
Phone mast protest stops traffic

by Dominic Yeatman
Wanstead and Wooford Guardian

CONCERNED protestors who are fighting plans for a mobile phone mast in Wanstead, took to the streets in their campaign to have it stopped.

More than 100 parents and residents gathered at the site in Aldersbrook Road, stopping traffic in the evening rush hour on Wednesday, July 6, to draw attention to their cause.

Phone company T-mobile recently won the final appeal in a long legal struggle to have the 10.5-metre mast erected opposite the Aldersbrook Bowls Club, but the location is 200 meters from Aldersbrook Primary School and residents have pledged to continue their fight against the mast.

Campaign organiser Elizabeth Canavan said: "The drivers were for the main part really supportive and were beeping in support.

"It didn't cause havoc but it was a symbolic raising of the banner. We didn't advertise widely for this, mainly at the school, but there's quite a lot of anxiety over this around the whole area."

Construction of the mast started recently but was brought to a halt when Mrs Canavan ran to the site and sat in the hole that had been dug.

Now residents are keeping a close watch for any further work and have promised to prevent any more taking place.

Mrs Canavan said: "We're thinking of picketing local T-Mobile shops. They have won permission for a mast in Centre Road so why can't they use that?"

T-shirts were printed and post cards attached to black balloons were released, one of which reached Belgium before being sent back with a message of support.

After an hour police brought the protest to a halt. There were no arrests.


11:00am today 17.07.05


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