
‘I Will Not Kill’: Say ‘NO’ To Killing



News from The Fellowship of Reconciliation

‘I Will Not Kill’ Campaign to be launched in Washington: New FOR initiative supports right to resist war

New 'I Will Not Kill' campaign launches Monday

As U.S. military recruiting numbers fall, the military is stepping up efforts to entice youth to join their ranks. The launching of the Fellowship of Reconciliation's ‘I Will Not Kill’ campaign is an effort to educate youth about the reality of war and their right to say ‘no’ to killing.

Let your friends know about the "I Will Not Kill' campaign


Learn more about the Fellowship of Reconciliation

I Will Not Kill will hold a press conference on Monday, May 16th, at 3:30 p.m. at the U.S. Capitol Building (Room HC-9 – basement level on the House side). FOR members and supports in the area are welcome to attend as well! http://ga3.org/ct/XpL8B5110Xs9/

Co-sponsoring organizations include the Center on Conscience and War and the office of Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA). Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) will also attend. http://www.centeronconscience.org/

“The human right to say no to militarism and killing must be unconditionally supported for everyone,” said Ibrahim Ramey, coordinator of FOR’s disarmament program. “It is only when we refuse to kill that real peace and justice, in this nation and throughout the world, becomes a living possibility”.

The mission of the I Will Not Kill campaign is to raise awareness of resistance to war, educate youth about the impacts of war, oppose a future draft, dismantle the selective service system, promote a culture of life and promote conscientious objection to war as a positive alternative to violence and a way to strengthen and uplift communities and all of civil society.

The campaign will target high school and college age youth of color and youth from rural and impoverished white communities. With this audience in mind, the coalition of organizations sponsoring this campaign stress the importance of participation by youth and people of color.

For more information, follow this link

For more information, use this link or call Anita at 845-358-4601 x32. http://ga3.org/ct/XdL8B5110Xsi/


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