
Ecologists denounce the "chaotic" increase of antennas of mobile telephony

Ecologists in Action denounce "chaotic" increase of antennas of mobile telephony the World-wide Day of the Telecommunications Considers necessary to approach a reform "in depth" of the General Law of SANTANDER Telecommunications, 17 May.

(EUROPE PRESS) - In the occasion of the celebration today, 17 of May, the World-wide Day of the Telecommunications, Ecologists in Action have denounced the growth and "chaotic" proliferation of stations base of mobile telephony and other infrastructures of telecommunications that, according to this organization, the uncontrolled "installation of these radioelectric networks has supposed"; a significant increase of the electromagnetic contamination and the growth of the social perception of the associated risk in these infrastructures. After emphasizing that the state legislation, done by the previous Government "and taking care of only the interests of the great operators, it has not solved of the social impact and environmental of the networks of mobile telephony", EA indicates in an official notice that have been the social mobilization and ecological the one that has forced some independent communities to establish more preventive norms and levels of most restrictive exhibition to the public. It indicates nevertheless that slope has left an European director who serves like "a real" instrument to make the development of the mobile telephony and the possible environmental affections compatible and for the public health. Ecologists in Action denounce the establishment of a "plot of the telecommunications" that has supposed a proliferation in rural means and urban of a whole series of infrastructures of antennas stations bases GSM, DCS and LMDS, repeating dipoles, antennas of high gain, picocélulas and microantennas, radio links, etc., or the new Wi-Fi systems. It notices that the installation of 55,000 new antennas stations base of mobile telephony of network UMTS is going to suppose new problems in its location and a significant increase of the electromagnetic contamination "which we are put under". It adds that to this growth it has been added, actually, a "accumulation of city-planning irregularities" that affect many facilities of mobile telephony, like the deficiency of the mandatory city-planning license; the vulneración of the peak altitude that determines municipal decrees of construction; the breach of the Spanish basic norm of protection against fires (Nbe-cpi 96) or the nonexistence of a study of load on affections to the ceilings of the buildings of the stations bases between 2,500 and 5,000 kilograms on the roofs. The REFORMATION Ecological in Action considers necessary to approach a reform "in depth" of the General Law of Telecommunications and the rights on the radioelectric space, normative -- it says -- "done to the dictation of the operators of mobile telephony". In opinion of the ecological organization, these reforms would have to contemplate aspects like "the effective" application of the principle of precaution for the possible biosanitarios effects and of principle ' ALATÁ (the minimum technically possible emission), and the establishment of a value limit of citizen exhibition below the value of 0'1 microwatts by square centimeter for the emissions of mobile telephony, until levels in which cellular changes Also do not take place pleads for the establishment of a value limit below 10 microwatts by square centimeter for the sum of odas the emissions of high frequency (radio, television, mobile telephony, radio links, antennas of radio hams, etc.); and the previous information to the installation of stations base of mobile telephony and active participation of the citizens in the local scope. It also considers that the reforms must gather a study of diverse alternative locations for the location of a station bases; a moratorium in the unfolding of the UMTS; la networks minimitation of the landscaping and environmental impacts in rural and urban means; the establishment of an urban radioelectric map that reflects the set of radioelectric emissions; and a greater control on the location of antennas and repeating dipoles in residential zones. Bet also by the creation of an inter-ministerial commission (Ministries of Health, Industria and Medio.ambiente that coordinates the unfolding of networks with criteria of prevention of the public health), with participation of the social agents and environmental organizations and the accomplishment of studies epidemiologists on populations that have been exposed to values of emission over 0'1 microwatts by square centimeter. Finally, it requests the creation of an inspection organization and pursuit of the stations bases after its installation and of a public data base as the registry of all the stations bases and its emissions, as well as by the elaboration of a code of good practices and specific campaigns against the abuse of the moving body and addictive conducts, specially between young people and adolescents.


Informant: Sylvie


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Mai 2005

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