
Oppose New Forest Planning Rules


As an early Christmas present, the Bush administration released new rules for managing national forests. These new rules eliminate the most fundamental wildlife protections, open up millions of acres of national forests including old growth, roadless areas and sensitive wildlife habitat to harmful activities, disregards science and shuts the public out of meaningful input.

While the new rules eliminate many protections outright, there is still an opportunity to comment on the rule for adopting or changing forest management plans. Forest plans are the long-term "blue prints" that govern how public forests and grasslands are managed. These plans identify how much logging, oil and gas drilling, mining, road building, grazing and motorized recreation will take place and where.

Forest plans are analogous to a county general plan, which lays out what development will take place. After the long-term plan is approved, projects to carry out the plan are then implemented over time.


The administration is accepting comments on only one portion of the new rules: it proposes to exempt forest management plans from environmental review and public input under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The rest of the rule changes are final as of January 5, 2005. The proposed rule would no longer require an analysis of the environmental impacts of a forest plan, revisions or amendments, including any analysis of alternatives that may be less impactful or public review of the proposed plans. Click here for detailed analysis of rule changes

Please send a letter urging the Bush administration to abandon its proposed rule change and make the following points:

[You/your group] strongly opposes the January 5, 2005 proposed rule change that would exempt forest management plans, revisions or amendments from environmental review and meaningful public input under the National Environmental Policy Act. The proposed new rule would:

Hide from the public adequate information to evaluate the environmental consequences of forest plans and disregards the best available science in favor of commercial interests;

Make it easier for timber, oil, gas, mining and motorized recreation corporations to profit from the use of public forests while eliminating the need for forest managers to assess potentially harmful impacts on water, wildlife, recreational use, old growth and roadless areas;

Worsen the assault on wildlife. Without environmental analysis of a forest plan or changes to a plan, the impacts to wildlife will not be understood. The new regulations have already abolished the requirements to maintain viable populations of species and to monitor those populations. Adopting this new proposal effectively removes all enforceable requirements to analyze and monitor wildlife health, both at the forest plan and at the project level; and

Call for environmental analysis to be done only at the project level. But the Bush administration has already exempted many types of logging projects from environmental review under NEPA mostly through the misnamed "Healthy Forest Initiative" in effect eliminating all environmental review and opportunity for public comment.

Additionally, the proposed rule would eliminate studying or disclosing the cumulative impact of management activities across the national forest, which is usually done at the planning stage.

Send your comments to:

USDA Content Analysis Team
Attention: Planning CE
P.O. Box 22777
Salt Lake City, UT 84122
Fax: 801.517.1015

Randi Spivak
American Lands Alliance
Executive Director
726th 7th Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: 202.547.9029
Fax: 202.547.9213

Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us


Informant: Andy Thames

Project Seal: "Tsunami Bomb" papers declassified


Informant: MessiahTwain

The Year in Review and the Year Ahead


Beached Whales in N.C.

The following is taken from today's edition of the New York Times:

At Least 34 Whales Dead, Beached in N.C.

Published: January 17, 2005

Filed at 11:27 a.m. ET

MANTEO, N.C. (AP) -- Scientists and National Park Service workers were working Sunday to collect samples and clean up whale carcasses after 34 of the marine mammals beached themselves and either died or had to be euthanized.

Dozens of whales beached themselves early Saturday along a five-mile stretch of coastline near Oregon Inlet, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. Twenty-four pilot whales died, and another seven were euthanized because they were suffering, the National Park Service reported.

A single minke whale was found dead in Corolla, the Virginian-Pilot reported. Two pygmy sperm whales turned up Sunday morning near Buxton -- one already dead, and one so sick that it also had to be euthanized, NOAA Fisheries biologist Barbie Byrd said.

"We're hoping that this is all of them,'' she said.

Informant: Millennium Twain

News results for BEACHED WHALES

ELF and beached whales and dolphins

Bush's 34 Scandals


Wirtschaftsminister Müller soll Energiepolitik für E.ON gemacht haben

"Transparenz sinnlos": Wirtschaftsminister Müller soll Energiepolitik für E.ON gemacht haben (18.01.05)

Die Offenlegung von Zahlungen der Wirtschaft an Politiker tragen nach Auffassung der atomkritischen Ärzteorganisation IPPNW "nicht im mindesten dazu bei, dass eine von Industrieinteressen unabhängige Politik möglich ist." Das beweise der Fall des ehemaligen Bundeswirtschaftsministers und E.ON-Managers Werner Müller. Die "Berliner Zeitung" berichtet in ihrer heutigen Ausgabe über den Wechsel von Müller zwischen Atomwirtschaft und Bundesregierung. Müller weise zu Recht darauf hin, dass er kein Geheimnis daraus gemacht hat, vor seiner Berufung ins Ministeramt 25 Jahre als Manager in der Energiewirtschaft tätig gewesen zu sein, meint die IPPNW. "Müller war 1998 vom Energie- und Atomkonzern E.ON in die Bundesregierung geschickt worden. Dieser ungeheuerliche Vorgang war für die Öffentlichkeit völlig transparent", sagte ein Sprecher der Ärzteorganisation. "In der Bundesregierung hat Müller ungeniert die Interessen seines Konzerns und seiner Branche vertreten. Müller setzte mit dem so genannten Atomkonsens den langjährigen Weiterbetrieb der deutschen Atomkraftwerke durch, torpedierte das Erneuerbare Energiegesetz und ließ durch seinen Staatssekretär eine Ministererlaubnis zugunsten einer Tochtergesellschaft von E.ON erteilen."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Bundestag beschäftigt sich mit E.ON-Zahlungen an Ex-Minister Werner Müller

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

A Time for Leaving


American Military Defeat in Falluja

Part One: American Military Defeat in Falluja II

Part Two: American Military Defeat in Falluja II

Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Kerry Calls for Rumsfeld to be Fired


Source: http://www.truthout.org/fyi

Handy-Liebe bis ins Grab: Sarg in Handy-Form

Sarg in Handy-Form: Ausgefallene Bestattung in den Niederlanden

18. Januar 2005 13:28

Handy-Liebe bis ins Grab: Wer ohne Mobiltelefon nicht sein kann, muss in den Niederlanden selbst im Tod nicht darauf verzichten.

Quasselstrippen können dort auch in einem Sarg in Handy-Form zur ewigen Ruhe gebettet werden.

http://www.xonio.com/news/news_13139264.html?tid1=7400&tid2=0 (Auszug)

Omega wie sinnig! Nomen est omen? (Übs.: Ist der Name ein Vorzeichen?)

We' re losing…

...doch der amerikanische Präsident darf es nicht wissen...


Dänische Krebsgesellschaft rät erstmals von Kinderhandys ab

Die Warnung der britischen Strahlenschutzkommission (siehe Meldung vom 13.01.05) ist in Dänemark stark beachtet worden. Viele Zeitungen, TV- und Radio-Stationen verbreiteten die Meldung: Kleine Kinder sollten besser keine Handys benutzen. Bemerkenswerter Weise haben jetzt sogar die Danish Cancer Society und das Health Council die Empfehlung herausgegeben, Kindern unter zehn Jahren keine Handys zu überlassen, berichtet Sianette Kwee aus Dänemark. Derartiges hätten beide Organisationen zuvor nie gemacht. Die Empfehlung ist an die Einschränkung gebunden, die besondere Schadwirkung von Handys auf Heranwachsende sei noch nicht untersucht worden, die Forschungsanstrengungen konzentrierten sich bislang nur auf Erwachsene. Frühestens in drei bis vier Jahren könnten erste Studien an Kindern Ergebnisse liefern - bis dahin sei vorsorglich Vorsicht angeraten. Pikant: Die Vorlage des REFLEX-Abschlussberichts vor wenigen Wochen hat in allen Medien regen Widerhall gefunden, besonders die Ergebnisse über DNS-Doppelstrangbrüche. Nur die beiden oben genannten Organisationen schwiegen sich beharrlich aus. Des Rätsels Lösung: Vor einem Jahr griffen sie das REFLEX-Projekt hart an und stellten die wissenschaftliche Qualität seiner Arbeiten in Frage (18.01.05-Kwee/-ll).

Link zur Danisch Cancer Society http://www.cancer.dk/

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Informationszentrum gegen Mobilfunk
Heidrun Schall

Chosen Nation

Kirk Tofte on the Myths America Lives By:


Secret Wars Against 10 Countries

Seymour M. Hersh on neocon plans for mayhem.

From Lew Rockwell

Hot Commodities

Doug French on How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Best Market, by Jim Rogers.


How Americans Were Seduced by War

Naked Aggression

Paul Craig Roberts on The New American Militarism:

Abu Ghraib: Result of ignoring the Geneva Conventions

by Jennifer Van Bergen



A preliminary draft of a soon-to-be published scholarly legal article written by a former military officer who currently presides in a U.S. federal court concludes that the Abu Ghraib prison abuses were the reasonably foreseeable results of a decision by President Bush to ignore the mandates of the Geneva Conventions relating to prisoners of war..


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A call to arms

by Ron Beatty

The Libertarian Enterprise


Politicians pay attention to only two things, money and votes. Let them know that you will be watching their actions, and will donate, and vote, accordingly. Now is the time for you to decide how much you are devoted to the concept of freedom and individual liberty and rights. You can stand on 'principle', and when you are enslaved or stuck in a gulag someplace, you can console yourself with that. Or you can live up to ideals you claim to believe in...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

An American tragedy

by Tibor R. Machan

Tibor's Place on the Web


We have an ongoing tragedy afoot in our country. It has to do with the relationship between our political tradition and the dominant moral viewpoint. In the political realm everyone is supposed to have the unalienable right to, among other things, the pursuit of happiness. No, not to happiness but to pursuing it. None can have a right to happiness since happiness is something one needs to achieve in life -- it cannot be given or secured by government...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Congress should restrain the president

by David Boaz

Cato Institute


Advocates of an imperial presidency ask who comprehends the general will of the American people. Their answer: the one official elected by all the people -- the president of the United States. Unlike Congress, they believe, he represents the national interest, not just the parochial interests of states and vested interests. The voters have chosen the president, and Congress should carry out his Sun God-like 'mandate.' If Congress refuses to execute the general will, then presidents increasingly claim the power to rule by decree, through executive orders. Such an idea is poisonous. It would replace the constitutional safeguards against majoritarianism with a president virtually unconstrained in his ability to do good, as he sees it, for the people.


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush won't rule out Iran military action

Radio Free Europe [Czech Republic]


U.S. President George W. Bush has said he would not rule out military action against Iran if that country is not more cooperative over its suspected nuclear weapons program. ... Iran denies it is trying to build nuclear weapons and says its nuclear program is for energy purposes only. Bush's comments come after his administration denied it is sending special forces into Iran to carry out secret reconnaissance missions to identify potential nuclear and other targets...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Senator Edward Kennedy Says Iraq is Bush's Vietnam

Washington, Jan 17 (Prensa Latina) US Democrat Senator Edward M. Kennedy said the bloody standoff between US occupation troops and Iraqi resistance proves that the occupation of the Arab country is the Vietnam of President George W. Bush, who continues justifying that aggression.

In an interview on CBS news, Kennedy said the situation in Iraq was a disaster and the result of blunder after blunder, another Vietnam. The senator called ridiculous Bush's latest claim that his re-election was a validation of going to war in Iraq.

Kennedy reminded that former Democrat President Lyndon Johnson easily won the 1964 elections during the Vietnam War, but didn"t seek re-election in 1968.

"Look what happened," Kennedy said. "Lyndon Johnson had to basically abdicate the presidency because of Vietnam. This is clearly George Bush"s Vietnam." Johnson is widely believed not to have sought re-election due to the drain on time, resources and his popularity resulting from failures in Vietnam.

Kennedy has been a consistent critic of the Bush administration's policy in Iraq and vocally opposed the resolution that gave the US president the green light to go into war in Iraq. The Democrat senator further added it was absolutely a mistake to go to war with Iraq, instead of following Osama bin Laden.

However, Kennedy stressed that Bush committed other mistakes after ordering the invasion of Iraq, including not having enough troops for post-war operations, disbanding the Iraqi army, having single source contracts to groups like the politically connected Halliburton and the prisoner abuse scandals at Abu Ghraib.

The Democrat Senator believes that the US went into Iraq with no long-term plan, just a day-to-day planning session.


Informant: Walter Lippmann

Bill "Knows When To Hold 'Em" Bennett Controls Social Security

by The Borowitz Report

Why not give control of the nation's Social Security program to an avid gambler and Bush friend? Heck -- it's no riskier than the stock market!

The former education secretary (and avid gambler) Bill Bennett was given control of the nation's Social Security program—at least according to humorist Andy Borowitz. Read the full story here:

From TomPaine.com

George W. Bush: Philosopher King

by Chris Suellentrop, Slate

On the real agenda behind the White House push for Social Security privatization.


The Housing Bubble

by Dean Baker, Demos

On how the coming collapse of the housing market will hurt middle and low-income families.


Bush Budget Increases Risk of Chemical Warfare Agent Exposure Danger in U.S.

Neutralizing the threat from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) at home [in the United States] should be a priority even with the deficit soaring. For $2 billion, Kentucky could be rid of more than a million pounds of mustard, sarin and VX gases. That's a drop compared to the $130 billion the United States has already wasted chasing WMD that Iraq did not have.


Bush Launches Secret Recon of Iran Preparing for New War

The facts show the Bush Administration is wrong because there was no link between 9/11 and terrorists, and the Iraq War is a disaster. Now, according to a disturbing article in the New Yorker, the Bush Administration is planning an "Iranian campaign," claiming Iran is linked with terror. The election may have given the Bush Administration another large dose of lethal hubris, and Iran is the next target, even though the military is "broken," according to top generals.


America sets stage for war with Iran


Impeachment and the inauguration

The Bush/Cheney Presidential Inaugural Committee is spending $50 million to lavish the President and his "donor base" with gala parties in the next few days. The coronation was supposed to proceed on January 20th with Pennsylvania Avenue scrubbed clean of embarrassing signs calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush. It has all been organized like a Hollywood set piece to shower "legitimacy" on a criminal administration.

Thanks to the incredible support of everyone in this movement, however, Bush (and the world media tracking his every inaugural movement on January 20) will be unable to miss the thousands of people at antiwar bleachers and along the parade route.

Because of the help provided by members of the impeachment movement, the beautiful (and large) black and yellow banners and signs reading "Guilty of War Crimes -- ImpeachBush.org" will be all over Pennsylvania Avenue.

To view of photo of the signs, click here:

At the antiwar bleachers and mass rally site on the inaugural parade route (at 4th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.) we will be joined by Ramsey Clark, family members of soldiers in Iraq, Muslim-American family members whose loved ones were swept up in the Bush/Ashcroft mass arrests, and thousands of other Americans who through their presence and their spirit will make sure that the impeachment message resonates loud and clear through the Inaugural charade.

Volunteers are now working round-the-clock in Washington DC. People in more than fifty cities are sacrificing by taking off time from work and school to board buses for the long ride to Washington DC in the middle of winter. Everyone involved should understand how essential their work and their contribution has been to this effort.

We can succeed because of the generous contributions of people who deeply believe that impeachment is a necessary step to protect the constitution and to hold high officials accountable for their criminal acts. Thanks to those who have contributed so far. But we need to raise many thousands of dollars more in the next three days to help cover all the expenses.

Please make a contribution now. For access to the online donation form and the secure server, where you can also get information to write a check, click here:

-- All of us at ImpeachBush/VoteToImpeach.org

Coronation farce deepens - These Companies gave Money for Bush's Innauguration

Inaugural Protests in Many Cities

January 20 Impeachment Reportback

Kerry Denounces 'Voter Suppression' in November Election


RFID-Implantate: Feiern bis der Chip qualmt

Aus der Rubrik: Privacy Watch
Dienstag, 18. Januar 2005
von Christian Rentrop

Schottische Bar setzt RFID-Chips in den Arm seiner Stammgäste ein. Diese können sich dann bargeldlos besaufen. Die Rechnung liegt in der Datenbank der Kneipe und wird dem Kunden wie eine Kreditkarten-Rechnung zugestellt. Der Schritt zum Alkohol-Cyborg ist getan.

Der Bender-Effekt

Bender ist der Name eines Roboters aus einer Zeichentrickserie des Simpsons-Schöpfers Matt Groening. Er funktioniert mit Alkohol und muss sich ständig Longdrinks und Kurze reinpfeifen, um nicht in den Standby-Modus zu fallen. Irgendwie schottisch, diese Verhaltensweise. Entsprechend naheliegend ist es für die Betreiber des Clubs "Bar Soba" in Glasgow, Kneipen-Gäste in Cyborgs zu verwandeln.

Ein kleiner Chip im Arm macht den Stammgast zum menschlichen Wesen mit elektronischem Upgrade. In der Fernsehserie "Der 6-Millionen-Dollar-Mann" hatte Lee Majors durch so ein Cyborg-Upgrade diverse Superkräfte erhalten. Die RFID-Chips in den Armen der Kneipenbesucher sorgen zwar nicht für Superkräfte, können aber in Notsituationen trotzdem hilfreich sein. Zum Beispiel dann, wenn jemand volltrunken ohne Ausweis aufgefunden wird. Ein kleiner Scan durch die Polizei und die Stammkneipe ist bekannt. Dort kennt man dann sicher auch die Anschrift des Findelkindes.

Reiskörner im Arm

Der Chip im Arm hat in etwa die Größe eines Reiskorns. Er enthält eine persönliche Identifizierungsnummer sowie den Namen des Gastes. Betritt er die Bar, wird er gescannt und als "Anwesend" verbucht. Der Kellner kann also schon einmal die Lieblingsdrinks des Besuchers vorbereiten. Bis der die Theke erreicht hat, stehen sie bereits auf dem Tisch.

Die Chips wurden von den Kunden bisher begeistert aufgenommen, erlaubt der Chip im Arm doch den völligen Verzicht auf Geld, sei es in Form von Barem oder als Kreditkarte. Da macht die Strassenschlägerei nach Sperrstunde gleich doppelt soviel Spass, wenn man nicht abgezogen werden kann.

Das Unding "Hartz IV" und das Unwort "Humankapital"

Datum: 18.01.2005
© www.sozialisten.de

Das Unding "Hartz IV" und das Unwort "Humankapital"

Zur Kür des Wortes "Humankapital" zum Unwort des Jahres 2004 erklärt Bundesgeschäftsführer Rolf Kutzmutz:

Die Jury, die das Unwort des Jahres bestimmt, hatte es in diesem Jahr nicht leicht. Denn die meist genannten Vorschläge "Hartz IV" und "Ein-Euro-Job", die eine Kür zum Unwort des Jahres allemal verdient hätten, erfüllten nach ihrer Meinung die rein sprachlichen Voraussetzungen nicht. Beides, Hartz IV und Ein-Euro-Jobs, seien eher Undinge als Unwörter, so der Jury-Vorsitzende Horst Dieter Schlosser.

Mit der Kür des Wortes "Humankapital" zum Unwort des Jahres ist der Jury dennoch gelungen, die "primär ökonomische Bewertung aller denkbaren Lebensbezüge", wie sie sich auch in der Hartz-Gesetzgebung ausdrückt, deutlich und scharf zu kritisieren.

Wer Menschen einzig und allein zur ökonomisch interessanten Größe degradiert, führt die Gesellschaft ins soziale Nirwana. Unding und Unwort des Jahres 2004 stehen für eine Politik, die sich vom Sozialstaat des Grundgesetzes verabschiedet und Millionen Menschen eine menschenwürdige Teilhabe am Gemeinwesen verwehrt.

31. Januar ist Widerspruchstag


Be aware of uranium


Informant: Davey Garland

What Bush & Co. Don't Want Americans To See

Military Ceremony for Louisiana National Guardsmen Killed in Iraq

Soldiers' families and National Guard defy Pentagon, allow media to film and photograph remains coming home in flag-draped coffins...


Military Personnel Wounded in Iraq & Afghanistan: A Photo Gallery
warning: some of these pictures are graphic

Informant: Friends

Mobile phones are emphatically not safe

I had the following letter published in todays Argus newspaper (dist Sussex wide) as written below..

There is also an excellent anti TETRA letter pub'd written by Nigel Farage MEP (UKIP). Go to http://www.theargus.co.uk

Gary K, Brighton

Mobile phones are emphatically not safe

They have already killed a lot of people. They have been linked to brain tumours, migraine, headaches and numbness in the head and users often experience a burning sensation behind the ear.

There is mounting evidence that mobiles are frying people's brains. The fact that so many children and young people are now using them could result in an epidemic of brain disorders in the near future.

The technology is marvellous but the human frame is fragile and cannot stand the short wave radiation.

Samantha Miller, aged 17, died several years ago. Her parents are reported to have said "Our chatterbox daughter died of a brain tumour. We blame her mobile".

Research by Dr. Alan Preece at Bristol University has supported the claims of those who believe mobile phone radiation is not safe.

A study of volunteers showed the emissions heat up the brain and alter reaction times.

In another study, Dr.Preece used squid to demonstrate how human brains can be altered by electrical impulses. The squid changed colour when exposed to mobile phones, violently flashing through the spectrum, and also showed slower reaction times.

Simon Best, of mobile phone emission pressure group Powerwatch, said the Millers' story was becoming all too common.

"The amount of evidence that shows that mobile phone use is damaging is growing by the day" he said. "and as more and more people use their handsets for longer, we expect cases like this to grow rapidly".

A Finnish Study has shown that mobile phones damage brain neurons and allow toxic chemicals to leak into the brain.

A French study supports this showing that mobile phone radiation can weaken the brain's natural barrier to poisons.

I recommend reading Dr George Carlo's "Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age" (2001). Carlo was appointed in 1993 by the US telecoms industry to allay the fears of mobile phone users through scientific research.

Carlo is a public health scientist, epidemiologist and lawyer, so no fly-by-night.

In June 1999 he stood up in public and instead announced his findings that mobile phones cause cancer and that no-one should hold one to their head. Ever.

From Mast Network

Fields of Influence - Mobile phones "the largest human biologic experiment"

Mobile Phones Break DNA & Scramble Genomes



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Januar 2005

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