
$5,000 for loss of wife and son: how US prices death

By Phil Sands

Hameed Hassan sat in the remains of his car, next to his dead wife, and watched his four-year-old son begin to bleed to death. The family had been on the way to buy clothes in Rawah's small market when the American soldiers opened fire. A helicopter gunship joined in the attack, cutting the car and two of its occupants to pieces.


The media are minimising US and British war crimes in Iraq

The reporting of the Iraqi death toll - both in its scale and account of who is doing the killing - is profoundly dishonest

By George Monbiot

We can expect the US and UK governments to seek to minimise the extent of their war crimes. But it's time the media stopped collaborating.


President Bush's Walkabout

After President Bush's disastrous visit to Latin America, it's unnerving to realize that his presidency still has more than three years to run. An administration with no agenda and no competence would be hard enough to live with on the domestic front. But the rest of the world simply can't afford an American government this bad for that long.


Lying with Intelligence

Robert Scheer writes that one by one, the exotic intelligence factoids Bush's researchers culled from raw intelligence data files to publicly bolster their claim of imminent threat - the yellowcake uranium from Niger, the aluminum tubes for processing uranium, the Prague meeting with Mohamed Atta, the discredited Iraqi informants "Curveball" and Ahmad Chalabi — have been exposed as previously known frauds.


Blair Seduced by American Power, War

Prime Minister Tony Blair was so "seduced" by the "proximity and glamour of American power" that he failed to use his leverage with President Bush to slow the rush to war with Iraq, Britain's former ambassador to the United States has written in a new book.


Supreme Court to Review Bush War Powers

The Supreme Court yesterday agreed to rule on the legality of the Bush administration's planned military commissions for accused terrorists, setting up what could be one of the most significant rulings on presidential war powers since the end of World War II.


US Severs Most Contacts with Syria

The United States has cut off nearly all contact with the Syrian government as the Bush administration steps up a campaign to weaken and isolate President Bashar Assad's government, according to US and Syrian officials.


Für eine Zukunft ohne Gift: jetzt mitmachen!

Drängen Sie noch heute Ihre Parlamentsmitglieder, für ein weniger toxisches REACH Programm zu stimmen!

Am 17. November werden Parlamentsmitglieder über den Antrag für eine neue EU Chemikalienpolitik (REACH) abstimmen. Diese Gesetzgebung soll darauf abzielen, Kontrollen für die Produktion und Anwendung von Chemikalien einzuführen. Der Schutz der menschlichen Gesundheit, von Natur und Umwelt sollte zwar verbessert werden, doch sollte eine solche Regelung nicht auf grausamen und ineffizienten Tierversuchen basieren.

Wie von der Kommission geplant, würde REACH dazu führen, dass die Zahl der in Tests benutzten Tiere massiv erhöht wird. Jedoch wurden Änderungsnachträge von dem Parlamentsmitglied Dr. Caroline Lucas eingebracht, die alle Tierversuche durch tierversuchsfreie Alternativen ersetzen würden, und - danke Ihrer Hilfe - wurden eine beträchtliche Zahl dieser Anträge im Oktober vom Umweltkomitee des Europäischen Parlamentes angenommen. Die bis dato angenommenen Anträge würden die Gesamtzahl der an Tieren zu testenden Chemikalien um rund 80 Prozent verringern.

Das nächste Stadium in diesem Prozess jedoch ist entscheidend: Das gesamte Parlament stimmt über den Environment Committee Report ab. In diesem Stadium könnte die vom Komitee angenommene tierversuchsfreie Strategie verloren gehen. Bitte schreiben Sie daher unbedingt noch heute, damit diese so wichtige Tierschutzmaßnahme nicht im politischen Geschehen untergeht. Bitte schreiben Sie an Ihre Parlamentsmitglieder bis zum 16. November und fordern Sie Folgendes höflich, aber mit Nachdruck:

1. Bitte unterstützen Sie alle Änderungsanträge, die vom Umweltkomitee zur Verringerung von Tierversuchen vorgelegt wurden:

* Nur tierversuchsfreie Methoden sollen verlangt werden, um potentielle Gefahren für Gesundheit und Umwelt durch Chemikalien zu prüfen, die produziert oder in die EU in einem Volumen von bis zu 100 Tonnen eingeführt werden

* Tierversuche müssen automatisch durch tierversuchsfreie Methoden ersetzt werden, sobald diese verfügbar werden.

* Ein Teil der Gebühren, die Unternehmen zahlen müssen, um ihre Chemikalien in der EU zu registrieren, soll dazu verwendet werden, die Entwicklung von tierversuchsfreien Verfahren weiter voranzutreiben.

* Unternehmen sollen aufgefordert werden, alle in ihrem Besitz befindlichen Daten aus Tierversuchen zur Verfügung zu stellen, oder sie riskieren, ihre Chemikalie(n) nicht in Europa registrieren zu dürfen.

* Unternehmen sollen aufgefordert werden, ihre Anträge für Versuche zur Prüfung durch externe Experten vor der Durchführung von Tierversuchen gemäß REACH einzureichen.

2. Fahren Sie die Testanforderungen in den Anhängen VII und VIII runter; diese verlangen derzeit bis zu sechs Mal mehr Tierversuche als sonst irgendwo auf der Welt für hochvolumige Chemikalien verlangt werden.

Ohne diese Änderungen gehen die großen Fortschritte in der Reduzierung von Tieren, die in Toxizitätstests in Europa benutzt werden, verloren, und Abermillionen Tiere werden sterben.

Am einfachsten ist es, wenn Sie unseren Online-Musterbrief verwenden, den Sie auch beliebig ergänzen können. Sie finden ihn unter http://www.peta.de/aufrufe/alertsample.php?id=94

Kontaktinformationen zu Ihrem Parlamentsmitglied finden Sie unter http://www.europarl.de/parlament/abgeordnete/abgeordnete_ausschuss.jsp?p=8

Wir benötigen so viele Stimmen aus Europa wie nur irgend möglich.

Bitte machen Sie sich für die Tiere stark und senden Sie diese Info an alle Freunde, Familienmitglieder und Kollegen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Daniela Klein PETA-Deutschland e.V. Dieselstr. 21
70839 Gerlingen
Tel:+49 (0)7156-178-280
Fax:+49 (0)7156-178-2810


Mein Name ist Uli Kallee. Ich bin die Chemie-Kampaigner bei Greenpeace Deutschland und ich brauche Deine Unterstützung.


In 8 Tagen am 17. November 2005 wird das Europäische Parlament über das neue Chemikaliengesetz REACH abstimmen. Mit REACH sollen Menschen, Tiere und Umwelt endlich besser vor gefährlichen Chemikalien geschützt werden. Nach wie vor stecken schädliche Industriechemikalien in zahlreichen Alltagsprodukten: Von der Zahnpasta bis zur Regenjacke. Selbst im Blut eines Neugeborenen finden sich gefährliche Chemikalien. Greenpeace macht sich deshalb schon lange für eine Reform des Chemikalienrechts stark.

Aber die Chemieindustrie macht Druck: BASF, Bayer und Co wollen ihre Tausende von Chemikalien auch weiterhin benutzen, ohne sagen zu müssen welche Auswirkungen die Chemikalien auf Gesundheit und Umwelt haben. Sie wollen gefährliche Chemikalien sogar dann weiter benutzen, wenn es sicherere Alternativen gibt. Durch den Druck der Industrielobby ist die ursprüngliche Fassung von REACH bereits stark verwässert worden.

Das wollen wir nicht hinnehmen und haben daher eine Aktion gestartet: Wenn Du ein digitales Foto von Dir selbst oder Deiner Familie hast, dann kannst du unter Dein Foto unserer virtuellen Galerie hinzufügen.


Wir werden die Fotos persönlich bei den 99 Deutschen Abgeordneten am Tage der Abstimmung übergeben.

Wenn Du kein digitales Foto von Dir hast, kannst du unter auch einfach eine Email an deine Abgeordneten schicken.


Die REACH-Abstimmung ist extrem wichtig für unseren zukünftigen Umgang mit Chemikalien. Wir müssen den Politikern zeigen, dass EU-Bürger ein Gesetz wollen, dass unsere Gesundheit und unsere Umwelt auch wirklich schützt.

Mach mit – für eine giftfreie Zukunft! Und sag auch Deinen Freundinnen und Freunden Bescheid.

Bis bald

Uli Kallee

"Deutschland hat keine Schulden": Chefvolkswirt Flassbeck stellt Sparpolitik in Deutschland grundlegend in Frage


Für den Chefvolkswirt der Welthandels- und Entwicklungskonferenz der Vereinten Nationen (UNCTAD), Heiner Flassbeck, ist "das Gerede" von Pleite, von Überschuldung und Ähnlichem "glatter und höchst gefährlicher Unfug". Der staatliche Schuldenstand in Deutschland sei erstaunlich gering gegenüber dem riesigen Vermögen des Staates und angesichts des Umstandes, dass allein in diesem Jahr die Schulden des Auslandes gegenüber Deutschland um 120 Milliarden Dollar wüchsen, schreibt Flassbeck in einem Gastbeitrag für die "Frankfurter Rundschau". Es sei "ein bis ins Absurde verzerrte Bild" der deutschen Wirtschaft und der deutschen Gesellschaft, wenn etwa der hessische Ministerpräsident sage, das "Unternehmen Deutschland" müsse eigentlich Konkurs anmelden. Die Lage der öffentlichen Haushalte in Deutschland werde völlig falsch beschrieben. Für Flassbeck ist vor diesem Hintergrund "sicher", dass "jede der geplanten Operationen" der zukünftigen Großkoalitionäre "schief gehen" werde.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Let Them Freeze in the Dark

"The solution is to direct windfall profits tax dollars to a renewable energy development fund to create the new energy infrastructure that will bring us heat and light after the oil runs out." - Kelpie Wilson


The 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence

What ever happened to the 56 men who signed! What ever happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

by Gary Hildreth

Have you ever wondered what happened to the fifty-six men who signed the Declaration of Independence? This is the price they paid:

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the fifty-six fought and died from wounds or hardships resulting from the Revolutionary War.

These men signed, and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor!

What kind of men were they? Twenty five were lawyers or jurists. Eleven were merchants. Nine were farmers or large plantation owners. One was a teacher, one a musician, one a printer. Two were manufacturers, one was a minister. These were men of means and education, yet they signed the Declaration of Independence, knowing full well that the penalty could be death if they were captured.

Almost one third were under forty years old, eighteen were in their thirties, and three were in their twenties. Only seven were over sixty. The youngest, Edward Rutledge of South Carolina, was twenty-six and a half, and the oldest, Benjamin Franklin was seventy. Three of the signers lived to be over ninety. Charles Carroll died at the age of ninety-five. Ten died in their eighties.

The first signer to die was John Morton of Pennsylvania. At first his sympathies were with the British, but he changed his mind and voted for independence. By doing so, his friends, relatives, and neighbors turned against him. The ostracis hastened his death, and he lived only eight months after the signing. His last words were, "tell them that they will live to see the hour when they shall acknowledge it to have been the most glorious service that I ever rendered to my country."

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

The signers were religious men, all being Protestant except Charles Carroll, who was a Roman Catholic. Over half expressed their religious faith as being Episcopalian. Others were Congregational, Presbyterian, Quaker, and Baptist.

Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

Perhaps one of the most inspiring examples of "undaunted resolution" was at the Battle of Yorktown. Thomas Nelson, Jr. was returning from Philadelphia to become Governor of Virginia and joined General Washington just outside of Yorktown. He then noted that British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters, but that the patriot's were directing their artillery fire all over the town except for the vicinity of his own beautiful home. Nelson asked why they were not firing in that direction, and the soldiers replied, "Out of respect to you, Sir." Nelson quietly urged General Washington to open fire, and stepping forward to the nearest cannon, aimed at his own house and fired. The other guns joined in, and the Nelson home was destroyed. Nelson died bankrupt, at age 51.

Caesar Rodney was another signer who paid with his life. He was suffering from facial cancer, but left his sickbed at midnight and rode all night by horseback through a severe storm and arrived just in time to cast the deciding vote for his delegation in favor of independence. His doctor told him the only treatment that could help him was in Europe. He refused to go at this time of his country's crisis and it cost him his life.

Francis Lewis's Long Island home was looted and gutted, his home and properties destroyed. His wife was thrown into a damp dark prison cell for two months without a bed. Health ruined, Mrs. Lewis soon died from the effects of the confinement. The Lewis's son would later die in British captivity, also.

"Honest John" Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she lay dying, when British and Hessian troops invaded New Jersey just months after he signed the Declaration. Their thirteen children fled for their lives. His fields and his grist mill were laid to waste. All winter, and for more than a year, Hart lived in forests and caves, finally returning home to find his wife dead, his children vanished and his farm destroyed. Rebuilding proved too be too great a task. A few weeks later, by the spring of 1779, John Hart was dead from exhaustion and a broken heart.

Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.

Richard Stockton, a New Jersey State Supreme Court Justice, had rushed back to his estate near Princeton after signing the Declaration of Independence to find that his wife and children were living like refugees with friends. They had been betrayed by a Tory sympathizer who also revealed Stockton's own whereabouts. British troops pulled him from his bed one night, beat him and threw him in jail where he almost starved to death. When he was finally released, he went home to find his estate had been looted, his possessions burned, and his horses stolen. Judge Stockton had been so badly treated in prison that his health was ruined and he died before the war's end, a broken man. His surviving family had to live the remainder of their lives off charity.

William Ellery of Rhode Island, who marveled that he had seen only "undaunted resolution" in the faces of his co-signers, also had his home burned.

Only days after Lewis Morris of New York signed the Declaration, British troops ravaged his 2,000-acre estate, butchered his cattle and drove his family off the land. Three of Morris' sons fought the British.

When the British seized the New York houses of the wealthy Philip Livingston, he sold off everything else, and gave the money to the Revolution. He died in 1778.

Arthur Middleton, Edward Rutledge and Thomas Heyward Jr. went home to South Carolina to fight. In the British invasion of the South, Heyward was wounded and all three were captured. As he rotted on a prison ship in St. Augustine, Heyward's plantation was raided, buildings burned, and his wife, who witnessed it all, died. Other Southern signers suffered the same general fate.

Among the first to sign had been John Hancock, who wrote in big, bold script so George III "could read my name without spectacles and could now double his reward for 500 pounds for my head." If the cause of the revolution commands it, roared Hancock, "Burn Boston and make John Hancock a beggar!" In the face of the advancing British Army, the Continental Congress fled from Philadelphia to Baltimore on December 12, 1776. It was an especially anxious time for John Hancock, the President, as his wife had just given birth to a baby girl. Due to the complications stemming from the trip to Baltimore, the child lived only a few months.

Here were men who believed in a cause far beyond themselves. Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

They gave you and me a free and independent America. The history books never told you a lot of what happened in the revolutionary war. We didn't just fight the British. We were British subjects at that time and we fought our own government! Perhaps you can now see why our Founding Fathers had a hatred for standing armies, and allowed through the second amendment for everyone to be armed.

So, I ask you reader, What makes YOUR HOMES, YOUR LIVES, YOUR WIVES, YOUR CHILDREN better? When will YOU be willing to sacrifice all for the future of your children?

Source: The Militant Libertarian I'm pissed off and I'm a libertarian. What else you wanna know? Friday, March 05, 2004


Campaign for the Protection of Rural England


Please see enclosed e-mail from one of my contacts.

Best wishes


Hi Eileen,

Thanks for all the info you send me - half is brilliant, and the other half I don't understand!!! I'm having a meeting this Thursday 10th at the Park Rd. Development Centre, Park Road, Formby at 7.30pm for the CPRE (Campaign for the Protection of Rural England). They cover a lot of enquiries about masts, and have successfully stopped the erection of many in greenbelt areas. The meeting may be of interest to your activists, although it's not a mast meeting as such. Could you possibly forward this email to your list of local mast campaigners to make them aware of the meeting? I'd really appreciate it.

Many thanks,

Debi Jones.

----- Original Message -----

From: Eileen O'Connor
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 11:01 AM
Subject: Campaing information

Please find enclosed information from Mast Sanity which included more research listed on the Omega site.

Please find attached a general overview of the campaign; it contains some old and new information but shows the progress and achievements for us all. Keep the faith we are getting somewhere and will win in the end, the truth always does.

Kind Regards

Eileen O'Connor
EM - Radiation Research Trust

From Mast Sanity

Kampf um die Kontrolle des Internet

Vor dem Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft wird der Ton schärfer, ein US-Senator warnt gar vor einem "digitalen München".


Weißer Phosphor in Falludschah

Der Film als Video Stream

Niemand von Ihnen [Anm. uns] soll sagen können, er hätte nicht gewußt, was die US-Regierung auf der Welt anrichtet. Wer schweigt, macht sich mitschuldig!

----- Original Message -----
From: tishh
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 3:50 AM
Subject: FW: Weißer Phosphor in Falludschah - der Film als Video Stream

Wenn Sie den Link "Shocking revelation RAI News 24" unten auf diesem Mail (oder den http-Code daneben) anklicken, bekommen sie ein Video zu sehen über die Auswirkungen des Einsatzes von Weißem Phosphor in Falludschah (Real Media oder QuickTime). US-Soldaten berichten außerdem von solchen Einsätzen. Niemand von Ihnen [Anm. uns] soll sagen können, er hätte nicht gewußt, was die US-Regierung auf der Welt anrichtet. Der Film ist in englischer Sprache, aber die Bilder sind auch ohne Englischkenntnis verständlich.

Omega siehe unter:
Dieses Video enthält Bilder die die Realität und den Schrecken des Krieges anschaulich darstellen. Es sollte nur von Erwachsenen angesehen werden.

Es klingt hilflos - ich schreibe es trotzdem: Die US-Streitkräfte müssen sofort den Irak verlassen, auch dieses Land und alle andern Länder der Welt. Bush und die Neo-Cons gehören vor ein internationales Gericht und dort verurteilt - als Verbrecher gegen die Menschheit.

Helfen Sie mit, daß die Verbrecher keinen weiteren Schaden anrichten können.

Thomas Immanuel Steinberg

U.S. Used Chemical Weapons In Iraq: Napalm & Phosphorous, This Is How The U.S. "Took" Fallujah http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1130674/


Willy Pete in Falludscha

Ein Jahr nach der Großoffensive erhärten sich die Gerüchte, denen zufolge die amerikanische Armee chemische Kampfstoffe eingesetzt hat.


American Military, Foreign Service and Intelligence Leadership Say No to the Iraq War

by Kevin Zeese

While Cindy Sheehan


has deservedly gotten a lot of attention for reawakening the anti-war movement with her allies from veteran and military family organizations, the especially interesting thing about the opposition to the Iraq War is that it includes former military leaders, former national security and intelligence officials as well as foreign service officers. The Iraq War is opposed by those who generally support U.S. foreign and military affairs...


Iraq: To End The Occupation, End The Civil War

by Manuel Garcia, Jr.

I do not know when or if the United States of America and its globalized market empire will ever collapse and disappear, like so many other phantoms of history. If so, our relics are more likely to be large radioactive craters than stone pyramids, marbled arenas or elegant stupas. Nevertheless, I am quite certain of what our epitaph will be: “as a nation and empire they perished because as people they could not speak the truth.” A topic that would benefit greatly from bathing publicly in truth is the ending of the Iraq War. To spark public debate, William S. Lind has offered an exit strategy for the US. In brief, his plan is to announce the intention for a prompt complete withdrawal, and to secretly negotiate with the Iraqi Sunni Insurgency. The US goals for the secret negotiations would be an end to attacks by the insurgency and the liquidation of al Qaeda in Iraq by insurgent forces. In exchange, the US would guarantee its withdrawal (set a date and keep its word) and use American power to keep the Kurdish-Shia constitutional alliance from encroaching on the Sunni's fair share of power in Iraq during the interim and implicitly after the withdrawal. Lind is quite right that “the time is past for arguing whether we need an exit strategy; the discussion should be about what that strategy might be.” To complement Lind's proposal, let us speculate on how insurgency politics might speed a US decision to leave Iraq...


People of the Dome Revisited

by Mitchel Cohen

As Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf States, many organizations kicked into high gear to send relief to local groups in Mississippi and Louisiana, with no help from the government or formal relief agencies. Among them was the Malcolm X Grassroots movement, with whom the Brooklyn Greens shares an office on Atlantic Avenue. Tons of donated supplies poured into the office and were trucked to Jackson Mississippi, where they were distributed through community-based efforts. I spoke daily with Les Evenchick, a Green who lives in the French Quarter of New Orleans. I was also in touch with New Orleans residents Malik Rahim and Mike Howell; the areas in which they live were dry and they were holding out as long as they could. The story they tell is shocking: U.S. and local government officials refused to allow water or food relief into New Orleans. They also turned off the drinking water. Hundreds of people died unnecessarily as a result. And yet, there was no shortage of water or food being sent -- it was just not allowed into the City! When Green Party activists tried to donate water for the people in the Superdome a few days after the levees broke, armed soldiers pointed rifles at them and prevented them from delivering supplies. Even three Wal-Mart trucks loaded with drinking water were denied entry and turned away. No water was allowed into New Orleans. Evenchick says: "this was a brazen attempt to starve people out." Attempts to starve civilians into leaving an area is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions. Who gave the order to block water and food from entering New Orleans? Who ordered the drinking water inside the city to be turned off? No one has yet answered those questions...


Price-gouging or business as usual?

The Nation
by Nicholas von Hoffman


The Senate is getting ready to perform one of its ancient ceremonies -- the public hanging of a varlet by the ears. A Republican-controlled Senate has, surprisingly, chosen for the role of star varlet Lee Raymond, ExxonMobil's CEO. When committee hearings begin on Wednesday, Raymond will find himself under the thumbscrew, trying to explain why his company has been making money at the rate of $75,000 a minute, or nearly $10 billion from July through September. CEOs from the other big energy companies will get the same treatment, and not just from Democrats. This is a bipartisan necktie party. The senators are heated up over the price of gasoline, which has gone down a little lately, and the price of natural gas, which has not. They fear the many millions of natural gas users (voters) who are about to be socked with heating bills like they've not seen before...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Antiwar activists, where are you?

Boston Globe
by Victoria A. Bonney


My fellow young Americans, the evidence is mounting that this war we are fighting in Iraq is not a 'just' war. No, this is a dirty fight, and we're in it for the long haul. But I guess that's the problem -- 'we' are not in it at all. 'We' are here in our land of iPods and cellphones, luxuriating in our apathetic comas while our soldiers are over there. I know what you're thinking. You have that magnetic yellow ribbon on your SUV, and, boy, if that is not uber-effective I do not know what is. But let me ask you, if you'd just put your Podcast on pause and cellphone on silence for a moment, is this all enough? Two wars ago, during the Vietnam disaster, there was Generation Activist. The youth of America rallied against 'the man.' How did they do it? They didn't have e-boards, or e-mail for that matter. Yet somehow, this archaic mob of longhairs and peaceniks managed to mobilize. They marched on the National Mall. They protested everywhere, even in bed. ... Their methods were not always nonviolent, but they were creative and incorrigible. Why is Generation Apathetic unable to have the same resounding roar?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Tax revolts against oppressive governments

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Doug Bandow


More than a quarter century ago, Californians rebelled against an overbearing political establishment. Property assessments were climbing, state expenditures were rising, the budget surplus was expanding, and government officials were lying. Voters responded by passing Proposition 13, triggering tax revolts nationwide. The movement has waxed and waned over the years, but the stories rarely cease to inspire. Popular resistance to higher taxes almost always reprises David versus Goliath. Such is the tale spun by Phil Valentine, a Tennessee talk-radio personality who helped stop the bipartisan drive for a state income tax. Tax Revolt offers a delightful read, detailing betrayal and deceit, insider maneuvers and public protests, and big-bucks lobbying and horn-honking rallies. Particularly satisfying is the end: the people win...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Who had the real intel on the war

Mother Jones
by Nick Turse


If medals are being given out, perhaps this is what should never be forgotten. It was the 'crazies' in the streets. It was kids in weird clothes with strange hair. It was a man holding a puppet and a woman with a homemade sign. They knew then what it took the majority of Americans years to figure out. That the war would be a disaster and that, in any case, it was wrong. Those people, braving a bitterly cold day in New York City in February 2003, had better intel, more foresight, and better judgment than the military, the intelligence agencies, and especially the President and Vice President of the United States and all their advisors...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Three Years of the Condor

The Weekly Standard
by Scott Johnson


Joe Wilson was not, of course, the only CIA-related political opponent of the Bush administration who emerged during the run-up to the 2004 election. In July 2004, the same month that the Times published Wilson's notorious op-ed column, CIA analyst Michael Scheuer published his strange book Imperial Hubris (by 'Anonymous'), which attacked American foreign policy related to the war on terrorism. (Scheuer was identified as the 'Anonymous' author of the book by the Boston Phoenix even before the book's official publication date.) In the epilogue to the paperback edition, Scheuer stated that he 'was never told why the CIA permitted publication.' Following publication of the book, the CIA permitted Scheuer 'anonymously' to criticize the Bush administration's conduct of the war on terror in media interviews until his criticisms extended beyond the administration to the intelligence community. (Scheuer left the Agency last November -- the week after the election.)...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

President Cheney

by Daniel Benjamin


It has become a cliché to say that Dick Cheney is the most powerful vice president in American history. Nonetheless, here is a prediction: When the historians really get digging into the paper entrails of the Bush administration -- or possibly when Scooter Libby goes on trial -- those who have intoned that phrase will still be astonished at the extent to which the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney was the center of power inside the White House -- and at the grip it had on foreign and defense policy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

No more striking down constitutions

The American Spectator
by John Haskins


Let's drop the talking points about 'conservative,' 'constructionist' and 'originalist' nominees. Such language obscures what's going on. These nuances are a polite way of pretending that the mainstream in law and government interprets the Constitution differently than we do. No. They are oblivious to the actual content of the Constitution, or they are anti-constitutional. A polite term would be 'post-constitutional.' If Ginsburg, Souter, and friends have a 'theory' of constitutional interpretation, they're keeping it to themselves. When they shake the foundations of the earth from their bench it is neither theory, nor constitutional, nor interpretation. They are, wrote Jonah Goldberg after one heinous ruling, 'making it up as they go along'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Reenergizing democracy

Cato Institute
by Patrick Basham


Unlike most democracies, we place the power to shape political districts in the hands of politicians. Our state legislatures have the power to draw political boundaries for state and congressional offices. Unfortunately, redistricting has evolved into the electoral instrument that best serves to protect and strengthen incumbency advantage thanks to sophisticated gerrymandering -- the redrawing of legislative districts for political advantage. Grassroots movements in California and Ohio are attempting to change this situation to make both state and congressional elections more competitive. However, from coast to coast, most politicians are unwilling to contemplate real reform. Chellie Pingree, president of Common Cause, reminds us that, 'Incumbent politicians don't want to change the system no matter where they are'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Our liberties under siege

Washington Times
by Nat Hentoff


My respect continues to increase for the conservative defenders of our most fundamental liberties. A founder of the conservative movement, Paul Weyrich -- chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation -- exemplifies this force when he writes: 'Because of the War on Terrorism, America may be on the verge of becoming a national security state.' Mr. Weyrich continues: 'That means citizens will allow the state to do almost anything it wants so long as it justifies its actions in terms of 'national security.' In effect, the Constitution and the rule of law itself go out the window, along with our liberties.' There is also Bob Barr, with whom I once joined at a conference of the American Conservative Union to criticize sections of the Patriot Act. With customary clarity, he now states: 'We believe in traditional conservative values, like accountability. ... To date, for example, the Justice Department has failed to disclose how many U.S. citizens' homes, businesses or records have been secretly searched under the Patriot Act provisions, such as Section 213 ('the sneak and peek' provision), or even how many National Security Letter searches (without any judicial supervision) have been executed'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

An enemy of the state

Capitol Hill Blue
by Doug Thompson


According to a printout from a computer controlled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice, I am an enemy of the state. The printout, shown to me recently by a friend who works for Justice, identifies me by a long, multi-digit number, lists my date of birth, place of birth, social security number and contains more than 100 pages documenting what the Bureau and the Bush Administration consider to be my threats to the security of the United States of America. It lists where I sent to school, the name and address of the first wife that I had been told was dead but who is alive and well and living in Montana, background information on my current wife and details on my service to my country that I haven't even revealed to my wife or my family. Although the file finds no criminal activity by me or members of my immediate family, it remains open because I am a 'person of interest' who has 'written and promoted opinions that are contrary to the government of the United States of America'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Surveillance society

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


Since 9/11, the FBI, once organized to fight crime, has been undergoing a makeover to focus its efforts on preventing future terrorist attacks. To help the agency in its efforts, in 2001, the Congress recklessly passed and is now about to renew the USA PATRIOT Act, which dramatically increased the surveillance powers of law enforcement. Yet, the truth is that terrorism (even including the 9/11 attacks) is a rare phenomenon in North America that kills far fewer people than ordinary crime, car accidents, or medical problems. As tragic as the 3,000 deaths from the aberrant 9/11 strikes were, the worst effect of those incidents was the self-inflicted wound from the conversion of America from the 'land of the free' to the 'land of the watched'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Der gefängnisindustrielle Komplex der USA

(TP) Haftanstalten als Wirtschaftsfaktoren: Seit den achtziger Jahren werden in den USA trotz rückläufiger Kriminalitätsrate so viele Gefängnisse wie nie zuvor errichtet. Großkonzerne verdienen am Bau von Haftanstalten, ihrer Versorgung mit Gütern und Dienstleistungen und an der Ausbeutung von Haftarbeit.

G.Wendebourg / metainfo hamburg

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis:
http://www.hh-online.com?lid=23019 und
Infopool / metainfo hamburg http://www.hh-online.com

Die Sparhysterie

(FTD) Die Töne aus Berlin werden mit jedem Tag schriller. Immer größer sind die vermeintlichen Haushaltslöcher, die die Unterhändler der großen Koalition im Hauruckverfahren stopfen wollen.

Statt von 35 Mrd. Euro reden einige jetzt sogar von 70 Mrd. Euro. Und immer brutaler werden die Vorschläge aus der Koalitionsrunde

G.Wendebourg / metainfo hamburg

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis:
Infopool / metainfo hamburg http://www.hh-online.com

Reiches Deutschland

(JW) Die öffentlichen Kassen sind leer, weil der Staat bewußt darauf verzichtet, Unternehmensgewinne und privates Vermögen angemessen zu besteuern.


Antennes relais de St Papoul (Aude)

Lettre ! . . . de l'opérateur Orange France SA.

Have You Seen an Endangered Species?

Have you seen an endangered species? We need your story to help us defend the Endangered Species Act in the Senate:


People who care about America's wildlife are speaking up, and so far, it's working. Thank you to the nearly 20,000 Environmental Defense supporters who told their senators to keep our strong protection for rare animals.

In our campaign to save the Endangered Species Act (ESA), it's time to step up the pressure -- and nothing is more powerful than a personal story. Have you, or a friend or family member, seen a bald eagle, California sea otter, or grizzly bear? Tell us about the experience.

Tell Your Story:

The Senate has delayed taking up a bill that would cripple endangered species protections, and we're working to keep it that way. As we prepare to meet with key senators, your story will help us show them how much voters care about preserving our rarest species.

Tell Your Story Now:

Seeing a bald eagle or other endangered species can be an amazing experience, as some of our own staff can attest.

Our own ecosystems scientist, Linda Laack, described seeing an ocelot and her kitten in Texas:

"About 20 years ago I was a graduate student conducting research on the small population of ocelots that occur in south Texas. I couldn't believe my good fortune one night in seeing a beautiful female ocelot.

Imagine my elation when moments later a kitten leapt from the brush onto its mother's back and began wrestling with her! Little did I know then that I would eventually end up following that kitten's progress over the next twelve years of her life as she became a mother and even a grandmother."

Our director of internet strategies, Kira Marchenese, also recalled seeing a bald eagle.

"Last month, I was on an afternoon paddle on the West Coast. The guide told us we'd see no eagles, as they were fishing somewhere else that day.

Just as we came back into the harbor, a lone bald eagle skimmed the water 20 feet in front of me. I got a perfect view of its yellow talons and startlingly white head."

Have you seen an endangered species? Tell us about it:

Who's Endangered or Threatened? Here are some commonly-spotted species:

Bald Eagle, Grizzly Bear, Manatee, California Sea Otter, Sea Turtle, Grey Wolf, Brown Pelican, Crocodile, Humpback Whale, Whooping Crane, Hawaiian Goose, Peregrine Falcon*, California Condor

*recently delisted

Full list of endangered species (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Web site):

Party For Sale

by Paul Waldman, TomPaine.com

From the beginning, the Republicans who took over Congress in 1994 sought to normalize corruption. They succeeded.


Party For Sale

Tom Paine
by Paul Waldman


With all the goings-on in Washington over the last couple of weeks ... the story that may reveal the most about the nature of Republican power has been advancing along with little notice. But the Jack Abramoff scandal ... is indispensable for understanding just how Washington works under GOP rule. No one can blame the Indian tribes who retained Abramoff to do their lobbying for thinking he was the guy who could get things done in Washington. ... But in the process of buying access and influence, Abramoff ... also appears to have swindled the tribes out of tens of millions of dollars. Whenever a newspaper or magazine has attempted to unpack the scandal, they have found it necessary to print dense flow charts marking the intricate connections and the flow of money and influence between all the players -- Abramoff, Republican uber-activist Grover Norquist, political consultant and former Christian Coalition head Ralph Reed (currently running for lieutenant governor in Georgia), Karl Rove, Tom DeLay and many others...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Commander In Chic

by Jennifer L. Pozner, TomPaine.com

On election day, our critic ponders the impact of media coverage of Condi's boots, Harriet's brows and Hillary's dress size.


Carter on the Attack, Calls Bush "Arrogant"


Informant: NHNE

051108 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051107 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Any one know of campaign groups in Southern Africa?

Does anyone have any addresses/contacts for sites in Southern Africa for people to check-up on where phone masts are situated and what is being done by local groups, especially in Johannesburg, Durban and Capetown?

Kind Regards

Eileen O'Connor


Hi Eileen - I have just remembered that I met a young woman film director at the Royal College of Medicine Symposium on EHS last year. She gave me her card when I told her that the BBC had shown interest in us.

One thing she did tell me was that they were filming in Africa - doing ongoing investigations into the phenomenon of stillbirths and miscarriages in areas where there were mobile phone base stations. It may not be of help to you on this occasion but it might lead to something else.

I will see if I can find the card - I always meant to follow it up but you know what it's like, not enough hours in the day!

Cheers Sylvia



Here is a.o. something by Dorothy and by Iris about S. Africa:


Aha, Karl Muller was his name!

Use google to find "Karl Muller cellphones" e.g.

I am sure there is more in S. Africa, try searching S. African newspapers.



You can find the mentioned information from Frans also here:

http://www.grn.es/electropolucio/omega247.htm https://publish.indymedia.org.uk/uk/servlet/OpenMir?do=getpdf&id=274829&forIE=.pdf

Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre

US Forces 'Used Chemical Weapons' on City of Fallujah

Powerful new evidence emerged yesterday that the United States dropped massive quantities of white phosphorus on the Iraqi city of Fallujah during the attack in November of 2004. The attack killed insurgents and civilians with appalling burns that are the signature of this weapon. A video documentary entitled "Fallujah: the Hidden Massacre," provides what it claims is clinching evidence that incendiary bombs known as Mark 77 - a new, improved form of napalm - were used in the attack on Fallujah. This action is in breach of the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons of 1980, which only allows such use against military targets.

WARNING: This video contains graphic and possibly disturbing footage.


Video: Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre

Italian TV Report Details Use Of Napalm On Iraqi Civilians

Watch The Video Here

Mobile phone mast is making me sick

A PENSIONER says his life has been ruined since a mobile phone mast was installed outside his home.

Sixty-five-year-old Mr Roy Lockwood claims he has suffered from headaches, dizziness and ringing in the ears since the mast was placed outside his bedroom window a year ago.

Mr Lockwood, who lives with his wife Maureen in Glen View Road, also says his sleep patterns have been disturbed to the point where he now wakes at 3 a.m. every morning.

He said: "I have always been a fit and healthy man, and a good sleeper, but my problems have definitely coincided with this mast being put up. It is preposterous.

"Many people in this country suffer from electro-sensitivity, but it is still a condition not recognised in this country. Many doctors do not acknowledge the illness, but my quality of life has certainly changed in the last 12 months."

Mr Lockwood, together with his neighbours, objected to the mast when the application went to Burnley Borough Council's planning committee, and was dismayed when it was passed.

In May this year, he became further concerned when workmen at the mast told him they were increasing its strength. He has written to Burnley MP, Mrs Kitty Ussher, twice on the subject.

He added: "The mast should never have been placed so near to homes. I don't see why I should have to take tablets on a regular basis to cure my headaches when it is obvious what is causing the problem.

"I have pages of reports about mobile phone masts and their risks. The Chinese and Russian governments are developing a system that relies on low power. Why can our government not do this? They do not seem to be interested."

Mr Lockwood is circulating a social research questionnaire to his neighbours dealing with local feelings about the mast. He hopes that if there is a concerted effort from people across the country that electro-sensitivity, at least, will be recognised.

When asked by the Express, Mrs Ussher confirmed she still has an open mind on the risks associated with mobile masts. She said:"The Government is currently undertaking a huge survey at the moment on mobile phone masts, but I am always concerned to hear about individuals that are affected.

"For this reason, I oppose any applications in residential areas, indeed one was refused recently in Rossendale Road. Regarding the scientific side there is no conclusive position either way on possible effects.

Omega this is not true. See under:

"I believe the rational solution is to keep studying this as much as possible, which is what the Government is currently doing."

l Scientists from the Institute of Cancer Research recently published results from the largest investigation to date into the relationship between mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma – a nervous system tumour that occurs close to where mobile phones are held to the head.

The study suggests there is no substantial risk of this tumour in the first 10 years after starting mobile phone use. However, an increased risk after longer term use could not be ruled out.

Professor Peter Rigby, chief executive of The Institute Of Cancer Research said: "Mobile phones have only been used widely over the past decade so we won't know the long term effects for many years. However, the results of this multi-country study with such a large number of participants is a great step forward in our understanding of the possible health effects of mobile phones."

Omega see "Interphone researchers misled the media - Cell phone cancer link misreported" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1019613/

08 November 2005


Reiche werden mit EU-Agrarsubventionen gemästet

EU-Agrarsubventionen dienen offensichtlich dazu, die Betriebe von Aristokraten, Ministern, reichen Großbauern und Großkonzernen abzufüttern. 60% der Mittel gehen an die 15%, die über die größten Betriebe verfügen. Versorgt werden dadurch u.a. Bedürftige wie Englands Prinz Charles, mehrere Minister und Agrarkommissare sowie der Großkonzern Nestle.


Radiation Flu?

Sorry I have no citations for this.

Scott Munson

Like lead, asbestos, Teflon, plastic, info is being witheld.

Scientists around the world have been trying to expose the dirty secret about microwave radiation, aka cellular.

In Europe where it is ten years ahead of North America, Cell phone manufactures were having their employees suddenly become very ill. Ericson's top engineer became electromagnetically sensitive and could not continue. Many others from that one company also had ems. Apple Computers top guy who did started apple networking from the start also had the same problems. And last month, Oct 2005, a cell phone sales person won a law suit proving that their exposure made them sick - there are plenty more stories of industry workers dying or ill.

So how does this relate to Avian? Well if you go back and see, Mice were used in studies of cell phone radiation in various USA labs and only the reports that were taylored by the cellular industry were released to the media, the others which showed extreme caution due to the fatal results never made it to the main media. A video called "Public Exposure - Wireless Revolution" shows how scientists have been trying to get the truth to general public but the industry owns the studies because they fund the radiation studies and one release what they want.

Chickens in Canada were distroyed in late 2004, some 100,000 birds. The media did not release that all the chicken farms near Vancouver Canada, were indeed beside a Microwave Navy Antenna base. This base has the exact same antennas as the popular HARRP station in Alaska, just less of them. A specialist who knew about both the chicken industry and the antenna station output of Microwave Communications had stepped forward to hand the data to the media about what was happening with these Canadian Chickens, but no, the media would NOT touch it.

The government review board of the Canadian "Out Break" would not touch the data. That is because the data is true, Microwave radiation breaks down the immune systems. If you have a high exposure for a short period of time - or a low exposure for a very long period of time - both applications are deadly to both animals and humans.

So how do south asia chickens get exposed to cell phone towers or cell phone users - are they using that many cell phones there? In fact they do use cell phones, even the poor areas of Africa use cell phones becuase "its easier to set up, no telephone lines". A contact with several residents from asia said there is actually more cell phones in that area then some parts of north america.

Deformed animals in Italy were ignored by the media, deformed cows in other parts of Europe were ignored by the media, especially the ones with large cellular antenna towers on the barn roof in the background.

Omega see under:

Israel is having a cancer outbreak this year and studies show that those near cell towers have died suddenly. Same thing with Spain and France.

Omega see under: Cancer Cluster

To conclude, avian flu may be a flu like symptom, but it is why it occured, the immune system is broken down, and anything that the body has to fight off cant, because it used all the defenses to reverse the damage of radiaiton, day after day. The immune system eventually can not catch everything and things get through.


Look at the deformation of both animals an humans from Depleted Urainium, - watch "Invisable Wars - Deplete Urainium" Feb 2000

and OPPS!


Labs scramble to purge virus Samples sent out worldwide traced to 1957 pandemic

Thursday, April 14, 2005 Posted: 12:22 AM EDT (0422 GMT) Authorities are trying to work out how many labs got the samples.

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) Authorities are doing everything possible to ensure samples of a killer influenza virus sent to more than 4,000 laboratories worldwide are destroyed before anyone becomes infected, a top U.S. disease expert says.

"While the risk of the situation is very low, we're not taking any chances and we're doing everything we can to make sure that there is no threat to human health," Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters at a news conference on Wednesday. On September 10, the College of American Pathologists sent samples of the virus that caused the "Asian flu" pandemic of 1957 to laboratories in 18 countries, including the United States and Canada. The pandemic killed more than 1 million people, including about 70,000 in the United States. The samples, part of a package of pathogens sent to laboratories to test their ability to identify them, were last seen in nature in the United States in 1968, Gerberding said. Anyone born since then would presumably have no immunity to the virus, she said. Authorities are still trying to determine how many laboratories got the samples of the virus, called Influenza A H2N2. "We're working with officials in all of these countries to take the steps necessary to contain the problem," she said. Those steps include identifying the panels that contain the virus and destroying those samples by heating them. Routine disease surveillance so far has turned up no unusual patterns that might indicate the disease had spread in the United States, she said.

CDC: Raise safety level

In addition, the CDC recommended that laboratories that have received the virus samples use safety level 3 precautions in handling them. Current recommendations require only that they be handled under less-stringent safety level 2 precautions. The World Health Organization has contacted the ministries of health of the other 17 countries "to be sure that similar processes are in place" in all labs affected. How the virus wound up being included in a package of pathogens sent around the world was not clear, but Gerberding said health authorities would work to ensure such a lapse did not recur. Organizations responsible for testing and accrediting laboratories' quality routinely send out panels of unknown organisms to determine if the laboratory can accurately identify them. In this case, the College of American Pathologists contracted with Meridian Bioscience Inc., of Cincinnati, Ohio, to create the panel, Gerberding said. "It is almost impossible to believe they didn't know they were dealing with an H2N2," she added. "It was probably a situation where the advantages of using a strain that grows well and can be readily manipulated in the lab were the driving force without even considering that ... it could potentially cause a hazard to not only the workers in the laboratory, but to the people in the community." Gerberding said she did not know who made that decision. A company spokesman did not immediately return a call seeking comment. Most of the samples have been destroyed, she said.

Found by Canadian lab

It was not until March 26 that a laboratory in Canada discovered the presence of the virus and alerted Canadian health officials, who in turn notified the World Health Organization and CDC, Gerberding said. Five days later, the lab was advised "to undertake a full stem-to-stern assessment" and, on April 8, the lab determined that the panels were the source, Gerberding said. The threat had gone unnoticed for more than six months because the labs that received the panels would have characterized the virus only as an A or B strain and would not necessarily have characterized it further, she said. The laboratories have been asked to report back to the college when the specimens have been destroyed, a process "that will take some time," Gerberding said. Dr. Jared Schwartz, a spokesman for the College of American Pathologists, which distributed the virus, acknowledged its distribution was a mistake. He said records indicate the vendor knew it was sending a flu virus but apparently did not realize it was the deadly strain. In addition to the United States and Canada, the other countries that got the panels are Bermuda, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Taiwan. It also went to Hong Kong. Schwartz said his organization will ask the CDC to approve strains sent out for testing in the future, and that samples will be limited to pathogens covered by current vaccines. "This is the first time, thank God, that we have had, in any of our proficiency testing, issues focused on as a potential problem," he said. "It's regrettable, and a lot of communication needs to be improved to be sure that this doesn't happen again. And we're going to be working with the CDC to make sure of that." Laurie Garrett, author of "The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World out of Balance," said the mistake underscores problems with the U.S. public health safety net. "We've invested billions of dollars into alleged bioterrorism preparedness and to alleged preparedness for avian and pandemic influenza," she said. "This is a sorry indicator of how well the money has been spent." CNN's Miriam Falco contributed to this report.


Because people are out there with a very BAD immune system and would catch things very quickly EMF (and DU) are (were) the hidden parts of the invisible puzzel and now you know.


Public Exposure - DNA, Democracy and the "Wireless Revolution"

Probable connection between EM radiation and H5N1 Avian Virus outbreak http://omega.twoday.net/stories/741183/

Putting The “Coming Pandemic” Into Perspective

Beware Your Trail of Digital Fingerprints


Informant: binstock

Panicked Bush Slinks Away From Chavez

by Mike Whitney

The easiest way to understand the institutional bias of western media is to analyze reporting from the developing world. The economic summit in Mar Del Plata, Argentina, provides an excellent opportunity to evaluate the coverage and decide whether such partiality exists. Although tens of thousands of working people came to protest George Bush and his suspiciously-named “free trade” economic policies; they were invariably smeared by the corporate media as “Leftists” or “radicals”; eliminating the possibility that they were simply concerned citizens participating in the democratic process. This is the familiar tactic of the media to marginalize ordinary people whose interests don’t correspond to those of the ruling elite...


You’re Doin’ a Heck of a Job, Dick Cheney

by Mike Whitney

No man in the 200-year history of the United States has embodied the “banality of evil” as thoroughly as Dick Cheney, a dumpy, mid-level bureaucrat who ascended the political ladder through hardnosed calculation and cold-blooded vindictiveness. Cheney would be fine behind the counter of a fast-food restaurant snarling at the help and flaunting his authority, but as Vice President he’s been a dead loss. His appearance on Capitol Hill last week only confirms his moral vacuity and contempt for decency. Cheney addressed the Senate in a closed-door session and made an “impassioned” plea to continue the “cruel, degrading, and inhumane” treatment of prisoners detained in American concentration camps. His arguments follow the twisted logic of Harvard attorney Alan Dershowitz, who claims that state-sponsored atrocities like torture can be justified if they produce greater security. Cheney’s appeal should be seriously considered. After all, this is the warped rationale that underscores the entire war on terror: the end justifies the means. We can see where this thinking inevitably leads by the appalling photos from Abu Ghraib and the reports of starving victims at Guantanamo Bay. These are the fetid sites where Cheney’s theories are put into practice...


Vice President Lied as White House Sought to Defuse Leak Inquiry

by Jason Leopold

Did Vice President Dick Cheney help cover up the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson in the months after conservative columnist Robert Novak first disclosed her identity? That’s one of the questions Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is likely trying to figure out. It’s unclear what Cheney said to investigators back in 2004 when he was questioned -- not under oath -- about the leak, particularly what he knew and when he knew it. The five-count criminal indictment handed up by a grand jury last month against Cheney’s former Chief of Staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, sheds new light on a pattern of strategic deception by the Vice President and the White House to defuse an inquiry into who leaked the name of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson to the press. Months after Plame’s identity was disclosed by conservative columnist Robert Novak, Cheney continued to hide the fact that he and his aides were intimately involved in disseminating classified information about her to journalists...


Die Zwangsbehandlung ist auf betreuungsrechtlicher Grundlage sowohl rechtswidrig als auch nicht genehmigungsfähig

Übermorgen am Donnerstag den 10.11. von 16 bis 17 Uhr Sendung des Dissidentenfunk zum Thema: Das Celler Urteil gegen Zwangsbehandlung

Ein Beschluß des Oberlandesgericht Celle erklärt Zwangsbehandlung zumindest auf betreuungsrechtlicher Grundlage durchgängig für rechtswidrig, weil er nicht genehmigungsfähig. Die Zwangsbehandlung ist ohne jeden Zweifel das gefährlichste, brutalste und bösartigste Mittel der Zwangspsychiatrie, es ist auch ihr Kernbereich.

Dieser Praxis entzieht das Oberlandesgericht Celle mit seinem Urteil radikal den Boden, denn entsprechend dem, was der Bundesgerichtshof zur ambulanten Zwangsbehandlung geurteilt hat, fehlt es nach Ansicht des OLG Celle einer expliziten gesetzlichen Grundlage, die für eine solche schwerste Grundrechtsverletzung unabdingbar wäre, wenn sie sich überhaupt rechtfertigen ließe.

Im ersten Teil der Sendung wird in einem Telefoninterview durch die Richterin am OLG Celle, Angela Ziemert, der Beschluß kommentiert und erläutert. Der zweiten Teil ist der Frage gewidmet, ob Zwangsbehandlung, Zwangspsychiatrie überhaupt gerechtfertigt werden kann, wenn andererseits die Menschenrechte unteilbar sind und damit unmittelbar verknüpft, die Würde des Menschen in Artikel 1 des Grundgesetzes für unantastbar erklärt wurde. Wir konnten dazu eine Interview mit Heiner Bielefeldt, dem Direktor des deutschen Instituts für Menschenrechte, führen.

Außerdem berichten wir über die unmittelbaren Reaktionen, zu denen der Beschluß geführt hat. Wiederholung der Sendung am Donnerstag, 24. 11. von 16 bis 17 Uhr.


Wir senden an jedem 2. und 4. Donnerstag im Monat von 16 bis 17 Uhr im Offenen Kanal Berlin UKW: 97,2 MHz (Kabel: 92,6), oder im Internet unter http://www.okb.de/radiostream.htm kann man den Livestream empfangen (mit dem Winamp Mediaplayer sollte das kein Problem sein).

In dem Archiv in der Dissidentenfunk Homepage: http://www.dissidentenfunk.de finden Sie die GEMA-freien Teile der vergangenen Sendungen als Audio- und Textdateien sowie weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Sendungen:

Oktober: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen
September: Antipsychiatrie und die Linken
Juli: Sommer-News
Mai: Faulheit (und die Folgen)
April: Prinzhorn - "Entartete" Kunst - Biennale Meine Welt
März: Patientenverfügung
Februar: Irrenoffensive - die Oper
Januar: Forensik

Aus 2004:
Dezember: Ambulante Zwangsbehandlung in Bremen
Oktober: Das Gert-Postel-Experiment
September: Psychiatrie - ein Witz
August: Vorsorgevollmacht
Juli: Zwangsbetreuung und die geplante Änderung des Betreuungsrechts

Wir feiern unser 25 jähriges Jubiläum!

25 Jahre haben wir die psychiatriepolitische Entwicklung in diesem Land auf Trapp gehalten und jetzt kommt DIE Bestätigung unserer andauernden Kritik an dem systematischen Verbrechen Zwangspsychiatrie: In einem sensationellen Urteil des Oberlandesgerichts Celle wird festgestellt, dass eine Zwangsbehandlung auf betreuungsrechtlicher Grundlage sowohl rechtswidrig als auch nicht genehmigungsfähig ist. Das vollständig Urteil ist hier veröffentlicht:
http://www.die-bpe.de/urteil_zwangsspritze.htm Das ist ein sensationeller Sieg der Grundrechte und schlägt der Zwangspsychiatrie ihre gefährlichste und bösartigste Waffe aus der Hand.

Aus diesem Anlass laden wir zu einer Party ein!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen René Talbot und Uwe Pankow
(für den Vorstand der Irren-Offensive e.V.)

Radikal Pro-Menschenrechte Zum 25. Jubiläum der Irren-Offensive Feiern Die Irren Ihren Sieg, denn das Oberlandesgericht Celle hat diesen Sommer ein sensationelles Urteil gegen Zwangsbehandlung gefällt: " ...ist eine Zwangsbehandlung auf betreuungsrechtlicher Grundlage rechtlich nicht zulässig und daher nicht genehmigungsfähig.”

* Eine Festrede von Gert Postel, dem berühmten Postboten, der zum Chefarzt einer Forensik bestellt wurde

* Preisverleihung des Freiheitspreises der I.O. an Thomas Saschenbrecker:

* Laudatio von Prof. Wolf-Dieter Narr

* Büffet

* Live Musik, danach: Disco mit DJ

* Film: Urteil des Foucault Tribunal

Am Samstag, 26. Nov. 2005, um 19 Uhr Eintritt, Speisen und alkoholfreie Getränke frei! (Mit der Einladung)

im PallasT, Pallasstr. 3510781 Berlin Einladung bitte per E-Mail anfordern: werner-fuss@gmx

Der Veranstaltungsort ist hier im Stadtplan eingezeichnet:

Werner-Fuß-Zentrum Scharnweberstr. 29, 10247 Berlin
http://www.antipsychiatrie.de und

Republicans In Trouble

There's a new narrative emerging in the mainstream media we're more than happy to echo.


Appalachia's Beheading


by Francis X. Clines, The New York Times

In four years, Bush's actions to expedite mountaintop removal coal mining will devastate an area the size of Delaware.


Democrats lining up to support Wal-Mart

The Wal-Mart 22

by Jonathan Tasini, TomPaine.com

With Democrats lining up to support Wal-Mart, why should voters believe they have any intention of challenging corporate power?


Freie Fahrt für Heuschrecken



Moderne Raubzüge

Wie deutsche Großbanken in Zusammenspiel mit der EU-Kommission, dem Berliner Senat und der Anwaltskanzlei Freshfields die Privatisierung von Sparkassen durchsetzen wollen. Artikel von Sahra Wagenknecht in junge Welt vom 01.04.2006 http://www.jungewelt.de/2006/04-01/057.php

Aus: LabourNet, 3. April 2006


We CAN Win This Battle


Haibacher Appell





Haibacher Ärzteappell

Haibacher Ärzte appellieren!

Als Ärztinnen und Ärzte halten wie den weiteren Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes für bedenklich und appellieren an Politiker, Wissenschaftler und Verantwortliche des Gesundheitswesens, dem Schutz von Leben und Gesundheit von uns allen wieder den gebührenden grundgesetzlich garantierten Wert einzuräumen und sofort zu handeln.

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Ärzte-Appelle gegen Mobilfunk

Helsinki Appell


Erstunterzeichner des Helsinki Appell

Franz Adlkofer, physician, Verum Foundation, Germany
Osmo Hänninen, emeritus-professor, Kuopio University, Finland
Jukka Laitakari, professor, Jyväskylä University, Finland
Seppo Kinnunen, physician, Tampere, Finland
Reba Goodman, scientist, Columbia University, USA
Martin Blank, sciantist, Columbia University, USA
Roger Santini, scientist, retired, France
Igor Belyaev, scientist, Stockholm University, Sweden
Alfonso Balmori, scientist, Institude Castilla y León, Spain
Sole Molander, researcher, Helsinki University of Technology, Lahti Center
Gerd Oberfeld, physician, Salzburg, Austria
Anu Leo, dentist, Helsinki, Finland
Leif Gran, dentist, Helsinki, Finland
Tuula Koskinen, dentist, Helsinki, Finland
Risto Juusela, dentist, Espoo, Finland
Pirjo Juusela, dentist, Espoo, Finland
Riitta Linko, dentist, Helsinki, Finland
Laina Salonen, senior scientist, Espoo, Finland
Sergei Kolmakov, PhD, Kuopio, Finland
Valto Räsänen, physician, Kuopio, Finland
Esa Miettinen, researcher, Kuopio, Finland
Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, physician, Tammisaari, Finland
Viveka Grönlund, physician, Kirkkonummi, Finland
Ilari Airo, physician, Helsinki, Finland
Kimmo Kauppi, physician, Vantaa, Finland
Timo Helin, physician, Helsinki, Finland
Volker Schorpp, physician, Breligheim, Germany
Robert Riedlinger, researcher, retired
Dietrich Grün, physician, Winnenden, Germany
Pentti Tiusanen, physician, Kotka, Finland
Seannette Kwee, researcher, retired, Denmark
Olle Johansson, ass. prof., Sweden



Ärzte-Appelle gegen Mobilfunk

Zunahme der Schilddrüsenerkrankungen im Südosten Frankreichs



Dr. Claus Scheingraber schrieb am 6-11-05

Meine französische Kontaktperson hat mir folgende Mitteilung gesandt: Unter dem Link:

Surprise . . . Effets des CEM sur la thyroïde

ist folgendes zu lesen:

Bisher hat man die Zunahme der Schilddrüsenerkrankungen im Südosten Frankreichs dem Durchgang der Tschernobyl-Wolke vor 20 Jahren zugeschrieben.... Die regionale Inspektion der Arbeitsbedingungen hat eine Untersuchung, genannt "Thyro 2000", beim Antikrebszentrum Antoine Lacassagne und dem INSERM für das Département der Alpes Maritimes in Auftrag gegeben. Der Bericht darüber wurde in der Zeitung NICE-MATIN vom 9. Oktober in folgenden Zeilen zusammengefasst: Die Schilddrüse von 80 000 Einwohnern der Côte d'Azur wurde von 40 Ärzten ein Jahr lang bei den jährlichen Untersuchungen, denen sich die Angestellten normalerweise unterziehen müssen, untersucht, dabei wurden 5590 Schilddrüsenkranke aufgedeckt, also über 7 Prozent. Man stellte dabei die Hypothese auf, dass dabei der Großteil von einem Umweltfaktor betroffen ist, nämlich die elektromagnetischen Strahlungen der Computer, der Telephone und der Photokopier-Apparate. Für die Wissenschaftler war das keine allzu große Überraschung, doch für das große Publikum schon.

Bei next-up kann man ein technisches Vulgarisation-Dokument über diese Problematik lesen.

Herzliche Grüße

Claus Scheingraber

Congress's Sham Budget Savings

The New York Times: The five-year, $54 billion budget proposal is headed for a floor vote this week, disguised as an overdue act of fiscal responsibility and government savings. In truth, it is so over-the-top in its inequities and giveaways that embarrassed moderates are actually rebelling and withholding support unless some of the more outrageous measures - like despoiling the Alaska wildlife refuge with oil drilling - are killed.


Far Away from Home, No Rest for a Weary President

George W. Bush sometimes seems to be in a Murphy's Law period of his presidency, when everything that can go wrong will go wrong. So after one of his most miserable weeks at the White House, things did not get a lot better on his messy four-day trip to Latin America.


GOP's Best Friend Could Be Its Nightmare

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff was not at the Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing last week, but he was the central topic, as Congress continued to probe what some call one of this generation's most outrageous political scandals. Abramoff helped fuel conservative successes, but his dealings could lead to powerful ethical fallout.


Barbara Streisand: "If There Was Ever a Time to Impeach, It Would Be Now"


Informant: Hopedance


Voter's Guide to California Ballot Propositions

This voter guide provides clear information from both sides and links to the full text of the California voter initiatives.


Anti-War Sermon Brings IRS Warning

The Internal Revenue Service has warned one of Southern California's largest and most liberal churches that it is at risk of losing its tax-exempt status because of an anti-war sermon two days before the 2004 presidential election.


Cheney Lied about Wilson, Plame Knowledge

The indictment against Cheney's Chief of Staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, clearly states that Cheney and Libby discussed Plame's undercover CIA status and the fact that her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, traveled to Niger to investigate claims that Iraq tried to acquire yellowcake uranium from the African country in early June of 2003. Yet the following month, Cheney and then-White House press secretary Ari Fleischer asserted that the vice president was unaware of Wilson's Niger trip, who the ambassador even was, and the classified report Wilson wrote about the Niger findings prior to his July 6, 2003 op-ed in the New York Times.


Inner city housing near overhead power lines or phone masts will be entitled to a tax cut

Patios may add to tax

Monday 7th nov 2005

In the Sun Newspaper a report on council tax revaluation, page 2 'Patio Tax' says ...'but inner city housing near overhead power lines or phone masts will be entitled to a tax cut'...


That is true. Here is the link:

Best regards.


I know of at least one campaign who has managed a re evaluation of council tax on their property because of a mast.


Trouble anormal de voisinage

- Décision de Justice - Arrêt de la 19ème Chambre de la Cour d'Appel de PARIS contre Orange http://www.next-up.org/main.php?param=proces

Haringey Council to debate mast issue

Just to repeat, the meeting starts at 7.30pm on Monday 14th November at the Civic Centre (Wood Green High Road).

Cllr Matt Davies Lib Dem, Fortis Green


This Council notes: • Haringey residents' public health concerns about mobile phone masts, with particular concern about the siting of masts near to schools, hospitals and residential porperties • Legislation is weighted in favour of mobile phone companies and Haringey Council currently has little power to act on our residents' concerns • Masts below 15m are exempt from planning permission

This Council believes: • More national research is required into the potential health risks of mobile phone masts • The 'precautionary principle' should apply and Councils like Haringey should be able to reject mast applications on health grounds • Mobile phone companies should be required to make a full planning application for masts of any size and should always be required to provide a statement of the intensity and direction of the signal

This Council resolves: • To write to Haringey's two Members of Parliament requesting they lobby Ministers for a moratorium on mast sites near to schools, hospitals and residential properties • To ask our Members of Parliament to support any Bills in Parliament which would mean safer siting of phone masts, including giving Councils clear authority to reject mast applications on local public health grounds • To write to all other London Boroughs to ask for their support in using the 'precautionary principle'

Wildlife Refuge Used for Genetically Modified Crops


Details on Torture and Secret Facility Conditions from Three “Disappeared” Yemeni Nationals


Tragically, Iraq Has Become A Rerun Of Vietnam


We Americans Are Like Recovering Addicts After a Four-Year Bender


Press Owes an Explanation on Iraq War


Deportation Case is No Model of Justice


Deconstructing Cheney


Blair's Litany of Failures on Iraq - Ambassador's Damning Verdict


U.S. fiscal future 'worse than advertised'


Informant: NHNE

Join the Rapid Response Network: hold government accountable to the people

Rapid Response Network (RR) is a nationwide volunteer organization that acts as "first responders" to biased, imbalanced or factually inaccurate media coverage. At its heart, RR is a vehicle for engaging "We the People" in our democracy. As the influence of television news and media conglomerates increases, citizens have less opportunity to participate in the national dialogue on issues dramatically affecting our lives. RR's work represents opportunity to restore a continuous American conversation, from coast to coast and into the smallest hometowns.

Unique among media watch networks, RR is organized into national, state and county groups. This structure provides the power of national resources and organization with the effectiveness that can only be achieved by acting at a local level. Using tools provided through RR, neighbors speak with neighbors.

The network seeks out opportunities to engage the media on issues of importance, then notifies the volunteer base with Action Alerts. Volunteers respond with letters, emails, and phone calls. Our goal is to ensure that the public discussion remains productive, honest, and fair. We seek to encourage informed citizenship, the ultimate check and balance to hold government accountable to the people.

Want to get involved? Sign up now!

First Post-Indictment Congressional Iraq Vote

WHAT: House International Relations Committee scheduled to debate and vote on H. Res. 505, a Resolution of Inquiry into the White House Iraq Group

WHEN: 10:30 a.m. ET, Wednesday, November 9, 2005

WHERE: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2172.
(Southwest of the Capitol on a site bounded by Independence Avenue, South Capitol Street, First Street, and C Street, S.W., Washington, D.C.)

SIGNIFICANCE: This will be the first vote Congress takes on investigating the White House Iraq Group (WHIG) and the first vote related to the war since Vice Presidential Chief of Staff Lewis Libby was indicted. This vote will be a key test of whether Republicans will continue to stand behind the White House's case for war.

On September 14, the International Relations Committee defeated by one vote a Resolution of Inquiry (H. Res. 505) into White House and State Department communications with the United Kingdom involving Iraq war plans. Every Democrat present voted "Yea", as did one Republican. A second Republican voted "Present".

Email Your Congress Member:

More Information and How to Get Involved:

A Nation in Distress: America is Crying for its Nation


"Bald werden wir nur noch über Badekappenverordnung diskutieren"

Kritik im Kreisrat an Bescheid der Regierung zu Kompetenzen

VON JOHANNES THOMA Landkreis/Pähl - Das Thema begleitet den Kreistag seit fast einem Jahrzehnt. Kreisräte beklagen sich über zu wenig Sitzungen und über zu wenig Kompetenzen. "Was bleibt uns denn noch, bald werden wir nur noch über die Badekappenverordnung im Weilheimer Hallenbad diskutieren", so Kreisrat Hans Geisenberger bei der Sitzung in Pähl, bei der auch erneut darüber debattiert wurde, welche Themen im Kreistag angeschnitten werden dürfen und welche nicht. Bei Letzteren sieht sich Landrat Luitpold Braun in seiner Rechtsauffassung bestätigt.

Für Renate Müller (Grüne, Schongau) ist der Bescheid der Regierung, wonach der Landkreis sich nicht allgemein mit dem Thema "Mobilfunk hätte befassen dürfen (wir berichteten), ein "Maulkorb" für den 60-köpfigen Kreistag. Geisenberger (Unabhängige, Sachsenried) sprach von einer "Aushöhlung der kommunalen Selbstverwaltung". "Ich erwarte eine Grundsatzdebatte", so Geisenberger. Anders CSU-Fraktionssprecherin Renate Dodell: Ich bin froh über die Klarstellung, jetzt können wir unsere Zeit dafür verwenden, wofür wir zuständig sind."

Der Bescheid der Regierung zur Zuständigkeit des Kreistages allgemein war unter anderem auf Initiative von Landrat Braun zustande gekommen, nachdem der Kreistag bei seiner Sitzung im März in Wildsteig auf Antrag der Unabhängigen sich allgemein mit "Mobilfunk" befasst hatte. Aber laut Regierung von Oberbayern, der Aufsichtsbehörde, gibt es keine "Allzuständigkeit der Landkreise" - im Gegensatz zu den Gemeinden. Vereinfacht ausgedrückt: Eine Stadt oder eine Gemeinde darf sich beispielsweise mit der Frage beschäftigen, ob im Bundesgebiet Atomwaffen stationiert werden dürfen. Der Kreistag als politische Vertretung des Landkreises kann sich hingegen nicht allgemein gegen eine bestimmte Veranstaltung wie die Oberlandrallye aussprechen, obwohl diese sogar über Kreisstraßen führt. Dies wurde bei früheren Sitzungen mehrfach von Hans Schütz (Grüne, Peiting) kritisiert. Aufgabenbereiche des Landkreises sind zum Beispiel Müllentsorgung, Krankenhäuser oder weiterführende Schulen - nur mit diesen dürfe er sich auch "sachlich befassen", schreibt die Regierung.

Der Kreistag hätte sich mit dem Thema "Mobilfunk" befassen dürfen, wenn beispielsweise ein Antrag vorgelegen hätte, auf dem Dach des Landratsamtes in Weilheim eine Mobilfunkantenne zu errichten.

In einem Punkt erzielten Vertreter von SPD, Grünen und Unabhängigen bei der Kreistagssitzung einen Erfolg: Nach Kritik von mehreren Seiten versprach Landrat Braun, künftig im Rahmen der Gesetze, "aber in gebotener Großzügigkeit", Unterlagen wie das Schreiben der Regierung "zur Befassungskompetenz" allen Kreisräten unaufgefordert zur Verfügung zu stellen.


Bush's Wall of Shame: names of allies for aggression


The Evil of Foreign Aid: Deficits at Home, Welfare Abroad


The state disarms the honest and encourages thugs


Let Us Be Patriots rather than Loyalists


Who's Your Daddy: the central government, according to the dear leader


The New Jacobins - The Crisis of Democracy and the Quest for Empire


Full Marx for George Bush




Blair's litany of failures on Iraq

Ambassador's damning verdict:

Meyer says PM failed to exert any leverage on Bush and was seduced by US power.


Memoirs shine new light on war:

Tony Blair has faced any number of claims about what he did and did not do when he and President Bush were preparing to go to war on Iraq. The difference with Sir Christopher Meyer's recollections is that he was actually there most of the time.


US intel on Iraq-Qaeda ties 'intentionally misleading' document

US military intelligence warned the Bush administration as early as February 2002 that its key source on Al-Qaeda's relationship with Iraq had provided "intentionally misleading" data, according to a declassified report.


From Information Clearing House

Iraqi politicians condemn US offensive

Iraqi politicians have condemned the latest US offensive on villages and towns close to the Syrian border, calling it a killing operation.


From Information Clearing House

American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond

By Jeremy Brecher, Jill Cutler and Brendan Smith

The possibility that high U.S. officials may be guilty of war crimes and may be preparing to commit more raises questions that few Americans have yet faced. These questions go far beyond technical legal matters to the broadest concerns of international security, democratic government, morality, and personal responsibility.


U.S. Used Chemical Weapons In Iraq: Napalm & Phosphorous, This Is How The U.S. "Took" Fallujah

Veteran admits: Bodies melted away before us.


The Americans are responsible for a massacre using unconventional weapons, the identical charge for which Saddam Hussein stands accused. An investigation by RAI News 24, the all-news Italian satellite television channel, has pulled the veil from one of the most carefully concealed mysteries from the front in the entire US military campaign in Iraq.


I am working on the video RAI report detailed in the article above. I should have it online ( http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article10907.htm ) by 2pm PST

Bush is presiding over an unsuccessful, even incompetent, administration

In scandalous times, Bush could learn from Clinton

Fox News/Cato
by Patrick Basham


With the White House shrouded in scandal, the biggest obstacle to George W. Bush’s political comeback is that he’s no Bill Clinton. The heaviest millstone around the president’s political neck isn’t the case against Scooter Libby or the continuing investigation into Karl Rove. Rather, it’s the growing public perception that, unlike President Clinton in the 1990s, Bush is presiding over an unsuccessful, even incompetent, administration. Scandal’s ability to upset the political apple cart is such that some observers argue scandals are now the primary means through which Americans engage in political conflict. What will be the current scandal’s impact on the Bush presidency?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Internet tug-o-war

America's Future Foundation
by Tim Lee


On the one side is the United States government, which created the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a California non-profit, to manage the Internet's address infrastructure. On the other side is the UN, and one of its agencies, the International Telecommunications Union, which is holding a World Summit on the Information Society next week to discuss the future of Internet governance. Many developing countries, including China, India, and Brazil, want ICANN's powers placed in the hands of an international body such as the United Nations. The European Union traditionally supported the existing arrangement, but recently it has signalled that it, too, would like to strip the United States of its current authority. So far, most of the debate has been focused on who should be 'in charge of' the Internet...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bird Flu and the Posse Comitatus Act

by Jill Farrell


"Montesquieu, famous for his articulation of the theory of separation of powers, said, 'There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.' The latest test balloon of federal power enhancement comes in the form of public health response to the possibility of an outbreak of pandemic bird flu. ... The gargantuan federal government will never resist the temptation to grant itself additional power. It is up to us at the grassroots level to confront it when it oversteps its bounds. It is incumbent upon us to tell it when it is wrong for the simple fact that they are wrong and not submit to the whims of 'our side'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hurricane relief for Mr. Bush's very wealthy friends

Common Dreams
by Christopher Brauchli


The reason most of my readers do not give away all their income to charities is because they like to eat and food costs money. So does housing. Many of my readers use most, if not all, of their adjusted gross income, to survive. The only people for whom adjusted gross income is nothing more than a trifle are the very rich. Thus, it turns out that one of the most significant benefits of the Hurricane Relief Act of 2005, goes to Mr. Bush's very wealthy friends and their pet charities. It is amazing how Congress and the president can make things appear to be what they are not...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


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