
Munition aus abgereichertem Uran verseucht Böden in Krisengebieten

Jugoslawien-Krieg: Munition aus abgereichertem Uran verseucht Böden in Krisengebieten (22.07.05)

Etwa 1,4 Millionen Geschosse aus abgereichtertem Uran wurden in den letzten 14 Jahren verschossen und verseuchen nun die Böden in den betroffenen Krisengebieten. Das meldete am Freitag das Institut für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL) in Braunschweig. Das Institut nannte bei den Einsatzgebieten Irak, Kuwait, Bosnien, Kosovo, Serbien, Montenegro, und Afghanistan. Besonders verheerend sei die Wirkung auf Böden, die sowieso schon wenig fruchtbar sind. Diese wiederum seien aber gerade typisch für Krisengebiete und die Bevölkerung sei dort oftmals auf Selbstversorgung vom eigenen Boden angewiesen. Beides seien Aspekte, "welche die Tragik der Auswirkungen" der Munition "erheblich erhöhen".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Cell Phone Use, Cancer Ties Explored

Johnnie Cochran's daughter questions whether his cell phone use led to his cancer death. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports (July 19)



Thanks Cindy, I've just listened to it (no pictures just voice, I don't know why, but very interesting).

Iris Atzmon

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sage Associates"

CNN interviewed Keith Black, MD - head of the neurosurgery at Cedars Sinai Hospital in LA - on brain tumors and cell phone use. You can see the video itself at: http://www.CNN.com/video and scroll down to Health. The segment is "Cell Phone Use - Cancer Ties Explored"

This is terrific.

Cindy Sage

Cell phone use and brain tumor development


George W. Bush and his administration are pursuing a course of determined unreality

Bush's Soviet State

George W. Bush and his administration are pursuing a course of determined unreality that mirrors the delusional fantasies that ultimately consigned the Soviet Union to the dustbin of history. This Rove-Plame thing is but one small aspect of the main.


The Department of Fisheries and Oceans is about to make a very bad decision


ödp dankt den Unterstützern des Volksbegehrens

An alle Unterstützerorganisationen des Volksbegehrens "Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" und engagierte Einzelpersonen

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

mir liegt sehr daran, Ihnen allen zu danken, die Sie sich in den letzten Wochen für das Volksbegehren „Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk“ eingesetzt haben. Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass die Aktion sinnvoll war, obwohl wir die 10% nicht erreicht haben:

Heute, nach unzähligen Gesprächen, Veranstaltungen, Infoständen und teilweise guten Medienbeiträgen ist viel mehr Menschen bewusst, dass mit dem Mobilfunk gesundheitliche Gefahren verbunden sind und die Politik bisher ihrer Verantwortung nicht gerecht geworden ist.

Das Volksbegehren war die größte Meinungsäußerung aus der Bürgerschaft zu diesem Thema, die es jemals gegeben hat. Der international verbreitete „Freiburger Appell“ für die Beachtung des Gesundheitsschutzes beim Mobilfunk hatte nach rund 2 Jahren

40 000 Unterzeichner. Wir haben unter ungleich schwereren Bedingungen gut 400 000 Unterschriften in nur 14 Tagen erzielt!

Viele CSU-Politiker – allen voran Minister Schnappauf - haben uns vorgeworfen, dass wir mit dem Volksbegehren das „eigentliche“ Ziel, nämlich die Senkung der Grenzwerte nicht erreichen könnten. Wir sollten sie beim Wort nehmen, wenn vielleicht schon bald ein Politiker der Union die Verantwortung für diese absurd hohe Strahlenbelastung tragen wird....

Ich möchte auch daran erinnern, dass das Volksbegehren sozusagen das letzte Mittel war noch etwas zu erreichen: Dreimal haben CSU und SPD Anträge und Petitionen im bayerischen Landtag abgeschmettert. Ärzte- und Bürgerinitiativen wussten, dass von den Parlamenten und Regierungen auf Landes- und Bundesebene nichts mehr zu erwarten war, weil sich Mehrheits-Politik und Mobilfunkkonzerne als verbundene Einheit mit gemeinsamen Interessen sehen. Das Volksbegehren war daher wirklich ein zwingend nötiger Versuch.

Nochmals herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung


Urban Mangold

Organisator des Volksbegehrens


ödp-München dankt Unterstützern des Volksbegehrens:

Hollemann: "Die Aufklärungsarbeit war auch unterhalb der 10% sinnvoll"

Das Volksbegehren "Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" war nach Ansicht des Münchner ödp-Mobilfunkbeauftragten trotz nicht erreichter 10-Prozent-Hürde "sinnvoll und kein vergeblicher Aufwand". ödp-Mobilfunkbeauftragter Hollemann dankte den Unterstützern der Initiative, "allen voran den vielen Ärzten, die aus ihrem Gewissen heraus Stellung bezogen haben". Auch die Mitarbeit von Bund Naturschutz, David gegen Goliath, Kinderschutzbund, Kreisjugendring, den Münchner Agenda-Gruppen, den mobilfunkkritischen Bürgerinitiativen und vielen Mitgliedern der Grünen sei eine wertvolle Hilfe gewesen.

Das Volksbegehren sei "die bisher größte Meinungsäußerung aus der Bürgerschaft zum Thema Mobilfunk, die es jemals gegeben hat". "Wenn innerhalb von zwei Wochen 400.000 Menschen den umständlichen Weg ins Rathaus und in die oft versteckt gelegenen Bezirksinspektionen auf sich nehmen, um für die Gesundheitsvorsorge zu unterschreiben, ist dies keine schwere Niederlage, sondern vielmehr ein eindeutiges Signal an die Politiker, dass sie ihrer Verantwortung bisher in keiner Weise gerecht geworden sind", sagte Hollemann. Nach unzähligen Gesprächen, Veranstaltungen, Infoständen sei jetzt viel mehr Menschen bewusst, "dass mit dem Mobilfunk gesundheitliche Gefahren verbunden sind".

Es habe aber nicht zum vollen Erfolg gereicht, "weil uns die Mobilfunkindustrie gezielt als Handy-Gegner bezeichnet hat, was wir aber nicht sind", so Hollemann: "Wer auf Gefahren einer Technologie hinweist, ist noch lange nicht prinzipiell gegen diese Technologie; vielmehr tritt er für eine gezielte Gefahrenminderung ein". Die in den letzten Wochen geleistete Aufklärungsarbeit über diese Probleme sei wertvoll gewesen. "Deshalb bin ich froh darüber, dass wir diese Arbeit gemacht haben", so Hollemann.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Martin Kraus
ödp Stadtvorstand

Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/244 365 397
E-Mail muenchen@oedp.de

Be All That You Can Charge




Rovegate: The Scandal That Lays Bare the Cynicism Behind Bush's War in Iraq


Someone is Lying: Rove, Libby Accounts in CIA Case Differ With Those of Reporters


Verdächtige auf Bildern von Überwachungskameras

Noch ist unbekannt, wer hinter den fehlgeschlagenen Anschlägen in London steht, aber ein Schutz vor dem Terrorismus hat sich trotz Vorwarnung als unwirksam erwiesen, gleichwohl fordert die Polizei bereits schärfere Gesetze und mehr Überwachung.


Korean professor warns: 'Don't use mobile telephone'


The cellular companies are threatened more than ever

The discussion on changing the Israeli law (that was postponed to next Sunday) makes a lot of headlines in attempt to influence the politicians' opinion. The public resistance really threatens now. Today's headilnes in the major newspaper's weekend supplement: "Big panic, small radiation".

The article is on three pages, and deals with the question of whether the phone and antennas' radiation is dangerous. "Depends on who you ask" writes the reporter. And he asks Dr. Sigal Sadezky, leader of Israeil's Interphone study. "Sadezky cannot refer to the study's results, but according to her, no serious study on cellular radiation health effects has been done until today. The sad truth is that the medical community just doesn't know what this radiation does to our body. Studies were done on other types of radiation, of the same type of the cellular radiation (microwave radiation), but Sadezky says that it is not possible to conclude conclusive evidence on the cellular radiation from them. It is true that the WHO set standards for this radiation, but there are no conclusive medical data that can say whether the standard itself is right or not. Sadezky says that the only radiation that the standard refer to is thermic, and the effects of the a-thermic radiation do not receive attention. She says that there is concern that the a-thermic radiation affects the brain. If there are no data, why is there an attempt to restrict the use of children? According to Sadezky, it is about preventive medicine. Children are very sensitive population to diseases and none wants to take the responsibility, if it will be found that something bad happens to children because of the cellular devices."

The reporter goes with a representative of the Env ministry to see what the levels of radiation on the street are. "The measurement shows 0.26 mW/cm2. The maximal value of the resident area is 40 mW/cm2 [this is not a law but a recommendation by Israeli Env ministry. Not enforced.]...We measured also the cellular phones themselves, in order to understand whether radiation is emitted from other devices as well. The radiation from the cellular phone that receives calls was 6.63 mW/cm2 - 25 times more than the radiation under the antenna. The radiation from the base of a wireless phone was 17 mW/cm2 - 65 times more than the radiation under the antenna. But t is impossible to compare between the radiation from these devices and the radiation from cellular antenna. The value of the measurement is, that it enables to show that also devices emit radiation. The wireless phone, for example, transmits in completely different frequencies than the antenna. In order to really compare the reception of the absorption of radiation from the cellular phones in the body, it's necessary to calculate power and frequencies, and to use other measurement devices. It means, that radiation measurement that is brought here does not say that wireless phone emits more radiation than cellular antenna."

(Reporter: Gil Kalian to Yediot Ahronot 22.7.05)

Sever Plozker, the leading economics reporter in the leading newspaper of the country. His healine is:


"Most cellular phones users have no idea how it really works. We cannot grasp how the voice moves and the pictures - thousands of km from the little device in our pocket to the little device in the other speaker's device in his pocket. The whole cellular issue looks to us as a mix of a misterious technology and black magic. And it frightens. It is frightening to think that our phone works as a transmitter and antenna. It is frightening to think that every hundreds of meters a big antenna is erected...it is frightening to think that misterious waves move all the times in the air, whisper in our ears, drip from the antennas around us.

And above all is the dull but consistent fear from 'radiation'. "Radiation" is bad, it makes you sick, it makes you cancer, radiation 'cooks your brain'. The pessimists among us suggest a precedent: the truth that cigarettes damage health, they say, was also hidden from the public for dozens of years, until brave scientists tore the lies mask apart of the cigarettes manufacturers and their servants. What can be said in front of this the crowd noise?

The truth can be said. The job of the media is to say the truth, and not to swell prejudices and to strengthen the ignorance only because it's good for the rating.

In January 2005 the National Committe for Radiation Protection, a leading American body whose job is to warn the public against possible radiation damages, made an exhaustive review of all the recent studies on the cellular radiation and public health. In the summery it was said, conclusively: there is no risk for public health from the cellular phones system, not from the mobiles themselves and certainly not from the external antennas.

And that's how the authors write, in their clumsy scientific language: 'The recent studies arrive to similar conclusions...they emphasize that exposure to very weak radiation, that characterizes antennas of cellular technology, cannot cause any bio-physical effects'

In 2002 the health council of the Neatherland published an extensive and exhaustive study that is cited today as a corner stone in every discussion on health and phones, of which subject is the assesment of the health effects from mobile phones. This study's results were also final: there is no place for worry from a possible negative effect from phones and antennas on health, apart from during driving. The committee was so sharp in its decisions, that it wrote: 'There is no reason to restrict the use of cellular phones by children". With regard to cellular antennas, these are not a reason for worry in any case, or as John Moulder, professor of radiation oncology from Wisconsin University, writes this month on his internet website: 'The general agreement of the scientific community in the U.S and in the world is that the power that is emitted from cellular antennas is too weak to cause any health damage'.

These determinings, it is right to point, were first included in the report done by Stewart Committee in the year 2000. It ordered, on the basis of medical and scientific studies, that there is no proof for the existance of adverse health effects from radiation that is emitted by mobile phones or cellular antennas.

All the committees and all the reviews recommend, taken for granted, to continue and study the subjects. But the more studies published, the conclusion is strengthened about the lack of damage of the whole cellular system. Is it possible that all the scientists and all the doctors and all the physicists are wrong? Could be, but the probability strives to zero. About the same probability that the sun won't shine tommorow.

There is no imagination and no parallel between the danger of smoking and the 'danger' of a cellular antenna or a mobile phone. The known health effects of smoking were known to the scientific and medical community many years before the cigarette companies were forced to print them on the boxes. Since the end of the second world war, many scientific studies were published that arrived to the same conclusion: smoking damages health. It was the concensus of the physicians and scientists. The difficulty was to convince the politicians to fight the cigarette companies for the public. With regard to the cellular phones, the situation is opposite. Almost all the scientific community is united in the notion that there is no health damage from phone use and it tries with all of its force to restrain the popolist politicians who ride on the obscure fear wave of the 'radiation'. I trust in this issue, like on other issues, the many articles by the most serious weekly newspaper, the British "the economist", which warns again and again of a crowd panic with no basis in the subject of cellular antennas and phones.

"Almost all the scientific community is united in the notion that there is no health damage from phone use..." Omega this statement is plain and simple not true. See further under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

All the infrastructure for the modern life is dangerous: the road is dangerous, the private car is dangerous, the train is dangerous, the flight is dangerous, the power network is dangerous and radio waves are dangerous. In spite of that, without all these, life is not possible. The cellular phone, to our joy, is the last of the dangers list. But in oder to even make the probability of the (unproven) damage to public health, there is a need to increase the cellular antennas number and not to reduce it. The more the distance between the antena and the mobile phone is shotrer, the radiation power is lower and the whole system is safer. That's why the regulatory systems in Singapore,the Neatherland and in the U.K pressure on the cellular companies to increase significantly the number of the cellular antennas and reduce the distances among them.

The authorities also encourage moving to advanced cellular networks. The newer the phone- the less radiation it emits. If something can be dangerous to our health, they were our first phones, the heavy and analogue. But also their health risk was much lower than of the use of wireless phone in our home.

And finally, a local remark: the radiation standards in Israel, with regard to the cellular system, are much stricter than in most countries. Are all these facts going to influence the politicians in Israel? Will they influence the ministers in the government or PM so they will act to calm the public down and not to increase their unlogical fears? You made me laugh. Israel is a country of celebrating and violent regime popolism." (Sever Plozker, Yediot 22.7.2005)

*** A huge antenna was erected a week ago at night in Ramat Gan, with the approval of the mayor. The residents went out in the middle of the night and blocked the roads. The police spread them but the public pressure worked. The mayor ordered to destroy the antenna. At the same nigh another huge was erected In Givataim at about 24:00 o'clock. The residents went out to the streets, the mayor met with them in the night, and decided to appeal to the court. The cellular company put there a aguard to guard the antenna. The court ordered to remove the antenna until the next discussion on the subject. (Yediot Ahronot 18.7.2005)

Givataim residents stood with signs saying: "A Jew does not cause cancer to another Jew". (Yediot 22.7.05)

*** In Kara (arab village) people threw a grenade (weapon) on celullar antenna (internet reporting)

*** A new bill to ban cellular phones under the age of 8, by parliament member Lea Ness. She says: "cellular is not a kids game". The new bill is a result of Repacholi's statement that was published as a new research findings by the WHO, findings that prove that children are exposed more to cellular radiation than adults. The newspaper reports that the leaders of the study claim that the skull of children is thinner and their brain is in process of development. Lea Ness suggest to make the cellular companies and stores responsible not to sell phones to children under 8 year old.
(Maariv 21.7.2005)

Interesting to note: one of the cellular companies' executive, (Cellcom's) is a pediatrician by profession.

*** the 3 executives of the three cellular companies in Israel fired their PR office in order to attack personally, the public resistance to cellular antennas. This is the proof, as it was written in the newspaper today, that the PR office which was their way to deal with "public perception" - failed in its job. The three executives sent a letter to Ofir Pines, Home office minister, who leads the fight for a change in the law (which is going to be discussed on Sunday.)

They wrote him that because this issue is discussed extensively in the media lately, people all over the country damage cellular towers that were erected according to the law, and "workers of the companies were exposed to direct violence, only because they did their job according to the law and to the strict standards".

They wrote him that "the fear of transmission sites with which we deal for several years is a subject that is very easy to 'ride' on, and frighten the public about. It is difficult to explain the simple facts, according to which there is not any connection between the celullar antennas and a health problem, and the more antennas are, the less the transmission power is from the cellular devices that are close to our heads. It mustn't happen that your public fight will cause blaze of emotions and a surf to a dangerous slope in which the lay person will be convinced that the antenna that is erected according to the law can hurt him".
(Source: Haaretz, The Marker 21.7.2205 p. 8)

The war is a war of the control over knowlege, and the companies want us to be ignorant and submissive. But it just doesn't work so easy this time, like it worked for the cigarettes and asbestos companies. And if you read until here, there's a sentence from a beautiful song by Manic Street Preachers which I find very rellevant to the cellular issue. It says: If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.

Iris Atzmon.

Supreme Court nominee Roberts' wife's firm has expertise in facilitating business in Iraq


From Information Clearing House

In a world gone crazy: Treaty gives CIA powers over Irish citizens

US INVESTIGATORS, including CIA agents, will be allowed interrogate Irish citizens on Irish soil in total secrecy, under an agreement signed between Ireland and the US last week. Suspects will also have to give testimony and allow property to be searched and seized even if what the suspect is accused of is not a crime in Ireland.


Truth Struggling: Their goal is not security, but greater control


Another Casualty of the War on Terror

Do we need any more evidence that there's no security solution to terrorism? No military solution? How can you stop subway and bus bombs? Check every passenger throughout the day, every day, forever? X-ray all bags and backpacks at Times Square during the rush hour? Whether we like it or not, we must admit that Terror is a message and we better learn to listen to it.


War on terror going to be ‘a long war’: Bush:

President George Bush on Wednesday said this week the House of Representatives will vote on legislation to renew the Patriot Act, and added the war on terror "is going to be a long war."


From Information Clearing House

London mayor blames West

"If, at the end of the First World War, we had done what we promised the Arabs, which was to let them be free and have their own governments, and kept out of Arab affairs, and just bought their oil, rather than feeling we had to control the flow of oil, I suspect this wouldn't have arisen."


Nerves stretched to breaking point as Baghdad clings to normal life

Every two days for the past two years more civilians have died in Iraq than in the July 7 London bombings.


From Information Clearing House

Iraq: The War We Are Not Being Shown

By Arianna Huffington

It’s like a pair of blinders has been removed and I’m suddenly seeing for myself what I’ve long known to be the case: just how sanitized a version of the war the American mainstream media are delivering, and how little of even this cleaned-up coverage we get.


Rove, Libby May Have Misled Prosecutor in Plame Case


How much oil do we really have?


Informant: Scott Munson

Environmental Groups Study Roberts's Rulings with Concern


'Why Did They Force My Son Into the Water?'



RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH NEWS #822 http://www.rachel.org

July 21, 2005


By Tim Montague

An ill wind is gusting through the halls of science these days: faked research, suppression of unwelcome results, corruption of science advisory panels, university research falling under the influence of corporate sponsors, and many other conflicts of interest.

It's as if science were under siege.

For at least the last thirty years science has strongly supported the positions taken by environmental and public health advocates. The proponents of 'business as usual' have claimed that chemical and nuclear technologies have created only minor problems or no problems whatsoever -- but time after time science has shown otherwise. They said global warming was a "chicken little" fantasy. They said the Earth's ozone shield couldn't possible be harmed. They argued that asbestos was benign. They said lead in paint and gasoline was entirely safe. They said harm from hormone-disrupting chemicals was imaginary. They said a little radioactivity might actually improve your health. They said human health was constantly and consistently improving -- until scientific study revealed increases in birth defects, asthma, diabetes, attention deficits, nervous system disorders, diseases of the reproductive system, immune system disorders, cancer in children, and on and on. In each of these cases science showed that the advocates of 'business as usual' were simply wrong.

Science cannot solve all our problems or tell us everything we need to know, but it remains a powerful tool for reaching agreement about the nature of reality (at least for those parts of reality amenable to scientific inquiry). For the past 30 years, science has shown us unmistakably that we are destroying the natural systems (and bodily defenses) that we ourselves depend upon, so 'business as usual' is a dead end.

Perhaps this is why science itself is now under systematic attack by corporate interests. Whatever the underlying reasons, it seems clear that industry has lined up to discredit science, control the research agenda, take over the apparatus for scholarly publication and otherwise undermine the scientific and democratic pursuit of knowledge in the public interest. Perhaps they see it as their only hope of defending themselves against the overwhelming scientific evidence that -- if accepted by the public -- would end 'business as usual' and set us on a new precautionary path.

The Los Angeles Times reported July 11 that allegations of faked scientific findings increased 50% between 2003 and 2004.[1] But the Times also noted that the federal Office of Research Integrity cannot keep up with the rising tide of scientific fakery because it's budget is far too small. The office received 274 allegations of scientific fakery in 2004, but was able to complete only 23 investigations.

Corporate suppression of data is now so routine that no one raises an eyebrow. In the wake of an EPA advisory panel classifying the Teflon chemical C8 (ammonium perfluorooctanoate, or PFOA) as a "likely carcinogen," reporter Ken Ward Jr. of the Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette learned that in 1981 DuPont initiated a study to learn whether exposure to C8 caused birth defects in the children of Teflon factory workers. When the study found an excess of birth defects in the children, the study was abandoned and the results filed away without notifying the federal government. Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) companies must tell the EPA when they find information "that reasonably supports the conclusion that [a chemical] presents a substantial risk of injury to health."[2]

Generating Doubt -- OSHA Gives Up

It is common practice for industry to wage scientific and public relations war against the regulatory agencies whose job is to protect public health. The Wall Street Journal reports that PR firm executives openly admit to hiring university professors to put their names on ghost-written letters to the editor.[3] The letters are written by hacks paid to put a corporate "spin" on the science, and the experts sign their names to lend credence to the spin (and to earn a fat fee).

Another common practice these days is "seeding the scientific literature" with bogus results, to create doubt and confusion. In recent years, corporations have seeded the literature with false findings related to tobacco, lead, mercury, asbestos, vinyl chloride, chromium, nickel, benzene, beryllium and others. They cook the numbers, publish misleading articles in obscure journals, and then cite their own work to create confusion and doubt.

This strategy has brought the federal government to its knees. The case of beryllium is illuminating. Beryllium is a strong, light metal used in nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors. Beryllium dust is a potent lung toxicant and carcinogen.

In 1999 the Department of Energy (DOE) set beryllium exposure levels for federal workers that are ten times as strict as the general industrial exposure standard set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The OSHA standard was set based on data available in 1949.

When OSHA proposed to tighten its safety standard for beryllium exposure, to bring it into line with the new standard set for federal workers, industry was able to create enough doubt and confusion that OSHA backed off and concluded that "more research was needed" before a tighter standard could be justified.

A writer in Scientific American concludes that "OSHA administrators have simply recognized that establishing new standards is so time and labor-intensive, and will inevitably call forth such orchestrated opposition from industry, that it is not worth expending the agency's limited resources on the effort."[4] Creating confusion and doubt pays off.

Science in the Private Interest

Chester Douglass -- chairman of the Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology at Harvard -- is being investigated for concluding that there is no relationship between fluoride in drinking water and bone cancer in children. He himself cites research -- described as the most rigorous to date -- concluding the opposite. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), which funded the research with a $1.3 million dollar grant, and Harvard are investigating. Why would a public health expert skew his results? Does it matter that Dr. Douglass is the editor of The Colgate Oral Health Report, a quarterly newsletter published by Colgate-Palmolive, which makes fluoridated toothpaste?[5] Professor Sheldon Krimsky, author of Science in the Private Interest, warns that science in the public interest will increasingly lose out as the entire system favors a tight collaboration between industry, government and academia.[6]

Academic scientists are under increasing pressure to find commercial applications for their research so that their institution can patent, license and profit from the work. Corporate partnerships and lucrative consulting deals inject big money into the equation. In 1996, Sheldon Krimsky analyzed the biomedical literature and found in 34% of the articles, at least one of the chief authors had a financial interest in the research. None of these financial interests was disclosed in the journals. Krimsky said the 34% figure was probably an underestimate because he couldn't check stock ownership or corporate consulting fees paid to researchers.[7] No wonder allegations of misconduct by U.S. scientists are at an all time high. [1] A recent survey of several thousand scientists found that 33% had committed at least one of ten serious misbehaviors -- like falsifying data or changing conclusions in response to pressure from a funding source. Six percent admitted to failing to present data that contradicted their own previous research.[8]

FDA, NIH Broken

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are now so thoroughly beholden to industry that they are broken, unable to perform their duties to protect the public. The New York Times reports "the White House and Congress forced a marriage between the agency [FDA] and industry years ago for the rich dowry that industry offered." Dr. Janet Woodcock, deputy commissioner of operations at the FDA said that the drug approval process is "pretty much broken down... and has been for some time."[9] The FDA has become so focused on approving new drugs at the expense of monitoring the ones already on the market that thousands of people have been put in harm's way by drugs like Vioxx. One FDA analyst estimated that Vioxx caused between 88,000 and 139,000 heart attacks -- killing somewhere between 26,400 and 55,600 people (assuming 30 to
40 percent of heart attacks were fatal).[4, 10]

An investigation into drug company ties with NIH scientists found that more than half of those investigated had violated existing policies meant to limit conflict of interest. Director of the NIH Elias Zerhouni said, "We discovered cases of employees who consulted with research entities without seeking required approval, consulted in areas that appeared to conflict with their official duties, or consulted in situations where the main benefit was the ability of the employer to invoke the name of NIH as an affiliation." To his credit, Zerhouni ushered in reforms banning NIH employees from accepting drug company consulting fees or stock. But congress is now pressuring him to relent because NIH employees have objected to the restrictions.[11]

To their credit, many courageous government scientists are now speaking out about the corruption of science and there have been a number of high profile firings and resignations ranging from the Fish and Wildlife Service to NASA where scientists are blowing the whistle on government abuses of solid science.[12]

Some 6,000 scientists including 48 Nobel laureates, 62 National Medal of Science recipients, and 135 members of the National Academy of Sciences have signed the Union of Concerned Scientists' (UCS) statement, "Restoring Scientific Integrity in Policy Making." The Bush government is certainly not the first to abuse science, but they have raised the stakes and injected ideology like no previous administration. The result is scientific advisory panels stacked with industry hacks, agencies ignoring credible panel recommendations and concerted efforts to undermine basic environmental and conservation biology science.[12]

In the words of the UCS, "The actions by the Bush administration threaten to undermine the morale and compromise the integrity of scientists working for and advising America's world-class governmental research institutions and agencies... To do so carries serious implications for the health, safety, and environment of all Americans."[12]

We have merely scratched the surface here. The corruption of the scientific enterprise has proceeded very far. In some areas of scientific endeavor, there are almost no independent researchers left because nearly every scientist in the field is funded by corporations with an axe to grind.

Agricultural biotechnology (genetically engineered food) is one such field of inquiry. The flip side of that coin is that certain avenues of research have been nearly eliminated by the funding sources -- for example, researchers say funds to study the health effects of biotech foods are now almost non- existent. [13]

What does this all mean for science and society? The public's trust in science will most certainly continue to erode. When this happens, even honest science is tarnished and loses its power to protect nature and public health because the public doesn't believe it. Honest science in the public interest is becoming an endangered species. And America slides further from democracy by and for the people.

[1] Martha Mendoza, "Allegations of Fake Research Hit New High," THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 11, 2005.

[2] Ken Ward Jr., "DuPont Proposed, Dropped '81 Study of C8, Birth Defects," THE CHARLESTON GAZETTE, July 10, 2005.

[3] Michael Schroeder, "Some Professors Take Payments To Express Views," THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, December 10, 2004, pg. B1.

[4] David Michaels, "Doubt Is Their Product, Industry groups are fighting government regulation by fomenting scientific uncertainty," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (June 2005) Vol. 29 No. 6, pg. 96, 6p.

[5] Juliet Eilperin, "Fluoride-Cancer Link May Have Been Hidden," THE WASHINGTON POST, July 14, 2005.

2003). ISBN 074251479X.

[7] Sheldon Krimsky and L.S. Rothenberg, "Conflict of Interest Policies in Science and Medical Journals: Editorial Practices and Author Disclosures," SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS (2001) Vol. 7, pgs. 205-218.

[8] Meredith Wadman, "One in Three Scientists Confesses to Having Sinned," NATURE (June 9, 2005) Vol. 435, pgs.718-719.

[9] Gardiner Harris, "Drug Safety System Is Broken, a Top F.D.A. Official Says," THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 9, 2005.

[10] The World Health Organization estimates that 39% of all heart attacks globally are fatal. INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR RISK: report of a WHO meeting, (World Health Organization, Geneva,
9-12 July 2002).

[11] David Willman, "NIH Inquiry Shows Widespread Ethical Lapses, Lawmaker Says," THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 14, 2005.

[12] SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY IN POLICYMAKING; INVESTIGATION INTO THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION'S MISUSE OF SCIENCE (Cambridge, Mass.: Union of Concerned Scientists, February 2004). And SEE SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY IN POLICYMAKING; FURTHER INVESTIGATION (Cambridge, Mass.: Union of Concerned Scientists, July 2004), both available at:

[13] "Monsanto research causes concern about biotech corn," Canadian Press June 23, 2005.

RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH NEWS Environmental Research Foundation P.O. Box 160 New Brunswick, N.J. 08903 Fax (732) 791-4603; E-mail: erf@rachel.org

The nationalization of basic science


How did Greenspan Know about the London Bombings Two Days before?


Informant: Debi Clark

More Dishonesty From a Dishonest President

Jul 19, 2005, 07:34
"The Rant" column
Capitol Hill Blue

President George W. Bush got another chance Monday to prove he was as a good as his word. Once again, he failed to keep a promise made to the American people.

In September 2003 Bush said he would fire “anyone” in the White House caught leaking the name of CIA operative Valerie Plame to the media. He repeated the promise in June 2004, saying flat out that any administration official found to have talked to the press about Plame would be dismissed immediately.

That, however, was before his closest advisor, Karl Rove, got caught giving the information to Time Magazine reporter Matthew Cooper, who also identified Vice President Richard Cheney’s chief of staff as the secondary source for the leak. [...] Read it all at
http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7060.shtml or http://tinyurl.com/9a7zg

© Virginia Metze

Rove/Novak Photo they are going to regret


In this photograph taken in June 2003, Karl Rove, senior advisor to President Bush and Robert Novak are pictured together at a party marking the 40th anniversary of Novak's newspaper column at the Army Navy Club in Washington DC. At the event a number of people wore buttons reading, "I'm a source, not a target." Rove is at the center of a controversy about the leaking of a CIA operative's identity which originally appeared in Novak's newspaper column. (AP Photo/Lauren Shay) (hat tip Robert) You can read the red button on Rove's jacket.

Source: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2005/07/20.html#a4051

© Virginia Metze

Exposing Karl Rove: He has betrayed the nation

By Eric Mink
Of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Wednesday, Jul. 20 2005

It's ironic that political genius Karl Rove - and perhaps others - could end up in prison for exposing the identity of an undercover CIA agent. Ironic, because their essential mistake in doing so was one of identity: their own.

They think they work for President George W. Bush. They don't. They work for America.

There's no reason to believe that Rove gave much thought at all to Valerie Plame Wilson, a 20-year CIA veteran working in the agency's counterproliferation division, when he mentioned her to at least two reporters in July 2003. The only reason she was in his sights was that she was married to Joseph Wilson IV. Wilson, a retired veteran U.S. diplomat, had gone public with disturbing information that the Bush administration might have twisted intelligence information to support its campaign for starting a war with Iraq. [...] Read the rest at http://tinyurl.com/88fch

© Virginia Metze

Exposing Karl Rove

Are the Laws of Karma Catching Up to Rove?

Dal LaMagna
Huffington Post
July 19, 2005

One of the primary laws of Karma says, in essence, “as you sow, so shall you reap.” In other words, do good, get rewarded; do bad, and watch out.

It seems that the “bad” that Rove has done may be catching up with him and that the negative Karma he’s earned may be coming to the front.

Last week, I wrote “ Seeds of Destruction ,” about some of the bad - the documented bad rather than the anecdotal bad - but there’s plenty of the anecdotal as well. Yet, I’m not going to go there because it’s important that people understand that exposing Rove for what he is is not a political maneuver but instead a wake up call of “hey, do we really want people like this helping run our government and form its policies?”

Yes, Rove is an incredibly astute political operative: since 1986, in races he has orchestrated for statewide or national office or Congress, his candidate has won 34 times and lost only 7 times. [...] Read the whole article at http://tinyurl.com/bjbkv

© Virginia Metze

Independent Judiciary: Confirmed Judges Confirm Our Worst Fears

DC Circuit Decisions & Federal Circuit Decisions
from People for the American Way web site

John Roberts, DC Circuit

In the short time since he was confirmed by the Senate in May 2003, Judge Roberts has issued troubling dissents from decisions by the full D.C. Circuit not to reconsider two important rulings. These included a decision upholding the constitutionality of the Endangered Species Act as applied in a California case and a ruling against Bush Administration efforts to keep secret the records concerning Vice President Cheney's energy task force. [...] Read more at PFAW: http://tinyurl.com/ba7am

© Virginia Metze

Democrats author 70-page dissent on Patriot Act reauthorization

Larisa Alexandrovna
the raw story web site

House Judiciary Democrats have prepared a 70-page dissent opposing the renewal of the U.S. Patriot and Intelligence Reform Reauthorization Act, RAW STORY has learned.

Unlike some Democratic opposition, those decrying the Patriot Act include a diverse panoply of voices: 389 communities and seven states have passed resolutions opposing parts of the PATRIOT Act, representing over 62 million people, they note.
Groups running the gamut of the political spectrum oppose certain sections of the PATRIOT Act, including the American Civil Liberties Union, American Conservative Union, American Immigration Lawyers Association, American Library Association, Gun Owners of America and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). [...] Read it all at:
http://rawstory.com/news/2005/democrats_dissent_patriot_act_721 or http://tinyurl.com/csdta

© Virginia Metze

The nationalization of basic science

Competitive Enterprise Institute
by Iain Murray


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) instituted draconian new ethics rules, this past February, aimed at protecting its reputation, which had been damaged by a series of revelations about conflicts of interest among its researchers. The new rules forbid NIH employees - both research and support staff - and their spouses and dependents from holding significant financial interests in or receiving fees from drug, biotechnology, and other medically-oriented companies. The announcement of the rules was met with derision from NIH staff, and has led to some high-profile resignations, including those of the head of the National Institute on Deafness and the newly-appointed head of National Institute of Environmental Health... http://cei.org/gencon/004,04696.cfm

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp



The true terrible state of Iraq

by Patrick Cockburn


But there is a price to be paid in blood for keeping in power those responsible for past disastrous decisions in Iraq. It makes it much more difficult to seek a way out of the savage war that is now engulfing that country. This is because past policies have to be portrayed as successful when they were dismal failures. The true terrible state of Iraq is glossed over. ... The need to produce a rosy and quite false picture of Iraq makes it difficult for the US -- with Britain trotting along behind -- to produce effective policies. Washington has never admitted to itself that since the summer of 2003 Sunni and Shia Iraqis have both loathed the US occupation. The much-resented presence of US troops in Iraq has helped fuel the insurgency and tainted Iraqi governments as puppets of the US. In the short term it should be a priority to get American soldiers out of the cities and towns in order to reduce daily friction...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Safire urges federal journalist shield law

Center For Individual Freedom
by staff


I am here to urge Congress to pass a law to stop the government and the courts from their present, dangerous course of trying to deny the public its right to the free flow of news. The press's freedom to publish the news without prior restraint is not in doubt. But now under attack is what comes before publication: the ability of journalists to gather the news. To do that work effectively, we often must have inside sources willing tell us what government or corporate officials often do not want the public to know. The key to opening up an inside source is to establish mutual trust...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Line from hell

Free Market News Network
by Noel Gibeson


Airport security lines and procedures seem to be getting worse, not better. Even with longer lines and more hassle, real security may be only incrementally better, not substantially better. And this security may be more a result of scaring people away for air travel rather than the actual improvement of real security. Do 80 year-olds require the same level of screening as males in their 20s and 30, probably not? Does a struggling mother with three young children somehow pose the same threat as pregnant looking woman from the Middle East, doubtfully so? What about U.S. military or former U.S. military holding top secret clearances?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq: What are we fighting for?

by Justin Raimondo


One by one, the bogus rationales for this futile and increasingly costly war are abandoned. Weapons of mass destruction -- nada. Saddam's alleged links to al-Qaeda -- zilch. 'Freedom' and 'democracy' -- Forget it: the new constitution ensures that neither will emerge. Which raises the question we started out asking: Why are we in Iraq? Why did 1,700-plus American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis have to die, with many more than that grievously wounded, physically and psychologically? Did all this suffering and death come about due to the moral imperative of setting up an Iranian-style 'Islamic Republic of Iraq,' as the country will be known henceforth? While some Americans are not-so-subtly encouraged to join the military as a way out of a generations-long cycle of poverty, we're pouring billions down the ratholes of Iraq's emerging state bureaucracy, handing out cash by the barrel to finance the rule of Iraqi mullahs...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Big Brother was watching: Information Synchronization, Knowledge, Management and Intelligence Fusion

California: Big Brother was watching

Prison Planet


A probe into a domestic surveillance unit within the California National Guard ballooned Tuesday into a full-blown investigation into widespread allegations of spying on U.S. citizens, misuse of state money and retaliation against Guard troops who brought the allegations to light. Sen. Joseph Dunn, D-Santa Ana, said after a Capitol hearing that he will order top National Guard officers to testify under oath after they refused to do so voluntarily. He might seek contempt of Legislature charges against those officers because, he said, the state military department has stonewalled his efforts to get documents about a secret unit called the 'Information Synchronization, Knowledge, Management and Intelligence Fusion' unit. That unit collected information on a Mother's Day anti-war protest in front of the state Capitol. Dunn described the unit as the 'tip of the iceberg' of domestic spying units within the California National Guard...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mobilfunkantenne im modifizierten WA unzulässig

VG Frankfurt a. M.: Mobilfunkantenne im modifizierten WA unzulässig

Beitrag Nr. 72262 vom 22.07.2005

Das VG Frankfurt am Main hat in zwei Urteilen vom 03.03.2005 - 4 E 3806/03 bzw. 4 E 1919/03 die Klagen gegen einen Ablehnungsbescheid für eine Mobilfunkantenne in einem allgemeinen Wohngebiet und gegen das bauaufsichtliche Beseitigungsverlangen zurück gewiesen.

Streit um eine ungenehmigte Mobilfunkantenne

Es ging um eine Mobilfunkantenne, die ohne die erforderliche Baugenehmigung, aber auf der Grundlage der notwendigen umweltrechtlichen Standortbescheinigung errichtet worden war. Das Baugrundstück befand sich im Geltungsbereich eines älteren Bebauungsplanes, der auf der Basis der BauNVO 1977 ein modifiziertes allgemeines Wohngebiet festsetzte. Die Ausnahmen nach § 4 Abs. 3 BauNVO sollten nicht gelten. Die Bauaufsichtsbehörde forderte den Rückbau der ungenehmigten und nicht genehmigungsfähigen Mobilfunkantenne und lehnte den im Nachhinein gestellten Bauantrag ab. Das VG Frankfurt am Main hat jetzt die beiden Klagen mit nachfolgenden Argumenten als unbegründet zurück gewiesen:

Baugenehmigung erforderlich

Es handelt es sich um eine formell und materiell illegale Mobilfunkantenne. Die Genehmigungsbedürftigkeit ist unstrittig, weil durch das Aufbringen der Mobilfunkantenne auf das vorhandene Wohngebäude neben der bisherigen Wohnnutzung eine neue gewerbliche Nutzung tritt.

Modifizierte Baugebietsausweisung lässt Ausnahme nicht zu

Die Mobilfunkantenne ist auch bauplanungsrechtlich relevant und muss deshalb den bauplanungsrechtlichen Anforderungen genügen. Da der Bebauungsplan die Ausnahmen nach § 4 Abs. 3 BauNVO 1977 ausklammert, kann die Mobilfunkantenne auch nicht als nicht störender Gewerbebetrieb zugelassen werden. Gründe für eine Befreiung nach § 31 Abs. 2 BauGB von der Art der baulichen Nutzung liegen nicht vor, weil der Bebauungsplan eine klare Regelung beinhaltet und eine Zulassung der Mobilfunkantenne im Wege der Befreiung die Grundzüge der Planung berühren würde. Der im Bebauungsplan vorgesehene Ausschluss von nicht störenden Gewerbebetrieben hat solange Gültigkeit, bis die Gemeinde den Bebauungsplan entsprechend ändert.

Mobilfunkantenne ist keine dem Baugebiet dienende Nebenanlage

Als Nebenanlage i. S. d. § 14 Abs. 1 BauNVO 1977 ist die Mobilfunkantenne nicht zu werten, weil sie dem Baugebiet nicht funktional zu- bzw. untergeordnet ist, sondern Teil eines Gesamtsystems ist, welches ein größeres Stadtgebiet versorgt. Ein Bezug auf § 14 Abs. 2 BauNVO entfällt, weil hier noch nicht fernmeldtechnische Anlage erwähnt werden (erst ab BauNVO 1990).

Bauaufsichtliches Beseitigungsverlangen ist rechtmäßig

Da die Mobilfunkantenne gegen öffentlich-rechtliche Vorschriften verstößt und der baurechtswidrige Zustand nicht auf andere Weise behoben werden kann, ist das bauaufsichtliche Beseitigungsverlangen verbunden mit der Androhung der Ersatzvornahme rechtmäßig.

Dieser Beitrag wurde erstellt von Wolfgang Hanne.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

"Eine unsicher vorgetragene Rechtfertigung für etwas, das keine Rechtfertigung verdient"

Hier ein Auszug aus der Presselandschaft nach der Köhler- Rede am Donnerstag Abend.

"Eine unsicher vorgetragene Rechtfertigung für etwas, das keine Rechtfertigung verdient"

Die SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG hält die Entscheidung Köhlers dagegen nicht für richtig: "Der Bundespräsident hat wider alle Verfassungsjuristerei, aber dafür nach viel Geheimniskrämerei, den Bundestag aufgelöst und die Neuwahlen angeordnet - wohl vor allem deswegen, weil sich das Land schon darauf eingestellt hat. Köhler hat sein eigenes Motto für seine Amtszeit nicht eingehalten: 'Offen will ich sein - und notfalls unbequem.' Unbequem ist seine Entscheidung nicht; sie ist populär, sie entspricht dem Begehren der Fraktionen, den Erwartungen der Parteien, dem Wunsch des Kanzlers, den Sehnsüchten der Angela Merkel, den Hoffnungen des Guido Westerwelle. Köhler war der politischen Klasse zu Willen. Vom Willen des Grundgesetzes kann man das nicht sagen: Die Verfassung ist kein Wunschkonzert, das auf Bestellung zum Tanz um die Neuwahlen aufspielt", meint die SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG.

Kritik kommt auch vom MAIN-ECHO aus Aschaffenburg:

"Von einem Bundespräsidenten müsste man erwarten, dass er sich dem Heer der Populisten widersetzt. Stattdessen spannt er sich vor ihren Karren. Machen wir uns nichts vor: Es ist nicht mehr als ein verzweifeltes Hoffen, dass durch vorgezogene Neuwahlen eine stetige und verlässliche Basis zum Regieren zustande kommt. Es war kein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer, sondern eine unsicher vorgetragene Rechtfertigung für etwas, das keine Rechtfertigung verdient. Köhlers Votum besiegelt einen Sieg der Politik über die Verfassung", urteilt das MAIN-ECHO.

Die SÄCHSISCHE ZEITUNG aus Dresden sieht ebenfalls verfassungsrechtliche Bedenken: "Die Vertrauensfrage, die Bundeskanzler Schröder gestellt hat, war ein abgekartetes Spiel und entspricht in dieser Form nicht dem Geist der Verfassung. Wie die Karlsruher Richter darüber entscheiden werden, ist deshalb völlig offen. Und hierin besteht auch Köhlers großes Risiko: Wenn die Klage mehrerer Abgeordneter gegen die Neuwahlen Erfolg haben sollte, wäre der Bundespräsident bis auf die Knochen blamiert. Das Ansehen des höchsten Amtes im Staate würde dadurch schwer beschädigt", vermutet die SÄCHSISCHE ZEITUNG.

Aus: Newsletter LVTH (Bernd Schreiner)


Begründung "äußerst mager": Klagen und verfassungsrechtlicher Diskurs über Köhlers Entscheidung (22.07.05)

Die ersten gegen vorgezogene Neuwahlen gerichteten Klagen sind am Freitag beim Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe eingegangen. Es handele sich um Verfassungsbeschwerden der Partei "Pro Deutsche Mitte" sowie der "Anarchistischen Pogo Partei Deutschlands" (APPD), sagte Gerichtssprecherin Dietlind Weinland. Beide Splitterparteien wenden sich dagegen, dass ihnen nun nicht mehr genügend Zeit bleibe, um das erforderliche Unterschriftenquorum für die Teilnahme an der Bundestagstagswahl am 18. September zu erreichen. Verfassungsexperten diskutieren derweil darüber, ob die Auflösung des Bundestages durch Bundespräsident Horst Köhler verfassungsrechtlich zulässig war.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Wer weiter über dieses Thema diskutieren möchte, kann dies tun unter:

Die schädlichen Auswirkung der HF-Strahlung auf den Organismus sind den einschlägigen Insider-Technikern nicht erst seit über 10 Jahren bekannt

Newsletter LVTH (Bernd Schreiner)

Dr. Claus Scheingraber 15-07-05

Dass der Staat eigentlich weiß welche Gefahren durch Hf-Belastungen entstehen, habe ich gestern wieder bewiesen bekommen. Im Rahmen des Volksbegehrens bekomme ich zur Zeit viele Mails zugesandt und dabei sind auch einige brisante Informationen. Ein solches Mail gebe ich gerne an Sie weiter. Ich habe dem Übermittler versprochen seinen Namen zu verschweigen, da er um seine berufliche Position fürchtet.

Das Mail vom 13.7.05: Volksbegehren Gesundheitsvorsorge-Mobilfunk

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

die schädlichen Auswirkung der HF-Strahlung auf den Organismus sind den einschlägigen Insider-Technikern nicht erst seit über 10 Jahren bekannt. Bei der Bundeswehr wurde über 40 Jahre lang in geheimen Aufzeichnungen die Schädigung der Y-Chromosomen bei Piloten und technischem Radarpersonal beobachtet. Jedoch verhängten Staat und die Netzbetreiber (damals D1 Telekom, D2 Mannesmann und E+) allen Fachleuten Maulkörbe. Diese waren so geschnürt, dass man nicht nur seinen Arbeitsplatz verloren hätte, sondern man wäre dann noch wegen Ausplaudern von Betriebsgeheimnissen verfolgt worden. Mit einer entsprechenden Verleumdungsklage im Nachzug. Um die Unschädlichkeit auf dem Papier dokumentieren zu können, richtete die Telekom in den 90er Jahren einen Lehrstuhl in Würzburg ein, der alle Schädlichkeits-Argumentationen zerlegen und damit die Schädlichkeit in Frage stellen sollte. (Man beachte die Wortwahl!) Die Presse berichtete dann darüber, dass dieser Lehrstuhl die Unschädlichkeit bewiesen hätte.

Was jedoch überall unter den Tisch fällt, ist die Tatsache, dass sich alle abgestrahlten Frequenzen (incl. ihrer Oberwellen) mischen. Beim Mischen zweier reiner Sinus-Frequenzen ergeben sich 4 Resultierende.

Zu den beiden Grundfrequenzen kommen noch eine Summenfrequenz (Addition der Frequenzwerte) und die Differenzfrequenz (Subtraktion).

Die Leistung der neu entstandenen Frequenzen mindert die Leistung der Grundfrequenzen, ist aber partiell unterschiedlich, da durch die vielen Funksender und deren Standorte eine äußerst komplexe inhomogene geometrische Matrix entsteht. So kommen punktuell an verschiedenen Orten Frequenzen mit extrem hoher Leistung vor, die nirgendwo abgesendet wurden, sondern durch oben genannte Gesetzmäßigkeit entstehen. Mittlerweile konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass das lange Zeit umstrittene Phänomen der Kugelblitze genau in solchen Kernzonen entsteht und deren Bewegung sich nach den vorhandenen Feldern richtet.

Das mystifizierte Phänomen der "Erdstrahlen" ist rein physikalisch gesehen nur die räumliche Matrix der HF-Felder. Dies habe ich in Versuchen selbst herausgefunden. Ich habe mehrere Erdstrahlen-Experten die Felder ausloten lassen - wobei die Personen nie meine Intensionen erfahren haben. In einer von mir durchgeführten HF-Spektralanalysemessung (ein in der E-Technik übliches Messverfahren) des gleichen Raumes konnte ich eine erhöhte Intensität der HF-Felder feststellen, dass ungefähr den Erdstrahlenaufzeichnungen der Rutengänger entsprach.

Ich leitete daraus ab, dass die mystischen Erdstahlen, denen man ja verschiedene Krankheiten und funktionelle Störungen des Organismus zuordnet, in Wirklichkeit die Matrix der HF-Frequenzfelder aller Sender darstellt. Zu beachten ist auch, dass uns auch aus dem Weltraum HF-Felder erreichen, denn selbst Licht ist nur eine elektromagnetische Welle bestimmter Frequenz. Die Erdatmosphäre filtert nur bestimmte Frequenzspektren heraus und ist für andere durchgängig. All das zusammen ergibt ein nicht berechenbares, ultrakomplexes Gemisch, mit welchem unser Organismus fertig werden muss. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass uns hierfür z. T. noch Kenntnisse und auch die Verfahren zur Erfassung dieser Umweltbedingungen fehlen.

Unserem Zeitgeist entsprechend muss alles verifizierbar sein und nur das wird für gültig erklärt. Und so werden in sträflicher Weise wichtige Faktoren unter den Tisch fallen gelassen, weil sie noch nicht verifizierbar sind.

Lassen Sie mich das an einem einfachen Beispiel veranschaulichen: Ein Erstklässler soll einen Kassenzettel von Aldi nachrechnen. Da er das Rechnen mit mehrstelligen Zahlen noch nicht gelernt hat, berücksichtigt er diese in seiner Addition nicht. Er wird zu einem Ergebnis kommen, das nicht dem Wert entspricht, den seine Mutter bezahlt hat. Und wenn er jetzt behauptet, seine Mutter hätte viel mehr Geld ausgegeben, als es kostet, dann lässt sich dieses Bild sehr genau auf unseren wissenschaftlichen Zustand projizieren.

Ich freue mich, dass Sie diese Initiative ergreifen.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

XY (Der Name ist dem AEB bekannt)

Scott Ritter: US at War with Iran


Informant: Charles Jenks

From ufpj-news

Politics of Hypocrisy Rife Among US Lawmakers


Kevin Benderman: Will a Voice of Conscience Be Heard?

OK – Now I’m Mad!

Will a Voice of Conscience Be Heard?

The Republican Congress Wastes Billions Overseas


Resolution of Inquiry into Iraq War Planning

Rep. Lee Introduces Resolution of Inquiry into Iraq War Planning

Submitted by davidswanson on Thu, 2005-07-21 17:16. Congress

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (Dem., Calif.) today introduced - along with 26 co-sponsors - a Resolution of Inquiry in the House of Representatives which, if passed, will require the White House and the State Department to "transmit all information relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq."

Here are original co-sponsors:

Rep. John Conyers
Rep. Tammy Baldwin
Rep. William Lacy Clay
Rep. Danny Davis
Rep. William Delahunt
Rep. Lane Evans
Rep. Sam Farr
Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva
Rep. Luis Gutierrez
Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee
Rep. Dennis Kucinich
Rep. Carolyn C. Kilpatrick
Rep. Jim McDermott
Rep. Jim Oberstar
Rep. Major R. Owens
Rep. Frank Pallone Jr.
Rep. Don Payne
Rep. Charles Rangel
Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Rep. José E. Serrano
Rep. Pete Stark
Rep. Bennie Thompson
Rep. Diane Watson
Rep. Robert Wexler
Rep. Lynn Woolsey

Here's Text:


Requesting the President and directing the Secretary of State to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution all information in the possession of the President and the Secretary of State relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. LEE submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on _________________ RESOLUTION Requesting the President and directing the Secretary of State to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution all information in the possession of the President and the Secretary of State relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq.

Resolved, That not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolutionâ€"

(1) the President is requested to transmit to the House of Representatives all documents, including telephone and electronic mail records, logs, calendars, minutes, and memos, in the possession of the President relating to communications with officials of the United Kingdom from January 1, 2002, to October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq, including any discussions or communications between the President or other Administration officials and officials of the United Kingdom that occurred before the meeting on July 23, 2002, at 10 Downing Street in London, England, between Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom intelligence officer Richard Dearlove, and other national security officials of the Blair Administration; and

(2) the Secretary of State is directed to transmit to the House of Representatives all documents, including telephone and electronic mail records, logs, calendars, minutes, memos, and records of internal discussions, in the possession of the Secretary relating to communications with officials of the United Kingdom from January 1, 2002, to October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq, including any discussions or communications between the Secretary of State or other officials of the Department of State and officials of the United Kingdom that occurred before the meeting on July 23, 2002, at 10 Downing Street in London, England, between Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom intelligence officer Richard Dearlove, and other national security officials of the Blair Administration.

Informant: ranger116

Viele kleine Antennen reduzieren Strahlenmenge?

Nun ist Orange an der Reihe

Omega zu der in dem Artikel aufgestellten Behauptung "Viele kleine Antennen reduzieren Strahlenmenge":

Viele kleine Sender mit minimaler Leistung sind auch keine Lösung, weil damit viel mehr Antennen aufgebaut werden und diese somit näher an die Menschen kommen. Die Belastung nimmt nämlich mit der Nähe zur Antenne im Quadrat zu. Deshalb hätten dann insgesamt gesehen die Menschen höhere Belastungen.

Mehr unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/614543/

Verein zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter gegründet


Verein zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter gegründet

Am 20. ist nun der Verein zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter gegründet worden. Anbei schicke ich Ihnen die zweite Pressemitteilung, Satzung sowie den Antrag zur Aufnahme als Mitglied. Es wäre schön, wenn wir sobald als möglich viele Mitglieder hätten, da wir nur gemeinsam eine gewisse Lobby bilden können.


Herzliche Grüße

M. Frielinghaus

Elektrosmog macht Millionen Menschen krank

Dramatische Zunahme umweltbedingter Erkrankungen

Fachkompetente Hilfe für umweltbedingt Erkrankte


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Wenn das Telefon krank...
http://groups.google.com/g roup/mobilfunk_newsletter/ t/6f73cb93cafc5207   htt p://omega.twoday.net/searc h?q=elektromagnetische+Str ahlen http://omega.twoday. net/search?q=Strahlenschut z https://omega.twoday.net/ search?q=elektrosensibel h ttp://omega.twoday.net/sea rch?q=Funkloch https://omeg a.twoday.net/search?q=Alzh eimer http://freepage.twod ay.net/search?q=Alzheimer https://omega.twoday.net/se arch?q=Joachim+Mutter
Starmail - 8. Apr, 08:39
Familie Lange aus Bonn...
http://twitter.com/WILABon n/status/97313783480574361 6
Starmail - 15. Mär, 14:10
Dänische Studie findet...
https://omega.twoday.net/st ories/3035537/ -------- HLV...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:48
Schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen ...
Bitte schenken Sie uns Beachtung: Interessengemeinschaft...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:01
Effects of cellular phone...
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/effects_of_cellular_p hone_emissions_on_sperm_mo tility_in_rats.htm [...
Starmail - 27. Nov, 11:08


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 8. Apr, 08:39
