls nur für eine theoretische Möglichkeit. Materna hält es für extrem schwierig, in die gut gesicherten Systeme der Mobilfunk-Netzbetreiber einzudringen. Bei den SMS-Gatewaybetreibern wären die Sicherheits-Messlatten sehr hoch gesetzt. Gelänge es einem Hacker, sich in das System eines kleineren Betreibers einzuhacken, und von dort aus geballt SMS-Textnachrichten zu versenden, würden die Sicherungsmechanismen der Netzbetreiber ungewöhnlich hohe SMS-Aufkommen automatisch blockieren.

Marcos Molina vom technischen Dienstleister für Billing und Messaging IC3S ist überzeugt, dass ein solcher Angriff in Deutschland einen sehr hohen Grad an Insiderwissen voraussetzen würde. Doch selbst dann würde ein Angriff im schlimmsten Fall nur einen Teil der SMSCenter-Infrastruktur (SMSC) betreffen, das Sprachnetz bliebe weiterhin funktionsfähig. Eine zusätzliche Hürde in Deutschland sei das Entgelt für die Termination von etwa 0,6 Cent pro SMS, die es in dieser Art in Amerika nicht gebe. Zumindest in Deutschland wäre damit ein kostenfreier SMS-Hackerangriff ausgeschlossen.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Caring For Creation

by Bill Moyers, TomPaine.com

We must speak to the millions of evangelicals who share a deep concern about the sustainability of creation.


Abuse: Systematic And Chronic

by John Sifton, TomPaine.com

America's abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib was just the tip of the iceberg, and the accountability process must not stop with Pvt. Lynndie England.


The Lure of Military Society


Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Frivolity of Evil


Informant: Lew Rockwell

“National Service” And Involuntary Servitude


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Bush Raises the Stakes in Terror War


Handy-Blocker: Wiesn ohne Mobilfunk?

Im Vorfeld des Münchner Oktoberfestes machten sie Schlagzeilen: Handyblocker, Störsender, die Handyempfang blockieren und in Deutschland nicht erlaubt sind. Auf der "Wiesn" sollten sie installiert werden, damit niemand telefonierenderweise die sanitären Anlagen blockiert. Wir zeigen, was daraus geworden ist, enttarnen, was Handyblocker eigentlich sind und wo Störsender möglicherweise trotz Verbots eingesetzt werden. Im europäischen Ausland, in Frankreich beispielsweise, ist der Einsatz von Handyblockern während kultureller Veranstaltungen durchaus erlaubt.

Alle Informationen zu diesem Thema unter: http://www.3sat.de/neues/sendungen/magazin/84041/index.html

Samstag: 17:00 Uhr (3sat)
Montag: 7:00 Uhr (3sat)
Montag: 9:45 Uhr (3sat)
Dienstag: 2:30 Uhr (ZDF)
Donnerstag: 15:15 Uhr (ZDF Infokanal)


Bernd Schreiner
Landesverband Thüringen
Bürger gegen Elektrosmog

Danes have gone scared of liability over health damage claims of UMTS3G masts

Danes have gone scared of liability over health damage claims of UMTS3G masts

Danish Government gives away new CDMA licence for free Denmark

Created: 7 Oct 2005

There is a new sport in Danish government: attempting to minimize liability by giving away new telecom licences

The Danish government is apparently wising up to the fact that having sold telecom licenses for billions might cause the health problems surrounding mobile phones and masts to blow up in their faces - so now the government is practically giving away new licenses for free.

Nordisk Mobiltelefon, a newcomer telecom in Denmark, has just recieved a free license to deploy a CDMA-450 network. CDMA-450 technology is similar to the technology behind 3G/UMTS and can offer similar services but it requires fewer basestations as it operates on a far lower radio frequency than 3G/UMTS. Slower radiowaves travel further and CDMA-450 operates on 450MHz, while 3G/UMTS operates around 2000MHz. This allows CDMA-450 basestations to cover larger areas. CDMA-450 is deployed in USA, Brazil, China, South Korea and Japan.

3G operator "3" has expressed heavy frustration in the Danish press that the government is giving away licences to new competitors.

Click here to view the source article.



Gill and friends

The microwave range is the carrier frequency, and the lower (nearer 300MHz bottom of the range) the more penetrative the radiation is. TETRA, for example is around 380MHz. 450MHz isn't available for mobile phones in the UK.

The harm may be in the signal structure as much as the raw microwaves. The carrier is sent with certain patterns. The pulsed frequencies, or control channel frequencies (the markers so the bits don't get lost) are at extremely low frequencies, and these ELFs are what is blamed for the microwaves having the effect they do. We know in medicine, for example, that the pulsing makes the microwave frequencies more potent. (Pulsed EMFs are used for healing bones etc.)


450MHz is the microwave carrier, constant

ELF (100Hz and also 1kHz for 3G; 217 Hz and 4 and 8Hz for GSM; 70 Hz and 17Hz for TETRA) is a pattern in the constant carrier, and is also pretty constant. In 3G the low frequencies get masked the busier the mast gets, and are revealed more when not busy (eg at night)

The American Embassy affair was not a mobile phone signal. It was an example of modulated microwaves, but whilst showing us that microwaves can affect people, I do not believe it is a particularly useful example in the masts argument, when there is so much else we can use that is of more direct comparison.




The trouble is they've seen it all many times over the years. Hewitt asks DoH, DoH asks HPA, HPA concurs with WHO. Problem solved: we're hysterics and there is no problem.

So far there is no proof, because 'proof', as we have discussed before, is in the eye of the beholder. There are only degrees of certainty. If we ran our lives on the same degree of certainty demanded for risk from phones and masts, we wouldn't get out of bed, and would be scared about staying in bed!! What we can demonstrate is clear research showing positive results, indicating a need for particular precaution, on good grounds. What we can act on is the ethics of doubt: can we seriously allow the mass experiment, and what is the potential cost?

What we need is to pressure over such things as criticisms of the Naila study: why not co-operate to improve the analysis? Or the work showing DNA breaks and enzyme interactions: why is the work "faulted" whereas work not showing these things is faultless? We need independent blood studies of several kinds to be funded, not avoided. Because peer reviewed studies show blood effects. etc. The argument is not one of proof, over which all reasonable people will say "gosh yes; I didn't realise", because the motivators are not truth and care.

I'm sure there is much more of this to follow soon...


Siting of Orange Telecommunication Mast, Avon Ring Road, Bromley Heath.


You could try complaining to the ombudsman…. If you asked to be notified they should have done it .. lets be honest they could hardly forget you so I expect it was accidentally on purpose. I may have the same problem here except I cant find the letter I wrote to ask them to notify me if a particular site came up for re consideration ( the mast went up 2 weeks ago)

Looking at the response.. why were you only given 14 days? If it was received on the date of a meeting and brought up them for discussion and agreement then there WAS NO public consultation….

Id wait for david to comment but isn’t this a potential jr? not based upon health just right to object.. are they within time still David?

Def an ombudsman and a lot of media attention.

Cheers and sorry!



Unfortunately, most of the exchanges appear to have been with the Parish Council which, to be honest, has no real say in the process. The PC is asked merely to submit its view (either an 'objection' or a 'no objection') with the decision to permit or refuse the application entirely in the hands of the Local Planning Authority. With this in mind, and the fact that the PC clearly did not consult parishioners, I find the note congratulating Orange on the location of the mast quite preposterous.

The 14 day notice is a bit of a red herring. The LPA (South Gloucestershire Council) must advertise the proposal via local newspaper and site notice, giving members of the public 21 days in which to submit representations - there is no statutory requirement for the PC to do anything. It was the LPA that the Badminton Road Action Group should have been dealing with. That said, the Lib Dem councillor who voted for the masts displays his ignorance. A subsequent appeal would only cost 'too much' if it were (i) submitted, (ii) taken forward via Public Inquiry (a 10% chance), (iii) 'allowed', and (iv) the Inspector considered, in allowingh the appeal, that the LPA had acted unreasonably in refusing theoriginal application. Not sufficient grounds, I submit, for councillors denying the local electorate their due support.

Against this background, I doubt that there's much that can be done - other than to embarrass the PC, of course. Sorry.




Thanks for this. Incidentally we asked South Gloucestershire Council to notify us of any impending mast planning applications in our area and they said it was the Parish Council's obligation to do this, not theirs. That is why we asked the Parish Council to notify us originally. They agreed to do so and subsequently failed in this small task. I will of course be embarrassing the Parish Council. Indeed I had a letter published in the Bristol Evening Post on Saturday! Makes me feel a bit better anyway.


Bush: 'I'm on a Mission from God'


051007 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051006 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051005 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Experts Unlock Clues to Spread of 1918 Flu Virus

The 1918 influenza virus, the cause of one of history's most deadly epidemics, has been reconstructed, and found to be a bird flu that jumped directly to humans, two teams of federal and university scientists announced yesterday.


Chemical Industry Is Now EPA's Main Research Partner

Under the Bush administration, the US Environmental Protection Agency is increasingly relying on corporate joint ventures in its research program, according to agency documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). This trend, say agency scientists, means the EPA is diverting funds from basic public health and environmental research toward applied research to address regulatory concerns of corporate funders.


No Immunity: Rove to Testify Again

Federal prosecutors have accepted an offer from presidential adviser Karl Rove to give 11th-hour testimony in the case of a CIA officer's leaked identity, and have warned they cannot guarantee he won't be indicted, according to people directly familiar with the investigation.


More Testimony from Rove

Informant: Jesse Lee, DCCC



Rove Faces Grand Jury for Fourth Time

Washington is abuzz with speculation today about possible indictments coming down against multiple senior administration officials over the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame. On Thursday, the special prosecutor heading the investigation summoned senior Bush advisor Karl Rove to appear before the grand Jury--for a rare 4th appearance. Rove appears before the Grand Jury with no offer of immunity with the prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, informing Rove in writing that he could face indictment later. Meanwhile, the LA Times reports: "In Washington, talk of imminent indictments — of Rove alone or with others as part of a conspiracy — was overheard in the corridors of the FBI, Justice Department and White House." The New York Times is reporting that prosecutor Fitzgerald will likely call on several other White House officials to return to the grand jury to testify about their actions in the case. The Grand Jury expires October 28. In addition to Rove, Fitzgerald is also reportedly re-examining grand jury testimony by Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

Informant: John Calvert

DeLay, Blunt Traded Secret Donations

Tom DeLay deliberately raised more money than he needed to throw parties at the 2000 presidential convention, then diverted some of the excess funds to longtime ally Roy Blunt through a series of donations that benefited both men's causes.


Bush Nominee to Head EPA Research Program Opposed


Prisoners Evacuated After Hurricane Describe Beatings by Officers


Miers and the Economy


A Nation Buffeted by Loss Seeks to Find its Voice


The Strangeness of our Public Discourse


Climate Change and Pollution are Killing Millions

says Study

Your First Amendment: Free Speech - Remember That?


Martial Law: It’s for the Birds

I just read this today...remember my post from yesterday? Well, I didn't realize that Bird flu was the H5N1 virus. How much more beefed up can they make it? So the martial law thing, etc. is just to scare us into taking the vaccine - so they can make their $10 per shot @ 2mill. doses....Hmmm...that's a lot of money! Here are my words from yesterday....

Wow - good info (on this site). Let's see if they "beef up" getting this H5N1 vaccine for this 2005/06 season. If so, we'll know it's to unload all the extras they have left over from last years production. The CDC just recently issued a contract to produce 2 million doses of a vaccine that would immunize against H5N1, too late for this season. So the public had ought to be searching for alternatives that boost immunity apart from vaccination.


Martial Law: It’s for the Birds

October 5th, 2005

It’s like a scene out of Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, the Birds—or maybe a scene left on the cutting room floor. Birds are going to get us—not by attacking us directly, as in the Hitchcock movie, but through the H5N1 bird flu virus, also known as Avian influenza. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), H5N1 is of the “influenza pandemic” sort, that is to say it is different from seasonal outbreaks or “epidemics” of influenza. “Seasonal outbreaks are caused by subtypes of influenza viruses that are already in existence among people, whereas pandemic outbreaks are caused by new subtypes or by subtypes that have never circulated among people or that have not circulated among people for a long time. Past influenza pandemics have led to high levels of illness, death, social disruption, and economic loss,” the CDC assures us. In other words, it is the perfect disease for our autocratic rulers, forever angling to get rid of the barriers (the Constitution and the Bill of Rights) preventing them from further militarizing our society.

“I am just suggesting that we better be thinking about [H5N1],” Bush said yesterday. “And we are. And we’re more than thinking about it; we’re trying to put plans in place.” And what exactly are these plans? “The US military might have to quarantine areas of the United States if there was a serious outbreak of the deadly avian flu,” reports the Sydney Morning Herald. “Regional quarantine would raise difficult policy decisions and legal issues, but the possibility had to be discussed.” Naturally, the “possibility” is so great only the military would be able to address it. “It’s one thing to shut down your airplanes, it’s another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the avian flu,” said Bush. “To do this, we might have to use the military, which is able to plan and move.” In other words, the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 stands in the way of saving American lives.

Bush failed to mention the fact H5N1 is at best a minor threat. “As of July 21, 2005, one hundred and nine cases of human infection have been confirmed resulting in fifty five deaths outside of China,” explains Wikipedia. “Thirteen countries across Asia and Europe have been affected. Additionally more than one hundred and twenty million birds have died from infection or been culled.” In other words, H5N1 is a pandemic among birds, not humans. Maybe Bush should call out the military and have them quarantine sparrows and finches and such, not entire U.S. cities or geographic regions. Even so, Bush tells us “that we better be thinking about” H5N1 and other pathogenic threats because we need to be sensitive to the possibility the military (or military contractors such as Blackwater) will be on our streets, going house to house, confiscating guns and forcibly evacuating people to “evacuee” camps.

Irwin Redlener, associate dean of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and director of its National Center for Disaster Preparedness, knows something about disaster and government response. “The translation of this is martial law in the United States,” Redlener told CNN. Gene Healy, of the Cato Institute, made mention of “traditional distrust of using standing armies to enforce order at home, a distrust that’s well-justified.”

Bush’s mention of H5N1 is part of a “robust discussion” underway to break down the legal barriers preventing the government from imposing martial law “in certain extreme circumstances.” Last month, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush “wants to make sure that we learn the lessons from Hurricane Katrina,” including the use of the military in “a severe, catastrophic-type event…. The Department of Defense would assume the responsibility for the situation, and come in with an overwhelming amount of resources and assets, to help stabilize the situation,” McClellan said.

As for the “lessons from Hurricane Katrina,” if the situation in New Orleans is any indication, the government will allow a hypothetical (and unlikely) bird flu pandemic to kill off large numbers of people (as it allowed flood waters to kill an as of yet undetermined—or never to be reported—number of people in New Orleans before it responded) and then send in Bush cronies and favored corporations, operating under no-bid and cost-plus contracts, to figure out how to chisel the government out of billions. Imagine M16-toting Blackwater mercenaries in biohazard suits patrolling the streets of your town with shoot-to-kill orders for all of those who violate imposed curfews or are caught “looting” food and water. If Bush gets his way, the 1866 Supreme Court ruling in Ex Parte Milligan limiting martial law will become a quaint historical oddity.

H5N1 is but another excuse to chip away at our constitutional liberties. Bush and crew want to send in the military because they are at war with the American people—or their constitutionally guaranteed liberties, anyway. The Army and Marines are trained to kill people and break things, not engage in mundane every-day law enforcement. Katrina, Rita, and the promised bird flu pandemic are stepping stones in an effort to erect a police state and militarily-imposed dictatorship in this country. After the Posse Comitatus is dismantled, Bush will be able to send the troops wherever he wants and for whatever reason, no matter how fallacious or exaggerated.

Informant: Anna Webb

Civilization to End Soon, Does Anybody Care?

by Tate Ulsaker

Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon. This is not the wacky conclusion of a religious cult but rather the result of diligent analysis sourced by hard data and the insiders who study global “Peak Oil” and related geo-political events. If you remember nothing else from this article, remember this: Your self-indulgent coma is the only real slave master. You do have control over your future. About 99% of the people who read this will learn about Peak Oil for the first time. We have our mass media and “public servants” to thank for that. However, you have the power to learn enough in one day to make a difference between life and death to your loved ones. You owe it to yourself to become educated about Peak Oil. Getting started is simple; just do a word-search on “post-oil civilization” or “Peak Oil” for example. Print whatever you understand and educate your family and friends. Do it today. Your life may depend upon it.

http://www.dieoff.com/ - Highly recommended resource for laymen http://www.asponews.org/
http://www.energycrisis.org http://www.greatchange.org/dinosaurblood.html http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/#oil http://www.museletter.com/partys-over.html
http://www.eia.doe.gov/Peak Oil, Peak Population and Peak Domination

Oil, the blood of our economy is running dry, threatening every nation, industry, product, and job with cataclysmic overhaul. The world has already consumed about half of the total recoverable oil. From here on out, greater populations will continue to demand more of the ever-dwindling and irreplaceable resource, driving living costs higher, placing most of the world into a fight for survival. Most people alive now don’t realize how important oil is in their life. From cheap energy came cheap food and from cheap food came you and I and our self-indulgent lifestyles. Long ago, net consuming governments crafted a “cheap energy policy” in order to bring about economic prosperity, a one-time golden age. During this age we exalted our power as individuals with motors and electronic devices and products from far off lands. When this age is finished, we will return to the family and to nature. We will again work by the sweat of our brow. Unfortunately, before that happens, we should first endure the coming “population correction” unlike anything in the history of mankind. Starting slowly now and increasing with intensity along with the price of oil, billions of people will return to sustenance living, eating and burning whatever they can find.

When people are angry, politicians have one or two choices: lock them up or fight them against an enemy. Politicians will attempt to shift the blame to an energy grid, terrorism, or any other “fightable” source. We can’t fight peak oil but don’t worry, our leaders will find a “victorious” war for us. Just don’t expect to learn the truth from them. No Substitute for Oil Contrary to popular legend, a viable alternative to the portable power of oil hasn’t materialized. Electricity is not efficient; units of storage are too bulky. Solar panels are even more inconvenient and they cost more energy to create than they give during their entire lifetime. Despite pop-science affection, hydrogen and hybrid fuels are too energetically expensive to produce and so will not substitute oil. Coal, natural gas and nuclear energy require the use of rapidly diminishing resources as well, and none of them are a viable alternative to oil anyway. Wind and waves are continuous sources of power but will hardly jumpstart our oil-addicted economy. In short, we are soon to be without cheap fuel for our engines to burn.

At this point, most people immediately cling to the well-worn mantra: “Oh, they will think of something.” But think for a moment whether “they” are public servants at your service or whether you are “their” public slave at their economic slaughterhouse.

The OPEC crossover point in world oil production. Duncan and Youngquist. http://www.dieoff.com/page133.htm The above chart clearly shows why we have a war in Iraq. While terrorism is a clear and present danger, war is being used primarily as a tool to position against a post-hyper-carbon-burning world. Who Are Our Masters? A war is waging between net consumers and net suppliers of oil. Western counties are net consumers of oil. Western countries would like to maintain superior geo-political hegemony against net supplier countries. The chess board is simplified on the top, where all the action is, because leadership is being bought on all sides by International Bankers and Financiers (Globalists, New World Order proponents) who have owned the American political spectrum since at least 1913. They triangulate above this war, and seek to organize a one-world monopoly government. Their deadline for world domination approaches as peak oil threatens to unravel their power base. The best way for a leader of today to stay in power is to form a world government, hoard resources, rule over a fiefdom of dying serfs while living in relative luxury, and blame as many convenient outside causes as is possible. In his article “Neo-Conned” by Dr. Ron Paul, Congressman from Texas, we learn that our current American Presidency has more in common with the Third Reich than with the traditional conservative movement. As a registered Republican, I can affirm with Ron Paul that the Republican Party once stood for small and non-intrusive government and strong constitution-based laws. While having some fundamental differences with the Democratic Party, both parties sought social justice at the heart of their constituency. But what we have with the “Neo-Cons” of the Bush administration, according to Ron Paul (and others) is the worst of both worlds: A big corporate-based government and military machine seeking a police state and a New World Order with America at the helm. Officials within the Bush Administration have written strategic papers on international policy using the term “Pax Americana” meaning US dominance in the world for purposes furthering global government. Not to be ignored, US domestic policy calls for strict laws leaning towards a police state. What better way to solidify the base at home than to throw people who demonstrate against the government into camps as terrorists? Hey, when the starvation riots begin, leadership will have to defend itself, right? But as they prepare of your starvation riots, most of the world is still running on the treadmill of consumerism and self-indulgent lifestyles as lemmings going over a Norwegian Fjord. Bush is not our master, but his masters in the International Financial Cabal are our masters. They rule over all parties, not just Bush or Clinton. Their power to print fiat money insures their worldly position. Also, their power is in a stupid and complacent society of self-indulgent dolts. So wake yourself up and awaken your family and neighbor. Your coma of ignorance is life threatening. The Coming World-Wide Holocaust Today, we have 6 billion people on earth. Without oil, the earth will support 2-3 billion tops, and only if we stop desecrating our environment right now. For as long as oil prices remain artificially cheap, we will continue to multiply until the feared “supply cliff” arrives. When that happens, our materialistic Industrial Civilization will have a head-on crash with the Stone Age on steroids. Avoiding this is hardly possible. The only way to reduce starvation, wars, pestilence and cannibalism at this point is to raise the price of oil right now, forcing change earlier.


Informant: doug haddix

A Deep Dedication to the President: TAKE ACTION NOW TO STOP MIERS

AT http://www.nocrony.com

or try http://www.usalone.com/formhelp2.htm#pet2 (if you can't through on the main action page above)

The Washington Post story headline says it all, "A Deep Dedication to the President." The nomination of Harriet Miers to replace Sandra Day O'Connor is a non-starter. It does not even deserve serious consideration. The universal chorus of catcalls and derision from every corner of the media should tell you something. This woman has absolutely no qualifications to be a Supreme Court justice except the one and only thing that George Bush ever cared about, personal loyalty to him and him alone. And everybody knows it. And on that basis it must be rejected out of hand, no hearing required, end of story, PERIOD.

In a Republican controlled Congress that would rubberstamp a ham sandwich if the president sent one down, this one may prove to be just too hard to swallow even for them. Even the conservative pundits are howling about it. So where the hell is the Democratic leadership? Where is it? When they caved on the original filibuster confrontation and agreed to be fitted for a custom one party only straight jacket, Harry Reid was playing cheerleader in the background, as they waved through some of the most objectionable nominees ever put forward as federal judges. And for what, so that we can now be stuck with two stealth lifetime reactionary cronies on the Supreme Court, the second no more than a career Bush groupie, without even an organized opposition? And that is why Harry Reid has GOT TO GO as minority leader.

There should not have even BEEN a hearing on Roberts. The Democrats should have put their feet down and demanded the documents necessary to properly examine the nominee as a PRECONDITION of the examination itself. They should have filibustered until they got them. And now you see the fruits of their insane cowardice, yet another nominee for whom the administration will stonewall a mile high, to conceal from the American public what they really stand for until it is too late. We've heard this broken record over and over too many times. Roberts has established the "take the fifth on the issues" model already. All they're going to do it roll it out again.

We must raise an outcry like none ever heard before. To even consider a hearing on this nominee is ITSELF a losing move. THERE MUST BE NO HEARING ON THIS NOMINEE. There must be a boycott of any proceedings on this, cold and flat. Even if there were a fine line between appearing to be reasonable and actually being chumps, the Democrats sailed past that one a couple nominees ago. Their foolhardy, passive acquiescence in every respect has their own base in utter despair, and the other side can't stop snickering. And the first step back in turning this thing around must be the removal of Harry Reid from the position of minority leader.

There can be no doubt that the captain of the Titanic thought they knew what they were doing. And Neville Chamberlain surely believed that he could rely on the personal assurances of Adolph Hitler and was just "picking his battles." We have seen nothing in the last year from the minority leader except cave-in after cave-in on issue after issue. Even in rejecting Bolton for stonewalling of documents (and God forbid they should have rejected Roberts on those SAME grounds) he practically prostrated himself on the Senate floor apologizing for taking a stand and promising to cave again at the next opportunity. Let him remain a Nevada senator as long as he votes the right way himself, but as a leader Harry Reid is nothing but an embarrassment and deserves a vote of no confidence from the people themselves.

This is potentially the third and final strike on separation of powers and our whole form of government, including all checks and balances. You must speak out now or we can kiss all of our hard won rights goodbye forever . . . privacy, minority and women's rights, labor standards, environmental protection, limitations on corporate and government power . . . kiss it all goodbye, all of it. They don't need another legal genius on the Supreme Court. They now already have the biggest, baddest precedent twister of them all in position number one in the person of Roberts. The key sparkplug is in place. But they need one more partisan vote to seal the domination of their crony elite and to doom the rest of us all.

You remember when Roberts in his hearing was talking about how he was the moot court master, who could take either side of an argument and make it sound reasonable. Get ready to deal with some of the most specious, snaky opinions that have even left the desk of a Supreme Court justice. And the problem is, with one more vote now there will be nobody left to stop him. Expect Miers to be nothing more than a sycophant, a "me too" judge. Just like Thomas, who never has an intelligent question to ask, and probably has never had an original thought not cribbed to him by Scalia or Rehnquist, expect a justice Miers to have Roberts basically coaching and ghostwriting all her opinions for her in the background. That's what this represents.

They told you we were "picking our battles." They told you we were "saving our ammunition." It was a sham, all of it. The hearing on Roberts was a sham. You don't go to trial without your evidence. You don't need a Supreme Court judge to tell you that. Did any of the senators questioning Roberts ever set foot inside a law school? What you saw was some TOKEN opposition for show and then 20 some odd Democratic traitors rolling over like collies in heat. It all turned into some parody of the Family Feud, with all the senators chiming in, "Good non answer!" And they are already prepping us for more of the same charade. There was never going to be an actual fight ever. Harry Reid has had only one plan since day one and that has been, and will always be, total, abject and cowardly surrender.

Perhaps the biggest honking lie of all is that secrecy is somehow an important part of Bush's good decision making process. When has Bush ever made a good decision as president even one time? From the original willful ignorance of the terrorist threat which made the 9/11 attacks such a cake walk, through the mishandling of the Afghan dragnet around Bin Laden, through the illegal invasion and occupation of the non-player Iraq which has destroyed the stability of the whole oil market, through the wrecking of our budget to finance tax cuts for the most wealthy, to the criminal incompetence first in cutting levee repair appropriations and then in getting relief to the victims of Katrina, this administration has an immaculate record of NEVER coming up with the right answer.

Bush hasn't spent one second of his presidency thinking about what is good for the American people. He has missed no opportunity to harm our country and the interests of its people in favor of a handful of crony corporations who engineered his election campaigns, including the theft and corruption of votes in multiple states, once already affirmed by a baldly partisan Supreme Court decision. And his only criteria in selecting new justices for the Supreme court are installing cronies who will save his personal skin when the day of reckoning comes for his own malfeasance, and to extend his corruption into the middle of this century.

We have time to get this one right. What we must do is what we SHOULD have been doing all along, build a national consensus that ANY new Supreme Court nominee must be a true MODERATE, representing ALL the American people, not just some wacko corporatist fringe. When you hear the words "strict constructionist" they do mean strict all right, but the strict they are talking about is adherence to a strict agenda, with a predetermined result regardless of facts or the precedents they will dispose of along the way. And anybody who is not prepared to start fighting now and keep on fighting, and filibustering, until the American people get the result they deserve, has got to go.

Bush's introduction of Harriet Miers reminded us of the person whose job it is to make everything on the menu sound delicious, even if the waitress herself wouldn't eat it. But Harry Reid couldn't wait to stuff this one in his mouth, along with his own foot. He has been a disaster as minority leader, almost as bad for this country as Bush himself, turning the opposition into a dog with no teeth and hardly even a bark. He has led us to nothing but defeat as the popularity ratings of not just the president, but BOTH parties, continue to plummet. And just like Bush, he must be replaced with new leadership that will fight for what we the people want.

Tell your senators NO HEARING on the crony Miers. Tell them Harry Reid has got to go as minority leader. If they hear it from enough of you, they must listen. If there is a senator out there who's got the stuff to really step up to the plate they can be the next president of the United States. Otherwise, there will be no tomorrow.

TAKE ACTION NOW TO STOP MIERS AT http://www.nocrony.com

or try http://www.usalone.com/formhelp2.htm#pet2 (if you can't through on the main action page above)

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Informant: JHW369

Cheney warns of 'decades of war'

US Vice-President Dick Cheney has said that the US must be prepared to fight the war on terror for decades. Addressing US military personnel, he said that the only way terrorists would win was if the US lost its nerve and abandoned Iraq and the Middle East.


Informant: JHW369

Clone-Generated Milk, Meat May Be Approved

The Food and Drug Administration is expected to rule soon that milk from cloned animals and meat from their offspring are safe to eat, raising the question of whether Americans are ready to welcome one of modern biology's most controversial achievements to the dinner table.


Informant: JHW369

For God an Country: Faith and Patriotism Under Fire


Informant: mr_tjsmith

From ufpj-news

Bush seizes on flu threat to press for martial law power


Bush and friends have recently discovered how natural disasters, as opposed to intentional traditional extrinsic war can mimic the social disorder which is product of their class war policies. They need the population scared to rally behind them, their plastic flag, and martial solutions. Peter Camejo, Ralph Nader, and the non-corporate supported progressives are concerned but propose civil policy, more democracy, and less censorship as ways to prevent, minimize, and solve problems.


Nimmt überhaupt noch jemand Rücksicht auf Mensch und Natur?

Feldspione decken Fehler der Landwirte auf

Nachricht von Marianne Kirst

Bundestag wurde über Afghanistan-Einsatz getäuscht

07. Oktober 2005

Zur Aufstockung der NATO-Truppen in Afghanistan erklärt MdB Wolfgang Gehrcke, außenpolitischer Sprecher des Parteivorstandes:

Wahrheiten, die scheibchenweise zugeteilt werden, sind Unwahrheiten. Den Abgeordneten des 15. Deutschen Bundestages, die Ende September noch einmal zusammengerufen wurden, um den Umfang der deutschen Truppen in Afghanistan sowie deren Einsatzgebiete auszuweiten, sind wichtige Informationen vorenthalten worden. Ihre Entscheidung beruht auf einer Lüge. Der Generalsekretär der NATO, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, spricht nach der deutschen Entscheidung davon, dass der Gesamtumfang der NATO-Truppen im Rahmen des ISAF-Einsatzes um 6.000 auf bis zu 15.000 Soldaten erweitert werden soll. Mit der deutschen Entscheidung sollen Großbritannien, die Niederlande und Kanada unter Druck gesetzt werden, ihrerseits mehr Soldaten zu entsenden. Erst jetzt wird die hauptsächliche Begründung, nämlich die USA in Afghanistan militärisch zu entlasten, genannt. Warum erhielten die Abgeordneten diese Information nicht vor ihrer Entscheidung? Die Vereinigung von Kampftruppen ("enduring freedom") und der Schutztruppe (ISAF) ist längst nicht vom Tisch. Der NATO-Generalsekretär besteht auf einem gemeinsamen Oberkommando. Damit läge eine völkerrechtlich inakzeptable Verknüpfung unterschiedlicher Mandate vor. Diese Pläne verändern auch die völkerrechtliche Grundlage der Bundestagsentscheidung. Auch die aus dem Verteidigungsministerium lancierte Meldung, dass sich die deutschen KSK-Truppen nicht mehr in Afghanistan aufhalten, ist ein Bluff. In den militärischen Richtlinien zum KSK-Einsatz wird ausdrücklich eine "rein-und-raus"-Strategie beschrieben. Entscheidend ist nicht, ob sich die deutschen KSK-Truppen derzeit in Afghanistan aufhalten, sondern dass sie das Mandat haben, sich dort aufhalten zu können. Die Fraktion "Die Linke." fordert vom Deutschen Bundestag, dass im November dieses Jahres auf keinen Fall das Mandat für Kampfeinsätze im Rahmen von "enduring freedom" verlängert werden darf. Darüber hinaus macht der Umstand, dass den Abgeordneten wichtige Informationen vorenthalten wurden, eine erneute Debatte über den Bundeswehreinsatz in Afghanistan nötig. Die Fraktion "Die Linke" wird sich dafür einsetzen. "Die Linke" verteidigt das Recht der Bundestagsabgeordneten und der Öffentlichkeit auf vollständige und wahrheitsgemäße Information und sieht sich in ihrer ablehnenden Haltung zum Afghanistan-Einsatz bestätigt.


Bush White House declares torture vital to US security policy

Even Colin "Cover up the Mai Lai Massacre" Powell, and Hillary "80,000 more US troops" Clinton stood against Bush and supporters on this one.


Bush White House declares torture vital to US security policy

By Patrick Martin

7 October 2005

In an extraordinary declaration of the brutality of American foreign policy, the Bush administration denounced a Senate vote to bar the use of torture against prisoners held by the US military. Responding to the passage of an amendment to a Pentagon spending bill—approved by an overwhelming 90-9 vote Wednesday, the White House said the proposal would “restrict the president’s authority to protect Americans effectively from terrorist attack and bring terrorists to justice.”

The statement indicated that Bush would veto the entire appropriation, providing $440 billion to fund military operations for the next fiscal year, rather than accept the restrictions on interrogation techniques spelled out in the Senate amendment.

The 90-9 vote came on an amendment sponsored by Senator John McCain of Arizona, a Republican and former prisoner of war in Vietnam. McCain, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq, has opposed the use of torture in military facilities like Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo, because it damages US foreign policy interests and could become the pretext for subjecting captured American military personnel to the same techniques in retaliation.

McCain’s amendment had the backing of two dozen former generals and admirals, including former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Shalikashvili and former Secretary of State and JCS chairman Colin Powell. Forty-six Republicans, 43 Democrats and one independent voted for the amendment, which was opposed by only nine Republicans. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist voted with McCain and against the White House position.

Frist delayed the introduction of the anti-torture language earlier this summer, maintaining that Congress should not put restrictions on the measures which the administration felt were necessary to fight the “war on terror.” But the events of the past three months, both in the increasingly bloody stalemate in Iraq and the feeble response of the federal government to the Gulf hurricane crisis, have weakened the Bush administration.

The amendment itself is extremely limited in its scope. It simply prohibits “cruel, inhuman or degrading” treatment of those in the custody of the military and requires that questioning of prisoners detained by the military follow the existing U.S. Army Field Manual on Intelligence Interrogation. No such restrictions would apply to those held by US intelligence agencies, such as the prisoners in the CIA-run detention centers at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan, Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, and at undisclosed locations elsewhere in the world. Those captives can still be tortured at will.

During the final debate on the amendment, McCain read out a letter from former secretary of state Powell endorsing the measure, which Powell said would address “the terrible public diplomacy crisis created by Abu Ghraib.” It was the first time since his departure from office in January that Powell has publicly opposed the foreign policy of the Bush administration—a measure of the impact of the Iraqi debacle on the US foreign policy and military establishment.

At a press briefing Wednesday, White House spokesman Scott McClellan confirmed that Bush would veto the entire appropriation bill rather than have his power to order torture restricted. McClellan made absurdly contradictory claims, declaring the amendment “unnecessary and duplicative” in view of current administration policy, which supposedly bans torture, and at the same time saying “it would limit the President’s ability as commander-in-chief to effectively carry out the war on terrorism.”

The McCain amendment originates in an effort by senators with close ties to the Pentagon brass—McCain, in addition to being a celebrated POW, is the son of an admiral—to get the military off the hook for the abuses at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo. In the course of the final debate, McCain cited complaints by top military officers over conflicting signals from the White House about what was permissible in the treatment of prisoners. “Confusion about the rules results in abuses in the field,” he said.

This was a veiled reference to the infamous memos authored by the Bush Justice Department and the White House Legal Counsel’s office—then headed by the current attorney general Alberto Gonzales—that claimed presidential authority to ignore the Geneva Conventions and the International Convention Against Torture, based on Bush’s constitutional powers as commander-in-chief.

Senators supporting the amendment cited the colossal impact of the Abu Ghraib revelations on world public opinion. Republican Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said, “The best thing we can do is give the guidance [the troops] need to make sure we can win the war on terror and never lose the moral high ground.”

One factor in the top-heavy Senate vote was the recent testimony by a former Army captain, Ian Fishback of the 82nd Airborne Division, about systematic beating and mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners in early 2004, near Fallujah, a center of resistance to the US occupation. Fishback and two former sergeants in his unit have come forward, confirming that Abu Ghraib was not an exception, but rather typical of the treatment meted out to hundreds and thousands of prisoners across the country.

Also contributing is the steady stream of revelations about torture at the Guantánamo Bay prison camp. Last month the US press carried reports on widespread hunger strikes among the prisoners at Guantánamo, with as many as 200 prisoners refusing food for as long as 45 days. At least 18 prisoners were hospitalized and several force-fed. The prisoners were protesting the conditions under which they are held, particularly the savage beatings by a notorious squad of military thugs known as IRF. They have also demanded the right to challenge their incarceration before an independent panel, as provided for under the Geneva Conventions, rather than appearing before the rigged military tribunals set up by the Bush administration.


Did you ever wonder what 2000 looks like?


Watch this. Then watch it again. Then send it to everyone you know. PLEASE!



PS: And while you're at it, think about 58,000*


Has the Age of Chaos Begun?


Blair suspects Iran role in Iraq attacks


Weather Modification and EARTHQUAKES




Dead Scientists

A Second Take on Scooter-gate - It's all about treason


Miers Led Law Firm Repeatedly Forced to Pay Damages For Defrauding Investors



Western Daily Press

09:50 - 05 October 2005

Furious residents watched in horror yesterday as a mobile phone mast was erected behind their homes. Taunton Deane Borough Council said it did not give permission for the 50ft O 2mast to be built, but the company insists it did not receive any notice of refusal.

Yesterday, locals had no choice but to stand and watch as the tower went up.

Mast challenge in site

Oct 6 2005
ic South London

By Julia Lewis, The Post

A MOBILE phone company has given campaigners two weeks to find an alternative site for a controversial antenna.

Residents and councillors in Wimbledon Park are against Vodafone's plan to position a mast on the corner of Revelstoke Road and Durnsford Road, just on the Merton side of the boundary with Wandsworth.

They are backed by Wimbledon MP Stephen Hammond and Putney MP Justine Greening.

The 13.4m high mast would be 200m away from Wimbledon Park Primary School and two nursery schools, and campaigners fear it might have a detrimental effect on children's health.

Merton council has already given Vodaphone the go-ahead for the mast, but campaigners were disappointed the application did not go before the full planning committee.

On Wednesday last week, they Vodaphone spokesman Dr Rob Matthews to discuss their objections and consider where else the 3G mast could be sited.

Dr Matthews has now given them until October 14 to find another location.

He said: "We have already made an expensive search of the area and considered a range of options.

"We will now consider alternatives suggested by the community."

Ward councillor Beth Mitchell said: "It is up to us to come up with an alternative site, which is going to be fairly difficult, but we are going to try to do it."

Mast plan is thrown out

Kidderminster Shuttle

PLANS to erect a mobile phone mast on a grass verge on green belt land in Kidderminster have been thrown out for good.

The Government's planning inspectorate rejected the bid, by mobile giant, Vodafone, for a 10-metre pole to be sited in Wolverley Road, Franche.

District councillor, Anne Hingley, said it was a victory for local people, who had mounted a vociferous campaign against the application.

"I think that it just goes to show that people power possibly helped because there was a very strong campaign against the proposals," she said.

"It is an example of people not being phased by a big company when they have a legitimate reason to campaign within the limited guidelines."

Hundreds of people objected to the plan when it was first mooted a year ago and the district council rejected the planning application last December but Vodafone decided to appeal.

County councillor, Nigel Knowles, said the mast would have been situated on a dangerous bend and, as such, would have been a hazard to motorists as well as spoiling the landscape.

"Most people have a mobile phone but system delivery needs to be acceptable to us all as users, as well as to the planners," he added.

Mast concerns

Somerset County Gazette

WELLINGTON Town Council has backed concerns by residents to site a 50ft mobile phone mast off Exeter Road, Rockwell Green.

The move coincides with concerns by Taunton Deane Council planning officers over the proposed location of the mast by O2, who say they want to protect the approaches to Wellington and consider the proposal would be detrimental to the area.

The council can only refuse the mast on issues of its impact to the landscape.


Western Gazette

15:00 - 06 October 2005

Dozens of parents and residents attended a town council meeting this week in their fight to topple a mobile telephone mast plan. Vodafone's plan to erect a mast at Arrow Fires, North Mills Trading Estate, Bridport, has caused a storm among locals because of its proximity to a school and Scout hut used by a nursery group.

About 50 residents attended Monday night's meeting of the town council and urged members to support their concerns.

Caroline Edwards of Victoria Grove, who is the co-ordinator of Clean Airwaves for Bridport's Local Environment, said: "It is within 250 metres of St Catherine's Primary School and almost below the site is a Scout hut, which is used in the day by a nursery group.

"Also, the surrounding area is a designated play area. There is a lot of concern. We have at least 87 letters from worried people, which we will be sending to the district council along with a petition with well over 400 signatures."

Paula English said: "The district council has a duty to protect children and the vulnerable. There is a gap in our knowledge about these masts, which justifies caution.

"I have a three-year-old son at St Catherine's Pre-School and I very much want to send him to St Catherine's but, if this mast was erected, I would have to think very carefully about that."

Resident and science teacher Helen O'Hara said: "The studies into the radiation from masts that say there is no effect are referring to thermal effects but they do not explore non- thermal effects. Respected research from bodies, such as universities and other European governments, highlights a worrying list of effects."

Councillors were unanimous in their support of the protesters and urged them to repeat the pleas at the next planning meeting of West Dorset District Council development control committee, which has the final say.

Under planning laws, health risks are not a consideration, although the town councillors said they felt the protesters still had a strong argument.

District and town councillor Martin Ray said: "The issue of health is such a real concern and times are changing. In a recent case in Charmouth, planning officials only gave a year's planning permission to a similarly controversial mast."

Telephone base stations, such as the one proposed for Bridport emit Radio Frequency radiation. Determining the relative safety of this radiation has been a difficult process, due to the long-term nature of any study.

Vodafone spokesman Jane Frapwell said: "All the emissions from the base station fall well below UK guidelines but, if people want mobile phones, we have to site them near to homes."

Omega see "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

The recent Stewart Report commissioned by the Government said: "The balance of evidence to date suggests that exposure to RF radiation below national guidelines does not cause adverse health effects to the general population."

Omega see under:

However, a cautionary approach was recommended when siting near to schools.

Jackboots at George Mason

by M. Junaid Alam


A Pakistani-American who served four years in the United States Air Force as munitions personnel was beaten and brutalized by right-wing students and campus police for staging a peaceful protest at a military recruitment table last Thursday at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The conservation hoax

Ludwig von Mises Institute
by N. Joseph Potts


President Bush tells us to drive less and limit trips to only the essentials, while the EPA's EnergyStar program is urging us all to 'change a lightbulb' in our homes, from a regular one to a government-approved one, which they claim will save hundreds of millions. You are also supposed to take a pledge: 'I pledge to do my part to save energy and help protect our environment by changing a light in my home to an ENERGY STAR qualified one'--then the government will send you a free 'zipper pull.' We can see where this is headed: back to the days of relentless brow-beating, intimidation, regulation, and calls for national sacrifice -- possibly even regimentation and control—all in the name of saving energy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Clown prince of nuclear war

The American Conservative
by James P. Pinkerton

Review of The Worlds of Herman Kahn: "After Hiroshima, the conclusion of American strategists was that military history didn't matter much anymore. The atomic bomb seemed to have changed war so drastically that now, more than ever, fighting was too important to be left to generals. Out of that new belief came Robert McNamara's 'Whiz Kids,' the systems-analyzing technocrats who gave us the Vietnam War. Decades later, that same generalized feeling -- that in the face of the new, history was bunk and anything was possible -- gave rise to George W. Bush's neoconservatives, the WMD-mongering apparatchiks who launched the Iraq War. But before the prominence of either of these groups there was Herman Kahn, the subject of this new book by Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi... (for publication 10/10/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Code Red

by Al Gore


I came here today because I believe that American democracy is in grave danger. It is no longer possible to ignore the strangeness of our public discourse. I know that I am not the only one who feels that something has gone basically and badly wrong in the way America's fabled 'marketplace of ideas' now functions. How many of you, I wonder, have heard a friend or a family member in the last few years remark that it's almost as if America has entered 'an alternate universe?'


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Three men and a party

by Bruce Reed


If you asked my fellow Democrats in Washington to name the three best things that have happened to their party in the past month, most would say: 1) Tom DeLay's indictment; 2) the conservative crackup over Harriet Miers; and 3) yesterday's indictment of ex-White House aide and Abramoff pal David Safavian, coupled with swirling rumors that much bigger fish will soon be indicted in the Plame case. Wrong answers! All three highlights from the Republicans' Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week were great fun for my side to watch, but they merely give Democrats an opening. We can't indict our way back to the majority. The jury we have to convince is the American people. The best Democratic news this past week is that three of the party's rising stars showed that they are tired of a strategy that depends on the other side falling to pieces...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Depleted uranium travel advisory

from Reason to Freedom
by staff


The good news, if you can call it that, is that as of July 2005 some states [at least Connecticut and Louisiana so far. -Ed.] have passed legislation giving their returning National Guard members the right to get screening tests for depleted uranium exposure. There are also existing military regulations that authorize tests for troops who suspect depleted uranium exposure. Unfortunately the military is [seemingly] doing its best to not perform the tests or delaying them until after they won't be useful. The normally used urine tests must be done within 30 days of the last exposure for DU to be detectable. After 30 days the DU has migrated out of the blood stream into the bones and other organs...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Break up the Congress

Cato Institute
by Doug Bandow


The House Republican leadership must go. Even if that means the GOP loses control of Congress. Democrats spent decades practicing the policy of spending lavishly to win elections. Republicans refined the practice in just a few years. More fundamentally, it took the Democrats four decades to fully succumb to the temptations of power, ruthlessly abusing their control of Capitol Hill. After only one decade the Republicans are proving to be even worse...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Business groups split with Bush over Patriot Act



President Bush's push to extend the Patriot Act is drawing fire from a sector that's normally on his side, powerful business groups. The law approved shortly after Nine-Eleven gives the government broad power to gather virtually any information it says it needs in investigating terrorism. Six business groups, including the U-S Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers, are urging Congress to limit that power. They fear the government could get hold of industry secrets and spy on their customers and employees...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush passed buck to God on Iraq debacle

Guardian [UK]


George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a senior Palestinian politician in an interview to be broadcast by the BBC later this month. Mr Bush revealed the extent of his religious fervour when he met a Palestinian delegation during the Israeli-Palestinian summit at the Egpytian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, four months after the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: 'President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did.'' Mr Bush went on: 'And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.' And, by God, I'm gonna do it...'


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Handy-Studie unterschiedlich beurteilt

Forum Mobilkommunikation sieht keinen Tumor-Zusammenhang - Wiener Ärztekammer: "Erhöhtes gesundheitliches Risiko"

Forum Mobilkommunikation und Wiener Ärztekammer interpretieren die Interphone-Studie unterschiedlich, was den Zusammenhang von Handy-Nutzung und Tumorrisiko betrifft.

Wien - Die groß angelegte Interphone-Studie, die in Skandinavien und Großbritannien durchgeführt wird, untersucht unter anderem, ob es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Nutzung von Mobiltelefonen und gutartigen Tumoren am Hörnerv gibt. Ihre Teilergebnisse werden unterschiedlich interpretiert. Das Forum Mobilkommunikation sah sich am Donnerstag in einer Aussendung von der Studie bestätigt, es gebe keinen Zusammenhang zu so genannten Akustikneurinomen: "Die Resultate bestätigen bisherige Ergebnisse". Die Wiener Ärztekammer zog gegenteilige Schlüsse und sieht ihre Befürchtungen bestätigt.

Das Forum Mobilkommunikation: Das Risiko erhöht sich demnach auch nicht mit zunehmender Nutzungsdauer oder Intensität. Das gilt sowohl für die Nutzung analoger als auch digitaler Handys.


Die Wiener Ärztekammer widersprach den Schlüssen des Forum Mobilkommunikation. "Die Interphone-Studie bestätigt jene Befürchtungen, die wir bereits im August dieses Jahres geäußert haben und die damals von der Mobilfunkindustrie erbost zurückgewiesen wurden", so Umweltmedizinreferent Erik Huber.

Das Risiko, an einem Hörnerv-Tumor auf der Seite des Kopfes zu erkranken, an dem die in der Interphone-Studie untersuchten Personen das Telefon bevorzugt gehalten haben, war bei Nutzung des Handys von zehn und mehr Jahren um das 1,8-fache erhöht. Mit dieser Studie werde bewiesen, "dass es ein erhöhtes gesundheitliches Risiko nach zehn Jahren Handytelefonieren gibt".

In Zusammenhang mit mobiler Telefonie gelten Akustikneurinome als wichtiger Indikator, da der Hörnerv beim Telefonieren im Allgemeinen nahe dem Mobiltelefon nahe ist. (APA)


Omega siehe dazu „Akustikneurinom: Zusammenhang von Handy-Nutzung und Tumorrisiko“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1037601/

Prof. Dr. Joachim Breckow

HLV INFO 155/AT (Auszug)


HLV Kommentar:

Zum gestrigen ca. 4-minütigen TV Beitrag - s. nachfolgenden HR online Auszug; noch eine Wertung bezüglich der beiden Kommentatoren Prof. Dr. Joachim Breckow, Physiker, Gießen - Mitglied der Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK) und Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Biophysiker, Saarland.


Breckow: “ Wir wissen wirklich bis heute nicht einen einzigen Effekt, von dem wir sagen können, er ist nachgewiesen, wenn es sich um Bereiche abspielt, die unterhalb der Grenzwerte sind.“

Warnke: „Das stimmt aber nicht ganz so. Es zeigt sich, dass Schädigungen am Organismus bei sehr niedrigen Werten auftreten, das ist wissenschaftlich bewiesen. Es werden Chromosomen geschädigt. Wenn so etwas bei pharmazeutischen Produkten auftreten würde, wäre das Präparat nie zugelassen worden.“

Der Originalton des Berichtes gibt dann noch den Hinweis:

„Studien der WHO belegen, dass auch unterhalb des Grenzwertes der Körper geschädigt werden kann. Kritiker gehen noch weiter: Sie sagen, dass durch Zellveränderungen Schäden am Gehirn entstehen und gefährliche Stoffwechselprodukte freigesetzt werden. Schlimmstenfalls führt das zu Krebs, Alzheimer oder Multiple Sklerose.“

Nun noch ein Wort zu den beiden Kommentatoren:

Beide sind Wissenschaftler; Breckow ist bei Insidern als “Mobilfunklobbyist“ und “Verharmloser“ bekannt. Sein Fachgebiet ist Physik. Warnke beschäftigt sich seit ca. 20 Jahren lt. TV Bericht mit der Thematik. Er hat u. E. auch sehr souverän die Gefährdung angesprochen. Seine Fachgebiete sind u.a.: Biomedizin, Umweltmedizin, Präventivbiologie.

Herr Prof. Breckow hat in einer Sondersitzung vor dem Stadtparlament Maintal, in einer AfBUS-Sondersitzung am 09.09.2004 einen Vortrag gehalten. Hierzu schrieb Dipl.-Ing. Otto Einsporn in einem Schreiben an Herrn Breckow:


„In Ihren Ausführungen am 09.09.2004 in Maintal haben auch Sie bestätigt, dass den Grenzwerten nach der 26. BimSchV ausschließlich die thermischen Wirkungen der Mobilfunkstrahlung zugrunde liegen und, aus was für Gründen immer, behauptet, dass es für nichtthermische Wirkungen keine wissenschaftlichen Nachweise gibt. Diese auch von der Mobilfunkindustrie wider besseres Wissen immer wieder vorgetragene Behauptung wird ja durch ständige Wiederholung nicht richtiger.

In der Veröffentlichung der SSK im Bundesanzeiger Nr.43 vom 03.März 1992 steht nämlich Zitat: „Über spezielle Effekte, die nicht auf der Erwärmung beruhen, wird in der Literatur seit 15 Jahren berichtet. ..... Die Membraneffekte wurden vielfach bestätigt, so dass ihre Existenz heute als gesichert gilt. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die SAR-Werte hierbei teilweise kleiner als 0,01 W/kg sind und damit erheblich unterhalb thermisch relevanter Intensitäten liegen.“

Die Empfehlung der SSK aus dem Jahre 2001 bringt in Pkt. 3.3.1 leider keine Wiederholung der Membran-Ergebnisse von 1992, weil sich lt. Pkt.1 - Einführung - die Bewertung ausdrücklich nur auf die seit 1998 veröffentlichten wissenschaftlichen Publikationen stützt.

Ich bitte Sie höflich um Ihre Stellungnahme, ob Sie als Mitglied der SSK deren oben angeführte Veröffentlichung von 1992 vor Gericht als nach wie vor gültige Aussage bestätigen würden.

Auszug aus der schriftlichen Antwort von Prof. Dr. J. Breckow vom 11. Oktober 2004:

„Die von Ihnen zitierten Membraneffekte sind unbestritten. Mein Argument in der Maintaler Veranstaltung war, dass nicht jeder biologische Effekt zu einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung führt.“

Meine Meinung (Einsporn) dazu:

1. Die Aussage von Prof. Breckow, dass es für nichtthermische Wirkungen von Mobilfunkstrahlung keine wissenschaftlichen Nachweise gibt war eine vorsätzliche und zielgerichtete Falschaussage zugunsten des Mobilfunks.

2. Die schriftliche Korrektur seiner Aussage disqualifiziert Herrn Prof. Breckow als ernst zu nehmenden Wissenschaftler.

3. Bereits ein biologischer Effekt, der zu einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung führt, ist ein Effekt zu viel.

Ende des HLV Kommentars


Strategische Kommunikation mit "geprüften wissenschaftlichen Methoden"

Forscher und Forschungsergebnisse von der Industrie bezahlt

Unterschätzte Strahlung: Wie gefährlich ist Mobilfunk?



Unterschätzte Strahlung: Wie gefährlich ist Mobilfunk?

Hessenfernsehen HR3 TV Mobilfunkbeitrag

am 6.10.2005 19.00 Uhr ca. 4 Minuten

Service und Gesundheit Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen

HLV Kommentar:

Zum gestrigen ca. 4-minütigen TV Beitrag - s. nachfolgenden HR online Auszug; noch eine Wertung bezüglich der beiden Kommentatoren Prof. Dr. Joachim Breckow, Physiker, Gießen - Mitglied der Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK) und Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Biophysiker, Saarland.


Breckow: “ Wir wissen wirklich bis heute nicht einen einzigen Effekt, von dem wir sagen können, er ist nachgewiesen, wenn es sich um Bereiche abspielt, die unterhalb der Grenzwerte sind.“

Warnke: „Das stimmt aber nicht ganz so. Es zeigt sich, dass Schädigungen am Organismus bei sehr niedrigen Werten auftreten, das ist wissenschaftlich bewiesen. Es werden Chromosomen geschädigt. Wenn so etwas bei pharmazeutischen Produkten auftreten würde, wäre das Präparat nie zugelassen worden.“

Der Originalton des Berichtes gibt dann noch den Hinweis:

„Studien der WHO belegen, dass auch unterhalb des Grenzwertes der Körper geschädigt werden kann. Kritiker gehen noch weiter: Sie sagen, dass durch Zellveränderungen Schäden am Gehirn entstehen und gefährliche Stoffwechselprodukte freigesetzt werden. Schlimmstenfalls führt das zu Krebs, Alzheimer oder Multiple Sklerose.“

Nun noch ein Wort zu den beiden Kommentatoren:

Beide sind Wissenschaftler; Breckow ist bei Insidern als “Mobilfunklobbyist“ und “Verharmloser“ bekannt. Sein Fachgebiet ist Physik. Warnke beschäftigt sich seit ca. 20 Jahren lt. TV Bericht mit der Thematik. Er hat u. E. auch sehr souverän die Gefährdung angesprochen. Seine Fachgebiete sind u.a.: Biomedizin, Umweltmedizin, Präventivbiologie.

Herr Prof. Breckow hat in einer Sondersitzung vor dem Stadtparlament Maintal, in einer AfBUS-Sondersitzung am 09.09.2004 einen Vortrag gehalten. Hierzu schrieb Dipl.-Ing. Otto Einsporn in einem Schreiben an Herrn Breckow:


„In Ihren Ausführungen am 09.09.2004 in Maintal haben auch Sie bestätigt, dass den Grenzwerten nach der 26. BimSchV ausschließlich die thermischen Wirkungen der Mobilfunkstrahlung zugrunde liegen und, aus was für Gründen immer, behauptet, dass es für nichtthermische Wirkungen keine wissenschaftlichen Nachweise gibt. Diese auch von der Mobilfunkindustrie wider besseres Wissen immer wieder vorgetragene Behauptung wird ja durch ständige Wiederholung nicht richtiger.

In der Veröffentlichung der SSK im Bundesanzeiger Nr.43 vom 03.März 1992 steht nämlich Zitat: „Über spezielle Effekte, die nicht auf der Erwärmung beruhen, wird in der Literatur seit 15 Jahren berichtet. ..... Die Membraneffekte wurden vielfach bestätigt, so dass ihre Existenz heute als gesichert gilt. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die SAR-Werte hierbei teilweise kleiner als 0,01 W/kg sind und damit erheblich unterhalb thermisch relevanter Intensitäten liegen.“

Die Empfehlung der SSK aus dem Jahre 2001 bringt in Pkt. 3.3.1 leider keine Wiederholung der Membran-Ergebnisse von 1992, weil sich lt. Pkt.1 - Einführung - die Bewertung ausdrücklich nur auf die seit 1998 veröffentlichten wissenschaftlichen Publikationen stützt.

Ich bitte Sie höflich um Ihre Stellungnahme, ob Sie als Mitglied der SSK deren oben angeführte Veröffentlichung von 1992 vor Gericht als nach wie vor gültige Aussage bestätigen würden.

Auszug aus der schriftlichen Antwort von Prof. Dr. J. Breckow vom 11. Oktober 2004:

„Die von Ihnen zitierten Membraneffekte sind unbestritten. Mein Argument in der Maintaler Veranstaltung war, dass nicht jeder biologische Effekt zu einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung führt.“

Meine Meinung (Einsporn) dazu:

1. Die Aussage von Prof. Breckow, dass es für nichtthermische Wirkungen von Mobilfunkstrahlung keine wissenschaftlichen Nachweise gibt war eine vorsätzliche und zielgerichtete Falschaussage zugunsten des Mobilfunks.

2. Die schriftliche Korrektur seiner Aussage disqualifiziert Herrn Prof. Breckow als ernst zu nehmenden Wissenschaftler.

3. Bereits ein biologischer Effekt, der zu einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung führt, ist ein Effekt zu viel.

Ende des HLV Kommentars

TV Beitrag

6. Oktober 2005 Unterschätzte Strahlung: Wie gefährlich ist Mobilfunk?

WLAN, Handy, schnurloses Telefon. Viele benutzen diese Kommunikationsmittel bedenkenlos. Doch es gibt wissenschaftliche Studien, die Anlass geben, sich über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen der hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Strahlung, die von diesen Geräten ausgeht, Gedanken zu machen.

Wie viel von dieser Strahlung der Mensch abgekommen darf, ist in Deutschland durch den sogenannten SAR (Spezifische Absorptions Rate) Wert festgelegt. Er liegt bei 0,08 W/kg. Experten streiten, ob dieser Wert tatsächlich für die gesundheitliche Unbedenklichkeit garantieren kann. Denn schon unterhalb dieses Grenzwertes können Zellveränderungen im Körper ausgelöst werden, das kann im schlimmsten Fall zu Krebs führen.

Das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz gibt deshalb folgende Empfehlung:

§ Beim Kauf eines Handys darauf achten, dass es einen möglichst niedrigen SAR Wert hat.

§ So wenig wie möglich und nur kurz mit dem Handy telefonieren.

§ Das Handy erst nach dem Rufaufbau zum Kopf führen.

§ Im Auto nur mit Freisprecheinrichtung, die eine Außenantenne hat, Handy nutzen.

§ Nicht in geschlossenen Räumen und Bahnen oder Bussen mit Handy telefonieren.

§ Kinder unter 16 sollten kein Handy benutzen und keine Spiele darauf spielen.

Wer sich so wenig Strahlung wie möglich aussetzen will, sollte außerdem auf WLAN und schnurloses Telefon verzichten.

Bei der zuständigen Verbraucherzentrale kann man sich einen Baubiologen nennen lassen, der die elektromagnetische Strahlung im eigenen Wohnbereich misst. Dieser sollte seine Zertifizierung nachweisen können, denn die Bezeichnung Baubiologe ist nicht geschützt. Auch der TÜV kommt zum Messen, das ist allerdings sehr teuer.



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Oktober 2005

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