
Massive Sun Storm

My animals told me something was wrong.

The horses were lined up at the gate, asking to go into their stalls Saturday night. That is totally wrong, because they are gobbling succulent green Spring grass in the pasture, and I usually have to chase them down to get them out. Not this time. They wanted in, and that troubled me.

Then my Lab Retrievers told me they didn't want to be out for the night. They went into their kennel and looked at me, telling me they wanted to stay there. That is very unusual. I closed their gate and they retired to their den. Something was up!

Normally, when my animals tell me these things, it means they detect an earthquake coming, and that is what I thought they sensed. Wrong. What they sensed was a solar storm flare about to hit earth.

At 3:00 AM PDT Sunday, my power went out as I was watching a movie. My house was totally dark, but I saw a glow outside, so I walked out on my bedroom balcony and saw a huge fireball east of Eagle Point, where I live here in Oregon. It lit up the whole sky, then it gradually died down to nothing.

What happened was that a "power glitch" caused the Eagle Point power substation to blow up! We were without power most of Sunday as repairs were made.

My animals never lie, but I am often at a loss to interpret what they are trying to tell me. Clearly, these solar flares are not harmless to life on this planet.

Carl F. Worden


I've been tracking solar activity with the following graphs, since the mid 90's. Yes, something big did happen on Sunday. What most people don't know, is that every time a nuke was tested on earth in the past, it caused the sun to act up. Also, on the other side of the earth from the testing grounds in Nevada (about where India is) earthquakes occured. The sun is always affected, because nukes cause a disturbance in time and gravity.

Here's my website, which has a link on it to the solar plots:
http://www.data4science.net/quantum/ and click on "Solar Activity Updated every.." on the left side.

You can see a photo of Sunday night at http://www.spaceweather.com/



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