
Voting System Results Still Out

The maligned punch cards that snarled the 2000 count are all but gone. But with electronic machines under attack as unreliable and vulnerable to hackers, there is little consensus about what the new technology should look like.


Support for Bush Drops among US Military

Support for President George W. Bush's Iraq policy has fallen among the US armed forces to just 54 percent from 63 percent a year ago, according to a poll by the magazine group Military Times.


For Bush, a Test in the Midterms

E. J. Dionne Jr. writes that elections at midterm can be low-interest affairs or immensely important. This fall's congressional elections will be a big show with large consequences, because 2006 is looking a lot like the political years 1958, 1966 and 1978, all of which heralded major political transformations.


Question for Judge Alito: What about One Person One Vote?

Senator Joseph Biden Jr., the Delaware Democrat who will be one of those doing the questioning when confirmation hearings begin next week, said recently that Judge Alito's statements about one person one vote could do more to jeopardize his nomination than his statements about Roe v. Wade.


Looks Like Bush Knew Wiretaps Were Wrong

While President Bush denies any wrongdoing in the National Security Agency domestic wiretap and data-mining program, saying yesterday that it was perfectly legal, actions by top officials in his own administration suggest Bush and his inner circle of confidants did indeed know the spying was wrong.


US Rep. Murtha Says He Wouldn't Join Military Now

A decorated Vietnam combat veteran who retired as a colonel after 37 years in the US Marine Corps, Murtha told ABC News's "Nightline" that Iraq "absolutely" was a wrong war for President George W. Bush to have launched.


La Nina Setting In: North Pacific Anomaly dissolving


During the last three weeks, the equatorial Pacific has clearly veered into a mild La Nina condition from Peru to 180 degrees. This emerging condition is accompanied with the evaporation of the hot spot in the North Pacific, which has driven the unusual jet stream and weather conditions in the Northern portion of the Western U.S. So the weather oddities will dissolve, but this will be a COLD WINTER for certain and it may easily deepen much more drastically during the next two weeks. So far it appears to me over the past five years that La Nina and high Sunspot Peaks tend to cancel out each other's influence in the Pacific, moderating each other's impact. La Nina reduces air flow. Sunspot Peaks increase it.

To check the latest status of the Change In The Earth and the location of Earth's Axis, go to:

Michael Wells Mandeville,
The Hills of Arizona
at mwman@earthlink.net

Gegen "Sozialschnüffelei": Hartz-IV-Gegner kündigen neue Aktionsformen an


Die "Hartz IV"-Gegner planen neue Formen des Protests. An Stelle der bisherigen wöchentlichen Montagsdemonstrationen sollen vielfältige Aktionen treten, wie Vertreter des bundesweiten Bündnisses "Agenturschluss" am Montag in Berlin erklärten. Das Netzwerk, das vor einem Jahr zur Einführung der Arbeitsmarktreformen die Proteste in vielen Städten Deutschlands initiiert hatte, zog jetzt in einem "Schwarzbuch" Zwischenbilanz.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Wirtschaftsminister Glos für längere Laufzeiten der Atomkraftwerke

Für Steinkohle und Atom: Wirtschaftsminister Glos für längere Laufzeiten der Atomkraftwerke (03.01.06)

Bundeswirtschaftsminister Michael Glos (CSU) hat vor dem Hintergrund des Gasstreits zwischen Russland und der Ukraine die Debatte über den Atomausstieg neu entfacht. Darüber müsse man nun "neu nachdenken", sagte Glos am Montag und verlangte, auf in Deutschland verfügbare Energiequellen zu setzen. Neben Steinkohle seien dies Atomkraftwerke, die von der rot-grünen Bundesregierung aus "politischen Gründen zum Abschalten verurteilt" worden seien. Die Grünen verurteilten den Vorstoß als "Griff in die energiepolitische Mottenkiste".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Sicherheitswahn: Datenschützer fordert zu Protesten gegen Überwachung auf

Der schleswig-holsteinische Datenschutzbeauftragte Thilo Weichert hat zu Protesten gegen die zunehmende staatliche Überwachung aller Bürger ermuntert. "Die Menschen müssen es sich nicht gefallen lassen, dass ihnen ihr Datenschutz und ihre Kommunikationsfreiheiten genommen werden, dass sie zu Nummern reduziert werden, die mit etwas Glück in der großen Lostrommel von Missbrauchsbekämpfung und Sicherheitswahn einen Bürgerrechts-Treffer ziehen", erklärte der Leiter des Unabhängigen Landeszentrums für Datenschutz. 2006 dürfe nicht das "Jahr der Vorratsdatenspeicherung" werden. Das zivilgesellschaftliche und bürgerrechtliche Aufbegehren gegen die verfassungswidrigen Bestrebungen zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung müsse gestärkt werden, "um über eine umfassende öffentliche Diskussion die aktuellen Weichenstellungen in eine Überwachungs-Informationsgesellschaft rückgängig zu machen", so Weichert. Die geplanten Vorratsspeicherungen stellten Menschen ohne einen konkreten Anlass unter Gen eralverdacht. Sie trügen dazu bei, dass die Menschen ihr Vertrauen in den Rechtsstaat und in die Sicherheit elektronischer Kommunikationsdienste verlören.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Last Chance to Spare Iran: You Can Do It


It's More Important Than Halting Nuclear Proliferation

Informant: Carol Moore

From ufpj-news

US Abandons Iraqi Reconstruction

The US government is not planning to continue funding reconstruction projects in Iraq, in what appears to be a major climbdown from the White House's one-time pledge to build the best infrastructure in the region.


Mobile phone users become psychologically addicted to using phones




Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Reef's continued downfall dismays divers


Informant: binstock

Our Worrisome MDP

by Robert B. Reich, TomPaine.com

If we measured average Americans' prosperity, the White House would be singing a different economic tune.


The Twin Crises Of 2006

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

Reports that the Bush administration may strike Iranian nuclear facilities promise only further destabilization in Iraq.


Die bewachten Parasiten

Die Redaktion des LabourNet Germany und die „Aktion Agenturschluss“ veröffentlichen eine Jahresbilanz des Widerstandes gegen Agenturen, Erwerbslosenindustrie und Hartz IV. Presseerklärung des LabourNet Germany vom 2.1.06 (pdf)

Ein Jahr Hartz IV „Zum Jahresende wird im Medienwald Bilanz gezogen, leider mit wenig Überraschungen. Die Armut hat zugenommen mit dem Verelendungsprogramm Hartz IV. ALG II-EmpfängerInnen wurden und werden auf den Ämtern schikaniert, erhielten die ihnen zustehenden Zahlungen nicht und legten massenweise Widerspruch ein. Die Beratungsstellen erlebten einen massiven Ansturm, und arbeiteten selbst oft ehrenamtlich weit über die Erschöpfungsgrenze hinaus. Ob 2006 wieder mehr Protest auf der Straße zu erwarten ist?...“ Artikel von „Unsere Träume sind zu groß für Wahlurnen...“ vom 31.12.2005 bei indymedia


Unzitat des Tages: "Hartz IV muss vom Kopf auf die Füße gestellt werden"

Ursula Engelen-Kefer in einem Interview mit der Nachrichtenagentur AP am 29.12.05, zitiert beim DGB


Wir sagen immer noch: Weg damit, mit allen Hartz-Gesetzen!

Aus: LabourNet, 2. Januar 2006

Spooky AOL Ad Says Big Brother Is Watching the Internet


Gewerkschaftlicher Antimilitarismus: Zeitung gegen den Krieg

Zeitung gegen den Krieg Nr. 22 ist erschienen

Schwerpunkte: Folterflüge und US-Airports in der BRD – Große Koalition und großer Krieg? – Die iranische Regierung und die Kriegsgefahr durch die US-Regierung – Kampagne gegen Armee-Rekrutierungen in den USA - Die Lage in den palästinensischen Autonomiegebieten: Gespräch mit Abdallah Franghi – Israel vor Neuwahlen – Atomare Aufrüstung in Großbritannien und Frankreich - Gespräch mit Konstantin Wecker - Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2006. Die neue Ausgabe der ZgK dokumentiert u.a., wie konkret die nächsten Kriege vorbereitet werden. Weitere Informationen und die Bestellmöglichkeiten auf unserer Sonderseite „Zeitung gegen den Krieg“


Aus: LabourNet, 3. Januar 2006

Fehlzeiten und die Jagd auf Kranke

2005: Krankenstand weiter gesunken - Beschäftigte zwei Tage weniger krank als noch vor zwei Jahren

„Von Januar bis November 2005 ging der Krankenstand (3,4 Prozent) weiter zurück (2004: 3,6 Prozent und 2003: 3,7 Prozent, jeweils Januar bis November). 2005 sanken die Krankheitszeiten für die ersten elf Monate auf nur 11,5 Kalendertage, im Jahr 2004 waren es für diesen Zeitraum 11,9 Tage und 2003 noch 13,5 Tage. Somit waren die Beschäftigten von Januar bis November 2005 zwei Tage weniger krankgeschrieben als 2003 (Januar bis November). Damit ist zu erwarten, dass für das gesamte Jahr 2005 der Rekordtiefstand mit nur 13 Tagen Arbeitsunfähigkeit aus dem Jahr 2004 noch unterboten wird…“ Pressemitteilung des BKK Bundesverbandes vom 02.01.2006

Detaillierte Informationen zu psychischen Erkrankungen, branchen- und berufsbezogene Auswertungen aller Krankheitsarten und weitere umfangreiche Analysen liefert der » aktuelle BKK Gesundheitsreport 2005


Aus: LabourNet, 3. Januar 2006

GOP Lobbyist Jack Abramoff to Plead Guilty

The New York Times is reporting that Jack Abramoff will plead guilty to three felony counts in Washington on Wednesday as part of a settlement with federal prosecutors, ending an intense, months-long negotiation over whether the Republican lobbyist would testify against his former colleagues, people involved with the case said.


Abramoff pleads guilty, Ripple Effect Expected


Informant: John Calvert

The Department of Agriculture has failed to regulate field trials of genetically engineered crops adequately, raising the risk of unintended environmental consequences


Informant: binstock

BATTLE of Colman Road


02 January 2006 11:45

Families are facing a fresh battle to stop a mobile phone mast being installed near their homes after a telecommunication giant appealed against a decision to throw it out.

More than 500 people signed a petition against the application by O2 for a 15metre mast near to the Moss Pharmacy in Colman Road.

The campaign, which was orchestrated by University ward councillor Roy Blower, led to planning officers throwing the proposal out in June.

Norwich City Council was not able to divulge why the plans had been rejected, although the council's planning department confirmed the application had been given delegated refusal.

That meant it was rejected before it reached the stage of going before councillors for approval.

However delight for the campaigners has proved short-lived as the phone giant has lodged an appeal with Norwich City Council.

A spokeswoman for O2 previously saidbecause of increased usage of mobile phones more masts had to be put up to help keep up required coverage.

"I'm hopeful that when the appeal is heard common sense will prevail," said Mr Blower.

"We're not arguing only on the grounds of health, but the total intrusion of the mast in a residential area is not what the community wants. I think other alternative sites could be looked at and for commercial reasons they haven't, so I'm hopeful that common sense will prevail."

Paul Brock, owner of Collins Fish Bar which has branches on Colman Road and Dereham Road, said he was disappointed O2 had decided to appeal.

"The majority of our customers are from that area and we support whatever the locals want and they obviously don't want it," he said.

"It would be sad if the people who have signed the petition lost. I don't really know what else you can do — O2 are a big company to fight."

The Evening News has campaigned, through the Put Masts on Hold campaign, against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

Dr Ian Gibson, a long-time supporter of our campaign, said: "Lets hope the planning committee can be consistent and help remove these hated masts."

In December 2002 telecommunications company Hutchinson 3G submitted plans to the city council to put up a 13m mast next to the Colman Road Area Housing Office car park.

A petition was raised against the application on the grounds it would have a negative impact of the surroundings the proposals were thrown out soon after.

Are you battling mobile phone mast plans where you live? Telephone Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on (01603) 772439 or e-mail peter.walsh@archant.co.uk


Government is non-civil because it uses coercion to accomplish its ends

Civil society

The Free Liberal
by Fred E. Foldvary


Civil society has three elements. First is the commercial element, the spontaneous order of an exchange economy, the market for goods and the factors of production. Second is the benevolent element, charitable donations. Third is voluntary association, the creation and organization of clubs, mutual-aid societies, and families. These elements are not distinct, but intertwine like strings in a fabric. The contrast to civil society is imposed government. Government is non-civil because it uses coercion to accomplish its ends...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The new Iraq war strategy

by Michael Schwartz


There are several aspects to this new strategy that we need to keep in mind. First, this is an attempt to lessen the strain on U.S. troops -- the U.S. military in Iraq is in grave danger of collapsing, as it did in Vietnam. So the new strategy seeks to reduce the number of patrols (which are the most grueling and dangerous missions American soldiers undertake) and compensate with more air raids. The hope is that this switch in emphasis will make it possible for U.S. troops to endure more tours of duty in Iraq. But this probably won't work...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Chatting up the TSA

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


Next time you go to the airport be sure to put on a happy face, even if you've been informed that your flight has been delayed by an hour and that you'll miss all your connections. You'll need this cheerful facade to make it through the TSA airport security checkpoint. As if being asked to strip off shoes, coats, belts and other clothing before going through a metal detector and getting your personal belongings x-rayed is not enough, the TSA will begin psychoanalyzing air travelers in 40 major airports next year. TSA screeners, who are not even fully trained law enforcement personnel, let alone professional psychologists, will perform behavior analysis screening on all passengers...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cameras may be looking

Alleghany Times


Whether you're at the mall, the automated teller machine, or driving down the highway, a surveillance camera may be stationed somewhere nearby, monitoring your every move. Cameras are stationed all over the place as property and business owners, along with police and schools, attempt to deter theft, crime and other mishaps by keeping a watchful eye through a hidden lens. Following the recent extension of the U.S. Patriot Act, debates over secret phone tapping, illegal spying and trampled civil liberties have begun to emerge. Although some may say it's nothing more than Big Brother paranoia, hidden cameras are in places you might least expect. Putting cell phone cameras and pocketsize cams into the mix stirs concern from some who see it as an escalating privacy issue. Wal-Mart has cameras pointed in and outside its store. PennDOT has cameras observing traffic on the highway systems. Even homeowners are installing cameras...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

CIA ignored info Iraq had no WMD

Detroit Free Press


A new book on the government's secret anti-terrorism operations describes how the CIA recruited an Iraqi-American anesthesiologist in 2002 to obtain information from her brother, who was a figure in Saddam Hussein's nuclear program. Dr. Sawsan Alhaddad of Cleveland made the dangerous trip to Iraq on the CIA's behalf. The book said her brother was stunned by her questions about the nuclear program because -- he said -- it had been dead for a decade. New York Times reporter James Risen uses the anecdote to illustrate how the CIA ignored information that Iraq no longer had weapons of mass destruction. His book, 'State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration' describes secret operations of the Bush administration's war on terrorism...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Our secret weapon to SAVE the Supreme Court

The People's Email Network thanks you for your diligent participation over the last year, which has already started to result in policy victories, including saving the ANWR from desecration, affirming the ban against torture, and even derailing the Patriot Act.


With this email we announce the launch of a revolutionary NEW and more powerful way of doing online activism. You have reported to us repeated instances of large corporate ISPs blocking our email alerts, and as our numbers have grown we have wracked our brains for the ultimate solution to this problem. Because we are doing action pages for no charge for more and more other groups, you have asked us to find a way to prepopulate those forms for you so you don't have to enter your basic contact information every time. And most of all, because we may not always agree each of us on everything, we have had calls to go back to our original format of voting pages with Yes/No options for all questions. And here is what we have created for you.


From the page link just above you can download the new Desktop Action program. What it does is establish a direct communication link between you and the policy makers you want to talk to, right at your fingertips from your computer desktop, with no computer browser or conventional email alerts from us required. It automatically updates its own selection menus as new priority questions are at issue, and gently lets you know when there is a need for the people to rally to speak out. We have included many other special features like a function to save your personal comments, the ability to import address books, and other things you have been asking for.


On this same page you will also find links to the latest series of action pages, but if you download the Desktop Action program itself you can submit your personal comments on all of them so quickly and easily you will be astounded. The most pressing urgency is to get as many concerned citizens as possible to speak out now on what direction our Supreme Court should go. So please at least speak out on that one, and keep speaking out even if you already have, until the people prevail. With the abuses of presidential power growing more brazen and outrageous by the day, now is the time for the people to speak out together in the loudest voice possible to prevent the installation of a deciding vote for executive tyranny.

Please note, the ONLY way you can obtain a copy of the Desktop Action program is to download a copy directly from the site above. We will never under any circumstances distribute the program in any other way, and for this reason we ask you not to send a copy of the program yourself to anyone else you know, no matter how fantastic and wonderful you think it is. Instead, send all your friends a link to the site above, so they can actually visit the page and know you are getting the latest digitally signed security copy of the Desktop Action program.


In the meantime, if you know anyone who is running for office, especially if there is an incumbent you think deserves to be challenged in their own PRIMARY, please contact us at once and we will set them up with the magic tools you will need to come from nowhere with no money and win. In particular, the best way to persuade those incumbents to vote the correct way now is to make them feel the heat from our side. Email us at once on this as time is of the essence.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Abramoff plea bargain to bring corruption probe to Congress

Houston Chronicle


A plea agreement between prominent lobbyist Jack Abramoff and federal prosecutors is expected this week, bringing a wide-ranging corruption probe to the doors of Congress, according to sources close to the investigation. Abramoff, who collected millions of dollars in controversial fees from Indian tribes with interests in the gambling industry, reached a tentative deal with prosecutors in a Washington-based investigation late last week, according to one of the sources...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Abramoff Expected to Plead Guilty to 3 Felony Charges


Informant: Milo

Critics say the Bush family and the administration have too many ties to Eli Lilly

The Man Behind The Vaccine Mystery

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2002

Rep. Dick Armey, R-Texas, says he's behind a provision in the homeland security bill that protects Eli Lilly and Co. (CBS/AP)


"It's a matter of national security. We need their vaccines if the country is attacked with germ weapons." House Majority Leader Dick Armey

(CBS) It's been a mystery in Washington for weeks. Just before President Bush signed the homeland security bill into law an unknown member of Congress inserted a provision into the legislation that blocks lawsuits against the maker of a controversial vaccine preservative called "thimerosal," used in vaccines that are given to children.

Drug giant Eli Lilly and Company makes thimerosal. It's the mercury in the preservative that many parents say causes autism in thousands of children – like Mary Kate Kilpatrick.

Asked if she thinks her daughter is a victim of thimerosal, Mary Kate's mother, Kathy Kilpatrick, says, "I think autism is mercury poisoning."

But nobody in Congress would admit to adding the provision, reports CBS News Correspondent Jim Acosta – until now.

House Majority Leader Dick Armey tells CBS News he did it to keep vaccine-makers from going out of business under the weight of mounting lawsuits.

"I did it and I'm proud of it," says Armey, R-Texas.

"It's a matter of national security," Armey says. "We need their vaccines if the country is attacked with germ weapons."

Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., isn't buying it. The grandfather of an autistic child, Burton says Armey slipped the provision in at the last minute, too late for debate.

"And I said, 'Who told you to put it in?'" He said, 'No, they asked me to do it at the White House.'"

Critics say the Bush family and the administration have too many ties to Eli Lilly. There's President Bush's father, who sat on the company's board in the 1970's; White House budget director Mitch Daniels, once an Eli Lilly executive; and Eli Lilly CEO Sidney Taurel, who serves on the president's homeland security advisory council.

Officials at the drug giant insist they did nothing wrong. "No one, not our CEO, not myself, not anyone who works with me asked the White House to insert this legislation," said Eli Lilly spokeswoman Debra Steelman.

But Kathy Kilpatrick and her husband Michael argue that the thimerosal provision is not designed to protect the nation, but rather to protect Eli Lilly.

Asked what he'd say to a congressman who came forward and admitted he was responsible for inserting the provision, Michael Kilpatrick says, "I would ask him if he knew he was protecting mercury being shot into our kids."

Kathy Kilpatrick asks, "Why would anyone want to save Eli Lilly on our children's backs?"

Because Armey is retiring at the end of the year, some say the outgoing majority leader is the perfect fall guy to take the heat and shield the White House from embarrassment.

It's a claim both the White house and Armey deny.

© MMII, CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Informant: Milo

Chemical-Data Plan Catalyzes Opposition


Informant: binstock

Mobilfunkpolitik und Demokratie im Widerstreit


Mobilfunk, Mensch und Recht

Mobilfunk, Mensch und Recht


Kommentar (Augenzeugenbericht) von Evi Gaigg, Vorstandsmitglied von Gigaherz.ch:

Die Pressemeldung

Omega siehe unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1306872/

ist unvollständig, denn es gab dazu weitere Referenten mit sehr interessanten Vorträgen. Dass keine Vertreter der Mobilfunkbetreiber eingeladen wurden, bezeichne ich nicht als Manko, denn diese werden doch in schöner Regelmässigkeit an alle anderen Info-Veranstaltungen geladen, jeweils mit dem Vorwand der "Ausgewogenheit" und meist erst noch in grosser Überzahl. Und dies, obwohl sie ja von vornherein schon am längeren Hebelarm sitzen. Genau auf diese Spezies konnte man leicht verzichten. Ich erinnere nur an Swisscom CEO‘s Carsten Schloter: "Mobiltelefonieren ist ein Menschenrecht" und Jens Alder: "Das Anschauen eines Fussballspiels auf dem Handy ist ein Menschenrecht." Was also hätten diese Leute beitragen können? Ihre Haltung ist ja bestens bekannt.

Was leider negativ auffiel, war eine Dame, die nach ihren eigenen Angaben die österreichischen Mobilfunkkritiker vertreten sollte, aber offenbar sehr eng mit den neuen Abwieglern in der WHO verbandelt ist. Die Frage stellt sich, wer sie an die WHO delegiert hat. Sicher nicht die zahlreichen Bürgerinitiativen Oesterreichs. Wäre das der Fall, müsste man sie schleunigst abberufen. Sie hat sich leider derart daneben benommen, während der Vorträge laut im Hintergrund Unterhaltungen geführt (trotz wiederholter Mahnung und Bitte der Moderatorin), so dass die Hörerschaft reklamieren musste. Sie fiel einem Referenten mitten im Vortrag ins Wort, um sich zu verbreiten und aufzuspielen, in geradezu widerlicher Art. Und als Gipfel von allem regte sie sich auf, dass Ärzte und Wissenschafter den WHO-Beauftragten, Dr. Michael Repacholi scharf kritisiert haben. Das Fact-Sheet 296 der WHO vom 5. Dezember 05 trägt Repacholis Handschrift und ist nicht mehr wert, als in den Papierkorb geschmissen zu werden (nachzulesen unter http://www.gigaherz.ch/981 ).

Diese Dame, namens Eva Marsalek, hat der Bewegung gegen die Auswüchse des Mobilfunks ganz allgemein einen denkbar schlechten Dienst erwiesen, jenen auf österreichischem Boden im Besonderen. Ihr Auftreten liess eine gute Kinderstube völlig vermissen, war gekennzeichnet durch Arroganz, Selbstgefälligkeit und übersteigerten Geltungsdrang. Es entstand der Eindruck, dass sie die Seiten gewechselt hat, aus welchen Gründen auch immer. Wozu hätten da wohl noch die Mobilfunkbetreiber eingeladen werden sollen? Das Kuckucksei war ja dabei.

Das stand in dem Artikel diepresse.com Wien nicht drin, sollte aber nicht verschwiegen werden. Ein Bericht über den Verlauf dieser sehr interessanten Podiumsdiskussion wird folgen, sobald es unsere Zeit erlaubt.

http://www.gigaherz.ch/984 (Auszug)


Mobilfunkpolitik und Demokratie im Widerstreit

The Public's Nightmare: EPA Allows Pesticide Testing On Orphans, Mentally Handicapped, Abused And Neglected Children

"On August 2, 2005, Congress had mandated the EPA create a rule that permanently bans chemical testing on pregnant women and children, without exception. But the EPA's newly proposed rule, is ridden with exceptions where chemical studies may be performed on children in certain situations like the followin:"

Children who "cannot be reasonably consulted," such as those that are mentally handicapped or orphaned newborns, may be tested on. With permission from the institution or guardian in charge of the individual, the child may be exposed to chemicals for the sake of research.

Parental consent forms are not necessary for testing on children who have been neglected or abused.

Chemical studies on any children outside of the U.S. are acceptable"

..... http://www.organicconsumers.org/epa6.cfm


NOTE: This alert is now closed. Public comment period to the EPA expired on December 12, 2005. Sign up on our email list here, and we will keep you posted on this issue. Thanks for your involvement.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

EXPIRED ALERT TEXT: Public comments are now being accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its newly proposed federal regulation regarding the testing of chemicals and pesticides on human subjects. On August 2, 2005, Congress had mandated the EPA create a rule that permanently bans chemical testing on pregnant women and children, without exception. But the EPA's newly proposed rule, is ridden with exceptions where chemical studies may be performed on children in certain situations like the following:

Children who "cannot be reasonably consulted," such as those that are mentally handicapped or orphaned newborns, may be tested on. With permission from the institution or guardian in charge of the individual, the child may be exposed to chemicals for the sake of research. Parental consent forms are not necessary for testing on children who have been neglected or abused. Chemical studies on any children outside of the U.S. are acceptable. Send a letter to EPA here!

OCA's focal concerns with this proposed rule specifically involve the following portions of text within the EPA document (Read the full EPA proposed rule here: PDF --- HTML):

70 FR 53865 26.408(a) "The IRB (Independent Review Board) shall determine that adequate provisions are made for soliciting the assent of the children, when in the judgment of the IRB the children are capable of providing assent...If the IRB determines that the capability of some or all of the children is so limited that they cannot reasonably be consulted, the assent of the children is not a necessary condition for proceeding with the research. Even where the IRB determines that the subjects are capable of assenting, the IRB may still waive the assent requirement..."

(OCA NOTE: Under this clause, a mentally handicapped child or infant orphan could be tested on without assent. This violates the Nuremberg Code, an international treaty that mandates assent of test subjects is "absolutely essential," and that the test subject must have "legal capacity to give consent" and must be "so situated as to exercise free power of choice." This loophole in the rule must be completely removed.)

70 FR 53865 26.408(c) "If the IRB determines that a research protocol is designed for conditions or for a subject population for which parental or guardian permission is not a reasonable requirement to protect the subjects (for example, neglected or abused children), it may waive the consent requirements..."

(OCA NOTE: Under the general rule, the EPA is saying it's okay to test chemicals on children if their parents or institutional guardians consent to it. This clause says that neglected or abused children have unfit guardians, so no consent would be required to test on those children. This loophole in the rule must be completely removed.)

70 FR 53864 26.401 (a)(2) "To What Do These Regulations Apply? It also includes research conducted or supported by EPA outside the United States, but in appropriate circumstances, the Administrator may, under § 26.101(e), waive the applicability of some or all of the requirements of these regulations for research..."

(OCA NOTE: This clause is stating that the Administrator of the EPA has the power to completely waive regulations on human testing, if the testing is done outside of the U.S. This will allow chemical companies to do human testing in other countries where these types of laws are less strict. This loophole in the rule must be completely removed.)

70 FR 53857 "EPA proposes an extraordinary procedure applicable if scientifically sound but ethically deficient human research is found to be crucial to EPA's fulfilling its mission to protect public health. This procedure would also apply if a scientifically sound study covered by proposed § 26.221 or § 26.421--i.e., an intentional dosing study involving pregnant women or children as subjects..."

(OCA NOTE: This clause allows the EPA to accept or conduct "ethically deficient" studies of chemical tests on humans if the agency deems it necessary to fulfull its mission. Unfortunately, the EPA report sets up no criteria for making such an exception with any particular study. This ambiguity leaves a gaping loophole in the rule. Without specific and detailed criteria, it could be argued that any and every study of chemical testing on humans is "necessary." This loophole in the rule must be removed, based on this inadequacy of criteria and definition.)

By mail: Send two copies of your comments to:
Public Information and Records Integrity Branch (PIRIB)
Office of Pesticide Programs
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mail Code: 7502C
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC, 20460-0001

Attention: Docket ID Number OPP-2003-0132

Q&A Section

1) Question: I read on Snopes that this alert is false. Is that true?

Answer: The Snopes/Urban Legends posting is actually in regards to an EPA proposed study called CHEERS and an alert we had sent out regarding that in late 2004
http://www.organicconsumers.org/epa-alert.htm . It is not directly related to this alert. The Snopes posting did a great disservice to that issue in their inaccuracy and lack of research into this issue. We spend massive amounts of staff time researching these issues, confer with outside experts on the topic, and cite dozens of references. The Snopes website, while valuable with most of its information, is not always accurate, and that is the case here. In fact, you'll find they reference only a couple of newspaper articles to backup their stance on this issue. Fortunately, enough concerned citizens, several nonprofits, dozens of mainstream newspapers, and many congress members, actually did their research on the EPA study and found that study was, in fact, very problematic. In fact, in early 2005, the EPA CHEERS study was permanently dropped, thanks to pressure from Congress. In August of 2005 Congress went a step further and mandated the EPA pass a rule that bans all testing of chemicals on children and pregnant women, without exception. That is what this alert pertains to. Snopes hasn't posted any information about this particular alert, and we hope they do their research this time. We ask our readers to do your research, as well. No single alert or single website will provide you with all of the information you need. We provided dozens of links on our alerts to external resources that allow you to further research and reference all of the information we provide. If you have questions, we're always happy to help out craig@organicconsumers.org

2) Question: I read the EPA website and part of the introduction of the rule, claims the rule is to prohibit all such testing and to establish sanctions. That sounds like a good thing. So what's the problem?

Answer: The EPA is proposing a rule that they would like to have approved. Anytime you are marketing a product, you sell its best points and hope that people won't look too deeply and find its flaws. The EPA website and the introductory description of the rule are very long winded and flowery, claiming this rule abides by the congressional mandate to ban all testing of women and children, without exception. In fact, if you read the rule, which is 30 pages of fine print, there are multiple exceptions. We have noted those in our template letter to the EPA and on our action alert page. This is a specific layout of the problematic text as taken directly from the actual EPA rule. In short, these are the loopholes in the document that need to be removed, as mandated by congress, which says the rule must have no exceptions.

3) Question: The rule says these waivers apply when the IRB sees a benefit of the test for the children involved, and also calls for supplementary protective measures when necessary. That sounds like a good thing. So what's the problem?

Answer: Actually, you are referencing a point made under subpart §26.405 of the rule. That subpart is designed to only address "research presenting the prospect of direct benefit to the individual subjects." In that subpart, it says that "more than minimal" risk to children subjects is acceptable if there is a chance it could benefit the child. Outside of that subpart, there are no stipulations requiring that the studies be beneficial to the test subjects. Anywhere else in the document where this type of situation is noted, it is under an "or" clause. In other words, the loopholes for this rule state that the rule can be disregarded if the study was done overseas, OR the test subject's guardian consents, OR if the study may be of benefit to society as a whole, OR if the study may be of benefit to the test subject, etc. The study also calls for supplementary protective measures when necessary but outlines no criteria for how this "necessity" is defined or determined. Without a clearly defined line of what is acceptable and what is not, it's at the whim of the IRB, EPA administrator or third party research organization to determine whether or not supplementary protective measures are necessary. In that sense, it could simply mean the IRB might determine, for example, a test subject should wear safety goggles when being doused with atrazine. In other words, without specific definition of what defines a situation that calls for further supplementary protective measures, this becomes a simple, flowery token statement with no meaning and no teeth.

6) Question: The EPA sent me a letter back that says "EPA's proposed rule would ban EPA from conducting or supporting any intentional dosing study of pregnant women or children with pesticides or any other environmental substances. All children are included in this ban. There are no exceptions." They seem to be saying this rule is for studies that don't involve intentional dosing. Is that correct?

Answer: That is incorrect and is misleading PR from the EPA that contradicts the text of their actual proposed rule. As you can see above, we have outlined the specfic text in the rule that we have problems with. Nowhere in the rule does the EPA say that all intentional dosing studies are banned, yet that is exactly what congress had asked them to do. In fact, the rule goes so far as to make make allowances for what it refers to as"ethically deficient human research." (70 FR 53857). In short, the EPA is making public relations claims that completely contradict what is clearly written in balck and white in the actual proposed rule.

5) Question: I can't get your email form to work. How can I send comments to the EPA directly?

Answer: By mail: Send two copies of your comments to: Public Information and Records Integrity Branch (PIRIB) Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code: 7502C
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC, 20460-0001 Attention: Docket ID Number OPP-2003-0132

By email: send comments to opp-docket@epa.gov The subject line should read: "Attention: Docket ID Number OPP-2003-0132 "

If you have questions, we're always happy to help out, but please read all of the information provided on this alert page and follow the links on the right hand side of this page to further information prior to contacting us with questions. craig@organicconsumers.org

Other Organizations Working on this alert (These organizations also have further information about this alert on their websites)

Center for Health and Environmental Justice
Natural Resources Defense Council
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
Beyond Pesticides
Physicians for Social Responsibility
California Safe Schools
Pesticide Action Network of North America

Related News Articles:

12/16 - EPA regulation to put kids at risk
12/14 - EPA Chemical Testing Rules to Allow Human Toxicity Studies
(Source-The New Standard: NY)
12/9 - EPA's Own Scientists Speak Out Against Proposed Rule Allowing Chemical Testing on Children
12/8 - EPA comes under fire for testing pesticides on children (Source: News Target)
12/7 - EPA to Allow Pesticide Testing on the Handicapped
12/5 - EPA to Allow Chemical Testing (Source: WNY Media Network NY)
11/30 - Pesticide Action Network of North America launches campaign against EPA proposed human testing rule
11/29 -Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis Speaks Out Against EPA's Proposed Rule
11/29 - OCA's Rebuttal Letter Regarding EPA's Attempts to Discredit Those in Opposition to this Rule
11/29 - Congresswoman Hilda Solis (D-CA) writes editorial to Environmental Law Institute condemning EPA's proposed human testing rule
11/28 - Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility Launch a Campaign Against EPA's Human Testing Proposal
11/27 - Center for Health and Environmental Justice Posts Serious Concerns about EPA Proposed Human Testing
11/26 - Natural Resources Defense Council Posts Comments Opposing EPA Human Testing Proposal
10/15 - San Francisco Chronicle Covers EPA Testing Proposal
9/26 - Baltimore Sun Posts Letter to the Editor from Natural Resources Defense Council Condemning EPA's Misleading PR Scheme on Human Testing Rule
9/20 - Natural Resources Defense Council Gives Background Q&A Sheet Refuting EPA's Claims That The Rule has no Exceptions
9/15 - Exceptions in new EPA rules would allow testing pesticides on children (Baltimore Sun)
9/8 - Washington Post Covers EPA Chemical Testing Proposal
7/1 - Senate Votes to Stop EPA from Allowing Testing of Toxic Pesticides on Humans
6/28 - Congress Questions EPA about Human Toxin Testing
6/28 - LA Times: EPA Criticized for Pesticide Testing Rules
6/28 - Congressional Flash Report on EPA's proposed rule changes
6/27 - Washington Post: EPA Proposal Would Allow Human Tests Of Pesticides
6/16 - EPA reviewing 24 human pesticide tests
2/8 - EPA Avoids Regulation of Chemical Experiments on Humans Send a letter to EPA here!

Forward this alert to friends and colleagues

Related Online Resources: Read the full EPA proposed rule (PDF --- HTML) National Academy of Sciences report to EPA on human testing, advising the agency discontinue unethical practices Environmental Health Perspectives scientific journal analyzes human chemical testing and public policy:

Related Quotes from Congress and NGOs:

"Such rule shall not permit the use of pregnant women, infants or children as subjects; shall be consistent with the principles proposed in the 2004 report of the National Academy of Sciences on intentional human dosing and the principles of the Nuremberg Code with respect to human experimentation; and shall establish an independent Human Subjects Review Board."

Congressional Mandate to EPA, requiring the agency create a rule banning testing of pregnant women and children. The law was passed on August 2, 2005 , as part of the Department of Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-54

"A proposed rule on human pesticide testing that fails to protect children and families should be shelved immediately. A protective rule must be issued in its place,"

Senator. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in an interview with the Washington Post on this issue

"For the first time in our nation's history, the EPA has proposed a program to allow for the systematic and everyday experimentation of pesticides on humans. Moreover, the proposed program is riddled with ethical loopholes."

Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA) in an interview with the Baltimore Sun

"I am especially concered that the administration's proposed rule fails to meet its congressional mandate and to provide the safety that Americans desire and deserve. For example, the proposed rule, despite its claims, allows intentional testing on pregnant women and children in at least three circumstances."

Congresswoman Hilda Solis (D-CA) article in Environmental Law Institute

"EPA's proposal is the pesticide industry's dream, and the public's nightmare."

Richard Wiles, senior vice president of Environmental Working Group

"The exemptions are obviously driven by the pesticide industry's goal of relaxing pesticide safety standards. The rule says it's acceptable to test children if there is a direct benefit. How can any child possibly benefit from exposure to pesticides? What was EPA thinking about?"

Aaron Colangelo, a senior staff lawyer with the Natural Resources Defense Fund

Informant: Friends

How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless


USA treiben Überwachung per RFID voran

San Franciscos Flughafen testet Pässe mit Funkchips

03.01.2006 11:50 | von silicon.de

Das US-Ministerium für Heimatschutz wird ab Mitte Januar am Flughafen von San Francisco erstmals Reisepässe mit integriertem RFID-Chip (Radio Frequency Identification) testen. Australien, Neuseeland und Singapur haben bereits damit begonnen, entsprechend ausgestattete Reisepässe auszustellen. Da viele Personen aus diesen Ländern den Flughafen von San Francisco passierten, sei er der passende Ort, um die Funktechnologie zu testen, sagte eine Sprecherin des Ministeriums.

Im Oktober hatte das US-Außenministerium die endgültigen Vorschriften für Reisepässe erlassen, die nach Oktober 2006 ausgestellt werden. Demnach müssen die Dokumente mit einem RFID-Chip ausgerüstet sein, auf dem die persönlichen Daten des Besitzers und ein digitales Foto gespeichert sind. Vor San Francisco hat im vergangenen Herbst bereits der Flughafen in Los Angeles Test mit RFID-Pässen durchgeführt.

Darüber hinaus gibt es weitere Projekte. So wurden die Funkchips auch in die so genannten 'I-94-Formulare' integriert. Diese müssen Personen bei sich haben, die häufig die US-Grenze passieren. Erste Zwischenergebnisse der Tests an insgesamt fünf US-Grenzen werden im März präsentiert - danach soll über das weitere Vorgehen entschieden werden.

© 2003-2005 silicon.de. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


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Should the White House continue ordering selected wiretaps without warrants? - Full Speed Ahead After 9/11, Bush and Cheney pressed for more power and got it


Mon Jan 2, 2006 21:48

Should the White House continue ordering selected wiretaps without warrants?

* 28451 responses Yes 13% No 86% I don't know 1%


Full Speed Ahead After 9/11, Bush and Cheney pressed for more power and got it. Now, predictably, the questions begin. Behind the NSA spying furor.


By Evan Thomas and Daniel Klaidman Newsweek

Jan. 9, 2006 issue - The talk at the White House in the days and weeks after 9/11 was all about suitcase nukes and germ warfare and surprise decapitation strikes. Every morning, as they crossed West Executive Drive on their way to work in the West Wing, Bush administration staffers recall seeing a plain white truck with a galvanized metal chimney. Sensors sniffing for pathogens or radioactivity, they guessed, though they couldn't be sure. Like just about everything else at that spooky time, the purpose of the truck was a secret.

Such chilling sights are not likely to inspire thoughtful ruminations about the separation of powers or the true meaning of the Fourth Amendment's ban on unreasonable searches and seizures. The message to White House lawyers from their commander in chief, recalls one who was deeply involved at the time, was clear enough: find a way to exercise the full panoply of powers granted the president by Congress and the Constitution. If that meant pushing the boundaries of the law, so be it. The Bush administration did not throw away the Bill of Rights in the months and years that followed; indeed, NEWSWEEK has learned, ferocious behind-the-scenes infighting stalled for a time the administration's ambitious program of electronic spying on U.S. citizens at home and abroad.

On one day in the spring of 2004, White House chief of staff Andy Card and the then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales made a bedside visit to John Ashcroft, attorney general at the time, who was stricken with a rare and painful pancreatic disease, to try—without success—to get him to reverse his deputy, Acting Attorney General James Comey, who was balking at the warrantless eavesdropping. Miffed that Comey, a straitlaced, by-the-book former U.S. attorney from New York, was not a "team player" on this and other issues, President George W. Bush dubbed him with a derisive nickname, "Cuomo," after Mario Cuomo, the New York governor who vacillated over running for president in the 1980s. (The White House denies this; Comey declined to comment.)

In a perfect democracy trying to strike a balance between civil liberties and national security, there would be reasoned, open debate between representatives of the different branches of government. But human nature and politics rarely work in neat and orderly ways. In moments of crisis, presidents, if they believe in executive power (and most inevitably do), will do almost anything to protect the country. Only after the crisis ebbs does the debate begin over the proper means and ends, and by then the people and their representatives are often shocked to find what the president has done in the name of protecting them. More than four years after September 11, America finds itself debating some of the oldest issues in our history: how to balance liberty and security, how much power we should cede to the White House and whether what the historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. dubbed "The Imperial Presidency" amid Watergate is a good thing, a bad thing or something in between. That the war on terror is unconventional and seemingly endless adds to the difficulty and raises the stakes.

After 9/11, President Bush and his top advisers faced, they believed, a mortal yet invisible enemy. The mightiest armed forces in the world were not effective against such a shadowy foe. Nor were human spies much help. Movies and novels notwithstanding, the CIA had rarely (if ever) penetrated a terrorist cell. America's one true weapon was technology. Spy satellites and the massive computers of the National Security Agency (so secret it was nicknamed "No Such Agency") were able to pluck telephone and e-mail conversations out of the air and ether. The NSA could cock a giant ear to America's enemies—and, ideally, overhear their plots.

As communications were increasingly digitized and encrypted, intelligence experts sometimes warned that the NSA was going deaf. Rare public statements by top NSA officials seemed to give credence to that worry. It appears, however, that the NSA was secretly working on sophisticated "data mining," computer programs that could sift through vast amounts of information searching for patterns and connections—in effect, "Googling" America's enemies. After 9/11, the government was criticized for not "connecting the dots," linking and following up on clues, like phone calls from hijackers hiding in the United States to their terror masters abroad. With the NSA's computers fully cranked up, Bush administration officials hoped, they would find other terrorist "sleeper cells" before they could strike again.



Defending the indefensible, Bush’s illegal wiretaps


Defending the indefensible, Bush’s illegal wiretaps on American citizens is one more straw on a camel's back that was shattered a long time ago.

Don’t buy into the lies that Fox and Drudge tell about Clinton & Carter.

Media Matters: Top 12 media myths and falsehoods on the Bush administration's spying scandal.

Meanwhile, CNN fills its Novak hole with Bill Bennett. Bin Laden’s niece shows her goods in GQ.

1/5 of your president’s time is spent on the ranch!

Oh, and by the way, we plan on screwing Iraq again.

These stories and much more on today’s Randi Rhodes Show.




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Only if we limit the feds. Article by Ron Paul.

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Cindy Sheehan in Ireland, England, and Spain.

Cindy Sheehan

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Waging: Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk-Ausbau


Waging am See. Eine gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft zu unterstützen und die Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes zu berücksichtigen: Diese beiden Anliegen will der Waginger Gemeinderat in den Landesentwicklungsplan aufgenommen haben. Die entsprechenden Anträge von Georg Huber wurden in der letzten Sitzung mit 14 gegen sechs Stimmen angenommen.

Konkret beantragt die Gemeinde Waging demnach, dass "die ausreichende Versorgung mit Telekommunikationsdiensten umwelt- und sozialverträglich erfolgen" solle. Dabei sei beim Ausbau der Mobilfunknetze besonders die Gesundheitsvorsorge zu berücksichtigen. Im Übrigen solle bei weiteren Mobilfunk-Maßnahmen auf einen sparsamen Flächenverbrauch und auf die Schonung der Landwirtschaft geachtet werden. Schließlich wird auch noch der zusätzliche Antrag gestellt, doch eine flächendeckende Versorgung mit öffentlichen Telefonzellen aufrecht zu erhalten. Die zunehmende Demontage öffentlicher Telefonzellen, so heißt es in der von Georg Huber formulierten Begründung, widerspreche dem landesplanerischen Ziel "einer unbeeinträchtigten Versorgung mit öffentlichen Telefonstellen".

Zum Thema Landwirtschaft soll, so der weitere Beschluss des Waginger Gemeinderates, noch eingefügt werden, dass "die Entscheidung vieler Landwirte und Verbraucher für eine gentechnikfreie Produktionsweise durch geeignete Maßnahmen zu unterstützen und substanziell zu sichern" sei.

Als Begründung für diesen Zusatz wird angeführt: "Die Ausbringung gentechnisch manipulierten Saatgutes kann zu unübersehbaren und nicht rückholbaren Folgen führen. Genmanipulierte Pflanzen können sich in der Natur unkontrolliert ausbreiten und eine gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft unmöglich machen. Deshalb sollte die freie Entscheidung vieler Landwirte für eine gentechnikfreie Produktion als Ziel der Landesplanung begrüßt und staatlicherseits unterstützt werden."

Generell habe jede Gemeinde die Möglichkeit, so hatte Bürgermeister Sepp Daxenberger in das Thema eingeführt, Anträge zur Änderung des Landesentwicklungsplans zu stellen. Von daher bleibe es dem Gemeinderat überlassen, entsprechende Vorschläge einzubringen. Im Landtag werde sich dann ein dafür zuständiger Ausschuss mit den eingegangenen Anträgen zu befassen haben und über sie abstimmen.

Etwas skeptisch war dagegen Walter Staudinger: Er wisse nicht, so meinte er, ob solche Anträge wie die von Georg Huber gestellten wirklich Aufgabe des Gemeinderates seien. "Da ist schon viel Weltanschauung mit dabei!" Dennoch aber stellte sich der Gemeinderat schließlich mit deutlicher Mehrheit hinter die Anträge in Sachen Mobilfunk und Gentechnik. he


Roberts, Alito Side with Business

Business couldn't do any better than Chief Justice John Roberts and Samuel Alito on the Supreme Court. The prospect of the two on the Supreme Court signals to manufacturers and businesses that they will have allies in high places, say academics and business experts.


Bush Says, Bring It On: The Critics Will

The NSA operation - and particularly Bush's decision to bypass the generally amenable Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for authorization - has drawn fire not only from liberal Democrats but also from some of the most conservative in Bush's party.


Willy Peter: the U.S. is again using white phosphorus

The US is again using white phosphorus, a chemical munition known more commonly in the military as Willy Peter, writes Danny Mayer. For the Pentagon, at least, the "shake and bake" missions are a "potent psychological weapon" that will drive the enemy "out of their holes." For those getting "smoked out of their holes," there is very little, if anything, psychological about Willy Peter.


Open Letter from an Iraqi

Dahr Jamail publishes an open letter to Mr. Bush he received recently from a friend who lives in Baghdad. "While there is deep concern about the possibility of civil war, the common talk between all groups now in Iraq is the poor infrastructure, poor electricity, deficiency of fuels, bad drinking water, poor health services, poor education and extensive unemployment."



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