
Wear a Number: Support Dissent & Count the Cost of the War

May 10, 2005

In over 20 cities, CODEPINK activists gathered this past weekend to honor the original Mother's Day call for peace. From the recruitment center in Reno, Nevada and the Air and Space Museum in Washington DC to the Cinco de Mayo carnival in Chicago and the state capitol in Sacramento, CODEPINK was there. Thank you for ALL the ways you spoke out this weekend! (Check out some of the CODEPINK women and men in action)

It's another full week and once again, we'd love your help...

* Sailor Pablo Paredes (San Diego, CA) and soldier Kevin Benderman (Ft. Stewart, GA) will go before military court martial tribunals for their opposition to the Iraq war on Thursday. Join us in supporting these courageous young men by signing the petition urging their discharge. We must do all we can to support dissent within the ranks.

* When John Bolton was nominated to be our UN Ambassador, CODEPINK sprung into action -- disrupting his hearing with banners and exposing the bully he truly is. This week, we have a REAL chance to stop Bolton before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee votes on THURSDAY, May 12. Please take a moment to CALL YOUR SENATOR RIGHT AWAY to say that a UN-basher must not fill this important post.

* With the violence in Iraq escalating, we urge you to join Counting the Cost, a campaign to make the human cost of the war more visible. On May 15, 2005, people around the country will wear a number representing one of the Iraqi citizens, U.S. soldiers, coalition soldiers, and other international civilians who have been killed in Iraq. You can join a vigil being planned for that day, organize one of your own, or simply spend the day wearing your number and talking to your neighbors about it. Contact http://www.countingthecost.org to sign up for a number.

Let's use this week to build on our Mother's Day pledge to bring an end to war NOW.

Dana, Gael, Nancy, Jodie, Medea, Rae, Tiffany and Farida


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Mai 2005

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