
What Kind of Country Destroys the Job Market for Its Own Citizens?

Economic Treason:

Casualaty Of War: The U.S. Economy

"Osama (bin Laden) doesn't have to win; he will just bleed us to death," said Michael Scheuer, a former counterterrorism official at the CIA who led the pursuit of bin Laden.


Top British ex-diplomat blasts US invasion of Iraq

One of Britain's most senior former diplomats has branded the US invasion of Iraq "politically illegitimate" in an incendiary new book that the government has moved to block, a British newspaper reported.


Former diplomat's Iraq book censored:

BRITAIN's former special representative in Baghdad has been told he cannot publish a book that describes the invasion of Iraq as "politically illegitimate".


From Information Clearing House

Why Plame Matters

by Ray McGovern, TomPaine.com

When you sift through the hype, the Plame affair is about how the Bush White House deceived America into a war.


Oil-Control Formula

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

The United States didn't invade Iraq for the commercial benefits of oil. It invaded to control the black gold as a strategic commodity.


Help Health Freedom

"Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal." - Arthur Schopenhauer

As you may know, defending health freedom is an intensive task. It requires strong marketing, strong legal tactics, strong presentation skills, and a strong stomach. We at the Natural Solutions Foundation (sponsors of HealthFreedomUSA.org) will keep going strong to defend health freedom, no matter the ups and downs we face in our chosen task. Our task is campaigning to protect health freedom. This campaign is a process, and as such, we must constantly evolve it.

What have we accomplished so far?

Here are some major achievements:

* 2,519 letters sent by Americans around the country, in just one month, telling Congress to protect the U.S. from CODEX - all states are now covered... there is now not one Congressional Delegation that has not at least heard about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (and that's a fine first step). Thank goodness for the Internet! Of course, we are not the only organization campaigning for health freedom. Kudos to all other organizations who are doing similar work. As far as I know though, we are the only ones with a Citizen's Petition for health freedom.

* 2,531 letters sent to urge Congress to take action on the illegal pro-CODEX policy of the US CODEX Office (in just one month)

* Over 400 letters in only 4 days to urge Congress to reject Susan Davis' health freedom destroying HR3156 bill

* Over 3,000 new subscribers to our mailing list in just one month

* On average, around 1,700 unique visitors to web site per day (and growing all the time)

* 3 Congressmen signing our Citizen's Petition, with another commending our work (more about this in a future newsletter)

Furious action is on its way, as soon as Dr. Laibow has taken care of pressing administrative tasks after returning from Rome. We have not even begun to seriously market the web site, so imagine what we will achieve when we implement our full marketing strategy!

Your Unique Perspective Can Help Us Better Defend Health Freedom.

HealthFreedomUSA.org is working well. However, we want to make it so much better. We want to make it so good in fact, that we hardly miss anyone who visits. Currently, about 20% of people who visit take action on the letters to Congress. While that is quite an achievement (a 5% conversion ratio is considered great success in the Internet marketing industry), we are not satisifed. We think we can do even better.

And we want to hear from you.

You've visited the site, you've experienced it, and you've used it. You have a perspective on it that is incredibly valuable.

Help our web designer improve the site by answering a few simple questions on a very simple online survey that we have setup. The survey is anonymous, and I'd like to ask you to please take a few minutes right now and complete it (it only takes a minute or so):


Your survey response will contribute to making HealthFreedomUSA.org even better, and therefore, you will be directly contributing to the defense of health freedom.

I thank you beforehand for your help.

Yours in Health and Freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation rima.laibow@healthfreedomusa.org http://www.healthfreedomusa.org

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death." - Anais Nin


From Karen - If you can visit the vigil we'll be glad to see you. If you can't, please send a message of support. Directions for anyone who can make it. (see below)

Today's press release 18 July 2005


After four and a half years of resistance, the first phase of the Byron Avenue phone mast battle ended last Wednesday when the 11.79 metre monopole was erected. The second phase of the campaign - to get the mast removed, begins this Wednesday when campaigner Karen Barratt holds her fifth twenty-four hour vigil on the site. She is asking everyone, who wishes to see Orange withdraw from Byron Avenue, to visit her anytime from noon on Wednesday 20 July to noon on Thursday 21 July and sign a message to the company’s Chief Executive.

Campaigners are proud that they have enabled so many children to complete their time at Western Primary School in a safe and secure environment but are worried about those who are still there. “My grandson attends the school and my little grand-daughter starts in September,” says Karen Barratt. “The Planning Inspector who gave Orange permission for this mast accepted that the beam of greatest intensity falls across the school. We have to continue this fight.” She is urging new parents to get involved in the campaign and says that moving children to other schools is no solution because the number of masts required for third generation phones means other schools are under similar threat.


How to get to Byron Avenue from the M3:

Leave at Junction 11.
Follow the signs A3090 Romsey until second roundabout.
Turn RIGHT and follow signs to Winchester.
After two sets of lights, approach roundabout marked ‘All routes’.
Turn LEFT into Chilbolton Avenue and immediately RIGHT into Sarum Road.
First LEFT into Greenhill Road. Next LEFT into Milverton Road and almost immediately LEFT again into Poets Way (leading to Byron Avenue).

Alternatively, Google: ‘street maps SO22 5AT’.

Der Irak hat den Terrorismus gestärkt

Mehrere Berichte machen erneut deutlich, dass der Krieg gegen den Irak und die Besetzung des Landes den islamistischen Terror gefördert haben und auch hinter den Anschlägen von Madrid und London stehen.




Unemployed: The Dropout Puzzle

While unemployment rates look low, the figures leave out millions of Americans who have no jobs, Krugman reports.


The Dropout Puzzle
Published: July 18, 2005
op-ed columnist
The New York Times

Many seemingly authoritative figures, not all of them partisan shills, say that the American economy has fully recovered from the recession that began in 2001. They point to the unemployment rate, which has fallen from a peak of 6.3 percent in 2003 to 5 percent last month. That's not quite as low as the 4.2 percent unemployment rate in February 2001, when the recession began, but it's fairly low by historical standards.

For some reason, however, the public isn't feeling prosperous. Gallup tells us that only 3 percent of Americans describe the economy as "excellent," and only 33 percent describe it as "good."

Maybe people are just ungrateful. Maybe they've been misled by negative media reports. Maybe they're grumpy about their paychecks: adjusted for inflation, average weekly earnings have been flat for the past five years. Or maybe the figures on unemployment are giving a false signal.

© Virginia Metze

George Young's letter

I now have permission from Sir George Young MP (Con) to publish this reply to my recent letter to him. He has also given permission for it to be used in any other way or context that will be helpful to the cause. Another MP now fully behind us!! (Unable to scan so this is an accurate, typed copy.) Cheers. Jenny

Dear Mrs Godschall Johnson,

Thank you for your email dated July 2nd concerning mobile phone masts and energy efficiency.

I am extremely concerned about telecommunications masts and the planning system. A greater number of masts have been constructed than was originally anticipated. These masts pose a far more serious threat to the environment now than when planning policy concerning telecommunications was first drafted to kick start the industry 20 years ago. The Government is not doing nearly enough to deal with genuine environmental and health concerns, despite the recommendation of caution from an independent panel of scientists, nor to allow local authorities to deal with the concerns of local people. Furthermore, the Government is not reacting quickly enough to the expansiveness and mast erecting fever of some of the mobile communications companies.

I believe that there is a fundamental need for a change to the way the planning system is configured to deal with the erection of new mobile phone masts. It is imperative that a greater say over the siting of masts is returned to local communities through democratically elected local government. Additionally, I am convinced that health concerns should be allowed to be considered where masts are to be put up near schools, hospitals or residential areas.

The points that you raise on energy efficiency are both interesting and important, and further add to the increasing evidence of environmental damage that is caused by mobile phone masts being erected. I will ensure that my colleague the Shadow Secretary of State for Local Government and Communities, Caroline Spelman MP, is aware of the figures that you raise on the energy consumption of 3G masts. I feel sure that she will be raising these issues with the Government and challenging them on how they intend to take action.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely

Sir George Young MP

In a world gone crazy: War protester pulled from County parade, arrested

Davies had been walking in the parade carrying, Harris said, an "Impeach Bush" sign and another sign calling for an end to the war in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Cheney's Chief of Staff Was Another Source for Cooper on Valerie Plame Story

Until last week, the White House had insisted for nearly two years that vice presidential chief of staff Lewis Libby and presidential adviser Karl Rove were not involved in the leaks of CIA officer Valerie Plame's identity.


From Information Clearing House

Rove should have been fired long ago for masterminding deceptions on Iraq

The jailing of Miller isn't a story about press freedom. It's a story about how the Bush administration shamelessly attempts to manipulate the "free press" and largely succeeds.


From Information Clearing House

War Crimes and The "Just War" Theory

There is a continuum in US-led military operations from the "Truman doctrine" to Bush's "war on terrorism". The "Just war" theory serves to camouflage the nature of US foreign policy, while providing a human face to the invaders.


From Information Clearing House

In Times of Terror the Truth takes a Tumble

It should not be a surprise to our security services to find people sceptical of their integrity after they sold us the imminent threat of weapons of mass destruction, then told us to be constantly on guard because an attack was inevitable and now tell us how shocked they were when it actually happened.


From Information Clearing House

Another Casualty in Rumsfeld's Information-war

Another chapter was added to Donald Rumsfeld's booklet of "Information warfare" yesterday when blogger Khalid Jarrar was picked up by Iraqi Secret Service (Mukhabarat) and taken to an undisclosed location.


Plan Called for Covert Aid in Iraq Vote

In the months before the Iraqi elections in January, President Bush approved a plan to provide covert support to certain Iraqi candidates and political parties.


Seeds of terror in Iraq: War radicalized most

Study cites seeds of terror in Iraq: War radicalized most, probes find

New investigations by the Saudi Arabian government and an Israeli think tank -- both of which painstakingly analyzed the backgrounds and motivations of hundreds of foreigners entering Iraq to fight the United States -- have found that the vast majority of these foreign fighters are not former terrorists and became radicalized by the war itself.


From Information Clearing House

Unnamed and Unnoticed

How many Iraqis have died in our war in their country? Is there a better symbol of how the war for Iraq has already been lost than our ignorance about the cost of the war to Iraqis?


From Information Clearing House

Acid rain damage far worse than previously believed


Informant: NHNE

WHO Study Examines Cellphone Risks to Kids


Informant: Froggy

Online-Datenbank informiert über Mobilfunk


Biologische Wirkungen elektromagnetischer Felder


The Unnamed Dead of Iraq


Deja Viewing


Can Congressional Republicans Save Bush?


Mostly Fertilizer


What Is To Be Done?



The Sounds of Hope


US governors raise concerns on National Guard role



Governors voiced concern about repeated National Guard deployments overseas and considered ways to improve schools on Saturday as they opened their annual meeting in Iowa, traditional host of the country's first presidential nominating contest. ... Several called for a national dialogue on the role and mission of the National Guard, expressing frustration with the heavy reliance on Guard units in Iraq and Afghanistan and repeated overseas deployments of state units. Those deployments have separated families and caused a hardship for local communities, some governors said, while raising questions about the size of the military and the future of the National Guard.... 'It is absolutely clear that we don't have enough personnel, full-time or part-time, to take care of all the needs and concerns that America is assuming now,' said Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a Democrat and potential 2008 candidate...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Beschäftigungsorientiertes Fallmanagement im SGB II: betreutes Privatleben?

„Sehr geehrter Herr Göckler, Ihrem Appell vom 01. 07. 2005, die Fallmanagement-Debatte, die gegenwärtig bei LabourNet und in anderen Medien so äußerst engagiert und auf einem hohen theoretischen Niveau geführt wird, im Interesse eines echten Erkenntnisgewinns konsequent weiterzuführen, kann ich nur zustimmen.

Es geht, wie Sie in diesem Diskussionsbeitrag völlig richtig feststellen, um die Frage des Zusammendenkens von ökonomischem und sozialem Geschehen innerhalb einer Gesellschaft. Gleichwohl unterscheiden wir beide uns prinzipiell in der Art und Weise, diesen Zusammenhang zu denken.

Gestatten Sie mir bitte daher, meine Auffassung hierzu nochmals zusammenhängend zu entwickeln, um Eindeutigkeit in der Darstellung der Position zu erzielen, die allen teilnehmenden Diskutanten zugänglich ist und dadurch den ungehinderten Fortgang der Debatte ermöglicht…“

Ergänzender offener Brief an Rainer Göckler, Mitarbeiter des Zentralbereichs S / S21 der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, zur Fallmanagement-Debatte bei LabourNet Germany von Antonín Dick vom 14. Juli 2005. (pdf)


Aus: LabourNet vom Montag, 18. Juli 2005

Forderung der Gewerkschaft der Polizei nach höherer Handy-Sicherheit

Berlin am Montag, 18.07.2005

Ich sehe mich erneut veranlaßt, das Thema Handy-Diebstahls-Sicherung in Erinnerung zu rufen: Die heutige Meldung des LKA Sachsen in Ede Zimmermann's Newsletter beweist die brennende Aktualität. http://www.e110.de/artikel/detail.cfm?pageid=65&id=69741

Damit wird auch meine Botschaft noch wichtiger als bisher.

Die Forderung der Gewerkschaft der Polizei ist wohl begründet und technisch solide durchführbar. Jedes gestohlene Handy läßt sich über die Netzbetreiber sicher zwangsabschalten. Diesen sachkundigen Hinweis gab ich bereits in einer früheren email. Die zu wenigen Antworten von Politikern haben aber keine Hoffnung auf Absichten zur schnellen Realisierung durchdachter einfacher machbarer Lösungen gebracht: Es verfestigt sich immer deutlicher der Eindruck, daß die Damen und Herren im Raumschiff Politik weitab von Realitäten und weitab von den Sorgen der Bürger nur den eigenen Machterhalt und Nabelschau betreiben und fach- und sachkundige Bürger nur als Störenfriede betrachten, die man mit eingeübten pastoralen nichtssagenden Antworten ruhigstellen muß. Dabei bleiben in zwangsläufiger Folge die geschädigten Bürger und die überforderte Polizei auf der Strecke. Der Begriff des Schutzmannes muß wohl im Denken von bürgerfernen Politikern verloren gegangen sein.

Als Insider der Branche habe ich ausreichendes technisches Wissen, um die Machbarkeit sicher zu beurteilen und weiß, daß zur sicheren Realisierung nicht mehr als 6 Monate erforderlich wären.

Jede anderslautende Meldung der Netzbetreiber ist unzutreffend.

Es war schon zu Zeiten meiner aktiven Berufstätigkeit ein fachlich unstreitiges Thema, die im Telefonat genutzten Handy's in jedem Gespräch zusammen mit der Rufnummer über den unveränderbaren Identitäts-Code (dem Fingerprint) des zentralen CHIPs erkennungsdienstlich zu erfassen. Hätte man nicht aus Gründen der geringen Software-Ersparnis diese bereits erprobten und diskutierten Sicherheiten bewußt gekillt, wäre das heutige Problem auch nie entstanden. Da aber die Netzbetreiber mit großer wirtschaftlicher Macht auch die öffentlichen Äußerungen der Hersteller vorbestimmen, sollten Sie als Leser dieser Zeilen sich hüten, den gehalts- und auftragsabhängigen Experten die brutal erzwungenen gegenteiligen Äußerungen zu glauben.

Jedes geklaute oder anderweitig verlorene Handy könnte blitzschnell über eine Webseite ähnlich der homebanking-Software mit hohem Paßwortschutz inaktiv geschaltet werden. Alle Netzbetreiber müßten die Sperrmeldungen automatisiert über Zentral-Dateien austauschen, damit auch der Austausch der SIM-Karte mit der Rufnummer das Handy in einem anderen Funknetz nicht wieder funktionsfähig machen kann. Jede andere Lösung, die nicht den Ursprungs-Ident-Code des zentralen CHIPs ausliest und im Aufbau des Funkgespräches zwingend übermittelt, läßt sich von findigen Hackern aushebeln. Die Form der zu realsierenden Sicherheitsfaktoren muß ein Gesetz und eine technische Verordnung zwingend bestimmen. Die notwendigen Lösungen werden schnell von der Hacker-Scene getestet und dürften innerhalb eines Jahres den notwendigen Software-Reifeprozeß durchlaufen haben. Zum Sicherheits-Konzept in der Software habe ich noch wichtige Grundlagen bereitliegen.

Zum Nachweis meiner Fach- und Sachkunde:

1992 war ich als verantwortlicher Mitarbeiter einer Tochterfirma der ericsson-AG aus Schweden in Hannover auf dem Messegelände am Aufbau der ersten GSM-DECT3-Demonstrationsanlage für das erste Handy-Gespräch zwischen dem damaligen Minister Herrn Schwarz-Schilling und seinem ungarischen Amtskollegen aktiv eingebunden.

Lange vorher war ich mit dem Berufskollegen Herrn Volker Remme aus Münster gut bekannt. Die Firma Remme betreute die Versuchs-Anlage mit einer DECT1-Anlage in Münster. Ich kannte auch die damaligen Praxis-Auswertungen.

Schon damals waren Verluste und Diebstähle ein ganz aktuelles und hochkritisches Thema. Vorläufer der Handy's gab es ja bereits als betriebsinterne Funktelefone in Krankenhäusern und Fabriken. Das Verlust-Problem aus Diebstählen gab es schon über lange Zeit in bedeutender großer Aktualität.

Mein direkter Arbeitgeber (die niederländische Firma NIRA) hatte als bedeutendsten Kunden in Deutschland die BfA mit sämtlichen Kliniken ausgestattet. Im Zuge der Branchen-Konzentration wurde NIRA in Emmen NL von ericsson Schweden aufgekauft.

Ich war ab der Wende Geschäftstellenleiter der Firma NIRA in Berlin mit der Zuständigkeit für die neuen Bundesländer.

Nebenher beriet ich Bundestags-Abgeordnete und erfuhr später, daß aus meinen Vorschlägen auch praktische Lösungen bei der Post angewandt wurden.

es grüßt

Knut W. Schlanert
fon +49 30 78716377 fax +49 30 78716378

FBI Builds Huge File on Anti-War, Rights Groups



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