
We will fight new mast plan

Jul 26 2005

Alison Anderson
Perthshire Advertiser

AUCHTERARDER residents who live near the proposed site of a 15-metre mobile phone mast are determined to fight the planning application by telecommunications giant Orange.

At the forefront of the campaign against the UK’s largest mobile network is Julia Reid, who was aghast when she discovered Orange were proposing to erect the tower within a stone’s throw of her children’s bedroom in the centre of Auchterarder.

The location of the proposed mast is at the rear of Auchterarder Motors in the High Street – a site which Julia claims will be intrusive to a large area of the burgh.

She explained that she had been informed that her main fears over the safety of siting a mobile phone mast so close to the homes of young children did not constitute reasons for refusing planning permission.

She said: “Although we are concerned about the health risks we understand there is no legal evidence to substantiate this.

“I know nothing has been proven yet but I feel that the jury is still out. My children are aged three, five and seven and I find it scary that this mast could be as little as 10 feet from the bottom of our garden.

Omega this is not true, that nothing has been proven. See under:

“So although the health risk is the main concern, we will be objecting on the grounds the mast will be visually intrusive to the whole of Auchterarder.

“And we’ve been told that anyone living within 300m of the mast will be affected by the noise so we hope this will also be grounds for our objection.”

Julia went on to criticise Orange’s timing of its planning application: “The community council do not have another meeting until September, so they will not be able to discuss it before the period for objections expires and many residents do not know anything about the proposed mast because they are away on holiday,” she said.

“I’ll be talking to as many neighbours as possible to make them aware of this mast and I would urge people who are against it to write to the council with their objections.”

Orange yesterday commented on the status of its planning application at Auchterarder Motors, High Street, Auchterarder.

Martin Grey, the company’s government and community relations officer for Scotland, said: “Orange believes that technology can and will make the world a better place, and is building the largest digital mobile phone network in the UK.

“We aim to provide our customers, including those in Auchterarder, with the best service and value for money.

“Orange began consultation with local stakeholders in 2004, firstly proposing a ‘lamppost’ style streetworks base station. Responding to feedback from local stakeholders, Orange considered a total of six options for siting the installation, including utilising existing Vodafone, 02 or police masts.

“Sadly technical analysis demonstrated the existing masts sites would not have met our coverage requirements. Therefore, following feedback from Perth and Kinross Council planners, a full planning application was submitted on July 1.

“The initial application was delayed by an administrative error relating to the submission of the planning fee. This has now been resolved and Perth and Kinross Council have confirmed the application as registered on July 20.

“Orange looks forward to the application being determined and to providing quality network coverage within Auchterarder.”


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Juli 2005

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