
May Day: International Workers Day

May Day

May 1st - 1 pm Union Square March and Rally

Bring the Troops Home Now! Jobs with a Living Wage for All!


Endorse: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/may1endorse.html

Help get the word out--download leaflets at:

In this email:

1) May Day - International Workers Day
2) May Day in New York City
3) How you can get involved

May Day is International Workers Day

May Day began more than one hundred years ago with the struggle of working people in the U.S. for an eight-hour day.

Now, it is observed world-wide as International Workers Day. On May 1, all over the globe, working people will take to the streets to struggle for workers' rights and oppose the war.

In Manila, more than 50,000 people are expected to march and rally to call for an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq, to oppose the de-regulation of the oil industry, and to say "No to US Intervention in the Philippines!"

In Dublin, the council of Trade Unions will march from Parnell Square to Liberty Hall on April 30. The theme of the march is solidarity with migrant workers.

In London, organizers with the annual May Day March and Rally will march for workers right, also focusing on migrant workers' rights.

Throughout Europe, activists are organizing for "May Day Europe," with demonstrations in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, L'Aquila, Leon, Liege, Ljubjana, London, Maribor, Marseille, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Paris, Sevilla, and Stockholm.

Working people all over the globe will take to the streets, with hundreds of rallies and marches planned from Mexico City to Delhi.

May Day in New York City

On October 17, 2004, the historic Million Worker March saw thousands of labor union members and antiwar activists unite in Washington, DC to demand, "Bring the Troops Home! Money for Jobs, Not War!" On that day, organizers with the Million Worker March Movement called for working people and antiwar activists to join forces to help revive May Day as International Workers Day.

On March 19, 2005, the Troops Out Now Coalition and the Million Worker March mobilized called for a demonstration in New York City on the second anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. More than 10,000 marched from Harlem's Marcus Garvey Park to Central Park where they joined thousands already gathered in the East Meadow.

The turnout for this demonstration confirmed that the antiwar movement has entered into a new phase of organizing against the war. It confirmed that the greatest attention must be paid to reaching out to communities most impacted by the war and by the policies of the Bush Administration. These communities are the targets of the budget cuts. They are also targeted by military recruiters, who exploit economic hardship with false promises of opportunity. As a result, the children of these communities are dying disproportionately in Iraq, paying the ultimate price for a policy of greed and empire.

On May 1, beginning at 1 pm in Union Square, the Troops Out Now Coalition and the Million Worker March has called for a May Day demonstration to demand, "Bring the Troops Home Now! Jobs with a Living Wage for All!" The march will have a special focus on defending immigrant rights, and organizations of immigrant workers throughout the region are mobilizing to participate.

This uniting of trade unionists, antiwar activists, and community organizers to demand an end to the war and occupation is now more important that ever. Two years ago, the Bush Administration led the U.S. into war, using as an excuse the need to disarm Iraq, which it claimed possessed nuclear weapons technology and other "weapons of mass destruction."

Now, the Bush Administration is using the same lies to justify possible attacks against the people of Iran and North Korea. We must expose ANY call for nuclear disarmament or ending of nuclear proliferation at this time as just another justification for a war of aggression.

We must, instead, organize to stop the Bush Administration's policy of endless war and to fight back against his attacks on working people here.

Let's bring back May Day. All over the world, working and poor people will be marching, demanding the right to organize, fighting for a living wage, and opposing the U.S. wars for empire. Let's join them and bring back the fighting spirit of May Day!

May 1
1 pm Union Square March and Rally

Bring the Troops Home Now! Jobs with a Living Wage for All! http://www.TroopsOutNow.org

How you can get involved:

1) Pick up flyers, posters, and stickers at the IAC
(39 W. 14th St. #206 in Manhattan) and help get the word out; or download leaflets at: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/literature.html

2) Endorse & talk to your union, antiwar organization, community group, church or mosque about endorsing: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/may1endorse.html

3) Donate to help with the costs of sound equipment, printing literature, etc.: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/donate.html

4) Become a local organizer for May Day:


May 1
May Day Rally for Jobs, Not War
Union Square, NYC, 1pm


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April 2005

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