
San Francisco Library Committee Says 'No' to RFID

From Doug Loranger of SNAFU - San Francisco Neighborhood Antenna-Free Union.

At 01:24 AM 5/26/05, you wrote:

After voting down a motion to recommend that the Board of Supervisors place the San Francisco Public Library's request for an initial $680,000 to fund RFID for the 2005-2006 fiscal year on reserve pending the Library's development of a plan for its implementation, at approximately 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25 the Library Citizens Advisory Committee (LCAC) unanimously passed a motion to recommend to the Board of Supervisors that no funding be allocated for RFID this year, an important victory for opponents of RFID at the SF Public Library.

Particular thanks should go out to Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Nancy Evans of the Breast Cancer Fund, a representative from the ACLU, and members of the public, some traveling from as far away as Berkeley, who spoke out forcefully against RFID funding at the meeting. Last but not least, we all owe a debt to Peter Warfield, a member of the LCAC who led the efforts toward this outcome, for his time and effort on this issue over the past 2 years.

We must now ensure that the Board of Supervisors itself follows this advice at its June 23 and June 30 budget hearings on the Library, and that will require the participation of everyone here in San Francisco who receives this message.

Stay tuned. . .

Janet Newton, President
The EMR Policy Institute, P.O. Box 117, Marshfield VT 05658
Tel: (802) 426-3035 FAX: (802) 426-3030
Web Site: http://www.emrpolicy.org


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Mai 2005

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