
Last chance to speak to Congress about the election and Alberto Gonzales

Do we know what really happened in Ohio? Did you know that in Cuyahoga county alone there was a group of precincts with 90,000 more votes than registered voters? Did you know that a full recount was never done, instead votes were sampled in areas where there were thought to have been few problems, and there was machine tampering? Did you know that 100,000 provisional and machine-rejected votes were never counted at all? And that's just in Ohio. Could the exit polls have all been so wrong? What are we going to do about it?

The courts will not act, but Congress might. In these critical few days before January 6th, why don't you tell your members of Congress whether you think we should contest the election? Here's an easy one-click form you can use, which automatically looks up your representatives and sends them your personal message all at the same time:


Do you want our representatives in Washington to stand up and contest this election? We must back them up with our vocal support if we expect them to fight for us on this or any issue. The People's Email Network encourages you to speak out and keep speaking out, regardless of your political position, until our representatives truly hear you.

And also coming to a head this week is the issue of whether Alberto Gonzales should be confirmed as attorney general. Tell your senators in particular what questions they should ask at the hearings and how you think they ought to vote.


And remember, if you would like for us to set up a custom issue action page for your own favorite issue, please email your request and we will set one up for you for no charge. Just show that you have a constituency who will participate on the site.

Please post this link everywhere you can to everyone you know.

Informant: activist_xs


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Januar 2005

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