
CONCERNED residents and a town councillor are warning off a mobile phone firm over plans to build a mast in Bromsgrove

Conservative councillor for Slideslow, Caroline Spencer, has hit out after an inquiry to Bromsgrove District Council by mobile phone firm T-mobile.

The company consulted the council's planning department about building a base station and a 15-metre phone mast on the verge side of New Road, near to the end of Stonehouse Road.

T-mobile would not need planning permission for the development but does need to consult the council about their plans.

Cllr Spencer has already made her feelings clear about the site being earmarked.

She said: "It is next to a busy road and would be a health hazard. There is a footpath past the site that is used regularly by children early in the morning and late afternoon going to and from school.

"I just cannot understand why this location has been earmarked for a mast. It is the most unsuitable site one would look at."

Around 40 homeowners living near the site have also hit out at the plans by completing objection forms. At present 95 per cent of those asked by Cllr Spencer have expressed a total objection.

Bryan Walker, who lives in Stonehouse Road, added: "We don't want this site earmarked now or in the future. There is a very large concern nationally about the health risks."

Dave Hammond, from Bromsgrove District Council's planning department, said: "T-mobile have consulted us and asked for our opinion. We told them they would get opposition from residents and recommended they consider a site nearer Aston Fields Industrial Estate."

A spokesman for T-mobile said: "It is about a balance, we will be listening to residents and the council about their opinions and consulting with them.

"The majority of international research shows there is no link between mobile phone masts and ill health."

Omega this is not true. See under:
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