Phone mast opposition
Hendon and Fichley Times
T Mobile is hoping to erect a mobile phone mast for third generation mobile phones in Argyle Road, North Finchley.
There is a lot of opposition to this from those living nearby. A questionnaire sent to parents at the Moss Hall Nursery and Junior schools revealed that the vast majority of parents who responded were against it.
The main concern is the health issue, and yet such a vital concern is disallowed during planning application procedures as a reason for banning the mast.
Need I ask why Barnet Council is even considering allowing such masts to be erected in residential areas when research into the possible adverse effects of beams from mobile phone masts particularly on children, the elderly and frail remains incomplete?
I am glad that Barnet Council will not allow masts to be erected in school grounds, but what about safety for the rest of us?
T Mobile's consultation process was a joke. They have sent in their application ignoring the results of the schools' questionnaire.
As I live in Courthouse Road, at the very least I would have expected to have a letter from T Mobile informing us of their intentions, and about the surgery to answer questions at the school. I received nothing at all.
As far as the surgery is concerned, I am told only 20-30 people attended. Some parents of children at Moss Hall with whom I spoke realised too late that the surgery was to be held the day after they were sent a letter.
We should remember that these masts could be up for generations. Once the precedent has been set for allowing the erection of masts in residential areas, what's to stop more of them being installed?
T Mobile is hoping to erect a mobile phone mast for third generation mobile phones in Argyle Road, North Finchley.
There is a lot of opposition to this from those living nearby. A questionnaire sent to parents at the Moss Hall Nursery and Junior schools revealed that the vast majority of parents who responded were against it.
The main concern is the health issue, and yet such a vital concern is disallowed during planning application procedures as a reason for banning the mast.
Need I ask why Barnet Council is even considering allowing such masts to be erected in residential areas when research into the possible adverse effects of beams from mobile phone masts particularly on children, the elderly and frail remains incomplete?
I am glad that Barnet Council will not allow masts to be erected in school grounds, but what about safety for the rest of us?
T Mobile's consultation process was a joke. They have sent in their application ignoring the results of the schools' questionnaire.
As I live in Courthouse Road, at the very least I would have expected to have a letter from T Mobile informing us of their intentions, and about the surgery to answer questions at the school. I received nothing at all.
As far as the surgery is concerned, I am told only 20-30 people attended. Some parents of children at Moss Hall with whom I spoke realised too late that the surgery was to be held the day after they were sent a letter.
We should remember that these masts could be up for generations. Once the precedent has been set for allowing the erection of masts in residential areas, what's to stop more of them being installed?
Starmail - 10. Mai, 13:43