
Die Salford-Studie

Aktuell wurden bei mehreren Mobilfunkgeschädigten durch Kernspinaufnahmen des Gehirns "mikroangiopathische Läsionen" festgestellt (Verletzungen oder Störungen der Funktionen von kleinsten Gefäßen) - auch im mittleren Lebensalter.

Salford hat ganz ähnliche Vorhersagen gemacht. Seine Studie vom Jan. 2003 gewinnt daher enorm an Bedeutung und Brisanz.

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Heute wurde auf dem Gasthaus "Zum Löwen" in 76467 Bietigheim gegenüber meinem Haus zwischen die zwei GSM Rundstrahler von O2 ein weiterer Stahl-Mast (noch ohne UMTS-Sendezellen) montiert - der Grundstückseigentümer lässt dies zu, obwohl er meine Leidensgeschichte ganz genau kennt. Dieser Mann ist für mich kein "Mensch" mehr.


Dr. Volker Schorpp


So kommt etwa die Stanford-Studie vom Januar 2003 zu dem Ergebnis, dass bereits bei einer zweistündigen Bestrahlung mit 2mW/kg eine signifikante Öffnung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke bei Versuchsratten erfolgt. Trotz der gefundenen Hirnschäden waren keine Verhaltensstörungen bei den Tieren auffällig. Im Vergleich: Der zulässige SAR-Wert für die Benutzung des Handys beträgt 2000mW/kg und Anwohner von Sendemasten müssten immerhin noch 80mW/kg akzeptieren.



Mehr zur Salford-Studie: Interpretationen, Auslassungen und Verfälschungen der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk (FGF)

Neue Salford-Studie: Mobilfunkstrahlung von Handys löst bei Ratten Hirnschäden aus

Salford Studie

Salford-Studie von 1999: Mikrowellen schädigen Gehirne und machen sie aufnahmefähig für Gifte



"Geostrategische Überlegungen des Westens": Scharfe Kritik an Wolfowitz als neuem Weltbank-Chef


Paul Wolfowitz hat am Mittwoch sein Amt als Weltbankpräsident angetreten. Verschiedene Nichtregierungsorganisationen kritisierten die fehlende demokratische Legitimation des neuen Weltbankpräsidenten. Sie attestierten der Weltbank "eine tiefe Glaubwürdigkeitskrise". "Ab jetzt wird die wichtigste internationale Entwicklungsorganisation von einem Präsidenten geführt, der vom überwiegenden Teil der Welt klar abgelehnt wird und durch ein zutiefst fragwürdiges und undemokratisches Kandidatengeschacher einiger weniger Regierungen auf den Posten gedrückt wurde", sagte Daniela Setton von WEED. Verbesserungen in der Politik der Weltbank seien nicht zu erwarten, erklärte WEED.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Hartz IV führt zu Beschwerdeflut beim Petitions-Ausschuss


Wegen der Gesundheitspolitik und der Arbeitsmarktreform "Hartz IV" haben sich im vergangenen Jahr deutlich mehr Bürger mit Petitionen an den Bundestag gewandt. Die Zahl der Eingaben an den Petitionsausschuss stieg gegenüber 2003 um 15 Prozent auf 17 999, wie der Vorsitzende Karlheinz Guttmacher (FDP) am Mittwoch mitteilte. Täglich gingen über 70 Zuschriften ein - bei steigender Tendenz. Die relativ meisten Petitionen kommen weiterhin aus dem Osten Deutschlands.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Datenschützer kritisieren Biometrie-Pässe ab November als "Großversuch"

Unsicher: Datenschützer kritisieren Biometrie-Pässe ab November als "Großversuch" (01.06.05)

Reisepässe sollen ab 1. November biometrische Daten enthalten. Das kündigte Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily (SPD) am Mittwoch in Berlin an. Die Pässe sollen in einem kontaktlos auslesbaren Chip zunächst Gesichtsmerkmale speichern. Ab 2007 sollen zusätzlich zwei Fingerabdrücke auf dem Chip gespeichert werden. Der Preis der Pässe steigt von jetzt 26 auf 59 Euro. Die Datenschutzbeauftragten des Bundes und der Länder warnten vor einer überstürzten Ausgabe der neuen Pässe. Wesentliche Fragen der technischen und organisatorischen Sicherheit sowie des Datenschutzes seien noch nicht geklärt. Erst wenn hierzu befriedigende Antworten gefunden würden, eine Änderung des Passgesetzes erfolgt sei und dort eine strenge Zweckbindung der Passdaten festgelegt wurde, dürfe mit der Ausgabe von Biometriepässen begonnen werden. Der geplante frühzeitige Start sei ein "Großversuch" an der Bevölkerung. Scheinbar besonders sichere Ausweisdokumente würden durch den Einsatz unsicherer biometrischer Verfahren gar zu einem Risikofaktor.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Biometrische Verfahren

See and act on all current Execution Alerts


Indiana set to execute man with mental illness

Michael Lambert is scheduled to be executed June 22 despite the fact that experts believe him to be mentally ill.

Perhaps neither the jury nor the justices would have imposed a death sentence had they been made fully aware of all of the mitigating factors in Lambert's case. Much to Lambert's detriment, mitigating evidence pertaining to his mental condition was not presented at trial. Two mental health professionals indicated that Lambert suffers from "organic brain dysfunction, dysthymia, and substance dependence with antisocial and dependent personality features."

The execution of the mentally ill is a deplorable violation of international human rights standards.

Act now by faxing Gov. Mitch Daniels asking him to grant clemency for Michael Lambert!

Read More and Take Action at

Restore Integrity to the U.S. House of Representatives


Four Watchdog Groups Demand Outside Counsel to Probe DeLay Scandals


Texas Judge Finds DeLay's Political Committee Guilty of Violating Campaign Finance Law


Unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit

Der Jahresbericht von amnesty international dokumentiert Menschenrechtsverletzungen in 149 Ländern. Doch die meisten fallen durch das mediale Raster.


Enforcing US Human Rights Laws


Catapulting the Propaganda


The Nuclear Bully


US 'Losing Its Grip' on Baghdad's Political Process


Withheld Bolton Documents Name American Firms


US child poverty on the rise - statistics mask depth of crisis

While Denmark and Finland led the 26 participating OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries with child poverty rates below 3 percent last year, Mexico and the United States were at the other end of the spectrum, both with child poverty rates of more than 20 percent.


From Information Clearing House

The world that we thought we once lived in is gone

Whether our recent past of relative domestic security from terrorism was an illusion, our vulnerability to it now is not. And it is with great derision, that this government is not helping but rather, escalating the consequences.


Bolton documents contain classified company names

The information that the White House has refused to provide Congress for its review into the nomination of John Bolton as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations includes the names of companies mentioned in intelligence reports on commerce with China and other countries covered by export restrictions, according to officials briefed on the matter.


US military in a twilight zone

A cowed and politicized military establishment, hailed as invincible just two years ago, marches steadily down a demoralizing but all-too-familiar path.




Children of Iraq: A Face of Grief as War Takes Toll


Amnesty Strikes Back at Bush Administration


Stilllegung statt Laufzeitverlängerung: RWE und E.on können sicheren Reaktorbetrieb nicht gewährleisten


Eine grobe Täuschung der Öffentlichkeit wirft die bundesweite Anti-Atom-Organisation "X-tausendmal quer" den Energiekonzernen RWE und E.on am Donnerstag vor. Beide Unternehmen hätten sich in den letzten Tagen für eine Verlängerung der Laufzeit ihrer Atomkraftwerke ausgesprochen, sollte es im Herbst zu einem Regierungswechsel kommen. Möglich wäre dies aufgrund der Sicherheit der Anlagen, hätten Manager beider Firmen behauptet. Laut X-tausenmal quer standen aber Kraftwerke beider Betreiber schon kurz vor einer Katastrophe. Die Initiative forderte statt Laufzeitverlängerungen die sofortige Stillegung aller Atomkraftwerke.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Amnesty defends 'gulag,' urges Guantanamo access


Papers, Please

Papiere Bitte

Those were the magic words of the time: “Papiere Bitte. (Translation: “Papers, Please.”)

By: Doris Colmes

I smell the long-forgotten skunk, the long-forgotten rot of fascism. What is happening all around can no longer be denied. . What I ran away from so desperately in 1938 is coming back full circle. Only the jack-boots have not yet arrived.


Amnesty International's Response to Rumsfeld


Bush, Cheney Attack Amnesty International


Papua New Guinea Forest Minister Sells Citizens into Slavery by the Malaysian Timber Mafia


Memorial Day 2005: Open letter to George Bush

Letter by Monique Frugier to ProgressiveExchange
Sunday, 29 May 2005

Mr. President,

In your weekly radio address you said:” Today a new generation of Americans is making its own sacrifice on behalf of peace and freedom, and some have given their lives.”

No Sir. 1,656 Americans did not give their lives. You took their lives; you sent them to Iraq to die. Those brave soldiers gave their lives on behalf of your fabricated lies. [...] Read the letter at Progressive Xchange, another interesting web site: http://www.progressiveexchange.com/content/view/1283/ or at http://tinyurl.com/bmxmy

© Virginia Metze

US tour beckons for Gorgeous George

Sun 22 May 2005

HIS bristling, chest-out performance at the usually soporific US Senate last week gave Americans their first taste of political debate, Dundee-style. Now, it appears, the United States wants more of the indefatigable 'Gorgeous' George Galloway.

The maverick Respect MP is being offered a potentially lucrative lecture circuit deal in the US following his appearance before the Senate's permanent select subcommittee on investigations.

Galloway's compelling and memorable rebuttal of accusations that he profited from the Iraq Oil-for-Food programme led to him being contacted immediately afterwards by American promoters.

They believe Galloway's bombastic rhetoric could electrify campuses across the country. [...] Read about it in scotsman.com: http://news.scotsman.com/politics.cfm?id=560212005

© Virginia Metze

This should motivate you to FORWARD Rep. Conyer's petition


Conyers Demands Rumsfeld Answers on Secret Iraq Bombings and Downing Street Memo


The Amazon at Risk




CNN International World Business: Bilderberger


US-Bericht warnt vor RFID-Missbrauch


NZ Upset Over Japan Whaling Plans


The Unity Mayor

by Antonio Villaraigosa, TomPaine.com

Los Angeles' mayor-elect speaks about a new agenda for California--and America--based on our shared values.


Promoting Democracy Or Fueling Repression?

by Frida Berrigan and William D. Hartung, TomPaine.com

Bush's rhetoric about promoting freedom doesn't match up with the regimes he arms.


Slowing currents could cause catastrophe


Informant: Anna Webb

237 Documented Administration Lies to Public, Congress


Bases, Bases Everywhere


The Warmonger’s Psalm


Destroying Companies and Countries


Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty


Not a good week


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dying for an education


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Repeal the REAL ID Act


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A week of shock and awe


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Jailhouse rock


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

U.S. Special Forces To Create Private 'Media' Corps


Informant: billder

Voters say 'no' to mast

Chesterfield Today

People power looks set to cut off plans for a controversial mobile mast near homes in a mid-Derbyshire village.

Orange has planning permission from NE Derbyshire District Council to site a mast only 300 metres from a school in Wessington at Nethergreen Farm, Moorwood Moor Lane .

But after protests from villagers the landowners – four members of the Eason family – decided to put the matter to a public vote.

Fifty locals turned up at the Three Horseshoes Pub for a referendum on whether the mast should go ahead – and landlord Scott Brown said the answer was a resounding 'no'.

Mr Brown said: "The Easoms have been very good about this. They have said they will consider the views of the villagers.

"But they can't get back to us this week as they are silaging and cannot stop. We understand that, they have a business to run. We hope to hold a meeting with them very soon."

Last month Mr Brown vowed to leave the village if the 17m mast, with six antennae and four microwave dishes, was erected. He and other villagers were worried that the radiowaves were a health risk to the children.

Villagers were asked to vote whether to support the original plan, to choose from sites 400, 500 or 700 metres away from the school and village green or to decide not to have a mast at all. The villagers voted to do without a mast altogether.

Orange has planning permission from NEDDC to site the mast in the original position.

They and the landowners came up with a second possible site for the mast, the 400 metres option, but this has also been turned down by the villagers.

A spokeswoman for Orange said the mast conformed to strict government guidelines and no link between masts and ill-health had been established.


02 June 2005

MP continues battle against phone mast plan

Haverhill Echo

Haverhill MP Richard Spring has written to the Planning Inspectorate, urging its officers to refuse an appeal by Hutchison 3G for a telecommunications mast at Hazel Stub roundabout.

Hutchison 3G is appealing against the decision by St Edmundsbury Borough Council's planning committee to refuse planning permission for the mast, which would support 3G mobile phones.
Nearby residents had fought a determined campaign against the mast.

In his letter, Mr Spring said: "I wish to personally oppose this appeal and hope that you will refuse it. It would certainly not be in the best interests of my constituents to allow the base station to go ahead." Mr Spring had previously shown his support for the residents' campaign, attending a rally in the town centre.

Residents are concerned about the potential health risks from siting a mast so close to properties and schools.

Mr Spring said: "I have never before witnessed so much vociferous objection to a planning application in my time as a Member of Parliament."

The appeal will be dealt with by a planning inspector, but it could go to a public inquiry.

02 June 2005

Councillor slams planning ban

Jun 2 2005

Ayrshire Post

MOBILE phone masts are being put up next to people’s homes because they’re banned from council owned land, say Tory councillors.

And Troon councillor Peter Convery revealed this week that he’s taken his campaign for the ban to be relaxed all the way to the Scottish Parliament.

He insists that while more appropriate open spaces lie empty, masts are being erected just metres away from homes.

Councillor Convery explained: “By banning the use of council land for the purposes of telecommunications equipment, the council’s policy has forced mobile phone companies to target sites in close proximity to residential areas.

“In many instances the companies themselves would have preferred to locate their equipment on, for example, golf courses and other open spaces removed from residential properties.”

He added: “Two recent examples are the planning applications for 02 masts in Troon at Lochend Road and Kilmarnock Road , which provoked what in my view was a quite understandable level of concern and objection amongst local residents.

“Had the council’s moratorium policy not been in place, I believe that both of these facilities would have been sited in much more appropriate locations, nowhere near residential areas.

“While I clearly would not want to see a rash of mobile phone masts springing up across local parklands and golf courses, it equally does not seem sensible to close such locations off completely as an option, particularly when the alternative is for masts to end up being sited just meters from the homes of local residents.”

A motion by Councillor Convery and his Conservative group colleague, Councillor Alistair Kerr, calling on the moratorium to be reviewed was rejected at a recent meeting of South Ayrshire Council.

Councillor Convery went on: “ I decided to take the matter to the Scottish Parliament’s petitions committee, since I believe the parliament has a crucial role to play in helping ensure that there is clear guidance on how such moratoriums should be applied, to balance the need to roll out new telecommunications systems with the expressed concerns of local people.

“While the two recent cases in Troon have raised the profile of this issue locally, this is a problem that affects the whole of Scotland. I hope that by drawing it to the attention on the Scottish Parliament’s petitions committee, a sensible solution can be arrived at.”

The issue will be debated by the petitions committee when it holds its special sitting at Ayr ’s County Buildings on Monday, June 6.

Huge New California Climate Initiative Trumps Bush Administration


Mast objection catch 22 for residents of Burley

Ilkley Gazette

Plans to site a phone mast opposite a Burley-in-Wharfedale housing estate are meeting with opposition from local people.

Residents of the Sandholme estate are said to be in a state of shock after discovering the plan for a strip of land opposite their homes.

And they claim they are in a catch 22 situation after being told they are not allowed to object on health grounds.

T Mobile has submitted a prior notification of the installation of a 15m mast with antennae, transmission dish and radio equipment at land north of Langroyd, on Bradford Road .

And local people have been told they have until Saturday, June 4, to get their views across.

Brian Garlick, who lives on Bradford Road "virtually next door" to the proposed site said he was one of just a handful of neighbours who received official notification of the plan from Bradford Council.

He now wants to make sure all the local residents are made aware of the application before the deadline passes.

He said: "It is absolutely shocking that this is planned for a thin strip of land opposite a housing estate. Everyone I have spoken to is in a state of shock really"

Mr Garlick said he was concerned about the possible health risks, and he argued that the mast should be sited away from housing estates - preferably in a position with fields on both sides of the road.

He stressed: "There are mixed feelings from the experts, and until we absolutely know for sure we should err on the side of caution."

But he added: "If they are blasé enough to build next to schools what hope is there."

Mr Garlick claims many people in Burley are unaware of the plan or unsure of the proposed location.

He stressed: "I want to raise people's awareness on this issue. It is not just a rumour anymore - it is actually happening.

Mr Garlick says he has been told the council's planning department can only consider objections on planning grounds such as car parking and traffic - and that objections on health grounds will not be valid.

He stressed: "What annoys me is that they say you cannot argue about it on the grounds of health - but as we have tried to point out they are the very grounds everyone wants to oppose it on. It is like a catch 22 situation."

His neighbour Dr Barbara Metcalfe is objecting to the plan on the grounds of traffic problems and safety.

Dr Metcalfe, a research biologist, said it was already extremely difficult and potentially dangerous to turn onto Bradford Road from the Sandholme estate. She believes this problem will be exacerbated by the siting of a mast on the corner.

She said: "Anything that is put on the bend of the road will obstruct the view. It is hellish getting out onto Bradford Road already."

Burley Community Council Chairman Bruce Speed said BCC was aware of the proposed mast and its exact position was being checked.

He added: "Our view is that it should not be immediately opposite the end of Sandholme Drive , because of the traffic danger from its layby when service vehicles are parked. It should be at the North end of the Staithe away from the junction."

He added: "It would have been better on the existing mast on the old Otley Road , shared with the existing user, but we heard that had been rejected."

Mr Garlick is asking anyone who wants to comment on the plan to write to the Senior planner Martynn Burke, at Ilkley Town Hall , Ilkley LS29 8HB, or e-mail martyn.burke@bradford.gov.uk.

The application number is 05/03123/PNT.

Residents' fury at mast plans

This is Kidderminster

ANGRY residents battling plans to put three mobile phone masts on the same Kidderminster site say the area is in danger of becoming a "dumping ground" for masts.

A 12 metre monopole has already been put up on the Charlie Brown site in Stourport Road, shocking many neighbouring householders, who had not realised planning permission had been granted when it appeared.

They were horrified to discover - just days later - that two separate applications had been submitted to Wyre Forest District Council to build another two masts on the same land.

One of the proposals, for a 15 metre Hutchinson 3G mast, will be discussed at the district council's planning and environmental control committee meeting on Tuesday and residents are desperately trying to make their fears known in the meantime.

Stourport Road resident, Anita Gallagher, whose husband, Tony, will address councillors to explain the opposition to the plan, said householders had formed a group called Communities Against Mobile Masts and filled their windows with posters saying "Say No To Masts".


Gloucester Echo

14:52 - 02 June 2005

Church leaders at St Philip and St James' in Leckhampton are planning to put a mobile phone mast in the tower. The church council has provisionally agreed to the request from QS4 Ltd.

The church, which would receive an annual fee for hosting the equipment, believes the mast would be less of an eyesore inside the building than outside.

It says there is a need for a mast in Leckhampton because there is poor network coverage in the area.

Residents and councillors are dismayed.

Borough councilllor Robin MacDonald (Leckhampton, Con) attacked the move.

He said: "I don't agree with it. There are a lot of residents around there and I hope they consult with them.

"Putting it in the tower doesn't destroy the health hazards. It will still have radiation coming out of it."

He added: "The need for money is up to the church.

"But it would be a shame if they put that before people in the area."

The vicar, the Rev Canon Peter Chicken, said he was aware it was a sensitive issue.

He said: "The church council gave it a great deal of thought and was unanimous in giving it approval.

"Having examined the facts we were convinced that the risks to health and safety were minute. We take our responsibilities to the community very seriously."

Mr Chicken said the church intends to use the income to further its work with children and young people in the parish.

He added that there will be no final decision on whether the project will go ahead for at least three months, and there will be an opportunity for concerns or objections to be heard.


Gloucester Echo

10:30 - 02 June 2005

Enforcement officers stepped in to stop mobile phone giant O2 working on a mast built in the wrong place in Warden Hill.

Residents bombarded Cheltenham Borough Council with complaints when they realised engineers were connecting the mast in Shurdington Road to the mains. In March, the borough council warned O2 it was building the mast in the wrong place, but work continued.

The installation is 9.5m closer to the bus stop than approved.

The company submitted a retrospective planning application and has been running the mast off a generator ever since.

But on Tuesday residents spotted workmen trying to connect the mast to mains electricity. They rang the council in their droves to complain.

Planning enforcement officers moved in at 4pm and told the workmen to stop.

Grahame Lewis, Cheltenham Borough Council's assistant director for the built environment, said: "Work has been halted until members of the planning committee have had an opportunity to decide upon the application.

"It's extremely annoying that the company has opted to undertake this work at this time, and we'll do all we can to make sure it complies with national policy.

"The company's regional headquarters will be contacted and advised of the council's very serious concerns regarding this action."

Paul Ryder, who lives opposite the mast in Hawkswood Road , said: "O2 has no planning permission. We didn't want the mast in the first place and now they've put it in the wrong place.

"The council needs to take a hard line. I guarantee if I put up a tree house across the road, the council would be on me like a tonne of bricks.

"I want the work stopped and the mast moved to its right place."

Neighbour Dawn Harris said: "It's disgraceful. I've just had an extension built and if I have to abide by planning regulations, why shouldn't O2?

"None of us wanted the mast but all we want is for them to play by the rules."

Angela Johnson, O2's community relation's manager, stood firm.

She said: "The planning authority was happy for us to put in a retrospective planning application and the enforcement officer has not issued any stop notice.

"As far as we're concerned, we're perfectly at liberty to continue work on the mast."


Tamworth Herald

10:30 - 02 June 2005

So, mobile provider O2 are confident emissions tests on a mobile phone mast at St Edward's RC School in Packington Lane , Coleshill, are well within (ICNIRP) emission guidelines are they? (Herald, May 19).

Well of course they will be! These ridiculously lenient guidelines were adopted by Government in 1992, in the technology's infancy, after subjecting animals to 20 minutes of this electro-magnetic radiation and then pronouncing it safe to humans! In addition, this 'research' only measured the thermal effects of this radiation, not the biological effects.

Mast emissions will hardly ever be above these meaningless guidelines because, as independent research has shown, they were set 9,000 times too high, i.e. human cells start to be affected at 9,000 times below the current limit.

Phone mast emissions are pulsed and low level. The major concern is the biological effect on the body, the ability to alter human cells.

Brain wave patterns pulse on a similar frequency to radiation emitted by these masts. Independent research shows that it is this pulsing frequency of the radiation emitted that causes headaches, sleep disturbance, rashes and fatigue.

More worryingly it also reduces melatonin, the cancer fighting hormone, being released from the pineal gland.

Even the Government's own advisers (the Stewart Report) confirm that this technology has not been proved safe.

John Elliott, Bristol


In addition, whenever O2 knows something is happening around a site, as we in Orpington have discovered, such as residents renting meters or the media coming, O2 switch the masts off!

The 'independent' report commissioned by O2 to test emissions in the immediate vicinity of the Orpington BT Exchange was a farce, as the sites chosen to take the readings from were laughable, eg, two roads away behind houses. All the hotspots we had repeatedly warned them out were totally ignored. We had to laugh, though, when Jim Stevenson, (O2 bod and also a Councillor for Mental Health in Lewisham - excuse the ironic laughing) insisted the masts were on, then was seen up on the roof of the exchange measuring the meters - either they were off, or he likes to live dangerously!

Angie Shields

Protests aired on phone mast

Malborough Herald

A PROPOSED mobile phone transmitter on the edge of Great Bedwyn would be too close to the school, protesters are telling Kennet district councillors.

Newbury-based Vodaphone Ltd is seeking planning consent for a telecommunications base station at Wansdyke Crossing in the parish of Little Bedwyn.

When the report by Kennet planning officers to members of its regulatory committee was prepared ahead of their meeting next Thursday, no reaction had been received from Little Bedwyn Parish Council.

However, neighbouring Great Bedwyn Parish Council has lodged an objection saying the transmitter with its 50ft mast would be too close to Great Bedwyn village school and contravene Government guidelines.

The school has lodged its own objection and nine other letters of protest have been received.

More than 70 per cent of parents and staff had objected when Vodaphone consulted the school.

Kennet officers are telling members that the Government recommendation is that the planning system is not the place for determining health safeguards and they have recommended approval of the plans.

Mobile masts cause concern over health

by Naomi Wright

This is Local London

CHINGFORD is being bombarded with phone mast applications, say local residents.

Fears about the number of phone masts being put up in the area were raised at a North Chingford Community Council meeting.

Local people said they were dismayed when a recent planning application for a mast at Chingford Hatch was rejected by Waltham Forest Council, only to be overturned on appeal.

They asked if the council could take up the issue on behalf of residents and bring the case to the High Court.

A number of local people said health concerns were their main grievances against phone masts and councillors were asked if the authority could monitor the levels of signal intensity from the masts.

Last Wednesday council leader Clyde Loakes said that the issue of phone masts was a national problem due to the increasing number of people using mobile phones.

He said he could not justify using thousands of pounds of council tax money to get a High Court order to overturn planning permission allowing phone masts to be put up.

Cllr Marion Fitzgerald said: "These masts are going up everywhere but if we took these cases to the High Court they would be shot down in flames.

"The council is doing as much as it can about it.

"But we need the input of all of you to help us when the applications come through."

Port Vale installs mobile mast to finance new floodlights

Jun 2 2005

Birmingham Post

Port Vale Football Club is adding a second mobile phone mast to its ground to help to pay for new floodlighting.

The 24-metre high mast, comprising of six antenna, will be fixed on a new 34 metre floodlight pylon at the Vale Park ground.

Permission for the 3G mast was granted yesterday by Stoke on Trent City Council Development and Control Committee.

Port Vale club secretary, Bill Lodey, said they had received no letters of complaint about mobile phone equipment already installed at the ground, or protests about their plans for more.

But a spokeswoman for campaign group Mast Sanity claimed the profusion of masts in built up regions presented health risks to vulnerable sections of society.

Mr Lodey said the club had received planning permission four years ago to install a mast at the ground but the telecommunications company involved had changed its mind.

He said O2 had "come to an agreement" with the club to part finance the cost of installing the new floodlights in return for mobile phone equipment being housed there.

"We already have equipment on the floodlight tower we are replacing. It has been with us for two years and we haven't had any adverse letters or phone calls now or in the past. There is mobile phone equipment all over the maternity hospital roof."


DETERMINED residents have won their battle against plans to build a mobile phone mast in the heart of their community.

Mobile phone operator Hutchinson 3G proposed to build a 15-metre mast within K’s Nursery, Parkgate Road , Saughall.

But the plans angered nearby residents, who believed that on top of alleged health risks, such a proposal would also have a severe impact on the value of their property.

They twice took to the street outside the proposed site in a bid to get the plans shelved.

And in a move that delighted them, planning officers at Chester City Council also objected.


A spokesman said: “We objected to the plans, which is as good as a refusal. It is thought it would adversely affect the green belt and lead to loss of residential amenities. It was considered visually obtrusive.”

Campaigners welcomed the news. Parkgate Road resident Elaine Cowell said: “I am very, very pleased. We would have been very worried about our health if it had gone ahead.

“We don’t care if we don’t have a signal. We can all use landlines. Let’s just hope they do not win on appeal.”

K’s Nursery owner Richard Kunze, who had given the plans his blessing, said he did not wish to make a comment at this time.

A spokesman for Hutchinson 3G said: “We have received notification of the planning officer objection and are in the process of reviewing any future action.”

Time row in school mast bid

Jun 1 2005

By Neil Elkes, Evening Mail Birmingham

PARENTS and staff at a city school fear they are the victims of a "bury bad news" scandal over plans for a mobile phone mast.

Teachers at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, in Billesley, had only hours to notify parents and raise objections before the halfterm holiday.

They fear that the proposed 11.7m T-mobile mast may be a health risk to children and could be a blight on the Shire Country Park .

The park, known locally as the Dingles, was recently renamed The Shire after the picturesque land featured in Lord of Rings.

Head teacher Bernadette O'Shea sent a letter to parents just 48 hours before the school closed for half-term.

She said: "This is of great concern to us as a school as we have no evidence whether this installation will or will not be harmful to the children now or in the future."

Mrs O'Shea is urging parents to write to the planning department outlining their objections before next Wednesday's deadline.

She is worried the timing of the application just before half term may mean parents do not make their fears known to the council.

Birmingham City Council has planning guidance against siting masts within 200m of a school wherever possible, and this could fall foul of this.

The Government-backed Stewart Report recently urged caution over siting masts near to schools.

Although the same report, along with the mobile phone industry, concluded there is no evidence of a health risk.

What Science, What Europe?


The Homeland Security bubble


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

MP sympathises with fears over plans to expand mast

Cowbridge Today

ARGUMENTS over the siting of equipment for the new 3G telecommunication equipment continue to rage, and residents at The Heathers are angry about plans for the base station in the grounds of Barry College . Now, Vale MP John Smith has met with the residents to show his support for their campaign. He told The GEM: “My sympathies and concerns are with the residents who have already had to endure the siting of a mast in their midst. “I have lodged an objection in respect of the visual amenity of the site. I am aware that there are planning guidelines in place that permit this sort of development, but it is up to local planning authorities to take into account the fears and concerns of residents.” He added: “I will be writing to the mobile phone companies to make them aware of my concerns.” The battle lines remain between the companies, who say that they are operating well within safety margins - and opponents who claim that there is fresh scientific evidence casting doubt on the safety of masts. A spokesperson for Orange said: “It has been a long-standing Government policy objective to encourage telecommunications operators, wherever possible, to share masts and sites as a means of reducing overall mast numbers. “The reality is that the local community want to use mobile phones, and without masts the phones won’t work”. O2 and Vodaphone are proposing to site their equipment on the Orange-owned base station, after protestors opposed the erection of masts at Severn Avenue and Bryn Hafren comprehensive school. The spokesman added: “ Orange is aware of the anxiety the proposals are causing in the area and is planning to hold a drop-in session to discuss residents' concerns.” Mrs Angie Homer, a spokesperson for the residents at The Heathers, claimed that scientists were warning that the microwaves emitted by a 3G mast were “chronic invisible stressors that have the same adverse effects on the body as being continuously exposed to loud noise.” She claimed that existing guidelines did not take this into account.” She added: “We really don't know what the impact of this radiation is going to be or what it is going to be like after 10-20 years of regular use.”

Galactic liberty?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Force be with us?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The era of super-sized government


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

See no evil

"Cloaked in myopic self-righteousness, the Bush administration is trying to make its gulag problem disappear by attacking Amnesty International. This isn't just blind and arrogant, it's harming the national interest." [subscription or ad view required] (06/02/05)


from Salon, by Sidney Blumenthal

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Washington is the source of terror


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Kill for Christ?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Phone mast bid falls down

Jun 2 2005

By Adrian Short, Weekly News

MOBILE phone giant O2 has suffered defeat over the proposed siting of a controversial phone mast which Widnes residents believed would be a major eyesore and a potential health threat.

Since September last year, hundreds of residents have protested against the company's plans to construct a mast at the corner of Birch-field Road and Derby Road, opposite Widnes Cemetery.

But the company lodged an appeal with the Government's Planning Inspectorate after Halton Borough Council refused to give it the go-ahead.

The council has now claimed a victory for those who demanded the plans be thrown out.

A council spokeswoman said: 'The Planning Inspectorate agreed with the council that the proposal was not the best environmental option and like the council was not convinced that there was not a better alternative site in the vicinity.

'There had also been a large number of objections from local residents who were concerned about the possible effect on health.'

Cllr Rob Polhill, executive board member for the planning transportation and regeneration, said: 'The council's position on telecommunications masts is very clear - we will always work to ensure that the best environmental option is secured within the Government guidelines and in this case we were successful.'

Since the planning application was first handed to the council a series of objection campaigns were launched on the grounds of 'visual amenity' and the mast's potential for harming human health.

Protesters stressed concern that the combined radiation from the mast and two others nearby could have a greater health impact.

Residents say the borough already has enough masts but believe O2 is still determined to construct more Third Generation masts in other parts of Widnes.





Ärzte fordern: „Stoppt den Ausbau!“

HEISSES EISEN „MOBILFUNK“ „Hofer Appell“: 64 Mediziner aus der Stadt und Umgebung trugen sich in Unterschriftslisten ein

Ärzte fordern: „Stoppt den Ausbau!“

In Hof formiert sich neuer Widerstand gegen den Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes. Ärztinnen und Ärzte wollen ihre Unterschriften zu einem „Hofer Appell“ bündeln und damit auf Politiker, Wissenschaftler und Verantwortliche des Gesundheitswesens einwirken, dem „Schutz von Leben und Gesundheit von uns allen wieder gebührenden, grundgesetzlich garantierten Wert einzuräumen und sofort zu handeln“. Nach Aussage von Jürgen Stietzel, einem Sprecher der Ärzteinitiative, haben sich bislang 64 Mediziner aus Hof und Umgebung in die Listen eingetragen.

HOF – „Wir Ärzte sind nicht gegen Handys, jeder von uns hat eines“, sagt Jürgen Stietzel, niedergelassener Arzt in Hof. „Aber wir sind gegen eine Ausweitung der Mobilfunktechnologie.“ Seiner Meinung nach häufen sich in jüngster Zeit , spätestens aber seit dem Zeitpunkt, als die „Nailaer Studie“ vorgestellt wurde, die Hinweise oder gar wissenschaftlichen Nachweise, dass die Mobilfunktechnologie für den Menschen ungesund oder gar schädlich sei.

Deshalb lautet die erste Forderung im Hofer Appell auch so:

„Kein freiwilliger Ausbau der Mobilfunktechnologie, denn es handelt sich um unfreiwillig eingegangene Risiken mit dauerhaften Belastungen“.

Die gepulsten hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Felder von Mobilfunkanlagen, aber auch von schnurlosen Telefonen und Notebooks mit so genannten WLAN-Karten können bei Menschen, die dafür besonders empfänglich sind, zu einem bisher unbekannten Krankheitsbild mit charakteristischem Symptomenkomplex führen.

Dies ist das Ergebnis einer gerade ausgewerteten ärztlichen Erhebung in Oberfranken, als 356 Personen einer häuslichen Langzeitbelastung unterzogen wurden. Das Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung, die Jürgen Stietzel unserer Zeitung zur Verfügung stellte, besagt, dass Menschen an einem, mehreren oder vielen der folgenden Symptome leiden können: Schlafstörungen, Müdigkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Unruhe, Benommenheit, Reizbarkeit, Konzentrationsstörungen, Vergesslichkeit, Wortfindungsstörungen, depressive Stimmung, Ohrgeräusche, Hörverlust, Hörsturz, Schwindel, Nasenbluten, Sehstörungen, häufige Infekte, Nebenhöhlenentzündungen, Gelenk- und Gliederschmerzen, Nerven- und Weichteilschmerzen, Taubheitsgefühl, Hautveränderungen, Herzrhythmusstörungen, Blutdruckerhöhung (anfallsweise), Hormonstörungen, Gewichtszunahme, nächtliches Schwitzen und Übelkeit.

„Wir wollen und werden als niedergelassene Ärzte darauf achten, ob Beschwerden unserer Patienten mit Mobilfunk, DECT-Telefonen oder Notebooks mit WLAN zusammenhängen können“, sagte Jürgen Stietzel im Gespräch mit unserer Zeitung.

Da Menschen schon bei relativ geringer Belastungen erkranken können, heißt die zweite Forderung der Hofer Ärzte:

„Massive Reduzierung der Grenzwerte, Sendeleistungen und Funkbelastungen“. Die Mediziner vertreten die Ansicht, dass nach den neuesten Erhebungen Mobilfunkanlagen, in deren Umfeld Menschen mit mehr als 10 µW/m² belastet werden, abgeschaltet werden müssten, denn schon ab diesem Wert wurden Beschwerden bei Menschen festgestellt.

In ihrem „Hofer Appell“ setzen sich die Ärzte aber auch dafür ein, dass die Verbraucher mehr über Handys und schnurlose Telefone erfahren. Deshalb wird gefordert:

„Aufklärung der Bevölkerung und speziell der Handynutzer über die Gesundheitsrisiken elektromagnetischer Felder“ und „Förderung des bewussten Umgangs mit Mobilfunk, Nutzungseinschränkungen für Kinder und Jugendliche“. So sei es eben auch ein Wunsch der Hofer Mediziner, dass zum Beispiel in Schulen keine Notebooks mit WLAN-Karten angeschafft werden. Wenn nämlich zum Beispiel Männer über einen längeren Zeitraum mit dem Laptop auf dem Schoß arbeiten (Stietzel: „Das ist eigentlich die typische Position!“), dann könne, wie es der Allgemeinarzt salopp ausdrückt, die „gesamte Familienplanung über den Haufen geworfen werden“.

Zur Aufklärung gehört ferner, den Menschen klar zu machen, dass schnurlose DECT-Telefone nicht nur dann strahlen, wenn damit gesprochen wird, sondern die ganze Zeit über. Dabei gäbe es technisch durchaus Alternativen. Die letzte Forderung im Hofer Appell lautet daher:

„Überarbeitung der DECT-Standorte für Schnurlos-Telefone mit dem Ziel, die Strahlungsintensität zu reduzieren und auf die tatsächliche Nutzungszeit zu begrenzen sowie die biologisch kritische Pulsung zu vermeiden“.

64 Mediziner aus Hof und Umgebung haben sich seit Oktober vergangenen Jahres in die im Umlauf befindlichen Listen eingetragen, eine weitere liegt noch im Hofer Klinikum aus. Stietzel ist der festen Überzeugung, dass sich noch mehr Ärzte diesem Forderungskatalog anschließen werden. Dieser soll dann erst einmal Kommunalpolitikern übergeben werden, damit diese den „Hofer Appell“ an die Entscheidungsträger „weitertragen“ können. Die Ärzte hoffen ferner, dass das Volksbegehren „Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk“ – die Eintragungsfrist geht hier vom 5. bis 18. Juli – Erfolg hat. mavie

Nicht nur Mobilfunkmasten, sondern auch schnurlose DECT-Telefonen und Notebooks mit WLAN-Karten strahlen hochfrequente, elektromagnetische Felder aus. Deshalb fordern die Hofer Ärzte eine bessere Aufklärung der Bevölkerung. FOTOS: dpa / mavie


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Iraq War: Drafting the dead

President George W. Bush has failed to attend the funeral of a any Afghanistan War or Iraq War veteran. However, "Perhaps all presidents' remarks in military graveyards [on Memorial Day] are by nature self-serving. But few have been so callow as the president's using the deaths of U.S. troops in his unjustified war as justification for its continuance."


Birds and phone masts


After all the recent tragedies, why are environmental factors ignored by mental health experts?



After all the recent tragedies, why are environmental factors ignored by mental health experts?

EVERY suicide is a tragedy. The ones left behind are stigmatised. Psychologists find an explanation in underlying depression. But what causes depression? Depression is a mental disorder.

Do we have to blame ourselves only for not coping with stress, for being sad, or are there any factors other than our personalities?

I suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), a condition in which the blood-brain barrier is permanently broken down, so that even the smallest traces of chemicals can cause severe symptoms like headaches, tremors, insomnia, disequilibrium, etc.

A year ago I spent a day in east Cork.

The wind blew from Cork Harbour, the air was full of poison and within two hours I was in a state of fear and hopelessness.

This area is north-east of Ringaskiddy, where there are not only chemical and pharmaceutical companies but also at least five toxic waste on-site incinerators.

With prevailing south-westerly winds a lot of emissions, like dioxin, furans and other neurotoxins reach east Cork.

As | also suffer from electro-hypersensitivity (EHS), I noticed extremely high electromagnetic radiation.

In Ireland the general levels of electromagnetic radiation are far higher than on the continent.

There are three mobile phone masts visible in Midleton, two within a 400m radius.

Microwaves from mobile phones and masts break down the blood-brain barrier, creating conditions like MCS with chemicals crossing the barrier, causing severe symptoms, among them confusion, irritability and depression.

In all the recent articles on the epidemic of suicides in Ireland, many possible reasons were given, but not a single article at least to my knowledge has mentioned any environmental factors.

How could all the mental health specialists forget about the one important change in Irish society in the past 30 years the setting up of many multinational chemical and pharmaceutical companies in the Cork Harbour region, lax environmental laws and lax law enforcement?

Dorothee Krien
Roxelerstr. 26 D-48301

Informant: Sylvie

They will reorient the mobile phone antennas


Informant: Sylvie

Kommerz Gesundheit und demokratische Kultur - Gewinner und Verlierer in einer Modellregion des Mobilfunks



Liebe Leserschaft,

in den nächsten Wochen erscheint ein neues Buch zur Mobilfunkthematik. Der nachfolgende Vorspann trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf und verspricht eine spannende und aktuelle Lektüre.

Alfred Tittmann

Webmaster 1-06-05

Karl Richter/ / Hermann Wittebrock (HRSG)

Kommerz Gesundheit und demokratische Kultur
Gewinner und Verlierer in einer Modellregion des Mobilfunks

Während sich die wissenschaftlichen Hinweise auf schwerwiegende Gefährdungen kontinuierlich verdichten, werden mit der Ausbreitung der UMTS- Technik immer mehr Mobilfunk-Antennen mitten in Wohngebiete gestellt. Am Beispiel des Saarlandes, das zu einem Modelland des Mobilfunks gemacht werden soll, zeigt das vorliegende Buch aber auch modellhaft die einhergehende Verwilderung demokratischer Kultur.

Es informiert über jenen Teil wissenschaftlicher Wahrheit, der von den Verantwortlichen ignoriert oder der Bevölkerung verschwiegen wird, um eine von wirtschaftlich Interessen dominierte Politik durchzusetzen. Es macht die Verabschiedung demokratischer Grundwerte und die politische Ausbürgerung gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung bewusst. Es verfolgt die Unterwanderung der Demokratie durch kommerzielle Interessen bis hinein in wissenschaftlich unseriöse Grenzwerte, auf die sich dann Politiker, ihre Berater, aber auch Gerichte stützen.

Das Bündnis von Regierungen mit der Mobilfunkindustrie und ihrem Kapital hat zu Verflechtungen geführt, die dem demokratischen Auftrag von Transparenz und Unabhängigkeit widersprechen. Es hat einen gewaltigen politischen Stil hervorgebracht, der das demokratische Gemeinwesen schädigt und immer mehr Bürgern das Gefühl gesellschaftlicher Geborgenheit nimmt.

Ein erheblicher Teil der Bevölkerung wird gezwungen, mit seiner gesundheitlichen Gefährdung und Wertminderungen von Wohnungen und Häusern die Zeche für die Gewinne der Nutznießer zu bezahlen – ein einzigartiger gesundheits- und politischer Skandal unserer Nachkriegsgeschichte!

Röhrig Universitätsverlag GMBH
Postf. 1806 - 66368 St. Ingbert

Broschur 168 S., 2 Abb., ISBN 3-86110-394-X 15,--€

Firm drops plan for hotel mast

Telegraph and Post 1/6/05

Telecommunications firm O2 Airwave has abandoned controversial plans to erect two flagpole antennae on top of the Carnoustie Golf Course Hotel.

Angus councillors had recently admitted defeat in the fight against TETRA technology being placed on top of the hotel.

O2 Airwave gained planning permission for the site after winning the backing of the Scottish Executive following the local authority’s failure to determine its planning application last year.

But the company revealed this week the hotel site was “no longer a plausible proposition” and it had identified a new site near Pitskelly Farm.

Ryan Stinson, acquisition agent for Airwave, said, “After many months of frustrating investigations, we believe we have, in consultation with the local planning department, discovered a new, even more suitable site that not only provides the necessary radio coverage but also offers little visual impact on the residents of Carnoustie.”

The proposed location of the 30-metre lattice mast is within a band of trees on the farm’s southern boundary.

“The trees surrounding the site are approximately 25-27 metres in height and will provide screening of the structure when viewed from Carnoustie and the surrounding area,” Mr Stinson said.

He said the site was surrounded by agricultural land and would offer very little visual intrusion to surrounding properties.

Call to halt mobile phone masts

Last posted: Wednesday 1 June 2005 16:33

Bolton Evening News

CALLS are being made for mobile phone mast applications in Bolton to be suspended until the outcome of a new investigation into any hazards they pose is known.

Cllr Carl Dennis wants a freeze on all applications to erect masts across the borough.

He made the call after three new bids were lodged to build phone masts in his Harper Green ward.

Cllr Dennis has backed campaigns opposing each of the masts over fears that they could impact on the health of people living nearby.

He said: "We should not be granting permission to build these things close to homes and schools when we do not know how dangerous they could be. I understand that people use mobiles and that they need masts, but I believe we should try and put them as far away from people's homes as possible."

T-Mobile has applied to erect a mast in Highfield Road outside John's Chippy and Vodaphone wants to build a mast outside the Conservative Club in Plodder Lane .

Rival firm O2 has appealed to the Secretary of State against Bolton Council's planning committee's decision to refuse its application for a mast outside the Flying Shuttle pub, also in Highfield Road .

The two new applications are due to be heard by the councillors over the next few weeks, but current planning rules prevent members of the committee from rejecting the schemes on safety grounds.

Cllr Dennis, who is a governor at the Highfield Community Primary School , near to the proposed mast sites, said: "We all have concerns over the health risks involved with these masts, but can do nothing about it. I would like to see all applications held over until the outcome of this Government investigation into the safety of masts is completed."

But Cllr David Wilkinson, executive member for environment at Bolton Council, said: "There are lingering doubts over the safety of these masts but we have to abide by the law.

"What Cllr Dennis is asking for would require the Government to introduce a major change in planning rules because at the moment they tell us we should be prepared to support the installation of phone masts."

Fears over campaign to get mast removed

01 June 2005 12:04

Norwich Evening News

Phone mast campaigners fear their campaign to get a controversial phone mast removed is faltering.

Families living in the shadow of the O2 Airwave mast on top of North Walsham police station have been invited to a private meeting in the town to gauge the level of support for continuing their High Court battle.

Matthew Pennington, a member of the Campaign Against Tetra Siting (CATS), said: "I fear we're on a hiding to nothing at the moment. I can't see how we're going to be successful at the moment — that's what we've got to debate about.

"Hopefully we will get together most of the people who are opposing the mast.

"My only big concern is that no masts are being refused anywhere in the country at the moment."

Mr Pennington, 42, who lives with his wife Rachel Kirk and son Henry, three, said they hoped to find out more news from a barrister about the strength of their case before today's meeting took place.

He added: "I would wish to find out from the community whether they are prepared to back this or not and how much money they might be willing to put forward.

"If we get the barrister's opinion then we will know if we have a legal case worth trying to pursue."

Even if the campaigners were told they did have a case, Mr Pennington said the problem would be in trying to establish how much of a case they had.

"It might be very hard to get some idea of what sort of likelihood they would give us of being successful," he said.

"One of the problems is if we don't get Legal Aid we also get stuck with the costs from the other side."

In March, the Evening News reported how campaigners planned to take their battle against the mast, which will serve the emergency services, to the High Court.

The news came just a month after members of North Norfolk District Council said they would have to back down on plans to take court action partly due to the high cost.

A London barrister told council leaders chances of success were slim and a loss in court could lay the council open to substantial costs.

But the campaigners have found an environmental solicitor in Cambridge who is willing to take their case.

Phone company O2 has been involved in a long-running battle with campaigners over the siting of the mast on Yarmouth Road .

Last year North Norfolk district councillors refused planning permission and ordered O2 Airwave to stop using the equipment because of a feared risk to public health and a breach of planning control.

But the planning inspectorate allowed an O2 appeal in January, which enabled the mast to be switched back on, saying the council did not provide compelling reasons for withholding planning permission.

· Are you battling plans to site a phone mast in your neighbourhood? Call Peter Walsh at the Evening News on (01603) 772439 or email peter.walsh@archant.co.uk

Anger at mast decision

South Wales Guardian 01/06/05

AN AMMANFORD pensioner has hit out at town councillors for failing to object to plans for a mobile phone mast in the town.

The pensioner, who does not want to be named, feels councillors should have consulted residents before telling Hutchinson 3G they had no objections to proposals.

"According to Paul Cutler, the surveyor involved with the proposed development, several bodies were consulted, including Carmarthenshire Council, Ammanford Town Council and our county councillor Hugh Evans," she said

"I am flabbergasted to think elected officials could take it upon themselves to speak for the people of Ammanford, without consultation.

"I hope it is not too late for both councils to offer objections."

At a town council meeting last week officials took the decision to write to Crown Castle, which is responsible for the installation of the mast at the former BT exchange on Heol Wallasey.

Councillor Jane Potter said she is very concerned the mast does not need planning permission.

She said: "I do feel this is a cause for concern.

"More than £7 million has been spent on research into the effects of the masts. Research does suggest the rays are harmful.

"I have advised those who have concerns to write to Carmarthenshire Council, Crown Castle and Hutchinson G3."

County councillor Hugh Evans said: "I have written to Crown Castle expressing the concerns of the residents. The problem is they don't need to submit an application to install the mast."

Challenging Cheney

by Amnesty International

Amnesty International USA's director delivers a blistering response to Dick Cheney's dismissal of Amnesty's latest report.

"It doesn't matter whether he takes Amnesty International seriously. He doesn't take torture seriously; he doesn't take the Geneva Convention seriously; he doesn't take due process rights seriously; and he doesn't take international law seriously."


—William Schulz, executive director of Amnesty International USA, in response to Vice President Dick Cheney's comment that he wasn't putting much weight on Amnesty's criticism of U.S. treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

The Most Dangerous Game

If you're sick of the Army's heavy-handed recruitment tactics -- which most recently include video games -- there's a way to take action.


Global Pyramid Scheme


by Clyde Prestowitz, The Boston Globe

Globalization is broken. With three billion low-wage workers entering the market, collapse is just a matter of time.

Source: http://www.tompaine.com/

Ethical National Security?

by Tom Barry, TomPaine.com

A team of foreign policy experts says a strong set of principles will keep America more secure than Bush's opaque agenda has.


Continue boycotting EXXON

Random Acts Of Corporate Responsibility

Here is a campaign to harrass the CEO of EXXONMOBIL, rightfully so!
Sign and send letter at:

Informant: Hopedance

Keine Angst vor den globalen Eliten

Telepolis über Bilderberg:

Alles, was über die Bilderberger rausgefunden wurde:


Has the Bush Administration Made Nuclear Proliferation Inevitable?


CDU verspricht "Tal der Tränen" nach Wahlsieg

(mopo) CDU-Wahrheitsoffensive - Bürgermeister Ole von Beust schenkt den Wählern reinen Wein ein »Es wird eine harte Zeit mit großen Opfern«.


Secret papers reveal routine American brutality at Guantanamo Bay


US regime refuses to take human rights seriously


US regime uses emergency laws to drill for oil in National Parks


Arbeitsamt und Arbeitszwang: Alltägliche Schikanen

Zur Sprache der vollständigen Okkupation des Individuums. Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit und die Produktion „marktfähiger“ Individuen.

Artikel von Antonín Dick

Es handelt sich hierbei um einen Kommentar zu: „Beschäftigungsorientiertes Fallmanagement im SGB II“ - betreutes Privatleben? Unser Special zum Fachkonzept „Beschäftigungsorientiertes Fallmanagement im SGB II“. Dies gilt auch für:

Kein Hartz IV-Geld für'n Schnaps
Arbeitslosen mit psychischen und Suchtproblemen drohen Sanktionen: Hartz-Gesetz verlangt von Hilfsdiensten Offenlegung sensibelster Daten, um "Leistungsmissbrauch" zu stoppen. Wer Hilfe verweigert oder Geld versäuft, dem droht Stützekürzung. Artikel von Eva Weikert in der taz vom 30.05.2005


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 1

Krankheit und Armut in der Sozialversicherung

Hauptsache, nicht krank

„Durch die Hartz-Reformen steigt die Zahl der Menschen ohne Krankenversicherung: Sie verlieren schnell jeden Schutz, und nur wenige Ärzte kümmern sich um sie…“ Artikel von Sebastian Jost in der Süddeutschen Zeitung vom 27.05.2005.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 1

Ein-Euro-Jobs gehören nicht an Schulen

... und auch sonst nirgendwo hin

„Für Bochum ist geplant 150 Alg II-Empfänger an Bochumer Schulen in der sog. allgemeinen und pädagogischen Schulassistenz einzusetzen. Dies ist "der bisher massivste Angriff auf soziale und arbeitsrechtliche Standards" (Norbert Müller, stellv. Vorsitzender der GEW NRW). Zurzeit dürften etwa 80 davon bereits eingesetzt sein. Ich möchte im Folgenden einen kurzen Überblick über die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen für diese Arbeitsgelegenheiten liefern sowie eine persönliche politische Einschätzung abgeben….“ Artikel von Thilo Sommer, GEW Bochum


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 1

Gesetzliche Handhabung von Arbeit und Arbeitsgelegenheit

„Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, seit Anfang dieses Jahres meldet Nürnberg jeden Monat aufs Neue Zahlen über die Entwicklung der Arbeitslosigkeit in einer Art und Weise, welche nicht nur juristisch angreifbar ist, sondern auch als verfassungswidrig eingestuft werden kann. Konkret werden Arbeitslose in den sog. „Arbeitsgelegenheiten“ nicht mehr als arbeitslos gerechnet, woraus der naheliegende Schluss gezogen werden muss, dass die BA die zwangsweise in „Arbeitsgelegenheiten“ geschobenen Arbeitslosen auch nicht mehr vermitteln will, da ja - laut Nürnberger - nicht mehr arbeitslos…“ Schreiben von Armin Kammrad an den Petitionausschuß des Deutschen Bundestages vom 29. Mai 2005.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 1

Der Ein-Euro-Irrsinn kennt keine Grenzen

Jobben ohne Job - Weiterentwicklung der Ein-Euro-Arbeitsgelegenheiten durch sogenannte Qualifizierungskurse ohne Lehrpersonal. Hauptsache, die Kasse stimmt.

„Der Ein-Euro-Irrsinn kennt keine Grenzen. Während sich Meldungen häufen, daß Kriterien der Zusätzlichkeit kaum beachtet werden, somit reguläre Arbeitsplätze gefährdet sind, gibt es in Hamburg nun Ein-Euro-Jobs auch ohne Job…“ Artikel von Andreas Grünwald in junge Welt vom 30.05.2005.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 1

Die so genannten Ein-Euro-Jobs werden in vielen Fällen missbraucht

Außer Kontrolle - Die so genannten Ein-Euro-Jobs werden in vielen Fällen missbraucht - ver.di zieht nun vor Gericht.

„Die Schaffung der so genannten Ein-Euro-Jobs läuft in hohem Maße unkontrolliert durch die Bundesagentur für Arbeit ab. In vielen örtlichen Arbeitsgemeinschaften (ARGE), die für die Umsetzung des Gesetzes zuständig sind, gehe es "drunter und drüber", berichtet ver.di-Referent Bernhard Jirku. Karl Obermann, Sprecher der Bundesfachgruppe Arbeitsverwaltung bei ver.di, spricht von sehr unterschiedlichen Zuständen. "Es gibt die Einrichtungen, die klare Standards für Arbeitsgelegenheiten formuliert haben und jene, die mit der Situation überfordert sind - oder politischen Forderungen nachgeben." Das Problem: Die gesetzlichen Vorgaben aus dem Wirtschaftsministerium sind so schwammig formuliert, dass in der Praxis Missbrauch kaum unterbunden werden kann. So bleibt, was ein Ein-Euro-Job sein darf, interpretierbar. Uwe Nebel, stellvertretender Leiter der Bochumer ARGE, bestätigt: "In den verschiedenen Arbeitsgemeinschaften bestehen unterschiedliche Auffassungen, was als Ein-Euro-Job gefördert werden kann oder nicht…." Artikel von Uta Andresen in ver.di-publik 06/07.2005


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 1

Cell Phones and Brain Tumors

Cell phones and brain tumors in page 1-2 (text by Stefan Lonn)
look also at the experts opinions on pages 4-5


Informant: Iris Atzmon

Beware the vitamin police


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Drift to world government?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Memorial day 2005: Are we even worthy?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The ayatollah of holy rollers


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What are you going to do with that?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Impeachment - then and now


by Tim Grieve


George W. Bush hasn't authorized or covered up any two-bit break-ins, at least as far as we know. And if they're still making tapes in the Oval Office, they're probably not quite as colorful as the ones that ultimately forced Nixon to resign. But Bush and his administration are certainly guilty of other offenses, and some of them would seem to rise to the level of what the Constitution calls 'high crimes and misdemeanors.' This should go without saying, but apparently it doesn't: If lying about a blow job is an impeachable offense, then what can be said about telling lies that led a country into war? [subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US has long history of waging wrong wars


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Non-Aggression Principle


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why Do They Hate Us So Much?


The Dynamics Of Wars Sired By Liars


Crusading for God






'Lungs of Europe' under threat from forest fires


From Oly Ecology Center

Get us an exit strategy

May 31, 2005


Dear Citizens' Initiative ,

We know your motives in working for peace are pure, but what if we added a little spice to the mix? How about this: You get your representative to call for an exit strategy for our troops in Iraq, and we'll give you your very own exit strategy -- i.e. a free weekend in Mexico! We have lots of other wild and wonderful prizes as well.

So here's the deal . Remember the amendment by Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (House Resolution 35) calling on Bush to bring the troops home as soon as possible ? So far, only 32 congress people have signed on, and we've got to change that. From May 31 to June 3, CODEPINK joins other peace and social justice groups in a national week long write-in/call-in campaign to hold our elected officials accountable for their vote on the $82 billion for continued war in Iraq, as well as urging them to sign-on to Lynn Woolsey's Resolution (H. Con. Res. 35) calling for the immediate withdrawal of our troops from Iraq.

Congress is in recess this week (May 31-June 3) and all the members are back home. It's the perfect time to go to their local office and insist that they sign on to Resolution 35 calling on the President to develop and implement a plan to begin the immediate withdrawal of US Armed Forces from Iraq. And if you can't get to their office or they are not home, call and send an email.....early and often.

For many of you, this will be a piece of cake. Over 100 reps signed on to a very similar amendment in the Defense authorization bill last week, so they should sign onto this resolution, they just need more pressure from you.

For all the information you need click here:

To win one of the prizes, we need a photo of you (in pink , of course) WITH your rep while he/she is signing the resolution. We'll put it up on our website as an inspiration to all, and we'll give you a choice of prizes on a first-come first-served basis. You have until July 4 to get the signature. And...if you can't get your rep to sign on but you did an awesome job trying to convince them, send us photos of your valiant efforts and we might have a special prize for you as well. Send photos and emails to exitiraq@codepinkalert.org . The ultimate prize we're all working for is the day when all the troops are out of Iraq.

Who said activism can't be fun? So get ready, get set, and get going. Your weekend in Baja awaits you...

Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Tiffany

Vicar in church mobile mast row

BBC New Online 31st may 2005

Mobile phone operators have disputed safety fears about masts

A vicar has angered parishioners by supporting a plan to erect a mobile phone mast on a church spire.

The congregation has collected 500 signatures calling on the church to scrap the plan, which they say is inappropriate at a consecrated site.

But the Rev Elaine Bardwell says the mast at St Michael and All Angels in New Marston, Oxford, would help raise much-needed church funds.

The Oxford diocese says it is a parish matter that must be decided locally.

'Modern church'

Opponents of the plan say they are also concerned about the possible health impact of a mast, although risks have been disputed by mobile phone operators.

Rev Bardwell told the BBC: "We are a modern building, we are a modern church, we live in the real world and we think it is a good place for the mast.

"We have had a series of public meetings and listened to all the views expressed and will be keeping a very close eye on the health and safety issues involved."

Anne Furtado, who lives near the church, said: "More people have signed that petition than go to the church on a Sunday.

"I don't understand how they cannot pay any attention at all to what the people who have signed think."

Wal-Mart Battles Turn Ugly







Title: To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [OH-10] (introduced 5/18/2005) Cosponsors (34)

Latest Major Action: 5/18/2005 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

COSPONSORS(34), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]: (Sort: by date)

Rep Abercrombie, Neil [HI-1] - 5/18/2005
Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 5/18/2005
Rep Brown, Sherrod [OH-13] - 5/26/2005
Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14] - 5/18/2005
Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] - 5/18/2005
Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2] - 5/18/2005
Rep Filner, Bob [CA-51] - 5/18/2005
Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4] - 5/26/2005
Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] - 5/18/2005
Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22] - 5/18/2005
Rep Holt, Rush D. [NJ-12] - 5/18/2005
Rep Honda, Michael M. [CA-15] - 5/18/2005
Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [IL-2] - 5/18/2005
Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] - 5/18/2005
Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. [NY-14] - 5/26/2005
Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] - 5/18/2005
Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3] - 5/18/2005
Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. [GA-4] - 5/18/2005
Rep Meeks, Gregory W. [NY-6] - 5/18/2005
Rep Michaud, Michael H. [ME-2] - 5/18/2005
Rep Miller, George [CA-7] - 5/18/2005
Rep Moore, Gwen [WI-4] - 5/18/2005
Rep Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8] - 5/26/2005
Rep Owens, Major R. [NY-11] - 5/18/2005
Rep Rahall, Nick J., II [WV-3] - 5/18/2005
Rep Sanders, Bernard [VT] - 5/26/2005
Rep Serrano, Jose E. [NY-16] - 5/18/2005
Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [CA-13] - 5/18/2005
Rep Tierney, John F. [MA-6] - 5/18/2005
Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 5/26/2005
Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. [NY-12] - 5/26/2005
Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] - 5/18/2005
Rep Watson, Diane E. [CA-33] - 5/18/2005
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 5/18/2005


STOP THE WEAPONIZATION OF SPACE -- (House of Representatives - May 19, 2005)


(Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, the administration, through senior Air Force officials, wants the U.S. to achieve military supremacy in outer space. Dominating all earth from outer space will have an out-of-world price tag, perhaps more than $1 trillion.

A question: Why reach for the stars with guns in our hands? Are there weapons of mass destruction on Mars?

Yesterday 28 Members of Congress signed on to H.R. 2420, a bill to stop the weaponization of space, urging the President to sign an international treaty to ban such weapons. If we work together towards creating peace on earth, we would not bring war to the high heavens.

While some fantasize about being ``masters of the universe,'' there are 45 million Americans without health insurance. Corporations are reneging on pension obligations. Social Security is under attack. We are headed towards a $400 billion annual budget deficit, a $600 billion trade deficit, an $8 trillion national debt. The cost of the war in Iraq is over $200 billion. While we build new bases in Iraq, we close them in the United States.

Earth to Washington, D.C. Earth to Washington, D.C. D.C., call home.

TEXT OF Space Preservation Act of 2005 (Introduced in House)

HR 2420 IH


1st Session

H. R. 2420

To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes.


May 18, 2005

Mr. KUCINICH (for himself, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. TIERNEY, Mr. HOLT, Mr. FATTAH, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. LEE, Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. HINCHEY, Ms. MCKINNEY, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. STARK, Mr. OWENS, Mr. HONDA, Ms. WATERS, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Ms. WATSON, Mr. FILNER, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. MEEKS of New York, and Mr. MCDERMOTT) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Space Preservation Act of 2005'.


Congress reaffirms the policy expressed in section 102(a) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (42 U.S.C. 2451(a)), stating that it `is the policy of the United States that activities in space should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of all mankind.'.


The President shall--

(1) implement a ban on space-based weapons of the United States and the use of weapons of the United States to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit; and

(2) immediately order the termination of research and development, testing, manufacturing, production, and deployment of all space-based weapons of the United States.


The President shall direct the United States representatives to the United Nations and other international organizations to immediately work toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing an international treaty banning space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit.


The President shall submit to Congress not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 6 months thereafter, a report on--

(1) the implementation of the ban on space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit required by section 3; and

(2) progress toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing the treaty described in section 4.


Nothing in this Act may be construed as prohibiting the use of funds for--

(1) space exploration;

(2) space research and development;

(3) testing, manufacturing, or production that is not related to space-based weapons or systems; or

(4) civil, commercial, or defense activities (including communications, navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning, or remote sensing) that are not related to space-based weapons or systems.


In this Act:

(1) The term `space' means all space extending upward from an altitude greater than 110 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such space.

(2) The terms `space-based weapon' and `space-based system' mean a device capable of damaging or destroying an object or person (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or on Earth) by--

(A) firing one or more projectiles to collide with that object or person;

(B) detonating one or more explosive devices in close proximity to that object or person; or

(C) any other undeveloped means.


Campaign for Cooperation in Space

From ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space

Wolfowitz and the Sharpening of Economic Policy as a Weapon of Mass Impoverishment


Gitmo Detainees Say They Were Sold 'Like Fish'


Blowing the whistle on the Iraq War charade

The following are a few of many issues which should have rung alarm bells in the lead up to the war.


From Information Clearing House

CIA widens war on terror with secret flights

Behind a surprisingly thin cover of rural hideaways, front companies and shell corporations that share officers who appear to exist only on paper, the CIA has rapidly expanded its air operations since 2001 as it has pursued and questioned terrorism suspects around the world.


Bolton: Secrets Spilled?

The bitter debate about John Bolton's nomination to the United Nations may have called unwelcome attention to the spying practices of the National Security Agency. Bolton told Congress last month that he asked the NSA for the names of Americans in raw intel reports. NSA rules prohibit the agency from spying on Americans


From Information Clearing House

Blood and Oil In Central Asia

The New Great Game: Blood and Oil In Central Asia:

Crude oil, once seen as a wealth-creating blessing for mankind, is fast turning into the “devil’s tears”. The struggle to control the world’s remaining energy reserves increasingly culminates in bloody conflicts and the killing of innocent civilians, with the war in Iraq only being the latest example.


From Information Clearing House

Fewer and Fewer Latinos Willing to Die in Iraq

A total of 215 Latino soldiers serving in the U.S. army have already died in Iraq, but according to anti-war activists, this bad news comes with a silver lining: an ever smaller number of young people of Latin American descent are enlisting in the armed forces.


From Information Clearing House

60,000 Iraqis 'Disappeared' into US Camps

Dahr Jamail Back in the area after a brief US visit, hear Dahr's latest astounding update --with Fintan Dunne.

Audio file

From Information Clearing House

Operation Desperation; Rumsfeld's Baghdad fiasco

"I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." Vice President Dick Cheney; assessing the strength of the insurgency on CNN's Larry King 5-30-05

by Mike Whitney

It's clear now that the size and strength of the insurgency has surpassed all the previous predictions and that the civilian leadership of the occupation forces is lashing out in desperation to quell the violence. Iraq has quickly degenerated into the most poorly executed military campaign in American history.


The Real Star Wars: Bush's Missile Defense Plan


Hold the Bush Administration Accountable


John Bolton is Not a Moderate



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