
Don't Let Katrina Be The Excuse To Blow Away Your Liberty


Informant: Neo Mulder

Katrina's Green Lining

by Mark Hertsgaard, TomPaine.com

It may just be that Katrina and Rita have jolted America out of its climate change denial.


All for One, None for All

NCLB and school choice policies are often touted as effective strategies to improve educational quality and close the achievement gap between low-income/minority and white middle-class students. But Linda Baker tells us that school choice in Portland has also exacerbated inequality, favoring savvy middle-class families at the expense of families in struggling communities.


Six Democratic War Vets Seek House Seats

Given their experience in Iraq, the six Democrats in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia say they are eminently qualified to pose the tough questions. Their reservations mirror public opinion, with an increasing number of Americans expressing concern about the mission and favoring a timetable for withdrawal of US troops.


Harriet Miers: Bush's Pit Bull

Bush has nominated his Texas crony as a stealth appointment to the Supreme Court. Marjorie Cohn writes that although the Senate will be hard-pressed to discover Harriet Miers's positions on the critical issues, she does have a long record of loyalty to Bush, whom she calls "the most brilliant man I ever met." Bush undoubtedly knows where she stands - and it doesn't appear to be on the side of civil liberties.


As CIA leak probe passes Rove, Cheney is eyed, lawyer says


Informant: Neo Mulder

Miers Coveruped Bush Guard Scandal

Miers was Paid $19,000 to Coverup Bush Guard Scandal

The Harriet Miers Pic That Speaks A Thousand Words

From Philly's "Daily News" blog:


White House counsel Harriet Miers has never served as a judge before, and while this career "hard-nosed lawyer" (as she is invariably described) from Texas certainly deserves some kudos for a trailblazing career as a female lawyer, she's not a legal scholar, either.

But she does know better than just about anyone else where the bodies are buried (relax, it's a just a metaphor...we hope) in President Bush's National Guard scandal. In fact, Bush's Texas gubenatorial campaign in 1998 (when he was starting to eye the White House) actually paid Miers $19,000 to run an internal pre-emptive probe of the potential scandal. Not long after, a since-settled lawsuit alleged that the Texas Lottery Commission -- while chaired by Bush appointee Miers -- played a role in a multi-million dollar cover-up of the scandal.

Whatever Miers knows about the president's troubled past, she may soon be keeping that information underneath the black robe of an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Miers, who not long ago succeeded Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez as White House counsel, is now Bush's pick to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor:

Miers is a skilled lawyer -- mainly on behalf of big business, including Microsoft and Disney -- and the first woman elected Texas State Bar President. But her main qualifications for the highest court in the land appear to be the same as most of Bush's recent appointments: She is unfailingly loyal to George W. Bush.

Here's how Newsweek's Michael Isikoff, on July 17, 2000, described her initial foray in the morass of Bush's Guard service:

The Bushies' concern began while he was running for a second term as governor. A hard-nosed Dallas lawyer named Harriet Miers was retained to investigate the issue; state records show Miers was paid $19,000 by the Bush gubernatorial campaign. She and other aides quickly identified a problem--rumors that Bush had help from his father in getting into the National Guard back in 1968. Ben Barnes, a prominent Texas Democrat and a former speaker of the House in the state legislature, told friends he used his influence to get George W a guard slot after receiving a request from Houston oilman Sid Adger. Barnes said Adger told him he was calling on behalf of the elder George Bush, then a Texas congressman. Both Bushes deny seeking any help from Barnes or Adger, who has since passed away. Concerned that Barnes might go public with his allegations, the Bush campaign sent Don Evans, a friend of W's, to hear Barnes's story. Barnes acknowledged that he hadn't actually spoken directly to Bush Sr. and had no documents to back up his story. As the Bush campaign saw it, that let both Bushes off the hook. And the National Guard question seemed under control.

So far, intriguing...but it gets better, and more complicated. At roughly the same time all of this was happening, Miers was also the Bush-named chair of the scandal-plagued Texas Lottery Commission. The biggest issue before Miers and the commission was whether to retain lottery operator Gtech, which had been implicated in a bribery scandal. Gtech's main lobbyist in Texas in the mid-1990s? None other than that same Ben Barnes who had the goods on how Bush got into the Guard and avoided Vietnam.

In 1997, Barnes was abruptly fired by Gtech. That's a bad thing, right? Well, on the other hand, they also gave him a $23 million severance payment. A short time later, Gtech -- despite the ongoing scandals -- got its contract renewed over two lower bidders. A former executive director thought the whole thing stunk:

The suit involving Barnes was brought by former Texas lottery director Lawrence Littwin, who was fired by the state lottery commission, headed by Bush appointee Harriet Miers, in October 1997 after five months on the job. It contends that Gtech Corp., which runs the state lottery and until February 1997 employed Barnes as a lobbyist for more than $3 million a year, was responsible for Littwin's dismissal.

Littwin's lawyers have suggested in court filings that Gtech was allowed to keep the lottery contract, which Littwin wanted to open up to competitive bidding, in return for Barnes's silence about Bush's entry into the Guard.

Barnes and his lawyers have denounced this "favor-repaid" theory in court pleadings as "preposterous . . . fantastic [and] fanciful." Littwin was fired after ordering a review of the campaign finance reports of various Texas politicians for any links to Gtech or other lottery contractors. But Littwin wasn't hired, or fired, until months after Barnes had severed his relationship with Gtech.

Littwin reportedly settled with Gtech for $300,000. This all could be interesting fodder for a Miers confirmation hearing this fall. But Bush apparently went for Miers' top two credentials:

Loyalty...and a little inside information.


Informant: Neo Mulder

Hawk Republicans, Anti-War Dems: What's the Difference?

Cindy Sheehan: The past week in DC found me in many offices of our elected officials: Senators, Congresspersons, pro-war, "anti-war," Democrat, Republican. With a few notable exceptions, all of our employees toed party lines.


Cindy Sheehan

Israël Mécontentement Cellulaire: Le Rapport de Jérusalem


America: An Idea We Are Losing


Informant: Neo Mulder

Immediate action for Open Voting

Reply-To: Open Voting Announcements alan@openvotingconsortium.org

I need your help right away. Two things: Please speak up for Open Voting! Letters, emails, faxes, phones calls. The situation is described below. The California Secretary of State could use some encouragement to get going on the report on open source software for elections. We need letters to CA legislators as well as the Secretary of State.

I also need money! We still have matching funds available. With two days left in our pledge drive, we're far behind our goal. Please contribute now. See your contribution doubled immediately!!

If you are a California resident, please write to your Senator, Assemblyperson, as well as Secretary of State Bruce McPherson.

If you are outside of California, I think you can still write effectively. Afterall, Microsoft of Washington state, lobbies in all the states regardless.

The other 4 letters complete the story.

1) SEP 8 letter from Assemblywoman Goldberg to Secretary McPherson urging public hearings.

2) SEP 21 letter from McPherson to Charlene Woodcock says he "will be appointing a task force consisting of experts such as Mr. Dechert to conduct a study of Open Source Code and provide it to the Legislature."

3) SEP 28 letter from Chief of Elections Caren Daniels-Meade to Alan Dechert indicating they have made no decisions on what they will do.

4) OCT 3 letter from me to Secretary McPherson -- he may be facing pressure from industry to sandbag the report.

So, if writing to your senator/assemblymember, a template might look like this

********* Hon. So-and-So Member of the Assembly/Senate Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Assemblymember/Senator So-and-So:

Last year, the California State Legislature passed Assembly Concurrent Resolution 242, which calls on the Secretary of State to investigate using open source software for elections and issue a report on that by the end of this year.

We agree with Assemblywoman Goldberg's prescription: "meetings in public and treat them like a legislative hearing."

Please let Secretary McPherson know that the report he issues to the Legislature will be much more believable if the information gathered for it is done thoroughly and publicly.

Signed, constituent of So-and-So
******** If to McPherson:

*********** Hon. Bruce McPherson Secretary of State
1500 11th Street Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: ACR 242

Dear Mr. Secretary:

I agree with Assemblywoman Goldberg's prescription: "meetings in public and treat them like a legislative hearing."

I am looking forward to attending PUBLIC HEARINGS regarding the feasibility of using OPEN SOURCE software for election systems.

Please post a schedule as soon as possible.

Signed, constituent


If you are a Californian, please write to all three: your Assemblymember, your Senator, and your Secretary of State.

In passing along this message, please include the attachments so people will know the background.


Click http://openvoting.org and look for the Support OVC! section on the right screen then scroll down to provide a one-time donation or to join as a sustaining member. You can use the PayPal button there (This is the address for PayPal: donation@openvotingconsortium.org )

PayPal is the preferred method. PayPal now allows contributions to be made with a credit card even if you don't have a PayPal account.

You may also use our Amazon account to contribute.

If by check, please send to: Open Voting Consortium
9560 Windrose Lane Granite Bay, CA 95746

Alan Dechert President, Open Voting Consortium http://openvoting.org alan@openvoting.org
9560 Windrose Lane Granite Bay, CA 95746

Informant: John Calvert

Tell House Republicans to Return DeLay’s Dirty Money


First Evidence Of Brain Abnormalities Found In Pathological Liars

This may explain the problem with certain "experts".

Iris Atzmon.

Omega and with certain politicians.

A a job application should include brain scan...

First Evidence Of Brain Abnormalities Found In Pathological Liars

A University of Southern California study has found the first proof of structural brain abnormalities in people who habitually lie, cheat and manipulate others.


Studie Elektrosensibilität

Wie besprochen wäre es nett, wenn Sie unseren Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der Studie zur Elektrosensibilität, die im Rahmen des BfS Mobilfunkforschungsprogramms läuft, und die wir als Patienteninitiative initiiert haben und begleiten, in Ihrem Newsletter veröffentlichen würden.

Der Aufruf mit allen notwendigen Informationen ist als Datei angehängt:


Herzliche Grüße

Elisabeth Henschel
2. Vorsitzende
Verein für Elektrosensible und allgemein Umwelterkrankte e.V.
Tel. 089 – 99 750 170 (mit Anrufbeantworter)


Testimony of Michael Repacholi

An analysis of testimony given in 1989 by the WHO boss of electromagnetic fields, Michael Repacholi, can be found at




Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
P.O. Box 33932
1501 Kings Highway Shreveport, LA 71130
318-675-6186 (fax)


Petition to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi

Analysis of Repacholi testimony

Welcome to the website of ARA - Association Romande pour la non-prolifération d'Antennes de téléphonie mobile

Thank's for all your information.

Like the Chairman of "ARA" in Switzerland, I would like to know if you could write an insertion to send people take a look in our website:


With my kindly regards.
Philippe Hug

Bienvenue sur le site de l'ARA

Les ondes pulsées de la téléphonie mobile sont nocives, et probablement mortelles. Plus de 200 études existent sur les effets des CEM (Champs ElectroMagnétiques) sur les organismes vivants, qui démontrent leurs effets pervers sur le bien-être et la santé.

Il s'agit certainement de la plus grave atteinte à la santé publique jamais portée!!

ARA - Association Romande pour la non-prolifération d'Antennes de téléphonie mobile
Case postale 17
1454 L'Auberson
CCP 17-776 638-1

GM crops for Africa? No Thanks!


6th installment of the Canadian SWEEP Initiative e-bulletin

This is the 6th installment of the Canadian SWEEP Initiative e-bulletin (Safe Wireless, Electric and Electromagnetic Policy).

This newsletter serves as a roundup of what has been occuring on the EMF/EMR awareness and advocacy front in Canada. Please send me Canadian links and stories. Thanks to a collaboration with GotEMF Canada we are now beginning to build a broad national news-sharing alliance.

Two items today: 1)another excellent opportunity to hear Magda Havas speak, and 2) an item published this weekend in a NFLD paper about Health Canad's response to the NFLD and Lab government's inquiry about EMF.

1. For those within driving distance of Toronto: Tuesday, October 11th, 2005 The Toronto Dowsers is proud to present: Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University

"Earth Energy, Life Energy, and Techno Energy Interactions: How is electrical technology affecting life on our planet? It's a Shocker!"

Gathering, Socializing, Registration, at 6:30 p.m., Program to begin at 7:00 p.m.

at THE LATVIAN CENTRE --- 4 Credit Union Drive This is actually ON Eglinton Avenue This is 2 traffic lights EAST of the Don Valley Parkway On the South West corner of Eglinton and Credit Union.
(Parkway Honda is on the South East corner.)

$7per meeting for Toronto Dowsers members $10 per meeting for non members of the Toronto Dowsers If you cannot afford this donation, please make arrangements with us before the day of the meeting.

Marilyn Gang: mgang@dowsers.info (416) 322 - 0363 (9:33-9:33) Check out the Toronto web site and our past newsletters at: http://www.TorontoDowsers.com

2. An article which appeared in this Sunday's Independent from Newfoundland and Labrador

Health Canada Contacts Province About Health Implications of Electromagnetic Fields

By Clare-Marie Gosse The Independent

A Sept. 12 letter to the province from Health Canada states the federal government is planning to wait for the results of a World Health Organization study into the health implications of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) before funding any studies of its own or setting safety guidelines.

The letter was sent by Morris Rosenberg, deputy minister of Health Canada, in response to an inquiry into overexposure to EMFs by John Abbott, the province's deputy minister of health.

In July, Abbott sent three letters to Health Canada, Natural Resources Canada and the provincial Department of Natural Resources. He outlined a request for information on the subject of electromagnetic exposure due to increasing concerns within the province that high incidents of cancer may be related to electricity from transformers or faulty power distribution lines. "The matter of exposure to EMFs and the potential link to health issues, including cancer, is of public concern in Newfoundland and Labrador," Abbott wrote.

In his reply, Rosenberg explained why Canada currently has no exposure guidelines.

"Health Canada is in line with a large number of other countries, which feel that the evidence for a clear association between magnetic fields and cancer is too weak to form a basis for national guidelines."

The results of the international World Health Organization EMF project are expected in 2006, along with recommended guidelines for national authorities. Rosenberg says Canada will review the issue at that time. "Should they be necessary, any changes to the current position of this department on the impact of EMF exposures would only come after consideration of this important and long-anticipated document," he says.

Scientists have been conducting research into the health effects of EMFs for decades. Reports have shown exposure can increase the risk of childhood leukemia, as well as exacerbate other cancers and chronic illnesses. Some countries such as Sweden and Switzerland have since tightened their guidelines for recommended magnetic field exposure. Others recommend a precautionary approach.

After his wife fell sick with breast cancer, Norris Arm resident Gerald Higgins began lobbying the province to fund a localized, independent study in Newfoundland and Labrador (which has been called an ideal location by health and environmental experts, including the Sierra Club of Canada). He has received support from several politicians, including former Liberal leader Roger Grimes and Scott Simms, MP for Bonavista-Gander-Grand Falls-Windsor.

Five years ago Higgins discovered that out of the 62 transformers in his town, there were incidents of cancer located close to 60. He has since spoken to thousands of cancer victims, and to support Higgins, Norris Arm mayor Fred Budgell, mailed 150 letters to towns in the province, asking for stories of cancer that could be related to transformers; 90 towns responded. Despite similar stories across Canada, government officials seem unwilling to conduct conclusive research.

"Research findings remain inconsistent and seem only to exacerbate, rather than resolve public concerns," writes Rosenberg.

Geoff Eaton, founder of Realtime Cancer, says with other countries beginning to adopt EMF guidelines, Canada should take note. "On the one hand they're not acknowledging data collected in other jurisdictions in the world and on the other hand they are refusing to investigate and generate data in Newfoundland," he says. "It's all about priorities. We are far too dependent on Government and if I had the cash in my back pocket, the studies would be funded and I'd do them right away."

He says government is too easily swayed by the best interests of power companies, who are "allowed to operate without any guidelines or responsibility."

Magda Havas, a professor of environmental resource studies at Trent University in Ontario and an expert in the harmful effects of EMF exposure, agrees.

She says government will eventually have to pay attention because "too many people are getting sick." Havas has been supporting Higgins in his call for a study in Newfoundland and Labrador and has spoken on several local radio stations about the issue.

Almost on a daily basis, she says people who are suffering from health implications as a result of electrical sensitivity contact her for help and she also been approached by doctors requesting information on the subject for concerned patients.

Havas says she has little faith in the World Health Organization's upcoming EMF report. "I think membership is stacked; they pick the people who are going to give them the answers they want and we are not going to move forward on this very quickly." \ She does have confidence in the possibility of a local, independent study, however, and says it could have a huge affect on government and public perception.

"Studies like that will ultimately force the World Health Organization, Health Canada, to do something. One of the reasons why I think they're reluctant to fund these studies is because they don't want to get the answers that they might very well get."

051004 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Cellular Discontent

A good review of the celluar situation in Israel.

Iris Atzmon.

Jerusalem Report

Israelis love their cell phones but are increasingly concerned about the proliferation of the antennas that make them work. Fears of serious health risks are fueling court battles, Knesset debates and explosive neighborhood protests.

When the sun came up on August 1, 2004, there was a giant green- and-white cylinder atop the apartment building at 141 Yehuda Halevy St. in Tel Aviv, directly opposite Moshe Michaan's penthouse art studio. It hadn't been there the day before. Cellcom, a cellular phone provider, had signed a lucrative rent deal with the building's owner, and its technicians had come overnight, closed off the road, put up a pole with 10 cellular antennas, and then disguised it as something with the appearance of a large barrel that was peculiar but benign. Since then, Michaan, who is 69, has been unable to paint his pastel canvases of elegant, angular women. He has been suffering, he says, from headaches, insomnia and anemia. "Everywhere I look, I imagine arrows of poison coming at me," he says.

Over the past few years, and with gathering intensity in recent months, the notoriously cell phone-addicted residents of Israel have been displaying increasing unease, even panic, about the infrastructure that is necessary to support their habit. The antennas that provide cell phone coverage emit radiation, and the belief that this radiation causes cancer and other maladies is widespread, though no link has been clearly established. Nearly every appearance of an antenna in an urban area now draws vocal opposition from angry neighbors. One recent site of contention was the home of Israel's national theater, Habimah, in downtown Tel Aviv, which has no fewer than 27 cellular antennas on its roof. Three hundred residents of upscale Ramat Aviv showed up in early July to protest at the Land of Israel Museum in that Tel Aviv neighborhood when the institution added eight new antennas to several already on its roof. Also in early July, residents of the Arab town of Shfaram rioted when cellular technicians came to erect an antenna, and police had to be called to extricate them.

Israelis are angry about laws that favor the cell phone companies - Pelephone, Partner, Cellcom and MIRS - allowing them to erect antennas without notifying the public or allowing any objections from citizens. They are angry about the disastrous effect antennas can have on the value of their homes, and about the fact that no one is legally liable for that damage. People are worried about the exponential increase in the number of antennas that is expected to accompany the introduction, now under way, of third-generation technology, known as 3G, phones that can carry faster Internet and video. This anger is translating into new local citizens' organizations, a lot of press coverage, appeals to the High Court of Justice, three new Knesset bills, and into proposed, and controversial, changes to regulations governing antenna construction, debated in the cabinet in mid-July.

Those active in the coalescing public opposition to the cellular companies see those companies as a corporate juggernaut with no regard for the well-being of the country's citizens, and see the government agencies that supervise them as complacent at best and corrupt at worst. The cell phone companies treat their critics as if they were cranks and dismiss their anxieties and complaints with contempt.

Israelis started snatching up cell phones as soon as they became widely available and affordable here, in the mid-1990s; the terror attacks that began five years ago helped push mobile phones from a convenience to a necessity. Everyone had to be in touch, all the time. Today, 6.9 million Israelis have 7 million cell phones, supported by a network of 6,700 cellular antenna clusters. (A cluster can have one antenna, or it can have far more; the 27 at Habimah, for example, make up one cluster.) Sometimes the antennas look like antennas. Sometimes they are clumsily disguised as trees, or made to look like rooftop solar water heaters. Inside cities, they are typically mounted on roofs of public buildings and homes, with the cell phone company paying generous rent of thousands of dollars a year to the owner. The number of antennas is growing by around 10 percent every year.

As the number of antennas grows, so do the worries. "There's real concern in the public today, and there's no outlet for it," says Tammy Gannot, a legal adviser at the environmental group Adam, Teva V'Din (known in English as the Israel Union for Environmental Defense). "People feel that their eyes are covered and their hands are tied."

The public feels helpless, Gannot says, because the law so blatantly favors the cellular providers. National Zoning Plan 36, which laid out guidelines for cellular antennas, does not require cell phone companies to notify the public before erecting an antenna, and does not provide any forum for objections. If a cellular provider wants to put an antenna up on your neighbor's roof, it must get your neighbor's permission, approval from the local planning council, and a radiation permit from the Environment Ministry, which the cellular company gets after sending its own technicians to carry out a survey of the site. The antenna will likely be put up in the middle of the night; the cellular companies explain that this is to avoid snarling traffic with trucks and cranes. You will find out about the antenna when you see it on your neighbor's roof in the morning.

The antennas' link to adverse health effects is uncertain, but their effect on housing prices is not. According to Davyd Tal of Jerusalem Homes, a high-end real estate firm in the capital, a cellular phone antenna nearby can lower the rent on a house by as much as a third. And if there is an antenna on the roof, Tal says, the house will simply not be sold. Moshe Michaan says the antennas across the street from him have driven the worth of his rooftop studio from $250,000 to $180,000. Michaan's real estate agent has told him, however, that in practice his studio is now unsellable.

Ordinarily, if the value of your property is damaged by something your neighbor builds - a second-floor addition blocking your sunlight, for example - you have three years to petition the local planning council, which approved the addition, for compensation. But thanks to a legal loophole, if it's a cellular antenna bringing down property values, no one is liable. In order to streamline the process of putting up antennas, National Zoning Plan 36 requires the cell phone provider to get only a building permit approved, not a building plan, which is more complicated, and which is what you would need if you were adding a floor to your house. The building plan for all antennas was approved, technically, when National Zoning Plan 36 was, in May of 2002. Citizens can petition the local council, therefore, within three years of that date. This means that as of May of this year, no one at all is liable for a lowering of property values. Adam, Teva V'Din appealed to the Supreme Court on this issue in July. A decision is expected in late summer.

One of the only places in Israel with no cellular coverage is the Druse town of Usfiyeh, in the Carmel hills near Haifa. In the late 1990s, residents became convinced that high rates of cancer in the town - they counted 200 cases out of 10,000 residents - were connected with the 73 cellular antennas inside Usfiyeh. Suleiman Abu Ruken, a member of the town council, plotted the incidence of cancer in the town on a map, and saw that many of the cases were located near the highest concentrations of antennas. The cell phone companies, Abu Ruken says, had put up most of those antennas without the necessary permits. "We tried to get rid of them legally," he says, "but we saw that we weren't getting anywhere."

On March 14, 2000, when Cellcom technicians arrived to add another antenna, residents rioted and destroyed all the antennas they could find in the town by burning them, knocking them down and ripping out their cables. After that, Abu Ruken recounts, the companies began hiding the antennas in water heaters and inside people's homes. "For a lot of people, the money that the cellular companies were offering was too tempting," he says. Pressure from neighbors forced some of those residents to give up their antennas.

The community went one step further this spring, when Usfiyeh's religious leaders issued a ruling excommunicating anyone who rented out space for a cellular antenna. After the ruling, three more antennas were located and dismantled. Abu Ruken still suspects that there are more - installed illegally, without permits, and so unknown to the authorities - hidden in the town. "The companies swear that there aren't any, but I don't believe them," he says.

The Environment Ministry, which denies any link between cellular antennas and disease, has suggested that the high rate of cancer in Usfiyeh could be related to pollution coming from heavy industry in Haifa Bay. The Health Ministry has also rejected Abu Ruken's claims. But many Israelis see, as Abu Ruken does, a link between radiation emitted by the antennas and a long list of harmful effects, from headaches and insomnia to cancer.

They've got it all wrong, if we are to believe the world's foremost authority on the radiation emitted by cellular antennas, the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which advises the World Health Organization. The ICNIRP standard, measured in microwatts per square centimeter, is 450; radiation above that level begins to heat tissues and can cause harm.

The American Federal Communications Commission standard is even looser, at 570 microwatts. Nearly all cellular radiation falls far short of those levels. The Israeli Environment Ministry approves antennas that emit radiation only up to 45 microwatts per square centimeter, a tenth of the radiation allowed by the ICNIRP standard. That measurement is carried out at the antenna; the radiation dissipates with distance.

The scientific debate over the health damage caused by antennas is fierce, with ICNIRP and its allies accused of peddling corrupt science paid for by the cell phone companies, and the cellular opponents of amateurish research and needless panic-mongering. The disagreement is essentially about one point. ICNIRP, and most researchers, believe that harm is only caused by the radiation when it begins heating tissues. That happens, says ICNIRP, when levels pass 450; anything under that is fine. By that standard, the Israeli level is far under anything that could possibly cause damage. But critics of this approach charge that radiation emitted by the antennas causes all kinds of other damage, including scrambling brain waves, altering DNA, encouraging cancer genes and inhibiting genes that fight the disease. The most vocal Israeli proponent of this second view, and one of the gurus of the anti-antenna lobby, is Dr. Zamir Shalita, a retired microbiologist who spent 30 years at the government's Nes Tzionah biological research facility. (Foreign sources have reported that the facility is where Israel develops biological weapons and countermeasures.) "Studies have shown that even at 5 microwatts this kind of radiation causes damage," Shalita says. Switzerland and Italy, he adds, have set radiation standards many times lower than Israel's - 10 and five times lower, respectively. "Every country sets its own standard, according to how much it cares for its citizens," he says.

The dangers from antenna radiation, all agree, are less than the dangers from the actual cell phone. Two Israeli scientists, Dr. Elihu Richter of Hebrew University and Dr. Zvi Weinberger of the Jerusalem College of Technology, posited in a 2002 paper that when you use a cell phone your head serves as an antenna and your brain tissue as a radio receiver - in other words, that your body is actually used by the cell phone to broadcast and receive signals. This, they wrote, could explain some of the reported health effects, like headaches and insomnia, reported by cell phone users. As Weinberger, head of JCT's physics department, explains it, the cell phone waves "wreak havoc with the brain's own frequencies." Though the antennas are farther away from people than phones, he says, "they broadcast the same waves and cause the same kind of damage. It's a real threat."

Still, the cell phone companies' claim that the technology is safe is backed by ICNIRP. In a survey of studies on the subject in 2004, the organization declared firmly that to date there is "no consistent or convincing evidence of a causal relation" between cellular radiation and any adverse health effect. It did, however, note that little was really known about the effects, especially on children, and that research was difficult to carry out.

The Environment Ministry believes that the public has nothing to worry about. The official in charge of granting permits for cellular antennas and for their supervision, and the target of much of the anti-antenna activists' wrath, is Dr. Stelian Ghelberg, director of the ministry's Noise and Radiation Control Department. Not only is the Israeli standard 10 times tighter than that of ICNIRP, Ghelberg says, but Israel is also one of the few countries to require that every antenna be checked once a year. (Shalita points out that those checks are carried out by technicians paid by the cell phone companies. Ghelberg confirms this.)

"People are afraid of new developments, of new technology," Ghelberg says, "and the fear of antennas isn't necessarily rational. The fear itself," he suggests, "is making people sick." The anti- antenna activists believe that more antennas mean more radiation, and this, Ghelberg says, is a fundamental misunderstanding. Each antenna broadcasts according to the number of cell phones communicating with it at any given moment, so the more antennas there are, the less each one has to broadcast.

Furthermore, a cell phone expends more effort - meaning more radiation - the farther away the antenna it's communicating with. The more antennas are available, the closer they are to your phone, which gives off less radiation as a result and causes you less harm.

Moshe Michaan, spurred to action by the appearance of the antennas on the rooftop opposite his studio, has become an outspoken opponent of the cellular companies and of the Environment Ministry. "The ministry is doing nothing," he rages, "but it's worse than nothing, because the cellular companies brandish the ministry's permit and say, 'What do you want from us?' And people have the illusion that someone is looking out for them, when in fact that isn't true at all." Michaan reserves special venom for Ghelberg. "The person in charge of guarding our health and that of our children insists that no harm whatsoever is being done," Michaan says. "He's either stupid or lying." Michaan wants the number of antennas decreased by three-quarters, wants radiation standards tightened by a factor of four, at least, and wants radiation meters installed on rooftops around any antenna to make sure no excess radiation is being emitted.

Three bills that would increase regulation of the antennas are in various stages of legislation in the Knesset. In addition, Interior Minister Ofir Pines-Paz is pushing for changes to be made to National Zoning Plan 36 that would force the cell phone companies to inform the public of the impending construction of an antenna and provide a forum for objections. Most painful for the cell phone companies, Pines-Paz also wants to make them liable for 80 percent of any drop in property values nearby. The remaining 20 percent would come from the local planning council that approved its construction. Not surprisingly, the cell phone companies are strenuously opposed, and Communications Minister Dalia Itzik has been making efforts to get the issue buried indefinitely in committee.

Yuri Shtern, a National Union Knesset member, has become one of the more active legislators on the cellular front. His proposed law, one of the three bills now before the Knesset, would, like Pines- Paz's proposals, make the process of antenna construction more transparent and would also make the cellular companies pay for research into the technology's health effects. "It's true that so far no one has been able to prove that they cause harm," says Shtern. "But no one has proven that they don't. The fact that people are panicking is already a kind of harm, and making the process more transparent would go a long way toward calming people down."

Public advocates like Tammy Gannot of Adam, Teva V'Din are in a hurry to tighten the rules governing antennas before a new push of construction that, Gannot says, will see the cell phone companies erect as many as 18,000 new antennas - quadrupling the number that exist today - in order to support the demands of the new 3G phones, which transmit more information and need greater band width. "We have to stop them before the third generation," Gannot says. "These phones are not a matter of life and death. You can live without a 3G cell phone." Moshe Michaan agrees. "The situation today is bad," he says, "but the third generation is going to make this look like child's play." Zamir Shalita charges that not only are there going to be thousands of antennas built, the new 3G antennas emit more radiation than the older models.

Iftah Kramer, spokesman for the Israeli Cellular Forum, which was set up by Pelephone, Partner and Cellcom to handle their increasingly sticky public relations, assures me that there will be no push of new antenna construction. The number of antennas, he says, will continue to expand by 10 percent a year. And the new antennas being erected for the 3G phones don't emit more radiation, he maintains, they emit less. Stelian Ghelberg of the Environment Ministry confirms this. The new antennas, Ghelberg says, give off a third to a half of the radiation of the previous generation, "just as a new Ford uses less gas than an old one." In the next few years, he says, the companies will not need to dramatically increase the number of antennas.

According to Kramer, the Israeli cellular network is among the safest in the world. "People criticize the cell phone companies, but we don't set the health standard," he says. "That's set by the Environment Ministry. No one has found any evidence that this technology is harmful." Kramer seems to have an intense dislike for Shalita, the anti-antenna microbiologist. "He simply doesn't know what he's talking about," Kramer charges. "It's easy to wage a campaign of fear and to frighten the public, to cause panic and hysteria. But he's just telling people stories."

And why do the cellular companies oppose rules that would allow citizens to be notified ahead of time, and guarantee them compensation for any drop in property values that result? "The companies don't oppose moves to let the public know more," Kramer says carefully, "but they have to be balanced. Pines-Paz's proposals are not balanced. The Israeli government decided that the country would have a first-rate cellular network. We must be allowed to carry that out." Growing public unease is going to make that increasingly hard to do. "There's going to be an explosion here, like there was in Shfaram and Usfiyeh," Moshe Michaan predicts. "If people feel that they have no other option, that the government isn't looking out for their health, they'll take the law into their own hands." When Suleiman Abu Ruken described Usfiyeh's vigilante solution to its antenna problem at a June conference organized by the public advocacy group Shatil, the audience applauded.

But there are no signs that this unease and anger are making Israelis throw out their cell phones. People may get upset when an antenna is built in their backyard, but everyone wants good coverage. Everyone interviewed for this story uses a cellular phone. "Our society can decide to live with or without this technology," says Stelian Ghelberg of the Environment Ministry. "It's clear what choice Israelis have made."

Copyright c 2005. The Jerusalem Report Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved.

Auseinandersetzung mit T-Mobile

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich bin aktiv in der Mobilfunkinitiative Kempten-Oberallgäu und kämpfe nebenbei mit meinem Mann gegen Windmühlen. So nenne ich es, wenn man sich zum Thema Mobilfunk engagiert. Außerdem bin ich gerade dabei, eine Arbeitsgruppe hier in Kempten zu gründen, die es zur Aufgabe hat, öffentlichen Stellen "auf die Füße zu treten" bzw. auf das Thema "Gesundheitsgefährdung durch Mobilfunk" aufmerksam zu machen.

Vielleicht haben Sie Interesse mein beigefügtes Schreiben an T-Mobile Deutschland zu lesen oder zu veröffentlichen.


Wir schlafen in der Zwischenzeit unter Schutz-Baldachinen und haben Teile unseres Hauses abgeschirmt. Kein schöner Zustand....

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Anke Kern


Die wahren Strippenzieher: Lobbyisten in Brüssel


Audio-Download (4,5 MB):

Scientists gave evidence that the exposure to a pulsed 1800 MHz RF at a low level can lead to DNA breaks - Scientifiques ont prouvé que l’exposition à un rayonnement pulsé radio téléphonie de 1800MHz de bas niveau peut provoquer des dommages et des ruptures d’ADN



During the 4th International lecture related to the EMF Effects, in Kunming, China, scientists gave evidence that the exposure to a pulsed 1800 MHz RF at a low level can lead to DNA breaks.

This information was like a "bombe" in Brussels, in the Mobile Manufacturers Forum (MMF).


Next-up is currently studying more than 345 pages of mail and e-mail related to the order of the EMF environmental effects by the government to scientists.

This mail between scientists, government and industrials are read and translated for the time being.

Next-up will publish a synthesis as well as extracts of these mails an e-mails.

Everybody will be able then to have some; idea about the hidden truth.


The stats concerning the morbidity disturb a lot in Crest, France.

Next-up will tell you why ASL cannot publish those stats anymore.



A la 4ème conférence internationale sur les CEM et les Effets Biologiques à Kunming en Chine, les Scientifiques ont prouvé que l’exposition à un rayonnement pulsé radio téléphonie de 1800MHz de bas niveau peut provoquer des dommages et des ruptures d’ADN.

Cette annonce a fait l’objet d’une "bombe" au siège du MMF (Mobile Manufacturers Forum) à Bruxelles.


Next-up étudie actuellement plus de 345 pages de correspondance et mails (consultables sur le web!) relatifs à une commande par un Organisme Gouvernemental US à un pool des Scientifiques d’une étude sur les conséquences environnementales des Champs ÉlectroMagnétiques.

Ces échanges de courrier entre les Scientifiques, l’Organisme d’état commanditaire, et les industriels sont en cours de lecture et de traduction pour certains.

Next-up publiera en synthèse, ainsi que des extraits édifiants de correspondances ou de mails.

Chacun pourra se faire une idée sur la vérité sciemment occultée.


Les statistiques de morbidité dérangent énormément dans le microcosme de la ville de Crest et à la Préfecture de la Drôme en France.

Face à l’évidence qui dérange, face aux lanceurs d'alertes, c’est l’union "administrative" contre ASL pour la politique de l’autruche.

Next-up vous dira comment et pourquoi l’Association ASL ne peut plus publier les stats de morbidité.

Das Handy und sein Mast

Von: Dr. Gerd Oberfeld
Gesendet: Montag, 26. September 2005 22:35
An: Dr. Martin Runge
Betreff: Gesundheitsrisiko Mobilfunk und Gesundheit - Das Handy und sein Mast - 19.11.2005

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

in der Anlage übersende ich Ihnen das Programm zur 13. Jahresfortbildungstagung des Referates Umweltmedizin der Österreichischen Ärztekammer:


„Gesundheitsrisiko Mobilfunk und Gesundheit - Das Handy und sein Mast“

Landhaus St. Pölten, Samstag, 19. November 2005, 09:30 bis 15:30 Uhr.

Die Veranstaltung steht auch NichtärztInnen offen!

Ich würde mich freuen, Sie bei der Tagung begrüßen zu dürfen und ersuche Sie die Veranstaltung in Ihrem Bereich bekanntzumachen.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. med. Gerd Oberfeld
Langmoosweg 26
5023 Salzburg
Phone: 0043 / 662 / 66 32 19
Fax: 0043 / 662 / 66 31 80
E-mail: office@oberfeld.at

Beam microwave energy from a satellite


I found this article in yahoo: "One idea floated a few years back was to beam microwave energy from a satellite to disrupt the convection that drives a tornado." Sure you will have tornadoes and look at these dark highways/roads/roofs elsewhere. Looked from the satellite the ground looks more and more dark with the years. So what you expect? To fix the climate with microwaves? We must react!

Taking the Twist Out of a Twister

Schemes to Control the Weather Clouded by Failure

So, what's next, people of Earth?

ilko paunov

Harriet Miers was the fixer for Bush's National Guard Records Purge


Informant: Mofmars3

Harte Kritik am geplanten Mobilfunk-Sendemast


Auch in Pretzfeld gehen die Wogen der Kritik hoch – Bürgermeister Müller: „Das Bestmögliche erreicht“

PRETZFELD. Eindringlich warnte Dr. Claus Steingraber (Vorsitzender des Arbeitskreises für Elektro-Biologie aus München) die 25 Zuhörer im Sportheim vor Handy-Strahlen und insbesondere vor der dritten Mobilfunkgeneration UMTS, deren Strahlungsintensität um ein vielfaches höher ist als die bisherigeTechnik.

Er war als Referent auf Einladung der Pretzfelder BN-Ortsgruppe zu einer Info-Veranstaltung wegen des geplanten, 25 Meter hohen UMTS-Mastens von Vodafone unterhalb des Pretzfelder Kellerwaldes gekommen.

Diesen Standort, etwa 400 Meter vor der letzten Wohnbebauung, hatte der Marktgemeinderat auf dem Grund der Kommune dem Mobilfunkbetreiber vorgeschlagen. Dies deshalb, weil ansonsten zu befürchten war, dass sich Vodafone einen anderen genehmigungsfreien Standort noch näher an Pretzfeld suchen werde. Inzwischen gibt es gegen den Beschluss des Gemeinderats auch Widerstand aus der Bevölkerung.

Schadensersatzforderung schon mal vorsorglich

Ein Bürger meldete bereits schriftlich Schadensersatzansprüche wegen Wertverlust seines Grundstücks und Schmerzensgeldforderungen gegen den Markt an, wenn es durch die UMTS-Strahlen zu Gesundheitsschäden komme. „Ich befürchte gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen“, schrieb der Pretzfelder bereits dem Bürgermeister.

Das es Gesundheitsschäden durch UMTS geben wird, „für Sensible vielleicht schon bald, für unsere Enkel auf jeden Fall“, davon ist Steingraber überzeugt. „Die gesundheitlichen Konsequenzen dadurch werden einmal bitter sein“, so Steingraber.

Bei Handygesprächen, auch mit DECT-Schnurlostelefonen, riet er unter sechs Minuten Dauer zu bleiben. „Ich bin nicht gegen Mobilfunk, aber gegen die Krankmachung unseres Volkes“, betont Steingraber. Aufgabe der Eltern sei es, heute ihren Kindern die Gefährlichkeit der Strahlung zu vermitteln, weil dies der Staat nicht tue. BN-Ortsvorsitzende Gudrun Richter-Vogel warf den anwesenden Ratsmitgliedern vor, dass es ein Fehler gewesen sei, vor der Entscheidung zum Bau des Mobilfunkmastes die Bürger nicht gefragt zu haben. Für Günter Klatt von der WPA eine Wahl zwischen „Cholera und Pest“.

Deshalb habe der Gemeinderat diesen Kompromissvorschlag gemacht, damit der Mast möglichst weit vom Ort weg kommt. Rose Stark (SPD-Ökologen), sie hatte mit Dieter Güttler dagegen gestimmt, sagte, dass im Gemeinderat gar nicht diskutiert wurde ob man den Standort verändern könne. Der Rat sei dem Vorschlag von Vodafone gefolgt und eine öffentliche Info-Veranstaltung habe der Rest des Rates abgelehnt, sagte sie. Klatt wusste nichts von einem derartigen Antrag im Rat und Karl-Ludwig Grodd (WPA) verwies darauf, dass beide Gemeinderatssitzungen zu diesem Thema öffentlich gewesen sind.

Eine Betroffene aus Pretzfeld wollte wissen, wie sie sich zur Wehr setzten könne. „Als Anlieger haben sie keine Rechte“, so Steingraber dazu. Letzte Konsequenz sei es, das Haus zu verkaufen und wegzuziehen, riet er der Pretzfelderin.

Bürgermeister Erhard Müller (CSU) sagte auf Anfrage, dass der Gemeinderat das Beste aus der Lage gemacht habe. „Die wollten den Sender zuletzt neben die Anger-Kapelle setzen, nur 150 Meter von der letzten Wohnbebauung weg“, so Müller. Das wäre nicht zu verhindern gewesen, weil genehmigungsfrei und der Besitzer wohnt nicht in Pretzfeld. Durch den Vorschlag der Gemeinde sei es zumindest gelungen, den Sender so weit wie möglich von der Ortschaft wegzudrücken, so Müller. „Sonst stände das Ding womöglich mitten in Pretzfeld, vielleicht gleich neben dem Kindergarten?

„Wir haben das Bestmöglichste erreicht“, war sich Müller sicher. Verhindert werden könne der Bau des Mastes nun ohnehin nicht mehr. Der Vertrag mit Vodafone ist bereits unterschrieben, bestätigte der Bürgermeister dem FT. tw


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Who Killed Cock Robin?

You may be interested in a little tongue-in-cheek (but deadly serious) item I have put on my website at http://www.starweave.com/robin

It can also be accessed via a link on my main news page
(Link entitled "Who Killed Cock Robin? The Buck Stops - Where??"



Iris: Yes, Grahme "is deadly serious" -- his comments re the white stork and their "psychosomatic problems" really hit home with me! Grahame's poetry "paints a picture" of the unfolding tragedies.......

I remember the shocked expressions on more than one vet when she/he diagnosed asthma in my guinea pigs...... I also remember the surprise in the vet's voice when she phoned to tell me about the lab test results on my guinea pigs. She knew severe neutropenia and hypersegmented neutrophils" (slowed DNA synthesis) were profound changes due to extreme stress. The vet had agreed to participate in my studies and knew my grandsons had improved dramatically when moved away from electric meter walls -- the same type of location for the guinea pig cage. I vividly recall the difficulty and pain involved in arranging for a necropsy each time a guinea pig died -- two within a month of exposure........ The "psychological effect" on the vet and myself was significant!!!"

It is too difficult at this time to write about "all the psychological pain" involved in regard to two grandsons who were diagnosed with rare immune.....the question as to whether we had lost children in the family.......the reality of being told they may develop Leukemia, Lymphoma, stomach or colon cancer and many other aspects of the struggle to save their lives which you and others fighting for the rights of humans to live in safe, peaceful environments have heard about many times over.

Anger still stirs when I recall one of my adorable grandson's experience of being given "time out" whenever he choked while trying to eat. Fortunately my daughter, his mom, may have tried this only once before her "common sense" took over and she recognized the insanity of removing food from the tray of her tiny 14 month old as he struggled to overcome effects of the "silent, invisible threat" (the EMR from the electric meter close to his "comfy bed").

You won't be surprised to learn there was no further contact with the psychiatrist although my tiny, blonde-haired, little grandson with wondeering, intelligent, blue eyes was too young to know that his reaction to food going down his throat wasn't his fault and it also wasn't his fault that his dad stopped going out to dinner as a family........

"Genuine fear" sets in also when a desperate, loving mom, accompanied by an equally loving, frantic and desperate grandmother carry on a search for a doctor -- a "new specialist" to help diagnose the health problems that resulted from his "rare immune deficiency." Before the diagnosis of the rare immune, we often considered the fact we might be looked at as having Munchausen's Syndrome with the realization we could actually be accused of "causing his problems!"

The doctors were correct! We were "causing his problems! {Identical scenario was being played out with another grandson but with his mom, my daughter-in-law and son.]

We had placed his "comfy crib" up against his bedroom wall that was opposite the electric meter! We were "killing him" and NO ONE told us the chronic, prolonged exposure to the EMF/EMR from the electric meter was causing chronic inflammation -- the beginning of the precancerous process!!! We didn't even know there was an electric meter on the outside of his bedroom wall nor did we have any reason to make sure his bed was not placed against a "powerwall."

We made special efforts to place him securely in his car seat (required by law) whenever he was transported from doctor to doctor. Special emphasis and even literature was supplied by the nurses when he was finally taken home from the hospital (a pre-mature infant) regarding "proper car seats," etc.

His breathing was being monitored by a little machine from strips taped to his chest while he slept in his "comfy crib" -- all the while he was "being assaulted" by action of the house electric meter and its EMF/EMR pollution that NO ONE told us to be concerned about!!!!

I haven't heard that mine canaries were suspected of "suffering psychosomatic problems" but as EMF Guru, Roy Beavers, wrote some time ago, "the canaries are dying from EMF/EMR" [not verbatim] -- the signs are everywhere and the evidence is mounting the "real problems" are more of "a criminal nature" due to lies, cover-ups, misleading information, minimization of facts and the outrght "suppression of facts and information!!!" Best wishes to you and all fighting the "EMR cause" and "special thanks" to Grahme Blackwell for his insightful work!!! Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com (10-4-05)


Jeff Adams | September 30 2005
Prison Planet (prisonplanet.com)

"I support our troops" has become a popular saying. It didn’t originate with the current ‘War on Terror.’ I first remember hearing this phrase during the first Gulf War, back in the early 1990s. I believe the origin of this saying is found in politicians who may have opposed military action but didn’t want to end up, for re-election purposes, on the wrong side of voters’ views of that war. It harkens back to opposition to the Vietnam War and the mistreatment of veterans. Time has allowed people to see how wrong it was to abuse and bad-mouth the people in uniform back then, as soldiers only fight the battles they are directed to, they don’t pick them (not to mention we had a draft during Vietnam, so many were reluctant soldiers, unlike today where we have an all-volunteer force).

Drive around town and you’ll see folks with stickers on their cars that say ‘I support our troops.’ Of course, there are folks who don’t support our troops (go to http://therant.us/hall_of_shame.htm to see one kook who hasn’t got a clue about the kind of people that join our armed forces, or understands their reasons for joining). I don’t have one of those stickers on my truck, but I have taken time to help collect items for gift packages my church has sent to troops, and I pray for the safe return of our troops. On a more personal level, I keep in contact with friends who are serving in Iraq, via e-mail, encouraging them and keeping them updated on things back home. My wife and I have even taken time to fix meals for their families here at home. Small things indeed, but it’s a way of letting the people that matter to us know we care. [...] Read more at

© Virginia Metze

The Way It Is

Paul Krugman
New York Times

Bill Frist, the Senate majority leader, is under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

He sold all his stock in HCA, which his father helped found, just days before the stock plunged. Two years ago, Mr. Frist claimed that he did not even know if he owned HCA stock.

According to a new U.S. government index, the effect of greenhouse gases is up 20 percent since 1990.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a 33-year-old Wall Street insider with little experience in regulation but close ties to drug firms, was made a deputy commissioner at the F.D.A. in July. (This story, picked up by Time magazine, was originally reported by Alicia Mundy of The Seattle Times.)

The Artic ice cap is shrinking at an alarming rate.

Two of the three senior positions at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are vacant. The third is held by Jonathan Snare, a former lobbyist. [...] Read the rest at: http://tinyurl.com/au5gh

© Virginia Metze

After Indictment, DeLay Grossly Distorts Role With TRMPAC

Tom DeLay wants you to believe he was completely in the dark about TRMPAC’s activities. Here’s what DeLay said tonight on Hardball:

That’s TRMPAC. That’s not me…I was simply, along with four other elected officials, on an advisory board. They used my name as headliners for fundraisers and I had no idea what they were doing.

The facts suggest otherwise:

DELAY SAID TRMPAC WAS HIS IDEA: “U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Sugar Land, said Wednesday that it was his idea to create Texans for a Republican Majority.” [Austin American Statesman, 3/10/05 ]

DELAY ADMITTED HE WAS A “CREATOR, ADVISOR AND FUNDRAISER” FOR TRMPAC: “House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said Wednesday he served as a creator, adviser and fund-raiser to a Texas-based political action committee now under state criminal investigation.” [Houston Chronicle, 3/10/04 ]

Read the whole thing at the Think Progress web site:


© Virginia Metze

A Sick, Dying Elephant

Sep 30, 2005, 05:34
Capitol Hill Blue

That giant sucking sound you hear is air escaping from the collective
blowhards also known as the Republican Party.

Deflation is a natural occurrence when bloated egos and arrogance get out of control. The GOP’s bubble had to burst and indictment of the party’s chief crook, the bribe-taking, vote-selling House Majority Leader Tom DeLay provided the pin prick that sent all that Republican hot air cascading through the halls of power.

DeLay’s indictment is far more than just the nailing of another corrupt politician. It is a signal that GOP dominance in the Capitol may be an endangered species, a sign that 11 years of running roughshod over the Constitution, allowing extremist elements to run the party and arrogantly thinking they are above the laws of the nation and decency are over. [...] Read the whole "Rant" at Capitol Hill Blue, the oldest web newspaper:


© Virginia Metze

Katrina Will Be Bush's Monica

A Tomdispatch Interview with Cindy Sheehan

My brief immersion in the almost unimaginable life of Cindy Sheehan begins on the Friday before the massive antiwar march past the White House. I take a cab to an address somewhere at the edge of Washington DC -- a city I don't know well -- where I'm to have a quiet hour with her. Finding myself on a porch filled with peace signs and vases of roses (assumedly sent for Sheehan), I ring the doorbell, only to be greeted by two barking dogs but no human beings. Checking my cell phone, I discover a message back in New York from someone helping Sheehan out. Good Morning America has just called; plans have changed. Can I make it to Constitution and 15th by five? I rush to the nearest major street and, from a bus stop, fruitlessly attempt to hail a cab. The only empty one passes me by and a young black man next to me offers an apologetic commentary: "I hate to say this, but they probably think you're hailing it for me and they don't want to pick me up." On his recommendation, I board a bus, leaping off (twenty blocks of crawl later) at the sight of a hotel with a cab stand. [...] Read the rest at: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/3204 It is also on TomDispatch.com, Tom Engelhardt's own web site:

© Virginia Metze

Cindy Sheehan

ClimateWire 2005-09-23

Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:04:33 +0200 (CEST)




http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97583&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews%2Eindependent%2Eco%2Euk%2Fworld%2Famericas%2Farticle314510%2EeceThis is global warming, says environmental chief The Independent (United Kingdom) Super-powerful hurricanes now hitting the United States are the "smoking gun" of global warming, one of Britain's leading scientists believes

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97575&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews%2Ebbc%2Eco%2Euk%2F2%2Fhi%2Fuk%5Fnews%2Fmagazine%2F4267086%2EstmA£200 ticket to ride BBC (United Kingdom) How far can you go with £200 by plane compared with train? With budget flights costing as little as 1p, air travel is the cheapest way to get around. No wonder environmentalists worry.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97578&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftoday%2Ereuters%2Eco%2Euk%2Fnews%2FnewsArticle%2Easpx%3Ftype%3DscienceNews%26storyID%3D2005%2D09%2D22T075916Z%5F01%5FSCH228649%5FRTRIDST%5F0%5FSCIENCE%2DENVIRONMENT%2DWARMING%2DDC%2EXMLReport says global warming could spark conflict Reuters (United Kingdom) Rising world temperatures could cause a significant increase in disease across Asia and Pacific Island nations, leading to conflict and leaving hundreds of millions of people displaced, a new report said on Thursday.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97579&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftoday%2Ereuters%2Eco%2Euk%2Fnews%2FnewsArticle%2Easpx%3Ftype%3DscienceNews%26storyID%3D2005%2D09%2D22T174831Z%5F01%5FYUE264040%5FRTRIDST%5F0%5FSCIENCE%2DENVIRONMENT%2DEU%2DCANADA%2DDC%2EXEU sees no major post-Kyoto climate deal at talks Reuters (United Kingdom) The European Union does not expect a binding agreement to emerge from major talks designed to find a way of replacing the Kyoto climate change accord, the EU's environment commissioner said on Thursday.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97593&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Enzherald%2Eco%2Enz%2Fcategory%2Fstory%2Ecfm%3Fc%5Fid%3D26%26ObjectID%3D10346842Study suggests heatwave added to global warming New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) Europe's devastating 2003 heat wave, which claimed 35,000 lives, also reduced plant growth across the continent by 30 per cent and may have contributed to global warming, say French researchers.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97596&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews%2Ebbc%2Eco%2Euk%2F1%2Fhi%2Fsci%2Ftech%2F4269066%2EstmHeatwave makes plants warm planet BBC (United Kingdom) A new study shows that during the 2003 heatwave, European plants produced more carbon dioxide than they absorbed from the atmosphere.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97597&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fabcnews%2Ego%2Ecom%2FWNT%2FHurricaneRita%2Fstory%3Fid%3D1150266%26page%3D1Warm Gulf Waters Fueling Busy Hurricane Season ABC News (Australia) Researchers, publishing their work in this chaotic hurricane season, have created a storm of their own. Two groups have found independently that over the last 30 years, hurricanes have steadily been gaining strength.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97576&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews%2Ebbc%2Eco%2Euk%2F2%2Fhi%2Fscience%2Fnature%2F4271820%2EstmCow dung for the climate BBC (United Kingdom) A model biogas project is creating a win-win situation for rural Nepalese, the industrialised world and the atmosphere.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97587&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egreenconsumerguide%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ephp%3Fnews%3D2781Audi reveals innovative green hybrid Green Consumer Guide (United Kingdom) Audi has revealed its Q7 concept car - a petrol-electric 4x4 with a host of green innovations - at the Frankfurt International Motor Show after months of speculation.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97594&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eenn%2Ecom%2Ftoday%2Ehtml%3Fid%3D8864E.U. Proposes Ambitious Plans To Clean Up Air Pollution by 2020 Environmental News Network (USA) The European Union head office proposed scaled-back plans Wednesday to reduce air pollution, which it claims kills 370,000 EU citizens every year.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97577&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftoday%2Ereuters%2Eco%2Euk%2Fnews%2FnewsArticle%2Easpx%3Ftype%3DscienceNews%26storyID%3D2005%2D09%2D22T134348Z%5F01%5FYUE248988%5FRTRIDST%5F0%5FSCIENCE%2DENVIRONMENT%2DAFRICA%2DDC%2EXML%26Climate change hurts Africa most: scientists Reuters (United Kingdom) Africa contributes least to global climate change, but is bearing the brunt of the phenomenon that is expected to exacerbate food shortages in the long term, scientists warned on Thursday.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97591&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Enzherald%2Eco%2Enz%2Fcategory%2Fstory%2Ecfm%3Fc%5Fid%3D26%26ObjectID%3D10346887Greens put heat on oil firms New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) The Green Party is challenging oil companies to absorb the next price spike and not pass it on to motorists.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97595&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eenn%2Ecom%2Ftoday%2Ehtml%3Fid%3D8861 Scientists Send Message: 'Cut Air Travel for the Environment' Environmental News Network (USA) Britain should drastically reduce the growth of air travel to bring greenhouse gas emissions within levels that will avoid dangerous climate change, a report by leading environmental scientists said Wednesday.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97592&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Enzherald%2Eco%2Enz%2Fcategory%2Fstory%2Ecfm%3Fc%5Fid%3D26%26ObjectID%3D10346881 Hurricane threat hits oil prices New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) Oil prices surged above US$67 yesterday as Hurricane Rita bore down on rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and forced six refineries in Texas to shut down.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97571&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews%2Ebbc%2Eco%2Euk%2F2%2Fhi%2Fuk%5Fnews%2Fengland%2Fsouthern%5Fcounties%2F4272204%2Estm Garden bananas after hot summer BBC (United Kingdom) A banana plant has borne fruit for the first time in 15 years in West Sussex - possibly because of climate change.

http://www.earthwire.org/redirect.cfm?aid=97590&aurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Efoe%2Dscotland%2Eorg%2Euk%2Fpress%2Fpr20050907%2Ehtml New climate studies warning to government Friends of the Earth- Scotland (United Kingdom) A new hard-hitting scientific study published emonstrates that the UK could achieve its target
60% cuts in climate changing carbon dioxide emissions by 2050: such a goal is "technically, socially and economically viable".

For No Good Reason

Bob Herbert: It's finally becoming clear on Capitol Hill, and maybe even in the White House, that the United States cannot win the war in Iraq. The only question still to be decided is how many more American lives will be wasted in George W. Bush's grand debacle.


Louisiana Ecological Harm Called Unprecedented

The environmental damage from hurricanes Katrina and Rita is unparalleled in its scope and variety, scientists say, with massive oil spills blanketing marshes, sediment smothering vast fishing grounds, and millions of gallons of raw sewage scattered in New Orleans and along the 400-mile Louisiana coast.


Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms in Iraq

Tom Engelhardt: Put it all together and it adds up to a tsunami of unsustainable reality. So somebody answer me this question: Based on the evidence, what favor exactly have we been doing the Iraqis these last two disastrous years by occupying their country? I suspect a lot of military people have been asking similar questions as they worry (as their predecessors did in the later Vietnam years) about the future viability of the Army.


Longtime Confidante of Bush Has Never Been a Judge

Ms. Miers, a longtime confidante of the president's, has never been a judge, and therefore lacks a long history of judicial rulings that could reveal ideological tendencies. Her positions on ideologically-charged issues are unclear. In choosing Ms. Miers as his nominee, Mr. Bush once again signaled the importance he places on personal loyalty and familiarity.


November 3rd has been called as an International Day of Action for the Boreal Forest


Residents issue mast warning

Oct 3 2005

By Anna Jeys, Evening Mail

A GROUP of Solihull residents who successfully fought plans for a mobile phone mast near their homes are warning other families that their street could be targeted next.

Mr Greg Shakeshaft, 46, of Streetsbrook Road, Solihull, set up a residents task force to fight an application for a TMobile mast opposite his home.

They mounted a petition and managed to collect 730 signatures as well as 600 residents sending in letters of objection to the authority.

Local families were worried about the health issues surrounding mobile masts as well as the impact it would have on the appearance on the leafy street.

The group celebrated a victory for people power when planning chiefs turned the proposal down on September 14.

But Greg, a former building society manager, who has lived in the road for 46 years, said other residents should be on their guard against mobile giants plotting to set up masts near them.

He said: "We are all very relieved that members of the planning committee recognised the damage this would have done to the local area.

"Solihull residents need to be on their guard. 3G mobile phone masts could be springing up like mushrooms.

"We told the planning committee of out fears for the future of Solihull if this relentless attack on our neighbourhood is not stopped.

"We really pulled out the stops and managed to collect over 700 signatures."

Councillor Les Kyles, chairman of Solihull Council's planning committee, said: "The application was turned down because of the overbearing impact of the proposed mast would have on nearby properties and the damage it would potentially cause to surrounding trees."

Secret paper links Thatcher to DeLay probe

In return for his free holiday, DeLay - who resigned as Republican leader of Congress last week after being accused of laundering political funds - allegedly backed legislation favourable to lobby groups.


From Information Clearing House

President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal

Source to Stephanopoulos

From Information Clearing House

Miers Gave to GOP Candidates, Democrats

When the votes were still being counted in Florida and the outcome was in doubt, she gave $5,000 to the Bush-Cheney Inc. Recount Fund, according to the non- partisan Political MoneyLine.


From Information Clearing House

Bush is Falling, But the Democrats are Sinking Faster

Ralph Nader: Gutless, Spineless and Clueless

From Information Clearing House

Bush’s admin weighs military action against Syria


From Information Clearing House

Bush's choice: America or the empire

This war is too costly. Hundreds of millions of dollars are diverted from the U.S. budget everyday to feed the war machine; good news for the Pentagon and the military establishment maybe, but not so good for the majority of Americans, especially the poorest among them.


Abu Ghraib guard tells of worse abuse

A US soldier convicted of humiliating and abusing Iraqi prisoners has said she knew of "worse things" happening at Abu Ghraib.


From Information Clearing House

Western media has provided the muddled-rationale for American aggression


How the world was duped: The race to invade Iraq


Reduce Fine-Particle Emissions in Cities



From: Joe Pendze
Subject: Protect Our Environmental Laws petition

Despite their success in helping to make our air cleaner, our clean air laws are under attack! Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) has proposed a bill to remove clean air rules from refineries.

While we're all concerned about the availability of gasoline, this is the wrong solution. Please let Congress know that this is the wrong track. The price shocks in the aftermath of the hurricane must not be used to line the pockets of the refining companies!

http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/401470832 (for all)

Campaign to Reduce Fine-Particle Emissions in Cities

We undersigned urge the Government of Finland immediately to tranpose The Directive (2003/30/EC) that requires 2% of all road traffic fuels sold be biofuels in 2005 progressively increasing to reach a minimum of 5.75% of fuels sold in 2010.

Thank you!!

This message was sent by Care2 Connect member: Naira P.

Our Melting Planet

Species are dying out faster than we have dared recognise, scientists will warn this week. The erosion of polar ice is the first break in a fragile chain of life extending across the planet, from bears in the north to penguins in the far south.


Hit the Streets to Demand Action on Global Warming

Climate change is not just another "issue." It threatens every aspect of life as we know it. Climate change activists have issued a call for mass action on this December 3rd to protest the US government's blockage of global action against climate change.


"DeLay"ed Justice

Power, it is said, corrupts. So does the quest for power and the desire to hold onto and expand it. For his abuse of power and/or fundraising efforts, DeLay has on five separate occasions been criticized or warned by the House Ethics Committee.


Chaplain: 'Military Created Atmosphere for Torture'

James J. Yee, a former Muslim chaplain at the Guantanamo Bay detention center, says in a new book that military authorities knowingly created an atmosphere in which guards would feel free to abuse prisoners.


Growing Gulf Between Rich and Rest of US


If Progressives Can Win in Utah, They Can Win Anywhere


Dems/Iraq = Bush/Vietnam = AWOL


Convicted US Soldier Says 'Worse Things' Have Happened at Abu Ghraib


The math of the aftermath

The American Prospect
by Robert Kuttner


The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina raises urgent policy challenges, for both the immediate future and the long term. Tragically, there is no sign that the administration is rising to either of them. It is now painfully clear that both prevention and relief in the case of disasters like Katrina requires something that conservatives reject -- government planning. In the absence of competent planning, levies are not maintained, development proceeds helter-skelter, public investment flows on the basis of pork-barrel politics, and rescue efforts resemble biblical catastrophes...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The murder of a great city

25 questions about the murder of New Orleans

The Nation
by Mike Davis & Anthony Fontenat


We recently spent a week in New Orleans and southern Louisiana interviewing relief workers, community activists, urban planners, artists and neighborhood folks. Even as the latest flood waters from Hurricane Rita recede, the city remains submerged in anger and frustration. Indeed, the most toxic debris in New Orleans isn't the sinister gray sludge that coats the streets of the historic Creole neighborhood of Treme or the Lower Ninth Ward but all the unanswered questions that have accumulated in the wake of so much official betrayal and hypocrisy. Where outsiders see simple 'incompetence' or 'failure of leadership,' locals are more inclined to discern deliberate design and planned neglect -- the murder, not the accidental death, of a great city. In almost random order, here are twenty-five of the urgent questions that deeply trouble the local people we spoke with... [editor's note: What is remarkable here is, they have correctly identified the source of each "troubling question" ... mainly, incompetent and/or unconcerned government, at all levels! - SAT]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Review: Spychips

by Claire Wolfe


Earlier this year, I had the creepy pleasure of reading Katherine [Albrecht] and Liz's [McIntire] manuscript. I've been dying to tell the world about it but had to keep silent. Now I can urge everyone who cares about freedom and privacy to get a copy of the book. Then get another to wake up a friend or relative. Before reading Spychips,

I felt fairly knowledgeable about radio-frequency ID tags (RFID). RFID chips, as readers of this blog know, are tiny tracking devices that can be attached to or embedded in nearly anything, including human bodies -- and ultimately will be if industry and governments have their way. RFID chips broadcast information about an item and its possessor to any device capable of 'pinging' the tag. I thought I'd been watching closely. But I didn't know the half of what Katherine and Liz reveal in Spychips...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The purest neocon

The American Conservative
by Tom Piatak

There is no denying Christopher Hitchens’s skill as a public figure: he is seldom at a loss for words, sometimes entertaining, and occasionally even right. But he keeps getting important things wrong because, throughout his political wanderings, there persists a strange loyalty to an obscure bloodthirsty revolutionary and to the ideals of the Bolshevik Revolution. For Hitchens -- now honored throughout the neoconservative Right -- remains what he has been throughout his public life, a disciple of Leon Trotsky and a talented writer and polemicist -- perhaps the most talented polemicist the Bolshevik tradition has produced in the West...(for publication 10/10/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Time to fire Rove and Libby

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


"With the coerced testimony of New York Times reporter Judith Miller in his pocket, special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald is now free to complete his probe of the Bush administration's 'outing' of CIA covert officer Valerie Plame. Fitzgerald might have difficulty proving that two government officials -- Karl Rove, the president's ruthless political operative, and I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, the Vice President's Chief of Staff -- knew of Plame's covert designation and violated the Intelligence Identities Protection Act by intentionally leaking her identity. On the other hand, some analysts believe Fitzgerald will try to indict Rove and Libby on conspiracy charges, which are much easier cases to make. Only the special counsel knows the strength of his evidence, whether or not he will seek indictments, and on what charges. Because the term of the grand jury expires by the end of October, the public should know the outcome of Fitzgerald's inquiry by then. But President Bush has enough information now to fire both Rove and Libby...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Who is Judy Miller kidding?

by Arianna Huffington


The Plame scandal took shape not only when the White House was under attack but when Miller herself was increasingly being attacked by critics for her deeply flawed dispatches. When she met with her anti-Plame source -- or sources -- she was not only still on the WMD beat but still a true believer promoting the administration's lies about Iraq's nonexistent WMD threat despite an avalanche of contrary information. The inescapable fact is that Miller -- intentionally or unintentionally -- worked hand in glove in helping the White House propaganda machine sell the war in Iraq. And that includes Libby and his boss, Dick Cheney. Before her transformation into a journalistic Joan of Arc, Miller was in a tailspin, her work discredited, removed from the WMD beat and forced to deal with colleagues who refused to share a byline with her...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The lesson of Katrina

Liberty For All
by Tonie Nathan


The Katrina hurricane has finally awakened the media and the public to one huge reality that few were formerly willing to accept -- the important difference between socialistic bureaucracy and a free market. Anyone who is aware of the reports on Katrina knows that most of the early rescues and help came from individuals and groups who saw what was needed and did what they could to help. The bureaucracies all waited for 'go-ahead' orders. 'Government at all levels failed the people,' Senator Susan Collins told the national press...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The connies speak out


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Deadly biohazard detected at DC protest



A week after the massive anti-war demonstrations in Washington, it has been revealed that biohazard sensors detected the dangerous tularemia bacteria over the crowds.

Just so you understand the implications, here is a brief history (from the Journal of the American Medical Association) of tularemia and how it is stockpiled as a bioweapon by the U.S. military...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

DeLay again indicted

Las Vegas Review-Journal


A Texas grand jury on Monday re-indicted Rep. Tom DeLay on charges of conspiring to launder money and money laundering after the former majority leader attacked last week's indictment on technical grounds. The new indictment, handed up by a grand jury seated Monday, contained two counts. The money laundering charge carries a penalty of up to life in prison. Last week, DeLay was charged with conspiracy to violate campaign-finance laws...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iran's supposed NPT violations are anything but


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news



Harriet Miers: New Supreme Court nominee's ties to Bush's National Guard scandal


SMU + Harriet Miers + Laura Bush


The Conspirators’ History of Western Civilization


Why Not Torture Judith Miller?

by Mike Whitney

Let's see if I got this right. The New York Times' star investigative reporter Judith Miller spent 12 weeks in the hoosegow only to discover that she actually had permission to testify before the Federal grand jury the whole time? Is this what the Times means when they say that she had to confirm that she "finally received a direct and uncoerced waiver" from her source. (Ass. Chief of Staff "Scooter" Libby) Oh, so it was all just a big mistake?


Cindy Sheehan Rails the Democrats

by Joshua Frank

In a recent article in these pages I criticized Cindy Sheehan for going soft on Hillary Clinton's war mongering. Well, I was wrong. Sheehan hasn't gone soft on Clinton; she's attacked the New York Senator for her hollow position on the Iraq conflict. At a rally outside Hillary Clinton's office in New York, Cindy Sheehan declared to the crowd on hand that Clinton either speak out against the war or risk losing her job. In fact, New York antiwar advocates are hoping Sheehan will run against Clinton in the Democratic primaries in 2006. Others out West are hoping Sheehan will take on Dianne Feinstein in California....


Cindy Sheehan

Do Feds Secretly Control The States' Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)?

by Lynn Landes

Who controls state-to-state requests for disaster assistance, the states or the federal government? Most people would say the states, of course. But, that might not be the case. The federal government may secretly control state-to-state assistance requests through a little-known entity called, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC). In the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster, which included communications and logistics failures across the board, and with similar problems after Hurricane Rita (voiced last Thursday in Congress by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)), EMAC has largely escaped public scrutiny....


The Occupation of New Orleans

by Mike Whitney

The appearance of fully armed mercenaries on the streets of New Orleans tells us that the city is currently under occupation. Whenever foreign troops are deployed within an urban area it can only mean one thing: the loss of sovereignty. It's no different here. Blackwater mercenaries are part of a privately owned army that has seized control of the streets from their rightful owners, the people of New Orleans. They are an integral part of a much broader plan to militarize the nation and turn America into a garrison-state....


A large percentage of the population are ready to forget the horrors they’ve just seen and felt, in return for comforting lies


The Crude Truth about the War in Iraq

by Ahmed Amr

For a rational discussion of our Middle Eastern imperial obsessions, Americans need to understand that our military adventures in the region are not driven by mere 'crude' considerations. More precisely, our soldiers and marines are killing and dying in Iraq to coerce an oil starved world to horde American dollars for future purchases of Saudi and Kuwaiti crude. Now, that might seem like a distinction without a difference and it does make for a piss poor anti-war slogan. However, it is a distinction that allows for an iron clad rebuttal against those who still buy into the silly notion that we are in the region to promote democracy and export 'our values.' In reality, we place military garrisons in the region to maintain the status of the dollar as an international means of exchange and convince the world of accepting our trade deficits as an American entitlement program. It's our way of making the world an offer they can't refuse....




Out Now


Cindy Sheehan

West Pointers, Where Are You?


I’m Your Man



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