
Children and cell phones

Children and cellular

Today in the newspaper we have "Tips- how to choose a cellular phone for the child?" According to the newspaper, "although it's a sensitive group, the cellular companies do not make radiation-reduced devices for the children- and the parents get carried away after the prices and the models". One tip says that children are found to be 50% more sensitive to radiation than adults, and should only talk in emergencies.

Another tip says that parents should find what the purpose of the cellular is going to be: whether the child is going to use it only within the net, the family programmes or programmes for friends. (a contradicting tip to the tip which says to use it only for emergencies)

Parents also should "find out to which carrier most of the child's friends are subscribed". Parents should find out which Talkman prices are the cheapest, and if they don't choose Talkman, they should define the economic budget to the child. "9 years old children can definitely deal with a demand like that" says the newspaper. Parents can develop the consumer awareness of their child, especially if he's more mature, they can prefer the family programme (and there goes the "only in emergencies").

According to the Israeli company Cellcom, there are more and more children who say they want to use the cellular phone even in the age of 6. There are 600,000 6-12 years old children, 26%-56% of them use cellular phones. More than one third of them receive the devices from their parents so there are no accurate data.

It is also found that the children lead the purchase. The children don't compromise for an "old" model. It is a status symbol for the children and it's amazing to see how skilled they are in the knowledge of the new models. Cellcom survey shows that 60% of the children are owners of devices that support "advanced services" of ringtones and icons and 20% support SMS and JAVA. What is the reason for the cellular development among the children, according to the newspaper? First, it clarifies "it's only going to increase".

The reason is the "winning combination of two strong wills": 1. the will to be independent 2. the will of the parents to know where their child is every minute. In Israel the cellular phones are sold with a leaflet that tells the SAR of the phone, but the Consumer Association wants the SAR to be written also on every advertisement for the devices, and on the phone package, "in order that the consumer will be able to have a purchase decision that is free of pressures and will be able to control the radiation level that his child absorbs." (wanting to control the radiation the child absorbs is a complete illusion).

How long does the Consumer Association deal with the radiation level issue? "Many years". The result? "Nothing moved". (Cellular in a break", Shoshana Hen, Yediot Ahronot 5.8.2004)

Omega see: Children and Cell Phones : Is there a health risk ?

"The Cellular Companies Punish Ulmert [ Ehud Ulmert is the communication minister]: They boycott the exhibition of the communication ministry

Partner company said it won't take part in Telecom exhibition and the other companies are expected to do the same. The reason: the communication minister decision to reduce the kishuriot fees for calls between the networks and SMSs. The exhibition is organized by the communication ministry and planned for November.

Partner spokesman said that the company decided not to take part in the Telecom 2004 because of the regulatoric developments and the economic implication on the cellular business. An official from the cellular companies said yesterday to Yediot Ahronot that "We won't give Ulmert the luxury also to bury the industry and also to be a star of a carnival funded by the companies". The crime of Ulmert is that he plans prices reduction for 2006, the kishuriot fees (moving from network to network- a reason to charge money of course) from 45 Agorot to 15 Agorot. SMS from 28.5 to 1 Agora. For the cellular companies it means to lose over 2.6 billion Shekels a year. They plan to appeal to the court. ( Gad Lior Y.A 5.8.2004)

The Israeli The Marker has a 25 pages special of Wireless project. It says about the wireless revolution that "40 years we have been waiting for it and it's here at last" and offers: "It's not a dream-all the products that will release your house from the cables tangle" and then it takes us for a trip around the hairdresser, yacht, hotel, an average home and cafe, because "pay attention, pay attention, these are the critical days, that determine how our future lives are going to look like", meaning the Wi Fi. The hairdresser says: "five months ago I decided to be more friendly to the environment and to give a better service to the customers". ["more friendly to the environment" by bringing radiation into the barber's shop? Very environment friendly] "I saw that people come with computers, I understood they need to be served" so he put a Wi Fi hotspot inside and so on...very, very aggressive marketing for the wireless. (The Marker August 2004 p. 107)

Omega see: Wi-Fi mobilize your Chromosomes in Hospital

Message from Iris Atzmon

Children and Cell Phones: Is there a health risk?

Childhood brain cancer and EMFs

Mobile Phones Again Linked to Cancer

Children's use of Mobile Phones needed urgent Attention

Children and cell phones

Mobile Phones and Brain Damage


Children and Cell Phones: Is there a health risk ?

Teens in mobile phone danger

Brain tumours: the silent killer

What Cell Phones Can Do To Youngster's Brain In 2 Minutes

"Phone killed our daughter" ?

New generation embraces mobiles

Are you and your children guinea pigs?

Physics and Biology of Mobile Telephony

The invisible disease

Cell Towers and Health Risks to School Children



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August 2004

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