
Muslims sceptical over Newsweek back-track on Koran

Hardliners reject Koran apology

Hardline Islamic parties in Pakistan say an apology by a US magazine over a story about a desecration of the Koran is a crude bid to ease Muslim anger. [...]

The head of Pakistan's conservative six-party Islamic alliance, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, told the BBC that Newsweek's clarification held no weight.

"There have been reports by the prisoners who have been released from Guantanamo Bay of desecration of the holy Koran, and different atrocities perpetrated on them. Therefore, the clarification of Newsweek has no meaning." [...] Read it at the BBC UK web page:



Muslims sceptical over Newsweek back-track on Koran

16 May 2005 10:12:49 GMT

Source: Reuters

by Sayed Salahuddin

KABUL, May 16 (Reuters) - Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan were sceptical on Monday about an apparent retraction by Newsweek magazine of a report that U.S. interrogators desecrated the Koran and said U.S. pressure was behind the climb-down.

The report in Newsweek's May 9 issue sparked protests across the Muslim world from Afghanistan, where 16 were killed and more than 100 injured, to Pakistan, India, Indonesia and Gaza.

Newsweek said on Sunday the report might not be true.

"We will not be deceived by this," Islamic cleric Mullah Sadullah Abu Aman told Reuters in the northern Afghan province of Badakhshan, referring to the magazine's retraction.

"This is a decision by America to save itself. It comes because of American pressure. Even an ordinary illiterate peasant understands this and won't accept it." [...] Read the rest at: http://tinyurl.com/72m9w

© Virginia Metze


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