
IMC: FBI and other legalbreaking news


Viacom Blocking Independent Political Ads


Unterstützung Indymedia


New voters surge in 8 states


Informant: Laurel

A War Without Reason

This is a war that never made sense and now we are seeing - from the troops on the ground, from our allies overseas and increasingly from the population here at home - the inevitable reluctance to forge ahead with the madness.


From Information Clearing House

Classified US Government Technology


Fear The Coming Train


Informant: Romy

Diese Frau muss im Wald leben

Hier ein aktueller Zeitungsartikel der Bild am Sonntag zum Thema Elektrosensibilität.


Ulrich Weiner

Omega: die Datei hat ca. 3MB, braucht daher einige Zeit zum Laden.




Peiting (sz) – Aus aktuellem Anlass und aufgrund der gestiegenen Nachfrage werden innerhalb der Umweltinitiative Pfaffenwinkel e. V. zwei Arbeitskreise wiederbelebt. Am Montag, den 8. November treffen sich dazu alle interessierten Bürgerinnen und Bürger aus Peiting und Umgebung beim Gasthof Dragoner. Es ist geplant, die beiden Arbeitskreise AK Elektrosmog und AK Gesundheit zu vereinigen und sich intensiv um die Problematik der gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen der Mobilfunkstrahlung zu widmen.

Beim ersten Zusammentreffen soll es zunächst einmal um die aktuelle Situation in Peiting gehen. In Zukunft will man sich dann vierteljährlich, jeweils in einem anderen Ort des Pfaffenwinkels treffen, und so allen Landkreisbewohnern die Möglichkeit zur Information, zum Gedanken- und Erfahrungsaustausch zu bieten.

Folgende Fragen stehen beim Gründungstreffen auf dem Programm: Wie geht es weiter mit dem Mobilfunk in Peiting? – Warum boykottieren die Betreiber den sogenannten „Runden Tisch“ der Marktgemeinde? – Welche Gesundheitsgefahren werden durch aktuelle Studien belegt? – Gibt es einen akzeptablen Standort für die Marktgemeinde? - Was können Ärzte und Heilpraktiker in Peiting tun?

Im Anschluss des Arbeitskreistreffens findet ab 21 Uhr eine öffentliche Vorstandsitzung der Umweltinitiative statt. Auch hier sind Gäste jederzeit willkommen.

Hans Schütz

Handys machen unselbstständig

Der nützliche Begleiter macht abhängig

RFID-Chips in US-Reisepässen

Da die Daten nicht verschlüsselt werden sollen, könnte sie jeder ohne Wissen des Passbesitzers mit einem Lesegerät auslesen...


Hörnervtumor: Höheres Risiko bei langer Handynutzung


Langjährige Handy-Nutzung erhöht Risiko für Ohrtumor

Benutzung von Mobilfunktelefonen und das Risiko von Akustikusneurinomen
Risiko von Tumoren am Hörnerv bei langjähriger Handynutzung um etwa das vierfache erhöht.

Kein Kinderspielzeug

Was ist ein Akustikusneurinom?

Hacker knackt Java für Handys

Sun hat gegenüber tecCHANNEL die schwere Sicherheitslücke in Java für mobile Geräte bestätigt. Angreifer können so die volle Kontrolle über Handys erhalten. Mindestens 250 Millionen Geräte sind gefährdet.


Wie bereits vorab auf http://www.tecchannel.de/news/mobile/mobilfunk/17589/ berichtet, stellte ein dezidierter Vortrag während der am 8.10.2004 zu Ende gegangenen " Hack in the Box" http://www.hackinthebox.org Hacker-Konferenz im malaysischen Kuala Lumpur Methoden vor, um die bis dato als sicher eingestufte J2ME-Plattform anzugreifen. Sun hat die Sicherheitslücke gegenüber tecCHANNEL.de bestätigt. http://www.tecchannel.de/internet/1482/7.html

© IDG Interactive 2002



"I remember the stolen presidential election of 2000 and I am willing to take action in 2004 if the election is stolen again. I support efforts to protect the right to vote leading up to and on Election Day, November 2nd.

If that right is systematically violated, I pledge to join nationwide protests starting on November 3rd, either in my community, in the states where the fraud occurred, or in Washington DC."

From NHNE News

Global Weather Control - The entire Earth's Weather has been digitized



From: "Sallie"
Subject: Re: [economysos] Weather hurricaines, teslar scarla weapons, haarp
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:03:59 -0400

There have also been large 5.6+ earthquakes all over the world i.e. Iran, Japan, China, Greek Islands. Mt. St. Helena may errupt.

Last year, Putin promised the Russian people beautiful weather for an historic event. If Russia did it -- could they be responsible for all the disasters, but I for what reason -- to bankrupt Florida? It cost billions.

If they have that technology, then so do we. Perhaps Bush wanted to make the Floridians forget all about the elections; focusing on the devastation, and those who do will be so appreciative for the federal funding pouring into their state, they'll vote for GW?

Thousands died in Haiti, while teetering on civil war again, and Chinese troops are being sent in -- just wondering when they will be arriving here? Was that part of the plan too? It's all just mind boggling to me.

There's nothing on Dr. Nick Begich's site: (expert on HAARP)

Mitch Battros has excerpts of some interesting articles:

----- Original Message -----

-------- This Weeks Hot News ----------

An NBC News affiliate weatherman from Idaho confirms long-term Cutting Edge teaching on two very important issues:

1) That scalar weaponry is real;
2) That weather is being globally controlled by scalar weaponry!

NEWS BRIEF: "Serious question: Are Hurricanes: Scalar?", Guest Column written by Scott Stevens, NBC Affiliate Weatherman, Urban Survival, October 3, 2004, http://urbansurvival.com/stevens.htm

"I am a meteorologist at an affiliate in the Northwest who now uses scalar weapons signatures within the clouds to better my forecasting record. After closely watching high-resolution visible satellite imagery there is no question in my mind that these storms weren't (sic) altered and guided to their final destinations. No doubt what so ever. I have come to a further conclusion; that the entire Earth's weather had been digitized. There is not a flood, thunderstorm, cyclone, or drought that isn't allowed to happen. Control over global weather is complete. This way it is much easier to control portions, hurricanes/storms, within this system."

Did you catch this weatherman's statement?

"Control over global weather is complete. This way it is much easier to control portions, hurricanes/storms, within this system."

Before I decided to report this news story, I asked a retired FBI investigator to check this Scott Stevens out to ensure that he was really who he claimed to be. The results were positive, i.e., Scott Stevens is a real weatherman, working for an NBC affiliate in Idaho. http://www.kpvi.com/ You can check yourself by clicking to the NBC Newschannel 6 website, http://www.kpvi.com/index.cfm?page=team/content.cfm where you will see Scott's picture as the "Weather Anchor". This picture matches the picture shown in the Urban Survival article.

Further, if you click on Scott Stevens' name,
http://www.kpvi.com/index.cfm?page=team/scot/content.cfm you will see his biography. Notice that the awards Scott has won over the past few years have been awarded on the basis that his weather forecasting was the best -- exactly the point Scott made in the first sentence of this article, as we quoted above.

I emailed Scott to ask him if he really wrote this article in Urban Survival, and he emailed back to say "Yes" he had written that article. In this email, he stated that the scalar energy field is used to control global weather 24/7. He further stated that this control 100% of the time is necessary or "they" would lose control. I have an email into Scott clarifying who the "they" is, but since Lt. Col. Beardon has stated that Russia uses Scalar Weaponry while the United States uses HAARP, we would assume that the "they" using scalar weaponry to control the weather are the Russians.

Now, look above at this statement again, quoting from the Urban Survival article:

"... the entire Earth's weather had been digitized. There is not a flood, thunderstorm, cyclone, or drought that isn't allowed to happen. Control over global weather is complete. This way it is much easier to control portions, hurricanes/storms, within this system."

Global control over weather has been accomplished by the use of scalar weaponry! This means that Cutting Edge has been correct when we state that hurricanes have been created and steered exactly where the Illuminati wants them to go, undoubtedly to achieve their long-term goal of massive social engineering through the U.N. "Reserve and Corridor System To Protect Biodiversity". (Read NEWS1368, NEWS1862, NEWS1953, NEWS1960)

The joys of the FTAA

How many of you are aware of the FTAA?

(coming soon (2005)to a hemisphere near you)

The FTAA would bring the nations of this hemisphere, most especially the U.S., under the heel of a new regional authority. That new authority would have none of the checks and balances of the American constitutional system. To accomplish the globalist goal of economic and political "integration," the independence and distinctive legal systems of participating nations would have to disintegrate step by step, as is happening in the European Union. Americans would lose control of their own destiny.

To find out more:


Informant: braddueringer

Vote and Be Damned


Has Bush Lost His Reason ?


Edwards Warns Floridians of GOP 'Tricks'


Widespread Torture at Guantanamo Confirmed


Social Superorganism and the Global brain


Informant: Daniel VanArsdale

Peace is Possible

From: "Dept. of Peace Campaign" mariannewilliamson@app.topica.com

Peace is Possible
A Conference on Establishing a U.S. Department of Peace
November 5th, 6th and 7th, 2004 Berkeley, California

Scheduled Keynote Speakers:
Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Marianne Williamson, Marshall Rosenberg
Special musical appearance by Grammy winning Keb' Mo'
and more...

Dear Friends,

Please join us November 5 - 7 in Berkeley, California for our "Peace is Possible" conference. We now have a historic opportunity to establish a U.S. Department of Peace.

The timing of this peace conference is significant - it is the weekend immediately after our national election. Regardless of what happens, this is a critical time to create a powerful grassroots citizen's peace campaign. Sessions will be held at the Martin Luther King Auditorium.

We aim to work collectively to help pass HR1673, the Department of Peace legislation pending in the U.S. House of Representatives. The purpose of this Cabinet-level department would be to research, facilitate and articulate nonviolent solutions to domestic and international conflicts.

The Department would provide the American President with a much needed compliment to a problem solving approach that focuses primarily with symptomatic rather than casual issues. By understanding and addressing the root causes of violence, we can predict and help nullify the myriad of hostilities threatening our stability; we can improve national security, help protect human rights and help de-escalate armed international conflict.

Not only will the Department of Peace represent strong governmental policy, but it will save the American taxpayer billions of dollars spent needlessly on war and unrest. The Department is an idea whose time has come, yet the idea will not become a legislative reality unless each of us does our part to show up and make it happen.

Be part of the solution, join us in Berkeley on Nov. 5th.

To learn more about this legislation and how to get involved, visit our website at http://www.DoPcampaign.org.

Click here for more information and to Register Now!
Join friends throughout the nation by visiting

Sign up to attend the whole conference, or for specific days. Including tickets for Friday night with Kucinich, Williamson and Keb' Mo'

At the Conference:

Re-engage in the democratic process
Hear amazing keynotes and diverse panel discussions
Participate in the dialogue and Q&A
Meet and connect with citizens from around the country working for peace in effective and focused ways.


- Discover how 2 percent of the annual defense budget can go toward proactive policies that dismantle the sources of domestic and international violence.

- Establish a U.S. Peace Academy as sophisticated and effective as the U.S. Military Academy.

- Learn how we can approach gang violence, racial and hate crimes, and even international conflicts with psychological and emotional powers as effective, and in many cases more so, than the application of brute force.

- Help move the American political dialogue to a higher level conversation regarding the realities of both war and peace.

We hope to see you there!

Register Now!

It isn't enough to talk about peace.
One must believe in it.
And it isn't enough to believe in it.
One must work at it.
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Department of Peace Campaign
PO Box 3259 - Center Line, Michigan 48015 USA
(586) 754-8105
http://www.DoPcampaign.org -- info@DoPcampaign.org

Bush was wired

FYI,...a brief out of

Best, Hans.


Technical expert: Bush was wired (Oct. 13, 2004)
A Bush spokesman tells Salon there is nothing to the story. But as the final presidential debate looms, speculation grows about the mysterious bulge - Speculation continues to run wild about President Bush's mystery bulge.

Since Friday, when Salon first raised questions about the rectangular bulge that was visible under Bush's suit coat during the presidential debates, many observers in the press and on the Internet have wondered aloud whether the verbally and factually challenged president might be receiving coaching via a hidden electronic device. Now a technical expert who designs and makes such devices for the U.S. military tells Salon that he believes the bulge is indeed a transceiver designed to receive electronic signals and transmit them to a hidden earpiece lodged in Bush's ear canal. CLIP

Fear of Pharming

Controversy swirls at the crossroads of agriculture and medicine Farming, one of the world's oldest practices has suddenly found itself entangled with modern medicine. Imagine this: at your child's appointment for a routine vaccination, the doctor proffers a banana genetically engineered to contain the vaccine and says, “Have her eat this and call me in the morning.” Though still farfetched, the scenario is getting closer to reality, with the first batch of plant-made medicines--created by genetically modifying crops such as corn, soy, canola and even fruits such as tomatoes and bananas to produce disease-fighting drugs and vaccines--now in early clinical testing. Splicing foreign genes into plants is nothing new--biologists have been doing it for about 25 years. Using the technology to produce protein-based medicine could revolutionize the drug industry, proponents say. Plants are inherently safer than current methods of using animal cell cultures, which carry a risk of spreading animal pathogens; plants also provide a much cheaper means of production. But fears that these “pharma crops” will contaminate the food supply are casting shadows on the promise of the technology. The problem is that containing genes from GM plants seems to be harder than scientists expected. Recent data suggest that bioengineered genes spread more widely than previously thought.

A pilot study released in February by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) found that more than half of native species of corn, soybean and canola tested contained low levels of DNA from strains engineered to confer resistance against herbicides. An analysis published in March established that genetically engineered corn had found its way into Mexico despite that country's six-year-old ban on growing GM varieties of the crop. And a major review of biologically modified organisms conducted last year by the National Academies of Science stressed the need to develop better confinement techniques. These findings and others illustrate the reality that experts are starting to acknowledge: the way things are going, maintaining zero levels of contamination from GM plants may be impossible.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 18th, 2004

Military Recruiters Demand Names Of U.S. High Schoolers

Sharon Shea-Keneally, principal of Mount Anthony Union High School in Bennington, Vermont, was shocked when she received a letter in May from military recruiters demanding a list of all her students, including names, addresses, and phone numbers. The school invites recruiters to participate in career days and job fairs, but like most school districts, it keeps student information strictly confidential. "We don't give out a list of names of our kids to anybody," says Shea-Keneally, "not to colleges, churches, employers -- nobody." But when Shea-Keneally insisted on an explanation, she was in for an even bigger surprise: The recruiters cited the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's sweeping new education law passed earlier this year.

There, buried deep within the law's 670 pages, is a provision requiring public secondary schools to provide military recruiters not only with access to facilities, but also with contact information for every student -- or face a cutoff of all federal aid.


Driving with Big Brother

"It's the thin edge of the wedge"

We asked whether you would you allow your driving habits to be electronically monitored in return for a lowered car insurance premium?

Here’s what you have to say:

Absolutely NOT! It's like giving the wolves a free hand in managing the chicken coop! And what next? The microchips in our bodies?
- Ella Collins, Toronto, Oct. 14

The insurance companies like to say that monitoring people's driving habits may decrease their insurance premiums by 25 per cent. What they forget to mention is that they are most likely wanting to monitor people's driving habits to have an excuse to raise people's insurance premiums by 25 per cent.
- Jaime MacDonald, Toronto, Oct. 14

They need to start rewarding the drivers in a big way who have never had an accident. I don't want to jinx myself but I have been years without a claim and never once have they offered to refund my money. Just more smoke and mirrors if they go they go through with this.
- Robert Reeson, Pontypool, Oct. 14

How will monitoring the controls actions, steering, braking, and throttle use, as well as vehicle speed, tell if you are a dangerous driver? Have people finally bought into the theory that speeding is dangerous, in and of itself? If I travel at 140km/h on the 401 in broad daylight with light traffic, is that more dangerous than travelling 52 km/h in a school zone?
- Keith Linton, Bowmanville, Oct. 14

It's the thin edge of the wedge, folks. Soon no insurance company will take you on unless you agree to have a monitor installed.
- Gregory Macbeth, Toronto, Oct. 14


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 18th, 2004

MEP warns of risk from big brother technology

High-tech passports which record iris prints and fingerprints on computer chips could be open to abuse, a Midland MEP has warned. The European Union has announced plans to introduce the new biometric passports, which contain detailed personal information, across all member states. The move was welcomed yesterday by MEP Michael Cashman (Lab West Midlands), but he warned that safeguards were essential. Mr Cashman is a member of the European Parliament's civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee, which conducted an investigation into the proposals.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 18th, 2004

GM-Crops Are A Dead-end

ISIS Press Release 18/10/04
Press Release

Embargoed until 20 October 2004

GM-Crops Are A Dead-end
Europe Must Invest in Sustainable Agriculture Now

Scientific evidence has turned decisively against genetically modified (GM) crops and in favour of non-GM sustainable agriculture; that's the conclusion of the Independent Science Panel (ISP) report [1] presented in three languages (English, French and Spanish) at the European Parliament today [2].

French farmer José Bové, representing Confédération Paysanne and European Farmers Coordination, Michael Meacher, Member of Parliament, UK, Prinz Felix of Löwenstein, President of the federation of organic food producers in Germany, and Jill Evans, MEP Wales, are among those joining the scientists to demand that Europe keep its GM-Free status by banning all GM crop releases, and invest instead in non- GM sustainable agriculture. They reject the European Commission-sponsored paper, "Plants for the future" [3], which is promoting plant biotechnology for Europe.

"That's a serious mistake," says Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, director of the Institute of Science in Society, who initiated the ISP. The biotech industry is showing all the signs of collapse, "because it has got ther science wrong."

"When genetic engineering started in the mid 1970s, scientists thought the genome was static and genes determined the characteristics of organisms in linear causal chains," Ho says. "It turns out that the genome is constantly in conversation with the environment and changing both the expression and structure of genes. It is this `fluid genome' that unsettles genetic modification, and creates the dangers of uncontrollable gene transfer and recombination." GM is a scientific and financial dead-end, according to Ho, and we should draw the curtain over it.

That's not happening because, says José Bové, "Public research has been taken over by the corporations. Many academic scientists are no longer doing research that benefits the public." Bové has been up-rooting GM crops in protest, and serving prison sentences.

"A major challenge for politicians in Europe is to guarantee there will be an agriculture free from GMOs in the long term," Prinz Felix of Löwenstein remarks. "The costs for that should be borne by those who are making it necessary to use GMOs at all."

Sue Edwards, director of the Institute of Sustainable Development in Ethiopia, has helped introduce the traditional Indian pit-composting method to the northern state of Tigray, which has increased crop yields two to three-fold, outperforming chemical fertilizers. The project has proven so successful that the Ethiopian government is adopting organic agriculture as one of its strategies for food security. "Working with nature is the best way to produce healthy environments that give people healthy and fulfilling lives; and at the same time to protect and increase biodiversity," Edwards explains.

Dr. Bob Orskov of the International Feed Resources Unit, Aberdeen, Scotland, concurs: "In general, multiple cropping, including agroforestry, is a better option than conventional monoculture in increasing crop yield, soil fertility and biodiversity; especially for Third World countries."

Teddy Goldsmith, founding editor of the Ecologist, gives us the bottom line: "Industrial agriculture depends heavily on oil and water, both rapidly running out, and GM crops will intensify that dependence. There will be no way to feed the world other than sustainable agriculture, which will also ameliorate the worse excesses of climate change."

Notes to Editors

1. The ISP - launched 10 May 2003 at a public conference in London attended by then environment minister Michael Meacher and 200 other participants - consists of 26 prominent scientists from eight countries spanning the disciplines of agroecology, agronomy, biomathematics, botany, chemical medicine, ecology, histopathology, microbial ecology, molecular genetics, nutritional biochemistry, physiology, toxicology and virology. As their contribution to the global GM debate, the ISP has published its report, The Case for a GM Free Sustainable World, a complete dossier of evidence on the known problems and hazards of GM crops and the proven successes and benefits of sustainable agriculture.

2. "Keep Europe GM-Free!" Science for a GM-Free Sustainable Europe. ISP Briefing at the European Parliament, Brussels, 20 October 2004 http://www.indsp.org

3. "Plants for the future": a 2025 vision for European plant biotechnology, News alert 24 June 2004, http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/press/2004/pr240 6-2en.cfm

For more information contact Lim Li Ching

Tel: 44-(0)20-8643-0681
e-mail: ching@i- sis.org.uk


London: ESF endet mit Großdemonstration


Republican Fraud will Disqualify 200,000 in Florida Vote

Republican Fraud to Disqualify 200,000 in FL; 10/19 Teleconference

Media Advisory Contact: Scott Shapiro or Beth George
Fenton Communications,
212-584-5000 or 917-838-4183

***Telephone Press Conference Tuesday, 10:30am ***

Republican Fraud will Disqualify 200,000 in Florida Vote
Says Harper’s and New Documentary

BBC Investigative Reporter Greg Palast Exposes How Democratic and African American Votes Will be Thrown Out

Bush Gets “Head Start” in Florida with Tens of Thousands of Votes

Rampant voter fraud in Florida will disqualify 200,000 mainly Democratic and African American voters on November 2, according to an article in next week’s Harper’s by Greg Palast, the BBC investigative reporter who in 2000 broke the original story regarding the infamous felon list in Florida. Palast’s findings were echoed in the October 14 New York Times Op Ed by Paul Krugman.

Who: Greg Palast, BBC Investigative Reporter
Ralph Neas, President, People for the American Way
What: Telephone press conference to speak about evidence of voter fraud

When: Tuesday, October 19
10:30 am, EDT
Call in #: For phone # RSVP to Beth George at: bgeorge@fenton.com

Background: For copy of Harper’s article or Palast’s DVD Bush Family Fortunes, call Scott Shapiro or Beth George at 212-584-4000

In the Harper’s article, Palast illustrates how Bush has a “head start” on the voting before the first ballot is cast:

* Palast documents that 180,000 votes will be cast but not counted – 54% of which are expected to be overwhelmingly Democratic, African American precincts

* Of that 180,000, 27,000 votes will be lost by highly predictable computer errors in mostly black precincts

* Most of the 93,000 voters illegally purged in the 2000 election have not been allowed back on the rolls, despite media reports to the contrary; these voters are Democratic by a margin of four to one

* Jeb Bush’s office illegally barred more than 50,000 registrations, and then hid the evidence from U.S. Civil Rights investigators until Palast uncovered the hidden documents

Expanding on his new documentary “Bush Family Fortunes,” which is a compilation of Palast’s BBC investigative reports on voter fraud and other wrongdoing, the Harper’s article documents how:

* Touch-screen voting machines without paper ballots in 15 counties will result in a net lead of thousands of votes for Bush before a single ballot is cast

* Thousands of people like Willie Steen, a Gulf War veteran who was illegally purged from the rolls in 2000, have still been unable to get back on the voter roles

* Criminal violations of federal law are being charged in Florida by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission based on the Palast evidence

Palast is author of the New York Times bestseller “Best Democracy Money Can Buy” (Penguin, 2004) and his film, Bush Family Fortunes, is taken entirely from his reports for BBC Television including Newsnight, Britain’s 60 Minutes.

Informant: Jessica Smith

The power of GOP moderates to defeat Bush

by Michael Cudahy



Should the president win reelection we could see national identity cards, a continuation of irresponsible fiscal policies, and a foreign policy that rejects a decades long respect for multilateralism. These are positions that have defined the party for the better part of the 20th century and are deserving of this president's consideration. Ironically, the decision rests in the hands of the centrist or 'moderate' wing of the Republican Party -- the very people whose values will be devalued if this administration is permitted another four years in office. Representing only 18-20% of registered Republicans nationwide, they are in a position to supply Democrat John Kerry with the 3-5% points he needs to win an extremely close presidential election...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The battle for Florida officially gets under way this morning


Early voting opens today across the state and will continue until Nov. 1, allowing Florida voters who can't wait to throw their support behind President Bush or Sen. John Kerry to begin casting ballots.

At election offices, libraries and city halls across Florida, workers will hand out ballots and staff voting machines for voters who don't want to hold off until Nov. 2.

And with Florida in the midst of a fevered presidential battle, election supervisors are expecting a crush of early voters.

"I think it's going to be very, very busy," said Susan Scatliffe, customer-service manager with the Orange County Supervisor of Elections office.

Florida's early-voting law allows residents to cast their ballots up 15 days prior to Election Day. Votes aren't counted until the polls close Nov. 2.

The law -- prompted in part by the 2000 election controversy -- requires that early voting be offered at election offices eight hours every weekday and a total of eight hours on weekends. Elections supervisors have the option of designating libraries and city halls as additional early-voting sites.

This year, early voting has emerged as one of the primary messages of activist and grass-roots groups seeking to influence the election.

Both Kerry and Bush will be in the state today, a marker of Florida's significance in the 2004 race for the White House and of just how strategically important early voting is to both major political parties.

And other groups are spending an unprecedented amount of effort -- and money -- to turn out votes in Florida for the candidate they support.

They know that every vote is crucial in a state that gave Bush the White House in the disputed 2000 election by a mere 537 votes.

By beating the Election Day rush, those groups think it will be easier to ensure that every vote is counted. It will also allow them to track who voted, so they will know whom they'll need to prod when Election Day arrives.

"It helps us say, 'This is one sure vote,' " said Allan Oliver, the state campaign director for the pro-Kerry League of Conservation Voters. "That's not somebody we have to call or worry about."

Today, labor groups and community activists will march in an "Early Voting Counts" rally in Miami while Kerry attends similar events in West Palm Beach, Tampa and, this afternoon, Orlando.

Bush also will commemorate the first day of early voting by returning to the state tonight for a Republican fund-raiser in Boca Raton before heading to New Port Richey and The Villages for rallies Tuesday.

Both camps are working hard to get their voters out.

Wednesday, the Central Florida Young Democrats will hold a Beat Bush Early Voting Event at a club in downtown Orlando.

Throughout the early voting period, Democrats will run the "Come Vote With Me" program, encouraging people to take five friends -- and fellow voters -- with them when they cast a ballot.

The Bush-Cheney campaign has similar strategies.

During the weekend, the president kicked off the GOP's "Walk the Vote" campaign, a national door-to-door effort in which party volunteers -- officials predicted more than 1 million -- descended on neighborhoods throughout the country.

One of the messages they spread was: Vote early.

Today, Republican officials follow that up with a series of news conferences across the state encouraging people to go to the polls before Election Day. The party will also sponsor rallies, do mailings and canvassneighborhoods.

"We look at this as an opportunity, because we have that many more days to reach voters and get them to the polls," said Mindy Tucker Fletcher, a senior adviser with the Republican Party of Florida. "For some people, it's a lot more convenient."

Tucker Fletcher said early voters tend to be more interested in the race than those who wait. So both parties will get a sense of how their bases are responding by monitoring who heads to the polls early.

In past years, early voting meant voting by absentee ballot. But now, residents can go to an early-voting site, fill out a ballot and feed it into the voting machine.

Scatliffe said that minor difference is important to some voters.

"People like it, because they see the ballot being placed in the tabulator," said Scatliffe the Orange County elections official. "They like being able to watch it go in."

Dave & Soozi

What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness? Jean Jacques Rousseau 1712 - 1778 Emile, or Education

I wish that practising was not
So different from preaching
John Godfrey saxe, Wishing

Mayor Bloomberg (New York City)said it best: "The only thing you ever know about security measures is when you didn't take enough."

WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are laughing WITH you.

The Declaration of Interdependence
We pledge allegiance to Life,
and to the planet on which we live,
one world, interdependent,
with Truth and Enlightenment for all.
May Love grant us the serenity to
accept the things we cannot change,
the courage to change the things we can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Benestrophe is being here now!

Informant: tworevs


Fellow Americans,

November 02, 2004 will go down in the history of the human civilization as the defining moment of the 21st century. The choices we make that day will determine the future of mankind and will forever change the world.

There is something every American needs to see before they cast their vote - http://www.secondterm.us (a solemn and chilling fact-based website that's rapidly gaining the reputation of being the BEST anti-Bush website in the world)

Can you please take a minute and share this link with everyone you know? Please also do ask them to share the email with everyone they know. Together, we can win our country back one email at a time!

Thanks very much,
A 1000 Patriots.

PS: Please, help us, please! Thanks, God Bless America!

A Plan to Torpedo the Trawlers


News-headlines Digest, Vol 18, Issue 13

Gulf War Veterans Have Specific Nervous System Damage

University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas researchers have uncovered damage in a specific, primitive portion of the nervous systems of veterans suffering from Gulf War syndrome.


FEMA Election Day Faux Terror Event ?

by Mark Erwin


On Tuesday, September 28th, a new federally-funded, FEMA-directed citizen training program began in my town called CERT. CERT stands for "Community Emergency Response Team."

A quick internet search reveals that my town isn't the only one participating. Nearly every town in America has its own CERT program, it would appear.

My neighbor's teenage son attended CERT's initial orientation meeting and later showed me the equipment and materials he was given.

He received free of charge a backpack containing hundreds of dollars worth of gear, including a hard hat, reflective garb for checkpoint/traffic-control duty, a high beam flashlight, eye guards, etc.

In the near future, he said, he'll also be given (again, free of charge) a special radio over which he can tap into the county's emergency communications net.

Then, he showed me his 300 page CERT training manual along with his training schedule for upcoming weeks.

The CERT training program is intensive. It's scheduled to last for only a little over a month.

In the short span of just 35 days, CERT trainees will learn the following:

1) Disaster preparedness
2) Disaster fire safety
3) Disaster medical operations
4) Light search and rescue
5) CERT Organization
6) Disaster psychology

But what really caught my eye were the last two items on CERT's training schedule:

On Tuesday, October 25th, CERT trainees will receive training on "Terrorism and CERT."

Then, exactly one week later, CERT's training program will conclude with a "Disaster Simulation & Examination".

This final day for the CERT training program, the day when CERT will climax with a "disaster simulation," is none other than Election Day!

Is this mere coincidence? I can't believe that it is. CERT is a nationwide FEMA-sponsored citizen training program, after all. I assume, in every town and hamlet, fledgling CERT teams are following this exact same training schedule. And that means a nationwide "disaster simulation" is scheduled for all of them come Election Day!

As 9-11 demonstrated, federal drills and simulations can sometimes be used to provide cover for preparations for what are, in fact, premeditated events timed to coincide exactly with the drills and simulations.

Does the timetable for the CERT program portend something like a second 9-11 come Election Day?

Will the same spooks who staged the 9-11 faux-terror event perpetrate another faux-terror event come November 2nd?

The CERT training timetable parallels exactly the training timetable for the Texas State Guard leaked by a brave guardsman to talk radio host Alex Jones. He told Alex that elite units of the Texas State Guard were being intensively trained to be ready for martial-law- style deployments come the first week of November.

Needless to say, in light of this leak to Alex, when I learned that Election Day was scheduled to be the day when FEMA's CERT training program climaxes with a "disaster simulation," chills went down my spine.

If, in fact, a second 9-11 does happen come Election Day, there won't be much doubt about who did it. Like the original, it too will have had to have been an inside job. How else could our next domestic terror event be timed to coincide exactly with the "disaster simulation" set to conclude FEMA's CERT training timetable?

CERT site: http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/CERT

Informant: doodlededum7777

Administration Policies Further Endangering Northwest's Wild Salmon


Omega-News Collection 18. October 2004

IAFF Firefighters RF Health Study

Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic

Cell Phone Recycling Mandatory

Churches Installing Cell Phone Jammers

FDA Approves Use of Chip in Patients

Spychips off the Orwellian block

Xerox workers to strike over satellite tracking plan

Netherlands to catalogue its population under 'citizen service number' scheme

New generator could power non-lethal microwave weapon

We will never be silenced again

Contamination caused with depleted uranium will last for 4.5 billion years

Groundbreaking News on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

Gulf War Veterans Sickened by Chemicals

Indian Farmers Force Monsanto to Withdraw Wheat Patent In Europe

Touring speakers raise GMO concerns

Antarctic glaciers melting faster than being replaced

Europe closes ranks on bioengineered food

Major timber harvest blocked

Privacy watchdog condemns US Visit

Pressure points

Ecuador Seen Losing Glaciers to Global Warming

Global study finds one-third of amphibians face extinction

Florida Selection 2000

Block The Vote

Stop Shredding Voter Forms

November 2nd - Vote Your Values - Vote for the forests

Filling The Swamp

Voter Registration Scandal in Oregon and Nevada Spreads to Arizona

Federal judge rules Ohio voters may cast provisional ballots

Flipping out over Patriot Act

George W. Bush and the Mandate of Heaven

Superhero of the Military-Industrial Complex

The Masterminds of Torture, Humiliation and Abuse

The American Global Inquisition

On the ruling ideology of hate

Bush's Faith-Based Presidency

One Million Workers on the March


If you have problems on Election Day

2.2+ million US prisoners under Bush

The Choice 2004

Billions Vanish in Iraq

Scientists Say Gulf War Syndrome Does Exist

Secret papers warned Blair war on Iraq was 'illegal'

Ex-CIA officer blasts premise for Iraq war

Global Agreements Threaten Media

Under attack as never before

Up to 28 G.I.'s Could Face Afghan Abuse Charges

Operation Truth: Gut-level understanding of the human cost of the Iraq War

Injured Iraq Vets Come Home to Poverty

Iraq: How Do We Get Out?

Bush plans pension raid to stay afloat

Scientists ask Bush to end anti-science policies

ASCII stands against eviction

Transhumanism at the Crossroads

Don't feed the trolls - The subtile art of trolling


Don't feed the trolls - Füttere keine Trolle

Berichte von schweren Gesundheitsschädigungen in der Nähe von Mobilfunkbasisstationen

Hochfrequenzen wirken auf Organismus


Krebs und Krankheit um Mobilfunksender


Familie Kind aus Dresden : Bericht über unsere Situation


Hier im Dorf gab es rund um die Mobilfunk- Antenne auffällig viele Tode, schnell verlaufender Krebs, Konzentration nicht mehr statistisch erklärbar, alle nicht sehr alt, also von 26- ca. 55 Jahren, und wenn wir linear interpolieren, würden in den nächsten 15 Jahren (Vertragslaufzeit) ca. 15- 20% der Anwohner versterben. In Thüringen gibt es weitere Orte mit dieser auffälligen Krebskonzentration und erhöhten Rate... mdr fernsehen wollte Beitrag machen, und die Redakteurin wurde nach mehreren Wochen Arbeit zurück gepfiffen.... das Volk muss mobil telefonieren, die Betreiber Geld umsetzen.. und niemand darf erfahren, dass es der grösste Mist ist, und u.a. krank macht.

Es gibt eine Stadt, die laut der dort lebenden Rechtsanwältin neben dem Sendestandort in jedem Anwohnerhaushalt zumindest einen Krebsfall gibt (gab).


Total verstrahlt

Audio: "Total verstrahlt" (Radio Orange/Augustin-Magazin)

Birgt der Mobilfunk ein Gesundheitsrisiko oder nicht? Mit dieser Frage setzen sich auseinander: Ingrid Grubauer (Bürgerwelle Österreich, Graz), Heinz Korrenn (Elektrosmog-Aktivist, Steiermark), Mag. Thomas Barmüller (Geschäftsführer Forum Mobilkommunikation) und Prof. Heinz Oberhummer (Atominstitut, TU-Wien).

ABSPIELEN: "Total verstrahlt." (Real-Audio, ca. 16')

Der Beitrags wird am 18. Oktober 2004 in Wien auf Radio Orange im Magazin von Radio Augustin ausgestrahlt.

Wien, MO, 18. 10. 2004


15 Uhr auf Orange 94,0 Kabel 92,7, WEBSTREAM

Quelle: http://crop.mur.at/g7/esmog/video.htm

"Total verstrahlt" - Ist Mobilfunk gesundheitsschädlich?
Am 18. 10. 2004 wurde in Wien auf Radio Orange im Augustin-Magazin ein Beitrag über mögliche Gefahren des Mobilfunks gesendet. Der Beitrag ist ab sofort aus dem eSMOGmedia-Archiv als RealAudio-Dokument online abrufbar.

Video- und Audiolibrary: http://crop.mur.at/g7/esmog/video.htm

Unverträglichkeit von hochfrequenten, gepulsten Mikrowellen nicht bewiesen?

Mär, dass die biologische Unverträglichkeit von hochfrequenten, gepulsten Mikrowellen nicht bewiesen ist

Man solle endlich von der Mär ablassen, dass die biologische Unverträglichkeit von hochfrequenten, gepulsten Mikrowellen nicht beweisen sei. «Sie ist es sehr wohl. Aber offenbar kann nicht sein, was nicht sein darf.»

„Und ich bin zutiefst erschüttert, mit welcher Sorglosigkeit, mit welcher Ignoranz und mit welcher Arroganz wir uns der Gesundheit gegenüber verhalten»: So der VU-Abgeordnete und Mediziner Walter Hartmann vor dem Liechtensteiner Parlament.

Hans-U. Jakob, 10.10.04

Wegen der umstrittenen Grundsatzerklärung der Regierung bezüglich Mobilfunk-Telefonie gab es im Liechtensteiner Parlament scharfe Töne. Während die Regierung auf Fortschritt und Wettbewerb setzt, verurteilen Abgeordnete, dass die Gesundheit nicht prioritär behandelt wird. Denn dass die Regierung auf die Eigenverantwortung der Benutzer setzt und die Gesundheit zweite Priorität haben soll, ist für viele nicht nachvollziehbar.

Ein Auszug aus der Liechtensteiner Zeitung „Vaterland“ vom 17.9.04 «Der gesamte Bericht ist ein flammendes Bekenntnis zur Wirtschaft, zur Dynamik des freien Wettbewerbs, zur Befriedigung der Grundbedürfnisse der Bevölkerung, soweit es die jederzeit und jederorts verfügbare Kommunikation auf elektronischer Basis betrifft», kritisierte der VU-Abgeordnete und Mediziner Walter Hartmann. «Ich bin zutiefst erschüttert, mit welcher Sorglosigkeit, mit welcher Ignoranz und mit welcher Arroganz wir uns der Schöpfung, dem Leben und der Gesundheit gegenüber verhalten.» Außerdem solle man endlich von der Mär ablassen, dass die biologische Unverträglichkeit von hochfrequenten, gepulsten Mikrowellen nicht beweisen sei. «Sie ist es sehr wohl. Aber offenbar kann nicht sein, was nicht sein darf.» Was die geforderte Eigenverantwortung der Benutzer betreffe, so könne dies nur insofern Gültigkeit haben, was die Handybenützung betreffe. Aber auch Nicht-Handy-Benützer, die Tier- und die Pflanzenwelt seien, von den Antennenstandorten ausgehend, schutzlos der Strahlenbelastung ausgesetzt, so Hartmann.

Damit im Schweizer Parlament ja nicht etwa solche Töne auftauchen, hat der Bundesrat rechtzeitig genügend bezahlte Söldner an die Mobilfunkfront geschickt. Schließlich ist dieser Bundesrat immer noch Hauptaktionär beim größten Schweizer Mobilfunkbetreiber und schließlich hat dieser Bundesrat von den Mobilfunkbetreibern auch Milliarden an Konzessionsgeldern kassiert.

So ließ dieser Bundesrat vom bekannten Präventivmediziner Dr. Röösli an der UNI Basel eine Studie über 200 Studien anfertigen, mit dem Ziel, die längst bewiesene Schädlichkeit der Mobilfunkstrahlung gehörig in Frage zu stellen. Was denn auch einigermaßen gelungen ist, weil ausgerechnet diejenigen 70 Studien, die dem Mobilfunk hätten schaden können, einfach ausgelassen wurden. Quelle: Datenbank von Dipl.Ing Lothar Geppert.

„Ohne solide wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse bleibt dieses Feld der Spekulation und der Dramatisierung durch selbsternannte Experten überlassen,“ schreibt im Auftrag dieses Bundesrates, Dr. Jürg Baumann, Sektionschef beim Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft.

Jetzt haben wir es also höchstamtlich bestätigt: Wer etwas Negatives auf dem Gebiet der nichtionisierenden Strahlung erforscht, belegt und beweist, wird gleich als „selbsternannter Experte“ beschimpft. Wer sollte denn in diesem, von Lügen und Intrigen beherrschten Fachgebiet, wohl kritische Experten benennen? Etwa die Mobilfunkbetreiber?

Eigentlich ein harmloser Ausdruck im Vergleich mit dem, was PR-Journalisten gegen gutes Geld in den 5 größten Tageszeitungen der Schweiz so alles von sich geben. Die reden gleich von Sektenbrüdern, fundamentalistischen Aktivisten und einem Spiel mit der Angst.

Deshalb Hut ab vor diesem Mann aus Liechtenstein. So klar wie der Mediziner Walter Hartmann dürfte sich wohl noch nie ein Arzt vor einem europäischen Parlament geäußert haben! Ist das verwunderlich, wenn man weiß, dass die Lobbyisten stets mit ihren Giftspritzen bereitstehen, um jeden, der eine Mobilfunk-gefährdende Meinung vertritt, mit wüstesten Beschimpfungen und Verdrehungen fertig zu machen? Ein einziger Blick in die einschlägigen deutschen Internet-Foren genügt, um zu erahnen was solch mutigen Abgeordneten, Ärzten und Messtechnikern alles blühen kann. Die Propagandaminister im dritten Reich waren reine Anfänger im Vergleich zu den Methoden der heutigen Mobilfunkbetreiber. Einmal mehr gilt das alte Sprichwort: „Wer mit dem Teufel essen will, muss einen langen Löffel haben!“

Morgenröte in Thalwil:

90% der Bevölkerung will keine Mobilfunkantennen in Wohn- und Schulzonen

Dies ergab eine Umfrage der Evangelischen Volkspartei (EVP)

Das Echo auf das neue Leitbild der Evangelischen Volkspartei (EVP) Thalwil war überwiegend positiv. Die klarste Zustimmung erzielte die Forderung nach einem Stopp beim Bau von Mobilfunkantennen und nach der Fertigstellung des Seeuferwegs. Die EVP Thalwil freut sich sehr über den überraschend guten Rücklauf. Viele Teilnehmer beschränkten sich nicht allein auf die Beantwortung der Fragen, sondern machten selber weitere Anregungen.

Die klarste Antwort erhielt die EVP auf den Leitsatz, mit welchem ein Stopp für weitere Mobilfunkantennen und die Kündigung der bestehenden Verträge für Antennen in empfindlichen Gebieten wie Wohnzonen und Schule gefordert wird. Neunzig Prozent unterstützen ein Ja und zehn Prozent waren immerhin teilweise einverstanden.

Quelle: Thalwiler Anzeiger, 25.9.04

In einem ganzseitigen Leitartikel der Berner-Zeitung vom 8.Oktober 04, verfasst vom Politologen Leonhard Neidhart steht unter dem Tittelbild: „Das Volk trifft auch falsche Entscheidungen, und diese Einsicht gehört zu einem adäquaten Verständnis der direkten Demokratie.“

Was ist jetzt da mit einem adäquaten Verständnis gemeint? Etwa dass die Regierung nach Volksentscheiden immer noch machen darf, was die Wirtschaft diktiert? Das kann ja heiter werden!


Don't feed the trolls - Füttere keine Trolle


Don't feed the trolls - The subtile art of trolling

„Schweine haben mehr Lust am Dreck als am sauberen Wasser“

sagte der griechische Denker Heraklit schon 500 Jahre v. Chr. Ob er damit aber nicht die armen Tiere beleidigt hat?

Gigaherz in eigener Sache, am 16.10.04

Worum es geht: Einige Handy-Kiebitze und bezahlte Desinformanten aus dem nördlichen Nachbarland gefallen sich darin, auf unserer Internetseite herum zu flattern und wenn sie dort genügend herumgepickt haben, sich regelmässig über uns, den Präsidenten, einzelne Vorstandsmitglieder und ganz speziell über unsere Beiträge in ihrem eigenen Forum in wüstesten Beschimpfungen und persönlichen Beleidigungen zu ergehen. Dies alles unter dem Titel „Versachlichung der Mobilfunk-Diskussion“.

Wir werden oft gefragt, weshalb wir auf diesen Dreck nicht reagieren würden ?

Wenn man in einem Kübel mit einer stinkenden Brühe umrührt, dann stinkt es nur noch mehr.

Zudem wissen wir unsere Zeit, unsere Kraft, die Jahresbeiträge unserer Mitglieder und die Mittel unserer Sponsoren sicher für Besseres einzusetzen.

Deshalb ergeht hier nochmals folgender dringende Aufruf an unsere Leser:

Don't feed the trolls! Füttere keine Trolle!


'If this isn't genocide, then what on earth is?'


Guantanamo Bay - Torture and Milkshakes

Broad Use of Harsh Tactics Is Described at Cuba Base


Informant: mojo_j_2000

Transhumanism at the Crossroads

To survive and thrive, transhumanism must become an inclusive social movement

by Russell Blackford

10/15/2004 12:36 PM


Informant: mojo_j_2000


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Oktober 2004

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