
Mayan Elders Give Urgent Warning - Dringender Aufruf der Maya-Ältesten in Guatemala

by Mitch Battros – ECTV

I have just received an urgent notice from Adam Rubel of Saq Be’. Adam states he has just received word from Carlos Barrios (Mayan Elder), that earth changing events are “in motion” to escalate. No, not next year, not next month, but next week or next day.

The first thing Adam reminds us “not” do is hit the panic button. What is unfolding is in perfect order and the Earth has seen this many times before. However, it is suggested, and I am personally suggesting to you, that our collective influence can make a difference. I believe this is what our ancestors have told us all along. It says so in the Bible, in the Mayan Calendar, in Tibetan Sanskrit, Hopi Petroglyphs, Egyptian Hieroglyphs and the list is endless. No, this is not woo-woo, it is science. More on this below.

Mayan elders have specifically given warning to five continents. Three of which are named. 1) North America 2) Europe 3) Central America.

Through the ancient techniques of divination and tools of prophecy, the Mayan elders are calling forth to pay close attention to messages being set forth by ongoing earth changing events. The recent destruction that manifested in Indonesia is predicted to now occur rapidly upon five continents of the earth. This message is not meant to induce fear, but to give warning of preparation and remain aware of your surroundings. The elders are concerned about what has been presented in their recent divinations and they call to all humanity to warn their leaders and to work very hard at a spiritual level to prevent the impending destruction.

Adam reports this message has been verified and brought forth by various Mayan elders in Guatemala, and is meant for distribution to all humanity. Last years record breaking hurricanes and the 9.0 mag. earthquake with following tsunami in Indonesia have been warnings of possible coming floods in Europe and the US West Coast.

Prayer/Meditation Not Woo-Woo But Scientifically Grounded

Professor Richard Davidson (University of Wisconsin) just released his latest research on the power of meditation. I have sent word to Dr. Davidson to arrange an upcoming interview on Earth Changes TV ‘Radio Hour’. In a Washington Post article released earlier today, Professor Davidson reports over the past few years researchers at the University of Wisconsin have been working with Tibetan monks were able to translate those mental experiences into the scientific language of high-frequency gamma waves and brain synchrony, or coordination. They have pinpointed the left prefrontal cortex, an area just behind the left forehead, as the place where brain activity associated with meditation is especially inten! se. Many have long believed it is the “Pineal Gland”.

Davidson says his newest results from the meditation study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in November shows that mental training through meditation (and presumably other disciplines) can itself change the inner workings and circuitry of the brain. Full Article:

Mayan Elders have put out a specific call for people around the world to join in prayer, meditation or whatever method of spirituality one engages in to unite on January 18th at the time of their local sunset (approx 6:00PM). This date is (9) Keme according to the sacred Mayan Cholq'ij calendar available at: http://www.sacredroad.org has the potential for protecting humanity from disaster.

There will be many major ceremonies in the Mayan communities for this purpose. An open invitation is extended to humanity that wish to join the Mayan people for the Waxa'qib B'atz' ceremonies on February 12th in Guatemala.


Urgent call from the Mayan elders of Guatemala


Through the ancient techniques of divination and tools of prophecy, the Mayan elders are calling forth to humanity at THIS TIME to pay closer attention to the messages being sent forth by the mother earth and to immediately take the actions they have been calling for, to unite in an effort to bring balance again upon our planet.

The recent destruction that manifested in Indonesia is predicted to now occur rapidly upon five continents of the earth. This message is not meant to induce fear, to the contrary, it is a call for bravery and for action. The elders are concerned about what has been presented in their recent divinations and they call to all humanity to warn their leaders and to work very hard at a spiritual level to prevent the impending destruction. This message, verified and brought forth by various Mayan elders in Guatemala, is for all of humanity.

The hurricanes in the US and the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia have been warnings and we must now pay attention or the possibilities of floods in Europe, Los Angeles, earthquakes and other efforts of the mother earth to awaken us will manifest quickly.

There is a specific call for people around the world to join in prayer, meditation or whatever method of spirituality one engages in to unite on January 18th at the time of their local sunset (approx 6:00PM). This date is (9) Keme according to the sacred Mayan Cholq'ij calendar(more info on calendar available at: http://www.sacredroad.org ) and has the potential for protecting humanity from disaster.

There will be many major ceremonies in the Mayan communities for this purpose. An open invitation is extended to humanity that wish to join the Mayan people for the Waxa'qib B'atz' ceremonies on February 12th in Guatemala.

Again, this is a strong message, not meant to drive us to react in fear, for this will only negatively impact the level of destruction and our own circumstance. This is the opportunity for humanity to rise to the occasion and come together along the strong lines that unite us and overcome the obstacles that divide us.

Please distribute this message widely.

Message issued by Mayan elders in Guatemala and delivered via: Carlos Barrios, Mayan Ajq'ij, Antigua, Guatemala
Adam Rubel, Co-Director, Saq' Be': Organization for Mayan and Indigenous
Spiritual Studies, http://www.sacredroad.org

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Saq' Be': Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies
http://www.SacredRoad.org http://www.sacredroad.org/ - 505.466.4044

Bringing young adults and others together with ancient traditions for cultural preservation and to foster a deeper spiritual, ecological and communal awareness so as to plant the seeds for a more harmonious future.

Informant: Jacques Groenen

Dringender Aufruf der Maya-Ältesten in Guatemala

Durch die überlieferten Techniken der Weissagung und prophetischer Werkzeuge rufen die Maya-Ältesten die Menschheit in dieser Zeit auf, den Botschaften von Mutter Erde größere Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken und sofort die vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, damit in vereintem Bemühen Gleichgewicht auf die Erde gebracht werden kann.

Nach den jüngsten Zerstörungen, die sich in Indonesien manifestierten, sind (ähnliche Ereignisse) auf fünf Kontinenten vorausgesagt. Diese Botschaft soll keine Furcht einflößen, im Gegenteil, sie ist ein Aufruf zur Tapferkeit und zum Handeln.

Die Ältesten sind besorgt über das, was ihnen in den jüngsten Weissagungen offenbart wurde, und sie rufen die gesamte Menschheit auf, ihre Führer zu warnen und auf der spirituellen Ebene hart zu arbeiten, um die bevorstehende Zerstörung zu verhindern.

Diese Botschaft, verifiziert und herausgebracht von verschiedenen Maya-Ältesten in Guatemala, ist an die gesamte Menschheit gerichtet.

Die Wirbelstürme in den USA und das Erdbeben und der Tsunami in Indonesien waren Warnungen, und wir müssen nun mögliche Fluten in Europa und Los Angeles gewärtigen. Erdbeben und andere Bemühungen von Mutter Erde, uns zum Erwachen zu bewegen, manifestieren sich rasch.

Insbesondere rufen wir die Menschen rund um die Welt auf, an Gebeten, Meditationen oder anderen Formen spiritueller Aktivität teilzunehmen, und zwar gemeinsam am 18. Januar zur Zeit des lokalen Sonnenuntergangs (etwa 18 Uhr). Dieses Datum ist Adler 6 [visionäre Hoffnung und globales Denken, Verbindung von Himmel und Erde; d. Übers.] entsprechend dem heiligen Maya-Tzolkin-Kalender ... und besitzt das Potential, die Menschheit vor dem Desaster zu schützen.

Zu diesem Zweck wird es viele Hauptzeremonien in den Maya-Gemeinden geben. Eine offene Einladung ergeht an all jene Menschen, die gemeinsam mit den Maya-Leuten die Waxa'qib B'atz'-Zeremonien am 12. Februar in Guatemala begehen möchten.

Noch einmal: Dies ist eine ernste Botschaft, die nicht bezweckt, uns in Angstreaktionen zu treiben, denn dies würde nur einen negativen Einfluss auf das Maß der Zerstörung und unsere eigenen Lebensumstände ausüben. Dies ist die Möglichkeit für die Menschheit, sich zu erheben und sich entlang der starken Linien zu einen, die uns verbinden, und die Hindernisse zu überwinden, die uns trennen.

Bitte verbreitet diese Botschaft weit.

Diese Botschaft wurde herausgegeben von den Maya-Ältesten in Guatemala und weitergegeben durch: Carlos Barrios, Mayan Ajq'ij, Antigua, Guatemala Adam Rubel, Co-Director, Saq' Be': Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies


Informant: KHM

Übersetzung: Michael George, 12. Januar 2005


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