
Act Now and Tell Your U.S. Representative to Protect the Endangered Species Act

The endangered species debate continues to heat up in Washington, D.C. this week. Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA), Chair of the powerful House Resources Committee, is preparing efforts to undercut important protections for our wolves, bald eagles, sea otters, and other endangered animals. If you haven't taken action already, please go to http://www.saveesa.org and send a message to Congress today.

As promised, I'm sending you this email to update you on our campaign to protect the Endangered Species Act. Last week, we were on the front lines on Capitol Hill warning the Senate subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Water that this landmark law should not be weakened. Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders' Executive Vice President and the former head of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, never backed down as she went toe to toe with Bush administration officials and industry lobbyists.

Jamie underscored that the Endangered Species Act is a very effective alarm system that has already prevented the extinction of hundreds of species. I'm glad to report that her comments were picked up by hundreds of media outlets. You can read her entire testimony at: http://www.saveesa.org/2005/testimony.pdf

Endangered species are also getting key support from a group of well-known scientists led by Harvard professor E.O. Wilson. These scientists cautioned U.S. Senators that the nation's web of life – from micro-organisms to large mammals – could be in serious jeopardy if Congress undermines the Endangered Species Act. To read the scientists' letter, go to: http://www.saveesa.org/letter.pdf

Lastly, Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA), Chair of the powerful House Resources Committee, released an unfounded report criticizing the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act. It is the most troubling sign yet that Pombo intends to push harmful legislation through his Committee.


Rodger Schlickeisen


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Mai 2005

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