
Stealth Attack on Consumer Protections

On 7/22/2005 at 12:43 PM Sonya Schwartz and Chervonne Colon, Families USA HealthAction@familiesusa.org wrote:



The torrent of anti-consumer legislation coming from Washington continues unabated.

A bill known as the Health Care Choice Act, which would allow insurance companies to avoid vital consumer protections by selling individual health insurance across state lines, is being rammed through the House of Representatives. Under this bill, insurance companies would only have to follow the laws of one state -- the state with the fewest consumer protections -- and they could then sell policies to consumers in all 50 states. This would create a "race to the bottom," leaving consumers with higher premiums, unpaid medical bills, and bare-bones coverage, ultimately hurting the 26 million Americans who buy coverage in the individual market.

This legislation (H.R. 2355), introduced by John Shadegg (R-AZ), is moving quickly in the House. It is likely to come to a floor vote next week, while a companion bill, S. 1015, has been introduced in the Senate by Jim DeMint (R-SC). Unfortunately, this bill has flown under the radar screen, and many members of Congress are still unaware of the disastrous effects it would have on consumers. Not only is the so-called Health Care Choice Act the wrong choice for consumers, it is also a stealth attack on consumer protections, passing undetected while Washington is focused on other matters.

Please call or e-mail your members of Congress and urge them to vote against the Health Care Choice Act. It is important that members of Congress get this message loud and strong: This legislation would hurt consumers and make insurance unaffordable. It is the wrong choice for health care consumers.

* U.S. Capitol switchboard: 202-225-3121 (then ask for your Representative's office)
* To find the number for your Representative's district office, visit Congress.org and type your zip code in the box.

Tell your members of Congress that the Health Care Choice Act would be a disaster for consumers. This bill would result in:
* More consumers with unpaid medical bills,
* Higher premiums and unfair premium increases, and
* Bare-bones coverage that does not include critical services like diabetes treatment and cancer screening.

The more opposition votes we can garner in the House, the more likely we are to stop this bill from gaining momentum and making its way through the Senate. For more info on the Health Care Choice Act:

* Health Care Choice Act Press Statement from Families USA http://www.familiesusa.org/site/R?i=sHIo28u_s6Qv_dt5s2COag..

* Testimony on the Health Care Choice Act by Ron Pollack, Executive Director of Families USA http://www.familiesusa.org/site/R?i=6xRFtCl6YAOPF03hgy5teQ..

Sonya Schwartz & Chervonne Colon Families USA

Help Us Spread the Word. To forward this message, click here. http://www.familiesusa.org/site/R?i=zjebIN-n-I1vS7pE10MQLw..

Informant: DitziSis


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