
Schuldenerlass für die USA


Wertlose Papierschnipsel mit Raketen verteidigen


Call Handlers off with Brain Tumours

I was recently speaking to an officer from Cumbria Constabulary who mentioned Tetra/Airwave was going live in June. When asked if he was not concerned about the health risks he said. No, we've looked into all that. Surprising then that he wasn't aware of the situation in Lancashire Police with a locla officer telling me that in the control room there were 6 call handlers off with brain tumours.

From Mast Network

Länderagrarminister wollen Schutz gentechnikfreier Landwirtschaft aushöhlen



Monsanto verliert in Europa Weizen-Patent auf indische Sorte "Nap Hal"

Patente auf Leben: Monsanto verliert in Europa Weizen-Patent auf indische Sorte "Nap Hal" (04.03.05)

Am 20. Februar dieses Jahres hatte die Initiative "Kein Patent auf Leben", unterstützt vom Umweltinstitut München e.V., gegen das im Mai 2003 erteilte Patent der Weizensorte "Nap Hal" Einspruch beim Europäischen Patentamt eingelegt. Dem Einspruch von Organisationen aus Deutschland hatten sich die große indische Bauernorganisation Bharat Krishak Samaj und der Dachverband der europäischen Landwirte, COPA, angeschlossen. Diesem Einspruch wurde am Freitag stattgegeben. Keine Lizenzgebühren an Monsanto heißt das für die Bauern in Europa, die Weizen mit den genetischen Eigenschaften anbauen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


The effects of microwaves on the trees and other plants


Dr. Ferdinand Ruzicka (Univ. Doz) has in his web page:

several pictures with the phone masts effects on the trees

In the page 56 of the article: “Umweltprobleme Luft” from Kathrin Oldag, Anna Glyk, Monique Irrgang (Hanover University) (I send you also) appear plagiarized, without having requested authorization to the Doctor Ruzicka these pictures (in the section corresponding to damages for the ozone!!!!!!).

Years ago already it was tried to accuse the acid rain of the radar effects in the forests of Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

With best regards.

Alfonso Balmori


Following the recent email on tree felling, I wonder if there might be truth in this after all.

It is of no surpise in light of research papers on adverse effects of EMF on trees, copy of Dr Alfonso Balmori research paper above that we are likely to see more species affected.

Article from the Advertiser of March 3, 2005 'USA disease means sudden death for trees'

A deadly tree disease dubbed 'sudden oak death' has been discovered in West Lancashire. Phytophthora, a potentially lethal agent which can infect shrubs and trees has been given as the official reason behind the felling of trees in Ormskirk. Californian strains of the pathogen have been responsible for the destruction of tens of thousands of Oak trees in America. Symptoms of the disease were first recorded in Germany and the Netherlands in 1993. It has since been found in Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain and Sweden. The first finding in the UK was recorded in Suzex in 2002. But some residents are unconvinced the destruction was justified and that maybe the Authority had been ill advised. Tony Rawsthorne said 'if the Local Authority has confirmation that Phytophera is now affetcing alder species, then West Lancashire is unique in the world'.


From Mast Network


Electromagnetic pollution of the environment

Concerned about the tree damages that occur the last 5 years

The effects of microwaves on the trees and other plants

Cell phone tower radiation may be killing plants and animals

Pine tree with a headache

Western Shoshone Nation Uses 1863 Treaty to Stop Yucca Mtn Nuclear Waste

Press Release – For Immediate Release

Western Shoshone Nation Uses 1863 Treaty to Stop Yucca Mtn Nuclear Waste

March 4, 2005. Las Vegas, Nevada.

TODAY: This morning, March 4, 2005, at 10:00 am, the Western Shoshone National Council filed a lawsuit in the federal district court in Las Vegas, Nevada. The complaint, which lists the United States, and the Secretaries of the Departments of Energy and Interior as defendants, seeks declaratory and injunctive relief to stop nuclear waste and storage at Yucca Mountain, an area long held as significant to the Western Shoshone Nation and included within the boundaries of the 1863 Treaty of Ruby Valley. A hearing will be scheduled by the court and could be held as early as the end of March. A press conference was held both before and after the filing on the steps of the federal courthouse. Following is a press statement issued by the Western Shoshone National Council. For additional information, please contact Attorney Robert R. Hager at 775-336-7586.



The Western Shoshone National Council has filed this lawsuit against the plan of the United States Department of Energy to make Yucca Mountain the dump for nuclear waste from the United States and from forty-one other countries around the world. Yucca Mountain is located in the Territory of the Western Shoshone Nation, as described in Article 5 of the 1863 Treaty of Peace and Friendship entered into between the Western Shoshone Nation and the United States, at Baa Gaa Zoo (also now called Ruby Valley, Nevada).

Article 6 of the U. S. Constitution states that “(T)reaties are the supreme law of the land.” This Treaty, then, overrides all other U.S. laws. Under the Treaty, there were five uses which the United States of America and the Western Shoshone Nation agreed could occur on Western Shoshone Territory. Those five uses are the establishment of (1) settlements, (2) mines, and (3) ranches, and the construction of a (4) railroad, and of (5) roads. The agent of the United States of America who negotiated and signed the Treaty, the United States Congress which ratified the Treaty, and the Western Shoshone Nation all agreed that those were the only five uses which would ever occur on Western Shoshone Territory. If any other uses are contemplated, they can not occur unless the Treaty is modified by the consent of both the Western Shoshone Nation and the United States.

All across this country, U.S. Federal District Courts have found that Treaties with the Indian Nations remain in full force and effect as binding contracts. The Western Shoshone Nation has always abided by the Treaty and regarded the Treaty as a binding, enforceable agreement between the Nation and the United States. We seek by this lawsuit to have the Treaty of Ruby Valley enforced to stop this project which threatens to desecrate our sacred lands.

The Western Shoshone Nation does not consent to the use of Yucca Mountain as a dump for the most toxic substance ever created by man. We have a sacred duty to stop this plan by the United States and its Energy Department officials to make Yucca Mountain the storage place for high level nuclear waste from all over the world.

Mother Earth is sacred to all humans. The Western Shoshone Nation holds Mother Earth as such. High level nuclear waste must not be stored in the breast of Mother Earth at Yucca Mountain.

The Western Shoshone National Council

For More Information contact Attorney Robert R. Hager 775-336-7586

Western Shoshone Defense Project
P.O. Box 211308
Crescent Valley, NV 89821
(775) 468-0230
Fax: (775) 468-0237

Tetra Terror(ism)

Big US company Motorola is deeply involved in Tetra. There is much U.S. govt. pressure to promote it around the world - but not in America. Note the Pentagon announced (July 2003) a $15.8 million contract with big M. for a Tetra based system for the 'Baghdad Police' (albeit the Pentagon couldn't explain at that time what constituted the 'Baghdad Police Force'!)

Airwave have been assiduous in using the forthcoming G8 Conference at Gleneagles, in July, as a lever on local planning authorities and the network is complete in the relevant territories. As Viv. anticipates, it would appear to be an ideal demonstration ground for the wonders of Airwave.

10,000 police officers, many firearmed, drawn from Scotland and England will be involved and there will be the usual hidden military reserve for the possibility that things don't go as hoped. Regardless of how they go, as Vivienne suggests, it will become 'a triumph' for tetra and Airwave.

Late in 2004, the home force, Tayside, had claimed to be 'undecided' on the extent of Airwave use, for the G8 venue, but it is bound to be there at some level, with both police and mil.


From Mast Network



From Mast Network

New petition call to stop phone mast


Firefighters win support for campaign


Health fears at school with four phone masts


Courts must deal with phone mast safety


Phone mast bid prompts warning letter to schools


Bush wielding secrecy privilege to end suits

The Bush administration is aggressively wielding a rarely used executive power known as the state secrets privilege in an attempt to squash hard-hitting court challenges to its anti-terrorism campaign.


From Information Clearing House

War budget fuels drive for empire

The proposed 2006 defense budget is $419.3 billion. An additional $81 billion or so will be requested to conduct military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, this $500 billion is only the beginning.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Trying To Undermine Iran

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei U.S. Trying To Undermine Iran:

"The American officials assume they are the chief of the global village, whom other nations must obey."


From Information Clearing House

UK warns Syria of 'pariah' status

UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has warned Syria it risks being "treated as a pariah" if it fails to withdraw its forces from Lebanon.


From Information Clearing House

Once-Jailed Syrian Father and Son Warn U.S. Attack Would Destroy "Not Only the Regime But the Country Itself"

Real Audio

America looks the other way

In the end it was another sad reminder of the heavy price the United States has paid for ignoring fundamental human rights in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo;


From Information Clearing House

Mother of slain soldier says his life 'wasted' in Iraq

" I feel like his life was wasted," Patricia Brady said Wednesday. "A lot of people say he's a hero, but to me his life was wasted along with many others."


From Information Clearing House

Member Of Congress Calls for Nuking Syria

Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX) has advocated for attacking Syria with nuclear weapons.

Congressman says he was "joking" with nuke-Syria suggestion

From Information Clearing House

A History of the Bush Administration in One Sentence


Monsanto Assault on U.S. Farmers Detailed in New Report


Informant: billder

Brain Trauma is Most Common Injury to U.S. Troops in Iraq


Anonyme Anrufe und wilde Beschimpfungen

Jeder vierte Peitinger ist Vodafone-Kunde

Peiting - Anonyme Anrufe, wilde Beschimpfungen: Die Übergriffe, die Peter Wohlgemuth in den vergangenen zwei Wochen einstecken musste, werden immer aggressiver. Das Extremste, das ein Anrufer mit unterdrückter Rufnummer dem Betreiber des Vodafone-Shops aus Peiting jetzt per Telefon an den Kopf warf, hört sich laut Peter Wohlgemuth so an: "Ihr seid alle Verbrecher...!"

Der Unternehmer fühlt sich bedroht: "Ich kann weder was zur Antenne, noch zum Standort sagen", macht er klar. "Das macht Vodafone und nicht ich", unterstreicht Wohlgemuth, der die Vodafone-Partner-Agentur selbstständig neben dem Peitinger Rathaus betreibt. Doch Peter Wohlgemuths beste Kunden sind die Peitinger selbst: Mehr als 3000 Einwohner der Marktgemeinde besitzen derzeit einen laufenden Vodafone-Vertrag - bei knapp 12 000 Einwohnern heißt das: Jeder vierte Peitinger ist Vodafone-Kunde.

Bestes Beispiel für die Doppel-Moral: Mit Vodafone-Mütze auf dem Kopf betritt ein Peitinger den Handy-Shop von Peter Wohlgemuth, schließt einen Mobilfunk-Vertrag ab und schimpft gleichzeitig über die Antenne, die gestern vom Betreiber auf dem Dach des Pfettrisch-Anwesens nur wenige hundert Meter Luftlinie vom Shop entfernt installiert wurde. So schildert es Peter Wohlgemuth. Keinesfalls ist es außerdem so, dass die neue UMTS-Technik vom Kunden nicht angenommen wird - im Gegenteil: "Die Nachfrage ist enorm, viele steigen um."


Wie oft Peter Wohlgemuth in den letzten Wochen Kraftausdrücke an den Kopf geschmissen wurden, kann er schon gar nicht mehr zählen. Zählbar und äußerst überschaubar ist jedoch die Anzahl der Kunden geworden, die in den vergangenen zwei Wochen noch den Weg in seinen Laden gefunden haben. "Die Leute trauen sich nicht mehr zu mir in den Laden", mutmaßt Peter Wohlgemuth. "Die haben glaube ich Angst, gesehen zu werden." Die große Kündigungswelle bleibt allerdings aus. "Einen Tag nach der ersten Demonstration waren drei Kunden bei mir im Laden, die ihren Vertrag kündigen wollten, das war`s."

Warum die Leute ihn dafür verantwortlich machen, dass eine weitere Mobilfunkantenne im Ort steht, ist Peter Wohlgemuth ein Rätsel. "Momentan ist die Welt so verrückt", sagt der Shop-Betreiber. Er weist darauf hin, dass nicht nur sein eigener Arbeitsplatz am Mobilfunk hänge. "Es gibt auch in Peiting eine große Firma, die als Zulieferer Steckverbindungen für Nokia- und Siemens-Handys herstellt, skizziert Wohlgemuth die wirtschaftlichen Zusammenhänge.

Peter Wohlgemuth ist verärgert und genervt. Mittlerweile denkt er bereits über eine Fangschaltung nach, um anonymen Anrufern das Handwerk legen zu können. Ansonsten gibt sich der Unternehmer zunehmend bedeckt. Das rote Vodafone-T-Shirt bleibt ab sofort, ebenso wie die Cappy mit Werbelogo zu Hause - zu groß ist die Angst vor weiteren Anfeindungen.




Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Indirect negative impacts of radio-collaring: sex ratio variation in water voles

Tofani et al. (1986) exposed pregnant rats to 27.12 MHz continuous waves at an intensity of 100 µW / cm2........... There was also a change in the sex ratio, with more males born to rats that had been irradiated from the time of conception (Firstenberg, 1997).

These results are similar to that obtained by MOORHOUSE and MACDONALD (2005) in water voles:

1. Radio-tracking is used ubiquitously in studies of wild vertebrates, a fundamental assumption being that tagged animals do not significantly differ, behaviourally or otherwise, from untagged animals.

2. We studied two populations of water voles Arvicola terrestris: one population was livetrapped from April to September for 2 years (2000, 2001) and then concurrently radiotracked and trapped in a third year (2002). The second population was trapped only during 2002.

3. During 2002, a substantial decline in female numbers in the radio-collared population was recorded, apparently resulting from a male skew in the sex ratios of offspring born to this population. The mean numbers of males and females born during trapping only were 25•7 (SD 2•1) and 29•0 (SD 7•0), respectively. Recruits to the radio-tracked population were skewed heavily in favour of males (43 : 13).

4. Both hypotheses commonly invoked to explain mammalian sex-ratio manipulation refer to the condition of mothers. The altered sex ratio resulted from a 48% decrease in numbers of females born, a decrease similar to the proportion (0•49) of the female population that was collared. No similar decline in male births occurred. This suggests that radio-collaring of females caused male-skewed sex ratios.

5. Synthesis and applications

We conclude that the observed decline in female numbers resulted from male-skewed recruitment sex ratios due to the attachment of radio-collars to female water voles. These results question the assumption that the use of radio-collars does not fundamentally affect the biology of collared water voles.


Firstenberg, A. 1997: Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution. Cellular Phone Taskforce. Brooklyn, NY 11210.

Tom P. Moorhouse and David W. Macdonald. 2005. Indirect negative impacts of radio-collaring: sex ratio variation in water voles. Journal of Applied Ecology, 42: 91

Tofani, S., Agnesod, G., Ossola, P., Ferrini, S. and Bussi, R. 1986. Effects of continuous low-level exposure to radio-frequency radiation on intrauterine development in rats. Health Physics 51(4):489-499.

With best regards

Alfonso Balmori

Radio-tracking associated with ‘dramatic shift’ in water vole sex ratio

1,502 American Troops Dead

Pass It On: 1,502 American Troops Dead....

by American Friends Service Committee

This 2-minute film is a powerful and eloquent commentary on the tragedy of war.


Watch this powerful 2-minute film from the American Friends Service Committee, and sign the petition to bring the troops home.


Class-Action Warfare

by Stephanie Mencimer, The American Prospect

Why do so many Democrats vote against their own interests in support of so-called tort reform?



Queens Park Mast Action group is fighting plans for a 3G (Third Generation) mast on Pankhurst Avenue/Queen`s Park Road. This mast is only one of a 16-mast rollout in Brighton and Hove by the mobile phone operators T-Mobile. Is one proposed near you?

BRING BANNERS and support the DEMO outside BRIGHTON TOWN HALL, Bartholomew Square, on THURSDAY 10 MARCH at 3.40pm (before the Council meeting at 4.30pm). Press should be there.

>Visit QPMA`s website http://www.queensparkmastaction.co.uk giving research/links showing why mobile masts are bad for our and children`s health.

>Email your Councillors (first name.secondname@brighton-hove.gov.uk)

From Mast Network

Datenschützer überlisten US-Geheimdienst


Teen Tracker: Cell Phones Used To Track Teens


Informant: Anna Webb

Bericht über mobilfunkgeschädigte Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene

Heute hat mich eine Anfrage einer Zeitung erreicht, die einen Bericht über mobilfunkgeschädigte Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene machen möchte. Der Schwerpunk sollen Erfahrungsberichte, vor allem aus dem Schul-, Studien- und Berufsalltag sein.

Bitte meldet Euch und gebt diese Anfrage weiter. Das ist wieder eine Chance die Öffentlichkeit mit dieser Problematik zu konfrontieren.

Ulrich Weiner

Aufruf!!! Eilt!!!!

Wir suchen dringend junge Leute für ein Interview, die durch Mobilfunkexposition in Ihrer beruflichen Karriere beeinträchtigt wurden!

Dem Autor dieser Zeilen sind u.a. Fälle im Münchner Raum bekannt, die dank Mobilfunk innerhalb kürzester Zeit massivste Gesundheitsprobleme bekamen.

Einer musste sein Studium an der TU dank Wireless Lan (WLAN) aufgeben!!

Ein zweiter konnte gar nicht erst zum Studium antreten. Nachdem er von der Provinz nach München umgezogen war (die neue Wohnung lag direkt unter einem Mobilfunkmasten) bekam er innerhalb von drei Wochen massivste neurologische Ausfallserscheinungen, so dass an einen Studienantritt nicht mehr zu denken war.

Diese Fälle sind durch einen Münchner Umweltmediziner gut dokumentiert.

Wer ähnliche Probleme hatte oder hat soll sich bitte bei uns melden.

Eine naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift will über diese Problematik schreiben. Wir suchen daher Leute die für ein Interview mit Foto und namentlicher Veröffentlichung bereit sind.

Gebt diese Info bitte auch an Freunde und Bekannte weiter, nur so ist es möglich die Masse mit der Problematik zu konfrontieren.

Karl Trischberger, Langeneck 14, 83661 Lenggries, email: karl.trischberger@web.de
Tel.: 08042-503139

Stand for Peace March 19

Saturday, March 19 is the second anniversary of the war against Iraq. With more than 1,500 U.S. dead and an estimated 100,000 Iraqi lives lost, it is time to end the bloodshed and bring the troops home.

As part of our growing Wage Peace Campaign, we are asking people across the country to organize local events to show that the majority of Americans support peace.

Will you join us in standing for peace in your community on March 19?

Click below for information on organizing or attending a Stand for Peace event in your community:

Events will range from petition drives to candlelight vigils to creating local memorials to honor the war's dead -- whatever best suits your community. The day's events will be anchored by AFSC's Eyes Wide Open exhibit's tour stop in Los Angeles.

AFSC's second anniversary commemorations are part of larger national calls for action on the second anniversary by our partners in the United for Peace and Justice and Win Without War coalitions. On our Stand for Peace site, you can see what others are organizing in your area and around the country.

Working together, we can make sure that the major story of the war's second anniversary is a peace story. Your participation will help ensure that March 19 is remembered as the day the U.S.'s pro-peace majority turned out to call for an end to the bloodshed.

AFSC will be making a second delivery of its Iraq Peace Petition to the President and Congress shortly after the second anniversary. Local events can give thousands more people the opportunity to sign the petition and join the call to bring the troops home. Please download copies of the petition and take them to your local event to collect signatures and help us to keep the momentum building

Click below to find or organize an event in your community:

Let's make March 19 the turning point for peace.

Peter Lems
AFSC's Iraq program staff

Divine warning? Strange marks on Bali temples

by Sebastien Blanc

Banjar Panti (Indonesia), March 2: The police on the Indonesian resort island of Bali are hard-pressed to explain the sudden proliferation of white markings at hundreds of temples across the deeply superstitious Hindu island. Local residents view the signs as a divine warning.

The white chalk marks — crosses, dashes or two parallel diagonal bars — began to appear simultaneously on several temples starting on February 18 and have even spread to the neighbouring island of Lombok, press reports said.

One Balinese priest, Ida Pedande Gde Mas Diatmika, pointed to two small white crosses marking a small stone altar in his family temple compound. Yet another sacred monument bore a smaller cross in the same white chalk. "We think that it is a divine message, a warning," said the priest of Banjar Panti village. His long greying hair was carefully wound in a topknot and a dash of sandalwood powder marked his forehead.

Villagers, who regularly visit Diatmika’s familial temple to leave offerings in return for holy water to bless their homes and keep evil at bay, said the marking were discovered early one morning last week. There had been a sudden power cut and the village dogs had howled in concert the previous evening. Similar signs have since been found in hundreds of other Hindu temples across Bali, known as "the island of the Gods." "This is something hard to accept on the logical plane," the police spokesman Gusti Gde Suryasa said.

"The people see the phenomenon with a religious perspective. We are looking at it from a judicial point of view," Mr Suryasa said. He quickly added that suspects had yet to be found. "If the one behind all this is not human, then that would be above the range of our duties," he said. For Diatmika, 65, the warning must be related to the rapid changes taking place in this predominantly Hindu Indonesian island.

"Everything is changing, nothing remains as it was. The weather changes too rapidly. Nature is losing its balance," the priest said, citing global warming, a recent series of earthquakes and a deadly tsunami that have hit the country.

"Nature is unhappy," ventured Ms Ida Ayu Sri, a woman busy weaving baskets to carry offerings. A white frangipani flower adorned her simple hairdo. "These signs are there to tell us to be careful in our lives. They remind us to return to the right direction," the woman, in her thirties, added. Superstition and a strong belief in black magic are deeply ingrained in Bali, which is 90 per cent Hindu. Islam predominates throughout most of the Indonesian archipelago.

The first markings were found in two temples in Denpasar, the island’s capital, on February 18, and the police immediately launched an investigation Mr Suryasa said. "But nowadays, these signs are everywhere. Every hour brings new ones. Sometimes they were not there in the morning but suddenly they are there in the evening. And always on temples," he said.

Witnesses have even found the inscriptions on sacred structures in places difficult to reach without the aid of tall ladders. Others have appeared on monuments in well-locked private family temple grounds, including that of the Bali police chief. A temple on the grounds of provincial police headquarters, guarded round-the-clock, was not spared. "Of course the people are worried. Some believe a catastrophe is imminent. Others think they are positive divine signs," Mr Suryasa said. The police laboratory testing on samples of the white substance used in the markings showed that they were made with raw chalk. (AFP)


Informant: Anna Webb

Iraqi Police Officials go on Strike Against US Occupation


Iraqi Health Ministry Proves US Used Chemical Weapons in Fallujah


Iraq: Images of Tortures and War Crimes


42 Senators Address Bush on Social Security



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