
Vaccine Maker Ad Scares Public

Did we not experience similar tactics with WMDs in Iraq?

I thought I'd also share this with our Group as a "heads up" for a possible ( I should almost say probable) biological threat - initiated by, who knows whom...if you listen to the audio clip excerpts and view the links below. The article on the vaccine maker Ad scare follows the audio clips.

Jack Topel

Here is a link for more detailed coverage of "mysterious deaths" of these premier microbiologists:


http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=34123&f=NCRIWL&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)
http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=34126&f=OGLMXY&ps=7&p=1 (10min)
http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=34128&f=VEVPJU&ps=7&p=1 (1 min)

Subject: [NVIC] Vaccine Maker Ad Scares Public
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 09:27:35 -0400
From: news@nvic.org (NVICNews)

Vienna, Virginia http://www.nvic.org

"Protecting the health and informed consent rights of children since 1982."

Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
Drug maker accused of scare-mongering
By Julie Robotham, Medical Editor
July 31, 2004

The drug company Baxter Healthcare has been accused of distortion and scare-mongering over advertisements designed to prompt people to request an expensive meningococcal disease vaccination from their doctor.

The ads, running this week in Woman's Day, show the feet of a corpse with a mortuary label tied to a toe. The label peels off the page, and readers are asked to, "Take this to your GP and ask about vaccination today."

The information on the mortuary tag explains that adults account for nearly half of all cases of disease caused by the C strain of meningococcal bacteria. Among the adults, two in 10 lose digits or limbs and one in 10 dies.

But it does not explain that the disease affects only about 130 adults in Australia each year. Most make a full recovery.

The campaign is billed as "a community message from Baxter Healthcare", and does not mention by name the company's NeisVac-C vaccine. The advertising of prescription medicines direct to the public is illegal.

But the mortuary label includes Baxter's name, and uses the same branding as the vaccine, which costs $73 and is not eligible for any government subsidy. Separate ads running in the specialist medical press alert doctors that "your patients may be bringing in coupons requesting vaccinations", and explicitly mention NeisVac-C.

David Henry, a professor of clinical pharmacology at the University of Newcastle, said the advertisement was an example of "a serious but low-risk condition [being] exaggerated in the public's mind by selective presentation of statistics ... I think this is a gross example of disease-mongering." Professor Henry said the campaign was plainly intended to scare people. Meningococcal disease was "not something the average Australian should be carrying in their head as a proximal risk ... you're at much higher risk climbing into the car every day".

Hilda Bastian, a health consumer advocate and editor of Informed Health Online, said the campaign was "shockingly manipulative, and it was dishonest to call this a community message".

Baxter did not respond to requests for comment.

VCS fordert weniger Ablenkung im Auto

VCS Medienmitteilung

Bern, 29-07-2004

Vernehmlassung zur Revision im Strassenverkehrsrecht
VCS fordert weniger Ablenkung im Auto!

Der Verkehrs-Club der Schweiz VCS begrüsst die Revision der Verordnungsbestimmungen im Bereich des Strassenverkehrs. Zu kurz greifen aber die Vorschläge zur Eindämmung der "ablenkenden Tätigkeiten" am Steuer.

Für mehr Sicherheit im Strassenverkehr fordert der VCS ein generelles Verbot für Mobiltelefonie beim Fahren. Um Velofahrende besser zu schützen, muss die Verkehrsregelverordnung mit einem Überholverbot im Kreisverkehr ergänzt werden.

Unaufmerksamkeit und Ablenkung ist gemäss Bundesamtes für Statistik bei 21 Prozent aller Fälle im Spiel, wenn es auf Schweizer Strassen zu Unfällen kommt. Entsprechend wichtig ist es, durch klare gesetzliche Bestimmungen die zunehmenden Möglichkeiten für Ablenkung im Auto einzuschränken.

Das generelle Verbot von Telefonieren am Steuer ohne Freisprechanlage müsste konsequenterweise auch auf die Mobiltelefonie mit Freisprechanlage ausgeweitet werden. Der Gebrauch eines Handy - auch mit Freisprechanlage! - beeinträchtigt das Fahrverhalten entscheidend: Studien belegen, dass Fahren mit dem Handy am Ohr die Konzentration am Steuer stärker beeinträchtigt als Fahren in alkoholisiertem Zustand.

Telefonieren während des Fahrens steht damit nachweislich in Widerspruch mit der Forderung in Artikel 3 der Verkehrsregelverordnung, wonach, wer ein Fahrzeug führt, seine Aufmerksamkeit der Strasse und dem Verkehr zuwenden muss. Mit dem wachsenden Angebot für die Mobiltelefonie verschärft sich die Problematik der Ablenkung in den nächsten Jahren weiter. Der Verkehrs-Club der Schweiz beantragt deshalb, die aktive, externe Kommunikation mit elektronischen Hilfsmitteln für Fahrzeugführende generell zu verbieten. Mit der Verkehrssicherheitskampagne «Autofahren oder Telefonieren» zeigt der VCS auf seiner Homepage, wie mit einem verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit dem Handy im Strassenverkehr die Zahl der Unfälle und Verletzten im Strassenverkehr reduziert werden kann.

Die Verkehrssicherheit in Kreisverkehrsanlagen ist für den Veloverkehr nach wie vor ungenügend. Damit die Sicherheit des Zweiradverkehrs auf Kreisverkehrsplätzen verbessert wird, beantragt der VCS, die Verkehrsregelnverordnung mit einem generellen Überholverbot zu ergänzen. Damit können die zwei häufigsten Unfalltypen ("Weg abschneiden" und "Vortritt missachten") im Kreisel wirkungsvoll vermieden werden. Durch das Überholverbot wird dem Veloverkehr erlaubt, vom rechten Fahrbahnrand abzuweichen. Damit wird das Fahren im Sichtfeld der Verkehrsteilnehmenden erheblich erleichtert. Die neue Regel ist einfach kommunizierbar und führt zu einer Vereinheitlichung des Verkehrsverhaltens von Zweirad- und Vierradverkehr.

Weitere Informationen :
Adrian Schmid, Leiter VCS-Verkehrspolitik, Tel. 076 342 39 51

Oder auch unter http://www.vcs-ate.ch

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Nachricht von Pia Hollenstein

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Agromultis tolerieren Kinderarbeit im Saatgutanbau

Die Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren veröffentlichte im vergangenen Sommer die Studie "Kinderarbeit im indischen Baumwoll-Anbau". Hierin wurde nachgewiesen, dass Tausende indischer Kinder für Zulieferer von Saatgut-Konzernen wie Monsanto, Bayer und Syngenta arbeiten, die Studie finden Sie hier http://www.cbgnetwork.org/Ubersicht/Kampagnen/Kinderarbeit/kinderarbeit.html Nachdem zahlreiche Medien über den Skandal berichtet hatten, versprachen die Unternehmen Abhilfe - bis jetzt aber offenbar ohne reale Konsequenzen. Lesen Sie hierzu bitte einen Artikel von Cornelia Heydenreich (Germanwatch) aus "epd Entwicklungspolitik" (Heft 8/9):

Agromultis tolerieren Kinderarbeit im Saatgutanbau

Shanta Sinha kritisiert Halbherzigkeit der Konzerne

"Derzeit geht es ziemlich langsam voran", klagt Shanta Sinha, Hauptaktivistin der indischen Kinderrechtsorganisation MV Foundation. Sie spricht von nur schleppenden Fortschritten beim Kampf gegen Kinderarbeit im Baumwollsaatgutanbau. In der Produktion von hybridem Baumwollsaatgut sind heute in Indien mehr Kinder beschäftigt als in anderen bekannten Produktionsbereichen wie der Teppichherstellung oder der Verarbeitung von Edelsteinen. Die Vertragslandwirte stellen Kinder ein, vor allem Mädchen, weil diese für wesentlich weniger Geld pro Stunde arbeiten als Erwachsene. Das Saatgut wird über Zwischenhändler an große Agrarmultis verkauft. Eine Studie des indischen Instituts "Global Research and Consultancy Service" hatte im Jahr 2003 diese Zusammenhänge aufgezeigt und die Verantwortung von multinationalen Saatgutunternehmen hervorgehoben, u.a. der Bayer-Tochter ProAgro (vgl. epd-Entwicklungspolitik 16/17 2003, S. 11).

"Anfangs hat keine der multinationalen Firmen überhaupt akzeptiert, dass sie für die Ausbeutung von Kindern in der Baumwollsaatgutproduktion verantwortlich ist. Aber der Druck durch Medien und Advocacy-Gruppen in Europa zwang sie dazu, mit der MV Foundation Gespräche zu führen", berichtet Shanta Sinha. Doch die Unternehmen können entscheiden, bei wem sie das Saatgut einkaufen und haben Einfluss auf die Verträge und damit auch die Möglichkeit, Kinderarbeit zu unterbinden. "Inzwischen haben alle zugestimmt, sich gemeinsam für die Abschaffung von Kinderarbeit einzusetzen. Innerhalb des Verbandes der Saatgutindustrie hat sich eine ‚Child Labour Eradiction Group’ gegründet, die sich regelmäßig mit den Bauern trifft, um das Problem der Kinderarbeit zu erörtern. Sie haben akzeptiert, dass sie Teil des Problems sind und deshalb Verantwortung übernehmen müssen, um das Problem zu lösen."

Was tun sie wirklich

Als konkrete Initiative schlug z.B. ProAgro/Bayer vor, eine Bewusstseinskampagne zu starten, dass Kinder nicht arbeiten sollten. "Wir haben ihnen erzählt, dass jeder Mensch im Distrikt Kurnool weiß, dass Kinderarbeit nicht gut ist – dafür braucht kein Bewusstsein geschaffen werden". Was die MV Foundation dagegen fordert, ist ein klares Bekenntnis der Konzerne gegen Kinderarbeit. "Es ist nicht ausreichend, dass sie nur in ihre Verträge eine Klausel aufnehmen, dass Kinder nicht eingestellt werden sollen. Das haben sie im vergangenen Jahr auch gemacht und es hat sich nichts verändert. Sie müssen eine wirksame Ansage an die Bauern geben, dass sie keine Kinderarbeit tolerieren werden", so Shanta Sinha. Gleichzeitig soll diese Verpflichtung auch den Medien mitgeteilt werden. Und die Vereinbarungen müssen natürlich auch kontrolliert werden. Darüber hinaus ist es notwendig, dass die Konzerne mehr zahlen, damit auch erwachsene Arbeitskräfte bezahlt werden können.

Druck aus Deutschland ist wichtig

Neben den Gesprächen und der Kontrolle vor Ort ist es aber auch wichtig, bei den Konzernzentralen im Norden Druck zu entfalten. Neben der moralischen Selbstverständlichkeit, dass Kinderarbeit nicht zu tolerieren ist, fordern auch internationale Regelungen von den Unternehmen, Kinderarbeit zu unterbinden. Die Normen 138 und 182 der internationalen Arbeitsorganisation ILO wenden sich gegen Kinderarbeit, ebenso fordern die OECD-Leitsätze für multinationale Unternehmen, keine Kinder einzustellen, und dass diese Regelungen auch für die Zulieferer gelten. Darüber hinaus hat sich Bayer mit dem Beitritt zum Global Compact selbst dazu bekannt, keine Kinderarbeit zu tolerieren.

Deshalb haben die Coordination gegen Bayer-Gefahren, Germanwatch und der Global March against Child Labour an die Bayer AG geschrieben, um ihre Besorgnis über die Verwicklung deutscher Konzerne in Kinderarbeit in Indien auszudrücken und unverzügliche Gegenmaßnahmen gefordert. Im Antwortbrief zählt die Bayer AG eine ganze Reihe von Aktivitäten auf, zur Forderung nach höherer Bezahlung nimmt sie jedoch nicht Stellung.

Vor Ort hat ProAgro von selbst das Gespräch mit der MV Foundation gesucht und anerkannt, dass Kinderarbeit ein ernsthaftes Problem sei, in Deutschland hätte man sich bis zum Bayer-Aufsichtsrat damit befasst. "Niemand von uns hat die europäischen Lobbyisten erwähnt, aber es war ganz eindeutig, dass die Firma nur aufgrund des Drucks von dieser Seite zu Diskussionen mit uns kommen würden", unterstreicht Shanta Sinha die Bedeutung dieser Kooperation von lokalen und internationalen Aktivisten.

Aktuell fordert die MV Foundation von den Unternehmen, dass die Verträge mit den Zulieferern der MV Foundation zugänglich gemacht werden. Sie wollen wissen, ob die Unternehmen klar genug die Nichteinstellung von Kindern fordern. "Wir haben ihnen erklärt, dass während es auf der höchsten Ebene der Unternehmen sichtbar Druck gab, keine Kinder zu beschäftigen, dieser Druck nicht ausreichend genug bis in die untersten Ebenen kommuniziert wurde."

Diese Saison ist entscheidend

"Es geht immer wieder auf und ab", bedauert Shanta Sinha. Und für die aktuell im März angelaufene Saison zeichnet sich noch keine entscheidende Verbesserung ab, dabei bezeichnet Shanta Sinha diese als "entscheidend für die Kinder in diesem Gebiet". In diesen Wochen werden die neuen Verträge mit den Bauern abgeschlossen. Und es ist noch nicht so, dass das Problem schon fast gelöst wäre, wie es die Konzerne gerne darstellen. Es gibt noch genügend Hinweise auf Kinderarbeit.

Shanta unterstreicht: "Wir sind komplett vorbereitet und würden als Wächter zur Verfügung stehen." In 4.300 Dörfern ist die MV Foundation aktiv, über 80.000 Freiwillige unterstützen ihre Arbeit. Durch die eingerichteten ,Kinderschutzkomitees’ wollen sie Informationen sammeln und diese der Saatgutindustrie und dem Arbeitsministerium auf Distriktebene zukommen lassen. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Labour Department sollen Mitteilungen an alle Arbeitgeber – die Bauern und die Saatgutindustrie - geschickt und ihnen mit rechtlichen Schritten gedroht werden. Wenn sich jedoch keine Fortschritte verzeichnen lassen, dann sind sowohl in Indien als auch in Deutschland noch weitere Schritte möglich und in Vorbereitung, um Druck auf die Unternehmen auszuüben.

Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren
Tel: 0211-333 911
Fax 040 – 3603 741835

Krebs durch Mikrowellenöfen

Krebs durch Mikrowellenöfen

Microwave oven info



CIA's new form of spyware


Informant: mcjohnson777

Biscuit Fire Recovery Project

Logging is Not Restoration: Forest Battles Escalate in Oregon

by Joshua Frank

Ancient public forests out West are under attack as usual this year. Thankfully, courageous activists in Oregon’s Siskiyou National Forest are attempting to fend off the worst of the pillage. On July 16 the US Forest Service placed 1900 acres of public land on the auction block. And by the end of the day the bids were in; 1160 of the 1900 acres were mapped out for demolition. The venture, titled the “Biscuit Fire Recovery Project”, is the largest forest service sale in modern US history. When all is said and done 30 square miles of federal land could be handed over to chainsaw happy timber barons. Not surprisingly, the Forest Service wants us to believe the sale is for “restoration” purposes only, not profit, as the area fell victim to massive natural wild fires in the summer of 2002. But if you don't already know, you shouldn't believe everything the government tells you...


Why American Workers Are So Angry

Mugged by Republicans: Why American Workers Are So Angry

by Dennis Rahkonen

In recent decades, members of my generation got married and had precious little babies. We loved them so, and were excited about their futures. After all, they had the American Dream to look forward to. But, because of a rightwing agenda facilitating Big Business profiteering, union-scale manufacturing employment for our country’s wage-earning majority was increasingly outsourced, replaced with a peanut-pay “service economy” that saw typical kids taking jobs at McDonald’s and Wal-Mart as teens...and never rising to positions of much greater purchasing power as adults. There’s nothing sadder than the countless grown-up souls who lead meager existences in rental housing, without worthwhile or affordable healthcare, and no pensions. Toiling as cashiers at big-box retailers defines bleak years of their dead-end work lives...


Hope Is Not On the Way, But Hopefully Bush Is On the Way Out

by Norman Solomon

No, hope does not gallop in like Paul Revere. And it certainly doesn’t arrive breathless from a corporate party convention. Movements for peace and social justice can bring realistic hope -- not with rhetoric but with the tough daily tedious uplifting work of political organizing. Yes, we’d be better off with John Kerry in the White House instead of the Rove-Cheney-Bush regime. And the only way that’s going to happen is if enough people in swing states ( http://www.swing04.com ) vote for Kerry on November 2...


An Open Letter to the 9/11 Panel

by Sibel D. Edmonds

Sibel D. Edmonds worked with the FBI's field office in Washington, DC, translating top-secret documents pertaining to suspected terrorists from shortly after September 11, 2001 until the Spring of 2002. In October 2002, she appeared on "60 Minutes" and charged that the FBI, State Department, and Pentagon had been infiltrated by agents of a Turkish intelligence officer suspected of ties to terrorism. She also accused members of the FBI's translation services of sabotage, intimidation, corruption and incompetence. On October 18, 2002, at the request of FBI Director Robert Mueller, Attorney General Ashcroft imposed a gag order on Ms. Edmonds, citing possible damage to diplomatic relations or national security...


Can't Blair See that this Country is About to Explode? Can't Bush?

by Robert Fisk

The war is a fraud. I'm not talking about the weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist. Nor the links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qa'ida which didn't exist. Nor all the other lies upon which we went to war. I'm talking about the new lies. For just as, before the war, our governments warned us of threats that did not exist, now they hide from us the threats that do exist. Much of Iraq has fallen outside the control of America's puppet government in Baghdad but we are not told. Hundreds of attacks are made against US troops every month. But unless an American dies, we are not told. This month's death toll of Iraqis in Baghdad alone has now reached 700 - the worst month since the invasion ended. But we are not told...


Pentagon Looks to Directed-Energy Weapons


Informant: kevcross5

Superabundant EMF and the Precautionary Principle

Gauss Network All-Japan Conference in Nerima, Tokyo

Report by Patricia Ormsby

More than 100 people from across Japan gathered in Nerima-ku, a suburb close to the heart of Tokyo, for Gauss Network's annual nationwide conference. Participants included both members and non-members of Gauss Network, but all shared a common concern about the environment and where technology is taking us. This year's conference focused on the multitude of electromagnetic field (EMF)-generating devices being increasingly used in daily life and on use of the Precautionary Principle to seek a balance between the benefits and risks associated with this. One example of the former is induction heating units being promoted as a replacement for gas ranges in kitchens. Tokyo Electric Power Co. has apparently formed a tie-up (of questionable legality-a point brought up in the April meeting of Gauss Network) with household electronics manufacturers to produce and promote these very high energy consuming devices. In earthquake-prone Japan, gas companies have developed devices for automatically turning off gas in the event of an earthquake or a gas leak, but no gas at all would be safer in that regard. Increasing the demand for electricity seems at odds with the times, as there were predictions of California-style power shortages for the summer of 2003, which turned out, luckily, to be unusually cool. However, demand for electricity may actually be decreasing due to the transfer of manufacturing to China. Some new apartments under construction are going 100% electric in urban areas and most consumers have no idea about the EMF involved. A few do, though, and the promotional pamphlets explain that some people may develop headaches, dizziness or other symptoms, but dismiss these as minor and no reason to be concerned--ignoring the fact of an acknowledged link between leukemia and ELF fields of 4 milligauss and higher.

Heading the list of speakers was Akifumi Ueda, one of the most active members of Gauss Network, author of the study on the effects of EMF from Tokyo Tower, head of the EMF Project of the Citizens' Science Initiative Japan. He presented a report on the WHO EMF Project Workshop, which covered a great number of topics of concern in international research trends, and compared the situation abroad with that in Japan. British researchers, he said, are starting to elucidate realistic mechanisms for initiation of leukemia by EMF. He pointed out problems with epidemiological studies, for example, almost all children in Japan now have cell phones, so it is hard to find controls. Furthermore the mode of irradiation changes with each new technological innovation, and this can mix up results. The effects of radiation from cellular phones can depend on the orientation of the antenna with respect to the head, the thickness of the skull, proportion of water in the brain tissue and other factors.

Many other countries are recommending against use of cell phones by children whose skulls are thinner and brains still developing, but Japan tends to jump into use of new technology without assessing its need or wisdom and is tending toward higher use of energy. In Germany, he said, they would prefer a darker meeting room with fewer lights. It is worth noting that Gauss Network's conference was held on the 5th floor of a building in a spacious room with windows and the fluorescent lighting was left off the whole time, and most people would not have noticed this because it was sufficiently light in the room.

In Europe, positioning of cell phone towers is discussed with the community. In Japan, it's a private matter between companies and landlords and considered proprietary information.

Following up on research indicating the probability of increased levels of EMF when used on trains, actual experimentation has been done in closed metal containers, confirming an increase.

Japan is pushing ahead with expansion of ground-based digital TV broadcasting, beginning with addition of eight new digital waves in Tokyo Tower. The plan may be accomplished with a 600- meter tower (nearly double size of Tokyo Tower, 333 meters tall) to be constructed in heavily congested urban areas.

The next speaker was Professor Koya Ogino, formerly of Kyoto University Nuclear Engingeering Department, now heading the Denjiha Kankyo Kenyusho (EMF Environmental Research Center). He spoke about the EMF problem and the Precautionary Principle, first mentioning the above-described induction heaters. Research has shown, he says, within a 99.9% certainty that extremely low frequency (ELF) fields are connected with increased leukemia rates.

Japan's media, however, communicate this very poorly (they're even worse than America's, he says). He showed a slide of one of Japan's sports dailies (newspapers containing a variety of news in addition to sports, but mostly read by men), that had an article on the destruction of cell phone towers in England by citizens. The author demonstrated ignorance of the real reasons.

Newspapers do mention newly imposed fines for driving while using a cell phone. The research shows, though, that the distraction continues for a considerable time after terminating the call, and what would be optimal would be to have people not drive for at least ten minutes after calling. (But this would require educating them.)

Prof. Ogino also spoke about the research by a Dr. Kimata in 2002 demonstrating that atopic dermatitis increases in intensity with exposure to microwaves. That author went on to demonstrate a connection microwaves and allergic rhinitis. (At this point I had to restrain myself from causing a commotion. About a year and a half ago I produced a new hat for myself with laminated aluminum foil covered with cloth for comfort and to avoid comments. I anticipated no other benefits of it over my older hat, in which the aluminum tended to bunch up and slide around. But I benefited enormously, with my arrhythmia clearing up within a few days and virtually no problem later that year with rhinitis due to cedar pollen allergy, which has come to afflict so many people, especially urbanites, in Japan, including those with no family history of allergies. I had come down with that in 1992 after moving into a second-story apartment with power lines outside, and suffered terribly three months of every year since. Needless to say, the media blame one thing or another, none of which are very convincing, for this crisis, but none of them have mentioned the possibility of EMF.

I have not seen Dr. Kimata's research mentioned by the media. His reports can be found in Allergy Immunology 129 (2002) 348 and Brain, Behavior and Immunity 17 (2003) 134.)
Omega see: Enhancement of allergic skin wheal responses and in vitro allergen-specific IgE production by computer-induced stress in patients with atopic dermatitis
Kimata, Hajime pp. 134-138

There is also research on EMF exposure, PCB exposure and prostate cancer.

Apparently, with regard to the 3rd generation of cell phone technology, the companies have done no research at all on its effects, satisfied that their research on earlier technology is sufficient. But each mode brings in a different mix of frequencies. The Pokemon incident occurred several years ago when flashing of bright colors at a frequency of 15 Hz sent kids viewing TVs at close range into seizures.

While reports have been written saying a minimum of 300 m is needed from cellular towers to homes, companies continue to justify their lack of concern by comparing the strength of their fields with that of the Earth. We have been hampered by the difficulty of isolating pure effects of EMF from other related effects. Tissue heating rather than non-thermal effects is frequently postulated as the cause of leukemia. At 0.4 mG and above, childhood leukemia rates are raised by a factor of 2.6, and only Japanese researchers persist at saying there is no connection between ELF and leukemia.

Although in 2000, newspapers in Japan warned against children's use of cell phones, that has been all but forgotten.

Germany and England are doing research in the vicinity of actual towers, and the results are likely to be included in the WHO's assessment.

Prof. Ogino then presented a graph which showed a drastic increase in miscarriages and SIDS in Japan in recent years, with no corresponding increase in Germany. An article on risk assessment (Science 165:1232 (1969)) compared Japan's wild forward push with America's more cautious approach. It brought up the idea of the Precautionary Principle.

Among questions and comments by the audience to Prof. Ogino was a suggestion for research on the effects on embryos, as dioxin has been shown to be a very powerful poison, and at tiny concentrations it exhibits a window effect on embryonic development because it mimics hormones. This is similar to the window effects (effects observed only in very narrow ranges of conditions) found for EMF.

Prof. Ogino noted that ion channels are affected by certain frequencies and levels of EMF, causing sudden release of calcium. For that reason, electric power at 50 Hz may be safer than at 60 Hz. He concluded that a much lower level of EMF in our living environment (a 0.001 level) is worth pursuing, but although these window effects are found at even lower levels, when one cell phone on the moon would be the brightest source of microwaves reaching the Earth, it is impossible now to go back to natural levels and unrealistic to attempt to meet absolute safety.

The next speaker was Yasuko Katoh from Sapporo, Hokkaido, who is herself electrosensitive. She has done a study on the prevalence of EMF sensitivity and found people in their 40s and 50s most heavily affected and that women are overwhelmingly more affected (82%). In a conversation later she postulated that serotonin levels are lower in women and that this might be the reason women are more likely to be affected. She showed slides of plants with deformities found 100 m from a base station. The people living nearby also complained of hypersensitivity. (I will translate her report into English and present it separately.) She says homeopathy looks good with regard to treating electrosensitivity.

Next came reports from activists across Japan battling against poor placement of cellular phone towers or against high-tension lines, including one damaging a forest in Kyushu (Aya no Mori) which has been selected by UNESCO as a candidate for World Heritage protection. These activists say they lose their court battles, but learn a lot. They say it is hard to find lawyers who are interested in helping, because it is a sticky problem. In particular, it seems everyone is battling against Docomo, previous subsidiary of Japan's relatively recently privatized telephone company NTT. They all describe gangster-like tactics: secretiveness, night-time activity making it necessary to post guards 24 hours a day, windows broken by rocks, threatening phone calls, citizens injured in clashes, police called in to get the company to desist. Activists express concerns on the effects on crops in farming areas, but it is not only an environmental problem-inhabitants' rights are disregarded. Activists in urban areas hear of the 300 m distance suggestion and realize there is no such space in urban areas. They must confront not only the companies, but also the landlords who profit from the placement. One urban activist wondered that if tenancy were to decrease in buildings sporting cell towers, would landlords be less willing to rent space to these companies.

Finally, Prof. Hideo Nagano of Hosei University Human Environment Studies Department gave a germane talk on the legal picture in Japan as compared with the US. His specialty is US law, and he has studied cases involving citizens against EMF sources. He said that although it would be easier to get scientific evidence of carcinogenicity admitted in the US than in Japan, so far this has not been seen as sufficient even in the US. In both the US and Japan, if you can prove a decline in real estate value due to nuisance, you can win. America, he noted, has better zoning laws than Japan, giving local municipalities more jurisdiction.

There have been wins based on spoiled appearance. This, in turn, has led companies to disguise antennas. As more scientific evidence becomes available, the likelihood of winning a suit in the US on the basis of health effects increases. When that happens, perhaps Japan will pay attention.

In Japan, proof of five times higher risk of disease is needed, but what is available is on the order of two times for leukemia. You also need a majority of specialists agreeing. If cell phones produce a different kind of cancer from that, you will have to wait around for scientific proof of a cause-effect relationship for that particular kind of cancer. Citizen concerns about dangers have no legal force if overwhelming evidence of danger is not present. In this case it is particularly hard to win against large public projects.

Prof. Nagano pointed out a need for a system for presenting information on possible alternative locations for towers at as big a distance as possible from schools, hospitals, etc. He also said that damage to the scenic value may be the basis for a suit against public works, and he thinks it would be possible to win a case in Japan based on loss of value. But this would work only in the case of public works. Cell towers are another matter because they are private property of the companies.

Questions to Prof. Nagano included how to obtain evidence if no one is allowed access to information on location of base stations. He agreed this was a problem. In the US, a citizens representative will be on the zoning board and have access to information. Another question was whether it might be possible to sue over making a building a target for terrorists intent on disrupting communications. He answered probably not.

Afterwards, the General Meeting of the Gauss Network was held, with an accounting report and suggestions elicited for directions for future efforts. These included working with citizens of Saitama where a huge digital TV tower will be built, investigating ubiquitous technology, and developing a base of information on unseen hazards such as constantly radiating microwave ovens. In some condos, built with automatic dishwashers in the kitchen which constantly put out large amounts of EMF even when not in use, people sitting on the other side of the counter are exposed to 4-5 mG to their lower abdomen. Installation of inverters can raise EMF levels a lot, as happened at Hosei University. These produce a wide variety of frequencies and noise. If they disrupt radio reception, it is pretty strong. The Gauss Network has about 900 members, and is growing slightly. About 20 come regularly to monthly meetings held in Tokyo. They rely solely on membership fees, contributions and attendance fees at conferences for funding.

Informant: Raoul Treigner

Scientist's violent death shocks cold fusion research network


Informant: Teresa Binstock

The Role of Adaptation in the U.S.

Coping with Global Climate Change: The Role of Adaptation

Even if extreme measures could be taken immediately to curtail emissions, the earth will continue to warm for many years to come. Adaptation will not be an easy or cost-free process. Individual regions and communities within the US may face damages and disruption, and the more quickly the climate changes, the more difficult and costly adaptation will be...


Informant: Teresa Binstock



Informant: Teresa Binstock



Naila-Studie erhärtet Krebsverdacht von Mobilfunk


Die 40 Präsentationsfolien, die kürzlich bei der Vorstellung der Naila-Studie gezeigt wurden, sind jetzt zum Abruf im Internet verfügbar unter: http://tinyurl.com/5haqp

Nachricht von Reinhard Rückemann



Naila-Studie erhärtet Krebsverdacht von Mobilfunk

Die Naila-Mobilfunkstudie

Alarmierende Mobilfunk-Studie


Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit


Übersetzt von D. Bücher

Oberfeld Gerd, Navarro A. Enrique, Portoles Manuel, Maestu Ceferino, Gomez-Peretta Claudio


In La Nora, Murcia, Spanien, wurde in der Umgebung zweier GSM 900/1800 MHz-Mobilfunk Basisstationen eine Gesundheitsbefragung durchgeführt. Das im Schlafzimmer gemessene E-Feld (~ 400 MHz – 3 GHz) wurde in Terzile aufgeteilt (0,02 – 0,04 / 0,05 – 0,22 / 0,25 – 1,29 V/m). Die Spektralanalyse zeigte, dass der Hauptbeitrag und die Hauptvariation des E-Feldes von den GSM-Basisstationen verursacht wurde. Das bereinigte (Geschlecht, Alter, Entfernung) logistische Regressionsmodell zeigte statistisch signifikante Expositions Wirkungs-Beziehungen zwischen dem E-Feld und den folgenden Variablen: Abgeschlagenheit, Reizbarkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit, Appetitverlust, Schlaflosigkeit, Depressionen, Unbehagen, Konzentrationsstörungen, Gedächtnisverlust, Sehstörungen, Schwindel und Herz-Kreislauf-Probleme. Die Einbeziehung der Entfernung, die eine Abschätzung für die manchmal angeführte „Bedenken-Erklärung" darstellen könnte, änderte das Modell nicht substanziell. Diese Ergebnisse stützen die erste, auf zwei Gruppen (arithmetisches Mittel 0,65 V/m gegenüber 0,2 V/m) basierende statistische Analyse sowie die Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen dem E-Feld und den Symptomen (Navarro et al, „The Microwave Syndrome: A preliminary Study in Spain", Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Volume 22, Issue 2, (2003): 161 – 169).

Quelle: Elektrosmognews vom 01.08.2004


Das Mikrowellensyndrom - Weitere Aspekte einer spanischen Studie

(Unter Mikrowellen sind auch Handywellen und die Wellen der dazu gehörenden Sendemasten einzuordnen)

Studien, die sich lediglich auf Entfernungen zu Mobilfunksendern, jedoch nicht auf effektiv gemessene Feldstärken bei Geschädigten bezogen, wurden bisher von der interessierten Industrie und den von ihr indoktrinierten Politikern und Behörden mit teilweise hämischen Kommentaren abgetan.

Hans-U. Jakob, 4.8.04 (Auszug)

Die neuesten Daten aus Spanien räumen nun mit solchen Machenschaften auf und belegen die Notwendigkeit der Grenzwertabsenkung auf 0.02V/m (Volt pro Meter) für Innenräume und 0.06V/m für Aussenwerte eindrücklich. Diese Grenzwerte werden seit 18 Monaten von der Landessanitätsdirektion Salzburg, Dr. Gerd Oberfeld, empfohlen, welcher an der Aufbereitung der neuesten Daten aus Spanien auch massgeblich beteiligt war.

Die Probandengruppen waren folgenden E-Feldstärken ausgesetzt

Schwach ausgesetzt: 0.02-0.04V/m
Mittelmässig ausgesetzt: 0.05-0.22V/m
Stark ausgesetzt: 0.25-1.29V/m

Dabei ergaben sich (mit zunehmender E-Feldstärke von 0.02V/m bis max 1.29V/m) statistisch signifikante Zunahmen von:


Im Vergleich dazu die angeblich besten Schweizer Vorsorge-Grenzwerte der Welt 1) für gemischte Anlagen = 5 V/m

Ebenfalls im Vergleich dazu, die vom Swisscom-Arzt, Prof. Dr. Reinhold Berz als genügend eingestuften Vorsorgewerte = 120V/m

Zwischen diesen Werten liegen Welten, vor allem die erhofften Milliarden-Einnahmen einer skrupellosen Bande von Industriekapitänen und ihren Helfershelfern.

Zum Umrechnen für die im übrigen Europa gebräuchlichen W/m2 bediene man sich folgender Formel:

S=E*E/377 dabei ergibt sich S in Watt/m2 und E wird in V/m eingesetzt

1) diese Schweizer-Werte gelten nur für Innenräume, wo sie infolge Gebäudedämpfung und Dämpfung infolge des Abstandes zur Hauptsenderichtung automatisch unterhalb dieses Pegels absinken. Die Schweizer Grenzwerte sind ein rein technisch-physikalisches Phänomen und bieten unserer Bevölkerung keinerlei besseren Schutz als derjenigen im Ausland.

Eine Übersetzung der gesamten Studie in die deutsche Sprache können Sie direkt von hier aus abrufen: "Das Mikrowellensyndrom – weitere Aspekte einer spanischen Studie" (PDF, 957 kB)


Das Mikrowellensyndrom / Rundfunksyndrom

Thesen und Schlussfolgerungen zum Vortrag Mikrowellensyndrom

Das Mikrowellen-Syndrom: Eine Vorstudie in Spanien

Mikrowellensyndrom: Zusammenfassung von Erhebungen von Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam


Finance editorial with Michael Pascoe

“Truth is irrelevant, what matters is what sells"


Dr Charlie Teo

Brain tumours: the silent killer

* "When patients come in with a brain cancer, I often say to them, "your cancer was on the right side of the brain, it is in the area just above your ear, can you tell me if you feel that you have had more exposure than most people to mobile phones," and I am surprised that most people say, "yes I have used my phone continuously for the last seven years and it is always stuck to my ear on this side..." well that is where the cancer is...

Dr Miguel Muntané

In the following excerpt from the transcript of the 'Sunday Sunrise' news program (1/8/04), Michael Hawker, CEO of the Insurance Australia Group makes a brief comparison to the current asbestos claims and the possibility for similar claims for the mobile phones industry 30 years down the track. Though he discounts any evidence for a health problem (and I doubt he has looked at the science any deeper than media articles) he cannot rule out the possibility.

So 30 years in the future will put Mr. Hawker in the 80+ age bracket where senility goes with the territory - but what about all those 6 to 12+ year old children Motorola and other companies are today targeting as a "customer electronics market"? If there is a health problem apparent in 30 years, most likely mental dysfunction of one kind or another, today's young cell phone users will be in the prime of their lives raising a young family and in the peak of their working careers.

And if there is a health problem, the many millions (or billions) of people exposed to microwaves from cell phone use will absolutely dwarf the thousands who were exposed to asbestos in the past.

Should the cell phone industry worry about this? Absolutely not. As we say in Australia, if "shit hits the fan" in 30 years time, today's senior cell phone executives now running the show will be retired and well and truly out of the game. It will just be someone else's problem. As they say "truth is irrelevant, what matters is what sells". That's corporate science today.

Don Maisch

Transcripts by category: Finance
Finance editorial with Michael Pascoe

Full transcript at:


". . . While the focus remains on James Hardie, there are other aspects of the whole asbestos tragedy that should be considered - among them, the performance of the insurance industry - coverage finished up a long way short.

That was something I took up at a Banking and Finance magazine insurance panel discussion on Friday, eliciting this intriguing, perhaps worrying, response from Insurance Australia Group CEO, Michael Hawker.

Michael Hawker/Insurance Australia Group: So I'd argue that when some of these policies were written say in 1940, early-1950s, the risk wasn't perceived to be risk at that point in time. And it's very interesting.... the extrapolation of that might be mobile phones today.... there's a lot of chatter in the background that maybe mobile phones are seen as potentially providing some sort of medical effects, no evidence at all... a lot of chatter... everyone in this room's probably heard a lot of the chatter, but everyone's still uses the mobile phone. So take the personal, take the personal decision, even though there's all this chatter in the background.. I'm still going to use this mobile phone because of the convenience. I'll be fascinated in 30 years' time to see whether mobile phones are the asbestos of the future. And I can tell you, the industry is certainly not pricing in a risk of mobile phones creating a medical issue in today's premiums. And if they were, today's premiums would be substantially higher than they are.


Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2002-2003


Informant: Halojumper

Another F.B.I. Employee Blows Whistle on Agency


WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 - As a veteran agent chasing home-grown terrorist suspects for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mike German always had a knack for worming his way into places few other agents could go.

In the early 1990's, he infiltrated a group of white supremacist skinheads plotting to blow up a black church in Los Angeles. A few years later, he joined a militia in Washington State that talked of attacking government buildings. Known to his fellow militia members as Rock, he tricked them into handcuffing themselves in a supposed training exercise so the authorities could arrest them.

So in early 2002, when Mr. German got word that a group of Americans might be plotting support for an overseas Islamic terrorist group, he proposed to his bosses what he thought was an obvious plan: go undercover and infiltrate the group.

But Mr. German says F.B.I. officials sat on his request, botched the investigation, falsified documents to discredit their own sources, then froze him out and made him a "pariah." He left the bureau in mid-June after 16 years and is now going public for the first time - the latest in a string of F.B.I. whistle-blowers who claim they were retaliated against after voicing concerns about how management problems had impeded terrorism investigations since the Sept. 11 attacks.

"What's so frustrating for me," Mr. German said in an interview, a copy of the Sept. 11 commission report at his side, "is that what I hear the F.B.I. saying every day on TV when I get home, about how it's remaking itself to fight terrorism, is not the reality of what I saw every day in the field."

Mr. German refused to discuss details of the 2002 terrorism investigation, saying the information was classified.

But officials with knowledge of the case said the investigation took place in the Tampa, Fla., area and centered on an informant's tip about a meeting between suspected associates of a domestic militia-type group and a major but unidentified Islamic terrorist organization, who were considering joining forces. A tape recording of the meeting appeared to lend credence to the report, one official said.

Law enforcement officials have become increasingly concerned that militant domestic groups could seek to collaborate with foreign-based terrorist groups like Al Qaeda because of a shared hatred of the American government. This has become a particular concern in prisons.

The Tampa case is not known to have produced any arrests. But Mr. German, in an April 29 letter to several members of Congress, warned that "the investigations involved in my complaint concern very active terrorist groups that currently pose significant threats to national security."

He also wrote, "Opportunities to initiate proactive investigations that might prevent terrorist acts before they occur, which is purported to be the F.B.I.'s number one priority, continue to be lost, yet no one is held accountable."

The Justice Department's inspector general is investigating Mr. German's case, reviewing both how the F.B.I. handled his complaints and whether he was retaliated against as a result, an official there said.

Donna Spiser, an F.B.I. spokeswoman, said that the bureau "thoroughly investigates all allegations of wrongdoing," but that it could not comment on Mr. German's case because of the continuing investigation.

Some law enforcement officials remain somewhat skeptical of Mr. German's claims. But several prominent senators who have been privately briefed on the case in recent weeks said they were troubled by what they learned.

"Retaliating against F.B.I. agents and employees who point out problems or raise concerns seems to be becoming the rule, not the exception," said Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa. He noted that Robert S. Mueller III, acting director of the bureau, "has said many times that whistle-blower retaliation is unacceptable, yet it looks like some F.B.I. bureaucrats haven't gotten the message."

The F.B.I. has wrestled with accusations from a number of employees who said they were discouraged from voicing concerns, including Coleen Rowley, the Minneapolis agent who protested the handling of the Zacarias Moussaoui terror case in August 2001. In a report disclosed just last week, the inspector general found that complaints by an F.B.I. linguist, Sibel Edmonds, about the bureau's slipshod translation of terrorism intelligence, played a part in her dismissal in 2002.

In Mr. German's case, Senator Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, said that "when an F.B.I. agent with a distinguished record questions whether terrorism leads are being followed, the F.B.I. needs to listen." He said Mr. German's complaints "reflect the kind of insularity the 9/11 commission identified as a major management failing in the F.B.I.'s antiterrorism work."

Indeed, Mr. German's assertions echo concerns raised about the F.B.I. in the commission's report.

The commission said that while the bureau had made progress in overhauling counterterrorism operations, its investigation "also found gaps between some of the announced reforms and the reality in the field." One concern was that the F.B.I.'s 56 field offices still retain the power to reallocate agents and resources to local concerns that may diverge from national security.

Mr. German's account of what he considers undue restraint in pursuing terrorism leads may give pause to civil libertarians who have accused the F.B.I. of rushing to judgment and using overly aggressive tactics in some terror cases.

At the same time, however, his assertions raise questions about whether the bureau has fixed some of the bureaucratic problems that stymied terrorism investigations before the Sept. 11 attacks, and his perspective could add grist to the debate over restructuring intelligence operations.

Mr. German, in his letter to lawmakers, cited "a continuing failure in the F.B.I.'s counterterrorism program," which he said was "not the result of a lack of intelligence, but a lack of action."

Officials said Mr. German also complained internally about a second case in the Portland, Ore., area in 2002 in which he said he was blocked from going undercover to pursue a domestic terrorism lead. That case was also thought to center on a militia group suspected of plotting violence.

In the Tampa case, officials said Mr. German complained that F.B.I. officials had mishandled evidence concerning a suspected domestic terrorist group and failed to act for months on his request in early 2002 to conduct an undercover operation. That failure, he said, allowed the investigation to "die on the vine."

While Mr. German would not confirm the location of the investigation, he said in an interview at the office of his Washington lawyer, Lynne Bernabei, that his problems intensified after he complained about the management of the case in September 2002. He said F.B.I. officials whom he would not name backdated documents in the case, falsified evidence and falsely discredited witnesses in an apparent effort to justify their approach to the investigation. He cited institutional inertia, even after Sept. 11.

"Trying to get approval for an operation like this is a bureaucratic nightmare at the F.B.I.," he said.

Mr. German said that beginning in late 2002, he took his concerns to his supervisors at the F.B.I. and to officials at headquarters in Washington, including Mr. Mueller himself, in an e-mail message that he said went unanswered. He also went to the Justice Department's inspector general and, frustrated by what he saw as a languishing investigation, brought his concerns this spring to several members of Congress and the Sept. 11 commission.

In the meantime, Mr. German said, his career at the F.B.I. stalled, despite what he said was an "unblemished" record and an award for his work in the Los Angeles skinhead case.

Soon after raising his complaints about the 2002 terrorism investigation, he was removed from the case. And, he said, F.B.I. officials wrongly accused him of conducting unauthorized travel, stopped using him to train agents in "proactive techniques" and shut him out of important domestic terrorism assignments.

"The phone just stopped ringing, and I became a persona non grata," he said. "Because I wouldn't let this go away, I became the problem."

For now, he has no job and is uncertain about his future.

"My entire career has been ruined, all because I thought I was doing the right thing here," he said.


Informant: Ken DeBusk

Poletown overturned

by Bob Smith

No Force, No Fraud


Twenty-three years ago, a disastrous Michigan Supreme Court decision started serving as a precedent that has resulted in widespread property rights abuse all across the U.S. The infamous Poletown case allowed the city of Detroit to bulldoze an entire neighborhood with more than 1,000 homes and 600 businesses in order to give the property to General Motors for an auto plant."...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pentagon learns about the Sixth Amendment

by Jacob G. Hornberger

Future of Freedom Foundation


The Pentagon is learning that things work differently here in the United States than they do in Iraq. In this country, when the judiciary issues an order, the Pentagon is required to obey it. That's why the government is now permitting Ali Saleh al-Marri to meet with his attorney as part of his habeas corpus proceeding in federal district court in South Carolina."...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Physics and Biology of Mobile Telephony

"If Mobile Phones Were a Type of Food, They Simply Would Not be Licensed"

This statement was not uttered by some uneducated anti-technology activist, but rather was written by British physicist Dr. Gerald Hyland and was printed in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet.

A recent issue of the journal published 2 papers on the subject of cell phone safety, as well as an accompanying editorial. The editorial, written by Philip P. Dendy of Cambridge, UK, and entitled "Mobile phones and the illusory pursuit of safety" puts the 'safety' issue into perspective:

The deceptively simple question, much loved by television and radio interviewers, "Is it safe?" is the scientist's banana skin. A Nobel prize awaits the person who first designs an experiment to show that anything is "safe".

In the light of experience with ionizing radiation and radioactive materials, out-of-hand dismissal of the possibility of subtle effects of low-intensity, pulsed, microwave radiation is most unwise.

Early in the 20th century radon and radium-enriched spa waters were "recommended" for a wide range of aches and minor ailments. As knowledge of the harmful effects of ionizing radiation has increased and quantitative risk estimates have become possible (notwithstanding rather large error bands), the permitted annual dose limit has been progressively reduced from the 1930s to the present day.

Dr. Hyland writes an excellent paper, covering the possible mechanisms by which mobile phones, or cell phones, may cause adverse effects in people. Below are some exerpts from his paper, entitled "Physics and Biology of Mobile Telephony":

...there is evidence that the low intensity, pulsed radiation currently used can exert subtle non-thermal influences. If these influences entail adverse health consequences, current guidelines would be inadequate.This review will focus on this possibility.

The radiation used is indeed of very low intensity, but an oscillatory similitude between this pulsed microwave radiation and certain electrochemical activities of the living human being should prompt concern...there are consistencies between some of these effects and the neurological problems reported by some mobile-telephone users and people exposed longterm to base-station radiation.

The Stewart Report (1), published in May, 2000, makes some sensible recommendations, but unfortunately some of its greyer areas are now being exploited by the industry to obfuscate the issue.

As yet unresolved is the question of adverse health impacts provoked by the contentious non-thermal effects of the low intensity, pulsed microwave radiation (MWR) used. For these effects are not taken into account in current safety guidelines (2), which simply restrict the intensity of the radiation to prevent tissue heating in excess of what the body's thermoregulatory mechanism can cope with...in the case of living systems (and only living ones) there are many reports over the past 30 years that MWR can exert non-thermal influences, at intensities well below those necessary to cause any detectable heating (3).

The purpose of this review is to introduce clinicians to the physics of mobile telephony and to explain how low-intensity, pulsed microwaves can affect living organisms, both thermally and non-thermally; and then to identify some of the reported biological impacts of exposure to this radiation, particularly those provoked by the contentious non-thermal effects.

Physics of Mobile Telephony

A base-station antenna typically radiates 60 W and a handset between 1 and 2 W (peak). The antenna of a handset radiates equally in all directions but a base-station produces a beam that is much more directional. In addition, the stations have subsidiary beams called side-lobes, into which a small fraction of the emitted power is channelled. Unlike the mean beam, these side-lobes are localized in the immediate vicinity of the mast, and, despite their low power, the power density can be comparable with that of the main beam much further away from the mast. At 150-200 m, for example, the power density in the main beam near ground level is typically tenths of a µW/cm (2).

A handset that is in operation also has a low-frequency magnetic field (EMF) associated, not with the emitted microwaves, but with surges of electric current from the battery that are necessary to implement "time division multiple access" (TDMA), the system currently used to increase the number of people who can simultaneously communicate with a base-station. With handsets that have an energy-saving discontinuous transmission mode (DTX), there is an even lower frequency pulsing at 2 Hz, which occurs when the user is listening but not speaking.

Biological Impacts: Thermal

Heating of biological tissue is a consequence of microwave energy absorption by the tissue's water content. The amount of heating produced in a living organism depends primarily on the intensity (or power density) of the radiation once it has penetrated the system, on certain electrical properties of the biomatter, and on the efficiency of the body's thermoregulation mechanism.

Above a certain intensity of the microwaves, temperature homoeostasis is not maintained, and effects on health ensue once the temperature rise exceeds about 1°C. Safety guidelines impose upper limits on the radiation intensity to ensure that this does not happen.

Heating occurs whether the organism is alive or dead. The frequency of the radiation, as opposed to the intensity, is taken into account only in so far as it affects (via size resonance) the ability of the organism to absorb energy from the irradiating field.

Amongst the most thermally vulnerable areas of the body (2), because of their low blood supply, are the eyes and the testes, and cataract formation and reduced sperm counts are well-documented acute exposure hazards.

Animal studies indicate that a variety of behavioral and physiological disorders can be provoked by temperature rises below 1°C -- ie, under much less acute exposure conditionsŠthere are reports of adverse health effects of subthermal intensities, the possible origin of which will now be considered.

Biological Effects: Non-Thermal

The possibility that the pulsed, low-intensity MWR currently used in GSM mobile telephony can exert subtle, non-thermal influences on a living organism arises because microwaves are waves; they have properties other than the intensity that is regulated by safety guidelines. This microwave radiation has certain well-defined frequencies, which facilitate its discernment by a living organism (despite its ultralow intensity), and via which the organism can, in turn, be affected.

The human body is an electrochemical instrument of exquisite sensitivity whose orderly functioning and control are underpinned (6) by oscillatory electrical processes of various kinds, each characterised by a specific frequency, some of which happen to be close to those used in GSM. Thus some endogenous biological electrical activities can be interfered with via oscillatory aspects of the incoming radiation, in much the same way as can the reception on a radio.

The biological electrical activities that are vulnerable to interference from GSM radiation include highly organised electrical activities at a cellular level whose frequency happens to lie in the microwave region, and which are a consequence of metabolism.7 Although not universally accepted, there is experimental evidence7-9 consistent with these endogenous activities, in terms of which effects of ultralow-intensity microwave radiation of a specific frequency on processes as fundamental as cell division, for example, can be understood in a rather natural way.10

Furthermore, the DTX pulse frequency at 2 Hz and the TDMA frequency of 8·34 Hz correspond to frequencies of electrical oscillations found in the human brain, specifically the delta and alpha brain-waves, respectively. It is thus quite possible that living organisms have a two-fold sensitivity to the pulsed GSM signal -- ie, to both the microwave carrier and the lower frequency pulsings of the TDMA and DTX signals.

To deny this possibility yet admit the importance of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility with electronic instruments by banning the use of mobile phones on aircraft (11) and hospitals (a prohibition driven by concerns about non-thermal interference) seems inconsistent.

The intensity of radiation needed for this recognition is many orders of magnitude below even that currently associated with non-thermal effects. This influence is possible only when the organism is alive, with excited endogenous frequencies; the dead have flat electroencephalograms.

Non-thermal effects thus depend on the state of the person when exposed to the radiation -- ie, non-thermal effects are non-linear. A low-intensity field can entail a seemingly disproportionately large response (or none at all), and vice versa, quite unlike the predictable thermal responses. Thus not everyone can be expected to be affected in the same way by identical exposure to the same radiation.

A good example of human vulnerability to anon-thermal, electromagnetic influence is the ability of a light flashing at about 15 Hz to induce seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy (12). It is not so much the amount of energy absorbed from the light that provokes the seizure, but rather the information transmitted to the brain by the (coherent) regularity of its flashing, at a frequency that the brain "recognises" because it matches or is close to a frequency utilised by the brain itself.

What do we know experimentally about non-thermal biological influences of MWR (both pulsed and continuous) of an intensity close to that near a mobile phone handset, but often at higher microwave carrier frequencies? A selection of in vitro studies is given in panel 1.

Panel 1: Selected in vitro studies of non-thermal effects of microwave radiation of various frequencies and intensities

Effect Reference

Epileptic activity in rat brain slices in conjunction with certain drugs 13

Resonant effects on cell division of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and on the genome conformation of Escherichia coli 9, 14

Synchronisation of cell division in S carlsbergenis 15

"Switch-on" of epigenetic processes, such as -phage and colicin synthesis 16, 17

Altered ornithine decarboxylase activity 18

Reduced lymphocyte cytotoxicity 19

Increased permeability of erythrocyte membrane 20

Effects on brain electrochemistry (calcium efflux) 21

Increase in chromosome aberrations and micronuclei in human blood lymphocytes 22

Synergism with cancer-promoting drugs such as phorbol ester 23

In vivo evidence of non-thermal influences, including exposure to actual GSM radiation, comes predominantly from animal studies (panel 2).

Panel 2: Selected in vivo studies of non-thermal microwave exposure, including GSM radiation

Effect Reference

Epileptiform activity in rats, in conjunction with certain drugs 24

Depression of chicken immune systems (melatonin, corticosterone and IgG levels) 25

Increase in chick embryo mortality 25

Increased permeability of blood-brain barrier in rats 26

Effects on brain electrochemistry (dopamine, opiates) 27

Increases in DNA single and double strand breaks in rat brain 28

Promotion of lymphomas in transgenic mice 29

Synergistic effects with certain psychoactive drugs 30

Finally, human in vivo studies, under GSM or similar conditions, include effects on the EEG and on blood pressure. A delayed increase in spectral power density (particularly in the alpha band) has been corroborated (31) in the "awake" EEG of adults exposed to GSM radiation. Influences on the "alseep" EEG include a shortening of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep during which the power density in the alpha band increases (32), and effects on non-REM sleep (33).

Exposure to mobile phone radiation also decreases the preparatory slow potentials in certain regions of the brain (34) and affects memory tasks (35). In 1998, Braune et al (36) recorded increases in resting blood pressure during exposure to radiofrequencies.

Non-thermal effects have proved controversial, and independent attempts to replicate them have not always been successful. Such difficulties are not unexpected, however, because these effects depend on the state of the organism when it is exposed, particularly in vivo.

Possible Associated Adverse Health Reactions

...GSM radiation does seem to affect non-thermally a variety of brain functions (including the neuroendocrine system), and health problems reported anecdotally do tend to be neurological, although formal confirmation of such reports, based on epidemiological studies, is still lacking.

For example:

* reports of headache are consistent with the effect of the radiation on the dopamine-opiate system of the brain27 and

* the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (26), both of which have been connected to headache (40,41).

* Reports of sleep disruption are consistent with effects of the radiation on melatonin levels (25) and

* on rapid-eye-movement sleep (32).

Furthermore, since there is no reason to suppose that the seizure-inducing ability (12) of a flashing visible light does not extend to microwave radiation (which can access the brain through the skull) flashing at a similarly low frequency, together with the fact that exposure to pulsed MWR can induce epileptic activity in rats (24), reports of epileptic activity in some children exposed to base-station radiation are perhaps not surprising.

Finally, the significant increase (by a factor of between 2 and 3) in the incidence of neuroepithelial tumours (the laterality of which correlates with cell-phone use) found in a nationwide US study (42) is consistent not only with the genotoxicity of GSM radiation, as indicated by increased DNA strand breaks (28) and formation of chromosome aberrations and micronuclei but also with its promotional effect on tumour development (43).

...it cannot be denied that non-thermal effects of the MWR used in mobile telephony do have the potential to induce adverse health reactions of the kind reported, and this possibility should not be ignored even if only a small minority of people are at risk.

Whether a person is affected or not could depend, for example, on the level of stress before exposure; if it is high enough, the additional contribution from MWR exposure might be sufficient to trigger an abnormality that would otherwise have remained latent.

It is often argued that anecdotal reports of health problems should be dismissed. However, given the paucity of systematic epidemiological studies of this new technology, such reports are an indispensable source of information, a point acknowledged in the 1999 report of the UK parliamentary committee (44).

Preadolescent children can be expected to be more vulnerable to any adverse health effects than adults because absorption of GSM microwaves is greatest (5) in an object about the size of a child's head, because of the "head resonance" effect and the greater ease with which the radiation can penetrate the thinner skull of an infant (1).

Also the multiframe repetition frequency of 8·34 Hz and the 2 Hz pulsing in the DTX mode of cellphones lie in the range of the alpha and delta brain-waves, respectively.

In a child, alpha waves do not replace delta waves as a stable activity until the age of about 12 years. Furthermore, the immune system, whose efficacy is degraded (19,25) by this kind of radiation, is less robust in children.

This makes them less able to cope with any adverse health effect that might be provoked by chronic exposure, not only to the pulsed microwave radiation but also to the the more penetrating low-frequency magnetic fields associated with the current surges from the handset battery which can reach 40 µT (peak) near the back of the case (45). Indications of the biological noxiousness of these magnetic fields (in animals) can be found in ref 25.

In the context of base-station radiation, reports relating to animals are of particular value since it cannot here be claimed that the effects are psychosomatic. Of particular interest is a publication on cattle (43), recording severely reduced milk yields, emaciation, spontaneous abortions, and stillbirths. When cattle are removed to pastures well away from the mast, their condition improves, but it deteriorates once they are brought back. The adverse effects appeared only after GSM microwave antennae were installed on a tower formerly used to transmit only non-pulsed television and radio signals.

Finally, in support of the reality of an adverse health impact of non-thermal influences of the kind of radiation used today in mobile telephony, we should recall that during the "cold war" the Soviet irradiation of western embassies with microwave radiation (of an intensity intermediate between that in the vicinity of a handset and a base-station), done with the express intention of inducing adverse health effects, was quite successful (47).

The references to this excellent review by Dr. Hyland are given below.

Risks on the Road

In a separate Lancet report, Massachusetts scientist Dr. Kenneth Rothman said his research indicated the main public health concern was motor vehicle collisions rather than any possible link to brain cancer.

He notes that one study found that the risk of a car accident was 4 times greater when the driver was using the telephone or soon after a call and that heavy mobile users were involved in twice as many fatal road accidents than light users.

In addition, use of 'hands-free' units was no less risky than holding the telephone to the ear with one hand while talking.

The Lancet, November 25, 2000; 356: 1833-36, 1837-40

More Bad News for Hands Free Mobile Phones

Many people concerned with possible adverse health effects, including myself, have recommended the use of "Hands Free" units as a way to greatly reduce the microwave exposure. However, as we reported several weeks ago this may not necessarily be any safer.

Now, upon further review of the safety evidence, including the results of tests conducted by the British Consumers Association and published in their magazine Which? the British government has decided to withdraw its recommendation that mobile phone users switch to handsfree units.

In addition, they plan to start issuing leaflets warning buyers of the unknown, but potentially harmful impact of mobile phone usage by children, according to a report in Newsbytes.com.

The warnings follow the British government's continuing funding of tests into the effects of mobile phone radio frequency (RF) radiation on the soft tissue of the brain and head.

Liam Donaldson, the UK's chief medical officer, said that the government's decision to remove the health approval on handsfree kits followed a number of investigations that claim handsfree devices may even channel radiation to the users head. "We don't have good enough science so far to say definitely one way or the other," he said, adding that further research is being conducted urgently to provide an answer to the question.

For more information regarding the safety of cell phones go to EMFacts Consultancy's Mobile Phone Health Hazard's page which is likely the best compilation of data on the mobile phone issue.

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

This is the most comprehensive detailed and well referenced report on cell phone dangers I have yet to see.

Cell phones are becoming increasingly popular, yet most are absolutely blinded to the damage they are doing to their brains by exposing themselves to this radiation. Even the conservative British journal The Lancet is warning that the dangers from this radiation can NOT be dismissed.

My recommendation? Keep the use down to as low as possible (my use is less than five minutes per YEAR). Let's keep those brain cells alive!

Related Articles:


1 Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones. Mobile phones and health. London: Stationery Office, 2000 and http://www.iegmp.org.uk

2 Anon. Guidelines for limiting exposure to time varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz). Health Phys 1998; 74: 494-522.

3 Hyland GJ. In: Scientific advisory system: mobile phones and health vol II, appendix 15: 86-91. London: Stationery Office, 1999.

4 Rothman KJ. Epidemiological evidence on health risks of cellular telephones. Lancet 2000; 356: 1837-40

5 Gandhi OP, Lazzi G, Furse CM, et al. Electromagnetic absorption in the human head and neck for mobile telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz. IEEE Trans MTT 1996; 44: 1884-97.

6 Smith CW, Best S. Electromagnetic man. London: Dent & Sons, 1989.

7 Fröhlich H. The biological effects of microwaves and related questions. Adv Electronics Electron Phys 1980; 53: 85-152.

8 Fröhlich H, ed. Biological coherence and response to external stimuli. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.

9 Grundler W, Kaiser F. Experimental evidence for coherent excitations correlated with cell growth. Nanobiology 1992; 1: 163-76.

10 Hyland GJ. Non-thermal bioeffects induced by low intensity microwave irradiation of living systems. Engineering Sci Educ J 1998; 7: 261-69.

11 Marks P. Danger signals: now it's official: avionics and mobile phones do not mix. New Scientist 2000; 166: 7.

12 Harding GFA, Jeavons PM. Photosensitive epilepsy. London: MacKeith Press, 1994.

13 Tattersall J. New Horizons 1999 (autumn): 11.

14 Shcheglov VS, Belyaev IY, Alipov YD, Ushakov VL. Power-dependent rearrangement in the spectrum of resonance effect of millimetre waves on the genome conformational state of Escherichia coli cells. Electro-Magnetobiol 1997; 16: 69-82.

15 Golant MB, Mudrick DG, Kruglyakova OP, Izvol'skaya VE, et al. Effect of EHF radiation polarization on yeast cells. Radiophys Quantum Electron 1994; 37: 82-84.

16 Lukashevsky K, Belyaev IY. Switching of prophage * genes in E coli by millimetre waves. Med Sci Res 1990; 18: 955-57.

17 Smolyanskaya AZ, Vilenskaya RL. Effects of millimetre-band electromagnetic radiation on the functional activity of certain genetic elements of bacterial cells. Sov Phys Usp (English transl) 1974; 16: 571-72.

18 Penafiel LM, Litovitz T, Krause D, Desta A, Mullins JM. Role of modulation on the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity in L929 cells. Bioelectromagnetics 1997; 18: 132-41.

19 Lyle B, et al. Suppression of T-lymphocyte cytotoxicity following exposure to sinusoidally amplitude-modified fields. Bioelectromagnetics 1983; 4: 281-92.

20 Savopol T, Moraru R, Dinu A, Kovács E, Sajin G. Membrane damage of human red blood cells induced by low power microwave radiation. Electro-Magnetobiol 1995; 14: 99-105.

21 Dutta SK, Subramoniam A, Ghosh B, Parslad R. Microwave radiation-induced calcium ion efflux from human neuroblastoma cells in culture. Bioelectromagnetics 1984; 5: 71-78.

22 Garaj-Vhovac V, Fucic A, Horvat D. The correlation between the frequency of micronuclei and specific aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to microwave radiation in vitro. Mutation Res 1992; 281: 181-86.

23 Balcer-Kubiczek EK, Harrison GH. Neoplastic transformation of C3H/10T1/2 cells following exposure to 120 Hz modulated 2.45 GHz microwaves and phorbol ester tumour promoter. Radiation Res 1991; 126: 65-72.

24 Sidorenko AV, Tsaryk VV. Electrophysiological characteristics of the epileptic activity in the rat brain upon microwave treatment. In: Proceedings of Conference on Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health (Moscow, September, 1999): 283-84.

25 Youbicier-Simo BJ, Bastide M. Pathological effects induced by embryonic and postnatal exposure to EMFs radiation by cellular mobile phones (written evidence to IEGMP). Radiat Protect 1999; 1: 218-23.

26 Persson BRR, Salford LG, Brun A, et al. Blood-brain barrier permeability in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless communication. Wireless Networks 1997; 3: 455-61.

27 Frey AH, ed. On the nature of electromagnetic field interactions with biological systems. Austin, TX: RG Landes, 1994.

28 Lai H, Singh NP. Single and double-strand DNA breaks after acute exposure to radiofrequency radiation. Int J Radiation Biol 1996; 69: 13-521.

29 Repacholi MH, Baster A, Gebski V, Noonan D, Finnie J, Harris AW. Lymphomas in Eµ-Pim 1 transgenic mice exposed to pulsed 900 MHz electromagentic fields. Radiation Res 1997; 147: 631-40.

30 Lai H, Horita A, Chou CK, Guy AW. A review of microwave irradiation and actions of psychoactive drugs. Engineering Med Biol 1987; 6: 31-36.

31 Reiser H-P, Dimpfel W, Schober F. The influence of electromagnetic fields on human brain activity. Eur J Med Res 1995; 1: 27-32.

32 Mann K, Roschke J. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human sleep. Neuropsychobiology 1996; 33: 41-47.

33 Borbely AA, Huber R, Graf T, et al. Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram. Neurosci Lett 1999; 275: 207-10.

34 Freude G, Ullsperger P, Eggert S, Ruppe I. Effects of microwaves emitted by cellular phones on human slow brain potentials. Bioelectromagnetics 1998; 19: 384-87.

35 Krause CM, et al. Effects of electromagnetic field emitted by cellular telephones on the EEG during a memory task. NeuroReport 2000; 11: 761-64.

36 Braune S, Wrocklage C, Raczek J Gailus T, Lüching CH. Resting blood pressure increase during exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic field. Lancet 1998; 351: 1857-58.

37 Gos P, Eicher B, Kohli J, Heyer WD. Extremely high frequency fields at low power density do not affect the division of exponential phase Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Bioelectromagnetics 1997; 18: 142-55.

38 Malyapa RS, Ahern EW, Bi C, et al. DNA damage in rat brain cells after in vivo exposure to 2450 MHz electromagnetic radiation and various methods of euthanasia. Radiation Res 1998; 149: 637-45.

39 Kaiser F. The role of chaos in biological systems. In: Barrett TW, Pohl HA, eds. Energy transfer dynamics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1987: 224-36.

40 Winkler T, Sharma HS, Stalberg E, Olsson Y, Dey PK. Impairment of blood-brain barrier function by serotonin induces desynchronization of spontaneous cerebral cortical activity: experimental observations in the anaesthetized rat. Neuroscience 1995; 68: 1097-104.

41 Barbanti P, Bronzetti F, Ricci A, et al. Increased density of dopamine D5 receptor in peripheral blood lymphocytes of migraineurs: a marker of migraine? Neurosci Lett 1996; 207: 73-76.

42 Carlo GL. Wireless telephones and health: WTR Final Report. Presented to the French National Assembly, June 19, 2000.

43 Repacholi MH, Basten A, Gebski V, Finnie J, Harris AW. Lymphomas in E mu-Pim1 transgenic mice exposed to pulsed 900 MHz electromagnetic fields. Radiat Res 1997; 147: 631-40

44 Scientific Advisory System: mobile phones and health. London: Stationery Office 1999: vol I, para 36.

45 Andersen JB, Pedersen GF. The technology of mobile telephone systems relevant for risk assessment. Radiat Prot Dosim 1997; 72: 249-57. [PubMed]

46 Löscher W, Käs G. Conspicuous behavioural abnormalities in a dairy cow herd near a TV and radio transmitting antenna. Pract Vet Surg 1998; 79: 437-44.

47 Goldsmith JR. Epidemiological evidence of radiofrequency radiation (microwave) effects on health in military, broadcasting, and occupational studies. Int J Occup Environ Health 1995; 1: 47-57.

Source: http://www.mercola.com/2000/dec/17/mobile_phones.htm

Informant: Don Maisch

Protest gegen "Schwarzbau"

PM Mobilfunksender:

Pressemitteilung der Bürgerinitiative „Gesund leben in Allach“
mit der Bitte zur Veröffentlichung

Mobilfunksender: Protest gegen „Schwarzbau“

Am vergangenen Donnerstag protestierten etwa 300 Allacher Anwohner in der August-Föppl-Straße gegen einen neu errichteten UMTS-Sendemast. Die Bürgerinitiative „Gesund leben in Allach“ hatte zu der Kundgebung aufgerufen.

Franz Titscher, Sprecher der Initiative, war überrascht über die große Teilnehmerzahl. „Die kürzlich vom Bayerischen Rundfunk ausgestrahlte Fernsehsendung Quer, die über ein dreifach erhöhtes Krebsrisiko in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendemasten berichtete, hat viele Menschen aufgerüttelt“, meinte der Sprecher.

Unter Beifall forderte Titscher den Abbau des Sendemasten. Die Antenne stehe nach Bebauungsplan 1196 auf „reinem Wohngebiet“ Da Mobilfunksendeanlagen nach einem Gutachten von Rechtsanwalt Frank Sommer in reinen Wohngebieten generell unzulässig sind, könne dieser Sendemast als „Schwarzbau“ bezeichnet werden.

Weiterhin fordert die Initiative mehr Rücksichtnahme bei der Standortwahl auf sensible Bereiche wie Kindergärten und Schulen sowie eine Senkung der Grenzwerte.

Der durch Fernsehsendungen bekannte Arzt Dr. Hans Scheiner berichtete über Schlafstörungen, Tinitus, Kopfschmerzen und andere Symptome, die in der Umgebung von Mobilfunksendern aufgetreten seien. Dr. Scheiner arbeitet gegenwärtig an einer Mobilfunkstudie, an der jeder teilnehmen kann.

Dr. Klaus Buchner (ÖDP) beantwortete technische Fragen und bat um Unterstützung des Volksbegehrens „Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk“. Gemäß dem ÖDP-Volksbegehren sollen Mobilfunksender künftig baugenehmigungspflichtig werden. Die ÖDP hatte durch ein Volksbegehren schon die Abschaffung des Bayerischen Senats bewirkt.

Der Baubiologe Stefan Streil (Eichenau) erfasste messtechnisch die vorhandene Strahlung. Diese entspräche derzeit dem halben Salzburger Vorsorgewert. „Dies sind noch idyllische Werte. Wenn der Sender ans Netz geht, wird sich das aber drastisch ändern“, so der Baubiologe. Streil mahnte, jeder einzelne könne die Strahlung im eigenen Haus reduzieren, indem die gefährlichen DECT-Telefone gegen strahlungsärmere Schnurlostelefone nach dem CT1+ Standard ausgetauscht würden.

Weitere Informationen unter:
http://www.franz-titscher.de/mobilfunk/ oder


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Franz Titscher

Kontakt: Franz Titscher, Gleichweg 7a, 80999 München
Tel.: 089/8128090, Fax.: 089/89218691
e-mail: mobilfunk@franz-titscher.de


Bush to screen population for mental illness



They already started a dry run here in Queens, NYC....we just got notices in our mailboxes...and the law is not even passed !!...(I kid you, not) since this dry run is NOT mandatory they are offering bribes of $100 cash and a free "exam" that is "valued at" or worth $300 supposedly.

Any one who believes that this is "New Freedom Commission Initiatve" should have their head examined, key word being FREEDOM. At least they are consistent with the go'vt oxy-moron theme.

The new world order has already removed effective vitamin supplements from the EU...they, the drug pharms, are drooling at the thought of what they can do here next....

speak out now...

How long do you think it would take for some futuristic prez, like H. Clinton, to declare such people insane and in need of drug treatment?

Does ANY sane person want more gov't in their life?


The U.S. House of Representatives', Appropriations Committee, approved funding of the President's "New Freedom Commission Initiative" that includes plan to screen all U.S. citizens for mental illness!!!!!

On July 14th, the House Appropriations Committee approved $20 million in new federal dollars to begin implementation of the plans set forth by the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFC) to get every man, woman and child in America "screened" for "mental illness."

This campaign for national mental health "screening" will result in millions more Americans being diagnosed with fraudulent and unscientific mental "disorders", and prescribed dangerous and deadly psychiatric drugs.

Nationwide implementation of the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health's plan is the beginning of a Big Brother, "Brave New World" should the U.S. Senate agree with House to fund this.

More details about the plan and its dangerous consequences are at bottom of this email, but here is what all of us need to do: We, you, me, all of us, must tell Congress and the White House: NO MENTAL SCREENINGS FOR AMERICANS AND NO FUNDING FOR THIS PLAN!


1) Call the White House: 202-456-1111

2) Call Speaker of the House, Rep. Hastert: 202-225-2976

3) Call the Senate Leader, Senator Frist: 202-224-3344

4) Call the House Education and Workforce Committee Chairman John Boehner at 202-225-6205

5) Call the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Chairman
Judd Gregg at 202-224-3324

Tell them you oppose any federal, state, or local plans for universal mental health screening. Tell them to STOP funding this New Freedom Commission on Mental Health plan in the Labor/Health and Human Services appropriations bill.

These calls are fast and brief. The aide who answers will take your message and forward it on. It's important that there are large numbers of calls, so please do this and get other to do so as well.

Additional actions to take:

1) Call your own Members of Congress (go to http://www.congress.org)

2) Alert your state legislators and oppose any school board initiatives to add psychiatric screening programs.

3) Support the Child Medication Act (S. 1390) currently stalled in the Senate by Senator Edward Kennedy - This legislation prohibits schools from coercing parents to place their children on psychiatric medications that are on the controlled substances list. Senator Kennedy, with large support from pharmaceutical companies, has not let this very modest proposal even receive a hearing, saying that it needs more study. Senator Kennedy (202-224-4543) as well as Senator Gregg (202-224-3324) the Committee chairman, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (202-224-3344) need to hear from the public.

4) Check to see if your state has a provision in state special education law that prohibits a school district from overriding parental refusal to submit their child to a special education or mental health evaluation. If yes, alert other parents, and if not, work for one.

Thank you for yout help on this urgent matter.

Peter Dockx
Government Affairs
Citizens Commission on Human Rights International

More Details:
The Commission based its entire findings on the definition of mental illness as defined by psychiatry's billing bible, the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

The methods of mental health "screening" recommended by the New Freedom Commission are lists of arbitrary questions based on this DSM. If this "sweeping mental health initiative" is implemented, millions more Americans will certainly be diagnosed and drugged given the subjective diagnoses.

Ø The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health's report states that "mental illnesses are shockingly common," but neglects to address or even mention the fact that there is no medical or scientific means by which to diagnose mental "illnesses."

Psychiatrists and mental health proponents promote psychiatric "disorders" as a disease, or an illness that can be diagnosed in the same manner as real physical illness. This is a fraud. There are no blood tests, brain scans or chemical imbalance tests to validate any mental disorder as an illness or "disease." With no scientific/medical criteria to substantiate these claims, anyone could be diagnosed as mentally ill based solely on a checklist of behaviors.

Ø The DSM contains hundreds of psychiatric mental "disorders" which are a list of behavioral symptoms that are literally voted into existence and inserted into the DSM. Such diagnoses include "Caffeine-Related Disorder," "Mathematics Disorder," "Disorder of Written Expression," and the all-encompassing "Phase of Life Problem." These "disorders" are simply a classification of symptoms that are drastically different from, and foreign to, anything in medicine.

Ø The New Freedom Commission is blatantly promoting the coercive and manipulative tactics that have led to millions of children being falsely labeled with mental disorders in our public schools. Schools have become mental health clinics where children are diagnosed based on subjective questionnaires, instead of given proven educational solutions. This fact was substantiated by a report from the President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education, which found that 2.4 million children had been diagnosed with mental "disorders" and placed in Special Education, when in fact these children had simply not been taught to read.

Ø The issue of coerced child drugging in public schools has become so prevalent that the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Child Medication Safety Act in May 2003, to prevent schools from forcing a parent to drug their child as a condition of attending school.

Ø Due to psychiatric influence, parents have been reported to Child Protective Services and charged with medical neglect for refusing to give their child a psychiatric drug, such as those currently under investigation for causing suicidal reactions. Parents have been charged with "medical neglect" for refusing psychiatric treatment - despite the fact that there is no scientific proof that there is anything medically wrong with the child.

Ø In a recent report by Allen Jones, a former investigator in the Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General (OIG), Bureau of Special Investigations, condemning the New Freedom Commission (NFC), he states, "Despite a nearly 500% increase in American children being prescribed mental health drugs during the past 6 years, the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health found that not enough adolescents are benefiting from mental health treatment. The NFC recommendations prominently call for mandatory mental health screening for all high school students, with follow-up 'treatment' as required - this means more kids on mind-altering and potentially lethal psychiatric drugs."


Informant: Sandra Lee/DE OPPRESSO LIBER

Prison Abuse Calls for 9/11-Type Probe



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