
Why Not Encourage Your MP to Join the Parliamentary All Party Mobile Group

We are encouraging our MP (Humphrey Malins, Conservative, Woking) to become more active in the Mast debate at Westminster, by asking him to do the following. Why not send a letter to your MP, to ask that he/she does the same:-

· Can you please join the All Party Parliamentary Group on Mobile Communications, a Parliamentary group set up to encourage debate on a range of mobile issues, bringing together relevant stakeholders including consumers, industry, Parliamentarians and pressure groups. ( http://www.apmobile.org.uk)

· Can you please support the Parliamentary Bills, such as the recent/current one by Andrew Stunel MP, Liberal Democrat, Hazel Grove, "Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill", which will tighten planning controls on the siting of mobile masts. This has similar content to the 2004 Bill put forward by Richard Spring MP, Conservative, West Suffolk. Please also actively encourage support for this bill and similar future bills in Parliament.

· Can you please support the Early Day Motions against masts and help engage ‘masts and their health risks & suppressed research’ as urgent topics for discussions and parliamentary action. Currently there is EDM 67, MOBILE PHONE MASTS, 17.05.2005 by Caroline Spelman, Conservative, MP for Meriden and Shadow Secretary of State for Local Government Affairs and Communities ( http://www.carolinespelman.com ):-

"That this House notes that industry sources have recently indicated that 3G technology will require a substantial increase in the number of mobile phone masts, with as many as four times the present number, suggesting up to 200 more masts in every constituency; believes that the current planning process in England is inadequate, failing to consider local, environmental and safety concerns; observes that the Government is reviewing planning regulations for masts and that tougher protection is already in place in Scotland and Northern Ireland; and calls on the Government to introduce full planning permission for all masts, including Network Rail and TETRA masts, and to allow health concerns to be taken into account near homes, schools and hospitals."

Please also actively encourage support for this Early Day Motion and similar Early Day Motions in Parliament.


Harelands Against the Masts


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Mai 2005

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