
Phone mast campaigners gear up for second battle

Gazette and Herald Wiltshire 14.07.05

CAMPAIGNERS against a mobile phone mast on a sports ground in Pewsey have been horrified to learn of a new application for an even taller transmitter.

They are pinning their hopes of defeating the mast plans on the parish council that owns the soccer ground between Ball Road and the High Street.

On Tuesday the parish council will be discussing whether it should allow its tenant, Pewsey Vale FC, to let O2 put up a mast at the soccer ground.

The soccer club stands to gain £80,000 over 20 years if it allows the mast. However, objectors say the football club is only a tenant and that the parish council should have the final say.

They also argue that covenants restricting the use of the land to sport and recreation imposed when the parish council acquired the land in 1949 from the former Pewsey Rural District Council still apply.

A previous planning application for an O2 mast on the ground was refused by Kennet District Council and is subject of an appeal.

This week campaigners learned O2 has submitted a new planning application for slightly taller mast.

Petitions have been circulating in Pewsey urging the parish council to stick by the covenants. Campaigners are urging villagers to attend Tuesday's parish council meeting, at 7.30pm in the Bouverie Hall, when O2's plan will be discussed.


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