
750 Sign Petition

1/3/2005 - Petitioner says 90% back him

AROUND 90% of people living near a proposed mobile phone mast site have signed a petition against the idea, according to one campaigner.

Peter Burley, of Fern Close, Frimley, has accused T-Mobile of putting the health of his children at risk by proposing to build a mast in Old Bisley Road just yards from his back gate.

So far his petition against it has 750 signatures.

He said: “I went to the area immediately around the proposed site, so they are all directly involved and relevant signatures.

“We have calculated that 750 signatures represents over 90% of people over voting age around the mast area — that speaks volumes and I only hope that T-Mobile listen.”

T-Mobile has not yet submitted a planning application to Surrey Heath Borough Council for the mast to be built but has made its plan clear in letters sent out to some households.

It comprises a 14.7-metre mast, three UMTS antennas and two equipment cabinets.

But the residents want T-Mobile to add this to a group of masts on the nearby ranges in Deepcut Bridge Road.

Mr Burley spoke out when the plans were first circulated and expressed his “grave concern” about the implications for his children’s health.

He said he was worried about their exposure to emissions from a mast 50 metres from his back gate and 70 metres from their bedroom.

He added: “I am not prepared to stand by and wait five or ten years to find out if my kids develop a life-threatening or debilitating condition just so that T-Mobile can make some kind of commercial gain from their customers using ‘advanced series’.”

Ward councillor Fran Bennie handed the petition to Surrey Heath Mayor Cllr Paul Ilnicki.

She said: “It is not an actual planning application yet, so I was allowed to hand in the petition and they will put it in the relevant file so if an application does come in it will be ready.

“It is unusual that we were able to present a petition before, as they are usually too late and don’t have the same impact.

“People are worried by a great density of phone masts by their houses. They are not saying please don’t have a mast, but saying put it with the existing masts nearby.

“This seems very sensible to me and there is huge support for this from the residents.”

Mr Burley said: “It is supposed to be policy for phone companies to share masts where they can.
“Orange, Hutchison and O2 are already up there. T-Mobile should share those masts and they have not given a reasonable explanation as to why they cannot.”

A T-Mobile spokesman had said previously: “The careful siting of our base stations is vital to ensure reliable coverage for users of our network.

“In line with government guidelines we consider site sharing and existing mast locations where possible.

“In this case, due to technical and structural reasons, we were not able to share a site.

“We are still considering our options in this area.”

Picture: Peter Burley and Cllr Fran Bennie with the petition

From Mast Network


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März 2005

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