
Save childrens from wars - Opt Out of New Pentagon Database

(please forward this email to parents, grandparents, teachers and anyone else concerned about protecting high school students' privacy from unwanted military recruitment)

Thank you for taking action to protect our children and students from unwanted military recruiting. August and September are crucial months for organizing around opt-out issues. We've expanded the LeaveMyChildAlone.org site with a new look and additional resources. We'll be updating you throughout the summer on our progress and with opportunities to get involved.

a.. Over 9,500 kids opted out.

a.. Working Assets mailed letters to over 12,500 school district superintendents suggesting optimum opt-out policies. Follow up by planning a school board outing now.

a.. National Educators Association supports student privacy. Click here to read the NEA's statement on No Child Left Behind's Sec. 9528.

b.. Over 110 "opt out" events held in June. Save the date for Back-To-School events planned for Sept. 7-30

New Pentagon database

The Pentagon, in violation of the Privacy Act, has compiled and put into use a mega-database of private information on 30 million 16-25-year-olds.

Even if you have opted your child out of the lists public schools turn over to local military recruiters, you or your child must also contact the Pentagon directly to get off this new national military recruiting list. For more information go to: http://www.leavemychildalone.org/jamrs

Think that this is an illegal invasion of privacy? To send a letter to the Pentagon telling them to shut down this database go to: http://www.leavemychildalone.org/act

Teachers Stand Up for Student Privacy The National Education Assocation (NEA), an organization made up of 2.7 million teachers, has taken an official stand opposing No Child Left Behind's mandate that schools turn over private student information to military recruiters without explicit written permission from parents. To read more about the NEA's official position, go to: www.leavemychildalone.org/NEA

Please share the NEA official position with other teachers, school administrators, and any PTA groups you know, by forwarding them this link: http://www.leavemychildalone.org/NEA

Send us information on your next School Board Meeting Help us put pressure on school boards to adopt optimum opt-out policies. There are over 12,500 school districts across the U.S. If you do a little research and find out the time and location of your community's upcoming school board meetings through September, we'll post them online at LeaveMyChildAlone.org.

Looking up your local school board meeting schedule should be easy. It's often found on your local school Web site. Once you have the info, you can post it online at www.partylaunch.com/workingassets/ or email your school district name, school board meeting time and location to jsonnenfeld@workingassets.com. Be sure to include your phone number in the email just in case we have questions and need to follow up.

If you want to go further and plan a school board outing in your community, go to http://www.leavemychildalone.org/schoolboard to download sample resolutions, flyers, and scripts that make it easy to make a difference in your school district.

If you live in Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, New York, Houston, Fresno, Philadelphia, DC area, Atlanta or Detroit and want to help us organize participation in local School Board meetings, call or email Josh at 415-369-2112 or jsonnenfeld@workingassets.com

Spread the word

Do you know school principals, parent group officers, school board members or other folks in a position to change school policy on military opt-out procedures? Tell them to visit LeaveMyChildAlone.org for organizing resources or simply call or email Catherine (cgeanuracos@workingassets.com) to find out how we can help them make a difference in their district.

Thank you for helping to build a better world.

Catherine Geanuracos Campaign Organizer Leave My Child Alone Coalition/ Working Assets

From InfoNature.Org


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