
The Republican Crack Up


Moving Out of the Superpower Orbit


America's Mortal Secret


Secrecy, Propaganda Seen Sweeping US


Blatant disregard for humanity and its environmental and other needs

King George, Prince Abdullah, Global Warming, and the Torture of Thomas Jefferson:

The dominant values are profit, power, empire, and the never-ending quest for capital accumulation - guiding principles that lead often enough to the embrace of atavistic, "pre-modern" barbarism and blatant disregard for humanity and its environmental and other needs.


From Information Clearing House

George W. Bush and the gospel of freedom and liberty

The administration's omnipresent emphasis on freedom and liberty functions as the centerpiece for "a theological version of Manifest Destiny." If so, one must note the risk of repeating today what previous versions of Manifest Destiny did in the past:


From Information Clearing House

End Torture Now

Flash Presentation

From Information Clearing House

Comprehensive Report Documents Use of Psychological Torture by US Forces

Abu Ghraib-One Year Later: Comprehensive Report Documents Use of Psychological Torture by US Forces:

A new report provides extensive evidence that psychological torture was systematic and central to the interrogation process of detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo.


From Information Clearing House

Dahr Jamail Interviews Mark Manning

Mark Manning spent one week inside Fallujah with a video camera interviewing survivors of the November siege. Hours of video tape documenting the atrocities that occured in Fallujah were stolen the day Mark returned to the US in a well-timed double break-in that was followed by weeks of intimidation and threats.


Dahr Jamail's Lecture


Rep. calls for deeper inquiry into secret Iraq attack plan

"Unfortunately, the mainstream media in the United States was too busy with wall-to-wall coverage of a "runaway bride" to cover a bombshell report out of the British newspapers," Conyers writes.


From Information Clearing House

The British Attorney General's Legal Advice, Government Spin And The Iraq War


These are Blair's last days

Iraq is our greatest foreign policy calamity in modern history and the reckoning has only just begun.


'Failure is not an option, but it doesn't mean they will avoid it'


From Information Clearing House

Ask Tony Blair

Video ITV

Dyke condemns Blair's government

Another Blair government would be a danger to democracy, former BBC director general Greg Dyke has said at a Lib Dem campaign news conference.


From Information Clearing House

Papers reveal commitment to war

Secret documents indicate Blair support for military action a year before invasion took place.


Iraq: When Was The Die Cast?

by John Prados, TomPaine.com

The leak of a highly classified memo finally confirms that Bush decided to invade Iraq and to deceive America a year before the invasion.


A poison wind: Toxic mercury blows into Utah from Nevada


Informant: Carrie Dann

Lesebrille im Frontgrill


Nachricht von Ulrich Weiner

Auf dem Weg zur Volksseuche

"Handystrahlung schadet Gesundheit"

Die Strahlung von Mobilfunk beeinflusse Gehirnströme und beeinträchtige die Gesundheit. Auf dieses Ergebnis kommt Gerd Oberfeld, Umweltmediziner des Landes, in einer Studie.

Donnerstag, 28.04.05

"Auf dem Weg zur Volksseuche"

Zwölf Personen hatten sich freiwillig für dieses Experiment zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Ergebnisse sollen nun in internationalen Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht und durch weitere Untersuchungen abgesichert werden.

Unsere Gesellschaft befinde sich beim Thema Handy und ergänzenden Produkten wie Video-Telefonie und immer stärker strahlenden Datennetzen auf dem Weg zu einer Volksseuche, sagt Umweltmediziner Oberfeld und verlangt:

"Politik sollte endlich handeln"

"Die Politik muss sich generell verstärkt mit dieser Thematik beschäftigen und endlich handeln. Es geht um gravierende Auswirkungen, die für die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung und die der Gesellschaft als Ganzes einfach nicht tragbar sind."

"Kein Abbau mehr möglich"

Es sei schon allein aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen unrealistisch, dass alle Handymasten deswegen abgebaut werden könnten, ergänzt Oberfeld und verweist auf den starken politischen und internationalen Einfluss von Telekommunikationskonzernen.

Die Gesellschaft sei aber aufgefordert, alles zu unternehmen, um Strahlenbelastungen zu vermindern und nicht noch weiter ausbauen zu lassen.

"Man kann das mit Dauerlärm vergleichen"

"Es ist erstmals der Nachweis gelungen, dass nicht nur Handys selbst gewisse Schäden auslösen können sondern auch die Sendeanlagen selbst. Das biologische System des Gehirns reagiert auf externe Faktoren.

Man kann das mit Dauerlärm vergleichen. Es kommt auch bei diesem auf Dauer und Einwirkzeit an. Gleich verhält es sich bei elektromagnetischen Feldern."

"International nicht mehr tragbare Situation"

Oberfeld fordert, dass mit dieser Technologie in Zukunft sorgsamer und besser umgegangen werde. Die Situation sei international nicht mehr tragbar aus umweltmedizinischer Sicht.

Grüne fordern Konsequenzen

Die Landesregierung müsse sich dafür einsetzen, dass der Salzburger Vorsorgewert auf Bundesebene gesetzlich verankert werde, fordert die Grüne Landtagsabgeordnete Heidi Reiter.

Die Studie dürfe "auf keinen Fall in den Schubladen verschwinden", sagt die Grüne Umweltsprecherin, denn Betroffene hätten ein Recht darauf, vor zu hoch strahlenden Mobilfunkanlagen geschützt zu werden.


Nachricht von Ulrich Weiner

Kleine 'Atomkraftwerke': Handys strahlen so stark, dass die DNA beschädigt wird

Die Medien werden immer direkter, jetzt meldet sich auch der STERN zu Wort:

Kleine 'Atomkraftwerke': Handys strahlen so stark, dass die DNA beschädigt wird

Aufgrund der widersprüchlichen Ergebnisse zu dem Thema Handystrahlung wurde die europäische 'Reflex'-Studie ins Leben gerufen, um endlich Klarheit zu schaffen. Das Ergebnis ist erschreckend, denn selbst in kleiner Dosis kann sie das Erbgut schädigen.

Man hat für die Untersuchung sehr hohe Qualitätsmaßstäbe gesetzt, um möglichst gute Resultate zu erhalten. Schon durch eine Strahlung von 0,3 SAR/Kg (die Einheit der Strahlungsintensität) wird die DNA verändert, wodurch z. B. Krebs entstehen kann.

Der aktuelle Grenzwert für Handys liegt bei 2 SAR/Kg, deshalb fordern die Forscher eine Senkung auf 0,2 SAR/Kg, was die Empfangsqualität aber nicht schmälern soll. Es wird geraten Kinder von Handys fernzuhalten und selber die Nutzung einzuschränken.


Quelle: http://www.stern.de

Copyright ©1995-2005 GoNamic GmbH / stern.de GmbH

Nachricht von Ulrich Weiner

Secret REAL ID talks still ongoing


Informant: Lori R. Price



3 mill. euros Irish jury award for patient misdiagnosed as psychotic & sectioned

This judgement sets down a valuable legal precedent for those of us with EHS who have been misdiagnosed, shunted into psychiatric facilities and ordered onto inappropriate anti-psychotic medication. Even finding a lawyer to bring a case like this to court is a feat in itself, and then not only for the plaintiff, John Manweiller, to win such a difficult case but to have the horrendous nature of the injustice done to him underscored by granting the plaintiff the highest ever Irish jury award is stunning!

I am one of the many who have been misdiagnosed in a similar fashion but my pleas in Ireland for legal help to bring my case to court here were refused by (among others) the Irish Legal Aid Board and The Irish Human Rights Commission. But with this judgement and the obvious relaxation of time limit for the plaintiff (statue of limitations on medical cases is normally three years) things look far brighter now for similar cases having a happy court outcome.

You have archived a number of postings I've sent you on EHS and misdiagnosis as psychosis. In case the information in some of these postings might in any way help other EHS sufferers who have undergone a similar fate and now wish to consider legal action, here is a selection of them:

Citizens Initiative Omega (C.I.O.) 15/9/02: "Another tragic misdiagnosis of an EHS sufferer who has been locked up and forcibly medicated"

C.I.O. 19/9/02 "EMF and Schizophrenia"

C.I.O. 5/7/03 "Human Rights violations applicable to EHS misdiagnosis"

C.I.O. 11/7/03 "Visual demo of effects when EHS is misdiagnosed as psychosis"

C.I.O. 13/12/03 "Amnesty 2004 Campaign for the Human Rights of EHS sufferers"

I am also including today a copy of my appeal letter for legal support to the Irish Human Rights Commission in August 03 (my appeal was unsuccessful) as it points up how similar the bases of this court case is with my own. In both instances standard/proper medical procedures were not adhered to. However, I did not include the full horror of medical carelessness in my appeal letter. I omitted that my prior permission was not sought nor was I advised as to the side effects, etc of anti-psychotic medication. Furthermore, even the writing out of this prescription was badly messed up (the combination was wrong) by a doctor and over succeeding months I was turned into a dribbling, shuffling totally demoralised person who could barely think straight and with frozen shoulders which necessitated seeking the help of a private therapist! And yet I was refused all legal redress! Let's just hope we will now see many EHS sufferers who were subjected to similar medical interventions taking their cases to the courts.

MY APPEAL LETTER OF August 12, 2003.


Mr. Des Hogan, Senior Caseworker
Irish Human Rights Commission
17-19 Lower Hatch St., Dublin 2.

August 12, 2003

Dear Mr. Hogan:

This is my formal appeal letter to the negative decision of the Commission's Casework Committee as stated in your letter to me dated 16 July 2003.

I wish the committee to review their decision based on the following reasons:

1. The first reason cited for refusing my request was this: "no human right appears to have been violated insofar as the condition cited ("electromagnetic sensitivity" or "electromagnetic hypersensitivity") is not at present recognised nationally or internationally in medical or legal terms, so as to bring it within the relevant national or international human rights standards".

But the committee ignored in their response to me all the human rights violations in my case that occurred which were apart from ES/EHS. I enumerated these in length in my email to you of July 4, 2003, and you informed me in your letter dated 7 August 2003 that the committee were given copies of the Human Rights violations that I enumerated. Yet, the committee omitted any reference to these. I now request the committee to respond to me regarding the specific violations I present in my emailed account of these of July 4, 2003.

2. The second reason cited for refusal is the committee's belief that my case would not be successful. But this is premised on the fact that ES/EHS has not been formally acknowledged in medical or legal terms. If it were premised on facts I stressed while writing up my list of Human Rights violations that arise in my case, then there could be a far stronger chance of my case being successful.

I believe this to be true because it is widely reported that the Human Rights of patients in mental health care have been shockingly abused. Given that generally acknowledged fact, the abuses I enumerate that I have experienced arise from a context that is known to harbour such abuses. Various governmental, medical and Human Rights organisations (for instance Amnesty International's campaign for 2003) are engaged in reform measures to correct abuses to the Human Rights of patients who have been or are in psychiatric care. It is regrettable that as yet medical misdiagnosis does not feature prominently in their lists for reforms in this area because there is a strong likelihood that given the apparent legal lacuna many patients may have been misdiagnosed. If my individual action which seeks an acknowledgement of wrongdoing in this area--medical misdiagnosis of mental illness--is successful it most likely will benefit a group whose medical experiences are similar to mine. (As Lord Laird of Artigarvan expressed it in yesterday's The Irish Times, p. 14: "Human rights are enjoyed by individuals and a group may collectively benefit.") Please refer to the article "Group set up to prepare new policy on mental health" that appeared in The Irish Times last week (Tuesday, August 5, 2003, p.5)

3. I am now submitting to you new material that highlights that the medical diagnostic process for arriving at a valid conclusion regards my condition was drastically circumvented when I first presented with symptoms in December 1996. In other words standard medical procedures were not adhered to in my case. I wish the committee to refer to the sections relating to diagnostic procedures for establishing the presence of specific mental illnesses as presented by the authors, Patricia Casey and Ciaran Craven in PSYCHIATRY AND THE LAW (1999). Then I wish the committee to refer to my medical file and observe major irregularities in adherence to standard procedures.

Most importantly I wish the committee to be aware that I was not interviewed and my case history was acquired from a relative (a sister) who lived in a different country from me and who had lived a totally different life style. She is a former nun who has lived most of her life secluded in a convent and has been solely domiciled in Ireland. As pointed out in PSYCHIATRY AND THE LAW: "Interestingly, little scientific attention has been directed to establishing the reliability of informants or to identifying those informants who are most reliable." (page 30.)

The authors of the cited text above also describe in quite some detail "The Psychiatric Interview." (31 ff.)I was not interviewed. My consent to allow an informant to be interviewed was not sought. And there was no question of me not being lucid nor incapable of being interviewed. Please refer to footnote 16, page 31 which addresses exceptions to the necessity of requiring a patient's consent. These exceptions did not arise in my case. The G.P. who wrote the note for me to be accepted into psychiatric care did not interview me. I was less than five minutes in her office. Indeed, she didn't even offer me a seat in her office and she was already writing the note as I entered the room based on the prior information of an informant. I stress again that no standard procedures were adhered to in my case.

And the result for me of this waiving of medical standard procedures and being placed on a medical misdiagnostic belt that I couldn't get off is that I am permanently defined as a "former mental patient."

You should be aware that this is the most damaging identity a person could have. Even the fact that I am now focused on legal action to rectify this injustice may be viewed by mental health specialists as symptomatic of mental illness! Being litigious is a characteristic of such people, they say!

I ask members of the committee how they would feel if they had walked in my shoes and this had been done to them in the name of medical care? And what would each of them feel while reading this newspaper caption "Former mental patient takes legal action." Would they not squirm seeing how they were being defined and knowing what being "a former mental patient" conveys?

It is not an exaggeration to say that what has been done to me is equivalent to the very worst libel and due to this medical error I have been doomed to a quality of life that is socially and in many other ways a death-sentence.

I hope the committee will consider what I have said above and I look forward to their response.


Imelda O'Connor, Ph.D.



A High Court jury has awarded record damages of almost 3 million [euros] to a Dublin man, after it found he was unlawfully detained in a psychiatric hospital and had continued taking a treatment drug because a doctor threatened to lock him up if he failed to do so.

The award is the highest made by a High Court jury and comes after a 1.7 [euros] million award made earlier this month to a woman who was sexually and physically abused by her father over a number of

John Manweiller (64), Rosemount Court, Dundrum, and formerly of Cross Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin, was awarded 2,922,000 and costs - estimated at a total of 400,000 [euros] for both sides - at the close of his successful action against the Eastern Health Board.

Mr Manweiller alleged he was unlawfully detained in St Brendan's Hospital, Grangegorman, from September until December 1984 and also for a time in November 1991.

It is also claimed he was forced to take a drug named Clopixol when discharged from hospital, which he did not want to take.

After the jury members returned with their verdict yesterday evening following an absence of more than three hours, Mr Manweiller said: "I was always confident that I had a good case." He added that he got some of the information for his case under the freedom of Information Act.

Mr Justice Eamon de Valera said there should be a payout of 250,000 [euros] to Mr Manweiller, pending an appeal by the EHB to the Supreme Court.

In his claim, Mr Manweiller sought damages for alleged personal injury, loss and damage sustained by him arising out of the negligence and breach of duty of the EHB, its servants or agents, and for trespass to his person, assault, battery, false imprisonment and breach of his constitutional rights, in particular his right to liberty. The EHB denied the claims.

Mr Justice de Valera and the jury were told by John Rogers SC, with Padraic Dwyer, for Mr Manweiller, that in 1984 his client was living at home with his parents in Cross Avenue. He became upset about his father's will and felt he was not told enough about it. In September 1984 he was sorting tools and asked his mother, then aged 83, about missing tools. She said she knew nothing about them. He raised his voice, and she cried. She left the house to go to his sister, Pauline. Pauline and a brother, Colm, arrived at the house and told him he had to go to St Brendan's [Dublin's best known psychiatric hospital].

Mr Manweiller was driven to hospital and ended up being there until December 14th, 1984. In December a doctor noted he was to get Clopixol, a psychotic drug. The following month he was given Clopixol, to which he had a reaction, and was given another drug to counteract it. Mr Rogers and Mr Manweiller's case was that he should never had been in hospital. There was no legal authority for his being there and the way he was treated. He was on Clopixol for years. In March 1991 he was transferred to a clinic in Baggot Street for treatment, but in November was readmitted to St Brendan's for nearly a month. In 1993 he was moved to a clinic in Cork Street. In October 1994 he was told he was to be taken off Clopixol and was weaned off it.

In their decision yesterday, the members of the jury found that a consultant, Dr Harry Burke, now retired, did not have "good and sufficient reason" to consider it proper to detain Mr Manweiller on September 27th, 1984. The jury also decided that Dr Burke was negligent in prescribing Clopixol for Mr Manweiller on December 4th, 1984, and that Dr Burke and other doctors were negligent in continuing the Clopixol treatment until december 1995.

The jury also found that Dr. Burke threatened to have Mr Manweiller locked up in a unit at St Brendan's if he failed to continue on Clopixol, and Mr Manweiller had submitted to that treatment solely because of the threat.

In addition the jury found that the EHB, its servants or agents, had aggravagted the injury to Mr Manweiller by the manner in which the board conducted its defence of the action."

The two other main Irish daily broadheets--IRISH INDEPENDENT and IRISH EXAMINER also carried the story in today's editions.

Omega see also:

Man gets €3m over psychiatric detention

Current Execution Alerts

Please forward and cross-post this message widely.

Connecticut scheduled to carry out first execution in New England in 44 years

Michael Ross is scheduled to be executed May 13 despite his proven mental illness

Ross, a serial killer and graduate of Cornell University , has been diagnosed with mental illness by several mental health professionals, including the state's own psychiatrist, Dr. Robert Miller.

According to evidence presented at trial, Ross' childhood consisted of abuse from his mother. His siblings testified at trial that he often received the br unt of their mother's anger through physical and mental abuse. Ross' mother was institutionalized twice for issues pertaining to suicidal tendencies and for the abuse of her children. Ross has dropped his appeals and hastened his own execution.

Act now by asking Gov. Jodi Rell to grant clemency for Michael Ross.

Read More and Take Action at

Meanwhile, Texas plans to execute Richard Cartwright - a potentially innocent man

The state's case against Cartwright relied heavily on the testimony of his co-defendants and circumstantial evidence. Nevertheless, he was found guilty and sentenced to death. He has maintained his innocence.

Read More and Take Action at

See and act on all current Execution Alerts at

May 3: Lonnie Pursley, Texas

May 6: Earl Richmond Jr. , North Carolina

May 12: George James Miller,

May 13: Michael Ross, Connecticut

May 18: Bryan Wolfe, Texas

May 18: Vernon Brown, Missouri

May 19: Richard Cartwright, Texas

May 19: Gary Thomas Allen, Oklahoma

Kommunikationsprobleme beim US-Militär

Der volle Text des vom Pentagon stark geschwärzten Berichts über den Vorfall, bei dem der italienische Agent Calipari getötet und die Journalistin Sgrena verletzt wurde, verrät einige interessante Einzelheiten.


Golfing with Tom DeLay


Making a Killing: The Big Business of War


Protests Urge Stop Nukes, Bring Troops Home


America Betrayed


Informant: Milo

Police toy with 'less lethal' weapons


Informant: Kelly Taylor

Federal and State Courts Authorize 1,710 Wiretaps in 2004


Informant: Kelly Taylor

Am 12. Mai ein blau-weiss-rotes NON!

Am 12. Mai ratifiziert der Bundestag die EU-Verfassung, und zwar explizit zu diesem Zeitpunkt, um damit das Referendum in Frankreich am 29. Mai zu beeinflussen.

Es ist an uns, welches Bild sich einprägt, wenn an diesem Tag in der französischen Presse über das Verhältnis der Deutschen zur EU-Verfassung berichtet wird: Stimmvieh und ein triumphierender Schröder im Reichstag oder eine großes, aus Menschen gebildetes NON in den Farben der Trikolore davor.

Wir rufen euch daher auf:
Kommt am 12. Mai nach Berlin! Formiert mit uns um 12:00h das deutsche NON! (Der genaue Treffpunkt wird noch über die Homepage bekannt gegeben).

Im Anschluß, ab 13:00 h, werden wir am Brandenburger Tor ein kleines Fest für ein "Europa von unten" feiern:

- Gäste aus Frankreich und möglicherweise weiteren europäischen Ländern werden ein Grußwort an uns richten,

- Grußwörter von Freunden außerhalb Europa, die uns per Post erreicht haben, werden deutlich machen, was für die außereuropäische Welt ein NON bedeuten kann,

- Prominente Gegner der EU-Verfassung werden ihre Gründe für ein NON öffentlich bekannt geben

- aus Kehl wird uns ein leeres Buch für ein "Europa von unten übergeben, das die Franzosen dort auf der Europa-Brücke überreicht haben (werden)

- erste Vorschläge für das Europa von unten können bereits gesammelt und in das Buch eintragen werden, das wir dann selbst in Europa weiterreichen können

- und natürlich werden wir musizieren und eine Zauberin wird uns mit ihren Kunststücken in Erstaunen versetzen

Stephan Lindner, Adolph Riekenberg, Angelika Shams, Carl Waßmuth

-- Angelika Shams * Mitglied im Attac-Bundeskoordinierungskreis Egertstraße 12 * 75365 Calw-Stammheim * email: shams@attac.de Fon: 07051 / 935 675 * 0179 / 513 41 59 * Fax: 07051 / 935 677

Defense Department Invokes Geneva Conventions to Withhold Torture Photos


Informant: Charles Bremer

Hundreds of thousands of Germans protest corporate greed


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Playing God at the FDA


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Reconsidering the Patriot Act


Lying Us Into War


Yesterday and today


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Team Bush goes unpunished for torture


When the Abu Ghraib photos first emerged, there was a sense of outrage. But even though allegations of torture, not just in Iraq, but also in Afghanistan, in Guantánamo Bay, and in secret CIA prisons, continue to surface, the indignation has died down. When the subject of torture comes up, Bush's war on terror is often cited to deflect attention from the disgusting images. Yet a recent Gallup Poll found 60 percent of Americans would not support torture, even against a terrorist who had information about an impending attack. So why has the revulsion disappeared? If we were confronted with pictures of US personnel torturing Swedes, would demands that the perpetrators be brought to justice have evaporated so easily?


from TruthOut, by Marjorie Cohn

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dominionist domination


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

I'm ready for my close-up


Up until a few years ago, the notion that you might be the center of the universe and the object of everyone's attention was either infantile or insane. But today, it feels a little something like that when you visit Washington DC in this post-9/11 era. Although there's a lesser military presence and I didn't see any rooftop snipers on my most recent visit (both were obvious when I traveled to the nation's capital just as the war in Iraq was getting underway), there are cameras everywhere. If you feel like you're being watched, it's because you are. While that's a sad fact of life in many cities today, it's even more so in Washington...


from The Price of Liberty, by Lady Liberty

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush bluster exacerbates nuclear proliferation


As North Korea tests a short-range missile and Iran threatens to resume its enrichment of nuclear fuel, President Bush and his administration continue their counterproductive bluster against these two nations. The United States is preparing to echo its hard-line rhetoric as 180 countries meet this month for the periodic review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Yet only fantasy generals on the big screen use macho bombast against their fictional foes. The best real-life commanders try to walk quietly in the enemy’s moccasins to best predict their next move. The Bush administration spends so much time strutting and flexing before the world gallery that it fails to realize that such behavior accelerates nuclear proliferation...


from Independent Institute, by Ivan Eland

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The new slavery - YOU ARE ALL SLAVES


Whether you like it or not; whether you want to or not, six months out of every year you work for the State. Yes, the new slavery embraces us one and all. The State takes our money without our consent and tells us they possess eminent domain over our property. The term 'eminent domain' means superior ownership. The State owns everything, folks! And you have to pay a tax to the Democrats and Republicans for the privilege of using your own property. You become a sharecropper for a government best describe as a bloated beast of bureaucracy. A two-party political system ties our hands in endless twines of regulations, and enslaves us as generation after generation is bred to make more money for a black hole of bureaucracy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

from Liberty For All, by R. Lee Wrights



Informant: Scott Munson

Remembering the Rubicon


Until last year's presidential election, ordinary citizens could claim that our foreign policy, including the invasion of Iraq, was George Bush's doing and that we had not voted for him. In 2000, Bush lost the popular vote and was appointed president by the Supreme Court. In 2004, he garnered 3.5 million more votes than John Kerry. The result is that Bush's war changed into America's war and his conduct of international relations became our own. This is important because it raises the question of whether restoring sanity and prudence to American foreign policy is still possible...


from LewRockwell.Com, by Chalmers Johnson

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Belgian doctors bill US for treating Iraqi girl


Belgian doctors sent an Iraqi girl home on Thursday after treating her for leg wounds caused by a bomb during the U.S. invasion -- and sent the 51,570 euro ($66,650) bill to the U.S. embassy. 'We haven't heard from them yet,' said Bert De Belder, coordinator of the humanitarian agency Medical Aid for Third World which brought the girl to Belgium. ... De Belder said he sent the bill to the U.S. embassy because international law dictated that an occupying force was responsible for the well-being of the country's people." [editor's note: about time -- as the signs say at better flea markets everywhere, "you break it, you bought it" - TLK]


from Reuters

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

UK: Iraq, the issue that won't go away


Tony Blair's hopes of keeping Iraq off the election agenda were dashed yesterday by the killing of the 50th British soldier in hostile action since the conflict began two years ago, renewed violence on the streets and accusations from the brother of the murdered British hostage Ken Bigley. Writing in The Independent Paul Bigley claims Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, privately urged him to issue a public apology to Mr Blair to avoid criticism of the Government damaging the Prime Minister's bid for a third election victory...


from Independent [UK]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Italy hits back over agent's death


Disputing the conclusions of a U.S. report into the fatal shooting of an Italian intelligence agent, an Italian investigation released late Monday found that stress and inexperience among U.S. soldiers played a role in the shooting. Italian intelligence agent Nicola Calipari, 50, was killed in the March 4 incident shortly after he secured the release of journalist Giuliana Sgrena, who had been held by insurgents in Iraq. U.S. soldiers opened fire on their vehicle as it approached a checkpoint en route to Baghdad International Airport...


from CNN

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rumsfeld offered to free Saddam


US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld paid a secret visit to former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and offered him freedom and possible return to public life if he made a televised request to armed groups for a ceasefire with allied forces, a media report said. Saddam promptly rejected the offer, Ynetnews reported quoting a London based Al-Quds Al-Arabi daily. The visit came during Rumsfeld's visit to Iraq about two weeks ago and was known only to a few Iraqi officials in Jordan, the Arab daily reported quoting sources...


from Hindustan Times [India] -- Hat Tip to Talk Left

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

As casualties soar, America's women face reality of front line

Facing the highest ever casualty rate for servicewomen in its history, America is considering making official what is already a reality - allowing women to fight on the front line in war.


More women bear wounds of war

On June 19, Lt. Dawn Halfaker and soldiers from her military police platoon were on a reconnaissance patrol in Baqouba, Iraq, when a rocket-propelled grenade exploded inside their armored Humvee, grievously wounding two of the soldiers inside. Dazed and covered in blood, Halfaker mustered the energy to give an order to her driver. "Get out of the kill zone!" she shouted. Halfaker's right arm was loosely connected to her torso.


A refuge for homeless female veterans

The military gave Sharon Boyd all the things that life in Pottstown, Montgomery County, couldn't: economic stability, career advancement, and the chance to travel. But after 18 years in the service, Boyd was sleeping in her Oldsmobile Royale, battling post-traumatic stress disorder and a cocaine addiction.


Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk


Swedish Cancer Foundation invests in Big Tobacco


India’s Bt Cotton Fraud


Euromayday 2005 in Hamburg

2 - 3. Tausend Menschen aus Berlin, Bremen, Bonn, Hamburg, Hanau, Köln, Nürnberg und Podsdam zeigten im Anschluss an die DGB-Kundgebung, wie eine Demo auch aussehen kann. Siehe die Bildergalerie im LabourNet mit 63 Fotos beginnend mit der DGB-Kundgebung am Großmarkt

Siehe auch

EuroMayDay in Hamburg - Bericht mit Bildern von "Rothaut" vom 01.05.2005


euromayday hamburg bilder von euromayday vom 01.05.2005 http://de.indymedia.org/2005/05/113869.shtml

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 1

Auftaktrede von Dirk Hauer zum EuroMayDay in Hamburg am 01. Mai 2005

Hamburger Mayday Parade
Bericht der euromayday-webredaktion vom 02.05.2005
Dort auch Berichte aus anderen europäischen Städten

euromayday in hamburg, das war spitze!
Bericht von h. (kein mensch ist illegal-hanau)

Übrigens: Die Bildergalerie im LabourNet beginnt mit der DGB-Kundgebung am GroßNEUmarkt natürlich…

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 2

Handy-Abzocke: Mobilfunkbetreiber bitten zur Kasse



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Mai 2005

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Wenn das Telefon krank...
http://groups.google.com/g roup/mobilfunk_newsletter/ t/6f73cb93cafc5207   htt p://omega.twoday.net/searc h?q=elektromagnetische+Str ahlen http://omega.twoday. net/search?q=Strahlenschut z https://omega.twoday.net/ search?q=elektrosensibel h ttp://omega.twoday.net/sea rch?q=Funkloch https://omeg a.twoday.net/search?q=Alzh eimer http://freepage.twod ay.net/search?q=Alzheimer https://omega.twoday.net/se arch?q=Joachim+Mutter
Starmail - 8. Apr, 08:39
Familie Lange aus Bonn...
http://twitter.com/WILABon n/status/97313783480574361 6
Starmail - 15. Mär, 14:10
Dänische Studie findet...
https://omega.twoday.net/st ories/3035537/ -------- HLV...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:48
Schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen ...
Bitte schenken Sie uns Beachtung: Interessengemeinschaft...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:01
Effects of cellular phone...
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/effects_of_cellular_p hone_emissions_on_sperm_mo tility_in_rats.htm [...
Starmail - 27. Nov, 11:08


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 8. Apr, 08:39
