
"The New Nuclear Danger: George Bush's Military Industrial Complex"

Due to the importance of George Bush's new nuclear danger, I have put our excellent interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott of 5/12/05 into the free show link on my site.


I will leave it there for the next two weeks. It is imperative that you get every list, every friend, everyone you know to listen to it. If we don't address our very real nuclear danger, all other "issues" will become a thing of the past - Thank you -

Meria Heller and Mark Elsis - Co host of the bi monthly
"Earth News Hour" heard at http://www.Meria.net


5/12/05 - Earth News Hour with Meria, Mark Elsis and special guest Dr. Helen Caldicott

Mark Elsis ( http://www.lovearth.net ) and I have an uninterrupted hour with Dr. Helen Caldicott on the nuclear danger facing us all, every second of every day. With this crazed administration in place, we are close to total annihilation every second. We were on optimum nuclear alert on 911; Helen has authored five books, I strongly recommend reading and sharing "The New Nuclear Danger: George Bush's Military Industrial Complex" (see booklist on site). What is nuclear winter? How many hydrogen bombs are pointed at YOUR city? There are 30,000 nuclear bombs in the world, Russia & the U.S. own 90% of them; Who wasn't at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation meeting at the UN yesterday? What did Robert McNamara have to say about apocalypse soon?; Are we at 3 minutes to midnight on the nuclear clock? See Randy Atkin's film "Deadly Arrogance" at http://www.arsenalofhypocrisy.com; The dangers of new nuclear plants and their waste pools; what is the Price Anderson Act? Iraq is a NUCLEAR WAR, over 3,000 tons of depleted uranium have been used to date; the effects of DU; Helen contends the U.S. needs a Gandian Revolution; Where was Clinton on nuclear disarmament (since he fancied himself like JFK); Helen says "the problems aren't the bombs, but the minds of the men who control them"; We are the curators of life on Earth, will we speak up? Can we achieve nuclear disarmament in five years? See http://www.nuclearpolicy.org; Check out Mark's excellent site http://www.nonuclear.net; Only 240 major cities in the Northern Hemisphere yet thousands of bombs targeting them; Every city with over 50,000 people is targeted; How close did we come when Yeltsin was drunk? "In the event of a nuclear war, the living will envy the dead"; Diplomats terrified of the danger right now; and so much more. Check out http://www.HelenCaldicott.com for more information. This is the number one issue facing all life on Earth. Please share this interview with everyone you know.

**Please share this interview FREELY. All our lives and all living things on this planet (including the planet) depend on it. This is the greatest gift you can give anyone - please tune in. This show is the tip of the iceberg.

Meria Heller


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