RFID: The Big Brother bar code
by Katherine Albrecht
Free Market News Network
Today, billions of dollars are spent annually to collect and share consumer 'intelligence.' In-store tracking technologies like floor sensors, heat sensors, hidden cameras, hidden microphones, GPS-enabled grocery carts, and phony shoppers are all used to gather information. RFID will greatly simplify the task of collecting such consumer data -- particularly if consumers can be automatically identified while walking in the door...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Free Market News Network
Today, billions of dollars are spent annually to collect and share consumer 'intelligence.' In-store tracking technologies like floor sensors, heat sensors, hidden cameras, hidden microphones, GPS-enabled grocery carts, and phony shoppers are all used to gather information. RFID will greatly simplify the task of collecting such consumer data -- particularly if consumers can be automatically identified while walking in the door...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Starmail - 24. Jan, 10:50