
10,000 year old forests should not be trashed to make products

The campaign is on fire, and Kimberly-Clark is feeling the heat!

Thousands of you have signed up to this email list because you care about what Kimberly-Clark is doing to ancient forests like the Boreal. Read on to find out how you can take the next step by finding each other and taking action on the ground.
Campaign update

A few weeks ago, we sent you an email asking you to take action by emailing the Board of Directors of Kimberly-Clark. We told you that our goal was to have 5000 people email the Board by the end of the first week. Well, more than 5500 people took action in that first week, and almost 2000 more have done so since – that’s a total of 7500 emails flooding the inboxes of the K-C board. Plus, so many of you helped spread the word to family and friends that over 1250 new people have joined this list since we last emailed you. Great work!

Meanwhile, Richard was in Texas confronting Kimberly-Clark’s Board and execs face to face. Read about his experience at the K-C annual meeting in his blog Sharpshooters, propaganda, and lots of cops: the K-C annual meeting. And, a new campaigner (that’s me!) joined the team to up our capacity to take on Kimberly-Clark and save Canada’s Boreal forest.

New organizing tools!

With so much momentum building, we’re excited to announce the launch of two new tools created specifically to help you organize against Kimberly-Clark: the Kleercut Action Pack and Kleercut Groups.

Kleercut Action Pack: The Kleercut Action Pack is an activist toolkit designed to give you everything you need to organize against Kimberly-Clark in your own community – information, ideas, advice, contacts, and sample materials (including a poster, a flyer, sample letters, media releases and more). Whether you live in a big city or a small town, whether you want to hang a banner or adopt a grocery store or write a story for your local paper, the Kleercut Action Pack will help you make it happen. Get yours now at http://www.kleercut.net/en/actionpack.

Kleercut Groups: Kleercut Groups is an online tool similar to Yahoo Groups designed to help you connect and organize with other activists in your own communities. Using Kleercut Groups, you can find others who are already organizing against Kimberly-Clark in your area, or start up your own local group. Simply subscribe to a local Kleercut Group, then use the e-list and calendar to recruit others and plan and organize events and actions in your own community. Visit the Kleercut Groups organizing centre at http://www.kleercut.net/en/getlocal and sign up or create a local group now.

You know what Kimberly-Clark is doing to ancient forests is wrong. 10,000 year old forests should not be trashed to make products that are used once and then thrown away. It’s up to you to save ancient forests like the Boreal – it’s up to you to stop Kimberly-Clark from flushing forests down the toilet.

Take action this week:

1. Get active: download your Kleercut Action Pack at http://www.kleercut.net/en/actionpack.

2. Get local: join the Kleercut Group closest to you or start a new group at http://www.kleercut.net/en/getlocal.

3. Get busy: put the Action Pack and groups to use by organizing an action against Kimberly-Clark in your area.

Keep on rockin’,


Christy Ferguson
Greenpeace Forests Campaigner
» K L E E R C U T . N E T


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