
There may occur a much more terrible tsunami in the Atlantic before 2006, due to the rapid present global warming of the Polar and Antarctic ice caps

Well I didn't know about that case (Angela Canning), but 16 years ago in 1989 I was the centre of a TV and newpaper media debate on cot death when I pointed out that RF/MW radiation could have been responsible for a cluster of five cot deaths within five miles and within two hours (Channel Four, Daily Mail), on the same day when Farnborough was testing a new moon radio transmitter. My previous study on cot death near EMF sources is posted on our website and was presented as a platform presentation at one of the BEMS meetings ( I forget which year). The next year Sebastian, the son of TV News presenter Ann Diamond died of cot death. She lived in Camden right next to the electric railway into Euston/Kings Cross. No Govt.has ever picked up this bag of worms: the NRPB promised a study to look into my claim but they never allowed the results to be published.

Whilst writing, there is a much bigger bag of worms on the way: I am concerned, from my calculations, that there may occur a much more terrible tsunami in the Atlantic before 2006, due to the rapid present global warming of the Polar and Antarctic ice caps (about 20 percent of the world's oceans) increasing the weight of water likely to press down on the long vertical fault line off the coast of Portugal. This will probably also trigger a major landslide in the Canaries, adding to the catastrophe. A similar thing happened in 1755, but the global population was much smaller then. It has probably happened in prehistory before then too, according to Plato, who talked of "one terrible night and day when the land was suddenly inundated with large loss of life, leaving behind a great mudflat". He also blamed mankind's disregard for the forces of nature and man's "overweaning hubris". Global warming is due to infra red radiation being unable to escape the planet because it is being trapped by greenhouse gases from industrial power generation, motor vehicles, and other technologies.

Roger Coghill
MA (Cantab) C Biol MI Biol MA (Environ Mgt)

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