
Bringing Down The House

by David Corn, TomPaine.com

With prominent Republicans publicly denouncing him, how much longer will Tom DeLay survive as majority leader?


Gen-Reis: Greenpeace deckt Skandal in China auf


Thousands of Missiles Fired by both Russian and United States


Informant: Anna Webb

Oppose the Execution of Milton Mathis

National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

posted 04/07/05

Urge Texas Governor Rick Perry not to execute Mr. Mathis and to support legislation providing alternatives to the death penalty including a moratorium.


Oppose the Execution of Douglas Alan Roberts

National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

posted 04/07/05

Email Texas Governor Perry and the Board of Pardons and Paroles asking them not to execute Mr. Roberts due to the fact that his trial attorney assisted in seeking out his death sentence.


'Stop the War' Campaign


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Wal-Mart Unionbusting Allegations

Wal-Mart Unionbusting Allegations Consistent with other Anti-Union Practices


Practice What You Preach


Shocking New Torture Allegations at Guantanamo

Center for Constitutional Rights Responds to Shocking New Torture Allegations at Guantanamo


US Takes the Lead in Trashing Planet


Author Salman Rushdie Says Bush Policies Help Islamic Terrorism


Citizens of The Hague file lawsuit for arrest of Bush

The Hague - A group of citizens from The Hague have filed a lawsuit against the state in order to allow for the arrest of president Bush as soon as he sets his feet on Dutch soil.


From Information Clearing House

A wake-up call for the Sane Majority

Does it strike you as odd that persons calling themselves Christians are furious that the U.S. Supreme Court found executing juveniles unconstitutional? Do you find even odder that such individuals describe themselves, straight-faced, as adherents of the "culture of life"?


The Poor Are Revolting

Denis Halliday resigned as co-ordinator of humanitarian relief to Iraq in 1998, after 34 years with the UN. His was the first public expression of an unprecedented rebellion within the UN bureaucracy. "We are in the process of destroying an entire society. It is as simple and terrifying as that."


From Information Clearing House

Bush's nominee for UN post 'abused and threatened his staff' Congress told

Mr Ford contradicted Mr Bolton's assertion during the first day of his confirmation hearing on Monday that he never tried to sack officials who disagreed with him.


From Information Clearing House

The Declassified Negroponte File

The 392 cables and memos record Negroponte's daily, and even hourly, activities as the powerful Ambassador to Honduras during the contra war in the early 1980s.


From Information Clearing House

Terrorist sneaks across U.S. border

Despite the presence of vigilantes on the Arizona border, a major international terrorist has apparently recently snuck across the border and entered the U.S. Yet astonishingly, only a single American newspaper, the Miami Herald, has even covered the story. Why?


From Information Clearing House

On the Wrong Side of History

This media is actually serving the cause of the totalitarians who are out there to kill hundreds and thousands of people, occupy other countries, establish concentration camps abroad and pass draconian legislations at home only for protecting their personal interests and promoting their religious fantasies.


Big rise in deserters 'fuelled by Iraq war'

The number of soldiers to desert the army or go absent without leave has more than doubled over the past year, the Ministry of Defence has revealed.


From Information Clearing House

Italian Journalist: U.S. Lied

Journalist and former hostage Giuliana Sgrena says that the American military is lying about the shooting at a security checkpoint in Iraq that wounded her and killed an Italian intelligence officer.


From Information Clearing House

Post-Traumatic Stress

"I had to pick up several of my friends piece by piece. I had to kill women, children, old men - everyone."


From Information Clearing House

Abu Ghraib convict breaks silence

A key figure in the Abu Ghraib detainee abuse scandal has given Army investigators a lengthy sworn statement accusing others of misconduct at the Iraq prison.


Cover the Insurgents, Go to Prison (or Worse)

The international press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders is calling on the U.S. government to release a CBS cameraman it shot last week while he was covering a gunfight in Mosul. When he was shot, the Iraqi freelancer was armed with only his camera.


From Information Clearing House

Iraqis 'suffer a lack of rights'

The United Nations special envoy to Iraq, Ashraf Qazi, has told the UN Security Council that greater attention needs to be paid to human rights there.


From Information Clearing House

Don't be fooled by the spin on Iraq

The US is failing - and hatred of the occupation greater than ever.

An Examination of the Propaganda of Nomenclature

by Ted Rall

Repetition is key to successful advertising. The American media uses repeated arbitrary labeling in its supposedly impartial coverage in a deliberate campaign to alter public perception. Americans were meant to feel less sympathy for an kidnapped Italian woman shot by U.S. soldiers manning a checkpoint in Iraq after the talking heads repeatedly referred to her as a "communist journalist."


Man's Claims May Be a Look at Dark Side of War on Terror

by Jeffrey Fleishman

Masri said he was kidnapped in Macedonia, beaten by masked men, blindfolded, injected with drugs and flown to Afghanistan, where he was imprisoned and interrogated by U.S. intelligence agents. He said he was finally dumped in the mountains of Albania.


Recent Sumatra earthquakes precursor to probable mega Volcano in 2012 that can end human civilization


Informant: Anna Webb

Barry Trower: Report on TETRA


3,000 tribal women burn GM seeds in protest


Informant: Hopedance



What causes Gulf War Illness?


Informant: billder

Müntefering kritisiert "totale Ökonomisierung"

Genug von der Marktwirtschaft: Müntefering kritisiert "totale Ökonomisierung" (13.04.05)

SPD-Chef Franz Müntefering beklagt eine zunehmende Dominanz der Ökonomie in Deutschland. Dies sei zu einer Gefahr für die Demokratie geworden, sagte Müntefering am Mittwoch auf einem Programmforum der SPD in Berlin. Die "Macht des Kapitals" und die "totale Ökonomisierung" blendeten den Menschen aus und reduzierten "rücksichtslos" die Handlungsfähigkeit des Staates. "Die international forcierten Profit-Maximierungs-Strategien gefährden auf Dauer unsere Demokratie", warnte Müntefering.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Der Zugang zu Wasser ist ein Menschenrecht und darf nicht privatisiert werden

UN-Kommission für Nachhaltige Entwicklung: "Der Zugang zu Wasser ist ein Menschenrecht und darf nicht privatisiert werden" (13.04.05)

Bei den Vereinten Nationen in New York diskutieren derzeit Vertreter von Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen, Gewerkschaften und Unternehmerverbänden mit den Regierungen der Länder über gemeinsame Zukunftsstrategien. Im Zentrum der Diskussionen stehen Wasser, sanitäre Einrichtungen und Siedlungswesen. Für die deutschen Gewerkschaften setzt sich die IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt in New York für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung ein. "Gerade wenn es um Nachhaltigkeit geht, müssen Entscheidungen auf globaler Ebene und nicht nur in Deutschland gefällt werden", sagte Gewerkschaftschef Klaus Wiesehügel. Nach Auffassung der Gewerkschaften müssen Arbeitnehmer bei allen staatlichen und unternehmerischen Entscheidungen in den Bereichen Wasser, sanitäre Einrichtungen und Siedlungswesen beteiligt werden. Sie fordern in New York staatliche Investitionen, um die langfristige und nachhaltige Bereitstellung der Wasser-Infrastruktur zu sichern. "Der Zugang zu Wasser ist ein Menschenrecht und darf nicht privatisiert werden", heißt es in einer Erklärung.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Sofortige Rücknahme von Hartz IV gefordert: Lafontaine und Schreiner unterzeichnen "Saarbrücker Resolution"


In der SPD zeichnet sich im Vorfeld der Landtagswahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen eine Zerreißprobe ab. Der ehemalige SPD-Vorsitzende und Bundesfinanzmininster Oskar Lafontaine und der Chef des SPD-Arbeitnehmerflügels, Ottmar Schreiner, unterstützen als Erstunterzeichner eine vom Mitbegründer der neuen Linkspartei Wahlalternative Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit (WASG), Markus Lein, initiierte "Saarbrücker Resolution" gegen die Arbeitsmarktreform "Hartz IV". In der Entschließung fordern sie die rot-grüne Bundesregierung auf, "Hartz IV" sofort zurückzunehmen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Virtually All Modern Disease Is Caused By "Metabolic Disruptors"


From NewsTarget Insider

Organic Bytes #55


America’s Broken Electoral System


May Day: International Workers Day

May Day

May 1st - 1 pm Union Square March and Rally

Bring the Troops Home Now! Jobs with a Living Wage for All!


Endorse: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/may1endorse.html

Help get the word out--download leaflets at:

In this email:

1) May Day - International Workers Day
2) May Day in New York City
3) How you can get involved

May Day is International Workers Day

May Day began more than one hundred years ago with the struggle of working people in the U.S. for an eight-hour day.

Now, it is observed world-wide as International Workers Day. On May 1, all over the globe, working people will take to the streets to struggle for workers' rights and oppose the war.

In Manila, more than 50,000 people are expected to march and rally to call for an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq, to oppose the de-regulation of the oil industry, and to say "No to US Intervention in the Philippines!"

In Dublin, the council of Trade Unions will march from Parnell Square to Liberty Hall on April 30. The theme of the march is solidarity with migrant workers.

In London, organizers with the annual May Day March and Rally will march for workers right, also focusing on migrant workers' rights.

Throughout Europe, activists are organizing for "May Day Europe," with demonstrations in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, L'Aquila, Leon, Liege, Ljubjana, London, Maribor, Marseille, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Paris, Sevilla, and Stockholm.

Working people all over the globe will take to the streets, with hundreds of rallies and marches planned from Mexico City to Delhi.

May Day in New York City

On October 17, 2004, the historic Million Worker March saw thousands of labor union members and antiwar activists unite in Washington, DC to demand, "Bring the Troops Home! Money for Jobs, Not War!" On that day, organizers with the Million Worker March Movement called for working people and antiwar activists to join forces to help revive May Day as International Workers Day.

On March 19, 2005, the Troops Out Now Coalition and the Million Worker March mobilized called for a demonstration in New York City on the second anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. More than 10,000 marched from Harlem's Marcus Garvey Park to Central Park where they joined thousands already gathered in the East Meadow.

The turnout for this demonstration confirmed that the antiwar movement has entered into a new phase of organizing against the war. It confirmed that the greatest attention must be paid to reaching out to communities most impacted by the war and by the policies of the Bush Administration. These communities are the targets of the budget cuts. They are also targeted by military recruiters, who exploit economic hardship with false promises of opportunity. As a result, the children of these communities are dying disproportionately in Iraq, paying the ultimate price for a policy of greed and empire.

On May 1, beginning at 1 pm in Union Square, the Troops Out Now Coalition and the Million Worker March has called for a May Day demonstration to demand, "Bring the Troops Home Now! Jobs with a Living Wage for All!" The march will have a special focus on defending immigrant rights, and organizations of immigrant workers throughout the region are mobilizing to participate.

This uniting of trade unionists, antiwar activists, and community organizers to demand an end to the war and occupation is now more important that ever. Two years ago, the Bush Administration led the U.S. into war, using as an excuse the need to disarm Iraq, which it claimed possessed nuclear weapons technology and other "weapons of mass destruction."

Now, the Bush Administration is using the same lies to justify possible attacks against the people of Iran and North Korea. We must expose ANY call for nuclear disarmament or ending of nuclear proliferation at this time as just another justification for a war of aggression.

We must, instead, organize to stop the Bush Administration's policy of endless war and to fight back against his attacks on working people here.

Let's bring back May Day. All over the world, working and poor people will be marching, demanding the right to organize, fighting for a living wage, and opposing the U.S. wars for empire. Let's join them and bring back the fighting spirit of May Day!

May 1
1 pm Union Square March and Rally

Bring the Troops Home Now! Jobs with a Living Wage for All! http://www.TroopsOutNow.org

How you can get involved:

1) Pick up flyers, posters, and stickers at the IAC
(39 W. 14th St. #206 in Manhattan) and help get the word out; or download leaflets at: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/literature.html

2) Endorse & talk to your union, antiwar organization, community group, church or mosque about endorsing: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/may1endorse.html

3) Donate to help with the costs of sound equipment, printing literature, etc.: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/donate.html

4) Become a local organizer for May Day:


May 1
May Day Rally for Jobs, Not War
Union Square, NYC, 1pm

Vermont senate passes Farmer Protection Act


Informant: billder

The Economic Tsunami


Informant: Deborah Reid

How To Really Ban the Bomb


Don't Say He Didn't Warn You


Staying Out of Other People’s Wars


Yellowstone's Super Volcano


Das Handy als ideale Ortungsquelle

ERSTELLT 13.04.05, 07:00h

Technik spielt bei Fahndung und Überwachung eine immer größere Rolle.

Um einen Straftäter festzunehmen, muss man wissen, wo er steckt. Manchmal wollen die Ermittler aber auch erstmal beobachten, wo ein Verdächtiger verkehrt und wen er dort trifft. Immer mehr kann sich die Polizei dabei moderner Technik bedienen. Wollte man früher eine Person nicht aus den Augen verlieren, gab es nur eine Möglichkeit: Sie musste auf Schritt und Tritt verfolgt werden. Das war aber nicht nur personalintensiv, sondern oft auch auffällig. Und wer merkt, dass er verfolgt wird, verhält sich auch entsprechend vorsichtig.

Heute kann ein Verdächtiger über das polizeiliche Computersystem Inpol zur Fahndung ausgeschrieben werden. Ziel kann die Festnahme sein oder auch nur die Erstellung eines Bewegungsbildes. Der Gesuchte würde dann bei jeder Grenz- und Polizeikontrolle anhand seiner Ausweispapiere erkannt und registriert, ohne dass er das merkt. Da es in Deutschland nur wenige Polizeikontrollen gibt, entsteht so höchstens ein sehr löchriges Bild.

Effizienter ist die Nutzung des Handys für Fahndungszwecke. Der jeweilige Mobilfunkbetreiber muss ohnehin wissen, in welcher Funkzelle sich ein Kunde gerade befindet. Auf diese Daten kann nach richterlichem Beschluss auch die Polizei zugreifen. Da hier nur die Daten von eingeschalteten Handys genutzt werden dürfen, griff die Polizei in Berlin zu einem Trick und verschickte verdeckte SMS an Verdächtige. Als die antworteten, konnten sie auch geortet werden.

Als erstes Bundesland hat Hessen den automatischen Kfz-Kennzeichenvergleich zugelassen. Bayern ist in der Versuchsphase. Mit Hilfe von Infrarot-Kameras werden an Autobahnbrücken alle Kennzeichen erfasst und mit dem Fahndungscomputer abgeglichen. So können nicht nur gestohlene Fahrzeuge schnell aufgespürt, sondern auch Bewegungsbilder von gesuchten Personen angefertigt werden.

In Zukunft ist noch viel mehr denkbar: Wenn erst einmal das Gesichtsmuster jedes Bürgers im Ausweis erfasst ist und dieses auch an zahlreichen Orten zur Zugangskontrolle benutzt wird, ergeben sich ganz neue Fahndungsmöglichkeiten. Datenschützer wollen eine derartige Rundumüberwachung allerdings verhindern und fordern, dass solche Daten nicht zentral zusammengeführt werden dürfen. (cra)


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

SPD im Widerspruch zwischen Wort und Tat

Datum: 13.04.2005
© www.sozialisten.de

SPD im Widerspruch zwischen Wort und Tat

Zur Rede des SPD-Vorsitzenden Franz Müntefering zum Grundsatzprogramm seiner Partei erklärt Bundesgeschäftsführer Rolf Kutzmutz:

Gut gebrüllt, Löwe, möchte man meinen, wenn Franz Müntefering in der international wachsenden Macht des Kapitals eine Gefahr für die Demokratie sieht und die totale Ökonomisierung eines kurzatmigen Profit-Handelns kritisiert. Allein, die SPD lässt mit ihrer Politik solch hehre Worte zum blanken Hohn werden. Wenn Franz Müntefering die rücksichtslose Reduzierung der Handlungsfähigkeit des Staates beklagt, dann sollte er zuerst die fortgesetzte Umverteilungspolitik von Rot-Grün zugunsten der Großkonzerne, Vermögenden und Besserverdienenden benennen. Mit der Senkung des Spitzensteuersatzes, dem Verzicht auf die Vermögensteuer, mit der Aufhebung der Parität zwischen Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern in der Krankenversicherung, hat die Bundesregierung der Dominanz des Kapital den Weg geebnet und dem Staat notwendige finanzielle Mittel entzogen.

Der Versuch der SPD, sich in den bevorstehenden Wahlkampfauseinandersetzungen erneut als kleineres Übel gegenüber der Union darzustellen, ist allzu durchsichtig. Die Menschen in Deutschland werden darauf kein weiteres Mal hereinfallen. Sie erfahren es am eigenen Leib: unter Rot-Grün sind die Reichen reicher und die Armen zahlreicher geworden, die Reformen belasten einseitig die sozial Benachteiligten. Mit Hartz IV wird der Sozialstaat in einem Maße zertrümmert, dass von sozialer Marktwirtschaft nicht mehr die Rede sein kann. Die SPD hat sich von dem, was nach Meinung ihres Vorsitzenden ihr Programm bestimmen soll, in der Realität längst verabschiedet.

A Jacobin in Chief


Today communism has collapsed, but another universalist ideology, the new Jacobinism, has taken its place. A difference between the French and the new Jacobinism is that the latter has chosen not France but America as mankind's savior. In a large number of speeches and statements since 9/11, the president has made clear that he considers armed world hegemony necessary to America's mission. At the inauguration, the massive security -- involving some 30,000 secret service agents, police, and military personnel -- and other telltale symbolism signaled the invincibility and willpower of the United States. Here was installed an American emperor, but one far more powerful and far more ambitious than any Roman counterpart. Neo-Jacobin ideology can be seen as the perfect justification for American imperial power...


from The American Conservative, by Claes G. Ryn

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

It's time to write a Dear John


John Bolton, George W. Bush's astonishingly brazen choice to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, came off badly at his confirmation hearings today -- bloodless, evasive, and mendacious -- in ways that should give senators cause to reject him, regardless of whether they agree with the president's policies or even with the substance of Bolton's views. The hearings will continue for another day or two—to hear from officials who have had run-ins with Bolton and, possibly, to give him a chance for rebuttal—but, after today's session, his nomination should be put down for three reasons, quite apart from the many reasons that his critics (and I count myself among them) have laid out in recent weeks.::


from Slate, by Fred Kaplan

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The time to oppose the draft is now


In February, the Army missed its recruiting goal for the first time in nearly five years. The Army missed its March goal by 32 percent while the need for soldiers is on the rise. The United States Armed Services have announced a new plan to solve their recruiting problems -- convincing parents to get their children to enlist. At the same time, parents are organizing to ensure the military draft does not return. The battle lines for the bodies of America's youth are beginning to take shape...


from AntiWar.Com, by Kevin Zeese

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Aeschylus, Thucydides and the Patriot Act


In the Oresteia, Aeschylus proudly celebrated his country's supremacy-its civil society, in which all free men participated; its cosmopolitan economy; and the wisdom of its supreme court. By the end of the century, believing themselves invincible, having just defeated the evil empire of the Spartans with its oligarchic tyranny, the Athenians had sent their armed forces throughout their world. They traded their democracy for imperialism. Their over extended armies were destroyed in Sicily and a Spartan garrison on the Acropolis enforced the rule of a puppet oligarchy on the city of Athena. The cost of military adventure had bankrupted the Athenians. The democracy was thriving when Aeschylus wrote, but, even then, growing militarism augured the usurpation of justice by meretricious arrogance...


from CounterPunch, by John Wheat Gibson

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Understanding American foreign policy and Kyoto


The purpose of this interview is to explain to the international community, and Americans, the very fundamentals of U.S. foreign policy and their position with regards to the Kyoto Treaty among others. This article is very different to the articles you may read on the Treaty or US foreign policy for that matter. This article is actually about core American beliefs that lead the U.S to the decisions they make rather than going around in circles over each individual issue itself. When we understand core beliefs we can come to agreements with less friction and increase the chance of our common ideals being achieved...


from Competitive Enterprise Institute, by Christopher C. Horner

Five ways to combat conservative media


1. Stop talking about 'bias.' Inaccurate, distorted and misleading news reports that further a conservative agenda or undermine progressive ideas dominate our newspapers and airwaves. But this isn't necessarily because reporters or media outlets are biased towards conservatives. For every Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, there are dozens of reporters who don't have an ideological axe to grind, but whose work contains conservative misinformation anyway. ... 2. Stay informed. ... 3. Get active. ... 4. Be patient -– and be persistent. ... 5. Fight back in innovative ways." [editor's note: As usual this kind of advice can work from whatever perspective one is looking at the unbalanced media-game. - SAT]


from In These Times, by Jamison Foser

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

They're coming for your children


Nothing in the U.S. Constitution authorizes the federal government to conscript citizens for any reason. While Congress has the authority to call out the 'militia' -- which is, in effect, the armed adult population -- to defend our nation against invasion or insurrection, this cannot be done through a draft without violating the Thirteenth Amendment. The problem is that the government has blithely disregarded these clear constitutional prohibitions in the past, and will do so again if permitted to do so. It is easy to foresee a draft-cum-national service measure being passed quietly in December 2006. Who's to stop this from happening? The mothers of America, that's who...


from LewRockwell.Com, by Korrin Weeks Grigg

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

States take clean-air measures into their own hands


Officially, and in contrast to many other countries, the United States remains unconvinced about global warming. ... Despite Bush administration skepticism, however, climate change is emerging as a major political issue. Prominent Republicans are among those lawmakers pushing legislation that would start US reduction of greenhouse gases in line with the international Kyoto treaty. In federal court, a dozen states seek to force the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce heat-trapping greenhouse gases. Shareholder groups are pressuring corporations to consider the implications of climate change. And from coast to coast, states and communities -- on their own and in groups -- are implementing plans to 'think globally, act locally' on climate change by regulating transportation, power generation, and energy use...


from Christian Science Monitor

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Stadt will keinen Handy-Empfang in U-Bahn


Informant: Paul

Beer giant threatens boycott over "medicinal" grain


Anheuser-Busch Cos., the nation's No. 1 buyer of rice as well as its largest brewer, says it won't buy rice from Missouri if genetically-modified medicinal crops are allowed to be grown in the state. The St. Louis-based beer giant is the latest company to express concern over plans by Ventria Biosciences to grow 200 acres of rice engineered to produce human proteins capable of making medicine. The company says it is concerned about possible contamination. ... The issue has already roiled California's $500 million-a-year rice industry. Last year, California regulators denied Ventria's application to grow commercial quantities of rice with human genes after rice growers said they feared international customers would refuse to buy conventionally-grown crops out of contamination fears...


from CNN

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Would any of you like to be the guinea pig?

Copy of Bev Bush's letter to Mr. Gieve.

13th April 2005


Dear Mr Gieve,

I write to you with very serious concerns about Tetra and I have noted that you have been in a position where you could stop this invasion of emissions from Airwave O2 Tetra into our homes.

At present, in close proximity to our home, is a mast that includes antennae and equipment from MMO2, T-mobile, Hutchison 3G and the awful Tetra (O2 Airwave) which we felt the ill effects very shortly after it went up.

We have suffered from many health problems already including vertigo, headaches, vision disturbance, pains in ligaments and tendons which we attribute to the mast and we have had persistent insomnia.

We have spent a lot of money of our own desperately trying to shield our homes from this non-ionising radiation and we are at the end of our tether.

We call for the removal of this mast to a more suitable location. If this is not done, we will wait for proof of the effects of mobile technology on health and property value, which we are sure will come to light in the future. We know there will be proof because we are the living proof of this great risky exposure of humans to a technology that has not been proven safe and should never been allowed to develop and establish itself in such a manner without first total proof of it’s safety.

I have kept records of this notice letter and Mast Sanity and S.C.R.A.M also have a copy.

If you are responsible for setting up Tetra , then it is on your conscience that since Tetra was set up in Ainsdale, the well being of my family and neighbours has been ruined and our enjoyment of our homes has gone.

We no longer like being in our home because we feel unsafe there.

The evidence against Tetra and proof that it is harmful to health is shown by many situations all over Britain where people are suffering because of it.

We are networking as a group and are aware of the misery Tetra is causing across the country.

We call for the removal of Tetra from our doorstep.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Angela B. Bush

Copy of Bush's second letter to Mr. Gieve.

----- Original Message -----

To: john.gieve@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: john pugh ; JOHN PUGH ; blaira@parliament.uk ; springr@parliament.uk ; prescottj@parliament.uk ; blearsh@parliament.uk
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:47 AM
Subject: In hope for a better future

13th April 2005


Dear Mr Gieve,

I would like you to know that since the introduction of the Tetra Airwave mast 70 yds from our home in Nov 2002 (when approval was made) we have never felt happy in our home. We do not want to live so close to something that has not been proven safe.

In the last year and a half my health has degenerated and this last month the pains in my joints are much worse to the point that they are affecting my ability to work or enjoy life with my family. I believe my immune system is weakened and all I know is that I was full of life and energy before the decision was made to place these masts so near to my home. I would like you to know that our seasonal holiday has been ruined by ill health, constant worry and conversation about whether we can find the means to move away and also we are financially stretched to the limit because we've spent all our savings on screening material to protect us from the noxious emmissions from your masts.

In the last few months our 17 year old son has been complaining of vertigo and I fear for him too as these were the first symptoms of effects of the mast that were apparent in me.

The recent Reflex report AGAIN confirms that microwave emmisssions mess up DNA strands.

I recently acquired a com metre from Powerwatch and discovered to my horror that for several years I have been sleeping with 2.5 volts running constantly through my brain, courtesy of MM02, Hutchinson 3g, T-mobile and in the last year, Tetra.

We have now spent all our savings and more on sheilding material and we're still getting readings from the mast.

I know that you are not concerned for my welfare or all those other poor souls who are being equally blasted by the emissions from an industry that puts profit before health and safety.

Don't tell me it's within thermal guidelines, it's the BIOLOGICAL effects that count.

Would any of you like to be the guinea pig instead ?

Once this danger is proven (and it will be) we will be asking those responsible and the mobile phone companies represented on Ainsdale Telephone exchange roof to account for the damage that has been done to our health and well being in the years that we have had to live under the shadow of your masts. That is, MMO2, Tetra Airwave, Hutchinson and T-mobile. Also, in adddition, further down the road there is Vodaphone 3G.

Our children have to live with this and also my daughter goes to school that has a mast on the roof. No-one should have this invasion into their home without power to do anything about it. This should not be allowed until we KNOW what the dangers to health are.

Now I know why in the last few years I have suffered from unexplained severe vertigo for 4 months, constant waking up every night at 4 am. Pains in my feet, sore eyes, degeneration of vision, thirst, (which has prompted the doctor to send me for tests for diabetes 3 times, only to find I haven't got diabetes!)

The readings in my sister's home are worse and she is very poorly indeed.

I'm absolutely determined that this injustice should not prevail.

Think about it and be prepared.

This is not a matter of trivia, it will become a severe problem eventually for us all and some sensible solutions to the siting of masts must be sought NOW.

I must stress that the anger expressed in this email is aimed at those who have a part in agreeing to place masts where they can cause harm to people.

Next year my family and many local people want the Tetra mast REMOVED from our door step and we will do everything within our power to fight for it's removal to an appropriate site away from our homes.

We will also fight to prevent any company from placing any more masts on the Ainsdale telephone exchange roof. We will not rest until you take away this Tetra mast which has not just ruined our well being but is ruining our lives !

Mr. P. Bush


Dear Sir John Gieve,

It is known throughout the UK that the Tetra system is dangerous, inefficient and has been introduced before proper research has been carried out. The police and emergency organisations and the population of this country have been put at serious risk, and in fact are guinea pigs in a dangerous experiment which will cost far more lives than it will save. The claims of efficiency and protection are blatant lies. Furthermore the introduction of Tetra was legally flawed.

The tender process was a sham and the EU censured the British Government for it actions. No other tenders but theTetra system were admitted. To hide that fact, the Government decided to put in place a procedure based on what other tenders might have been. This was called a ‘Should Cost’ model and it included a 17.5 % profit figure and a provision of £170 million against possible compensation. This compensation provision shows that the dangers, though totally ignored, were fully known even then. It could legitimately be argued therefore, that the whole Tetra debacle is illegal as well as criminally unsafe.

Despite this, the police are being blackmailed into using it even though hundreds of officers are suffering ill health. Two young and fit officers have died already from a very rare oesophagal cancer, located exactly in the position of the Tetra handset. The link is obvious and unavoidable. One officer who was told to take it home for practice, found his young son playing with the handset. The child tragically went into epileptic seizure. This was all the more appalling because his son had no history of epilepsy. There are numerous shocking cases like this, but officers have been threatened with dismissal if they speak out, so they keep silent to save their careers and pensions.

Ordinary people forced to live in the shadow of Tetra masts without their consent and often without their knowledge, are already suffering serious ill health, yet their concerns are being totally ignored. The Report on Tetra by M/W expert Barry Trower, which was commissioned by the Police Federation, warned of the dangers.
Omega see under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/626200/
As a result, the Report was promptly suppressed and no action was taken. This blatant dereliction of duty of care to citizens and our emergency services, is scandalous, and many feel there should be a custodial sentence for those responsible, as it could be claimed that they are guilty of deliberate corporate manslaughter.

As part of the Telecom Industry / Government Alliance, Airwave consistently lies about the success and coverage of the Tetra roll-out. But mast campaigners nationwide, know the truth. They will not be voting for a government that is prepared to risk the lives of its citizens and especially its children, for sheer greed and profit. The Government must be forced to replace Tetra with the safer, more efficient and cheaper Tetrapole system, before it is too late and more lives are lost.

Jennifer Godschall Johnson

Below - Sir George Young's reply to my email in which I also hammered him for not staying or voting for the Spring and Stunell Bills and not signing up to Hesford's EDM. I said campaigners in his constituency would be considering his lack of support, and asked him to explain and put in writing whether he would be more active on our behalf when the next bill happens. He replied immediately - so think it might have had some effect - though wouldn't bank on it. Jenny

Many thanks for the email; I was a supporter of the Richard Spring Bill and stayed in the House of Commons a few Fridays ago, until it was clear that there would not be a vote on the Andrew Stunnell Bill. (I do not sign EDM's as, in my view, they have become a greatly devalued form of political currency with hundreds of them on the order paper.)

I have sent you details of my Party's proposals on the planning aspect of mobile phone masts, which represent an enormous improvement on the present regime and which I hope will command support from the manmy voters who regard this is a key issue in the current campaign.

Best wishes, George Young


FYI. I have just sent the following to my MP Sir George Young and I included the PR on the Welsh Children visiting the Chief Constable about the Tetra mast.

There is a deafening, conspiratorial silence on the Mast issue, and although it appears on all the manifestos - no politicians and none of the leaders are putting this up front on the election band wagon. So, I thought I would point this out to Sir G, and see if I get back a response. Would it be an idea if we all did something similar? To save time and effort, if anyone wants to use this letter, appropriately altered obviously, as a template - that's fine. Should this, or something along these lines, be sent to Charles Kennedy? If so, we could add something about Nokia Davies. What about tempting the lesser parties like UKIP to put this up front? It doesn't matter who they are as long as they start talking about it as an election issue. Those parties who aren't going to get elected have nothing to lose and everything to gain, by talking the issue up. Anyway, this is just a suggestion which I thought we could all use without too much effort. Jenny

Dear Sir George,

Thank you so much for replying to my email concerning Tetra and your comments on the Telecom Bills and EDM's.

I am still not sure whether you are personally convinced or not by the Industry / Government arguments of health and safety regarding Mobile Phone and Mast technology. Whatever your views, there is no doubt whatsoever that this is a major issue right accross the country, and it must be addressed.

Although included in the manifestos of all three main parties, so far we have heard no politician speak publicly on this subject as an election issue. Clearly all parties want the significant revenue that the Industry brings in, and are so much under the thumb of the Telecom Operators that they are willing to risk the health of the nation and abuse both human and democratic rights on their behalf. This is shameful politics.

I hope you will consider speaking to your leader Mr Howard, and advise him that arguably millions of middle-aged, middle class,law abiding people ie typical core Conservative voters, could be turning to the Liberal Democrats unless he takes a strong, public line on this, now. He has made Immigration and Asylum key issues, but there is a far greater risk to the safety and well being to the whole of society, right on our doorsteps. Of course he is not alone in cleverly keeping quiet about the fact that the public is being abused by Telecom Companies. If the Conservative Party really wants to stand out from the others, making this a front page priority could be the answer. A public promise in media interviews to radically change the system in favour of people rather than these bully boy multinationals, could bring the Party back into power, as you would gain at a single stroke, millions of votes across the UK.

People have every reason to fear for their health, and for the health of their children. Every day they see their enviroment blighted and damaged. They are outraged at the biased abuse of the Legal system, the Ombudsman and Planning policies. They know that their properties are being devalued, and now, they are having to withdraw their children from their schools. This is becoming a minefield - AND NO-ONE IS HONESTLY ADDRESSING IT. The pledges in manifestos can be broken unless they are made openly and with a great flourish of publicity. The Conservative Government should honour the rights of the people, not lie low and hope that this will go away - because I can assure you, Sir George - it won't.

We are affiliated to national campaigns on a global level - the truth is now an unstoppable tide, and all the money and power of the Telecoms and their umbilically connected governments, won't stop it. That is a promise. I sincerely hope you will do all in your power to pass this message on to Mr Howard and obtain his commitment to protect rather than abuse the people of this country.

I enclose below, a Mast Sanity Press Release, one of many, which you might find of interest.

Omega see under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/627194/

Kindest Regards,

Jennifer (Godschall Johnson)


The other part of the key. Please take part and encourage as many others as possible to take part. Your message need not be long, but should be firm, polite and incisive.


You are invited to communicate your displeasure at the introduction of Tetra which was largely under the control and guidance of Sir John Gieve, Permanent Secretary to the Home Office. You will know what you want him to hear from you.

He oversaw the introduction, tendering and its subsequent failure, a device called a 'should-cost' model to ensure that BT got the contract and then supervised the setting up of measures to ensure that the police would overcome their reluctance and accept Tetra.

Since then, he has been the responsible Home Office official who briefed Ministers like Hazel Blears, John Prescott, Mireille Levy, Caroline Flint et al and gave them information distorted by bias from the Home Office and O2 Airwave, as it now is, in order to continue to justify taking no action where the public, MPs, medical authorities and morally-sound scientists were expressing doubts about Tetra.

Tetra is causing problems. It is not proving to be as good as senior officials claim. People are experiencing hardship as a result of it being in their communities and this has caused 900 protest groups around the country to oppose Tetra by whatever means they can.

Sir John needs to be reminded of the responsibility he has and the continuing responsibility for upholding truth and fairness.

By expressing your views to him NOW you can be assured that in future the confidence he has in a deeply flawed system is shaken sufficiently for him to look hard at his own conscience.

If you were to write to him several times over the next 18 hours and copy your views to your MP, the Press will at last be made aware, as will those in the corridors of power that we, the people, are not to be suppressed by their indifference to us.

Send as many e-mails as you can to

with copies to your MP, using this formula:


Good luck and let us hope that future generations thank you for taking part in this activity.

Below please find a press release from Mast Sanity that deserves maximum exposure.

Yours very sincerely,
John O'Brien
for Tetrawatch and us all.

In order to give you some background to the man, here is an extract from the ^4th Public Accounts Committee Report to the House of Commons.

I will add no comment but the full text is available online.

Mr Osborne

16. May I return to the cost of the Airwave project? It says in this report that local solutions would have been cheaper, although you would argue not as good. Do you have any idea what the extra cost was of the Airwave project versus a local procurement?

(Mr Gieve) The figure quoted in the report is £300 million, which was a comparison with a review conducted for ACPO. As you say, that would not have been a comparable system in terms of functionality.

17. Do you accept the £300 million figure? (Mr Gieve) Yes.

18. Would you not argue that it is quite a lot of money extra to pay for the improvements?

(Mr Gieve) It is a lot of money but we think that it is worth paying for the improvements.

19. Various police authorities thought it was not worth paying. According to paragraph 1.21 of the report several police authorities said they had anobligation to pursue best value and that this radio system did not meet their requirements under local best value. Were they wrong?

(Mr Gieve) They were right in thinking they could have bought something else more cheaply which would have met some of the requirements locally, but not all. You have to understand this was also part of the negotiation with the Home Office on funding this project.

20. Which you solved by bunging all the local police forces money specifically for the Airwave project. You resolved the project by stuffing their mouths with gold.

(Mr Gieve) We resolved it by saying we would pay the costs in the first three years.

21. One of the original ways in which you structured the deal was that local police authorities were going to buy the equipment separately and that was going to encourage them not to over-order their equipment. By paying them directly now and helping them with the initial startup costs are you not watering down that mechanism?

(Mr Gieve) I do not think so. The thinking behind leaving a competitive market in some of the equipment was to get some contestability within the market. If you have more than one person oVering terminals, that in itself would be the main constraint on the price rising. The second point is that we were not paying for the full cost of this. This is a 19-year contract and we oVered to pay £500 million in the three years of the last spending review, that is up to 2003–04. They still have a very big interest in the costs.

22. I am not a technology expert, so you will have to forgive me if I get this wrong. According to paragraph 1.14 you did conduct a review in 1998 of mobile phone technology developments. You tried to identify whether future developments in mobile phone technology would make the system you were buying obsolete. You concluded that was not the case. Do you still stand by that? Have you updated that review? Mobile phone technology has moved on a lot.

(Mr Gieve) This was the examination by Professor Benjamin who reported in 1999. We have not updated that since then. Equally, we have no new reason to think this is going to be outmoded technology.

23. To the complete layman, apart from the encryption, what is the diVerence between this system and giving all your police fficers mobile phones?

(Mr Asque) The difference between the technologies is that this technology was designed to meet a requirement which is subtly different from people using a mobile phone. This requirement for emergency services calls for a high level of integrity in the signal, but especially a very fast call setup. For example, making an emergency call is almost instant in this technology, whereas we all know with a mobile phone, where you have to dial through, it does take an awful long time to make that connection. The technology facilitates that very fast call setup. That is one of the main differences between the TETRA technology and the mobile phone technologies and this includes the ones which are developed now

[Jon Trickett Cont]

45. The fact is that something well over £100 million additional costs per annum are now being incurred so that police officers can speak to each other at best marginally more efficiently than they could in the past.

(Mr Gieve) No, “marginally” is not true.

46. Would you agree with my estimate that the comparative figure in terms of police officers is somewhere between an additional 2,500 to 3,500 police officers?

(Mr Gieve) I cannot do that in my head.

47. ffou have not done that calculation.

(Mr Gieve) I have the cost of a police officer somewhere in my papers. In any business you have to decide whether you put money into equipment or manpower and the police have to decide this on all sorts of fronts: about this equipment, about vehicles, about planes and everything else. ffou could make the same calculation about any of their equipment budgets. It is a matter of judgement. You say this is just so they can communicate across borders better. That is not the whole point. We hope Airwave is going to produce and we think it is, there are signs of that already, very much better communication within police force areas and that is what we are hearing from Lancashire and North Yorkshire. That is an improvement in efficiency.

48. I am going to ask you about that in a minute because some of the figures beggar belief and some of the defence which has been mounted in favour of this beggars belief. From my point of view the two priorities which communities I represent have are: the public being able to speak to the police, which is a very diffcult problem even on 999 calls, it is difficult for people to get through; secondly, the police being able to attend incidents which are occurring in villages and towns. I would have thought that the priority would have been for additional police officers. I see that you disagree with me in relation to that.

(Mr Gieve) No, I do not; we are employing more police officers. We have a record number already and we have plans to increase them.

49. The fact is that you could have employed even more police officers had you not decided to go down what appears to me to be a fairly disastrous track. May I move in a different direction for a second or two? When you found you only had a single bidder for this very costly system, one of the things which the department did was to try to calculate what it would cost for the public sector to provide a similar kind of equipment. I think you cooked the books. You added £ 170 million for the alleged risk which the private sector were taking and you were losing. You added a further £70 million for a contingency sum. Presumably £240 million was added to the cost of the public sector price in order to get it higher than the price which the private sector was bidding. Would you agree with the way in which I have expressed that?

(Mr Gieve) No.

(Mr Webb) We had the private sector comparator undertaken by an independent authority, in fact Charterhouse and Masons Communications undertook that on our behalf. They did that in line with the Treasury guideline for calculating these terms. All of the things included were part of the guideline.

50. I have a note in front of me saying that the risks which the private sector were allegedly taking if they were to be the supplier were valued at £170 million. It does not say that your consultant advised you on the contingency sum, it says that PITO decided to have this contingency sum, that is a further £70 million. You added a quarter of a million pounds to the price of a public sector provider. Is that figure correct?

(Mr Webb) Yes, those figures are correct.

51. Did your consultants, who themselves are in the private sector and may have an interest in trying to load the dice against the public sector, advise PITO to add £70 million for unknown contingencies? Was that the figure they recommended?

(Mr Webb) Yes, it was.

52. Did they identify the £ 170 million of risk which the private sector were allegedly taking and you were divesting yourselves of? Did they recommend that figure as well?

(Mr Webb) Yes, they did. Bearing in mind this was new technology, it had not been done before, it was the largest IT project ever undertaken by the Police Service, risks were identified, particularly in the area of the acquisition of sites, which we have already seen have materialised. There was significant risk in terms of the figures which were being used in this activity and that is why they were included.

53. With the Chairman’s permission, could we ask for some further information on how these prices which are one quarter of a billion pounds in two global sums like this were calculated? That information would be helpful.

(Mr Gieve) Yes; certainly .4

54. Part of this report reads as though you have written it, frankly. It does not read as a report which was written jointly by yourselves and the C&AG. Paragraph 1.23 says “PITO regards the system as an enabler that can reduce the frequency with which police officers have to return to the station and the length of time they spend on tasks such as making telephone calls or receiving briefings”. It goes on to say “. .. not all forces were convinced” of this. May I ask the C&AG what independent evaluation they made of these claims?

(Mr Colman) They are claims about the future and you will see that we word this paragraph very carefully to say these are PITO’s opinions as to benefits which should flow from the introduction of this system. The system was not in operation when we were doing this work, so it was not therefore possible to verify that these savings would be achieved.

55. Have we identified how much time police officers use making telephone calls which is now going to be saved by making radio calls? Somehow they are going to be more brief than the telephone calls the police are currently making. If PITO has made that claim, which sounds bizarre, since I cannot understand why a telephone call takes longer than a (Page ends)

Advice Line 08704 322 377
Press Office 01962 864 388




The days of knights and dragons have returned to Cornwall with a vengeance as the county rises up against TETRA the controversial police communications network being rolled out by O2 Airwave.

Punters placing bets on which single issue candidate may triumph in next month’s general election should look no further than the Labour marginal of Falmouth and Camborne where fifty-four year old grandfather, Richard Smith is standing for the newly formed Removal of TETRA Masts in Cornwall party.

Mr. Smith decided to take action after O2 Airwave erected an unlawful TETRA mast in his community despite the application being turned down by Parish, District and County Council. The company’s record of flouting planning decisions and applying for permission retrospectively is well documented, as are the worrying symptoms experienced by people living near the masts. Problems with TETRA are not confined to the general public. Health and safety concerns have been expressed on behalf of police officers, who are forced to use the equipment.

The TETRA controversy is the latest element in the growing resistance to the relentless march of phone masts across the UK. National campaign organisation Mast Sanity, which already has around nine hundred groups registered, says their advice line receives hundreds of calls each month. People, desperately worried about the proliferation of 3G masts and TETRA, are shocked to discover just how much freedom from planning controls the telecom operators have and how few powers local communities have to resist them. “ The public and the police are being used as guinea pigs. The Government tells people that this untested technology is safe and refuses to sort out the planning chaos,” says Mast Sanity Advice Co-ordinator, Sandi Lawrence.

This is the first time that TETRA or phone masts have prompted a single-issue election stand. Whether it will be a case of “Mr. Smith Goes To Westminster” is a hard one to call. Richard Smith is hoping his stand will inspire others and hopes to pick up the floating votes. “It’s going to be a hard month, but I’m up for it – on your behalf and for all families. Let’s take them on,” he says. Whether or not this Cornish “knight” turns out to be a dragon-slayer, the sitting MP Candy Atherton defending a slender majority of four and a half thousand, would be ill-advised to toe the official Labour Party line on TETRA.


From Mast Network

Health chiefs probe phone-mast cancer link claims

A RESIDENTIAL tower block that houses three communications masts is being investigated by health chiefs concerned about the number of cancer cases among residents.

In the last 18 months, seven residents of Liscard House, Wallasey, have died from cancer, another four are being treated for cancer-related illnesses and four people have had strokes.

A questionnaire is to be sent to every flat in Liscard House asking tenants to disclose all sickness suffered in the last two years.

Birkenhead and Wallasey Primary Care Trust will then take the data away and use it to help determine if the introduction of masts has had an averse affect on residents' health.

At present, there are 111 residents living in the 86-flat, council-run block in Mill Lane, Wallasey. The playground of St Alban's Catholic Primary School is just four hundred yards away.

Two of the masts that sit on top of the block belong to mobile phone operators Vodafone and Orange. The third is an Airwaves mast, which provides communications for the emergency services.

One resident has been diagnosed as suffering from a serious blood disorder, another recently had a pacemaker fitted, and a further resident had a bowel operation just last week.

Concerned about the numbers of people falling seriously ill, Bill Morrow, chairman of the Liscard House Residents' Association, wrote to the PCT asking them to investigate. "The Vodafone mast has been there for several years now but about two years ago they replaced it with a new, larger one with a bigger base station," said Mr Morrow.

"We know there is no concrete proof that these masts can cause any harm, but people are understandably very concerned that it's only matter of time before that proof is found.

"People getting ill is a fact of life, we know that. But there seems to be a lot of people getting ill with similar problems here in Liscard House and that's either a huge coincidence or a problem that needs looking at.

"We asked the PCT to look into it and they've told us they will give all the residents a questionnaire to fill in to see if there are any patterns emerging."

It's thought the questionnaire may help to map out any clusters of illnesses that may be associated with radiation from the masts.

Liscard Labour councillor Dave Hawkins told the Globe: "Liscard House recently had a second batch of masts installed. I objected to that installation but unfortunately the planning inspectorate overturned the decision of the council's planning committee.

"We have been calling for greater investigation into phone mast safety for quite some time. Until clear guarantees can be given regarding health we need to proceed with planning applications with great care, particularly in built-up residential areas."


Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Mast campaign row rumbles on

by Gareth Bethell and Gareth Bethell

A MOTHER heading a campaign to get a mobile phone mast moved was yesterday warning of alleged health dangers.

Karen Kelly, 47, of Manor Crescent, off Akers Way, Moredon, was joined by about 20 other campaigners at the site of the mast in her street.

They are determined to have the 45m O2 transmitter, which has not gone live yet, taken down.

This follows a petition from 300 residents, calling for it to be removed, which was handed to the council last month.

Mrs Kelly believes the mast is a danger to her children Summer, aged eight, and Morgan, 12, who has an auto-immune condition which makes him susceptible to disease.

She said: "We've got to keep fighting this. If there is any doubt that these masts are dangerous they should not be putting them in residential areas.

"It is only metres from my son's bedroom window and could seriously endanger him.

"I received five studies from Mast Action Group UK all with evidence saying that there is a concentration of cancer clusters near mobile phone masts.

"The Government is carrying out its own study, but if there is any doubt these things shouldn't be put near houses.

"My family are guinea pigs. It's profit over people's health."

Moredon's councillor Derique Montaut will meet the leader of the council, Mike Bawden, to discuss concerns over the phone mast on Thursday, April 14.

Coun Montaut said: "I'm hoping the concerns of residents will be discussed

"And I will be looking at whether we can raise objections on planning grounds.

Coun Bawden said: "There is no medical evidence to support fears that masts cause cancer.

"Local authorities are in a difficult position as there is no evidence of health risks.

"There are no grounds to object to masts on health grounds."

An O2 spokeswoman said the mast was urgently needed and that the company had to rely on current research, which says there are no health risks.

Mobiles do not cause tumours, scientists find


Danish phone study: No need to fear mobiltelephones

Here is a bit of interesting background on Dr Johansen

Christoffer Johansen is a medical doctor (1986) and the Head of Department of Psychosocial Cancer Research at the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, the Danish Cancer Society. He received his Ph.D. in psychosocial oncology in 1992 focused on the topic: coping with colorectal cancer. Christoffer Johansen has published epidemiological studies within a number of research areas including psychosocial oncology, electromagnetic fields and pharmacoepidemiology in important journals such as The New England Journal of Medicine and Euroepan Journal of Cancer. Dr. Johansen is the President of the International PsychoOncology Society (IPOS) http://www.ipos-society.org which is creating significant links with the World Health Organization (WHO). An Advocacy Document has been written and it will be inserted in the guide-lines the WHO is preparing for the oncology area. He is also the organizing President of the next World Congress of Psycho-Oncology in Copenhagen in August 2004 http://www.ipos2004.dk .

The link below outlines his departments projects

With this plethora of psychosocial expertise one can't help wondering why this study is cited by Dr Micahel Clark from the Health Protection Agency as "This is a significant result showing no increase in cancer risk in Denmark".


Iris Atsmon elaborates some interesting details on funding of the Interphone Study in the following url


best wishes

panayis zambellis luton

From Mast Network


In a press interview Christoffer Johansen from the Danish Cancer association said that his newest report showed there was no connection between use of mobil telephones and brain cancer. He questioned a group of 427 Danes with braincancer and another 822 Danes without braincancer about their use of mobiltelephones. His report clearly showed that the use of mobile telephones does not increase the risk for braincancer. The study was part of the Interphone study conducted in 14 European countries and just published in Neurology. Surprised?

A recent Swedish study came to the same conclusion.

However he still recommends children, young people and adults to use headsets when using mobiltelephones.

Sianette Kwee


Dear Sianette,

This study does not respond to the Hardell/MIld work on acoustic neuromas but more to the REFLUX study which does indicate DNA damage. The findings may let these scientists off the hook, saying " to the best of their knowledge, there is no problem" but they keep everyone else hanging on, waiting for something more definitive, including those who make public policy and issue health advisories. The "it's too soon to tell" explanation: is an old one by now whereas, with the link to acoustic neuromas fairly well established, it is already pretty evident with two replication studies there is a causal relationship. So, they avoided stirring the pot by avoiding looking at that link to abnormal tumor growth. It is obvious that "we need to study a high number of long-term, heavy users of mobile phones." before drawing a conclusion about the end point of cancer in cell phone users, many years, in fact . But for the scientists to say that and then draw the conclusion that there must be no problem is plain unethical.

Then, they seem to evaluate whether there is any near term neurological damage by asking whether people recall how long they were on the call. How about assessing their driving performance, involvement in vehicular accidents, or acts of "road rage"? What about evaluating the number of times they are checking for messages or calling to say, "we are almost there?" Their methodology for looking at effect on memory seems flimsy.

Referring to the Finnish study, the link to analogue phones is again a useful finding, not to be dismissed as the phone are older, outdated and we still are waiting for news about the long term use of digital phones. These phones both use nonionizing radiation! Although the analogue phones had higher power output, the newer phones are held closest to the brain so the intensity may not bee al that different. The exposure patterns are different as well with longer term and more frequency of use.

We do need independent funding for continued research on potential cell phone user health effects. The Danish Cancer Center does not seem to qualify as being "independent" enough.

Libby Kelley

Mobiles do not cause tumours, scientists find. One of the most comprehensive studies into the dangers of mobile phones has found no link between how often they are used and the risk of developing brain tumours. London Independent , England. [related stories]


Very wise words, indeed, dear Libby! And, in addition, do not forget all the recent studies by us (as well as others):

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Cancer trends during the 20th century", J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 2002; 21: 3-8

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Does GSM 1800 MHz affect the public health in Sweden?", In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop "Biological Effects of EMFs", Kos, Greece, October 4-8, 2004

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "1997 - A curious year in Sweden", Eur J Cancer Prev 2004; 13: 535-538

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Long-term sickness and mobile phone use", J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med, 2004; 23: 11-12

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Mobile handset output power and health",
Electromag Biol Med 2004; 23: 229-239

Best regards

(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


And I read that this study observed only a period of 10 years (20-40 years are necessary) and in addition only glioma and meningioma have been studied in this study. There are several studies that show an increased risk for acoustic neurinoma and for DNA damage (micronuclei, single and double strang breaks etc.). It seems that Mr. Johansen is the German Mr. Silny, such press releases are not serious.

Best regards

Joerg Wichmann (Client Services Manager)
April 13, 2005


Could cell phone radiation actually protect against brain cancer? Could it provide “vitamins for the brain”, as one irreverent epidemiologist suggested recently? Such a possibility, however improbable, is not as far fetched as it may sound.

This is not a new idea, but a new epidemiological study, published yesterday in Neurology brings it back to mind. A team led by Chrisoffer Johansen of the Danish Cancer Society in Copenhagen was looking at whether cell phones could promote brain tumors. They did not see an increased risk but did find that users had fewer aggressive tumors than non-users and that, in general, the tumors that did develop were smaller among users. These so-called “regular users” had only a little more than half as many high-grade gliomas as expected. And the tumors were, overall, 25% smaller.

The Danish study is the second brain tumor study to appear from the Interphone project, which is being coordinated by IARC, the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France. (In all, 13 countries are participating). Maria Feychting and coworkers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm published their results last month in the American Journal of Epidemiology (AJE). They also saw fewer gliomas among cell phone users, though this difference was not statistically significant. While the Danes observed the greatest protection for the high-grade gliomas, the Swedes found it for the low-grade, or less aggressive, gliomas.

Since the Karolinska paper appeared on March 15, there has been much talk among epidemiologists about the fact that practically all the observed risks were smaller than expected. Amazingly, in one table (Table 2) presenting approximately 50 different categories of cell phone use, the Swedes found only a single risk above unity. (A relative risk of one signifies no effect; without a protective or deleterious effect, one would expect to see the risks randomly distributed above and below one.)

Sam Milham, the well-known epidemiologist, was the first to spot the skewed distribution of observed risks in the Swedish paper and has pointed this out in a letter which will appear in the AJE. If cell phones are not protective, then there was some kind of bias in the way the Swedes collected their data. This could mean that the whole study is faulty, calling into questions their conclusion that cell phones are not linked to brain cancer.

What’s so tantalizing about these two sets of findings is that there is some experimental evidence to support a protective effect. More than 15 years ago, Steve Cleary of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond showed that microwaves could either stimulate or suppress the growth of human glioma cells exposed in a laboratory setting. The direction of the effect depended on the intensity of the radiation (see MWN, M/A90)

To be sure, Cleary used some relatively high power levels in his experiments, but Jerry Phillips, in some experiments sponsored by Motorola, later showed a similar delicate balance between beneficial and deleterious effects in experiments on RF-induced DNA breaks. Phillips exposed human cancer cells at intensities that are common for users of cell phones (see MWN, J/F98).

A number of animal studies have also pointed to a protective effect The most notable of these was the experiment run by the late Ross Adey for Motorola (see MWN, M/A96 and J/A96). In essentially all these cases, the protective effect has been due to digital or pulsed microwave signals. (For an overview of these studies, see MWN, S/O02.).

The Danes and the Swedes who participated in the newly published epidemiological studies mostly used analog phones —at least in the early years. So one should be careful before jumping to any conclusions, but the results are provocative and should, we would hope, stimulate some interesting experiments. That is of course, if there is any money for follow-up work, always a dicey proposition.

The Danish group dismisses the possibility of a protective effect because of a lack of a “biologic plausibility.” But we would counter that many say that there is no biological plausibility for a detrimental effect.

Until we better understand what’s really going on, we are in unchartered waters and all possibilities should be considered. These two epidemiological studies and the others due from the Interphone project are only a preliminary picture of the long-term impact of cell phone use. So far at least, they have included only a small number of subjects who have used phones for ten or more years, with substantial air time over that period.

[It is worth noting that the definition of a “regular user” of a cell phone in all the Interphone studies is the use of a mobile phone on average once per week during at least six months.” Today, mobile phone companies routinely sell plans that allow thousands of minutes per month.]

The issues discussed here go far beyond hazard research. They raise fascinating questions about basic science that need to be answered. We shall see if anyone out there is interested in science or if this is really all about telling people that it’s okay to keep using their mobile phones.


Louis Slesin, PhD
Microwave News, A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
155 East 77th Street
New York, NY 10021, USA
Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
E-mail: mwn@pobox.com


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