
The Bush betrayal

by James Bovard

Strike the Root


George W. Bush came to the presidency promising prosperity, peace, and humility. Instead, Bush has spawned record federal budget deficits, launched an unnecessary war, and made America the most hated nation in the world. Bush is expanding federal power and stretching prerogatives in almost every area that captures his fancy.

Though Bush continually invokes freedom to sanctify himself and his policies, Bush freedom is based on boundless trust in the righteousness of the rulers and all their actions...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Omega see also:

Today Iraq, tomorrow Iran

by Martin Sieff



These must be strange days to be a neoconservative: caught between exultant hope and wild terror; utterly discredited, yet still securely in power; proven totally wrong on Iraq, yet still determined to believe against all odds that one more wild throw of the dice will recoup all... [subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Handling of detainees condemned

Richmond Times-Dispatch


The nation's largest lawyers group yesterday condemned the government's handling of foreign detainees. The American Bar Association criticized what it called 'a widespread pattern of abusive detention methods.' Those abuses, it said, 'feed terrorism by painting the United States as an arrogant nation above the law...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Intelligence officers implicated in Abu Ghraib



NBC News has learned a military investigation into prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison now implicates military intelligence officers in addition to military police already charged. Pentagon sources tell NBC News the investigation by Maj. Gen. George Fay recommends punitive action, which could include criminal charges against several military intelligence officers who were at least aware of the abuse...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Help Stop Gas Drilling in Colorado's Wildlands

The Bush administration is finalizing a gas-drilling plan that would send roads and drill pads slicing through southern Colorado's HD Mountains, the only remaining stretch of the San Juan Basin untouched by energy development. Covering 40,000 acres, the old-growth ponderosa pine forests of the HD range provide habitat for elk, black bears, northern goshawks and mule deer. Rich archeological sites in the area date back 1,000 years.

The administration's coalbed methane plan calls for drilling 79 wells and constructing compressor plants and 36 miles of roads in this unspoiled lowland forest in violation of the "roadless rule," which is designed to protect the wildest areas of our national forests from development. For only a tiny amount of gas, the project would decimate nearly 90 percent of the HD Mountains' old-growth stands, leave mountain streams cloudy with sediment, disturb archeological sites and uproot wildlife.

» Tell the Forest Service to protect the most sensitive areas of the HD Mountains:

Pass the Exotic Animal Protection Act

Imagine you are being hunted and there’s no place to hide.

Help save animals like this zebra from the cruelty of canned hunts.

You can’t run because you’re fenced in. But chances are, you won’t run anyway. You trust those who hunt you. After all, they feed you and give you water – you depend on them to survive.

Then one day, a day like any other, the people you trust arrive with your food. But this time, there’s a stranger with them.

A sudden shot rings out. Then another. You never saw it coming. There’s no chance of escape. You are slaughtered without pause – so long as you remain an attractive trophy for their wall, the pain and length of your death is of no concern to your killer.

This is the life of a canned hunt victim. Canned hunting, in which tame, captive animals are shot within enclosed areas, represents a particularly cruel and unsporting form of trophy hunting. And it must be stopped:

Canned hunts take place on "hunting preserves" or "game ranches". Clients of these ranches pay to kill a captive animal, violating the general "fair chase" standards of the hunting community itself. Some of these animals are drugged, tied to a stake or even murdered defenselessly in cages. This is no hunt – it’s a slaughter.

Many of these ranches deal in exotic animals, from African lions to zebras. The supply of these hunted animals often comes from unaccredited zoos and illegitimate sanctuaries, which desire baby animals to attract visitors. When the animals grow up, they are sold to dealers who provide research labs and hunt ranches with their latest victims.

Worse still, exotic animals crammed into these enclosed areas contract diseases more easily than free roaming animals. Chronic Wasting Disease and other illnesses that jeopardize the health of native species can spread to the surrounding areas.

Luckily, something can be done. With your help these exotic animals no longer have to be condemned to a certain death.

The Captive Exotic Animal Protection Act of 2004, a bill that will help stop the inhumane and unsporting practice of killing animals in canned hunts, has been introduced in Congress. We need your help to make sure it passes:

Please email your Senator
and ask them to cosponsor this bill. IFAW has succeeded in helping to ban canned hunts from eleven provinces in Canada, and now we need your help to make sure this cruel practice comes to an end in the U.S.

For the Animals,

Fred O'Regan
President and CEO

P.S. To animal lovers, a canned hunt is the cruel and inhumane killing of an animal simply for a trophy. To hunters, a canned hunt is a violation of fair chase and a blight on the image of their sport. Please help us stop this unnecessary slaughter. It takes only seconds to email your Senator. Every voice makes a difference:

The Wild, Wild Wars in the West

Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit on nuclear Nevada:

FYI – Recent piece by Rebecca Solnit. As for the Western Shoshone – Bush’s new “distribution” will not stop Western Shoshone from asserting our rights and seeking recognition of those rights in international and domestic legal forums, the political arena, the media and the public eye. Western Shoshone lands are not for sale.


Western Shoshone Defense Project
P.O. Box 211308
Crescent Valley, NV 89821
(775) 468-0230
Fax: (775) 468-0237

Informant: Carrie Dann

Der überwachungsindustrielle Komplex

Ein Bericht der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsorganisation ACLU beschreibt, wie die Regierung Firmen und Einzelpersonen rekrutiert, um eine Überwachungsgesellschaft zu etablieren...


History Teaches that War Policy is Bankrupt


Informant: Elvis Oner

U-Boot-Detektor stört Wale

U-Boot-Detektor stört Wale hunderte Meilen weit: Experten warnen vor Sonarattacke auf Sinnesorgane der Meeressäuger


Wissenschaftler haben Militärs erneut vor den Gefahren von Sonarsystemen für Meeressäuger gewarnt. Das neueste Sonarsystem, das U-Boote aufspürt, ist so laut, dass ein einziger Ton Tiere über eine Fläche von 3,8 Mio. Quadratkilometer stören könne, berichtet die Umweltgruppe Ecoterra. Die Militärs wissen, dass das rund 510 Mio. Euro teure System, das mit ultra-low-Frequenz arbeitet schon im Vorfeld zum Tod mehrerer Wale geführt hat. Forscher haben bewiesen, dass bei den Tieren Gehörsysteme stark beschädigt waren.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


US-Bürgerrechtler beklagen industriellen Überwachungskomplex


An American Hiroshima


Administration to Sacrifice Western Wilderness to Oil and Gas


Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats

Within or just behind the head.

* Call to action to urge California to revise EMF policy

Dear CPUC Commissioners

I send you information about health alteration documented in USA since "year 1980".

Yours faithfully

Miguel Muntané

I am affected from base station since 1996 (5 meters distance) with cancer, epilepsy …and with this permanent health alteration: “within and just behind the head”.


The report below was retrieved from NASA's on-line technical document archive. The information itself dates from the 1980s and details testing which was carried out using low-power microwave pulses on rats. The testing was intended to lead to a form of psychological warfare.

Note: I have removed non-relevant headers from the report.

TITLE: Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats

Document ID: 19810004209 N (81N12720) File Series: NASA Technical Reports
Report Number: AD-A090426
Authors: Oscar, K. J. (Army Mobility Equipment Command)
Published: Jun 01, 1980
Corporate Source: Army Mobility Equipment Command (Fort Belvoir, VA, United States)
Pages: 10
Contract Number: None

A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's position in the field) within or just behind the head.

* The phenomena occurs at average power densities as low as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz.

By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure.



Language Note: English


Informant: Gotemf

Omega: see also

The Lone Gunmen

Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode

Informant: Gord de Boye

O2 will Amtsgericht mit einer Mobilfunk-Antenne verzieren

Mobilfunkantenne rauf aufs Amtsgericht?

Auf was die hier im Staate wirklich Regierenden inzwischen gekommen sind und noch kommen werden, dürfen wir gespannt abwarten.

Nachdem Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf immer größeren Widerstand der Hausbesitzer in Wohngebieten stoßen, kümmert sich nun offensichtlich der Staat darum, dass die Mobilfunkfirmen ausreichend Standorte in bester Lage bekommen; z. B. mitten in einer Altstadt auf dem Amtsgericht oder Finanzamt.

Warum soll man eine solche Verdienstmöglichkeit angesichts leerer Kassen nicht in Betracht ziehen? Die Grenzwerte sind eingehalten, was die thermische Belastung eines Menschen betrifft. Über biologische Wirkungen und eventuell daraus resultierende Gesundheitsschäden sollen sich erst mal die Wissenschaftler einigen.

Da herrscht das bereits aus früheren Skandalen bekannte Verhältnis: die von der Industrie bezahlten „neutral und objektiv“ forschenden Wissenschaftler sind die glaubwürdigen, die anderen, die von der Industrie unabhängigen werden in die Ecke der Polemiker und Angstmacher gestellt. Ihre Untersuchungen und Behauptungen sind stets unseriös und nicht nachvollziehbar. Denn was seriös, glaubwürdig und objektiv ist, bestimmt in diesem Lande längst nicht mehr die Politik, sondern die Industrie.

O2 will Schongauer Amtsgericht mit einer Mobilfunk-Antenne verzieren

Am Mittwoch, 28. Juli, war es dann so weit. Vertreter der Regierung, vom Landesamt für Denkmalschutz, des Mobilfunkbetreibers O2 und der Stadtverwaltung trafen sich am Objekt Amtsgericht, um die Errichtung einer Mobilfunksendeanlage in der historischen Altstadt zu diskutieren.

Der Vertreter des Denkmalschutzes nahm zu diesem Vorhaben eine eher kritische Haltung ein. So war von einem hochwertigen Ensemble die Rede, für das die Errichtung einer Mobilfunksendeanlage als störend gelten müsse. Die von O2 angebotene Verkleidung der Antenne, beispielsweise durch einen Kamin, wurde abgelehnt. Lediglich eine Unter-Dach-Lösung sei vorstellbar. Ob O2 eine solche Lösung akzeptieren wird, ist eher zweifelhaft, da eine Unter-Dach-Lösung mit Nachteilen für den Betreiber verbunden ist. Letztlich ist jedoch mit dem Denkmalschutz eine solche Lösung nicht zu verhindern.

Sigi Müller

Quelle: oha, Augustausgabe
Nachricht von Renate Müller

Malignant melanoma of the skin - not a sunshine story

Please, note the publication of yet another article from my laboratory:

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Malignant melanoma of the skin - not a sunshine story!", Med Sci Monit 2004; 10: CR336-340

Background: In an earlier study on malignant melanoma incidence in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the USA, we found a strong association between the introduction of FM radio broadcasting at full-body resonant frequencies and increasing melanoma incidence. The purpose of the current study was to review mortality and incidence data for malignant melanoma of the skin in Sweden and its temporal relation to increased "sun-traveling", and to the introduction of FM and TV broadcasting networks.

Material/Methods: Official, published information was collected and displayed graphically. These data included incidence rates of malignant melanoma, death numbers, charter travel statistics, and data on the expansion of the FM broadcasting network in all counties of Sweden.

Results: A good correlation in time was found for the rollout of FM/TV broadcasting networks while the increased amount of "sun travel" by air (charter) did not start until 7 years after the melanoma trend break in 1955. Counties that did not roll out their FM-broadcasting network until several years after 1955 continued to have a stable melanoma mortality during the intervening years.

Conclusions: The increased incidence and mortality of melanoma of skin cannot solely be explained by increased exposure to UV-radiation from the sun. We conclude that continuous disturbance of cell repair mechanisms by body-resonant electromagnetic fields seems to amplify the carcinogenic effects resulting from cell damage caused e.g. by UV-radiation.

The whole paper can be down-loaded from here:

Best regards

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm





Informant: X98

Call to action to urge California to revise EMF policy

To: All concerned citizens, scientists, engineers and public policy makers

Re: Call to action to urge California to revise EMF policy

We urge you to send an email, fax or mail letters to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) right away. Next week, August 19, this state government body will meet to consider whether to revise its current EMF policy (see statement below).

The current EMF policy was initiated in 1991 and it states,

"At the issuance of this investigation, the scientific community had not yet isolated the impact, if any, of utility-related exposures on public health.

This statement is outdated, based on more recent scientific findings and recent policy positions. This policy should be revised to reflect public health policy positions taken by the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Services and the U.K. National Radiation Protection Board. In 2002, the IARC (Agency on Research on Cancer) took the position that electrical and magnetic fields (60 hertz frequency radiation) are a known possible carcinogen (Class 2 - like tobacco and lead) based largely on epidemiological data showing an association between power lines and childhood leukemia. Also in 2002, a major EMF report, prepared by the California State Health Department, was released. This $7 million report was commissioned by the California Public Utilities Commission and was paid for by the ratepayers.

The report indicates there are links between power lines and childhood leukemia, adult brain cancer, Lou Gerhig's disease and miscarriage.

Although only 1 to 2 percent of all Californians live close to transmission lines and 10% of all Californians live close to distribution lines, random phone surveys by DHHS have found that more than 40% of those responding perceive a health problem related EMFs from electrical power lines.

Credible scientific evidence backs up their concerns.

Your help is critically needed to call for the CPUC to revise its current EMF policy. Full protection from hazardous exposure to EMFs from electrical utilities afforded by all Californians, including utility workers and residents of homes located close to high-powered electrical lines, who are among those most at risk.

Points to make in your communications are:

1. The CPUC should reopen the "OII", (means rulemaking proceeding and investigation) and consider revising the current CPUC EMF Policy Statement.

2. The CPUC should formally invite the State Department of Health and Human Services staff responsible for the State EMF report through the DHHS Secretary to attend the August 19 hearing and make a presentation.

Letters should be addressed to the five CPUC Commissioners and sent to:

CPUC State Headquarters
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, California 94102
Phone: 415 703.2782; Fax: 415 703.1758
Michael R. Peevey, Chairman, email: MP1@cpuc.ca.gov
Carl Wood CXW@cpuc.ca.gov
Geoffrey Brown GFB@cpuc.ca.gov
Loretta Lynch commissionerlynch@cpuc.ca.gov
Susan P. Kennedy SK1@cpuc.ca.gov


Libby Kelley
Executive Director
Council on Wireless Technology Impacts

For more Information:

California State Health Department EMF Report

280 Corridor Concerned Citizens

SF Examiner article

Public Utility Commission EMF Policy Statement
(Adopted 1991, amended 1993) California

In response to public concern about Electric and Magnetic Fields and a lack of scientific evidence that either confirmed or denied a causal link between EMFs and health effects, the Commission began Investigation I.91-01-012. The purpose of the investigation which opened on January 15, 1991 was to determine the Commission's role in mitigating health effects, if any, of EMFs created by electric utility power lines and by cellular radiotelephone facilities.

By this investigation, all interested parties were notified that the Commission would take appropriate action on EMFs in response to a conclusion, based on scientific evidence, which indicates that a health hazard actually exists, and that a clear cause and effect relationship between utility property or operations and public health is established.

At the issuance of this investigation, the scientific community had not yet isolated the impact, if any, of utility-related exposures on public health. In the absence of a final resolution of the question of such impact, other jurisdictions and agencies have concluded that the best response to EMFs is to avoid unnecessary new exposure to EMFs if such avoidance can be achieved at a cost that is reasonable in light of the risk identified. Thus, if at a future time a health risk is determined to exist, government will have acted responsibly and rationally to avoid unnecessary exposure to that risk.

Interested parties were invited to comment on specific EMF issues identified in the investigation. In response to this invitation, comments were received from twenty-three independent organizations and individuals.

The commenters provided substantial variation in their EMF concerns, opinions, and recommendations. However, there was a consensus that EMF issues involving electric utilities and telecommunications utilities should be addressed in separate proceedings. There was also a consensus that a working group of interested parties should be established to define near-term research objectives and to develop interim procedures to guide the electric utilities in educating their customers, in reducing EMF measurement levels, and in responding to potential health concerns.

Consistent with the consensus expressed in the comments, the investigation was bifurcated, with the power frequency phase proceeding first. Respondent electric utilities identified in the investigation were Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), Pacific Power and Light Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E), Sierra Pacific Power Company, and Southern California Edison Company (Edison). Of the named respondents, only PG&E, SDG&E, and Edison actively participated in this investigation.

Stemming from the Investigation (I.91-01-012) and subsequent meetings of the EMF working group, the Commission adopted Decision D.93-11-013 that takes seven interim steps to address EMFs related to electric utility facilities and power lines. The Decision also designates the California Department of Health Services (DHS) as a program manager for EMF research and education programs.

Decision 95-11-017 addresses the cellular phase of the Commission's EMF investigation, which considers the Commission's role in mitigating health effects, if any, of Radio Frequency (RF) radiation generated by cellular utilities within the Commission's jurisdiction. It is noted in this decision that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has exercised preemptive authority over states with regards to cellular handsets and utilities. For issues regarding the siting of wireless telecommunications facilities, please see the FCC's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

On May 12, 1997, the California Department of Health Services (DHS) filed a petition to modify D.93-11-013, pursuant to Rule 47 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. On December 3, 1997, the Commission issued Decision 97-12-027 in response to the petition.

For more information about the technical and health-related aspects of EMFs, visit the Department of Health Services EMF Web Site or contact:

For more information about the CPUC's EMF Policy, contact Wendy Maria Phelps, e-mail: wmp@cpuc.ca.gov

Informant: Don Maisch

A classic environmental struggle


Informant: Teresa Binstock

U.S. Withholds Witnesses in 9/11 Trial


Tidal wave catastrophe looms


Informant: Ken DeBusk

Flugverbot nach dem 11. September sorgte für wärmere Tage in den USA

Vielleicht lag's ja doch auch an den 'Chemtrails'...?!

14.05.2002 - Klima und Wetter
Flugverbot nach dem 11. September sorgte für wärmere Tage in den USA

[...Die Kondensstreifen, die sich häufig in feine Schleierwolken verwandeln, schirmen einen Teil der Wärmestrahlung der Erde ab und bremsen daher in ansonsten klaren Nächten die Abkühlung der Erdoberfläche. Bei Tag halten sie jedoch auch einen Teil der von der Sonne kommenden Strahlung ab. ...]



Quelle: http://ecolog.twoday.net/stories/299490/

Reporter From Time Is Held in Contempt in C.I.A. Leak Case


Published: August 10, 2004

Federal judge in Washington held a reporter for Time magazine in contempt of court yesterday and ordered him jailed for refusing to name the government officials who disclosed the identity of an undercover C.I.A. officer to him. The magazine was also held in contempt and ordered to pay a fine of $1,000 a day.

The judge, Thomas F. Hogan, chief judge of the Federal District Court in Washington, suspended both sanctions while Time and its reporter, Matthew Cooper, pursued an appeal. But the judge firmly rejected their contention that the First Amendment entitled journalists to refuse to answer a grand jury's questions about confidential sources.

"The information requested," Judge Hogan wrote, "is very limited, all available means of obtaining the information have been exhausted, the testimony sought is necessary for completion of the investigation, and the testimony sought is expected to constitute direct evidence of innocence or guilt."

The ruling came in an investigation into whether Bush administration members illegally disclosed the identity of a covert C.I.A. officer.

Legal experts said yesterday that the potential jailing of a journalist represented perhaps the most significant clash between federal prosecutors and the news media since the 1970's. The case is one of several making their way through federal courts in which journalists have been ordered to reveal their sources.

The subpoenas for Mr. Cooper and other journalists were issued by a special prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, trying to learn who told the syndicated columnist Robert Novak the identity of an undercover C.I.A. officer, Valerie Plame. Ms. Plame is married to Joseph C. Wilson IV, a former diplomat who asserted in a July 6, 2003, Op-Ed article in The New York Times that President Bush had relied on discredited intelligence when he said, in his 2003 State of the Union address, that Iraq had sought uranium from Africa.

On July 14, 2003, Mr. Novak wrote in his column that "two administration officials" told him that Ms. Plame "is an agency operative on weapons of mass destruction." Disclosing the identity of a covert officer for the Central Intelligence Agency officer can be a crime. Mr. Wilson has suggested that the White House might have leaked his wife's name as retribution for his criticism of the president.

It is not known whether Mr. Novak has received a subpoena or, if he did, how he responded. His lawyer, James Hamilton, declined to comment yesterday.

On July 17, 2003, Time reported that "some government officials" had disclosed Ms. Plame's identity to the magazine.

Mr. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and a number of White House officials have been questioned in the inquiry, which Mr. Fitzgerald, the United States attorney in Chicago, took over after Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself in December.

Like Mr. Cooper, Tim Russert, of the NBC program "Meet the Press," received a subpoena in May. In a decision dated July 20 but made public yesterday, Judge Hogan ordered Mr. Russert and Mr. Cooper to testify before the grand jury.

Mr. Cooper refused, leading to the contempt order yesterday. By contrast, Mr. Russert agreed to cooperate.

In a statement, NBC said Mr. Russert was interviewed under oath by prosecutors on Saturday. NBC said Mr. Russert had not been a recipient of a leak and was not asked questions that would have required him to disclose a confidential source.

"The questioning focused on what Russert said when Lewis (Scooter) Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, phoned him last summer," NBC reported Saturday. "Russert told the special prosecutor that at the time of the conversation he didn't know Plame's name or that she was a C.I.A. operative and did not provide that information to Libby."

A spokesman for Mr. Fitzgerald declined to comment on the investigation.

A Washington Post reporter, Glenn Kessler, was interviewed by prosecutors in June. The Post reported then that he had testified about conversations with Mr. Libby at Mr. Libby's request and that he did so without violating any promises to confidential sources.

A second Post reporter, Walter Pincus, said he received a subpoena yesterday. He referred questions about whether The Post would challenge the subpoena to the paper's lawyers. Neither The Post's in-house lawyers nor its outside lawyer, Seth P. Waxman, responded to messages seeking comment.

Legal experts, including some sympathetic to the arguments by Mr. Cooper and Time, said the appeals court was unlikely to reverse Judge Hogan's decision.

"I think we're going to have a head-on confrontation here," said Lucy Dalglish, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. "I think Matt Cooper is going to jail."

Time's managing editor, James Kelly, said the judge had given too little weight to the importance to the public of allowing reporters to pledge confidentiality to their sources in exchange for important information.

Several reporters, including James Risen and Jeff Gerth of The New York Times, have been ordered to reveal their confidential sources in a case brought by Wen Ho Lee. Mr. Lee, a scientist at the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory, was suspected of espionage in 1999 but ultimately pleaded guilty to a single felony count of mishandling secrets. Mr. Lee is suing the federal government, alleging violations of his privacy.

Later this month, Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, also of the Federal District Court in Washington, is scheduled to rule on a motion by Mr. Lee's lawyers to hold the reporters in contempt. Mr. Lee's case is a civil one, seeking money, while the Plame investigation is a criminal one.

In his ruling in the Plame matter last month, Judge Hogan said a federal Supreme Court decision from 1972 known as Branzburg required Mr. Cooper to disclose his sources.

Judge Hogan wrote, "Branzburg makes clear that neither the First Amendment nor the common law protect reporters from their obligations shared by all citizens to testify before the grand jury when called to do so."

Floyd Abrams, a lawyer for Time and Mr. Cooper, said the decision would make it harder for reporters like Mr. Cooper to do their jobs.

"The story was essentially critical of the administration for leaking information designed to focus the public away from what Ambassador Wilson was saying was true and toward personal things," Mr. Abrams said of the Time article. "That sort of story, about potential government misuse of power, is precisely the sort of thing that is impossible to do without the benefit of confidential sources."


Informant: Laurel

Millions in US Face Mega-Wave from Island Collapse

UK: Millions in US Face Mega-Wave from Island Collapse

It's the End of the World as We Know It


Informant: eric



Informant: littlebrit1961


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