
Cut through the soul-less numbers and the face-less rhetoric that pro-privatization politicians use in the Social Security debate

We need your help to cut through the soul-less numbers and the face-less rhetoric that pro-privatization politicians use in the Social Security debate. This week, your member of Congress will be back in your home state, and we're going to make sure that they hear your story about Social Security, loud and clear.

Please share with us how you or people you're close to rely on Social Security. Our plan is to take every story we receive to media outlets throughout your home state, so that your Representative and thousands of Americans hear publicly why we won't accept having our benefits cut or put at risk on Wall Street.


Real stories from real people make news and change opinions. Consider Mrs. Siobhan Kolar, a mother from the Chicago suburbs, who was featured in the news last week after sharing her story at a rally to protect Social Security.

Mrs. Kolar's story is one familiar to many of us. She took several years off from work to raise her child, which didn't leave her with a large personal savings account or pension plan. That's why she's depending on guaranteed Social Security benefits to support herself in her retirement years. She's afraid that the benefit cuts in the president's privatization scheme won't leave her with enough to live on.

The Beacon News reported Mrs. Kolar's story last week to thousands of Chicagoans, driving home the point that privatization is just a bad deal for most Americans. Please help us tell your story in your state!

There is real power in showing the real faces of Social Security -- which pro-privatization politicians conveniently mask with their rhetoric and numbers games. When Congress returns home this week, let's greet them with thousands of stories of what Social Security means for us, and why we won't accept having guaranteed benefits replaced with a guaranteed Wall Street gamble.


How would the benefit cuts and risks posed by the Bush privatization scheme impact you or people close to you? Would you be forced to help pay the bills of a family member? Could you afford to live independently in your golden years? Would you have to work longer hours or continue working after retirement to make ends meet? Would it push you or someone you know into poverty?

Your story can help bring to life the risks posed by privatization. We will share your story with the media while your member of Congress is in town, and make sure that people nationwide know what's at stake.


We are making great progress in the fight for Social Security, but the fight is far from over. The President and his right wing allies are criss-crossing the nation, smearing the opponents of privatization and spending millions of dollars to drum up a false crisis and scare the American people into supporting their Wall Street giveaway.

The time is now to stand up, speak out and make sure that our Representatives hear from the real people they should be fighting for.


Thanks for all your help.


Adam Luna, Policy Director
Campaign for America's Future


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