
The game is over: The United States has lost the Iraq war

It's over. For the United States to win the Iraq war requires three things: defeating the Iraqi resistance; establishing a stable government in Iraq that is friendly to the US; maintaining the support of the American people. None of these three seem any longer possible.


From Information Clearing House

America Programmed for War: Cause and Solution

“What one generation perceives as repression, the next accepts as a necessary part of a complex daily life.”

By Brian Bogart

A single policy decision made in secluded chambers of the White House shortly after World War II explains why our financial and intellectual creativity focuses on lethal technologies, why 51% of our taxes go to defense and less than 5% to education, why there are 6000 military bases in the United States and 1000 US bases overseas, why comprehensive agendas support warfighting and weak agendas address human services and the environment, and why our top industry since 1950 remains the manufacture and sale of weapons.


U.S. is approaching a spiritual death: Redemption Within Reach for the American Empire

By Jason Miller

Our dark cabal of Neocon leaders, several of whom have held positions of great power under Reagan, Bush I, and now Bush II, are perpetuating unrestrained expansion of the American Empire while utilizing Orwellian propaganda to convince its subjects that they are still living in the "land of the free".


Vigils Across State, Nation Back Mother of Dead Soldier - Thousands Support Woman at Bush Ranch


Pro-War Folks' Attacks Show Desperation

While debating conservative pundit David Horowitz on Ron Reagan's MSNBC show the other night, I was struck by the desperation with which supporters of the war have turned their fury on Cindy Sheehan, the mother of an American soldier killed in Iraq who has been trying to get an audience with President Bush.


Cindy Sheehan

Scrutinizing Roberts

Francis A. Boyle Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax) fboyle@law.uiuc.edu
(personal comments only)

-----Original Message----- From: Institute for Public Accuracy [mailto:dcinstitute@igc.org] Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:55 PM To: Institute for Public Accuracy Subject: Scrutinizing Roberts -- Interviews Available

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * ipa@accuracy.org

PM Thursday, August 18, 2005

Interviews Available

Law Professors Scrutinize Roberts
* Quid Pro Quo? * Guantánamo Ruling * Federalist Society

DAVID LUBAN, (301) 864-0020, (202) 662-9806, cell: (301) 335-5506, luband@law.georgetown.edu, http://www.slate.com/id/2124603/?nav=tap3 The Washington Post reports today that "Judge John G. Roberts Jr. was interviewing for a possible Supreme Court nomination with top Bush administration officials at the same time he was presiding over a terrorism case of significant importance to President Bush." [ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/16/AR20050816
01561.html ]. Professor of law at Georgetown University, Luban co-authored the recent article "Improper Advances: Talking Dream Jobs With the Judge Out of Court" in which he wrote: "Four days before President Bush nominated John G. Roberts to the Supreme Court on July 19, an appeals court panel of three judges, including Judge Roberts, handed the Bush administration a big victory in a hotly contested challenge to the president's military commissions. The challenge was brought by Salim Ahmed Hamdan, a Guantánamo detainee. President Bush was a defendant in the case because he had personally, in writing, found 'reason to believe' that Hamdan was a terrorist subject to military tribunals. The appeals court upheld the rules the president had authorized for these military commissions, and it rejected Hamdan's human rights claims -- including claims for protection under the Geneva Conventions."

MICHAEL RATNER, (845) 657-2135, mratner@igc.org, http://www.humanrightsnow.org, http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/08/18/1331253 President of the Center for Constitutional Rights, Ratner is co-author of the book "Guantánamo: What the World Should Know." He said today: "The news that potential Supreme Court nominee John Roberts was interviewed for the court seat by Attorney General Gonzales, Vice President Cheney and others while he was deciding a case that went to the heart of the legality of the administration's so-called 'war on terror' should finish off his nomination. The central issue of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld was the application of the Geneva Convention to alleged terrorist detainees. The policy was crafted by the very people who were interviewing Roberts for his new job. He would have every reason to make sure his decision did not disagree with the administration: and it did not. The legal standard set forth in the U.S. law is that a judge should remove himself if his 'impartiality might reasonably be questioned.' No doubt about that -- Roberts should have recused himself once the interviews commenced. His failure to do so should prevent his gaining a high court seat. But it may even raise more serious questions. Was Roberts being offered a bribe for his vote? People may recall that during the Daniel Ellsberg 'Pentagon Papers' trial, Nixon and his aides offered the judge the top FBI position. It was considered as a bribe by many and an impeachable offense. Is there really any difference in the two cases?"

FRANCIS BOYLE, (217) 333-7954, fboyle@law.uiuc.edu, http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/hijakjustice.html Professor of international law at the University of Illinois, Boyle said today: "In his answers to the Senate Judiciary Committee, John Roberts stated that he had 'no recollection' of his membership in the Federalist Society and being on its Steering Committee for Washington, D.C. Nevertheless, a high-level official in the Federalist Society has confirmed Roberts' membership, and it has also been confirmed that all Federalist Society members pay dues. In other words, Roberts lied to Congress, which is a crime in its own right. For that reason alone, Roberts is disqualified to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. ... The Senate Judiciary Committee must grill Roberts on all the positions and activities of the Federalist Society and its prominent members before rejecting him, thus exposing before a national audience the pernicious and insidious role that the Federalist Society has played in the American legal profession for the past two decades."

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy: Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020, (202) 421-6858; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

Proposed Anti-Terrorism Measures Threaten Fundamental Rights


10 Aug 2005 17:30:21 GMT

(New York, August 10, 2005) -- Counter-terrorism measures presented by Prime Minister Tony Blair last week, coupled with this week's proposal for special anti-terrorism courts, are deeply worrying, said Human Rights Watch. Some of the measures under discussion appear to be in outright breach of the U.K.'s human rights obligations and others are so ill-defined and overbroad that they risk criminalizing valid forms of dissent and undermining freedom of religion, said the group. The proposed measures include the deportation of foreigners deemed "extremist" to places where they might be at risk of torture; a new offence criminalizing speech that amounts to "indirect incitement," including speech that justifies or glorifies terrorism; extended time periods for pre-trial detention without charge; and the closure of places of worship used to "foment extremism." A proposal is also under consideration to establish special anti-terrorism courts with some proceedings held in secret, court-appointed advocates to represent a suspect, and no access to evidence by the suspect.

"The U.K. government must protect the public from acts of terrorism," said Holly Cartner, executive director of Human Rights Watch's Europe and Central Asia division. "But the government assumes that the public and the courts will readily accept measures that could implicate the U.K. in torture, arbitrary detention, unfair trials, and stripping people of their right to voice dissenting opinions and practice their religion. The authorities are grasping at straws, instead of setting a rational and effective course that provides security and protects rights at the same time."

Deporting a person to risk of torture violates U.K. and international law. The prohibition is absolute and permits no exceptions, even on national security grounds. The government has said it will seek "diplomatic assurances" from governments in countries where torture is practiced to effect such transfers. In a June 23 letter to Prime Minister Blair, Human Rights Watch warned that experience has shown that diplomatic assurances from regimes where torture is routine do not provide an effective safeguard against such abuse. Blair has said that, "should legal obstacles arise," he will seek to amend the U.K. Human Rights Act to accommodate such transfers. The former home secretary David Blunkett has publicly warned judges "in the strongest terms" that the government would not tolerate any judicial attempt to overturn the new anti-terrorist measures outlined last week.

"A human rights act amended to permit complicity in torture makes a mockery of the very notion of rights protection," said Cartner. "The threat of terrorism does not give senior politicians carte blanche to substitute their views for the rule of law. It would appear that the government has forgotten the very values it says it is fighting for."

The proposed measures also call for the criminalization of some forms of speech, including "justifying or glorifying terrorism" and the expression of "extreme views that are in conflict with the U.K.'s culture of tolerance," whether uttered or penned in the U.K. or abroad. The government has proposed that persons within the U.K. would be subject to deportation for such a speech offense and those seeking access to the country would be excluded from entry if their speech was deemed to pose a threat to national security, public order, or the U.K.'s relations with a third country. Such vague definitions of prohibited speech raise serious concerns that the measure is overbroad and could criminalize valid dissent. Moreover, the absence of a geographical limit would make it extremely difficult to draw a link between offending speech and any violence suspected of having resulted from it outside the U.K.

"As it stands, this speech offense casts an unacceptably broad net," said Cartner. "There must be a link between words that incite and acts of violence for speech to be criminal. The government risks choking free expression."

The proposal to establish special anti-terrorism courts raises serious concerns about the erosion of fundamental fair trial standards, including access to counsel and evidence, and arbitrary detention. Security-cleared "special advocates" could hear evidence against the accused in closed hearings, but would not be able to reveal any of that evidence to the accused or to his or her chosen counsel. A single judge would decide whether and how long a person could be held in preventive detention without charge or trial based on the evidence.

"The U.K. government has already been brought to book for its indefinite detention regime," said Cartner. "Secret hearings, based on secret evidence, with little access to effective counsel harken back to the Belmarsh debacle. Hasn't the British government learned a lesson?"

Other proposals that implicate fundamental human rights protections include a new power to order the closure of a place of worship used as a "centre for fomenting extremism" and the exclusion of certain Muslim clerics outside the U.K. who are deemed "not suitable to preach" and who will be excluded from the U.K. in the future. These proposals implicate the freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs in worship, practice, or teaching. The U.K. government can only impose limits on such rights in very narrow circumstances prescribed by international law. Collective punishment is not only illegal, but also particularly divisive in the current climate. The government should take into consideration the profoundly negative impact that such measures could have on the affected communities.

"The punishment of an entire community is not the answer. If there is evidence that a person has committed a crime, specific charges should be brought against him or her," said Cartner. "The closure of mosques or other houses of worship could be perceived as labeling an entire community as somehow involved in terrorism. This is hardly the way to inspire confidence in certain communities, the Muslim community in particular."

A consultation paper on the deportation and exclusion measures is currently open for public review and comment. Draft proposals reflecting all the measures are scheduled to be presented to parliament in September.

Informant: Charles Bremer

Who Are the Real Puppets?


Informant: Friends

Iraq’s Children: Choir of Despair


Informant: Charles Bremer

Italy Revolts Against Rendition

Please contact the Italian consulate if you have any information regarding this missing kidnapped person. He was abducted by US CIA agents from Italy, as described below.


Italy Revolts Against Rendition

"There's no way you do something like this unilaterally in a friendly country without coordinating. It's always coordinated." anonymous former U.S. intelligence official

(The American Prospect) This column was written by Laura Rozen. It's no secret that some of the more dubious intelligence cited by the Bush administration to justify its invasion of Iraq ran through Italy. The most infamous case is that of the forged "uranium from Niger" memos that ultimately became a key basis for the administration's mistaken claims that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear program. A 1998 Italian newspaper report on a purported meeting between an emissary of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden circulated into U.S. intelligence as a key shred of evidence of prewar cooperation between Iraq and al-Qaeda, since discredited by the September 11 commission.

Italy, of course, was by no means the only U.S. ally to provide dubious Iraq intelligence to Washington. But as two of the more conservative governments in the strained transatlantic alliance, the Bush and Berlusconi administrations have tended to see things eye to eye, at least more so than Washington and some of its more war-skeptical European allies. Italy contributed troops to the U.S.-led alliance invading Iraq, despite the overwhelming unpopularity of that war among the Italian population.

But that unpopularity may finally put the two countries' intelligence relationship at risk. Italy's close cooperation with some of the more controversial practices in the U.S. war on terrorism may be becoming politically untenable for Silvio Berlusconi, facing re-election next year, as a delayed result of the CIA abduction of an Egyptian cleric from Milan two years ago. If the outrage surrounding the case continues, the Italian administration could be forced to distance itself from the United States -- or be forced from office.

On February 17, 2003, a month before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq got under way, Hussan Mustafa Omar Nasr, an Egyptian cleric better known as Abu Omar, disappeared from Milan. News reports say that the United States suspected Omar of being a European leader of the Iraq-based terrorist group Ansar al-Islam. Since June 2005, a Milan prosecutor has indicted 19 alleged CIA employees (most identified by their cover names) for allegedly snatching Omar from outside a Milan mosque and bundling him off to Egypt. Since his alleged abduction, Omar has been heard from only once, telling his wife that he had been kidnapped by Italian- and English-speaking agents, flown to Egypt, imprisoned, and badly tortured. Omar is believed to still be in custody in Egypt.

For two years, Italy's counterterrorism police unit, Digos, has been simmering about the snatch job carried out under its nose. It had been closely surveilling Omar for months when Washington "disappeared" him, as part of Italy's own domestic counterterrorism efforts. The CIA's extraordinary rendition of Omar blew Digos' investigation and led it to demand the Milan prosecutor's investigation of the Omar rendition from Italy's sovereign territory.

This creates a problem for the Berlusconi government, which is already reeling from U.S. solders' killing of an Italian military-intelligence agent, Nicola Calipari, in Iraq last March (see Jason Vest's story "Checkpoints and Balances") and the wider unpopularity of Italian participation in the Iraq War. Berlusconi administration leaders are claiming that the CIA kept them in the dark about the Omar operation.

But former U.S. intelligence officials say the details of the operation, the history of U.S. intelligence operations in Italy and NATO countries, and the timing of the raid as the United States was trying to woo European support in advance of its invasion of Iraq all indicate that the snatch would have been reported to certain Italian authorities in advance.

"There's no way you do something like this unilaterally in a friendly country without coordinating," says a former U.S. intelligence official who asked not to be named. "It's always coordinated."

"The Italians were one of the few countries in Europe standing by us on Iraq," Michael Scheuer, former chief of the CIA's Osama bin Laden unit, told the Prospect. "There is no way in the world that agency management would have authorized unilateral operation in Italy on the eve of the invasion of Iraq by ourselves." Scheuer indicated that he did not know about the Abu Omar operation in particular, but was speaking from his years of experience overseeing similar cases before his resignation last November.

"We don't do, for the most part, unilateral operations in NATO countries," Scheuer continued. "I wish we would but our management -- and the White House -- values and worries so much about European opinion that we were never allowed to take unilateral operations in Europe."

Importantly, Scheuer adds that the Bush administration halted a plan to kill an al-Qaeda figure operating in northern Iraq before the war -- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, now believed to be a leader of the insurgency -- because of European opposition. "In the same time frame as this operation was supposed to occur, we had precise locational data for Zarqawi in northern Iraq nearly every day for a year before the invasion," Scheuer said. "They could have killed him, using missiles or aircrafts, had the [National Security Council] approved it. But at the time they were sweet-talking all the Europeans, especially the French and the Germans, into joining us in Iraq. They tried to kill Zarqawi as soon as the war started, but at that time, he was gone."

Scheuer's similar observations to the Italian daily La Repubblica, coupled with a Washington Post story reporting that "the CIA 'told a tiny number of people' [in Italy] about the action," have had a polarizing effect in Italy. The case has become a sort of Rorschach test for Italians' opinions about U.S.-Italian cooperation in the war on terrorism, dismay over the Iraq War, and concern about Italian government secrecy. "I think a majority of people believe that, somehow, at the technical level, the Italians were indeed informed," says Roberto Monetti, an analyst at the Aspen Institute Italia. "There's a sense that the issue was dealt with at the technical level between the [intelligence] services, but didn't reach the top level of the Italian government. In a way this allows the government to say it never lied."

Nicolo Pollari, the chief of Italy's military-intelligence service, Sismi, claimed to a parliamentary committee that he wasn't informed of the operation. Italian newspaper reports have hinted that Pollari may even be replaced over the scandal. "We can't prove that they want to change Pollari. Right now, it's just a rumor," says Gianni Cipriani, an expert on Italian intelligence and chief of Rome's Center of International Strategic Studies. "Right now, the Italian government has other problems -- election problems."

While Berlusconi's election problems might weigh against Pollari and collaboration with the United States, his terrorism problem is keeping changes at bay. Just two weeks after the Italian press was reporting the blown covers of the CIA operatives involved in the Omar snatch, the July 7 bombings in London put Italy on high alert for terrorism. Two days after those bombings, Italian police arrested 142 people, issuing expulsion orders for 53 of them, and deployed 2,000 carabinieri across the country to counter the threat. A thwarted second wave of bombings led straight to Rome. On July 29, Italian counterterrorism police nabbed one of the second set of London bombers, after he arrived at his brother's flat in Rome by train, and have been questioning him. "After the London bombing[s], people [are] worried about terror[ism]," says Corriere della Sera reporter Guido Olimpio, who helped break the story of the Milan prosecutor's indictments of the CIA agents. "At this moment, the government needs every single intelligence agent to control the situation to counter terror[ism]."

Heightened terrorism fears in Rome have pushed the Omar rendition case out of the Italian headlines for now, but it remains a sleeper issue for the upcoming elections. Did the Italian government tacitly cooperate with a U.S. policy that in effect condones torture? And depending on what the Italian electorate comes to believe, U.S. policy-makers may face their own dilemma: At what point do allies become more important than the intelligence information gleaned from the practice of extraordinary rendition?

Informant: Charles Bremer

Cindy Sheehan, the Peace Train, and the Little Ditch that Could

Greg Moses, peacefile

August 18, 2005


Two months ago while exhausted from a Summer Soulstice peace festival, and while looking with dismay into a long hot summer of war, Louisiana attorney Buddy Spell, his spouse Annie, and their guest of honor Cindy Sheehan decided they needed to do something, but not something too high energy. So they browsed through the train schedule and designated an Amtrak Crescent as their Peace Train. Come September they'd board the train in New Orleans and put out word to folks along the way to hop on for a ride to the big peace march in Washington D.C. That would be enough to keep their peace hopes on track. Of course, that was then.

"We had about 60 people signed up before Cindy went to Crawford," says Buddy, "but that has tripled." With a pre-boarding rally in Covington, Louisiana the night before Cindy and friends depart, the little town of Covington may soon be feeling like next month's Crawford. And when the train hits Union Station, Buddy says ‘old fart' activists will be greeted by the Campus Action Network, and wherever they go for the weekend, they will be marching 500 strong. And that's how you go in just a couple of months from a little ol' z-net zap to a global headliner by way of the little ditch that could.

Of course internet aficionados of the Crawford Peace House will know Buddy best as the daddy of Smudge kitty, who got semi-famous when somebody wrote about the little critter pouncing among the Rosemary branches last week. But Buddy's not bitter about that at all. "No, I've just been practicing law for the past 20 years, working my ass off. And Smudge kitty, all she does is show up! Now somebody wants to sell pictures of her on EBay to raise money for Gold Star Families. And a New York publishing attorney is working on a children's book." As you can tell, when it comes to Smudge, Buddy is just as proud as he wants to be.

As organizers of the Louisiana Action Network, Buddy and Annie have been acting as their own lawyers and law enforcement liaisons for years. They are driving back to Crawford Wednesday night because the McClennan County Sheriff's Department wants them there. There is a big move coming up, and believe it or not, the movement did not peak out last weekend as expected, so the complexities of keeping all things smoothly flowing are growing by the hour. Buddy and Annie made a good deal of headway with the local cops last week, so they need to get back to work.

As Buddy talks about organizing peacekeepers for last week's events, I tell him that no peacekeepers were apparent to me when I was there. "When this is all over with," he assures me. "I'll tell you how that works. And I won't mind giving up all my secrets when this is over, because this ain't never going to happen again. It's a perfect storm." In language and tone, Buddy is slipping into his courthouse drawl, the kind of talking that gets things done among jurors and judges across the South.

Buddy started out his law practice in 1989, representing clients like Halliburton, Brown and Root. In 1993 he switched to criminal law and finds that he likes his new clients better. For one thing, they are human clients, not corporate. For another thing, he gets to represent some innocent clients these days, whereas with corporate clients, "that was never a possibility!"
1996 he became law partners with his spouse Annie, otherwise known as mommy to Smudge. And they have been keeping the faith in the peace movement with no idea that the dog days this year would prove to be so cool.

"In two days Cindy did through pure moxie what a lot of us in the peace movement haven't been able to do in two years," says Buddy. "It's going to galvanize the movement. Lots of old problems have been forgotten." There is no more talk, for example, that the ANSWER coalition and United for Peace and Justice will hold separate rallies and then stage feeder marches. Thanks to Cindy's action in Crawford, the seemingly impossible knots within the movement have disappeared, "and everyone is focusing on the central issue: the dead and those who might die."

No one as active as Buddy and Annie has much time to take in the news coverage, but Buddy did catch the Hardball interview, and he thinks Cindy held up well. "She did an excellent job," he says. "And so did her sister."

Something about the land and weather at Camp Casey strips away all your poses. What's left is something like raw core. After two weeks of heat and activity, Cindy's image is not only suitless, it's anti-suit. We can look at Cindy the way we look at ourselves in the mirror before and after the styles have been applied. No way for the networks to outdo that. To watch a television reporter carrying the obligatory blazer in that heat is to watch a metaphor for all the silly posing that the deadly messages of war have wrapped themselves in for the past few years.

"We show up to Crawford exhausted to begin with (because of the travel) and then the weather really does wear you down. Yet Cindy holds up well. I'm 48 years old, too, and the days I spent at Camp Casey beat the hell out of me. I was glad to go home and get some bed rest." Yet he's rushing back into action with high energy this week, because the pilgrims just keep coming.

Note: Peace Train info at http://www.newdemocracyrising.com

Informant: Steven L. Robinson

From ufpj-news

Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan's Critics Get Desperate & Ugly

From: rad-green-request@lists.econ.utah.edu Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:28 PM Subject: Rad-Green Digest, Vol 23, Issue 22

Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 14:16:29 -0400 From: "David Mcreynolds" Subject: Cindy Sheehan's Critics Get Desperate & Ugly
(John Nichols, The Nation)

Cindy Sheehan's Tragic Critics

John Nichols The Nation, August 17, 2005

While debating conservative pundit David Horowitz on Ron Reagan's MSNBC show the other night, I was struck by the desperation with which supporters of the war have turned their fury on Cindy Sheehan, the mother of an American soldier killed in Iraq who has been trying to get an audience with President Bush.

Horowitz, the former left-wing zealot who is now a right-wing zealot, described the woman who has camped out near Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch as "hateful," accused her of dishonoring the memory of her son and promised that if Sheehan and other anti-war activists succeed in bringing an end to the occupation of Iraq then "rivers of blood" will flow in the streets of America.

It was a remarkable performance, so much so that even Horowitz admitted that he was "emotional" about the subject.

Of course, Horowitz is wrong, on every point.

But it is difficult to get angry with him, or even to take his ranting seriously.

When Reagan asked me if I wanted to "dignify" Horowitz's comments with a response, I declined, except to express a measure of sympathy for Horowitz and other true believers who have become so frenzied in their need to defend the Iraq imbroglio that they feel they must attack a grieving mother who wants to make sure that no more parents will have to bury their sons and daughters as a result of the Bush administration's arrogance.

The rapidly dwindling minority of Americans who continue to search for some rationale for keeping U.S. troops in Iraq has been driven to the brink of breakdown by the success of Sheehan's protest.

Go to the website of William F. Buckley's National Review magazine and you will find Sheehan described in headlines as "nutty," dismissed by columnists as "the mouthpiece... of howling-at-the-moon, bile-spewing Bush haters" and accused of "sucking up intellectual air" that, presumably, would be better utilized by Condoleezza Rice explaining once more that it would be wrong to read too much into the August
6, 2001, briefing document that declared: "Bin Laden determined to attack inside the U.S."

Human Events, the conservative weekly newspaper, dismisses Sheehan as a "professional griever" who "can claim to be in perpetual mourning for her fallen son" -- as if there is some time limit on maternal sorrow over the death of a child.

Fox News Channel spinner-in-chief Bill O'Reilly accuses Sheehan of being "in bed with the radical left," including -- horrors! -- "9-11 families" that are still seeking answers about whether, in the first months of 2001, the Bush administration was more focused on finding excuses to attack Iraq than on protecting Americans from terrorism.

And Rush Limbaugh was on the radio the other day ranting about how, "(Sheehan's) story is nothing more than forged documents.

There's nothing about it that's real..."
(Just to clarify for Limbaugh listeners: Cindy Sheehan's 24-year-old son Casey really did die in Iraq, and his mother really would like to talk with President Bush about all those claims regarding WMDs and al-Qaida ties that the administration used to peddle the "case" for war.)

The pro-war pundits who continue to defend the occupation of Iraq are freaked out by the fact that a grieving mother is calling into question their claim that the only way to "support the troops" is by keeping them in the frontlines of George W. Bush's failed experiment.

Bush backers are horrified that Sheehan's sincere and patriotic anti-war voice has captured the nation's attention.

What the pro-war crowd does not understand is that Cindy Sheehan is not inspiring opposition to the occupation.

She is merely putting a face on the mainstream sentiments of a country that has stopped believing the president's promises with regard to Iraq.

According to the latest Newsweek poll,
61 percent of Americans disapprove of Bush's handing of the war, while just 26 percent support the president's argument that large numbers of U.S. military personnel should remain in Iraq for as long as it takes to achieve the administration's goals there.

The supporters of this war have run out of convincing lies and effective emotional appeals.

Now, they are reduced to attacking the grieving mothers of dead soldiers.

Samuel Johnson suggested that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

But, with their attacks on Cindy Sheehan, the apologists for George Bush's infamy have found a new and darker refuge.

Informant: Friends

Cindy Sheehan

No Paper Trail Left Behind: The Theft of the 2004 Presidential Election


by Dennis Loo, Ph.D. Cal Poly Pomona

"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." (Through the Looking Glass)

In order to believe that George Bush won the November 2, 2004 presidential election, you must also believe all of the following extremely improbable or outright impossible things.(1)

1) A big turnout and a highly energized and motivated electorate favored the GOP instead of the Democrats for the first time in history.(2)

2) Even though first-time voters, lapsed voters (those who didn’t vote in 2000), and undecideds went for John Kerry by big margins, and Bush lost people who voted for him in the cliffhanger 2000 election, Bush still received a 3.5 million vote surplus nationally.(3)

3) The fact that Bush far exceeded the 85% of registered Florida Republicans’ votes that he got in 2000, receiving in 2004 more than
100% of the registered Republican votes in 47 out of 67 Florida counties, 200% of registered Republicans in 15 counties, and over 300% of registered Republicans in 4 counties, merely shows Floridians’ enthusiasm for Bush. He managed to do this despite the fact that his share of the crossover votes by registered Democrats in Florida did not increase over 2000 and he lost ground among registered Independents, dropping 15 points.(4)

4) Florida’s reporting of more presidential votes (7.59 million) than actual number of people who voted (7.35 million), a surplus of 237,522 votes, does not indicate fraud.

5) The fact that Bush got more votes than registered voters, and the fact that by stark contrast participation rates in many Democratic strongholds in Ohio and Florida fell to as low as 8%, do not indicate a rigged election.(5)

6) Bush won re-election despite approval ratings below 50% - the first time in history this has happened. Truman has been cited as having also done this, but Truman’s polling numbers were trailing so much behind his challenger, Thomas Dewey, pollsters stopped surveying two months before the 1948 elections, thus missing the late surge of support for Truman. Unlike Truman, Bush’s support was clearly eroding on the eve of the election.(6)

7) Harris' last-minute polling indicating a Kerry victory was wrong
(even though Harris was exactly on the mark in their 2000 election final poll).(7)

8) The “challenger rule” - an incumbent’s final results won’t be better than his final polling - was wrong;(8)

9) On election day the early-day voters picked up by early exit polls
(showing Kerry with a wide lead) were heavily Democratic instead of the traditional pattern of early voters being mainly Republican.

10) The fact that Bush “won” Ohio by 51-48%, but this was not matched by the court-supervised hand count of the 147,400 absentee and provisional ballots in which Kerry received 54.46% of the vote doesn’t cast any suspicion upon the official tally.(9)

11) Florida computer programmer Clinton Curtis (a life-long registered Republican) must be lying when he said in a sworn affidavit that his employers at Yang Enterprises, Inc. (YEI) and Tom Feeney (general counsel and lobbyist for YEI, GOP state legislator and Jeb Bush’s 1994 running mate for Florida Lt. Governor) asked him in 2000 to create a computer program to undetectably alter vote totals. Curtis, under the initial impression that he was creating this software in order to forestall possible fraud, handed over the program to his employer Mrs. Li Woan Yang, and was told: “You don’t understand, in order to get the contract we have to hide the manipulation in the source code. This program is needed to control the vote in south Florida.” (Boldface in original).(10)

12) Diebold CEO Walden O’Dell’s declaration in a August 14, 2003 letter to GOP fundraisers that he was "committed to helping Ohio to deliver its electoral votes to the president next year" and the fact that Diebold is one of the three major suppliers of the electronic voting machines in Ohio and nationally, didn’t result in any fraud by Diebold.

13) There was no fraud in Cuyahoga County, Ohio where the number of recorded votes was more than 93,000 larger than the number of registered voters and where they admitted counting the votes in secret before bringing them out in public to count. [See appendix – attached herein]

14) CNN reported at 9 p.m. EST on election evening that Kerry was leading by 3 points in the national exit polls based on well over
13,000 respondents. Several hours later at 1:36 a.m. CNN reported that the exit polls, now based on a few hundred more - 13,531 respondents - were showing Bush leading by 2 points, a 5-point swing. In other words, a swing of 5 percentage points from a tiny increase in the number of respondents somehow occurred despite it being mathematically impossible.(11)

15) Exit polls in the November 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections, paid for in part by the Bush administration, were right, but exit polls in the U.S., where exit polling was invented, were very wrong.(12)

16) The National Election Pool’s exit polls (13) were so far off that since their inception twenty years ago, they have never been this wrong, more wrong than statistical probability indicates is possible.

17) In every single instance where exit polls were wrong the discrepancy favored Bush, even though statistical probability tells us that any survey errors should show up in both directions. Half a century of polling and centuries of mathematics must be wrong.

18) It must be merely a stunning coincidence that exit polls were wrong only in precincts where there was no paper ballot to check against the electronic totals and right everywhere there was a paper trail.

The Emperor (and the Electoral Process) Have No Clothes

The preceding list recounts only some of the irregularities in the 2004 election since it ignores the scores of instances of voter disenfranchisement that assumed many different forms (e.g., banning black voters in Florida who had either been convicted of a felony previously or who were “inadvertently” placed on the felons list by mistake, while not banning convicted Latino felons(14); providing extraordinarily few voting machines in predominately Democratic precincts in Ohio; disallowing Ohio voters, for the first time, from voting in any precinct when they were unable to find their assigned precincts to vote in; and so on). A plethora of reasons clearly exists to conclude that widespread and historic levels of fraud were committed in this election.

Indeed, any one of the above highly improbables and utterly impossibles should have led to a thorough investigation into the results. Taken as a whole, this list points overwhelmingly to fraud. The jarring strangeness of the results and the ubiquity of complaints from voters (e.g., those who voted for Kerry and then saw to their shock the machine record their votes as being for Bush), require some kind of explanation, or the legitimacy of elections and of the presidency would be imperiled.

The explanations from public officials and major media came in three forms. First, exit polls, not the official tallies, were labeled spectacularly wrong. Second, the so-called “moral values” voters expressed in the now ubiquitous “red state/blue state” formula, were offered as the underlying reason for Bush’s triumph. And third, people who brought forth any of the evidence of fraud were dismissed as “spreadsheet-wielding conspiracy theorists” while mainstream media censored the vast majority of the evidence of fraud so that most Americans to this day have never heard a fraction of what was amiss. I will discuss each of these three responses, followed by a discussion of the role of electronic voting machines in the 2002 elections that presaged the 2004 election irregularities, and then wrap up with a discussion of these events’ significance taken as a whole.

Killing the Messenger: the Exit Polls

Exit polls are the gold standard of vote count validity internationally. Since exit polls ask people as they emerge from the polling station whom they just voted for, they are not projections as are polls taken in the months, weeks or days before an election. They are not subject to faulty memory, voter capriciousness (voters voting differently than they indicated to a pollster previously), or erroneous projections about who will actually turn up to vote. Pollsters know who turned up to vote because the voters are standing there in front of the exit pollsters. Because of these characteristics, exit polls are exceptionally accurate. They are so accurate that in Germany, for example, they are used to decide elections, with the paper ballots being counted in the days afterwards as a backup check against the exit polls(15). Exit polls are used, for this reason, as markers of fraud.(16)

Significant, inexplicable discrepancies between exit polls and official tallies only started showing up in the U.S. in 2000 and only in Florida
(and notably, nowhere else). The discrepancy was not the exit polls’ fault, however, but in the official tallies themselves. Although the mainstream media fell on their swords about their election’s evening projections calling Florida for Gore in 2000, their projections were right. In analyses conducted by the National Opinion Research Center in Florida after the U.S. Supreme Court aborted the vote recount, Gore emerged the winner over Bush, no matter what criteria for counting votes was applied(17). The fact that this is not widely known constitutes itself a major untold story.

Exit polling’s validity is further affirmed by GOP pollster Dick Morris. Immediately after the 2004 election he wrote:

Exit polls are almost never wrong. They eliminate the two major potential fallacies in survey research by correctly separating actual voters from those who pretend they will cast ballots but never do and by substituting actual observation for guesswork in judging the relative turnout of different parts of the state…

To screw up one exit poll is unheard of. To miss six of them is incredible. It boggles the imagination how pollsters could be that incompetent and invites speculation that more than honest error was at play here.(18)

Confounded and suspicious of the results, Morris resorted to advancing the bizarre theory that there must have been a conspiracy among the networks to suppress the Bush vote in the west by issuing exit poll results that were so far off from the final tallies.

A number of different statisticians have examined the 2004 election results. University of Pennsylvania statistician Steve Freeman, Ph.D., most notably, analyzed the exit polls of the swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida and concluded that the odds of the exit polls being as far off as they were are 250 million to one(19). Exit polls in Florida had Kerry leading by 1.7 points and by 2.4 points in Ohio. These exit poll figures were altered at 1:30 a.m. November 3, 2004 on CNN to conform to the “official” tally. In the end, Kerry lost Florida by 5% and Ohio by 2.5%. This is a net shift of 6.7 points in Florida and 4.9 points in Ohio in Bush’s favor, well beyond the margin of error. By exit poll standards, this net shift was unbelievable.

A team at the University of California at Berkeley, headed by sociology professor Michael Hout, found a highly suspicious pattern in which Bush received 260,000 more votes in those Florida precincts that used electronic voting machines than past voting patterns would indicate compared to those precincts that used optical scan read votes where past voting patterns held.(20)

The Edison-Mitofsky polling group that conducted the National Exit Poll (NEP) issued a 77-page report on January 19, 2005 to account for why their exit polls were so unexpectedly far off.(21) Edison-Mitofsky rule out sampling error as the problem and indicate that systemic bias was responsible. They concluded that their exit polls were wrong because Kerry voters must have been more willing to talk to their poll workers than Bush voters and because their poll workers were too young and inexperienced. Edison-Mitofsky offer no evidence indicating that their conclusion about more chatty Kerry voters actually occurred, merely that such a scenario would explain the discrepancy. In fact, as nine statisticians(22) who conducted an evaluation of the Edison-Mitofsky data and analysis point out, Bush voters appeared to be slightly more willing to talk to exit pollsters than Kerry voters. This would make the exit polls’ discrepancy with the official tallies even more pronounced. In addition, the Edison-Mitofsky explanation fails to explain why exit polls were only exceptionally wrong in the swing states.

Red State, Red Herring: the “Moral Values” Voters

A plausible explanation still needs to be offered for the startling
2004 election outcome – how did Bush, caught in a lie about why we went to war with Iraq, racked by prison abuse and torture scandals at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, bogged down in Iraq, failing to catch Osama Bin Laden, badly embarrassed during the debates, caught sleeping prior to 9/11, and so on, manage to win a resounding victory? Enter here the “moral values” rationale. As Katharine Q. Seelye of the New York Times wrote in a November 4, 2004 article entitled “Moral Values Cited as a Defining Issue of the Election:”

Even in a time of war and economic hardship, Americans said they were motivated to vote for President Bush on Tuesday by moral values as much as anything else, according to a survey of voters as they left their polling places. In the survey, a striking portrait of one influential group emerged - that of a traditional, church-going electorate that leans conservative on social issues and strongly backed Mr. Bush….

In the same issue, another article by Todd S. Purdum entitled “Electoral Affirmation of Shared Values Provides Bush a Majority” cited 1/5 (more precisely, 22%) of the voters as mentioning “moral values” as their chief concern. This was echoed throughout major media.(23) The only person in the mainstream media to challenge this was New York Times columnist Frank Rich, on November 28, 2004 in an opinion piece entitled “The Great Indecency Hoax:”

The mainstream press, itself in love with the "moral values" story line and traumatized by the visual exaggerations of the red-blue map, is too cowed to challenge the likes of the American Family Association. So are politicians of both parties. It took a British publication, The Economist, to point out that the percentage of American voters citing moral and ethical values as their prime concern is actually down from 2000 (35 percent) and 1996 (40 percent).(24)

As Rich correctly points out, no American media outlet repeated this statistic. Instead, the widely mentioned and oft-repeated “moral values” vote took on the status of an urban – or in this instance, suburban/rural - legend.

Shocked by the election results, many people took out their anger at the perceived mendacity of Bush voters, especially those in the so-called “red states.” This fury, while understandable given Bush’s record, badly misses the point. Voters did not heist this election. As others have pointed out eloquently, many of the people who really did vote for Bush did so primarily because they were misled through systematic disinformation campaigns.(25)

“Spreadsheet wielding conspiracy theorists”

In November 2004 major U.S. media gave headline news treatment to the Ukrainian Presidential election fraud, explicitly citing the exit polls as definitive evidence of fraud. At the very same time major U.S. media dismissed anyone who pointed out this same evidence of likely fraud in the U.S. elections as “conspiracy theory” crazies. A November 11, 2004 Washington Post article, for example, described people raising the question of fraud as “mortally wounded party loyalists and … spreadsheet-wielding conspiracy theorists.”(26) Tom Zeller, Jr. handled it similarly, writing in the November 12, 2004 issue of the New York Times (“Vote Fraud Theories, Spread by Blogs, Are Quickly Buried”): “[T]he email messages and Web postings had all the twitchy cloak-and-dagger thrust of a Hollywood blockbuster. ‘Evidence mounts that the vote may have been hacked,’ trumpeted a headline on the Web site CommonDreams.org. ‘Fraud took place in the 2004 election through electronic voting machines,’ declared BlackBoxVoting.org.”(27)

Neither of these articles bothered to address even a fraction of the evidence of irregularities. They did, however, both dismiss the 93,000 excess votes in Cuyahoga County, Ohio as merely an error in how the votes were reported, the Washington Post article offering the strange explanation that in “even-numbered years” the county posts vote totals from other districts outside the county in the Cuyahoga totals. The Washington Post passed off the exit polls discrepancy as “not being based on statistics” since the exit polls “are not publicly distributed.” Both of these statements were untrue. The New York Times article for its part failed to even mention exit polls. Both articles explained away the glaring and unbelievable totals for Bush in hugely Democratic districts as due to the “Dixiecrat” vote. This would be plausible except for two things: first, Bush did not win over any more crossover votes in 2004 than he did in 2000, and second, these votes far in excess of Republican registered voters numbers occurred primarily in non-rural areas. In just one example of this, Baker County, Florida, out of 12,887 registered voters, of whom 69.3% were Democrats and 24.3% Republicans, Bush received 7,738 votes while Kerry only received 2,180.(28) As Robert Parry of Consortiumnews.org points out:

Rather than a rural surge of support, Bush actually earned more than seven out of 10 new votes in the 20 largest counties in Florida. Many of these counties are either Democratic strongholds – such as Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach – or they are swing counties, such as Orange, Hillsborough, and Duval.

Many of these large counties saw substantially more newly registered Democrats than Republicans. For example, in Orange County, a swing county home to Orlando, Democrats registered twice as many new voters than Republicans in the years since 2000. In Palm Beach and Broward combined, Democrats registered 111,000 new voters compared with fewer than 20,000 new Republicans.(29)

The only person in major media to treat these complaints seriously and at any length was Keith Olbermann at MSNBC who ran two stories on it, citing Cuyahoga County’s surplus 93,000 votes over the registered voter count, and the peculiar victories for Bush in Florida counties that were overwhelmingly Democratic scattered across the state.(30) For his trouble, media conservatives attacked him for being a “voice of paranoia” and spreading “idiotic conspiracy theories.”(31)

The Oh-So Loyal Opposition: the Democratic Party

An obvious question here is: why haven’t the Democrats been more vigorous in their objections to this fraud? The fact that they haven’t objected more (with a few notable individual exceptions) has been taken by some as definitive evidence that no fraud must have happened because the Democrats have the most to gain from objecting. In part the answer to this puzzle is that the Democrats don’t fully understand what has hit them. The Kerry campaign’s reaction to the Swift Boat Veterans attack ads that damaged them so much are a good illustration of this. The right-wing media hammered away at Kerry through their by now very heavy presence over talk radio, the Internet, Fox News, and other outlets. The mainstream media such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and major newspapers and magazines, still adhering to the standards of “objective” journalism, which the right-wing media consider “quaint,”(32) legitimated these false allegations about Kerry by presenting “the two sides” as if one side made up entirely of lies and half-truths could be considered a legitimate “side.” The Kerry campaign concluded that these ads were all lies and wouldn’t have any effect, thus they took too long to respond to them. By the time they did, the damage had been done. In a CBS/NY Times poll taken September 12-16, 2004, 33% said they thought that the Swift Boast Veterans’ charges against Kerry were “mostly true.”(33) A remarkable feat given that Kerry volunteered and was multi-decorated for heroism while Bush used his father’s connections to dodge real service.

The Democrats’ meek acceptance of other races’ extremely peculiar outcomes prior to the 2004 elections illustrates this point further. As a result of the 2000 Florida debacle, Congress passed the “Help America Vote” Act in October 2002. While this act introduced a number of reasonable reforms, it also resulted in the widespread introduction of paperless electronic voting machines. This meant that there was no way to determine if the votes recorded by these computers were accurate and tamper-free. Efforts subsequently by a few Democratic Congresspeople, led by Michigan Rep. John Conyers, to rectify this and ensure a paper ballot, have been blocked by the GOP majority.

The following is a partial list of 2002 discrepancies that can be understood as dress rehearsals for the stolen presidential election of

On Nov. 3, 2002, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll showed Democratic Sen. Max Cleland with a 49-to-44 point lead over Republican Rep. Saxby Chambliss. The next day, Chambliss, despite trailing by 5 points, ended up winning by a margin of 53 to 46 percent. This was, in other words, an unbelievable 12-point turn around over the course of one day!

In the Georgia governor's race Republican Sonny Perdue upset incumbent Democratic Gov. Roy Barnes by a margin of 52 to 45 percent. This was especially strange given that the October 16-17, 2002 Mason Dixon Poll (Mason Dixon Polling and Research, Inc. of Washington, D.C.) had shown Democratic Governor Barnes ahead 48 to 39 percent, with a margin of error of ± 4 points. The final tally was, in other words, a jaw dropping 16-point turn-around! What the Cleland “defeat” by Saxby and the Barnes “defeat” by Perdue both have in common is that nearly all the Georgia votes were recorded on computerized voting machines, which produce no paper trail.

In Minnesota, after Democrat Sen. Paul Wellstone's plane crash death,(34) ex-vice-president Walter Mondale took Wellstone’s place and was leading Republican Norm Coleman in the days before the election by 47 to 39 percent. Despite the fact that he was trailing just days before the race by 8 points, Coleman beat Mondale by 50 to 47 percent. This was an 11-point turn around! The Minnesota race was also conducted on electronic voting machines with no paper trail.(35)

Welcome to a world where statistical probability and normal arithmetic no longer apply!(36) The Democrats, rather than vigorously pursuing these patently obvious signs of election fraud in 2004, have nearly all decided that being gracious losers is better than being winners,(37) probably because – and this may be the most important reason for the Democrat’s relative silence - a full-scale uncovering of the fraud runs the risk of mobilizing and unleashing popular forces that the Democrats find just as threatening as the GOP does.

The delicious irony for the GOP is that the Help America Vote Act, precipitated by their theft of the Florida 2000 presidential vote, made GOP theft of elections as in the preceding examples easy and unverifiable except through recourse to indirect analysis such as pre-election polls and exit polls.(38) This is the political equivalent of having your cake and eating it too. Or, more precisely: stealing elections, running the country, and aggressively, arrogantly and falsely claiming that “the people” support it.

Flavor Flav of the rap group Public Enemy used to wear a big clock around his neck in order to remind us all that we’d better understand what time it is. Or, as Bob Dylan once said: “Let us not speak falsely now, the hour’s getting late.” To all of those who said before the 2004 elections that this was the most important election in our lifetimes; to all of those who plunged into that election hoping and believing that we could throw the villains out via the electoral booth; to all of those who held their noses and voted for Democrats thinking that at least they were slightly better than the theocratic fascists running this country now, this must be said: VOTING REALLY DOESN’T MATTER. If we weren’t convinced of that before these last elections, then now is the time to wake up to that fact. Even beyond the fraudulent elections of 2000 and 2004, public policies are not now, nor have they ever been, settled through elections.

The Role of Mass Movements and Alternative Media

What can be done? The Eugene McCarthy campaign of 1968 and the George McGovern campaign in 1972 didn’t end the war in Vietnam. The Vietnamese people and the anti-war movement ended the war. Civil rights weren’t secured because JFK and LBJ suddenly woke up to racial discrimination. The Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement galvanized public opinion and rocked this country to its foundations. Men didn’t suddenly wake up and realize that they were male chauvinist pigs - women formed the Women’s Movement, organized, marched, rallied, and demanded nothing less than equality, shaking this country to the core. The Bush administration is bogged down and sinking deeper in Iraq not mainly because the top figures of the Bush administration consist of liars, blind (and incompetent) ideologues, international outlaws and propagators of torture as an official policy, but because the Iraqi people have risen up against imperialist invasion. Prior to the war, the international anti-Iraq war movement brought out millions of people into the streets, the largest demonstrations in history, denying the U.S. imperialists the UN’s sanction and leading to Turkey denying US requests to use their land as a staging area. These are major, world-historic feats.

The 2000, 2002 and 2004 elections fraud underscores the critical importance of building a mass movement, a movement of resistance that doesn’t tie itself to the electoral road and electoral parties. In addition, as Robert Parry has eloquently argued, a counterforce to the right-wing media empire must be built by the left and by progressive-minded people. As it stands today, the right can get away with nearly anything because they have talking heads on TV, radio, the Internet and other outlets who set the tone and the political agenda, with mainstream media focusing on sex and sensationalism and taking their political cues to a large extent from the right.(39)

Like a bridge broken by an earthquake, the electoral road can only lead to plunging us into the sea – which is precisely what happened in the
2004 election.


(1) Several of the items in this list feature Ohio and Florida because going into the election it was universally understood that the outcome hinged on these swing states.

'TruthIsAll' on the DemocraticUnderground.com offered a list that is similar in format to my highly improbables and utterly impossibles list of the 2004 election results and I have drawn directly from their list for items #7 and 8.
(http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x22581), retrieved June 4, 2005.

(2) High turnout favors Democrats and more liberal-left candidates because the groups who participate the least and most sporadically in voting are from lower socio-economic groups who generally eschew more conservative candidates.

(3) Seventeen percent of election 2004 voters did not vote in 2000. This includes both first-time and lapsed voters. Kerry defeated Bush in this group 54 percent to 45 percent. (Katharine Q. Seelye, "Moral Values Cited as a Defining Issue of the Election," The New York Times, November 4, 2004). This data contradicts the widely held belief that Bush owes his victory to mobilizing conservative evangelicals and getting out the Republican base.

(4) Gore carried the 2000 Florida Independent vote by only 47 to 46 percent whereas Kerry carried them by a 57 percent to 41 percent margin. In 2000 Bush received 13% of the registered Democratic voters votes and in 2004 he got the virtually statistically identical 14% of their votes. Sam Parry, "Bush's 'Incredible' Vote Tallies," Consortiumnews.com, November 9, 2004.

See also Colin Shea's analysis: "In one county, where 88% of voters are registered Democrats, Bush got nearly two-thirds of the vote--three times more than predicted by my model. In 21 counties, more than 50% of Democrats would have to have defected to Bush to account for the county result; in four counties at least 70% would have been required. These results are absurdly unlikely." http://www.freezerbox.com/archive/article.asp?id=321

(5) "[C]ertified reports from pro-Kerry Cleveland, in Cuyahoga County, [showed] Š precincts with turnouts of as few as 22.31 percent (precinct 6B), 21.43 percent (13O), 20.07 percent (13F), 14.59 percent (13D), and 7.85 percent (6C) of the registered voters. Thousands of people in these precincts lined up for many hours in the rain in order, it would appear, not to vote.

"Meanwhile, in pro-Bush Perry County, the voting records certified by Secretary of State Blackwell included two precincts with reported turnouts of 124.4 and 124.0 percent of the registered voters, while in pro-Bush Miami County, there were precincts whose certified turnouts, if not physically impossible, were only slightly less improbable. These and other instances of implausibly high turnouts in precincts won by Bush, and implausibly low turnouts in precincts won by Kerry, are strongly suggestive of widespread tampering with the vote-tabulation processes." Michael Keefe, "The Strange Death of American Democracy: Endgame in Ohio," http://globalresearch.ca/articles/KEE501A.html , retrieved May 31, 2005.

(6) "Bush's job approval has slipped to 48% among national adults and is thus below the symbolically important 50% point." "Questions and Answers With the Editor in Chief, Frank Newport, Editor in Chief, The Gallup Poll, November 2, 2004, http://www.gallup.com/poll/content/?ci=13948&pg=1, retrieved on May 27, 2005.

As Newport further notes, referring to the final Oct. 29-31, 2004 CNN/USA Today /Gallup poll, "Among all national adults, 49% now choose Kerry as the candidate best able to handle Iraq, while 47% choose Bush. This marks a significant pickup on this measure for Kerry, who was down nine points to Bush last week. In fact, Kerry has lost out to Bush on this measure in every poll conducted since the Democratic convention."

"Bush's margin over Kerry as the candidate best able to handle terrorism is now seven points. 51% of Americans choose Bush and 44% choose Kerry. This again marks a significant change. Last week, Bush had an 18-point margin over Kerry, and the 7-point advantage is the lowest yet for Bush." In other words, momentum was on Kerry's side, with Bush losing 9 points of support on Iraq and 11 points on handling terrorism over the course of one week! This was hardly a sign of someone about to win by 3.5 million votes.

(7) http://www.harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PID=515 , dated November 2, 2004, retrieved on June 1, 2005: " Both surveys suggest that Kerry has been making some gains over the course of the past few days (see Harris Polls #83 http://www.harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PID=512 , and #78 http://www.harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PID=507 ). If this trend is real, then Kerry may actually do better than these numbers suggest. In the past, presidential challengers tend to do better against an incumbent President among the undecided voters during the last three days of the elections, and that appears to be the case here. The reason: undecided voters are more often voters who dislike the President but do not know the challenger well enough to make a decision. When they decide, they frequently split 2:1 to 4:1 for the challenger." For Harris' last minute poll results before the 2000 election, see http://www.harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PID=130 , dated November 6, 2000 in which they call the election between Bush and Gore too close to call and predict that the result will depend upon the turnout.

(8) As Gallup explains, challengers tend to get the votes of those saying they are undecided on the eve of an election: "[B]ased on an analysis of previous presidential and other elections there is a high probability that the challenger (in an incumbent race) will receive a higher percentage of the popular vote than he did in the last pre-election poll, while there is a high probability that the incumbent will maintain his share of the vote without any increase. This has been dubbed the 'challenger rule.' There are various explanations for why this may occur, including the theory that any voter who maintains that he or she is undecided about voting for a well-known incumbent this late in the game is probably leaning toward voting for the challenger." "Questions and Answers With the Editor in Chief, Frank Newport, Editor in Chief, The Gallup Poll, November 2, 2004, http://www.gallup.com/poll/content/?ci=13948&pg=1, retrieved on May 27,
2005. See also footnote 7 herein.

(9) Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman, "Ohio's Official Non-Recount Ends amidst New Evidence of Fraud, Theft and Judicial Contempt Mirrored in New Mexico, The Columbus Free Press
31 December 31, 2004, at http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/1057 , retrieved June 6, 2005.

(10) Curtis states in his affidavit that he met in the fall of 2000 with the principals of Yang Enterprises, Inc., - Li Woan Yang., Mike Cohen, and Tom Feeney (chief counsel and lobbyist for YEI). Feeney became Florida's House Speaker a month after meeting with Curtis. Curtis says that he initially thought he was being asked to make such a program in order to prevent voter fraud. Upon creating the program and presenting it to Yang, he discovered that they were interested in committing fraud, not preventing it. Curtis goes on to say: "She stated that she would hand in what I had produced to Feeney and left the room with the software." As the police would say, what we have here is motive and opportunity - and an abundance of evidence of criminal fraud in the Florida vote, together with Feeney's intimate connection to Jeb Bush. Curtis, on the other hand, as a life-long registered Republican - as of these events at least - has no discernible motive to come forward with these allegations, and only shows courage for the risk to himself by doing so. For his full affidavit, see http://fairnessbybeckerman.blogspot.com/2004/12/affidavit-of-vote- fraud-software.html#110243131597922449 , retrieved June 1, 2005.

(11) Michael Keefer, "Footprints of Electoral Fraud: The November 2 Exit Poll Scam," http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/KEE411A.html, retrieved May 31, 2005.

(12) In the Ukraine, as a result of the exit polls' variance from the official tally, they had a revote. In the U.S., despite the exit polls varying widely from the official tally, we had an inauguration!

(13) The NEP was a consortium of news organizations that contracted Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International to conduct the national and state exit polls. Warren Mitofsky created exit polling.

(14) While blacks went to Kerry by 90 to 10, Latino voters were much more likely to vote for Bush.

(15) I owe this example to Steven Freeman, "The Unexplained Exit Poll Discrepancy," November 10, 2004, election04.ssrc.org/research/ 11_10, unexplained_ exit- poll.pdf.

(16) "So reliable are the surveys that actually tap voters as they leave the polling places that they are used as guides to the relative honesty of elections in Third World countries. When I worked on Vicente Fox's campaign in Mexico, for example, I was so fearful that the governing PRI would steal the election that I had the campaign commission two U.S. firms to conduct exit polls to be released immediately after the polls closed to foreclose the possibility of finagling with the returns. When the [exit] polls announced a seven-point Fox victory, mobs thronged the streets in a joyous celebration within minutes that made fraud in the actual counting impossible." GOP consultant and pollster Dick Morris, "Those Exit Polls Were Sabotage," http://www.thehill.com/morris/110404.aspx , dated November 4, 2004, retrieved June 4, 2005.

(17) "Gore Won Florida," http://archive.democrats.com/display.cfm?id=181, retrieved May 28, 2005.

(18) Dick Morris, "Those Exit Polls Were Sabotage," http://www.thehill.com/morris/110404.aspx , dated November 4, 2004, retrieved June 4, 2005.

(19) Steven Freeman, "The Unexplained Exit Poll Discrepancy," November 10, 2004, election04.ssrc.org/research/ 11_10, unexplained_ exit- poll.pdf.

(20) Ian Hoffman, "Berkeley: President Comes Up Short," The Tri-Valley Herald , November 19, 2004. The Berkeley report itself is at http://www.yuricareport.com/ElectionAftermath04/ , retrieved June 7, 2005.

(21) Evaluation of the Edison/Mitofsky Election System 2004 prepared by Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International for the National Election Pool (MEP), January 19, 2005, http://www.exit-poll.net/faq.html, retrieved April 2, 2005.

MSNBC publicized this report (inaccurately) under the headline "Exit Polls Prove That Bush Won." (Steve Freeman and Josh Mitteldorf, "A Corrupted Election: Despite what you may have heard, the exit polls were right," February 15, 2005, In These Times , http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/1970/ , retrieved April 4, 2005.

(22) Warren Mitteldorf, Ph.D., Temple University Statistics Department; Kathy Dopp, MS in mathematics, USCountVotes President; Steven Freeman, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; Brian Joiner, Ph.D. Professor of Statistics and Director of Statistical Consulting (ret.), University of Pennsylvania; Frank Stenger, Ph.D., Professor of Numerical Analysis, University of Utah; Richard Sheehan, Ph.D. Professor of Finance, University of Notre Dame; Paul Velleman, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Statistical Sciences, Cornell University; Victoria Lovegren, Ph.D., Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics, Case Western University; Campbell B. Read, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Statistical Science, Southern Methodist University. http://uscountvotes.org/ucvAnalysis/US/USCountVotes Re Mitofsky-Edison.pdf.

(23) An alternative theory which was advanced by a few was that fears about terrorism and the ongoing war in Iraq made many reluctant to kick out a sitting president. This theory has the benefit, at least, of having some evidence. However, while it explained why so many ignored the fact that WMD was never found in Iraq, the given rationale for launching war on a country that had not attacked us, and a host of other scandals such as torture and murder at Abu Graib, and why Bush did manage to receive a lot of votes, it didn't explain why he won by a
3.5 million margin

(24) The Economist, The triumph of the religious right, November 11, 2004 http://www.economist.com/printedition/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=33755
43, retrieved April 5, 2005.

(25) See, for example, ex-conservative David Brock's The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., "How Washington Poisoned the News, Vanity Fair , May 2005.

(26) Manuel Roig-Franzia and Dan Keating, "Latest Conspiracy Theory -- Kerry Won -- Hits the Ether, " Washington Post, November 11, 2004, A-02, reprinted at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A41106-2004Nov10.html, retrieved June 7, 2005

(27) Available in its entirety at http://www.yuricareport.com/ElectionAftermath04/ VoteFraudTheoriesNixed.html , retrieved June 6, 2005.

(28) Greg Guma, "Election 2004: Lingering Suspicions," United Press International, November 15, 2004, http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20041112-010916-6128r, retrieved June 7, 2005.

(29) Robert Parry, "Washington Post's Sloppy Analysis," consortiumnews.com, November 12, 2004 at http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/111204.html , retrieved June 7, 2005.

(30) "Liberty County - Bristol, Florida and environs - where it's 88 percent Democrats, 8 percent Republicans) but produced landslides for President Bush. On Countdown, we cited the five biggest surprises (Liberty ended Bush: 1,927; Kerry: 1,070), but did not mention the other 24." at http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/111004B.shtml#1, retrieved June 7, 2005. See also David Swanson , "Media Whites Out Vote Fraud," January 3, 2005: http://www.truthout.org/docs_05/010405Y.shtml for a good summary of this media white out.

(31) Media Matters for America, "Conservatives rail against MSNBC's Olbermann for reporting election irregularities," http://mediamatters.org/items/2004111600006 , retrieved June 7, 2005.

(32) The Fairness Doctrine governed broadcasters from 1949 to 1987. It required broadcasters, as a condition for having their FCC license, to provide balanced views on controversial questions. The elimination of the Fairness Doctrine was successfully lobbied for by well-heeled conservative groups during the Reagan administration and paved the way for the creation of a right wing media empire that operates free of any need to provide opposing viewpoints to their own.

(33) LexisNexis Academic database, Accession No. 1605983, Question No. 276, number of respondents 1,287, national telephone poll of adults.

(34) Wellstone voted against the authorization to go to war on Iraq requested by the second Bush administration.

(35) I owe this summary to "The Theft of Your Vote Is Just a Chip Away," Thom Hartmann, AlterNet. Posted July 30, 2003, retrieved February 8, 2005: http://www.alternet.org/story/16474 .

Chuck Hagel's story is worth mentioning here as well. As former conservative radio talk show host and current Senator from Nebraska Chuck Hagel (who is seriously considering a run for the White House) demonstrated back in 1996, being the head of the company that supplies the voting machines used by about 80% of the voters in Nebraska does not hurt you when you want to be the first Republican in 24 years to win a Senate seat in Nebraska. The fact that Hagel pulled off the biggest upset in the country in the 1996 elections by defeating an incumbent Democratic governor, that he did so through winning every demographic group, including mainly black areas that had never voted Republican before, might have nothing to do with the paperless trail generated by the electronic voting machines his company provides, installs, programs and largely runs. But then again, maybe it does have something to do with his stunning and totally unexpected victories
(Thom Hartmann, "If You Want to Win An Election, Just Control the Voting Machines," January 31, 2003, http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0131-01.htm , retrieved April 10, 2005).

(36) This is in keeping with Lewis Carroll's Red Queen's logic. The Bush White House sees itself as part of the "faith-based community," consciously rejecting empirical reality and inconvenient facts, considering these to be the province of what it calls the "reality-based community." As New York Times journalist Ron Suskind chillingly recounts: "In the summer of 2002 I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''' (Ron Suskind, "Without a Doubt," the New York Times Magazine , October 17, 2004.)

(37) By contrast, the GOP has decided that being "sore winners," as John Powers so aptly puts it in his book Sore Winners (and the Rest of Us) in George Bush's America , beats the hell out of being gracious losers.

(38) Republican National Committee Chair Ed Gillespie, in remarks to the National Press Club on November 4, 2004, took the next logical step, calling for the elimination of exit polls on the grounds that the 2000, 2002 and 2004 exit polls showed the Republican candidates losing. See http://www.buzzflash.com/analysis/04/11/ana04027.html , retrieved June 11, 2005.

(39) Robert Parry, "Solving the Media Puzzle," May 15, 2005, http://www.consortiumnews.com/2005/051305.html , retrieved June 7, 2005.


Informant: Scott Munson

Two polls...Vote for Cindy Sheehan Please...Please forward everywhere


Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan, You Rock


Cindy Sheehan

Camp Casey coordinator Ann Wright has issued an appeal


Cindy Sheehan

From Republic to Hegemon


Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Rise of the Democratic Police State



Letter from Congressman Conyers:

August 17, 2005

Honorable John Kerry
511 C Street, NE Washington, DC 20002

Honorable John Edwards
401 W. Trade Street Suite 219 Charlotte, NC 28202-1619

Dear Senators Kerry and Edwards:

I would like to express my deepest appreciation for your role in intervening to protect the rights of the candidates seeking the 2004 election recount in Ohio and I applaud you for your great efforts to stand behind the voting public, urging them not to lose faith in our election system.

As you are aware, this has been the second consecutive presidential election where numerous issues were raised concerning irregularities and improprieties within the system. Specifically, we learned of the massive disenfranchisement of fellow voters, as well as numerous incidents of voter intimidation and the purposeful dissemination of misleading information to the voting public, with the intent to interfere with the system. In addition, we learned of numerous irregularities in the way the recount in Ohio was conducted. I therefore commend your willingness to intervene in the recount case as it proceeds in the federal district court in Ohio and to join the candidates and voters in their struggle to fix a seemingly broken system. It is only by investigating these voting irregularities in each past election that we are able to ascertain the problems and pursue a better election process in each succeeding election.

It is for these reasons that I am deeply concerned to learn of the possibility, however remote, that you may be considering withdrawing from the 2004 election recount case in Ohio. As you know, it is absolutely imperative that we have elections that count every vote of every eligible voter, and if there is any issue that is central to a strong democracy, it is ensuring that all eligible voters are able to participate in our elections without encumbrance or interference from others. There is no question that your continued participation in this case will help ensure that we restore trust in our election system.

As you continue your participation in this important case and we continue our investigation of the voting irregularities during the 2004 presidential election, we hope to be able to maintain an open dialogue. As you know, the objective of the recount itself was never to overturn the election, but to win back the confidence of the electorate in the accuracy of voting methods and the fairness of voting procedures. The objective remains the same for the pending case in federal court challenging the unconstitutional manner in which the Ohio recount was conducted. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my office at (202) 225-6504.


John Conyers, Jr.

Informant: NHNE

Nationwide STUDENT STRIKE!! Sept. 26 - Strike A Match for Cindy Sheehan

Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit

sent by Green Democrats Correspondent (activ-l) - Aug 18, 2005

This just came off the Crawford Peace House yahoo group. I don't know anything else, but what is in this message.

source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crawfordpeacehouse

Nationwide STUDENT STRIKE!! Sept. 26


Backed by Noam Chomsky and more than 100 other professors so far...a call has been put out by a fabulous guy in OR for a student strike on Sept. 26 - a damn fine birthday present to me, I might add! And nicely coordinated with the D.C. action so students can have more leeway to go to DC that weekend.

The brainchild of this effort puts this in line with Cindy's efforts, but seeks to begin to transfer the focus "from Texas to the nation's
300-plus Pentagon-dependent universities." (see bottom--and I'm sure he isn't trying to "transfer the focus" away from the military families so much as start to give all these new people coming 'out' into the movement a target to focus their loss and anger on, besides Bush)

September 26, 2005

President George W. Bush, The White House Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Department of Defense, The Pentagon President Nils Hasselmo, Association of American Universities Governor Ted Kulongoski, State of Oregon President Dave Frohnmayer, University of Oregon

Dear Public Servants,

As University of Oregon's first graduate student in the field of Peace Studies, it is my responsibility to explore the role of the military in society and those conditions that most promote peace and human welfare. In so doing, I have come to understand the nature of America's war industry, and how that industry has flourished in the wake of the Cold War. I have come to find that more than 300 of our universities are developing weapons for the Department of Defense, and that these schools are increasingly reliant on the industry of war to sustain their education programs. Indeed, the Association of American Universities appears to be little more than a lobby for such funding.

As a person of good conscience, I have learned too much about the business of war to remain silent about its overwhelming encroachment in our schools, communities, and global life systems. In promoting this encroachment, I do not believe that you serve in the interest of prosperity and security for the common people. By your consistent actions, in fact, it is abundantly clear that you believe America's top priority is profit from the business of war, not the general welfare of its people.

When America was born a people-first country, the concept of freedom spread rapidly throughout the world without military force. The vision of our Founders was to advance the notion of people living in peace using the freedom that nature provides upon birth. You may feel at peace with yourselves, but I believe you are acting as businessmen instead of servants. And in honoring our Founding principles, I must proclaim that to exploit the fears and prejudices of the common people to maintain the flow of profits from conflict-to perpetuate a state of war for personal gain-is treasonous to our creed.

You say this is a peace-loving nation when you know it is not; America is by far history's greatest peddler of arms, and your business is making war everyone else's business. The people, under this set of priorities, are an expendable resource, and on behalf of those who founded this country and those whose lives stand in peril today-thus, on behalf of all Americans-I reject the notion of our servants serving only themselves and war profiteers.

Therefore, I feel compelled to strike in peaceful but vociferous opposition to your priorities until our national policies reflect our priorities and serve the rights and needs of the common people.

I am a dedicated scholar and University of Oregon alumnus. But I refuse to study inside the classroom of any school that sells itself to the war industry, and I will stand outside and speak my heart as strongly as possible to highlight the obvious hypocrisy that you promote. For I fear that if I do not, America and other countries are very likely to suffer and fall as a result of your cold determination to saturate with weapons a world that stands on the verge of resource depletion.

Developing weapons at our institutions of enlightenment contradicts the inherent purpose of learning. How will we ever learn peace while making war in our schools?

I hereby submit to you this petition for peaceful priorities.

Dutifully, Brian D. Bogart bbogart@darkwing.uoregon.edu Multicultural Studies Certificate, US-Japan Relations, Lewis and Clark College, Portland 1995 International Studies Certificate, Waseda University, Tokyo 1996 B.A. Japanese History, University of Oregon 1997 M.A. Candidate, Peace Studies, University of Oregon

Sponsors of this action include:

Noam Chomsky Institute Professor Emeritus of Linguistics Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Franklin W. Stahl Professor Emeritus of Biology University of Oregon

Peter Phillips Ph.D. Sociology Department/Project Censored Sonoma State University

(names removed for space)


Strike A Match for Cindy Sheehan

America Programmed for War: Cause and Solution

"What one generation perceives as repression, the next accepts as a necessary part of a complex daily life."

By Brian Bogart

A single policy decision made in secluded chambers of the White House shortly after World War II explains why our financial and intellectual creativity focuses on lethal technologies, why 51% of our taxes go to defense and less than 5% to education, why there are 6000 military bases in the United States and 1000 US bases overseas, why comprehensive agendas support war fighting and weak agendas address human services and the environment, and why our top industry since 1950 remains the manufacture and sale of weapons.

Informant: Scott Munson

Cindy Sheehan

'Peace Mom': Spearhead of Peace Movement?

What began as one mother's vigil on a country road in Texas two weeks ago has grown into a nationwide protest, putting a grieving human face to the miseries of war and growing misgivings about President Bush's strategies in Iraq.


Cindy Sheehan

What They Did Last Fall

Two different news media consortiums reviewed Florida's ballots; both found that a full manual recount would have given the election to Mr. Gore. Paul Krugman notes this was true despite a host of efforts by state and local officials to suppress likely Gore votes, most notably Ms. Harris's "felon purge," which disenfranchised large numbers of valid voters.


Drastic Tax Break Gives Billions to US Firms

A measure designed to create jobs is instead rewarding the companies that are most adept at stashing overseas profits in tax havens, allowing them to bring money home at a severely discounted tax rate.


Bagdad versinkt in einer brutalen Anarchie

Die Verhandlungen über die Verfassung kommen nicht voran, die Gewalt schwillt an und al-Qaida setzt neben Anschlägen zunehmend auf Propaganda.


MOBILE PHONE MASTS: The Awful TRUTH About Their Effects On Your HEALTH

We have finally put into motion our expose of the health risks involved with masts. We have got a certain amount of buy-in from the press here at the moment, plus with our own equivalent of prontaprint we are producing and distributing our "The Awful Truth" leaflet around the area. Thanks to Andy from TETRAwatch for his input and others in Mast sanity for their help. The full text is below, but without our dramatic cover. For that, and a PDF version of the text below, go to http://www.nomasts.org.uk .

Please use it as much as you can to inform people and the press and media around your area. Remember a key point - Masts are NOT safe, and the (independent) scientific proof does exist. The evidence is becoming irrefutable. Remember that Government and Industry Scientists are biased with huge financial gains dependent upon safe results - they are not to be trusted.

Best Wishes,


Introduction to Summary of INDEPENDENT Research

Below is a summary of Independent Research into Mobile Telephone Masts that we have put together from various independent sources, with references, which you will find very informative.

Like many people, we never realised the full extent of the health issues around Mobile Telephone Masts, nor the official wall of silence that exists, until circumstances led us to spend a large amount of time and effort looking into the whole issue. We were shocked, and we expect you will be too.

It is only by assessing independent, good quality information that you or we can make up our own minds about the Mobile Telephone Mast issue. This document hopes to give you a summary.

Please read it.

To introduce this and to aid your understanding:

Government and Telecommunication Companies quote the ‘ICNIRP Guidelines’ as assurances of safety for any mast/s saying, 'The mast has an ICNIRP [safety] Certificate' or, 'The mast's emissions fall well below the ICNIRP Guidelines', etc.

However, the ICNIRP Guidelines ONLY cover the Thermal (i.e. heating) effects of Mobile Telephone Mast emissions. Hence all that an ICNIRP certificate means is that the mast won’t cook you!

When the guidelines were made in 1998 it was generally thought that the only effects of the Mobile Telephone Mast emissions would be thermal, hence the ICNIRP Guidelines as they currently stand.

However, it is now widely accepted that NON-Thermal effects do occur but, vitally and to our minds, negligently, these guidelines have NOT been updated to include NON-Thermal effects.

The Thermal (heating) effects are accepted to be negligible - however, NON-Thermal effects are now known to affect the make-up of our bodies and how our bodies work, posing real risks to our health and to our lives.

This summary details some of the NON-Thermal effects.

From studying independent research it is clear that, although the ICNIRP Guidelines are always quoted to assure the public of the safety of a Mobile Telephone Mast, these assurances are completely FALSE since the ICNIRP Guidelines DO NOT PROTECT US against the NON-Thermal effects, which are being negligently and completely ignored.

Many people believe that the reason that the ICNIRP Guidelines have not been updated with guidelines for NON-Thermal effects is because there is still no “dose-response equation” for no risk (or acceptable risk). Dr. Neil Cherry [13] said, the safe level for microwaves is nil . Additionally, the ICNIRP Guidelines ignore long-term low-level exposure to microwaves.

What are the Non-Thermal Effects detailed in the research?

Here are some examples:

- DNA damage potentially leading to cancers such as Breast cancer and Testicular cancer,

- Signal pulsing, similar to rapidly flashing lights, causing or worsening Epilepsy,

- Reduction in Melatonin levels - and increase in nitric oxide (NO) levels - resulting in: reduced cancer fighting cells in our bodies, sleeping disorders, increased cholesterol levels leading to greater risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, increased blood pressure giving greater risk of blood clots and strokes. Also increasing chances of serious disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s,

- Tinnitus and Hearing problems, Headaches, Reduced drug effectiveness.

These effects are increasingly being found to occur in reality within the population at large who are exposed to Mobile Telephone Mast radiation. Many German and European doctors (equivalent to our GPs) are so concerned that they have signed up to the “Freiburger Appeal” to demand that health concerns over Mobile Telephone Masts are taken seriously. Other similar appeals exist across Europe [6] . The Doctors note many symptoms increasingly seen by them in the vicinity of Mobile Telephone Masts.

They are:-

* Learning, concentration, and behavioural disorders (e.g. attention deficit disorder, ADD)

* Extreme fluctuations in blood pressure, ever harder to influence with medications

* Heart rhythm disorders

* Heart attacks and strokes among an increasingly younger population

* Brain-degenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer‘s) and Epilepsy [14]

* Cancerous afflictions: leukemia, brain tumors

* Headaches, migraines

* Chronic exhaustion

* Inner agitation

* Sleeplessness, daytime sleepiness

* Tinnitus

* Susceptibility to infection

* Nervous and connective tissue pains, for which the usual causes do not explain even the most conspicuous symptoms

Additionally we have found multiple examples of the following to add to the above list:-

* Pineal dysfunction which may contribute to the onset of depression or may exacerbate existing depressive disorders, possibly leading to suicide.

* Miscarriages

Government and the Telecommunication Industry would prefer you to read and hear about their scientists’ ‘research’ - but with their huge financial gains reliant on ‘safe results’ can you blame anyone for being sceptical about how trustworthy their research actually is?

Please read our summary of INDEPENDENT scientific research that, we believe, the government and the industry are trying to suppress. This research is carried out by independent scientists whose careers are often put at risk because they dare to question the safety of these Mobile Telephone Masts and oppose the government view by saying that these masts may well cause much harm to people.

‘ The reality of such a risk to public health is not yet officially recognised, however, and those who dare to depart from the ‘official’ line, by warning of potential dangers to human health posed by non-thermal influences of the radiation used in mobile telephony, are subject to immediate criticism and derision – particularly by those with a vested interest in maintaining the growth of mobile telephony. A good example of this is the ferocious attack by the committee of COST281 on my report for the EU Parliament (commissioned by STOA).’- Dr G J Hyland, in his December 2003 Paper, “The inadequacy of the ICNIRP Guidelines governing human exposure to the microwave emissions of GSM/TETRA Base-stations.” [11]

Current INDEPENDENT Scientific Research That Proves Mobile Phone Masts Are NOT Safe

All of the Examples Below are Non-Thermal Effects from Mobile Telephone Mast emissions that are not covered by the UK Government / ICNIRP Guidelines. (See Point 7 below).

1. Genetic Damage in Blood Cells and Other Cells

Drs Ray Tice and Graham Hook found human blood cell changes following exposure to four different types of cell phone signals. Genetic damage was seen in the form of micronuclei present in blood cells exposed to mobile phone radiation. [1] Also seen with Dr.Lai and Singh [2]

A recent 4-year EU-backed study by twelve partners in seven countries, EU Reflex, repeatedly showed irrefutable evidence of mobile phone emissions, at levels within ICNIRP, and hence UK, guidelines, causing double-strand DNA breaks of the sort that lead to cancer. [3]

Many environmental factors, including sunlight, cause DNA strands to break. However, it is the amount and type of DNA breaks that occur that may or may not lead to cell mutations and therefore cancer. It is possible for the cell to make mistakes when repairing single-strand breaks, but the likelihood of serious mistakes (mutations) increases substantially with double-strand breaks - the type seen from exposure to mobile phone radiation.

Where this type of DNA damage occurs in the blood cancers such as Breast cancer and Testicular cancer can result.

It has been reported that, in Paris, Orange dismantled a Mobile Telephone Mast that it had placed on a school's roof after 8 school children contracted cancer. This surely is quite damning - indicating that the industry/company knows that these Mobile Telephone Masts DO or MAY WELL cause ill health - why else would they dismantle their mast from the school?

2. Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Sleep Disorders etc.

The most commonly reported adverse effect of Mobile Telephone Mast radiation, is EHS. The symptoms are wide ranging, including headaches and nausea, dizziness, recurrent nosebleeds, skin irritations and rashes, sleep disorders, hearing problems, high blood pressure, fatigue, irritability and depression. Some people with epilepsy report increased incidence of seizures, people with chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis report increased debilitation, as do those with or developing fibromyalgia. Further down the time line, reports of localised clusters of thyroid problems, motor neurone disease and cancers require full and proper investigation. Where such studies have been made, especially with regard to cancer, the correlation with Mobile Telephone Mast emissions is strong enough now to warrant more formal verification.

The common cause of the above effects is the increase in the production of nitric oxide – triggered by Mobile Telephone Mast Radiation. [15] and [16]

Nitric oxide is a dilator of blood vessels and a regulator of dream sleep. It also affects the blood-brain barrier and prevents the body's normal formation of melatonin from serotonin. Several studies have noted the reduction in Melatonin levels when the body is subjected to Mobile Telephone Mast radiation [4].

A knock-on effect is the overproduction of peroxynitrite, which is toxic at a cellular level. This leads directly to Motor Neuron Disease (MND) and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS).

Such is the broad role of nitric oxide in the body, that disturbance of its production creates an avalanche of negative effects. Many “modern” trends in disorders from Multiple Sclerosis to Autism and ADHD, Alzheimer’s to Motor Neuron Disease may stem directly from the over-production of nitric oxide. That Mobile Telephone Mast radiation has been shown to alter the production of nitic oxide in living beings is therefore a significant and serious factor in the evaluation of current and growing environmental levels. It is the long-term low level exposure that is predicted as creating cumulative effects and long-latency illness.

3. Weakening of the Blood-Brain Barrier

Many laboratory studies, such as [5], have looked at the effect of pulsed microwave radiation on animals, revealing a wide range of biological changes to tissue structure or function such as the opening of the Blood Brain Barrier, allowing the protein albumen, amongst other substances, to enter the brain, and raising questions about, for example, Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s, which are linked to proteins being found in the brain. Similarly, the weakening of the Blood Brain Barrier allows toxins in the bloodstream to pass into brain cells, leading to headaches and nausea (as commonly observed around Mobile Telephone Masts) - and, potentially, large-scale brain damage in the longer term.

4. Increased Incidence of Epilepsy

When noting the reports of an increased number of seizures in some epileptic children when exposed to the emissions of Mobile Telephone Mast radiation, it should be remembered that exposure to a light (such as that from a stroboscope) flashing at a rate somewhere between 15-20 times per second (Hz) can provoke seizures in the 5% minority of epileptics who suffer from photosensitive epilepsy.

Visible light and microwaves are both different kinds of electromagnetic radiation, and the microwave radiation used in GSM mobile phone telephony similarly ‘flashes’ (pulses) – in the case of TETRA at 17.6Hz, which is within the 15-20 times per second (Hz) range [9] and is a rate that the brain is able to recognise. Also, unlike visible light, pulsed microwaves are not reliant on the eye and optic nerve to access the brain, since they can penetrate the skull directly, leading to epilepsy risk from Mobile Telephone Mast radiation.

A familiar piece of misinformation quoted by mobile phone operators is that the emissions of a Mobile Telephone Mast are comparable to that of only a 60W light bulb, and thus equally harmless. Quite apart from the fact that the light from a 60W light bulb can be harmful to a person with photo-sensitive epilepsy, if it is flashed at an appropriate rate, the comparison is solely based on intensities and neglects three important points:-

1. The fact that more than one carrier signal is usually transmitted from the mast. Thus, the figure of 60W must be multiplied by the number of carriers that are actually transmitted in any particular case; in order to minimise inter-carrier interference, however, this number is restricted typically to 4 at the most, so the total output wattage can be a high as 240W.

2. Beams from the mast, however, are not emitted uniformly in all directions (as happens with light from a light-bulb), but are instead concentrated in specific directions, the degree of directional focusing being quantified through the so-called ‘gain’ (G) of the antenna, even omni-directional types, typical values of which, in the case of GSM, range from about 40 to 60. If we use an optimistic figure of 30 the so-called ‘effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), given by the multiplying Power by Gain – is 1800W, which is further increased to 7.2kW if 4 carriers are transmitted – a value that is 120 times higher than the 60W quoted! The maximum EIRP value permitted by law is 1500W per carrier, whilst the maximum number of carrier signals is 16 (at 1800MHz) and 10 (at 900MHz); in practice, however, the number of carriers is usually restricted to 4 at the most, for the reason mentioned above.

3. The comparison neglects the all important frequency dimension, in particular the difference in the frequency that characterises the visible light from the light bulb from that which defines the radiation to be (invisible) microwave radiation. For whilst the output from such a bulb is, during the day, completely negligible in comparison with visible light of natural origin – i.e. that from the Sun – this is not so in the case of the microwave radiation emitted by a Mobile Telephone Mast day and night, which, several hundred of metres away, is typically 100 million million (1013) times higher than the microwave radiation that is emitted by the Sun at the same frequency. Accordingly, the emissions of Mobile Telephone Masts have caused an enormous (and relatively sudden) alteration in the natural environment (at this frequency) from that in which life on Earth has, over a very much longer time, evolved. The impact of this altered environment on biology is further enhanced by the high coherence of the mobile phone radiation. [11]

5. Naila: 10-year Study of Residents near Mobile Telephone Mast Proves Cancer Link

Following a call by Wolfram König, President of the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Federal Agency for Radiation Protection), to all doctors of medicine to actively collaborate in the assessment of the risk posed by Mobile Telephone Mast radiation, the aim of this study was to examine whether people living close to Mobile Telephone Masts were exposed to an increased risk of becoming ill with malignant tumors (i.e. cancer). [12]

The basis of the data used for the survey were PC files of the case histories of patients between the years 1994 and 2004. While adhering to data protection, the personal data of almost 1,000 patients was evaluated for this study, which was completed without any external financial support. It is intended to continue the project in the form of a register.

The result of the study shows that the proportion of newly diagnosed cancer cases was significantly higher among those patients who had lived for the past ten years at a distance of up to 400 metres from the Mobile Telephone Mast, which has been in operation since 1993, compared to those patients living further away, and that the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier .

In the years 1999-2004, i.e. after five years’ operation of the transmitter installation, the relative risk of getting cancer had trebled for the residents of the area in the proximity of the installation compared to the inhabitants of Naila outside the area.

(N.B. Naila is a town halfway between Berlin and Munich, near the German border with the Czech Republic)

Previously, Santini and Santini (2001) and Santini et al (2002) [7] surveyed people living up to 300m from Mobile Telephone Masts. There was a statistical match between distance from Mobile Telephone Masts and health problems: tiredness up to 300m; headache, sleep disruption, ‘discomfort’ up to 200m; depression, memory loss, dizziness, visual disturbances up to 100m. Women were more susceptible than men.

6. International Medical Appeals: Freiburger, IDEA, Lichtenfelser, Hofer, Bamberger, and Helsinki

In the Freiburger Appeal [6], initially 50 doctors in Germany reported reduced therapeutic efficiency of prescribed drugs correlated with the use of pulsed microwaves, such as those from Mobile Telephone Masts. Some 40,000 signatories have now supported the appeal, including 1,200 doctors. Alongside the Freiburger Appeal there are now similar appeals from Lichtenfelser, Hofer, Bamberger and Helsinki.

In the Irish Republic, the IDEA group of Doctors has its own reports relating to Mobile Telephone Masts [10] which confirm the findings of the Freiburger Appeal doctors.

7. Inadequacy of the ICNIRP Guidelines

The Government tell us “If a proposed mobile phone base station meets the ICNIRP guidelines for public exposure it should not be necessary for a local planning authority, in processing an application for planning permission or prior approval, to consider further the health aspects and concerns about them”.

However, the view of Dr. Hyland from Warwick University is that these regulations are completely inadequate:

“… It must thus be concluded that GSM/TETRA telecommunication technology, as currently regulated by the ICNIRP safety guidelines, is less than safe, and constitutes a risk to public health because these guidelines afford absolutely no protection against non-thermal biological influences exerted by the kind of radiation emitted by the associated Base-stations.“ [11]

Dr. Hyland [11] has carried out a lot of research on Mobile Telephone Mast emissions. Relevant research shows how the current ICNIRP Guidelines, as adopted in the UK, are woefully inadequate since they only protect against thermal effects and, vitally, not against NON-Thermal effects, which are far more relevant.

Since it is accepted that, at the levels given off by the Mobile Telephone Masts, thermal effects on people are negligible, ICNIRP Guidelines are therefore not protecting people at all .

The government as well as the telecommunication industry and other interested parties appear to be deliberately ignoring the NON-Thermal effects of the radiation from Mobile Telephone Masts, claiming that there is no research to say that Mobile Telephone Masts are not safe. This is quite untrue. There is plenty of evidence from independent scientists that warn us of grave dangers to our health from the radiation from Mobile Telephone Masts.

It must also be noted that other countries have adopted much stricter guidelines than Britain has, and there are moves in some European cities for much, much lower limits on Mobile Telephone Mast emissions of microwave radiation.

8. Conclusion

“ On the basis of many inter-consistent reports of adverse health effects in the vicinity of GSM Base-stations [Mobile Telephone Masts], it must be concluded that such installations pose a real risk to the health of people resident nearby. It is to be stressed that this conclusion is not purely personal, but is one that is shared by many eminent scientists of international standing and medical doctors worldwide.” [11]

And, a warning about government and industry ignoring these health issues, and the conflict of interest between research and revenue earning:

“… . The reality of such a risk to public health is not yet officially recognised, however, and those who dare to depart from the ‘official’ line, by warning of potential dangers to human health posed by non-thermal influences of the radiation used in mobile telephony, are subject to immediate criticism and derision – particularly by those with a vested interest in maintaining the growth of mobile telephony.” [11]

Other Sources of Information:-

GRAM website - http://www.nomasts.org.uk

Mast Sanity – http://www.mastsanity.org

Mast Action UK – http://www.mastaction.co.uk

Powerwatch – http://www.powerwatch.org

Radiation Research – http://www.radiationresearch.org

TETRAwatch – http://www.tetrawatch.net


[1] Bioelectromagnetics (23, pp 113-126) Microwave News Jan/Feb 2002

[2] Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 112, Number 6, May 2004 Magnetic-Field-Induced DNA Strand Breaks in Brain Cells of the Rat by Henry Lai and Narendra P. Singh http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2004/6355/abstract.html also

[3] EU Reflex Project (REFLEX: Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods) http://www.verum-foundation.de/cgi-bin/content.cgi?id=euprojekte01

[4] “Melatonin metabolite excretion among cellular telephone users” by Burch JB, Reif JS, Noonan CW, Ichinose T, et al. In Int Journal Radiat Biol 2002;78:1029-1036

“ Effects of the 1900 MHz electromagnetic field emitted from cellular phone on nocturnal melatonin secretion” by Jarupat S, Kawabata A, Tokura H, Borkiewicz A. in Journal Physiol Anthropol 2003; 22:61-63.

[5] “Nerve Cell Damage in Mammalian Brain after Exposure to Microwaves from GSM Mobile Phones” by Leif G. Salford, Arne E. Brun, Jacob L. Eberhardt, Lars Malmgren, Bertil R.R. Persson. Environmental Health Perspectives, January 2003 (Journal of the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)

[6] Freiburger Appeal :

Lichtenfelser Appeal:

Bamberger Appeal:

Hofer Appeal:

Helsinki Appeal:

Letter from Bamberg to Edmund Stoiber:

[7] Santini 2002 Parliamentary Office for Evaluation of scientific and technological alternatives

[8] Journal of BioElectromagnetics (23:488495) by researchers in Chemical Engineering and Molecular Physics.

[9] “Effects of mobile phone emissions on human brain activity and sleep variables” by Hamblin D.L. & Wood A.W. in Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 2002; 78(8): 659-669.

[10] IDEA (Irish Doctors Environmental Association):

[11] “The inadequacy of the ICNIRP Guidelines governing human exposure to the microwave emissions of GSM/TETRA Base-stations.” By Dr. G J Hyland


[12] “The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone
Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer” By Horst Eger, Klaus Uwe Hagen, Birgitt Lucas, Peter Vogel, Helmut Voit (all medical doctors). Published in Umwelt·Medizin·Gesellschaft 17,4 2004, as: ‘Einfluss der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz’

[13] Dr Neil Cherry - http://www.neilcherry.com/

[14] Electromagnetic Radiation and Epilepsy by Andy Davidson, Tetrawatch http://www.tetrawatch.net/papers/emr_epilepsy.pdf

[15] Pall ML, Satterlee JD. Elevated nitric oxide/peroxynitrite mechanism for the common etiology of multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and posttraumatic stress disorder. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 2001;933:323-329, and Pall ML. Common etiology of posttraumatic stress disorder, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity via elevated nitric oxide/peroxynitrite, Medical Hypotheses, 2001;57:139-145.

[16] Mobil- und Kommunikationsfunk in Kooperation mit falscher Lebensweise - Wie unsere Gesundheit durch stimulierte NO-Radikale (Stickstoffmonoxid) in Gefahr gerät http://tinyurl.com/akftw


Omega see also:

Phone mast campaigners admit defeat


Why parish chairman kept silent


Residents’ fury over secret phone mast




Man foils phone mast


Residents oppose mobile phone mast plan


Residents objecting to phone mast


Arbeitsagentur löst Zollfahndung aus, Delikt: Nachbarschaftshilfe

Arbeitsamt und Arbeitszwang > alltägliche Schikanen

Fordern und Fördern: Arbeitsagentur löst Zollfahndung aus. Delikt: Nachbarschaftshilfe

Das Ausmaß an „fürsorglicher Belagerung“ erreicht mancherorts obskure und für Betroffene unerträglich drangsalierende Züge. So bleibt es nicht aus, dass sich Erwerbslose in ihrer Not zunehmend telefonisch an die BAG-SHI Geschäftsstelle wenden. So wie im nachfolgend dokumentierten Fall. Artikel von senger auf der Kampagnenseite „Vorsicht! Arbeitslosengeld II vom


Aus: LabourNet, 19. August 2005

Eingliederungsvereinbarung: So nicht!

Viele Betroffene stehen dem (Zwangs-)Mittel der „Eingliederungsvereinbarung“ ohnmächtig gegenüber. Vor allem (Massen-)Veranstaltungen mit bereits vorgefertigten Vereinbarungen sind gängige und rechtswidrige Praxis. Aber was ist zu tun? Einen neuen Weg hat jetzt Walter Michael Wengorz vom ver.di-Bezirkserwerbslosenausschuß Sachsen/Anhalt bestritten. Er verteilte seinerseits auf einer solchen Veranstaltung ein Flugblatt, in dem er seine Gründe für die Ablehnung einer solchen Eingliederungsvereinbarung öffentlich darlegt. Wir dokumentieren das verteilte Flugblatt vom 12.08.2005 und danken dem Kollegen für die Idee und seinen Mut diese auch umzusetzen! (pdf)


Aus: LabourNet, 19. August 2005

„1-Euro-Jobs“ verdrängen reguläre Arbeitsplätze

„Geht es nach der Bundesregierung, so sollen mit Hartz IV rd. 20 % aller Langzeiterwerbslosen in so genannten 1-€-Jobs arbeiten. Dabei handelt es sich um Arbeitsgelegenheiten mit Mehraufwandsentschädigung von eben einem Euro pro Stunde zusätzlich zum neuen Arbeitslosengeld II (Alg II). Es entsteht kein Arbeitsverhältnis, kein Anspruch auf Übernahme, dafür aber Verpflichtungen. Diese Arbeitsgelegenheiten nach § 16, Abs. 3 des neuen Zweiten Sozialgesetzbuches SGB II sollen im öffentlichen Interesse liegen und zusätzlich zu bestehenden Tätigkeiten eingerichtet werden. Bei Weigerung droht zunächst die Kürzung der Regelleistung von 345 Euro um 30 % für drei Monate und bei wiederholter Ablehnung um 60%. Jugendlichen unter 25 wird für diese Zeit das Alg II komplett gestrichen. Die aktuell eingeführten Gesetzesänderungen sehen Pflichtarbeiten für über 800.000 Erwerbslose vor. Allein Hamburg plant 10.000 1-€-Jobs, Berlin 35.000. ..“ Presseinformation des ver.di - Erwerbslosenausschuss im Bezirk Mittelhessen, dokumentiert bei tacheles-sozialhilfe e.V. vom 14.08.2005.

Aus: LabourNet, 19. August 2005

St. Prekarius - der Schutzheilige der Armen und Entrechteten

Die Prozession des Heiligen Prekarius startet am Freitag, 18 Uhr, am Rudolfplatz. Die "bewegte Andacht" wird laut Veranstaltern "verschiedene Orte aktueller Ungerechtigkeiten aufsuchen" und so das "urchristliche Motiv des sozialen Aufruhrs aufgreifen". Gerüchten zufolge soll der von seinen Anhängern als heilig verehrte Prekarius an diesem Abend auch offiziell von der katholischen Kirche heilig gesprochen werden

Zur Einstimmung empfehlen wir heute

Das Stoßgebet (pdf) http://www.cjb.cc/members/prekarius/downloads/gebet.pdf

Aus dem Text „…Heiliger Prekarius - erhöre uns!

Wir sind die Prekarisierten in dieser globalisierten Welt.

Wir sind die Überflüssigen und Verzweifelten, die Gestressten und Rechtlosen.

Heiliger Prekarius – erhöre uns!

Unsere Verträge laufen bald aus – doch welchen Job bekommen wir danach?

Unser Leben ist ein ständiger Konsumzwang – doch wie sollen wir das bezahlen?

Unsere Wohnungen werden immer teurer – doch wo sollen wir zukünftig leben?

Unsere Bildung wird ständig rationalisiert – doch wie können wir noch ungestört lernen?

Unsere Gesundheitskosten explodieren – doch wer pflegt uns im Krankheitsfall?...“

Die Liedertexte http://www.cjb.cc/members/prekarius/downloads.htm

Prozession zu Ehren des St. Prekarius in Köln

Bericht mit Bildern von Prekarius-Pilger vom 21.08.2005 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2005/08/125839.shtml

Video: St. Prekarius auf dem Weltjugendtag

„Prozession zu Ehren des Heiligen Prekarius, des Schutzherrn der Armen und Entrechteten, am Freitag, 19.08.2005, während des Weltjugendtages in Köln.

Seine Anhänger greifen die Arbeitsbedingungen beim Lebensmittelkonzern Lidl an…“ Videos von trojan tv in verschiedenen Auflösungen bei indymedia


Aus: LabourNet, 19. August 2005 und 22. August 2005

Can't Make It To Crawford?

by Ray McGovern, TomPaine.com

Cindy Sheehan's example should inspire Americans everywhere who are opposed to the Iraq war to act.


Cindy Sheehan

Alive Today, Desperate Tomorrow

by Jeffrey D. Sachs, TomPaine.com

The actions of the richest countries -- despite grand G8 promises -- have only intensified the hunger crisis in Africa.


The summer of discontent for President George W. Bush

Duck soup
Moscow Times
by Chris Floyd


Now is the summer of discontent for President George W. Bush, a man beset on every side -- by a failing war and falling popularity, by scandal, suspicion and rising hostility, even in the red-state heartlands. With each passing day of his long vacation in the Texas wastes, his presidency is shrinking palpably before our eyes, his wildly inflated public image shrivelling like a punctured balloon. The fountainhead of his trouble, of course, is the murderous quagmire he has created in Iraq. Some say he has no exit strategy, no way to escape the corrosive effects of this gargantuan disaster, which is draining his support and destroying the aura of the all-conquering 'war leader' that he used to impose his radical right-wing agenda on the country. The tide has turned against him at last, some say; he's a lame duck crashing to the ground. But those writing Bush's political obituary have 'misunderestimated' him once again. For it's becoming increasingly clear that Bush does have an exit strategy from Iraq -- and it runs through Iran...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why Bush can't answer Cindy Sheehan

by Marjorie Cohn


Cindy Sheehan is still in Crawford, Texas, waiting for Bush to answer her question: What noble cause did my son die for? Her protest started as a small gathering 13 days ago. It has mushroomed into a demonstration of hundreds in Crawford and tens of thousands more at 1,627 solidarity vigils throughout the country. Why didn't Bush simply invite Cindy in for tea when she arrived in Crawford? In a brief, personal meeting with Cindy, Bush could have defused a situation that has become a profound embarrassment for him, and could derail his political agenda. Bush didn't talk with Cindy because he can't answer her question. There is no answer to Cindy's question. There is no noble cause that Cindy's son died fighting for. And Bush knows it...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

A simple question and the power of shame

Common Dreams
by Stephen Laffoley


Because Ms. Sheehan's simple question has such moral clarity, moral authority, and moral certainty, these attacks only draw more attention to Ms. Sheehan's moral character and moral righteousness. And not surprisingly, not one of her attackers wants to provide an answer to Ms. Sheehan's question. Not one wants to address the truth. Because the truth is this: Ms. Sheehan's son died for no morally defensible reason. Ms. Sheehan's question -- and the yawning, silent absence of an answer from the president -- reminds us, so clearly, that those who support this war have failed morally. And with that moral failure comes guilt. And humiliation. And dishonor...


Cindy Sheehan

Rumsfeld's raygun: The Active Denial System

by Kelly Hearn


The Active Denial System is a Pentagon-funded, $51 million crowd control device that rides atop a Humvee, looks like a TV dish, and shoots energy waves 1/64 of an inch deep into human skin. It dispenses brief but intolerable bursts of pain, sending bad guys fleeing but supposedly leaving no lasting damage. (During a Pentagon press briefing in 2001, this reporter felt a zap from an ADS prototype on his fingertip and can attest to the brief but fleeting sensation that a hot light bulb was pressing against the skin). ADS works outside the range of small arms fire. ... For most Americans, zapping Iraqi insurgents in Baghdad with a potentially unsafe weapon is one thing; cooking political protestors in Boston or Biloxi will surely be another. Against this backdrop, observers say, Hammond's files become particularly important. 'Right now the press really isn't on this,' says Hammond. 'But that will change when the first videos are released showing this thing being used on people'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The incredible shrinking president

by Kevin B. Zeese


Summer, especially August, has not been good to the U.S. commander in chief. While on a 35-day vacation in Crawford he has been unable to find time to meet with Cindy Sheehan, the mother of Casey -- a soldier killed in Iraq. His refusal to meet with Ms. Sheehan diminishes him -- showing weakness and insecurity on his part. Is he unable to defend his Iraq occupation policy to her? Is he unable to hear the perspective of a mother who lost her child to his war? Public opinion is turning dramatically against the President, casualties are rising rapidly, and President Bush is facing divisions in his own administration. Republican members of Congress are meeting behind closed doors to discuss how to get out of Iraq and anti-war Democrats, while still a minority in their party, are becoming more outspoken and more organized. In Iraq, polling shows that a majority of Iraqis want the U.S. to leave and one third of Iraq's National Assembly has called for the U.S. to depart...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan story shows elite split on war

Common Dreams
by Ira Chernus


It was an astonishing turnout. Last night, in my small middle-American city, more than 150 people stood on street corners supporting Cindy Sheehan, the grieving mom who is waiting outside the president's ranch to ask him, 'Why did you kill my son?' Of course, demonstrations like this don't have much effect unless they are reported in the mainstream media. Cindy Sheehan is making the media pay attention. ... The bad news is that, no matter how much the public wants our troops out of Iraq, they will probably stay there until the foreign policy elite decides its time for this folly to end. The good news is that the foreign policy elite is beginning to recognize that the U.S. effort to control Iraq really is folly. The clearest evidence is that they let Cindy Sheehan become front-page news...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

Anti-war populism: The floodgates open

by Justin Raimondo


The neocon radio screamers and the Fox News bleach blondes are always carrying on about how it's 'the Left' and 'the leftists' who are driving rising antiwar sentiment across the country, but if you look at the polls, it just isn't true. Paul Hackett, an Iraq war veteran and a Democrat running in a heavily Republican district, almost beat the GOP candidate in a special congressional election in Ohio, winning 48 percent of the vote, against the 52 percent won by Rob Portman, the Republican incumbent in 2004. The Republicans are running scared on the war issue, and GOPers are defecting from the ranks of the War Party in droves .... Wartime often transforms party labels, rendering traditional political categories of 'left' and 'right,' 'liberal' and 'conservative' similarly meaningless. We seem to be at the beginning of some such transformative phase. Amid all the debate, the name-calling, and the obfuscating fog of charges and counter-charges, what is clear to ordinary folks -- Republicans as well as Democrats and independents -- is that there are two wings of the War Party, represented by the leadership of both 'major' parties...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Leading liberal groups likely to fight Roberts


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

"Peace Mom," her mother ill, leaves camp

Yahoo! News


The grieving woman who started an anti-war demonstration near President Bush's ranch nearly two weeks ago left the camp Thursday after learning her mother had had a stroke, but she told supporters the protest would go on. Cindy Sheehan told reporters she had just received the phone call and was leaving immediately to be with her 74-year-old mother at a Los Angeles hospital. 'I'll be back as soon as possible if it's possible,' she said. After hugging some of her supporters, Sheehan and her sister, Deedee Miller, got in a van and left for the Waco airport about 20 miles away. ... The camp has grown to more than 100 people, including many relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq. After Sheehan left, dozens of the demonstrators gathered under a canopy to pray for her mother. Sheehan, of Vacaville, Calif., had vowed to remain at the camp until Bush met with her or until his monthlong vacation ended. ... Michelle Mulkey, a spokeswoman for Sheehan, said Sheehan hoped to be back in Texas within 24 to 48 hours. Mulkey said Sheehan's mother, Shirley Miller, was in a hospital emergency room and Sheehan didn't yet know how serious her condition was...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy, leaving the Camp...her mother has had a stroke

Cindy Sheehan is en route to an airport to go to Los Angeles

Cindy Sheehan

Einzelkämpfer aus Taucha will bei Wahl mitmischen

Leipziger Volkszeitung vom Donnerstag, 18. August 2005

Taucha. "Ich finde, dass die Kandidaten immer nur Sprachrohr der Partei sind. Sie bleiben an deren eingefahrene Marschrichtung gebunden. So gibt es keine neuen Lösungen, um aus dem Tief herauszukommen", sagt Stefan Spaarmann. Deshalb versucht es der Tauchaer auf eigene Faust: Er tritt als Einzelkämpfer-Kandidat für die Bundestagswahl an.

Die nötigen Unterstützungsunterschriften, um vom Kreiswahlbüro zugelassen zu werden, hat er bereits zusammen. "200 brauchte ich, bei 220 habe ich aufgehört zu zählen", sagt der 67-jährige Rentner. "Viele brachten mir die Unterschriften persönlich."

In der Parthestadt kennt man ihn. Der geschiedene Physiker und Ökonom lebt hier mit seiner Tochter. Er ist in Leipzig geboren, Vater von zwei Kindern und hat im Kombinat Böhlen gearbeitet. In Taucha, wo er seit 1997 lebt, machte er sich beispielsweise gegen Mobilfunkantennen stark ("Die Strahlung ist schädlich") oder gegen geplante Nachtflüge über die Stadt ("Tausende Menschen können deswegen nicht schlafen"). Er ist Mitglied der Ökologisch-Demokratischen-Partei (ÖDP), die aus Bayern kommt. Warum tritt er nicht für sie an? "Die ÖDP macht bei der Bundestagswahl nicht mit, sonst wäre ich für sie ins Rennen gegangen. Denen fehlen aber die nötigen Gelder."

Bei Spaarmann ist das nicht anders. Plakate, bedruckte Schirme oder Leinwände kann er sich nicht leisten. Er setzt auf ein paar Sponsoren, die Buschtrommel und seine lokale Bekanntheit. "Anders geht es nicht. Ich kann ja nicht jeden Tag mit meinem Suzuki rumfahren." Das Internet nutzt er jedoch. Auf http://www.kandidatenwatch.de stellt er sich vor.

Trotz seines Sinns für ökologische Themen steht für ihn derzeit die soziale Frage im Vordergrund. "Besonders die Umstände im Osten müssen verbessert werden. Soziale Marktwirtschaft ist für mich die Basis. Aber sie muss gerecht sein. Das Grungesetz ist ausgezeichnet - es muss aber durchgesetzt werden", sagt Spaarmann. Und wie will er Gerechtigkeit realisieren? "Es gibt viele Ansätze in meinem Programm. Grundsätzlich aber gilt: Ich maße mir nicht an zu sagen, dass ich für alles eine Lösung weiß. Es ist aber erstaunlich, wie viele kluge Gedanken die Bürger haben. Man muss ihnen nur zuhören und mit ihnen reden."

Peter Krutsch


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Wem die Stunde schlägt


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Roberts Questioned Value of Women Lawyers


Big Military Consequences

The Military Buildup Economy 2000-2004

By Bob Reuschlein

http://www.realeconomy.com ,
earlwal@chorus.net ,

Conclusion: We have lost about 10% of our manufacturing jobs, 2.7 million according to Moveon.org (recent campaign commercial). The Moveon.org ad says that 1.0 million of that job loss is due to outsourcing (trade). The 1 million jobs lost to trade and 1.7 million jobs lost to the military buildup equals the 2.7 million manufacturing jobs lost since 2000. So of the 10% manufacturing jobs lost, 6% is due to the military buildup and 4% is due to outsourcing under trade treaties.

Then: In 2000 we had about a $10 trillion US economy with a $280 billion military budget. The manufacturing economy was about $3 trillion, 30% of that economy, and 20% of the jobs. We had about 140 million jobs and about 28 million manufacturing jobs.

Now: The military buildup from $280 billion to $460 billion is an increase of $180 billion. That $180 billion transfer to the military represents 6% of the $3 trillion manufacturing economy of year 2000. A loss of 6% of our 28 million manufacturing jobs is 1.7 million jobs.

Why: Manufacturing is very intensive in key resources like scientists, engineers, and capital just like military spending. Manufacturing requires a physical and technical labor force, just as soldiers, sailors, and airmen have very technical or physical labor. Military buildups hurt our economy in direct proportion to the size of the military buildup. They deplete these key resources and take them out of our total pool otherwise available to compete economically with foreign manufacturing. Military spending is the opposite of manufacturing in that it consumes and wastes resources, producing no net product out of the military “factory”, unlike other manufacturing that produces products we all need and use. In peacetime, military is a service like insurance, not a product. In wartime, military destroys, it does not create like manufacturing, construction, or farming.

Empires: All empires eventually collapse under the weight of high levels of military spending. While at the top, empires are very attractive to peoples around them, and this helps temporarily overcome the weight of the military spending.

Brains and talent drain from around the world to the center of the empire. Many of our doctors, engineers, and businessmen are foreign born. US universities train the world. The booming nineties occurred in the US because of cutting military spending’s share of our economy in half from the eighties, and because first generation immigrants in the US rose from 7% of our population in 1990 to 11% of our population in 2000. World talent sustained the US.

Wisconsin: Wisconsin’s military tax vs. spending gap has grown from $4.2 billion in 2000 to $7.5 billion in 2004. The loss of $3.3 billion additional each year from the Wisconsin economy is greater than the $2.9 billion in farm milk sales in this state. Of the 80,000 manufacturing jobs lost here, 31,000 were from the military buildup and 49,000 were from trade (61% in new survey).

From Website home page: The higher a nation's military spending the lower its manufacturing productivity, a main ingredient in economic growth. This is why Germany, Japan, and Italy caught up with The United States and passed Great Britain during the Cold War. In the nineties, cutting the military in half restored more economic forces to the normal economy in the United States than in any other leading industrial nation. America became the LEADING NATION in the world due to a century and a half of low military spending, and all great powers arise this way. Then they militarize as the U.S. did in World War II and eventually collapse under the military burden.


From ufpj-news

Loud and mobile: a bad combination

By Juan-Carlos Rodriguez

Washington August 19, 2005 Page Tools

The complaints are familiar and frequent: People on mobile phones talk too loud, they use them at inappropriate times, and they just don't seem to care if they are bothering anyone.

The horror stories are famous too. Mobile phones at funerals. Mobile phones at weddings. Mobile phones in class. And of course, mobile phones in restaurants.

US President George Bush has a well-known low mobile phone tolerance. He gives a withering evil eye to those whose mobile phones ring during his public appearances.

According to the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association, nearly two-thirds of Americans use a mobile phone, which means getting out of reception range is about the only way to avoid those irritating habits.

Etiquette expert Judith Martin, also known as Miss Manners in her newspaper column, has a simple explanation for Americans' fascination with these flashing, buzzing and chiming gadgets.

"It's like children getting new toys," she said. "But the excitement is over. People should be over it." Advertisement Advertisement

Another etiquette expert, Marjabelle Young Stewart, said mobile phones appeal to our inner rock star. "I think that it's making a lot of people feel cool if they drive around with this microphone," she said.

Traditionally quiet places such as film theatres, opera houses, orchestra halls and live theatre venues are now compelled to remind patrons to turn off their mobile phones or other devices before a performance.

Washington's Metrorail system has put up signs discouraging inconsiderate talkers. "Yes, we're all very interested in what you're having for dinner tonight," reads one sign, accompanied by a picture of a wide-mouthed Metro rider yelling into a mobile phone. The second line says, "Please keep your phone conversations to yourself."

This is all too much for Miss Manners. "I look forward to going to any public event and not getting an etiquette lecture," Martin said.

Some churches in Mexico have gone beyond lectures and taken the James Bond-as-disciplinarian route to combat sacrilegious mobile phone use. The churches have installed short-range mobile phone signal jammers to thwart members of their flock who lack mobile phone self-control during mass.

The jammers have caught on in Japan, India and France, but their use is illegal in the United States.

While some are clamouring for mobile phone restraint, mobile phone companies are lobbying the Federal Aviation Administration to permit the phones on commercial airline flights. But in a poll by the Association of Flight Attendants and the National Consumers League, 63 per cent of respondents wanted to keep existing restrictions in place.

Martin compared the evolution of the mobile phone to that of the answering machine. She said when people first got the answering machines, "they were misusing them, doing their comedy routines and otherwise boring their friends." After a few years, the novelty wore off and an answering machine protocol set in, she said.

But new tricks and features for mobile phones just keep on coming, so the novelty never seems to wear off. Cameras, games, ring tones, email capabilities - mobiles can have all of these things and more.

For every cultural niche, there is a mobile phone feature. Perhaps most likely to raise eyebrows on the bus or in the movie theatre is the "moan tone." Instead of a catchy ditty or an electronic symphony, mobile phone rings can now be programmed with a recording of a porn actor making sexual noises.

Both Martin and Stewart said people needed to pay attention to commonsense etiquette rules to govern their behaviour with mobile phones and other electronic devices.

Stewart had some advice for anyone who feels a technophile has forgotten their manners. She recommended tapping the offender on the shoulder and asking them to please lower their voice or take their gadget outside.

"You can't always be polite," she said.


Amanda Wesley

EFNS guidelines on the use of skin biopsy in the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy

A lot of a scientist's work is about standardization, controls, "check-ups", etc. Such work is very time-consuming, very accurate and detailed, but is rarely published.

However, right now we have actually been able to publish a very important paper, dealing with the standardization of skin biopsies for investigations of nerve damage/nerve alterations:

Lauria G, Cornblath DR, Johansson O, McArthur JC, Mellgren SI, Nolano M, Rosenberg N, Sommer C, "EFNS guidelines on the use of skin biopsy in the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy", Europ J Neurol 2005; 12: 1-12

This paper is of extra importance to me, since it's content directly can be applied to future analyses of skin biopsies from electrohypersensitive persons (and similar groups). Preliminary findings have, namely, shown a marked reduction in nerve fiber number in facial skin taken from persons being harmed in front of computer screens. In this context, I have often received comments about the precious need for such standardization regarding skin biopsies from electrohypersensitive persons.

[If you want to have a reprint, please, send me an A4/C4-envelope with your name and address on.]

Best regards Yours Olle J.

(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof. The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm Sweden)

Emissions cause symptoms

I don't think this lady will listen to me, as her relatives scorned the possibility that emissions could have caused or exacerbated any of her and her husband's symptoms e.g. degenerative illness (possibly Alzheimers) which has put the husband in a home; and her asthma (recent), heart problems (existing problem) and ulcerated bleeding throat.

I know most of the other people (who live near the Orange mast) nearly all had ulcerated mouths and throats and extreme thirst; bloodshot eyes; headaches and insomnia etc. so I wasn't surprised that she had this symptom. In common with others who have first complained of symptoms she says she is fine. I think they are either in denial or afraid to admit illness.



Like most people we have had contact to, and who complained of symptoms suddenly they were fine.

I think it is the danger of being intimidated and humiliated that scares them off.

I know we got the whole treatment, by planning officers, council, mobile company, press etc.

and you know a lot of people get scared off by that,

If they did not, but behaved like we do, the mobile companies and council would be in big trouble.

They know this, so they control weak people this way, and as they can do that they can.

Shoo the rest of us off as psychosomatic.

Best regards.



From Mast Sanity

UFPPC statement: Cindy Sheehan Is...

Cindy Sheehan Is

[At its regular meeting on Aug. 18, UFPPC adopted this statement, which concludes: "We stand with Cindy Sheehan." --Mark]

"We nonviolently oppose the reliance on unilateral military actions rather than cooperative diplomacy." http://www.ufppc.org

UFPPC Statement


United for Peace of Pierce County (WA) August 18, 2005

http://www.tacomapjh.org/CindySheehanIs.htm (temporary UFPPC web site)

Cindy Sheehan is bringing us closer to that ideal and demonstrating its power to change
Cindy Sheehan is absolutely right
Cindy Sheehan is grandstanding
Cindy Sheehan is surrounded by cameramen and reporters Cindy Sheehan is a hero too
Cindy Sheehan is my hero
Cindy Sheehan is merely a symbol of the Iraq debacle
Cindy Sheehan is fighting for my son
Cindy Sheehan is a brave hero
Cindy Sheehan is the spark that lights the flame
Cindy Sheehan is an American, just as we all are, and this country was founded on questioning authority
Cindy Sheehan is an American hero, brave enough to quietly speak up against the roar of the insane white noise
Cindy Sheehan is the modern day Joan of Arc and she is confronting an ominous and soulless military machine
Cindy Sheehan is doing what our spineless and cowardly Congress failed to do in session
Cindy Sheehan is asking these questions for ALL mothers
Cindy Sheehan is an American patriotic, first class
Cindy Sheehan is right
Cindy Sheehan is asking Bush to meet with her and other members of Gold Star Families for Peace
Cindy Sheehan is a threat to the GOP
Cindy Sheehan is the mother of a fallen Iraq war soldier and the co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace
Cindy Sheehan is seeking an answer many grieving, questioning parents seek
Cindy Sheehan is just the latest in a LONG list of AMERICANS speaking truth to power
Cindy Sheehan is The Voice
Cindy Sheehan is calling for Bush
Cindy Sheehan is a real American hero
Cindy Sheehan is going to be arrested tomorrow
Cindy Sheehan is a glory hound
Cindy Sheehan is incredible
Cindy Sheehan is Rosa Parks
Cindy Sheehan is asking life and death questions that we all need answers to
Cindy Sheehan is asking Bush to tell the truth about a single Iraq war death
Cindy Sheehan is no longer a grieving mother — she is an anti-war protester
Cindy Sheehan is leading a protest near the president's ranch
Cindy Sheehan is daring to do what no Member of the United States Congress has dared to do
Cindy Sheehan is standing in the dusty road to the Fisher King's Little Chapel in the Prairie Ranch, in the hot sun
Cindy Sheehan is really the child in the fairy tale who declared that the emperor had no clothes
Cindy Sheehan is as far from my kind of people as you can get
Cindy Sheehan is proving to us again that America still functions as a democracy
Cindy Sheehan is going through more than most of us can imagine Cindy Sheehan is continuing to do a tremendous service for the cause of peace
Cindy Sheehan is to be commended for having the guts and backbone to reject the media?s sanitizing effort
Cindy Sheehan is a moral lightning rod
Cindy Sheehan is probably the last person in America that will be arrested
Cindy Sheehan is not only demanding an immediate withdrawal of American troops
Cindy Sheehan is even more unhinged than I thought
Cindy Sheehan is bursting Bush's attempt to ignore America's war dead
Cindy Sheehan is the person to carry this message to the American people
Cindy Sheehan is not in a large crowd in Washington DC
Cindy Sheehan is asking life and death questions that we all need answers to
Cindy Sheehan is camped at Crawford
Cindy Sheehan is not a college student, but she is doing what college students used to do
Cindy Sheehan is speaking truth to power outside the ranch gates of the ultimate Fortunate Son
Cindy Sheehan is a one-woman antiwar movement
CINDY SHEEHAN IS NOT ALONE — Google: 93,500 results for "Cindy Sheehan is" (Aug. 18, 2005 @ 1:43 p.m. PDT)


"We nonviolently oppose the reliance on unilateral military actions rather than cooperative diplomacy." http://www.ufppc.org


Cindy Sheehan

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