
Killing for Christ

The Destructive Power of Faith

God is Not a Republican. Or a Democrat:

Send a message that the Religious Right does not speak for you. Remind America that Jesus taught us to be peacemakers, advocates for the poor, and defenders of justice.


From Information Clearing House

The "Religious Right" Holy War Mindset

Portrait of a country on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Andrew Gumbel reports on the traumatising effects of this bitter campaign and how, as the world's most powerful democracy talks of exporting freedom to Iraq, it is at risk of becoming an object of international ridicule...

Never again

"Never again.": The Creaky Coalition:

Even if John Kerry defeats Bush, any British government will find it difficult, if not impossible, to muster popular support for a future American-led military intervention. A senior British diplomat put it bluntly to NEWSWEEK: "Never again."


From Information Clearing House

Bush is Making us Safer ?

Juan Cole: Bush is Making us Safer?

If Bush cannot even protect our troops from explosives at a sensitive facility in a country he had conquered, how is he going to protect the American public from terrorists who have not even yet been identified?


From Information Clearing House

Bush exploits suffering of 9/11

Bush exploits suffering of 9/11, says Carter :

George Bush has exploited the suffering of September 11 and turned back decades of efforts to make the world a safer place, the former president Jimmy Carter says...

Uncurious George

Dom Stasi

Despite what is unfolding before us, the majority of this country's honest, freedom-loving people seem ever less interested in knowing, and ever more inclined toward believing that what we're being shown and what we're being told and what is being carried out in our name, is truth.

Folter und schwere Körperverletzung gegenüber Elektrofühligen

Nachstehendes Schreiben habe ich an den EMF-Wachhund gesandt nach deren Aufforderung, an einem Elektrosensiblen-Projekt der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk in Karlsruhe teilzunehmen.

I. Eder-Stein

Sehr geehrte Frau Prof. Blettner,

mein Mann und ich werden an dem Projekt nicht teilnehmen.

Einerseits wird mit keinem Wort gesagt, was eigentlich das Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist. Es spricht sehr viel dafür, daß es um den Beweis geht, daß Elektrosensibilität nicht nachweisbar ist, will sagen, nicht existiert außer in kranken Gehirnen.

Andererseits spricht der gesamte Versuchsaufbau dafür, daß die "Macher" wirklich nicht verstehen, was Elektrosensibilität im Alltag bedeutet. Die Zumutung, am Testtag anzureisen, mit Zug und öffentlichem Verkehrsmittel in Karlsruhe, genügte mir vor ca. 2 Jahren schon, auf eine Teilnahme zu verzichten. Jede Zugfahrt, bei der man ständig von handytelefonierenden Mitreisenden behelligt wird, ist für mich eine Folter, führt zu massiven gesundheitlichen Störungen sofort und verzögert, und zwingt mich anschließend zu mehrtägigem Aufenthalt in feldfreiem Gebiet, meist in bettlägrigem Zustand. Dann nach dieser Belastung noch mit Bus oder Bahn fahren zu sollen, in völlig unbekannter Umgebung, ist eine absolute Zumutung. Eine Anreise mit Auto kann ich auch nur machen, wenn mich jemand fährt, denn die an den Autobahnen aufgestellten Masten führen bei mir zu schweren Beeinträchtigungen, die bis zur kurzfristigen Bewußtlosigkeit führen.

Wie sollte eine so "vorbereitete" Probandin dann noch fähig sein, weitere Testungen zu überstehen? Noch dazu mit 5 % der gültigen Grenzwerte. Ich wurde von Vodafone mit unter 1 % der Grenzwerte bestrahlt, was mich in akute Lebensgefahr (Herzinfarkt oder Schlaganfall) gebracht hat und uns zur schleunigen Flucht aus unserem Haus zwang. Vgl. dazu mein Tagebuch in dieser Zeit:

Daneben stellt eine Exposition mit derartig starken Feldern eine Folter und schwere Körperverletzung gegenüber jedem Elektrofühligen dar! Das müßten Sie und Ihre Karlsruher Kollegen eigentlich wissen. Irgendwelche Haftung für Schäden scheint man ja auch nicht übernehmen zu wollen, wenn man erklärt, die Untersuchung sei völlig harmlos, wobei man sich auf die Grenzwerte beruft.

Ich darf Sie bitten, Ihre Karlsruher Kollegen über diese Stellungnahme zu informieren.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
I. Eder-Stein




Mainzer Wachhund-Projekt

Krank durch Mobilfunk - Elektrosmog - Die Opfer

Folter und schwere Körperverletzung gegenüber Elektrofühligen

Körperverletzung durch Mobilfunkanlagen und Handys

Over 3000 Links on the U.S. Presidential Election


Informant: N.Stute

Bush’s War Against the Military

by Ian Williams, In These Times

For a wartime president, Bush has abused his soldiers at home and abroad.


Source: http://www.tompaine.com/opinion/#002436

How to marry big brother

Massive infusions of omnipresent "Reality TV" are deliberately conditioning the dumbed-down sheep to the Big Brother global surveillance grid while at the same time it is dehumanizing, depersonalizing, degrading, demeaning and demoralizing television pablum for the masses. In other words, it is just more mind-control crap.

How to marry big brother

As humans, we have been gleefully watching people do stupid things for millennia. From the earliest Cro-Magnon lighting his beard on fire (to uproarious laughter from his fellow cave dwellers, no doubt) to the medieval court jester, and from the Barnum and Bailey Circus to the television-age addiction to "reality TV," we love to watch people flounder and fail. We like embarrassment; at least when it doesn't happen to us. Without a doubt, the headshrinkers could fill books analyzing our collective voyeurism; and in fact they have.

Such obsessive satisfaction in the misfortune of others, and the burgeoning use of technology to share in it real time, however, carries with it a political component, and it is not positive. Simply put, the current obsession with reality TV has immunized American society to the changes wrought by pervasive government surveillance.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 25th, 2004

'Nonlethal' guns causing alarm

Police departments across the country are turning to less lethal weapons, like the high-pressure pepper spray gun used in Boston on Lansdowne Street, to control crowds or dangerous suspects. But the weapons are raising concern because they are sometimes doing exactly what they are designed not to, causing death or serious injuries. Since 1999, the high-pressure guns that fire pepper spray or pepper-powder-filled plastic balls have been adopted by more than 2,500 of the nation's police departments. "There is certainly a safe range for these, but they can cause irreversible damage," said Glenn Shwaery, director of the University of New Hampshire's Nonlethal Technology Innovation Center, speaking about nonlethal weapons in general. "It does give you an option between using nothing and lethal force, but the technology is not where we want it to be."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 25th, 2004

Red Sox Fan Victoria Snelgrove Killed by Policeman's 'Non-Lethal' Weapon

Red Sox Fan Victoria Snelgrove Killed by Policeman's 'Non-Lethal' Weapon

Rick Snelgrove said his daughter did nothing wrong.

A student celebrating the Boston Red Sox’s dramatic baseball victory over the New York Yankees was killed after a policeman on crowd control shot her in the eye with what was designed to be a non-lethal weapon. Fifteen other people, including a policeman, suffered minor injuries in Boston’s Kenmore Square after thousands of fans spilled onto the streets to celebrate after the win in New York. Boston’s mayor said he was considering banning alcohol sales in the city during the World Series baseball finals to avoid a repeat of the rowdiness. Victoria Snelgrove, a 21-year-old journalism student, was hit by a projectile fired by an officer on crowd-control duty. Police Commissioner Kathleen O’Toole said officers were using projectiles “designed to break upon impact, dousing the target with (pepper-like) spray.” She said: “While I firmly and emphatically accept responsibilities for any errors, I also condemn in the harshest words possible the actions of the punks who turned our city’s victory into an opportunity for violence and mindless destruction.” Rick Snelgrove said his daughter did nothing wrong.


Victoria Snelgrove, an Emerson College student, appears in this undated family photo. Snelgrove, 21, died Thursday, Oct. 20, 2004, of a head injury suffered in a clash between police officers and a crowd of Red Sox fans who poured into the streets outside Fenway Park to celebrate their team's victory over the New York Yankees. (AP Photo/Family Photo) http://tinyurl.com/3sbx8

Boston police accept 'full responsibility' in death of Red Sox fan Woman killed by projectile fired to disperse crowds

The Boston Police Department "accepts full responsibility" for the death of a 21-year-old college student killed by a police projectile fired to disperse crowds celebrating the Boston Red Sox victory over the New York Yankees.

Preliminary findings indicate that Victoria Snelgrove, a journalism student at Emerson College, was hit in the eye by a projectile that disperses pepper spray on impact, Boston Police Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole said Thursday. Snelgrove died at 12:50 p.m. at Brigham and Women's Hospital, hours after the overnight melee. "The Boston Police Department is devastated by this tragedy. This terrible event should never have happened," O'Toole told reporters. "The Boston Police Department accepts full responsibility for the death of Victoria Snelgrove."


Boston Debates Police Force, Riot Weaponry

The death of a college student who was hit in the eye with a pepper spray-filled projectile has sparked anger and questions about whether police used too much force to break up revelers after the come-from-behind victory by the Red Sox. Police Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole said police are considering discontinuing the use of the weaponry that killed Victoria Snelgrove as officers tried to contain an estimated 80,000 fans who poured into the area Wednesday after Boston beat the Yankees in New York. O'Toole said the officers showed "great restraint" but had to fire the projectiles after a few revelers set small fires and threw bottles at police and vandalized property, endangering others. Snelgrove, a 21-year-old Emerson College student, was hit in the eye and died hours later. The plastic balls of pepper spray, which are propelled from devices similar to paintball guns, are meant to help police control large groups without injuring people.


Death sparks a look at 'nonlethal' weapons

Crowd-control device is also used in Utah

Following the death in Boston of an innocent bystander, hit in the eye by a pepper-spray projectile fired by police, the use of "less-lethal" and "non-lethal" weapons by law enforcement is receiving scrutiny nationwide — including Utah. A Boston police officer takes aim with pepper-spray weapon early Thursday to control crowd of Red Sox fans. College student Victoria Snelgrove died after she was shot in the eye with one of the weapons. Many of the crowd-control devices used by police in Boston trying to control unruly fans after a Red Sox baseball victory are also used by the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office. And the Utah deputies hope the tragic incident early Thursday involving a Boston officer and a 21-year-old college student does not prompt the public to become critical of the use of those weapons. In Boston, Police Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole said the department may discontinue the use of the weaponry that killed Victoria Snelgrove as officers tried to contain an estimated 80,000 fans. The crowd had poured into the Fenway Park area following the Red Sox victory at Yankee Stadium in New York, a win that sent the Boston team to the World Series.

Salt Lake County Sheriff's Range Master Nick Roberts said the situation in Boston is very sad, and his heart goes out to the victim's family. But he hopes the incident doesn't become a springboard to criticize those types of weapons.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 25th, 2004

'Nonlethal' guns causing alarm

Police defend use of non-lethal weapons for crowd control

Mercury Dangers Downplayed in Favor of Power Industry


Mu Chip RFID Tags and tagging HOMELESS PEOPLE


The Abu Ghraib Supplementary Documents


Informant: Harlan Girard

Air Quality and Allergies

Commenting on John's letter regarding EMF, air quality and allergies, I think degraded air quality as a result of the EMF may be part of the entire picture, but it does not jive with my own experience. I developed a miserable allergy to cryptomeria pollen, a condition affecting at least one in five urbanites in Japan now, when I was living in a second-story apartment with power lines outside and commuting six or seven hours a day on trains with strong ELF exposure and increasing levels of RF as cell phones came into use.

While living in that apartment, my allergy was so severe that my passport photo, taken in April, looks like I was crying. Moving into a first-story apartment and reducing my commuting improved my condition. So far, that jives with John's hypothesis. However, as I became aware of EMF's adverse effects on my health, I decided to try wearing a foil-lined hat to see if it would help. The hat has become permanent. A couple of years ago, I stitched up a new hat for myself, intending to use it merely as an insert under more fashionable hats, hiding the foil under cloth so I wouldn't look like such a goofball. It was somewhat more encompassing than the foil I'd been lining my hats with before, but I wasn't expecting anything spectacular. So I was not anticipating these things but the benefits are clear now:

1) fewer and less severe bouts of arrhythmia,
2) far fewer colds (I used to be terrified of young children because they would inevitably give me a cold, but now I teach toddlers and don't get ill even when others around me are suffering), and
3) very little suffering from the allergy, such that this year I wore no face mask and took no medication.

Meanwhile, more people around me continue to come down with this allergy and suffer more and more from it.

There are studies linking allergies to poor air quality, especially pollutants from diesel engines. Therefore there are new laws restricting diesel-powered vehicles in Tokyo. I think air quality is part of the whole picture, but I don't think my foil-lined hat improves air quality. I am also aware of recent research on EMF and allergies, showing a link. I hope this will eventually be acknowledged, so that more people who are suffering terribly now can be helped.

Yours truly,
Pat Ormsby

Could wireless affect air quality?

Electromagnetic Radiation - EMR

The September issue of "EMR Focus" is now available. It features the London Childhood Leukemia Conference 6-10 September and the London symposium on Electrical Sensitivity of 11 September. As well, the newsletter contains the latest scientific research on EMR and health and the latest news from around the world.

The newsletter can be ordered from our website at http://www.emraustralia.com.au.

Best wishes

Lyn McLean
Lyn McLean
EMR Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 738 Gymea 2227
(02)9501 2665

Informant: Don Maisch

Weather Wars

For anyone interested in the depth of the deception regarding the NWD, a fantastic read (specifically scientific, but still layman revealing), even though it is 55 pages or more printed out. It's a great read on weather manuipulation, assymetrical warfare, and much, much more....including the mention of the destruction of the USA in 2006. Even though parts are very scientific/mathematical, I urge all to read and understand as much as you can. It's very interesting - the WHOLE thing. (I don't know details, but understood most of it.)

Tom Bearden's article, "Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons and their Terrorist Use: Immediate Strategic Aspects of the Asymmetric War on the U.S " 11 September, 2004 at generic site: http://tinyurl.com/5264h
Source: http://www.cheniere.org/articles/index.html

I've skimmed all, but have read in-depth the first 25 out of 55 pages (many foot notes and I don't have an "up-to-date" system either....running Windows 95 here. Still and all, a great and very alarming and interesting read altogether.


ACLU Receives Govt Documents On Abuses At US' Iraq Prisons


October 21, 2004

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)--Poor living conditions for U.S. soldiers and an immersion in an unfamiliar culture may have contributed to abuses at U.S. detention facilities in Iraq, according to government documents released to the American Civil Liberties Union on Thursday.

The New York-based group received 6,000 pages of documents, one of which said that because of an "atmosphere of danger, promiscuity and negativity, the worst human qualities and behaviors came to the fore and a pervasive dominance came to prevail, especially at Abu Ghraib."

Abu Ghraib is the prison on the western outskirts of Baghdad where U.S. soldiers are accused of having abused Iraqi prisoners.

The same document cited instances where U.S.-contracted interpreters raped a male juvenile detainee and said military personnel operated in a "conspiracy of silence."

The document, prepared by an Air Force psychiatrist, was part of a previously unreleased annex to a report released earlier this year by Army Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba. His report found that some soldiers had committed "sadistic, blatant and wanton" criminal acts at Abu Ghraib.

The 6,000 pages were received about a year after the ACLU filed a Freedom of Information Act request, said Amrit Singh, a staff attorney.

"After more than a year of stonewalling, the government has finally released some documents, though many are heavily redacted," Singh said. "The records confirm the abuse was widespread."

The documents stated that in certain areas of the prison abuse was commonplace. One platoon leader, whose name was redacted, allowed guards to carry illegal weapons.

Certain psychological factors for U.S. soldiers could have contributed to the abuse, the documents said, including poor living conditions at the prison, the physical danger in Iraq, the lack of command structure and the lack of understanding and respect for Islamic culture.

The report said U.S. troops were immersed in the Islamic culture, "a culture that many were encountering for a first time. Clearly there are major differences in worship and beliefs and there is the association of Muslims with terrorism. All these causes exaggerate difference and create misperceptions that can lead to fear or devaluation of a people."

The documents also said there needed to be a new support system for a new "psychological battlefield," where military personnel are faced with factors that include "negativity, anger, hatred and desire to dominate and humiliate."

Some of the documents were posted on the ACLU's Web site, and the group said the remaining documents would be posted soon.

Other documents cite details of abuse at other U.S. detention facilities including outposts in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Informant: SIUHIN



October 22, 2004


European birdwatchers are scratching their heads over why a particular species of bird, the booted eagle, is migrating north this northern winter instead of to the balmier south.

According to the Bird Protection League, nearly 1,000 of the rare eagles have been spotted in southern France over the past two weeks -- more than 30 times the normal number -- after reversing their normal September movement which should see them head to Africa and India.

The bizarre phenomenon has never been seen before, the league stressed.

Speculation that the birds, which have a wingspan of up to 1.3 metres might have been affected by weather disturbances linked to global warming has butted up against the fact that no other species appears to be having the same navigation trouble.

Normally, the booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) spends the warmer months of the northern hemisphere breeding in southern Europe and parts of north Africa.

Come September, the raptor flies south to escape the chill, with a migratory peak around the middle of the month.

The eagles, which mate for life, are listed as an endangered species.

Informant: NHNE

Iraq veterans open up on mishandling of war

In the article below, "Soldiers returning from Iraq offered firsthand accounts of the war's turmoil...." In one stunning comment, Jennifer Giese, an Iraq War veteran who served with the 826th Ordinance, complained how her "unit never received body armor, and had to resort to stealing scrap metal for vehicle armor. Bottled water had to be rationed due to shortages, but Giese later filled a swimming pool for a general's use." Someone at the Department of Defense may want to investigate why a general has a pool while soldiers remain thirsty in the hot desert during combat.


Used as Experimental Vaccine Guinea Pigs

U.S. soldiers are also taking the experimental drug, Larium. According to the article below, "Hundreds of Australian soldiers serving in East Timor were used as guinea pigs by the army in tests of an anti-malaria drug which has psychotic side effects, it was reported today .... soldiers were ordered to take the drug, Larium, by the army as part of tests to observe side effects, which can also include depression and paranoia."



Millions of Australians were given a polio vaccine infected with remnants of a cancer-causing virus. Scientists knew the dangers but released the vaccine anyway.

Guinea pigs in tainted vaccine trials

War on disease ... a pupil at Melbourne's Scotch College receives a Salk vaccine injection in 1956, as did thousands of other children around Australia. A federal agency used babies in orphanages and children's homes to test a new quadruple antigen vaccination that included polio vaccine possibly contaminated with a monkey virus since linked to cancer. Commonwealth Serum Laboratory records show the trials were carried out on babies as young as three months in five institutions between December 1959 and early 1961.

Quadruple antigen, containing Salk polio vaccine, was not publicly released until November 1960. An investigation by the Melbourne Age, reported in the Herald at the weekend, revealed that millions of doses of Salk vaccine produced by the then government-owned CSL between 1956 and 1962 were contaminated with a monkey virus called SV40. Researchers have found traces of the virus in a range of human cancer cells, including mesothelioma lung disease. It is not clear from the CSL records whether polio vaccine used to produce quadruple antigen used in the tests came from contaminated batches.


Millions given infected polio vaccine

A federal government agency knowingly released polio vaccine contaminated with a monkey virus in the 1960s that has since been linked to a range of cancers, including mesothelioma. The virus contaminated at least four batches of vaccine totalling almost three million doses between 1956 and 1962. Two of the batches were released after testing positive to contamination. The other two were released before tests could be done. An unknown number of earlier batches were also almost certainly contaminated. An investigation by The Age has found documents from the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories which reveal bosses there released one batch of about 700,000 doses of contaminated vaccine in 1962 on the grounds that "much vaccine issued in the past was probably similarly contaminated".

Australia's leading experts on the virus, which is known as simian virus 40 or SV40, have found traces of it in human tumour cells and are calling for urgent funding to clarify the links.


Cancer linked to polio vaccine used in the 50s and 60s

Now to new claims this morning linking the deadly cancer mesothelioma to a commercial organisation. But in this case it's not James Hardie that's under the spotlight, but the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories. An investigation by the Age Newspaper has revealed that millions of batches of polio vaccine used in Australia in the 1950s and 60s were contaminated with the monkey virus SV40. The virus has an as yet undetermined link with mesiothelioma. It is present in the cancerous cells, but no one yet knows if it's a cause, a contributor, or simply a passenger. Australia has the highest incidence of mesothelioma in the world. As Rafael Epstein reports, the now privatised Commonwealth Serum Laboratories continued to release some of the tainted batches, even after the contamination was uncovered. RAFAEL EPSTEIN: It's been known for nearly a decade that large batches of the polio vaccine used in the US, Russia and Europe in the 50s, 60s and 70s were contaminated with this particular monkey virus. But today's Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers reveal four batches of contaminated vaccine were released in Australia as well, in the 50s and the 1960s. Each batch contains 700,000 doses of the vaccine.So what does that mean for the hundreds and thousands of people, or perhaps millions who might have had a contaminated dose, as part of their three course vaccination? The SV40 monkey virus has been found in the cancerous cells of mesothelioma patients, but the link is unclear.

Professor Bruce Robinson is head of the mesothelioma research unit at Perth's Charles Gardner Hospital.


Infected vaccine put a generation 'at risk'

A federal government agency knowingly released polio vaccine contaminated with a monkey virus in the 1960s that has since been linked to cancers, including mesothelioma. An investigation by The Age found that at least four batches of vaccine - almost 3 million doses - were contaminated with the virus between 1956 and 1962. Two of those batches were released after testing positive to contamination. The other two had been released by the time tests were carried out. An unknown number of earlier batches were also almost certainly contaminated.

Documents from the then government-owned Commonwealth Serum Laboratories show that it decided to release one batch of about 700,000 doses of contaminated vaccine in 1962 on the grounds that "much vaccine issued in the past was probably similarly contaminated".

Australian researchers have found traces of the virus, Simian Virus 40 or SV40, in human tumour cells and are calling urgently for funding of further studies to clarify the links.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 25th, 2004

Part-Time Soldiers, Injured but Not Yet Home

According to the New York Times, "Many of the injured [from the Iraq War] say they have grown embittered from being away from home so long. Some see the extended separations as one more indication that military leaders consider the needs of part-time soldiers - once taunted as weekend warriors - as less important than those of the full-time troops. They view themselves as casualties not just of bombs and heart attacks and ankle twists, but also of poor planning for a war that is increasingly being fought by the nation's part-time military."


Army Says 843 Reservists Ordered to Active Duty Fail to Report

The article below provides additional strong evidence of declining morale and an unwillingness to serve in the Iraq War: "More than 800 former soldiers have failed to comply with Army orders to get back in uniform and report for duty in Iraq or Afghanistan, the Army said Friday. That is more than one-third of the total who were told to report to a mobilization station by Oct. 17."


Cheney Led Secret Re-Write of Military Tribunal Laws

The article below paints a very disturbing picture of how Vice President Richard Cheney ordered a secret re-write of military rules. However, not a single prisoner has been convicted, many were release, and no solid leads were obtained. Instead of reliable information our Nation could use to track down the people responsible for 9/11, the prisoners of war at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba "just ended up in this Kafkaesque sort of purgatory."


Massive Sell Off of US Dollar : Prelute to an Attack ?


Salzburger Mobilfunk-Vorsorgemodell


Der Salzburger Vorsorgewert

1 mW/m2 (0,1 µW/cm2)

Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk

Umweltmediziner Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld - Gesundheitsstörungen durch hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder

Fields of Influence - Mobile phones "the largest human biologic experiment"

Mit Fackeln und Kerzen gegen den Mobilfunk

25.10.2004, Allgäuer Zeitung

Mit Fackeln und Kerzen gegen den Mobilfunk

Fast die Hälfte der Lengenwanger unterzeichnet Protestbrief

Lengenwang (cc). - Lengenwang macht weiter mobil gegen den Mobilfunk. Neue Aktion der "Bürgerinitiative für eine gesundheitsverträgliche Mobilfunk-Technologie" war eine Aktion: mit Fackeln, Kerzen und Lampions. Vom Dorfbrunnen zogen die Antennengegner zum Bahnhof und überreichten Bürgermeister Lorenz Fischer eine mit 462 Unterschriften versehene Liste gegen den Mobilfunkmasten in der jetzigen Form. Damit unterstützt fast die Hälfte der wahlberechtigten Lengenwanger Bürger den Protest.

Es gebe alternative, unbedenklichere Technologien, wie C-Netz, CDMA-Technik aus den USA, Glasfaserkabel statt Richtfunk, um nur einige Möglichkeiten zu nennen, so Fischer. Andrea Hennig, die Initiatorin dieser Aktion, und Bürgermeister Fischer dokumentierten zusammen mit den Teilnehmern der Aktion, dass Lengenwang nach wie vor keinen Sendemast haben will. Fischer verlas daraufhin den Beschluss des Gemeinderats vom 28. September, in dem sich Lengenwang gegen die Errichtung eines Mobilfunkmastes, beziehungsweise einer Mobilfunkantenne ausspricht - auch gegen die Nachfolgegeneration dieser Masten. Der geplante Standort des Senders liege mitten im Ort, auf dem Gelände des Bahnhofs. Bis zu 150 Personen - überwiegend Schüler - halten sich morgens und mittags am Bahnhof auf. Weiterhin befinden sich Kindergarten und die Grundschule in unmittelbarer Nähe. Fischer betonte bei der Übergabe noch einmal ausdrücklich, dass die Grundversorgung durch T-mobile im Freien im Gemeindegebiet gegeben sei und in den Häusern könne doch das Festnetz zum Telefonieren benutzt werden.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Strahlung von Handys bereitet großes Kopfzerbrechen


Strahlung von Handys bereitet großes Kopfzerbrechen

Betroffene klagen über Probleme - Expertin: Rechtliche Schritte ergreifen

VON Jan Wätzold, 24.10.04, 20:11h, aktualisiert 24.10.04, 20:44h

Naumburg/MZ. Seit das Mobiltelefonnetz in Deutschland immer enger wird, häufen sich Klagen über gesundheitliche Probleme. In Naumburg hat sich am Samstag das erste Mobilfunk-Symposium Sachsen-Anhalts mit dem Thema Funkstrahlung befasst. Dabei kamen auch Betroffene zu Wort.

Das Schild am Eingang zum "Naumburg Haus" ist eine Nummer zu groß. Andernfalls könnte der Besucher annehmen, in einer x-beliebigen Veranstaltung gelandet zu sein. Piktogramme mit durchgestrichenen Handys gehören schließlich zum Alltag. Doch im großen Saal des Tagungszentrums wollen die Gäste nicht nur vor dem Tütelütü der drahtlosen Telekommunikation sicher sein. Die Frauen und Männer, die auf Einladung des Bundes für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) zum ersten Mobilfunk-Symposium Sachsen-Anhalts zusammengekommen sind, verbindet die Angst vor gefährlicher Strahlung.

Welche Ausmaße das Problem mittlerweile angenommen zu haben scheint, zeigt sich nicht nur beim Blick auf die Auslagen, wo dutzende Bürgerinitiativen mit Flugblättern für ihr Anliegen werben. Der BUND hat neben mehreren Experten, die zur medizinischen Dimension des täglich dichter werdenden Antennenwaldes sprechen, auch Betroffene eingeladen, ihre Erfahrungen zu schildern. Beate Stemmler etwa, die sich seit dem Auftreten von Kopfschmerzen und Herzstörungen in der Naumburger Bürgerinitiative gegen Mobilfunkantennen in Wohngebieten engagiert. Die Beobachtungen der 55-Jährigen, wonach jene Beschwerden erst seit der Aufstellung eines Antennenmastes in unmittelbarer Nähe ihrer Wohnung aufgetreten seien, werden von Teilnehmern des Symposiums aus Halle und Barleben (Ohrekreis) geteilt.

Von den Mobilfunkbetreibern, die nach Ansicht der Initiatoren die Gefahren der Strahlung bislang herunterspielten, war in Naumburg kein Vertreter erschienen. Allerdings trat mit Annette Wahlfehls zumindest eine Mitarbeiterin des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz auf. Die Juristin der von Betroffenen häufig als Lobbyist der Wirtschaft gescholtenen Behörde machte deutlich, dass sich das Amt als Verbraucherschutzvertretung verstehe. Während eines Vortrags, der sich unter anderem den rechtlichen Sanktionsmöglichkeiten gegen Antennenaufstellungen widmete, sagte Annette Wahlfels: "Ich kann die Betroffenen nur zu rechtlichen Schritten ermuntern."


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Krank durch Mobilfunk - Elektrosmog - Die Opfer

Bürgerinitiative Gesund leben in Allach informiert

Hier unser jüngstes Presseecho:

20.10.04: Expansionskurs Neue Standorte für Mobilfunkantennen gesucht Allacher Menzinger Werbe-Spiegel Nr. 43:

20.10.04: Gesundheitsstudie empfohlen Nordwest Anzeiger Nr. 43.

Franz Titscher

Ich erinnere nochmal an den Gerichtstermin in Gröbenzell:

Im Fall Gröbenzell (Mobilfunkanlage in reinem Wohngebiet) gehts weiter.

In Kürze:
Vodafone klagt gegen das Landratsamt FFB vor Gericht (die Gemeinde ist beigeladen) und möchte eine isolierte Befreiung erstreiten.

Aus diesem Grund kommt das Gericht am 28.10.04 nach Gröbenzell. Ortsbesichtigung: 10.45 Uhr Bahnhofstraße / Ecke Birkenstraße, Standort der Anlage. Öffentliche Verhandlung: 11.15 Uhr im Gröbenzeller Rathaus.

Es wäre super, wenn Sie / Ihr Zeit hättet zu kommen.

Lilli Kammerl und Paul Hornyak



Informant: di

Reading, Writing, RFID


Informant: Sheri Grutz

The Muslims hate our freedoms

America, Imagine This! :

On the lofty banner of American hubris, unfurled after the attacks of 9-11, are inscribed in black letters the words, 'The Muslims hate our freedoms.' This is now the accepted, formulaic substitute for all discourse, all questioning and probing into the history of America's relations with the peoples of the Islamicate world over the past 57 years.


From Information Clearing House


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Oktober 2004

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