
Hardline approach by Fife Council on future masts in the town

COUNCILLORS were expected to refuse permission for a trio of telecom masts at yesterday's development committee meeting (Tuesday).

Three separate applications for mobile 'phone monopoles in Glenrothes were being considered as The Gazette went to press. Planners were recommending prior refusal on all of them. All three were deemed to set an "undesirable precedent" for similar developments if they were approved. And the signs seem to indicate a hardline approach by Fife Council on future masts in the town.

Vodafone applied to erect a 12-metre mast on Flemington Road - a few yards away from the Aldi supermarket car park. The council received an objection from the store, which said company Head Office had not been notified. Aldi also stated the information it had received had been poor.

Elsewhere, Vodafone wanted to put up a 10-metre mast in Minto Place, but council planners concluded this would be "out of scale and out of character" with the area. Three objections for the Minto mast were received from members of the public.

Thirdly, a controversial device planned for Leslie Road - also submitted by Vodafone - was similarly expected to be blocked yesterday. Eight letters of objection were lodged with the council on a number of issues, including health risks, visual impact on the area and road safety.

The company had hoped to construct the 13.4 metre mast between Leslie and Leslie Roundabout, on the same side of road as the Fettykil Fox inn.

However, council planners advised that any device should be no larger than the existing street furniture, which stands at 10 metres tall.

11 May 2005


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Mai 2005

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