
Blackwell Locks Out Recount Volunteers

Ohio Voting Official - Blackwell Locks Out Recount Volunteers

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government

December 11, 2004

(The Revolution gets one step closer !)


Blackwell Locks Out Recount Volunteers --Blackwell Locks Down Ohio
Voting Records --Ohio Election Investigation Thwarted by Surprise
Blackwell Order - Dayton, Ohio http://www.fairnessbybeckerman.blogspot.com/

"On Friday, December 10, two certified volunteers for the Ohio Recount team assigned to Greene County were in process recording voting information from minority precincts in Greene County, and were stopped mid-count by a surprise order from Secretary of State Blackwell's office.

The Director Board of Elections stated that 'all voter records for
the state of Ohio were 'locked-down,' and now they are not considered public records.'"

Norwich meeting

Norwich (10 Dec) in a nutshell, from one who was there; not the only one, so correct me if I remember wrong or missed important angles.

Not such a big meeting as I'd hoped for, but then Norwich is a bit out of the way and it wasn't exactly widely publicised beyond campaign groups. But maybe 70 people there, including Eileen O'Connor, Mike Bell (chair RRT), Sylvia Wright from Mast Sanity, a campaigner from Brighton. Friends of the Earth had a rep., there was a Norwich CC planner and councillors. Panel was David Bourne, editor of Eastern Evening News (main campaigning paper) to chair, Councillor Mick Banham, Dr Ian Gibson (Norwich Lab MP) and Bill Stewart. Visitors were well appreciated, and it was good we were there with the wider view. BS gave a short presentation about HPA/NRPB role and saying he was keen to hear from people before completing Stewart Report II in January. He did go round the audience before the start asking people's views.

BS showed his reported annoyance at the industry saying the Stewart report showed there were no adverse health effects, during a period of exponential growth in phone use. His bottom line is that more is known now than in 1999 and that there is this apparent "allergy" to EMF, with certain people being susceptible to non-ionising radiation, probably belonging to a "genetic subgroup". So the precautionary effect must be reinforced while good clear science is done and published in an understandable way. He is also concerned about SAR info on phones, and its availability.

Ian Gibson, reporting "what's on" in Parliament, is hopeful that Keith Hill will be introducing meaningful planning changes, esp. with regard to consultation, but actually believes existing masts in places like near schools should come down. Planning permission, he said, should not be granted until public consent is given, and definitely never near schools. (The meeting said "make that residential, schools, hospitals etc.") Legislation, he says, will take much longer. (Mike Bell from RRT says he gathers 10 commitments etc. will be updated and PPG8 guidelines, in Spring 2005, but not the law.) He also suspects not all masts are necessary anyway, and his unanswered challenge is that operators should turn some masts off and see what happens.

Audience participation could've gone on all night as usual, but we only had until about 8.30. So we challenged "well-being" in terms of electrosensitivity causing actual ill health. Psychosomatic angles were pre-empted with the number of nosebleeds occurring in North Walsham and sleep deprivation. Eileen O'Connor gave the Wishaw story (her own of course) plus the John Walker RRT cancer cluster cases, and I gave the Worthing survey profile. Power levels, multiple masts and measuring were discussed and ICNIRP explained as being of no relevance to the effects observed. Planning refusal by LPAs was discussed, and how hard it is, loss of democracy etc. Landowners were challenged and the £££ incentive noted. Mike Bell called for transparency and openness of all details, including antenna directions, and any and every change made to them to require permission.

Editor DB pledged press support in mast campaigns, and in mast awareness.

Main usefulness: presenting depth of feeling, of understanding of the situation, and the certainty felt about EMF being the cause of so much, to Sir William.


After having to shoot off to Wales to play barmaid over the weekend, I have now had a chance to take stock of what happened at the Norwich meeting where Sir William Stewart was a speaker. I, like Andy Davidson, was disappointed at the numbers, but perhaps it worked in the favour of those wanting to speak. I was initially irritated at what seemed like a waste of precious time being told where the NRPB/HPA operate from and what is happening regarding AIDS, MRSA and all other subjects which come under their umbrella. We were there to discuss the problem with masts and mobile phones!! However, both Eileen O'Connor and myself managed to say our piece, although there's never enough time to say all you want to.

I told the panel that being a Parish Councillor in a village where there were in excess of 20 base stations within the parish caused great concern, especially as we had a growing serious health problem which includes some childhood cancers and blood disorders. I told him that we could completely blow out of the water the argument that these illnesses stem from fear and stress as the first of the masts went up 15 years ago and we were only made aware of the possible connection with the phone masts 2 years ago.

I told Sir William that I felt that our young people were being exploited by the phone companies and neglected by the NRPB as they were being allowed to use mobile phones without any warnings The Gov. leaflet produced after the Stewart Report were not widely distributed - and are still not! These leaflets recommend to parents that children under 16 use mobiles for emergency only and keep calls to a minimum and also point out that SAR rates on phones may help to choose a safer phone. No parent I have spoken to have seen this leaflet.

Sir William told me after the meeting, when challenged over the Government's refusal to act upon their recommendations, that he can only advise and cannot make them do anything! Our best course of action would be through our MP's. On hearing this I became extremely angry and told him that I thought MP's were being wooed by the phone companies and that if the recommendations in the Stewart report were not to be implemented it was another complete waste of taxpayers money and what had it all been for??

Eileen pointed out the urgent need for truly independent research and asked for funds to be made available without delay and said that there was a team of eminent european scientists available to start researching this huge problem.

One can only wait for Sir William's update next month and hope that some of the concerns and anxieties of Communities all over the UK can be addressed in a constructive way.

Sylvia Wright

I have also written to George Hooker and indeed met him. DOH is not skilled in non-ionising radiation, on which they defer to NRPB, and do not present themselves as concerned in any way.

If I may gather your account with others, I intend to get more of a dossier to Sir William Stewart. Whilst we recognise that he has no real influence on government, he could still kick up a stink. At the very least, NRPB needs a severe shake-up. Don't write any letters to him by the way, he won't receive what you send.

There is a huge problem: what we are actually saying is that everyone communicating by microwaves is dangerous. Imagine what it will take to stop the wireless industry. Only a profitable and self-financing global alternative technology will do this. Meanwhile, WHO discuss precaution as a cost-benefit analysis. Benefit: I can tell you I'm on the train. Cost: someone else dies prematurely.

So keep talking, keep protesting, keep helping; we're all with you.

Good luck


From Mast Network

What the FDA Won’t Tell You about the VeriChip


nov2truth.org news update 11 Dec 2004


The votes that really count have not yet been cast

In Ohio, a recount is being rejected because the votes have not even been counted completely the first time. Civil rights activists such as Jesse Jackson are outraged, since "Ohio determines the election, but the state has not yet counted the vote."


From Information Clearing House

Intelligence and Civil Rights

As much as the nation needed to overhaul its badly flawed intelligence system, it hardly needed more surveillance and detention powers to invite federal agencies to abuse civil rights even further in the name of tracking terrorism suspects.


From Information Clearing House

Tremors rock earth deep beneath San Andreas Fault

Puzzling vibrations baffle researchers

Informant: CHEROKEE

Women's Organization Accuses U.S. of War Crimes in Iraq

Human Rights Day 2004: Women's Organization Accuses U.S. of War Crimes in Iraq

So Little Time, So Many Regimes to Change


Bush Manipulated North Korea Intelligence Like He Did in Iraq

Bush Manipulated North Korea Intelligence Like He Did in Iraq: US Expert

Nobel Winner Maathai Sounds Alarm Over Planet


This is called supporting our troops

This is called supporting our troops. Looks like we can help on this one, at least by calling and calling and calling. This is an outrage.

Peace - Anna

Begin forwarded message:

Outraged about Army Spc. Robert Loria's plight? Speak your mind. Below are contact numbers for federal legislators and defense officials.

U.S. Senate: Hillary Clinton: 202-224-4451; Charles Schumer: 212-486-4430

U.S. House of Representatives: Maurice Hinchey: 845-344-3211; Sue Kelly: 845-897-5200

Secretary of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld: 703-692-7100

Fort Hood: Major General James D. Thurman: 254-288-2255 or Fort Hood operator at 254-287-1110; Public Information Officer Jim Whitmeyer: 254-287-0103

December 10, 2004

He lost an arm in Iraq; the Army wants money

Silencing the Vote


Devastating Oil Spill in Alaska Feared


nov2truth.org news update 10 Dec 2004


Zogby Defense : 'My Polling Was Very, Very Good'


Informant: NHNE

CLG News


Voter Fraud update and Activism links



BULLETIN ITEM: HEADS UP IN CALIFORNIA & PUGET SOUND AREA: all coastal and South Cal fault zones

The New Moon Syzygy, close up Perigee, Condon's signals as reported below, the recent strong shape-shifting in the Earth, the polar motion anomaly, and the large clustering of major 6 and 7 mag quakes during the last 60 days tends to suggest that considerable suspicion and caution about POTENTIAL MAJOR QUAKE ACTIVITY is ESPECIALLY WARRENTED DURING THE NEXT TEN DAYS.

MT ULF UPDATE: December 3, 2004

Note: The San Jacinto Fault Alert continues to stay in effect. There was a period with deep crustal infrasonic resonant harmonic energy at 1.87 hz (-73.32 dBv) for Northern California and further north along the Pacific and North American Plate boundary.

Today, I detected several periods with strong geomagnetic oscillation that appear to also be associated with micro quake epicentered along the Transverse Range from near Malibu, Fontana, Yucaipa, and Mt. San Gorgonio, CA.

I usually associate strong oscillation with being a precursor for a significant magnitude earthquake of at least M5.0 to M6.5 according to past data from the Gulf of California, and that which preceded last year's M6.5 San Simeon seismic event.

Most likely inferring that deep crustal stress will stay high over the next couple of weeks, especially during the coming high spring tides (Dec. 11-13). The new moon may add enough extra stress to have another strong earthquake along the Pacific and North American Plate boundary before the end of 2004. A quick analysis of all recent local anomalies would tend to agree with this. All charts are in sync with something building up for the near future. Also, the recent sustained MT peak reading indicates that stress is now rapidly increasing with time.

Informant: CHEROKEE

Dr. Jean Monro zur Elektrosensibilität





'Stop Big Brother's ID plans'

A NEW group has been launched in Cambridge to fight Government plans for a national identity card.

Home Secretary David Blunkett announced the Identity Cards Bill, amid claims the cards could tackle terrorism, make national borders more secure and prevent abuse of benefits and public services. However, opponents NO2ID say cardholders will have to pay for the scheme and their "most intimate details will be controlled by the Government forever". Matt Freestone, a 33-year-old software developer, of Perne Road, Cambridge, is involved in setting up the Cambridge group. He said: "We oppose the Government's plans to introduce identity cards and a national identity register because they will significantly diminish personal privacy and threaten civil liberties.

"There's no evidence that ID cards prevent terrorism - unfortunately we have two recent examples in the 9/11 attacks where the terrorists were largely using their own IDs, and Madrid, where Spain's ID card scheme did nothing to deter the bombers.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 11th, 2004

City approves resolution against USA Patriot Act

Helena city commissioners went on record Monday night, narrowly passing a resolution critical of the USA Patriot Act. The 3-2 vote "protecting the civil liberties of the citizens" sends what Mayor Jim Smith said is a message that Helenans have "deep concerns and unrest" over the act. The six-page resolution takes issue with the controversial legislation, lauds the Helena Police Department for its good efforts protecting civil liberties, and asks city staff to provide periodic reports on local terrorism investigations. (The resolution can be found on the city Web site, http://www.ci.helena.mt.us.)

Supporters of the Helena Patriot Committee wore green lapel signs reading "I support a free and safe Helena" in Commission Chambers. After the outcome, they hugged each other in the hallways.

"(The vote) says that the commission truly listened to Helena citizens," said Diane Carlson Evans, a former Army nurse and committee co-chair. The resolution has substance and accountability, she said.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 11th, 2004

A Nation of Cattle?

Have you been chipped, yet?

The worry, of course, is that being chipped will not stay voluntary.

Have you been chipped, yet? You could be soon, for the Food & Drug Administration has now cleared the way for a Florida corporation, Applied Digital Solutions, to market a tiny electronic device called VeriChip that is surgically implanted under the skin of your arm or hand. Don't worry, says the corporation soothingly, being chipped doesn't hurt you, and it's really for your own good. For example, they say, if you have an accident, your implanted chip could contain vital medical information that could be accessed by an ambulance crew (assuming the crew has bought a hand-held, chip-reading scanner, which Applied Digital also happens to sell). Besides, coo the corporate hawkers, being chipped is a matter of great personal convenience for you. No longer would you have to carry cumbersome ID cards to get into your workplace––you could have all the required ID stored on your chip, right inside your body. And think of the convenience of not having to fumble with credit cards! Instead, your credit numbers literally are implanted in you, so rather than running your cards through a scanner, a retailer can simply scan you. Talk about consumer progress, VeriChip turns your own body––your very own self––into a bar-coded payment system.

The worry, of course, is that being chipped will not stay voluntary. Corporations and government will soon insist that their employees, frequent travelers, protesters, and others be tagged for security reasons. To rebel against this effort to turn us into a nation of cattle, call the Electronic Privacy Information Center: 202-488-1140.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 11th, 2004

A Nation of Cattle?

Have you been chipped, yet?

The worry, of course, is that being chipped will not stay voluntary.
Have you been chipped, yet? You could be soon, for the Food & Drug Administration has now cleared the way for a Florida corporation, Applied Digital Solutions, to market a tiny electronic device called VeriChip that is surgically implanted under the skin of your arm or hand. Don't worry, says the corporation soothingly, being chipped doesn't hurt you, and it's really for your own good. For example, they say, if you have an accident, your implanted chip could contain vital medical information that could be accessed by an ambulance crew (assuming the crew has bought a hand-held, chip-reading scanner, which Applied Digital also happens to sell). Besides, coo the corporate hawkers, being chipped is a matter of great personal convenience for you. No longer would you have to carry cumbersome ID cards to get into your workplace––you could have all the required ID stored on your chip, right inside your body. And think of the convenience of not having to fumble with credit cards! Instead, your credit numbers literally are implanted in you, so rather than running your cards through a scanner, a retailer can simply scan you. Talk about consumer progress, VeriChip turns your own body––your very own self––into a bar-coded payment system.

The worry, of course, is that being chipped will not stay voluntary. Corporations and government will soon insist that their employees, frequent travelers, protesters, and others be tagged for security reasons. To rebel against this effort to turn us into a nation of cattle, call the Electronic Privacy Information Center: 202-488-1140.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 11th, 2004

Constitution Butchered in Winter of ‘04


Never before in US history have the Congress and the President done so much to destroy the rights that make America America.

In late November, the New Freedom Initiative passed Congress by a giant majority. This so-called conservative plan to force psychologically test every child in America whether they are public, private or home schooled dwarves anything that Stalin in Russia or the East German Stasi came up with regards to forced psychological testing of the population. The program even expands into pregnant women, who could, through the program, be forced to take psychotropic drugs that are known to cause birth defects in babies. The guidelines for the New Freedom Initiative were written by the drug companies, and they have openly bragged that they will augment their doping of the American people from the current fifteen percent to fifty percent. That is, half of the people in America would be on mind-numbing drugs. In polls, up to eighty percent were against the New Freedom Initiative. Congress just did not care. Neither did Bush – forced psychological testing is “conservative” after all.

On December 7 , 2004, a day that will live in infamy, the House of Representatives voted 336 to 75 to pass the US Intelligence Bill, otherwise known as the September 11 Bill. Contained in this bill are the dreaded Patriot Act II and provisions for a National ID card through the state driver's license.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 11th, 2004

Councilman says police shouldn't use Taser on kids

Use of police stun guns against children "torture."

A report by an international human rights group condemning the use of stun guns has prompted calls in Cincinnati to prohibit police from using Tasers on children younger than 11. Councilman Christopher Smitherman proposed Wednesday that Cincinnati police set a policy prohibiting officers from using Tasers on children aged 7 through 10. Department policy, following national standards, already prohibits Taser use on children younger than 7.

Smitherman's proposal was prompted by the release of an Amnesty International report this week describing the use of police stun guns against children "torture."



Police are too quick to grab for Taser's power, say critics

Teens and pregnant women have felt jolt in King County

When deputies pulled her over, Valinda Otis told them she was pregnant and needed to use the bathroom. When they wouldn't let her go to a nearby restroom, she walked toward it, anyway, she said, and was quickly handcuffed and placed in a patrol car. She screamed and kicked the car door. That's when a deputy with the King County Sheriff's Office pulled out a Taser, pressed it against her thigh and jolted her with 50,000 volts of electricity. "It was a sharp pain," said Otis, 24, who was three months pregnant at the time of the September incident. "I kept asking, 'Is it gonna mess up my baby?' "

Tasers have been used locally to end violent standoffs and subdue suicidal people, but a Seattle Post-Intelligencer review found they're also being used routinely in far less threatening situations -- including against juveniles, pregnant women and people who have already been handcuffed.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 11th, 2004

Intel bill to institute national ID system?

Congressman: Driver's license provision initiates plan 'not proper in a free society'

It is just a matter of time until those who refuse to carry the new licenses will be denied the ability to drive or board an airplane."

A Republican congressman is decrying the intelligence reform bill set to pass Congress today, saying it creates a de facto national ID-card system. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, says by establishing standards for state driver's licenses on a federal level, the government is setting up a national system that's "not proper in a free society."

The bill, which established a new cabinet-level national intelligence director and expands some law-enforcement powers, passed the House of Representatives last night 336-75 and is scheduled for a Senate vote today.

"This is America, not Soviet Russia," said the libertarian-leaning Paul in a statement. "The federal government should never be allowed to demand papers from American citizens, and it certainly has no constitutional authority to do so." "A national identification card, in whatever form it may take, will allow the federal government to inappropriately monitor the movements and transactions of every American," Paul continued. "History shows that governments inevitably use such power in harmful ways. The 9-11 commission, whose recommendations underlie this bill, has called for internal screening points where identification will be demanded. Domestic travel restrictions are the hallmark of authoritarian states, not free nations.

It is just a matter of time until those who refuse to carry the new licenses will be denied the ability to drive or board an airplane."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 11th, 2004

Intelligence Reform No Victory for Civil Rights


Dividing and Conquering in Iraq


Six Counties to Start Recount on December 13th

The Cobb-LaMarche Campaign
Working to Make Every Vote Count!

Hello everyone!

Yesterday was a very busy day; most of the Boards of Elections were finally answering the questions of our Regional and County Coordinators.

Eighty-eight counties and it feels like 50 different start times. For example, we have at least six counties starting on Monday the 13th- at 7am, 9am, 9:30 am, 2 @ 10am, 1pm, 3pm....not like they could
make it easy, right?

We have dozens of trainings taking place this weekend, and we expect supporters from Oregon, California, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Kentucky, West Virginia to start.

Monday, December 13th also brings lots of activity to Columbus, Ohio. Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones along with Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Reps. Maxine Waters and Ted Strickland, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson will hold a forum addressing Voting Irregularities in Ohio to take place at Columbus City Hall, Columbus City Council Chambers, 90 West Broad Street, Columbus.

Meanwhile, outside the State Capitol, protesters will be gathering from 11am - 1pm to demonstrate their outrage that Ohio's electors will cast their votes on the day the recount finally begins. David Cobb will address the crowd around 12:15.

Tuesday, December 14th is the big day for DRE (Direct Recording Electronic) voting machines with Franklin County (515, 472 votes) and Mahoning County (131, 938 votes) as well as Pickaway and Ross Counties starting recounts of ....what exactly?

DREs have no voter-verified paper trail.

For more information on DRE voting machines, please visit

Please visit our website daily at
http://www.votecobb.org for new and updated information.

Thank you for your support,
Lynne Serpe
Campaign Manager
Cobb/LaMarche Ohio Recount

Informant: Diana Davies

Hospitalized Reservist's AWOL Case to Proceed

In another brewing Army scandal, the military is needlessly court martialing an officer. The story below should concern all citizens who want to make sure our wounded, injured, and ill Iraq War veterans received the full medical care and mental healthcare they earned without fear of retaliation or stigma.


Clinton, Schumer and Hinchey Fix Army Specialist Loria's Pay Problems

News Flash: Clinton, Schumer and Hinchey Fix Army Specialist Loria's Pay Problems

Three legislators, all Democrats, worked to correct the Army's pay problems preventing Specialist Robert Loria from leaving Fort Hood and returning home to New York. The Department of Defense, and Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, should be placed on notice that this type of treatment of our wounded warriors should never happen again.


Where is Rumsfeld : Iraq War Veteran Loses Arm in Combat, the Army Wants Money

Where is the leadership and accountability at the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs? The article below will shock you with how poorly our government treats our soldiers wounded in combat. The article contains phone numbers you can call to voice your concern for Army Specialist Loria's plight in the hope no other soldier about to become a veteran is faced with such a terrible experience.


The Military's Media Manipulation

In the essay below, retired Army Colonel Daniel Smith discusses the impact of the military's Iraq War misinformation campaign. Using the recent example of the Pentagon's lies about the death of Army Specialist Pat Tillman, Smith says the Department of Defense's actions "cannot be excused."


Opposing the Experimental and Illegal Anthrax Vaccine

Evasive Action: Opposing the Experimental and Illegal Anthrax Vaccine

A recent Federal court ruling declared the anthrax vaccine both experimental and illegal. The court ordered an immediate halt to the shots. The article below provides an example of how the anthrax policy went wront. Black Hawk pilot Ruth "Rymal is unemployed and out of the Army. Instead of flying helicopters in Iraq, she's making home repairs in Clearwater. She never made it to the war. In U.S. military terms, she is a 'refuser,' a service member who refused to take the anthrax vaccine."


Congress has voted a 3000 Page Legislation into Law without even reading it


Mobilfunk: Jetzt läuten die Alarmglocken

Gutachten: Wanda Mach wohnt gegenüber des Kirchturms, in dem seit Jahren eine Antenne in Betrieb ist. Seit sie weiß, wie stark die Strahlung in ihrer Wohnung ist, sorgt sie sich noch mehr um ihre Gesundheit.

Von Jörg Malitzki

Henstedt-Ulzburg - Aufatmen oder Schock? Freitag vormittag hat der Lübecker Medizinphysiker Lebrecht von Klitzing (65) die Ergebnisse seiner Untersuchungen vorgestellt, die er am Dienstag im Auftrag der Anwohner der Henstedt-Ulzburger Erlöserkirche gemacht hat, und die Resultate bergen neuen Zündstoff für die Konfliktparteien der Mobilfunk-Affäre, die seit Monaten für Unruhe im Ort sorgt.

Die gute Nachricht ist, dass die Strahlenemission an allen acht Messstationen deutlich unterhalb des in Deutschland zulässigen, gesetzlichen Grenzwertes von 4600 Milliwatt pro Quadratmeter liegen. Die schlechte Nachricht jedoch ist, dass die Sinnhaftigkeit dieses Wertes fragwürdig ist. Diverse Strahlenschutzexperten halten diese Zahl nämlich für viel zu hoch angesetzt, weil sie sich lediglich auf die unmittelbare, kurzfristige Gefahr durch Funksignale bezieht. Langzeitfolgen werden hingegen nicht berücksichtigt.

Vor diesem Hintergrund haben mehr als 100 Ärzte, die sich mit den möglichen Auswirkungen des Elektrosmogs beschäftigen, auf einer Fachtagung im August dieses Jahres den sogenannten Bamberger Appell unterzeichnet, in dem sie eine Herabsetzung auf 0,01 Milliwatt, also 10 Mikrowatt, fordern. "Was über diesem Wert liegt, ist als gesundheitlich bedenklich einzustufen", erläutert Klitzing. Angesichts dieser Diskussion läuten jetzt bei Wanda Mach die Alarmglocken: Ganze 133 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter hat der Mobilfunkexperte in ihrer Wohnung gemessen - und damit den bislang höchsten Wert in Henstedt-Ulzburg ermittelt. Die 64jährige wohnt im dritten Stock des Hauses an der Kisdorfer Straße 8, direkt gegenüber des Kirchturms, in dem mit Segen des Kirchenvorstandes seit mehreren Jahren eine Antenne des Mobilfunkbetreibers O2 in Betrieb ist. Die Angst von Wanda Mach, gesundheitliche Schäden durch die unsichtbare Strahlung zu erleiden, hat sich zudem verstärkt, seit ihr langjähriger Lebenspartner Ende Oktober aus ungeklärten Gründen plötzlich starb. "Ich habe ihn deshalb sofort zur Untersuchung in die Gerichtsmedizin bringen lassen", erzählt sie. Ob es tatsächlich einen Zusammenhang mit dem strahlenden Kirchturm gibt, ist unklar. Die Obduktionsergebnisse liegen bislang nicht vor.

Omega im Februar 2002 wurde von der Landessanitätsdirektion Salzburg für Innenräume ein Wert von 1Mikrowatt/m² (0.02V/m) vorgeschlagen und den GSM-Netzbetreibern und der Politik in Salzburg mitgeteilt. Für das Freie wird derzeit ein Höchstwert von 10Mikrowatt/m² (0.06V/m) herangezogen. Der Vorschlag basiert auf empirischen Erkenntnissen der letzten Jahre.

Die Salzburger Vorsorgewerte liegen damit nur noch leicht über den baubiologischen Richtwerten und sehr deutlich unter den gültigen Grenzwerten der meisten Länder (Deutschland: 4,5 bzw. 9 Millionen Mikrowatt/Quadratmeter (41 resp 58V/m) für das D- und E-Netz). Quelle: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/302147/ und
"Bamberger Appell" unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/265206/

Seit Mittwoch sind auch dem Kirchenvorstand die Ergebnisse einer Messung bekannt, die dieser selbst bei der Firma EMV Services in Auftrag gegeben hat. Bei der Sitzung des Kirchenvorstandes am Donnerstag wurden die Resultate der Messung aber nicht besprochen. Vorstandsmitglied Wolfgang Keuffel hat die Werte nach eigener Aussage nur kurz überflogen, und die Vorstandsvorsitzende Annemarie Winter hat bislang ebenfalls keine Zeit gefunden, einen längeren Blick in das Gutachten zu werfen.

erschienen am 11. Dezember 2004 in Norderstedt


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Kirche und Mobilfunk

Reject The Secretary Of Torture

Welcome Aboard The Good Ship Alberto Gonzales!

Torture and the flag--Alberto Gonzales' and GW Bush's American values.

Reject The Secretary Of Torture

Dear Nancy,

President Bush has appointed Alberto Gonzales to replace John Aschroft to the head of the Department of Justice as Attorney General. Gonzales has served as the White House Counsel, where he wrote a series of infamous memos that were used to justify the administration's policies of detention and torture in the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Ashcroft war on terror. The most telling of the memos referred to the Geneva Convention's prohibitions against torture to be "quaint" and "obsolete."

Gonzales helped set policies that led to torture and gross human rights abuse at Abu Ghraib in Iraq, at Guantanamo, and in Afghanistan. These policies make America and Americans less safe.

For his extensive work in the area of the rationalization of torture by the executive branch, we have come to calling him the Secretary of Torture.

Gonzales' blatant disregard for the rule of law and contempt for the Constitution demand that he be rejected for the position of Attorney General.

Write your newspaper, call your senator and demonstrate against Alberto Gonzales. If your Senator is a Democrat, ask her or him to filibuster the Gonzales nomination.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will likely not hold hearings on Gonzales' nomination until early next year, but it's not too early to urge them to ask tough questions and vote to reject Gonzales.

Following is the current make-up of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Changes are expected next year with the convening of the next Congress. Arlen Specter is expected to be the new chair of the committee.

Republican Judiciary Committee members:

Orrin Hatch, UT, Chair
Charles Grassley, IA
Arlen Specter, PA
Jon Kyl, AZ
Mike DeWine, OH
Jeff Sessions, AL
Lindsey Graham, SC
Larry Craig, ID
Saxby Chambliss, GA
John Cornyn, TX

Democratic Judiciary Committee members:

Patrick J. Leahy, VT, Ranking Member
Edward M. Kennedy, MA
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DE
Herbert H. Kohl, WI
Dianne Feinstein, CA
Russ Feingold, WI
Charles E. Schumer, NY
Richard J. Durbin, IL
John R. Edwards, NC

Contact your Senator via the Congressional switchboard: 202.224.3121 or via email, which you can do via

Write a letter to the editor of your local paper opposing the Gonzales nomination using our super-easy letter writing template.

This fight to preserve the rule of law is vital and can be won. Many Republican and Democratic Senators are uncomfortable with Gonzales easy rejection of our system of laws. However, we must start now to ensure that this architect of the Bush torture system is not made the head law enforcement officer in our country.

Take action today!

Scott Lynch
Communications Director

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Mobile Phone (Cell Phone) Base Stations and Human Health


Intermittent extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA damage in a dose-dependent way



For those who have questions on the possible health effects of exposure to radiation from cell masts, there are studies that show biological effects at very low intensities. The following are some examples: Kwee and Raskmark [1997] reported changes in cell proliferation (division) at SARs of 0.000021- 0.0021 W/kg; Magnras and Xenos [1997] reported a decrease in reproductive functions in mice exposed to RFR intensities of 160-1053 nW/square cm (the SAR was not calculated); Ray and Behari [1990] reported a decrease in eating and drinking behavior in rats exposed to 0.0317 W/kg; Dutta et al. [1989] reported changes in calcium metabolism in cells exposed to RFR at 0.05-0.005 W/kg; and Phillips et al. [1998] observed DNA damage at 0.024-0.0024 W/kg. Most of the above studies investigated the effect of a single episode of RFR exposure. As regards exposure to cell mast radiation, chronic exposure becomes an important factor. Intensity and exposure duration do interact to produce an effect. We [Lai and Carino, In press] found with extremely low frequency magnetic fields that 'lower intensity, longer duration exposure' can produce the same effect as from a 'higher intensity, shorter duration exposure'. A field of a certain intensity, that exerts no effect after 45 min of exposure, can elicit an effect when the exposure is prolonged to 90 min. Thus, as described earlier, the interaction of exposure parameters, the duration of exposure, whether the effect is cumulative, involvement of compensatory responses, and the time of break down of homeostasis after long-term exposure, play important roles in determining the possible health consequence of exposure to radiation emitted from cell masts.


When RFR is absorbed, it is converted into heat. A readily understandable mechanism of effect of RFR is tissue heating (thermal effect). Biological systems alter their functions as a result of change in temperature. However, there is also a question on whether 'nonthermal' effects can occur from RF exposure. There can be two meanings to the term 'nonthermal' effect. It could mean that an effect occurs under the condition of no apparent change in temperature in the exposed animal or tissue, suggesting that physiological or exogenous mechanisms maintain the exposed object at a constant temperature. The second meaning is that somehow RFR can cause biological effects without the involvement of heat energy (or temperature independent). This is sometime referred to as 'athermal effect'. For practical reasons, I think it is futile to make these distinctions simply because it is very difficult to rule out thermal effects in biological responses to RFR, because heat energy is inevitably released when RFR is absorbed.

In some experiments, thermal controls (i.e., samples subjected to direct heating) have been studied. Indeed, there are reports showing that 'heating controls' do not produce the same effect of RFR [D'Inzeo et al., 1988; Johnson and Guy, 1971; Seaman and Wachtel, 1978; Synder, 1971; Wachtel et al., 1975]. These were taken as an indication of non/a-thermal effects. However, as we discussed earlier, it is difficult to reproduce the same pattern of internal heating of RFR by external heating, as we know that a conventional oven cooks food differently than a microwave oven. And pattern of energy distribution in the body is important in determining the effect of RFR [e.g., Frey et al., 1975; Lai et al., 1984a, 1988]. Thus, 'heating controls do not produce the same effect of RFR' does not really support the existence of nonthermal effects. On the other hand, even though no apparent change in body temperature during RFR exposure occurs, it cannot really rule out a ' thermal effect'. In one of our experiments [Lai et al., 1984a], we have shown that animals exposed to a low SAR of 0.6 W/kg are actively dissipating the energy absorbed. This suggests that the brain system involved in body temperature regulation is activated. The physiology of body temperature regulation is complicated and can involve many organ systems. Thus, changes in thermoregulatory activity can indirectly affect biological responses to RFR.
Another difficulty in eliminating the contribution of thermal effects is that it can be 'micro-thermal'. An example of this is the auditory effect of pulsed RFR. We can hear RFR delivered in pulses. An explanation for this 'hearing' effect is that it is caused by thermoelastic expansion of the head of the 'listener.' In a classic paper by Chou et al. [1982], it was stated that "... one hears sound because a miniscule wave of pressure is set up within the head and is detected at the cochlea when the absorbed microwave pulse is converted to thermal energy." The threshold of hearing was determined to be approximately 10 microjoule/gm per pulse, which causes an increment of temperature in the head of one millionth of a degree centigrade! Lebovitz [1975] gives another example of a microthermal effect of RFR on the vestibulocochlear apparatus, an organ in the inner ear responsible for keeping body balance and sensing of movement. He proposed that an uneven distribution of RFR absorption in the head can set up a temperature gradient in the semicircular canals, which in turns affect the function of the vestibular system. The semicircular canals are very minute organs in our body. What about in vitro experiments in which isolated organs or cells are exposed to RFR? Generally, these experiments are conducted with the temperature controlled by various regulatory mechanisms. However, it turns out that the energy distribution in culture disks, test tubes, and flasks used these studies are very uneven. Hotspots are formed. There is a question of whether the temperature within the exposed samples can be efficiently controlled.
In any case, my argument is not about whether a non/a-thermal effect can occur. The existence of intensity-windows, reports of modulated fields producing stronger or different effects than continuous-wave fields, and the presence of effects that occur at very low intensity described in the previous section could be indications of non/a-thermal effects. My argument is that it may not be practical to differentiate these effects experimentally due to the difficulty of eliminating thermal effects.

I propose the use of the term 'low-intensity' effects, which is based on the exposure guideline of your community. By multiplying the guideline level with the safety factor used to determine the guideline, one would get a level that supposedly causes an effect(s). Any experiment/exposure done below that level would be considered 'low-intensity'. For example, if the safety guideline is an SAR of 0.4 W/kg for whole body exposure, and a safety factor of 10 has been used to determine the guideline, then, the level at which effects should occur would be 4.0 W/kg. Any exposure below 4 W/kg would be considered a 'low-intensity' exposure. Any effect found at 'low-intensities' could conceivably contribute to the setting of future guidelines.


When the nervous system or the brain is disturbed, e.g., by RFR, morphological, electrophysiological, and chemical changes can occur. A significant change in these functions will inevitably lead to a change in behavior. Indeed, neurological effects of RFR reported in the literature include changes in blood-brain-barrier, morphology, electrophysiology, neurotransmitter functions, cellular metabolism, calcium efflux, responses to drugs that affect the nervous system, and behavior [for a review of these effects, see Lai, 1994 and Lai et al., 1987a].

Our research on the effects of RFR exposure on the nervous system covers topics from DNA damage in brain cells to behavior. My research in this area began in 1980 when I investigated the effects of brief exposure to RFR on the actions of various drugs that act on the nervous system. We found that the actions of several drugs- amphetamine, apomorphine, morphine, barbituates, and ethyl alcohol- were affected in rats after 45 min of exposure to RFR [Lai et al., 1983; 1984 a,b]. One common feature of these responses was that they seemed to be related to the activity of a group of neurotransmitters in the brain known as the endogenous opioids [Lai et al., 1986b]. These are compounds that are generated by the brain and behave like morphine. We proposed that exposure to RFR activates endogenous opioids in the brain of the rat [Lai et al., 1984c]. One interesting finding was that RFR could inhibit morphine withdrawal in rats [1986a, which led me to speculate as to whether low-intensity RFR could be used to treat morphine withdrawal and addiction in humans. When I was in Leningrad, USSR in 1989, a scientist informed me that he had read my paper on 'RFR decreased morphine withdrawal in rats', and he had been using RFR to treat morphine withdrawal in humans. Also, unknown to us at that time was that the 'endogenous opioid hypothesis' could actually explain the increase of alcohol consumption in RFR-exposed rats that we reported in 1984 [Lai et al., 1984b]. In the summer of 1996, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the drug naloxone for the treatment of alcoholism. Naloxone is a drug that blocks the action of endogenous opioids. Increase in endogenous opioid activity in the brain can somehow cause alcohol-drinking behavior. In addition, our finding that RFR exposure alters the effect of alcohol on body temperature of the rat [Lai et al., 1984b] was replicated by Hjeresen et al. [1988, 1989] at an SAR half of what we used.
Interactions between RFR with drugs could have important implications on the health effects of RFR. They suggest that certain individuals in the population could be more susceptible to the effects of RFR. For example, an important discovery in this aspect is that ophthalmic drugs used in the treatment of glaucoma can greatly increase the damaging effects of RFR on the eye [Kues et al., 1992].
Subsequently, we carried out a series of experiments to investigate the effect of RFR exposure on neurotransmitters in the brain of the rat. The main neurotransmitter we investigated was acetylcholine, a ubiquitous chemical in the brain involved in numerous physiological and behavioral functions. We found that exposure to RFR for 45 min decreased the activity of acetylcholine in various regions of the brain of the rat, particularly in the frontal cortex and hippocampus.
Further study showed that the response depends on the duration of exposure. Shorter exposure time (20 min) actually increased, rather than decreasing the activity. Different brain areas have different sensitivities to RFR with respect to cholinergic responses [Lai et al., 1987b, 1988b, 1989a,b]. In addition, repeated exposure can lead to some rather long lasting changes in the system: the number of acetylcholine receptors increase or decrease after repeated exposure to RFR to 45 min and 20 min sessions, respectively [Lai et al., 1989a]. Changes in acetycholine receptors are generally considered to be a compensatory response to repeated disturbance of acetylcholine activity in the brain. Such changes alter the response characteristic of the nervous system. Other studies have shown that endogenous opioids are also involved in the effect of RFR on acetylcholine [Lai et al., 1986b, 1991, 1992b, 1996].

At the same time, we speculated that biological responses to RFR are actually stress responses, i.e., RFR is a stressor (see Table I in Lai et al., 1987a). A series of experiments was carried out to compare the effects of RFR on brain acetylcholine with those of two known stressors: loud noise and body restraint [Lai, 1987, 1988; Lai and Carino, 1990a,b, 1992; Lai et al., 1986d, 1989c]. We found that the responses are very similar. Two other bits of information also support the notion that RFR is a stressor. We found that RFR activates the stress hormone, corticotropin releasing factor [Lai et al., 1990], and affect benzodiazepine receptors in the brain [Lai et al., 1992a]. Benzodiazepine receptors mediate the action of antianxiety drugs, such as Valium and Librium, and are known to change when an animal is stressed.

Another interesting finding is that some of the effects of RFR are classically conditionable [Lai et al., 1986b,c, 1987c]. Conditioning processes, which connect behavioral responses with events (stimuli) in the environment, are constantly modifying the behavior of an animal. In a situation known as classical conditioning, a 'neutral' stimulus that does not naturally elicit a certain response is repeatedly being presented in sequence with a stimulus that does elicit that response. After repeated pairing, presentation of the neutral stimulus (now the conditioned stimulus) will elicit the response (now the conditioned response). You may have heard of the story of "Pavlov's dogî. A bell was rung when food was presented to a dog. After several pairings of the bell with food, ringing the bell alone could cause the dog to salivate.

We found that biological effects of RFR can be classically conditioned to cues in the exposure environment. In earlier experiments, we reported that exposure to RFR attenuated amphetamine-induced hyperthermia [Lai et al., 1983] and decreased cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus [Lai et al., 1987b] in the rat. In the conditioning experiments, rats were exposed to RFR in ten daily sessions (45 min per session). On day 11, animals were sham-exposed (i.e., subjected to the normal procedures of exposure but the RFR was not turned on) and either amphetamine-induced hyperthermia or cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus was studied immediately after exposure. In this paradigm, the RFR was the unconditioned stimulus and cues in the exposure environment were the neutral stimuli, which after repeated pairing with the unconditioned stimulus became the conditioned stimulus. Thus on the 11th day when the animals were sham-exposed, the conditioned stimulus (cues in the environment) alone would elicit a conditioned response in the animals. In the case of amphetamine-induced hyperthermia [Lai et al., 1986b], we observed a potentiation of the hyperthermia in the rats after the sham exposure. Thus, the conditioned response (potentiation) was opposite to the unconditioned response (attenuation) to RFR. This is known as 'paradoxical conditioning' and is seen in many instances of classical conditioning. We found in the same experiment that, similar to the unconditioned response, the conditioned response could be blocked by the drug naloxone, implying the involvement of endogenous opioids. In the case of RFR-induced changes in cholinergic activity in the brain, we [Lai et al., 1987c] found that conditioned effects also occurred in the brain of the rat. An increase in cholinergic activity in the hippocampus (paradoxical conditioning) and a decrease in the frontal cortex were observed after the session of sham exposure on day 11. In additon, we [Lai et al., 1984c] observed an increase in body temperature (approximately 1.0 oC) in the rat after exposure to RFR, and found that this RFR effect was also classically conditionable and involved endogenous opioids [Lai et al., 1986c].
Conditioned effects may be related to the compensatory response of an animal to the disturbance of RFR and whether it can habituate to repeated challenge of the radiation. For example, the conditioned effect on cholinergic activity in the hippocampus is opposite to that of its direct response to RFR (paradoxical conditioning), whereas that of the frontal cortex is similar to its direct response. We found that the effect of RFR on hippocampal cholinergic activity habituated after 10 sessions of exposure. On the other hand, the effect of RFR on frontal cortical cholinergic activity did not habituate after repeated exposure [Lai et al., 1987c].

Since acetylcholine in the frontal cortex and hippocampus is involved in learning and memory functions, we carried out experiments to study whether exposure to RFR affects these behavioral functions in the rat. Two types of memory functions: spatial 'working' and 'reference' memories were investigated. Acetylcholine in the brain, especially in the hippocampus, is known to play an important role in these behavioral functions.

In the first experiment, 'working' memory (short-term memory) was studied using the 'radial arm maze'. This test is very easy to understand. Just imagine you are shopping in a grocery store with a list of items to buy in your mind. After picking up the items, at the check out stand, you find that there is one chicken at the top and another one at the bottom of your shopping cart. You had forgotten that you had already picked up a chicken at the beginning of your shopping spree and picked up another one later. This is a failure in short-term memory and is actually very common in daily life and generally not considered as being pathological. A distraction or a lapse in attention can affect short-term memory. This analogy is similar to the task in the radial-arm maze experiment. The maze consists of a circular center hub with arms radiating out like the spokes of a wheel. Rats are allowed to pick up food pellets at the end of each arm of the maze. There are 12 arms in our maze, and each rat in each testing session is allowed to make 12 arm entries. Re-entering an arm is considered to be a memory deficit. The results of our experiment showed that after exposure to RFR, rats made significantly more arm re-entries than unexposed rats [Lai et al., 1994]. This is like finding two chickens, three boxes of table salt, and two bags of potatoes in your shopping cart.

In another experiment, we studied the effect of RFR exposure on 'reference' memory (long-term memory) [Wang and Lai, submitted for publication]. Performance in a water maze was investigated. In this test, a rat is required to locate a submerged platform in a circular water pool. It is released into the pool, and the time taken for it to land on the platform is recorded. Rats were trained in several sessions to learn the location of the platform. The learning rate of RFR-exposed rats was slower, but, after several learning trials, they finally caught up with the control (unexposed) rats (found the platform as fast). However, the story did not end here. After the rats had learned to locate the platform, in a last session, the platform was removed and rats were released one at a time into the pool. We observed that unexposed rats, after being released into the pool, would swim around circling the area where the platform was once located, whereas RFR-exposed rats showed more random swimming patterns.
To understand this, let us consider another analogy. If I am going to sail from the west coast of the United States to Australia. I can learn to read a map and use instruments to locate my position, in latitude and longitude, etc. However, there is an apparently easier way: just keep sailing southwest. But, imagine, if I sailed and missed Australia. In the first case, if I had sailed using maps and instruments, I would keep on sailing in the area that I thought where Australia would be located hoping that I would see land. On the other hand, if I sailed by the strategy of keeping going southwest, and missed Australia, I would not know what to do. Very soon, I would find myself circumnavigating the globe. Thus, it seems that unexposed rats learned to locate the platform using cues in the environment (like using a map from memory), whereas RFR-exposed rats used a different strategy (perhaps, something called 'praxis learning', i.e., learning of a certain sequence of movements in the environment to reach a certain location. It is less flexible and does not involve cholinergic systems in the brain). Thus, RFR exposure can completely alter the behavioral strategy of an animal in finding its way in the environment.

In summary, RFR apparently can affect memory functions at least in the rat. The effects are most like reversible and transient. Does this have any relevance to health? The consequence of a behavioral deficit is situation dependent. What is significant is that the effects persist for sometime after RFR exposure. If I am reading a book and receive a call from a mobile phone, it probably will not matter if I cannot remember what I have just read. However, the consequence would be much more serious if I am an airplane technician responsible for putting screws and nuts on airplane parts. A phone call in the middle of my work can make me forget and miss several screws. Another adverse scenario of short-term memory deficit is that a person may overdose himself on medication because he has forgotten that he has already taken the medicine.

Lastly, I like to briefly describe the experiments we carried out to investigate the effects of RFR on DNA in brain cells of the rat. We [Lai and Singh 1995, 1996; Lai et al., 1997] reported an increase in DNA single and double strand breaks, two forms of DNA damage, in brain cells of rats after exposure to RFR. DNA damages in cells could have an important implication on health because they are cumulative. Normally, DNA is capable of repairing itself efficiently. Through a homeostatic mechanism, cells maintain a delicate balance between spontaneous and induced DNA damage. DNA damage accumulates if such a balance is altered. Most cells have considerable ability to repair DNA strand breaks; for example, some cells can repair as many as 200,000 breaks in one hour. However, nerve cells have a low capability for DNA repair and DNA breaks could accumulate. Thus, the effect of RFR on DNA could conceivably be more significant on nerve cells than on other cell types of the body. Cumulative damages in DNA may in turn affect cell functions. DNA damage that accumulates in cells over a period of time may be the cause of slow onset diseases, such as cancer. One of the popular hypotheses for cancer development is that DNA damaging agents induce mutations in DNA leading to expression of certain genes and suppression of other genes resulting in uncontrolled cell growth. Thus, damage to cellular DNA or lack of its repair could be an initial event in developing a tumor. However, when too much DNA damage is accumulated over time, the cell will die. Cumulative damage in DNA in cells also has been shown during aging. Particularly, cumulative DNA damage in nerve cells of the brain has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and Parkinson's diseases.
Since nerve cells do not divide and are not likely to become cancerous, more likely consequences of DNA damage in nerve cells are changes in functions and cell death, which could either lead to or accelerate the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Double strand breaks, if not properly repaired, are known to lead to cell death. Indeed, we have observed an increase in apoptosis (a form of cell death) in cells exposed to RFR (unpublished results). However, another type of brain cells, the glial cells, can become cancerous, resulting from DNA damage.
This type of response, i.e., genotoxicity at low and medium cumulative doses and cell death at higher doses, would lead to an inverted-U response function in cancer development and may explain recent reports of increase [Repacholi et al., 1997], decrease [Adey et al., 1996], and no significant effect [Adey et al., 1997] on cancer rate of animals exposed to RFR. Understandably, it is very difficult to define and judge what constitute low, medium, and high cumulative doses of RFR exposure, since the conditions of exposure are so variable and complex in real life situations.
Interestingly, RFR-induced increases in single and double strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells can be blocked by treating the rats with melatonin or the spin-trap compound N-t-butyl-a-phenylnitrone [Lai and Singh, 1997]. Since both compounds are potent free radical scavengers, this data suggest that free radicals may play a role in the genetic effect of RFR. If free radicals are involved in the RFR-induced DNA strand breaks in brain cells, results from his study could have an important implication on the health effects of RFR exposure. Involvement of free radicals in human diseases, such as cancer and atherosclerosis, has been suggested. As a consequence of increase in free radicals, various cellular and physiological processes can be affected including gene expression, release of calcium from intracellular storage sites, cell growth, and apoptosis. Effects of RFR exposure on free radicals in cells could affect these cellular functions.

Free radicals also play an important role in aging processes, which have been ascribed to be a consequence of accumulated oxidative damage to body tissues [Forster et al., 1996; Sohal and Weindruch, 1996], and involvement of free radicals in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and Parkinson's, has been suggested [Borlongan et al., 1996; Owen et al., 1996]. Furthermore, the effect of free radicals could depend on the nutritional status of an individual, e.g., availability of dietary antioxidants [Aruoma, 1994], consumption of alcohol [Kurose et al., 1996], and amount of food consumption [Wachsman, 1996]. Various life conditions, such as psychological stress [Haque et al., 1994] and strenuous physical exercise [Clarkson, 1995], have been shown to increase oxidative stress and enhance the effect of free radicals in the body. Thus, one can also speculate that some individuals may be more susceptible to the effects of RFR exposure.


It is difficult to deny that RFR at low intensity can affect the nervous system. However, data available suggest a complex reaction of the nervous system to RFR. Exposure to RFR does produce various effects on the central nervous system. The response is not likely to be linear with respect to the intensity of the radiation. Other parameters of RFR exposure, such as frequency, duration, waveform, frequency- and amplitude-modulation, etc, are important determinants of biological responses and affect the shape of the dose (intensity)-response relationship. In order to understand the possible health effects of exposure to RFR from mobile telephones, one needs first to understand the effects of these different parameters and how they interact with each other.
Therefore, caution should be taken in applying the existing research results to evaluate the possible effect of exposure to RFR during mobile telephone use. It is apparent that not enough research data is available to conclude whether exposure to RFR during the normal use of mobile telephones could lead to any hazardous health effect.

Research studying RFR of frequencies and waveforms similar to those emitted from cellular telephones and intermittent exposure schedule resembling the normal pattern of phone use is needed. At this point, since not much is known on the biological effects of mobile telephone use but there is indication that the radiation from the phones can cause biological effects which could lead to detrimental health effects, prudent usage should be taken as a logical guideline.



As for the Schwarzenburg case let me cite Neil (Cherry on safe exposure levels, 2000): "Experimentation is not always possible but where it is, it is very powerful. For example, in the Schwarzenburg Study, involving a shortwave radio tower, a significant dose-response relationship for sleep disturbance was observed. Confirmation of cause and effect came from turning the transmissions off for 3 days without notifying the residents. Sleep quality improved significantly (p<0.001), with a delay of about one day, even in the group with the lowest exposure (Group C). This shows that even though they experienced the lowest exposure, the RF signal was still interfering with their brains and their sleep. When the transmission was turned off permanently, measured human melatonin levels rose significantly (Prof. Theo Abelin Pers. Comm.). This is a biological mechanism but it was identified after the assessment of cause and effect was concluded."

Neil also analyzes in same article the Moscow embassy case in very detail. So Neil every time when been asked about safe level, always answered: "ZERO"...

As for low frequencies' damage, it may be due to inherent or modulated frequencies that match natural brain's and cause damage. For example: TETRA 4 slots emisions pulse lasts for ~57 milliseconds, now, divide 1000 ms by 57 ms you get ~ 17 Hz, that matches natural neural signal enhancing calcium efflux (16 Hz), then calcium goes out, melatonin goes down, etc etc. Some modulated or inherent frequencies, such as 4.5 Hz may cause brain non function or paranoid reactions, at 6.6 Hz depression or suicidal, at 11 Hz mania or rage, and 25 Hz may cause severe vision problems up to blindness, and/or heart attack... Such data was obtained during development of psychotronic weapons in the EAST and in the WEST.

Enough depressing information for one sunny morning.

Dr. Zamir Shalita


Genetic Susceptibility at Low Dose Exposure

Microwaves and cellular immunity: I. Effect of whole body microwave irradiation on tumor necrosis factor production in mouse cells

Informant: Dorothee Krien


Increase in Scrotal Temperature in Laptop Computer Users

The study:

Increase in scrotal temperature in laptop computer users
Yefim Sheynkin 1*, Michael Jung 1, Peter Yoo 1, David Schulsinger 1, and Eugene Komaroff 2

1 Department of Urology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook NY 11794-8093, USA
2 General Clinical Research Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook NY 11794-8093, USA

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Yefim Sheynkin, E-mail: ysheynkin@notes.cc.sunysb.edu


BACKGROUND: Scrotal hyperthermia has been identified as a risk factor for male infertility. Laptop computers (LC) have become part of a contemporary lifestyle and have gained popularity among the younger population of reproductive age. LC are known to reach high internal operating temperatures. We evaluated the thermal effect of LC on the scrotum. METHODS: Right and left scrotal temperature (ScT) was measured in 29 healthy volunteers in two separate 60 min sessions. ScT was recorded from thermocouples on a digital datalogger every 3 min with the working LC in a laptop position and in the same sitting position with approximated thighs without LC. RESULTS: ScT increased significantly on the right and left side in the group with working LC (2.8°C and 2.6°C, respectively; P<0001) and without LC (2.1°C, P<0.0001). However, ScT elevation with working LC was significantly higher (P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Working LC in a laptop position causes significant ScT elevation as a result of heat exposure and posture-related effects. Long-term exposure to LC-related repetitive transient scrotal hyperthermia is a modern lifestyle feature that may have a negative impact upon spermatogenesis, specifically in teenage boys and young men. Further studies of such thermal effects on male reproductive health are warranted.

Media Reviews:

Laptops May Threaten Male Fertility
By Ed Edelson
HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Dec. 9 (HealthDayNews) -- Laptop computers pose a long-term threat to the fertility of young men who use them because they can reduce sperm formation by raising temperatures in the genital area, a small new study says.

Keep the laptop on a desk, not on the lap, is the advice of Dr. Yefim Sheynkin, an associate professor of urology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and lead author of what is described as the first study of the effect of heat from the computers on the genital region.

But the warning drew a quick rebuttal from another fertility expert, Dr. Steven J. Sondheimer of the University of Pennsylvania, who said "it is not clear that it [the warming effect] is clinically important."

High scrotal temperature is "definitely a well-known risk factor for infertility," Sheynkin said. "We have known for years that it can affect male fertility and sperm production."

Men who are trying to become fathers are routinely advised to avoid saunas and hot baths, he said, and the new warning is "quite important because millions of young men and boys are using laptop computers on a regular basis now."

The study of 29 men in their 20s and 30s by the Stony Brook group found that keeping a laptop on the lap for an hour can raise scrotal temperatures by more than 2.5 degrees Celsius, enough to affect fertility significantly, said a report in the Dec. 9 issue of the European journal Human Reproduction.

But Sondheimer, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology, said there's little for men to worry about. "We've known for a long time that anything that warms the testicles lowers the sperm count, but whether this translates into infertility is not clear," he said. "Most likely it does not lead to infertility. We don't translate this information into clinical practice."

Previous studies have raised alarms about other factors that could affect male fertility by raising scrotal temperatures. French researchers reported in 2000 that driving a car for two hours raised the temperature by more than 2 degrees Celsius. A report from doctors in Kiel, Germany, that same year warned about the possible danger of plastic-lined disposable diapers, which were found to raise temperatures more than cotton diapers.

A 1999 study in the United States found that even seasonal temperature changes had a major effect on male fertility. Sperm production dropped by 41 percent in the summer as compared to winter, the study found, while sperm speed decreased and the number of defective sperm increased as the weather got hotter.

That effect was noted in the Cole Porter song Too Darn Hot, whose lyrics say in part, "According to the Kinsey Report, the average man you know, must prefer to play his favorite sport when the temperature is low."

The new study was "not designed to look at fertility issues," Sheynkin said, but merely to measure temperature effects. It found that the surface temperature of the Pentium 4 computers used in the study rose from 31 degrees Celsius (87 degrees Fahrenheit) to nearly 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) after an hour of use.

Scrotal temperatures of the men rose by an average of 2.1 degrees Celsius when they sat with their thighs together to keep the computers centered. Temperatures went up more than 2.5 degrees Celsius when the computers sat on one leg or the other.

Many studies have shown that an increase of just 1 degree Celsius can affect sperm formation, Sheynkin said. Just 15 minutes of laptop use produced that temperature rise in the study.

If a user can't put the computer on a desk, laptop use should be limited to just a few minutes at a time, Sheynkin said. But even then, frequent laptop use can be damaging, he said.

"The effect of short-term exposure can be reversible," he said. "But if men don't give themselves time to recover, if they use laptop computers on a daily basis for years, it can take from three months to a year to recover. And the effect can be irreversible, which is very difficult to treat."

Sheynkin said he now plans a study to measure the physical effects of laptop use. "We will identify a group of men who are using laptop computers on a regular basis and see to what extent it affects fertility," he said.

Scrotal temperatures of the men rose by an average of 2.1 degrees Celsius when they sat with their thighs together to keep the computers centered. Temperatures went up more than 2.5 degrees Celsius when the computers sat on one leg or the other.

Many studies have shown that an increase of just 1 degree Celsius can affect sperm formation, Sheynkin said. Just 15 minutes of laptop use produced that temperature rise in the study.

If a user can't put the computer on a desk, laptop use should be limited to just a few minutes at a time, Sheynkin said. But even then, frequent laptop use can be damaging, he said.

"The effect of short-term exposure can be reversible," he said. "But if men don't give themselves time to recover, if they use laptop computers on a daily basis for years, it can take from three months to a year to recover. And the effect can be irreversible, which is very difficult to treat."

Sheynkin said he now plans a study to measure the physical effects of laptop use. "We will identify a group of men who are using laptop computers on a regular basis and see to what extent it affects fertility," he said.


From Thursday's Globe and Mail


New medical research is about to hit the technology industry below the belt — a provocative U.S. study has concluded that the last place any male should use a laptop computer is in his lap.

Research published today in the journal Human Reproduction has found that laptops, combined with the thighs pressed-together posture needed to balance them, give off enough heat to raise the temperature inside testicles by nearly three degrees Celsius (5.4 F).

This increase, researchers warn, could endanger the production of healthy sperm and lead to infertility.

"Some people don't use laptops on their laps, but a lot of young men, or boys, have all these wireless services and they do use them on their laps to play games or do all sorts of things, on the sofa, or the school bus, or in the backyard and this is a continuous heat exposure. . . . But in 10 or 20 years when they try to have a family they might have problems," said study leader Yefim Sheynkin, a urologist at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

So where should men use a laptop? "Use it on a desk," he said, "anywhere but on the lap."

If the findings sound, well, nuts, no doctor is likely to dismiss them.

The health of sperm globally has been a subject of great concern for the past 12 years. Reports, particularly from Western countries, suggest that sperm counts and quality have been declining for half a century, while testicular-cancer rates are rising. The phenomenon remains controversial, but no one disputes that semen has its environmental enemies — and heat is one of them.

Heat is known to mangle the traditional tadpole shape of sperm, as well as limit their numbers, stunt their growth and make them sluggish. Doctors strongly advise men having trouble in becoming fathers to abstain from hot baths, hot tubs, and sometimes saunas. Even serious scientists have compared the cooling benefits of boxer underwear over briefs.

"If [Dr. Sheynkin] can measure that difference in temperature [with laptop use], it is significant, but it needs more study," said male-infertility expert Victor Chow, a consultant with the University of British Columbia's Centre for Reproductive Health. "We need to know if it actually lowers sperm counts . . . or [if] the only thing you can say about it is that laptops heat up testes."

But Christopher Wood, a 30-year-old consultant with Maverick Public Relations in Toronto and a laptop enthusiast, is already reconsidering his favourite weekend ritual.

Ever since his girlfriend bought a laptop five months ago, Mr. Wood has spent Sunday mornings snuggled in bed, leaning back with coffee in hand, watching DVD movies on the laptop, which is perched, naturally, on his lap.

"I never thought it could impact my ability to have children," Mr. Wood said. "I mean it would be really sad that I would not be able to have children because I decided to watch Shrek in bed."

Most people assume, he said, that the main risks of computer use are strained wrists or aching backs. But he admitted that the notion that a laptop's heat may be hazardous to his reproductive parts is not a complete surprise: The warmth the machine generates through his duvet and sheets on Sunday mornings is intolerable.

"I haven't been able to get through a whole movie yet," he said. "I don't think I'm doing myself any favours."

Dr. Sheynkin, SUNY's director of male infertility and microsurgery, conducted the study over two one-hour sessions with 29 healthy men aged 21 to 35. In one session, researchers recorded the temperature of the subjects' scrotums at three minute intervals as they sat with their thighs together as though they were using a laptop.

In the second session, on a different day in the same room, at the same time and ambient temperature, with the men wearing the clothes they had worn in the first session, the researchers took scrotal temperatures again. But this time, the men had a working laptop that heated up from 31 degrees to 40 degrees at the end of the one-hour experiment.

Sitting with their thighs together increased testicular temperature by 2.1 degrees. When the laptop was added, the temperature rose to a median 2.6 degrees in the left testicle and 2.8 degrees in the right. Several earlier studies have shown that increases of more than one degree can have a negative effect on sperm development and fertility.

"Testes usually hang down away from the body," Dr. Chow noted, generally maintaining a temperature of 1½-degree cooler than the rest of the body.Dr. Sheynkin said sperm may take three to six months to recover from heat damage, since it takes the testes roughly 72 days to produce it. But chronic exposure, he said, may have long-term effects.

"We definitely need more studies," said Dr. Sheynkin, who pointed out that laptops now outsell desktop computers.

"If we disregard this now, this may lead to real problems in the future." There are no known studies of the effects of laptops on women's fertility.


Informant: Iris Atzmon

Omega: microwaves (like microwave ovens) are heating the tissue. In the Laptops of today are mostly used Wi-Fi (WLAN) systems. Wi-Fi (WLAN) is bad for the health because it is based on pulsed microwaves like cell phones.

Is Wi-Fi Bad for Your Health?


Wi-Fi mobilize your Chromosomes in Hospital

1. critical aspect of daily "life" in the hospital?

* The human head can serve as a lossy resonator for the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the cellular telephone, absorbing much of the energy specifically from these wavelengths.

2. maturation of the 802.11 standards? (collectively known as Wi-Fi)

* Are the 802.11 "cellular killer standards"? (collectively known as Wi-Fi)

Wi-Fi, Health Care, and HIPAA: WLAN Management in the Modern Hospital

Wireless networking has quickly become a critical aspect of daily life in the hospital IT environment. With the maturation of the 802.11 standards (collectively known as Wi-Fi), hospital staff can remain connected to their critical systems regardless of their location in a facility. Additionally, a new breed of mobile applications has evolved that provide caregivers and administrators with on-demand access to the information and systems they need to better serve their patients. This has led to an increase both in the accuracy and efficiency of hospital operations, which has in turn led to patients that are more satisfied and better served.




Stopczyk D, Gnitecki W, Buczynski A, Markuszewski L, Buczynski J.

Zakladu Medycyny Zapobiegawczej i Promocji Zdrowia, Wojskowej Akademii Medycznej w Lodzi. e-mail: darstop@poczta.onet.pl

The aim of the study was to assess in vitro the effect of electromagnetic field produced by mobile phones on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) and the level of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) in human blood platelets.

The suspension of blood platelets was exposed to the electromagnetic field with the frequency of 900 MHz for 1, 3, 5, and 7 min.

Our studies demonstrated that microwaves produced by mobiles significantly depleted SOD-1 activity after 1, 5, and 7 min of exposure and increased after 3 min in comparison with the control test. There was a significant increase in the concentration of MDA after 1, 5, and 7 min and decrease after 3 min of exposure as compared with the control test. On the grounds of our results we conclude that oxidative stress after exposure to microwaves may be the reason for many adverse changes in cells and may cause a number of systemic disturbances in the human body.

PMID: 12474410




Weinberger Z, Richter ED.

Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel


Headache and other neuropsychological symptoms occur in users of cellular telephones, and controversy exists concerning risks for brain cancer.

We hypothesize these effects result from the head serving as an antenna and brain tissue as a radio receiver. The frequencies for transmission and reception by cellular telephones, about 900MHz for analog and 1800MHz for digital transmission, have wavelengths of 33-35 and 16-17cm, respectively.

Human heads are oval in shape with a short axis about 16 to 17cm in length. Near the ear there will be a cross-section in the head with an axis half the wavelength of RF/MW transmissions of 900MHz and equal to the wavelength of RF/MW transmissions at 1800MHz.

Therefore, the human head can serve as a lossy resonator for the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the cellular telephone, absorbing much of the energy specifically from these wavelengths.

Brain cells and tissues demodulate the cell-phone's audio frequencies from the radio frequency carrier. Low audio frequencies in the ranges of alpha and beta waves affect these waves and thereby influence brain function.

These effects state the case for a precautionary policy.

Med Hypotheses. 2002 Dec;59(6):703-5.

Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.
PMID: 12445512 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Message from Dr Miguel Muntané



June 27, 2004

Mobile Phones Shown to Impact Male Fertility

A recent study indicates that radiation from cell phones harms sperm cells, and further that males who carry cellphones near their groin region may have up to a 30% reduction in fertility. I have long suspected that there are dangers from carrying cell phones in pockets or on belt clips -- after all these things are microwave transmitters -- it's insane to put them right next to the family jewels! Instead, someone should invent a cell phone that can be worn on the wrist or ankle, as far as possible from any vital organs. Using either Bluetooth, body-conduction, or even a wire, it could then communicate with an earbud and microphone. As I have said before, the mobile phone revolution is one of the largest uncontrolled biological experiments on the human population ever performed. We have no idea what the long-term effects of daily point-blank exposure of vital organs and DNA to microwaves will have on our own bodies, let alone future generations. In any case, until they make Faraday cage underwear, I'll be keeping my cell phone out of my pants!



Mobile phone use cuts male fertility by a third

Doubts Persist about Election Results



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