
A Turning Point for the Peace Community

Inauguration Week proved to be a very productive time for the Peace Movement thanks to AFSC's volunteers and supporters. As approval for the Iraq War continues to fall, it seems that we have reached a turning point.

First, thank you to everyone who signed the Iraq Peace Petition calling for a withdrawal of U.S. troops. Last Friday, we were able to deliver more than 13,000 signatures to the President.

Given the rate that signatures are being added, we know that we have only hit the tip of an iceberg of opposition to the war. So we're extending the life of the petition and will make further signature deliveries through the spring. Please sign the petition now or, if you've already signed, please ask more of your friends and family to do so.

Click here to visit the Iraq Peace Petition:

On Martin Luther King Day, we launched our Wage Peace bracelet. The blue bracelet is a practical way to make the pro-peace majority more visible. To date we have distributed more than 4,000 online and at the Eyes Wide Open exhibit. Proceeds benefit our work to end the war.

Click here to get your bracelet:

A special thanks is also due to the hundreds of you who called the White House switchboard on the morning after the inauguration to ask the President to "Wake up and end the war" on the first day of his second term.

During inauguration week, AFSC's Eyes Wide Open exhibit made stops at the Washington National Cathedral and the National City Christian Church. At the National Cathedral, the boots were the centerpiece of an interfaith service for Martin Luther King Day that included a moving speech by AFSC Board Chair Paul Lacey.

Click here to read Paul's speech and see exhibit photos:

Media outlets from across the country covered the exhibit over the course of the week, reaching millions of people. This would not have been possible without the more than 100 local volunteers who unloaded and reloaded the Eyes Wide Open truck, lovingly arranged boots, and guided people through the exhibit. Thank you!

Eyes Wide Open will be at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis from January 28-31 and in Little Rock from February 1-3. If you're nearby, please visit the exhibit and/or volunteer. If you have friends or family in the area, please forward the information.

See the Eyes Wide Open web site for more dates, locations and local contacts: http://ga3.org/ct/zpA7S5F1Hm_S/eyes/

Stay tuned for more information about how we can work together to end the Iraq war. A supplemental appropriation bill to fund the war will be introduced very soon and we'll be asking you to get in touch with your Congressional delegation. On the weekend of March 19-20 there will be events across the nation to mark the second anniversary of the war.

The momentum to end the war is building. Working together, we can bring the troops home and give Iraq back to the Iraqi people.


Peter Lems
AFSC Iraq staff


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Januar 2005

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