
Krebscluster in Neuhardenberg?

Krebs erregender Mobilfunkmast?

Neuhardenberg (MOZ) In der Gemeinde Neuhardenberg gibt es einen erschreckenden Verdacht: Der Mobilfunkturm nahe des Birkenweges, der heute von Vodafon betrieben wird, könnte mitverantwortlich für gehäufte Krebserkrankungen sein. Anwohner des Birkenweges haben sich deshalb Rat suchend an Bürgermeister Mario Eska gewandt. Auf acht von zwölf Grundstücken im Birkenweg leben zurzeit Menschen mit Krebserkrankungen, hat Mario Eska die Situation im Gemeinderat geschildert. Heute soll es nun eine Bürgerversammlung geben - mit dem Mobilfunkturmbetreiber.

Von Silke Müller

Neuhardenbergs Bürgermeister nimmt es ernst, wenn Einwohner ihre Sorgen an ihn herantragen und um Hilfe bitten. Erst recht, wenn es um den Verdacht geht, dass ein Mobilfunkturm möglicherweise mit Ursache für Krebserkrankungen ist. "Wenn auf acht von zwölf Grundstücken im Birkenweg, der gleich neben dem Mobilfunkturm liegt, Menschen mit einer Krebserkrankung leben, dann ist das zumindest ungewöhnlich und dann muss man möglichen Ursachen nachgehen", hatte Mario Eska vor dem Gemeinderat erklärt. Der Mann ist kein Experte, aber er hat sich umgehört. "In einem Nachbardorf von Neuhardenberg gibt es eine ähnliche Sachlage", sagt er, will jedoch mit Rücksicht auf die Bürger, die sich bislang noch nicht an den Bürgermeister oder Öffentlichkeit gewandt haben, den Ortsnamen nicht öffentlich nennen.

Omega siehe dazu „Krebshäufung in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen“ unter:

Das Thema ist brisant. Erst vor wenigen Monaten gab es in Petershagen und Falkenberg eine Bürgerinitiative, die sich vergebens gegen den Aufbau eines neuen Mobilfunkturmes eingesetzt hatte. In Letschin wurde trotz Bürgerbedenkens vor einiger Zeit ein solcher Mobilfunkturm neu aufgebaut - allerdings nicht auf dem Dach der Schule, wie zeitweise auch zur Diskussion stand.

Bislang gab es stets die Genehmigung durch die Behörden, bislang aber gibt es auch noch keine Untersuchungen von Langzeitfolgen, die möglicherweise von Mobilfunktürmen ausgehen. Als sicher gilt nur, dass sich die Betreiber solcher Funktürme in aller Regel im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorgaben bewegen.

Omega es stimmt nicht, dass es noch keine Untersuchungen von Langzeitfolgen, die möglicherweise von Mobilfunktürmen ausgehen, gibt. Siehe z.B. „Die Nailaer Mobilfunkstudie“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/351483/

Dennoch staunte Neuhardenbergs Bauamtsleiter Dietmar Müller zum Beispiel nicht schlecht, als er wegen des Bürgeranliegens zum Thema recherchierte. "27 Anrufe habe ich gebraucht, um da langsam durchzudringen", versuchte er die komplizierte Recherche allein zum Neuhardenberger Mobilfunkturm zu beschreiben. Dabei kam unter anderem heraus, dass es zwar regelmäßige Messungen der Strahlungen dieser Anlagen gibt, allerdings offenbar nicht bei allen Mobilfunktürmen. "Nach meiner Kenntnis wird hier in der Region regelmäßig an Standorten in Bad Freienwalde, Müncheberg und Fürstenwalde gemessen", erklärte Bauamtsleiter Dietmar Müller. Dort allerdings seien nach den Ergebnissen die Schwellenwerte der Anlagen um mehr als das Hundertfache unterschritten. Der Neuhardenberger Mobilfunkturm ist offiziell zugelassen. Er wurde 1992/93 von der Telekom gebaut, so Müller. Er hat mehrfach den Besitzer gewechselt und wird jetzt von der Deutschen Funkturm GmbH betrieben. Die Zulassung durch die Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post läge vor, sagt Müller.

Omega siehe dazu „Strahlenmessungen“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/326599/

Auf ihrer Internetseite (http://www.bmwa.bund.de) räumt die Regulierungsbehörde in Sachen Mobilfunkstrahlung ein: "Durch den Betrieb von Mobilfunkeinrichtungen werden Strahlen ausgesendet. Bisherige Forschungsergebnisse können nicht belegen, dass es durch die Handy-Strahlung zu gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen kommt. Sie können es aber auch nicht ausschließen."

Omega es stimmt nicht, dass bisherige Forschungsergebnisse nicht belegen können, dass es durch Handy-Strahlung zu gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen kommt. Siehe „Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/293807/

Zudem haben die Betreiber von Mobilfunkanlagen erst im Januar 2005 Rückendeckung bekommen. Das Landgericht Braunschweig hat die Klage einer Bewohnerin abgewiesen, auf deren Haus eine solche Mobilfunkanlage betrieben wird. Die Klägerin hatte geltend gemacht, dass sowohl sie als auch ihre Familienangehörigen durch den Betrieb der Anlage mit gesundheitlichen Langzeitschäden zu rechnen hätten, unter anderem einer erhöhten Krebsgefährdung, einer Schwächung der körpereigenen Abwehr, einer verminderten Melatoninproduktion und Kopfschmerzen. Sie war der Ansicht, die 26. Bundesimmissionsschutzverordnung, in der die Grenzwerte für elektromagnetische Strahlung festgelegt sind, sei verfassungswidrig, weil bei der Festlegung der Grenzwerte die gefährlichen athermischen Wirkungen der Strahlung nicht berücksichtigt worden seien. Damit habe der Gesetzgeber das Vorsorgeprinzip zum Schutz der Bevölkerung nicht berücksichtigt.

Zwar legte die Frau einige aktuelle Gutachten vor, die aus Sicht des Gerichtes aber keine handfesten Beweise für eine Gesundheitsgefahr erbrachten. Damit gäbe es, so das Gericht, keinen Grund für eine geänderte Risikobewertung.

Dass es keineswegs sicher ist, dass die gehäuften Krebserkrankungen in den Häusern im Neuhardenberger Birkenweg auf den Mobilfunkmast zurück zu führen sind, weiß auch der Neuhardenberger Gemeinderat. Bürgermeister Mario Eska will die Situation dennoch nicht unbeachtet lassen. Der Bereiber des Mobilfunkturmes hat Gesprächsbereitschaft signalisiert.

Heute will er bei einer Bürgerversammlung zum Thema informieren. Fest steht, dass die Gemeinde wenig Einfluss auf den Standort des Mobilfunkturmes nehmen kann. Das Land, auf dem er steht, war Anfang der 90er Jahre an die Telekom verkauft worden.

Die Einwohnerversammlung findet heute, ab 19 Uhr, im Sportlerheim statt.

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2005 (08:04)

Copyright 2000 bis 2004 moz.de Märkisches Verlags- und Druckhaus GmbH & Co. KG


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Strahlung unterm Grenzwert


Friends With Benefits

by Public Campaign Action Fund

Been wondering if YOUR representative has ties to the scandal-plagued Tom DeLay? See the new website to find out who's in The Hammer's pocket.


Source: http://www.tompaine.com/index.php#passiton

Chemical Corruption

Looks like the big asbestos bill hitting the Senate today will help asbestos producers and big manufacturing companies far more than actual victims of asbestos contamination.


"Moral Clarity" Or Moral Abdication?

by Jim Lobe, TomPaine.com

John Bolton's record is anathema to the principles of neoconservatives. And yet they are flocking to his defense.


The Biggest Story of Our Lives


Informant: Charles Shaw (Newtopia)

From ufpj-news

The Warming Planet: Before the Flood


Help change Lincoln Chafee's mind before Thursday's Bolton vote

Our effort to stop John Bolton's confirmation as UN Ambassador is at a critical point. Please take action -- today -- to make a difference.

Thursday morning, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will be meeting to vote on John Bolton's nomination. As it stands, a 10-8 party line vote of the Republican-controlled committee would favorably send Bolton's nomination to the Senate floor for a final vote by the full body, where confirmation is likely.

But we still have a chance to stop the Bolton nomination in Thursday's committee meeting before it reaches the Senate floor.

My Democratic colleagues and I have been working overtime to try to convince at least one fellow Republican committee member to join with us -- to resist the arm-twisting from the White House and the Senate Republican leadership, and to instead do the right thing by rejecting this terrible nomination.

At this point, our best chance may well rest with Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee from Rhode Island. Unfortunately, Senator Chafee has decided to reluctantly support the Bolton nomination, despite the fact that a new Zogby poll shows over 80% of Rhode Islanders oppose the nomination. I need your help right now and over the next 24 hours to personally lobby Senator Chafee to change his mind:

1. Sign my petition to Senator Chafee now, urging him to vote down Bolton's nomination. http://ga4.org/campaign/boltonchafee/b85g57rr5jxtie?

2. Call Lincoln Chafee's Senate office at (202) 224-2921 and log your opposition to John Bolton.

We all know that John Bolton is absolutely the wrong choice to be America's next UN Ambassador. But before you call Senator Chafee's office, I wanted to remind you of a few of the many reasons why:

* John Bolton has politicized the intelligence-gathering process. The last thing we should be doing is promoting officials who try to twist intelligence in order to create "imminent threats" to our country -- especially in light of the debacle in Iraq, where over 1,600 soldiers have died, over 12,000 soldiers have been injured, plus countless other innocents of the war.

* John Bolton has shown disdain for the United Nations throughout his career. We all want to reform the UN. But why would we send someone who is so disrespected -- someone who said "there is no United Nations" and "if [the UN Headquarters] lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference."

* John Bolton has shown a pattern of trying to fire subordinates for no good reason. In every case he was overruled, but his behavior and vindictiveness had a chilling effect on independent intelligence analysts. It got so bad at one point that Secretary of State Colin Powell himself had to make a special trip to visit the analysts and boost their morale.

* John Bolton has not been truthful with the Foreign Relations Committee. He led the committee to falsely believe that he didn't really care that these intelligence analysts didn't give him the information he wanted and he just "shrugged it off". Nothing could be further from the truth -- he went after them aggressively. He also didn't tell the truth about the comments he said he received from the Ambassador to South Korea whom he said complimented him. In fact, the Ambassador was very critical of him.

* Many leading opponents to the Bolton nomination come from within the Bush Administration. The strongest criticism of John Bolton comes from Republicans, including self-described conservative Carl Ford, who called Bolton a "serial abuser."

It's remarkable to me that despite all of this evidence and so much more, not a single Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee has been willing to oppose this ill-conceived nomination -- yet.

Help change Senator Chafee's mind. Please sign my petition and call him today! http://ga4.org/campaign/boltonchafee/b85g57rr5jxtie?

Lincoln Chafee has always said that he is independent minded. Well, today I publicly call on him to step out front on this -- to do the right thing and oppose John Bolton's nomination.

And your follow-up to Senator Chafee's office by signing my petition and making a phone call may well make the difference.

Thanks for your help on this critical issue!

In Friendship,

Barbara Boxer

P.S. After signing this petition, don't forget to phone Senator Chafee's office at (202) 224-2921!



Umweltverband wirft WestLB Mitfinanzierung von Kupfermine in Peru vor

Umweltzerstörung: Umweltverband wirft WestLB Mitfinanzierung von Kupfermine in Peru vor (11.05.05)

Die Düsseldorfer Bank WestLB soll nach Informationen der Umweltorganisation "Rettet den Regenwald" darüber nachdenken, eine große Kupfermine in Peru mitzufinanzieren. "Rettet den Regenwald" bezieht sich dabei auf Informationen der Nichtregierungsorganisation "BankTrack", die die deutsche Bank im Zusammenhang mit anderen Mitfinanzierern in einem Bericht von Juni 2004 erwähnt. Die WestLB wie die Behauptung alsfalsch zurück. Sie entbehre jeder Grundlage: "Die WestLB ist in keiner Form an diesem Projekt beteiligt", sagte Sprecher Hans Albers.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Bundesregierung will Datenschutz massiv einschränken

Entwurf für Telemediengesetz: Bundesregierung will Datenschutz massiv einschränken (11.05.05)

Der Entwurf des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums für ein neues Telemediengesetz stößt auf massive Kritik von Bürgerrechts- und Verbraucherorganisationen. Der Arbeitsentwurf sieht unter anderem vor, dass jeder "Diensteanbieter" auch ohne Zustimmung des Nutzers personenbezogene Daten speichern und weitergeben darf. Für die Zulässigkeit der Speicherung der Nutzungsdaten sollen Anhaltspunkte für eine rechtswidrige Nutzung des Dienstes genügen - und zwar nicht nur der Verdacht, die Entgelte für den Dienst nicht zu zahlen, sondern auch der Verdacht, den Dienst "in sonstiger Weise rechtswidrig zu Lasten des Diensteinhabers oder Dritter zu nutzen". Auch ist vorgesehen, dass Auskünfte über die Nutzer nicht nur an Strafverfolger, sondern auch an Private erteilt werden sollen. Die Bürgerrechts- und Datenschutzinitiative STOP1984 kritisierte, es entstehe der Verdacht, dass über den Umweg angeblichen Verbraucherschutzes eine vorbereitende Vorratsdatenspeicherung etabliert werden solle.

Auch der Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) warnte, unter dem Vorwand, gegen illegale Downloads vorgehen zu können, drohe eine ungehemmte Datensammlung durch die Hintertür.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Sozialraub: Analysen zur Politik des globalen Kapitals


Der Krieg und die Medien


Human-Animal Hybrids, Mad Cow Cover-up and more...(Organic Bytes #57)

Food, Consumer and Environment News Tidbits with an Edge!
Organic Bytes #57



New guidelines set by the National Academies of Sciences would permit the development of human-animal hybrids. The creation of these new species would be allowed for the sake of research. According to the standards, this would be permitted "under circumstances where no other experiment can provide the information needed." The standards also recommend "strong scientific justification" for experiments where human cells are used to develop major aspects of the brain of the new animal. In addition, newly developed human-animal species are not allowed to breed with each other. These standards are voluntary, and human-animal hybrids are already under production. Learn more and speak your mind: http://www.organicconsumers.org/chimera.htm


An ethics committee at Stanford University has approved a proposal to create mice with brains made almost completely of human brain cells. Stanford law professor Hank Greely, who chaired the ethics committee, said the board endorsed this procedure based on the assumption that the animal would probably not experience higher levels of human thought, given the size and shape of the mouse brain. The committee recommended closely monitoring the mice's behavior and immediately killing any that display "human-like behavior," although, admittedly, no one quite knows how an observer would be able to truly distinguish whether or not a lab mouse is thinking and feeling like a human. Learn more and speak your mind: http://www.organicconsumers.org/chimera.htm


Japanese scientists are splicing human genes into rice that will ultimately be grown for human consumption. While some opponents say the concept borders on cannibalism, genetic engineers claim the new rice has environmental benefits. Researchers spliced a gene from a human liver into rice to help the plant "digest" pesticides, thereby allowing the crop to be sprayed with up to 13 different pesticides without damaging the rice. The developers of the new human-rice admit that if this gene were to escape into the wild, a new generation of "superweeds" could be inadvertently created. No testing of the product's impact on human health has yet been conducted. http://www.organicconsumers.org/ge/humangene042505.cfm


The USDA has refused to respond to allegations that it has been covering up cases of Mad Cow disease in the U.S. for well over a decade. Lester Friedlander, a former USDA veterinarian, says he was told by USDA officials as far back as 1991 that if his testing laboratory ever found evidence of Mad Cow disease, he was to tell no one. He and other scientists say they know of cases where cows tested positive for the disease in laboratories but were ruled negative by the USDA. Mad cow is a concern to public health because humans can contract a fatal brain illness known as variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease from eating beef products contaminated with the mad cow pathogen. TAKE ACTION! Sign the Mad Cow petition: http://www.organicconsumers.org/madcow.htm


Government officials from 130 nations are currently meeting in Uruguay to discuss methods of eliminating twelve of the world's most toxic pesticides and chemicals. Specifically, these toxins, such as DDT and PCBs, are referred to as Persistant Organic Pollutants (POPs). They are known to kill people, damage the nervous and immune systems, cause cancer and reproductive disorders, and interfere with normal infant and child development. According to Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, eliminating POPs will be expensive but "will save lives and protect the natural environment - particularly in the poorest communities and countries." http://www.organicconsumers.org/foodsafety/pesticides050405.cfm


The University of Hawaii has released a new study that shows people who consume processed meats have a 6,700% increased risk of pancreatic cancer over those who consume little or no meat products. The study was done over a period of seven years on nearly 200,000 people. Researchers pin the blame on sodium nitrite, a chemical used in nearly all processed meats, including sausage, hot dogs, jerkies, bacon, lunch meat, and even meats in canned soup products. Although these same meats can be purchased without sodium nitrite, consumers must seek the few products that are labeled as such. The USDA attempted to ban sodium nitrite in the 1970s, but was blocked by the meat industry, which relies heavily on the chemical to add color to processed meats, making them look more appealing. Author and nutritionist Mike Adams said of this and other similar study results, "Sodium nitrite is a dangerous, cancer-causing ingredient that has no place in the human food supply." http://www.organicconsumers.org/foodsafety/processedmeat050305.cfm


Just in time for World Fair Trade Day, the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is pleased to announce our next House Party film and action pack, featuring the new documentary, Coffee with the Taste of the Moon. Starting May 14th the OCA and allies around the world will promote Fair Trade and organic goods, like coffee, chocolate and tea. Certified Fair Trade goods provide a fair price for farmers, create sustainable economic opportunities for global communities, and offer an alternative to so-called "Free Trade." Make everyday Fair Trade Day! http://www.organicconsumers.org/fair-trade/house-party.cfm


-In a recent press briefing in Bentonville, Arkansas, Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott Jr. announced the corporation could not afford to pay living family wages to its workers in a manner similar to what its competitors Costco, Safeway, Giant and Kroger currently do.

-Wal-Mart does more business than Target, Sears, Kmart, J.C. Penney, Safeway and Kroger combined.

-Wal-Mart is the largest profit-making corporation in the world, with 1.4 million employees, 5,000 stores, and annual sales of a quarter of a trillion dollars.

-Wal-Mart's profits, after all expenses, have nearly doubled in the last four years, from six billion dollars in 2001 to ten billion dollars in 2004.

-Learn more and join the OCA's "Breaking the Chains" campaign http://www.organicconsumers.org/btc.htm


The American Heart Association has released a study indicating that the rate of obesity among Americans earning more than $60,000 a year is growing three times faster than the rate among the poor. "Sedentary lifestyles and restaurants are the two big things that affect that group the most," said Marc O'Meara, a dietitian at Brigham and Women's Hospital. "The portion sizes just keep growing." http://www.organicconsumers.org/Toxic/rich-obesity.cfm

Although dreaming of one day being a heavy metal drummer, 15 year old Micah Hinton may be destined for engineering. The high school sophomore has designed a model car that uses a solar panel to create hydrogen fuel out of water. When the car is running, it converts that hydrogen back into ordinary water. As a result, the fuel source is never depleted, and the car never needs a fill-up. "It lasts forever," said Hinton, 15. http://organicconsumers.org/corp/hydrogen.cfm

The OCA has announced the launch of its new international Science Oversight Board (iSOB), that will expand OCA's outreach into the biomedical and public health arena. The iSOB oversight board will investigate and publicize conflicts of interest at academic medical centers and in governmental agencies worldwide. It will focus on the corporatization of medicine and the commodification of human life. http://www.organicconsumers.org/Politics/isob050505.cfm


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Please forward this publication to family and friends, place it on websites, print it, duplicate it and post it freely. Knowledge is power!

Federal government may not have the right to lease Hopi assets


For Immediate Publication

Contact: Vernon Masayesva (928) 734-9255) or (928) 213-9009

Black Mesa Trust sponsors talk: Federal government may not have the right to lease Hopi assets

KYKOTSMOVI, Ariz., May 9, 2005-Could a 150-year-old document hold the key to Hopi self-determination? Quite possibly, explained attorney Lana Marcussen at the Hopi Veterans' Memorial Center on April 28, as she discussed the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In that treaty, signed after nine years of war between the United States and Mexico, Mexico ceded 55% of its territory-the lands that would become the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and parts of Colorado, Nevada, and Utah-to the American government in exchange for $15 million in reparations for war damage.

The Mexican government gave up land, but negotiated measures to protect the civil and property rights of its citizens who would be living in territories controlled by the United States. In particular, Article VIII guaranteed, "In the said [ceded] territories, property of every kind, now belonging to Mexicans not established there, shall be inviolably respected. The present owners, the heirs of these, and all Mexicans who may hereafter acquire said property by contract, shall enjoy with respect to it guaranties equally ample as if the same belonged to citizens of the United States," (quoted from a 2004 U.S. Government Accounting Office document, "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Findings and Possible Options Regarding Longstanding Community Land Grant Claims in New Mexico").

Ms. Marcussen is an expert in water law, Indian law, and public land law. She has an extensive knowledge of Spanish land grants, and it is on the basis of those land grants given by Spain to the indigenous peoples of the "Americas" that the Hopi may be able to claim real property rights in the land, water, and minerals of their homeland. Hopi real property rights would supersede all other rights, including those claimed by the federal government. Ms. Marcussen explained to an audience overflowing the meeting room that at its most profound basis, the issue is sovereignty. Under the United States Constitution, power is distributed between two sovereigns, the federal government on the one hand and state governments on the other. Under this principle, the third sovereign is the people, as individuals and as a group, and the people's rights are superior to both federal rights and states' rights. Tribal sovereignty, not specified by the Constitution, has had to find its place within this basic structure.

Ever since the federal government "conquered" the indigenous peoples of this country, it has declared itself the principle sovereign over those peoples. The Hopis and other tribes have a little sovereignty, as much as the federal government thinks they should have at any given time, and the federal government holds Indian property in trust to do with as it sees fit, in principle if not in reality, for the benefit of the Indians.

The Treat of Guadalupe Hildalgo turns this theory upside down. "Because the Mexican government recognized you as individual sovereigns together in a city (or pueblo), your right is superior, as is your right to control, without the permission or participation of the federal government, your land and your water," said Ms. Marcussen. She explained that while the Hopi have not yet asserted their sovereign rights, other Pueblo Indians have, and they have won in court. She further explained that the rights of Pueblo people as individuals take precedence over the rights of the tribal governments, which were imposed on the tribes by the federal government by the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.

When the federal government accepted Article VIII of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, it committed to protecting all of the property of the people who chose to remain where they were in the lands ceded by Mexico. These people were Mexican citizens, and the U.S. promised to respect their rights as such, whether they chose to remain Mexican citizens and relocate, or they chose to stay where they were and eventually become citizens of the United States.

The federal government then set about determining how much land belonged to the Pueblo peoples under the terms of the Treaty. In California, they asked the Pueblo peoples in 1851 to provide proof of their land grants and pretty much accepted all of the land claims that were filed. The federal government lost one half of California and realized that it had made a mistake. In response, the government in 1854 radically changed the criteria for proof of Spanish or Mexican land grants in Arizona and New Mexico.

Rather than asking people to bring in their original land grants, the government sent out its own surveyor. If the official surveyor thought someone had a claim, that person would be allowed to bring his papers into court and the court would decide whether to allow the claim. Some scholars have estimated that only about 25% of the original Spanish land grants were recognized in New Mexico (of which Arizona was originally a part), while the GAO report states that as many as 55% were recognized, but in any case, all 23 claims submitted by the Pueblos of what is now the State of New Mexico were eventually proved and honored. On that basis Ms. Marcussen and her colleagues have won primary water rights-not federal reserved rights-for tribes in New Mexico.

So where does this leave the Hopi? The pueblos of the Southwest were given land grants in part because after the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, the Catholic Pope declared that the Pueblo Indians, by virtue of the fact that they lived in cities and had a social and political organization sophisticated enough to drive the priests out of the Southwest at will, which is what they did in 1680, were civilized people (and, incidentally, would make good soldiers). As the Spanish military and clergy re-entered the Southwest, they started issuing land grants to the pueblos as well as to Spanish individuals. Since the Spanish visited Hopi as early as 1540, it is likely that there is a land grant to the Hopi (or, as they were called then, the Moqui). And if there is, the Hopi are entitled to Article VIII rights under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. That means that when the federal government holds land or water or natural resources in trust for the Hopi, it is merely a trustee, not a sovereign. Therefore, it does not have the right to negotiate the sale or lease of that property, much less force the Hopi to accept the terms that the federal government has set in collusion with the Department of the Interior for the benefit of multinational corporate interests.

"If you really have Article VIII rights, real property rights," said Ms. Marcussen, "you as individuals and as a people have superior rights. If we can establish that you have Article VIII rights, you are the sovereign. If you are the sovereign, you can say, 'I don't care what you pay; we will not sell.'"

While Ms. Marcussen stated that the United States government is still having a difficult time accepting that Indian peoples could have real property rights, those rights have been affirmed by the courts for the New Mexico pueblos and for the Tohono O'odham in Arizona. When Ms. Marcussen completed her talk, one of the many Hopi elders who were present said, "This gives us lots of energy and hope; it is reminding us of something we already knew, and shows how we might go forward."

Ms. Marcussen's presentation was hosted by Black Mesa Trust as part of its celebration of the Decade of Water. Dedicated to preserving the N-aquifer for future generations of Hopi and Navajo children and to fostering the sustainable and just use of water around the world, the Trust is sponsoring a run from the Hopi Village of Lower Moencopi to Mexico City in March 2006. Native American runners will present indigenous water concepts and ethics to an international audience of world leaders at the Fourth World Water Forum.

Organizations supporting Black Mesa Trust are the Arizona Ethnobotanical Research Association, Black Mesa Water Coalition, Environment Now, Grand Canyon Trust, Honor the Earth, Indigenous Water Institute, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sacred Land Film Project, Sierra Club, Shanker Law Firm, Shearman & Sterling, Toh Nizhoni Ahni, and WaterKeeper Alliance. Supporting Foundations include Acorn Foundation. The Christensen Fund, Oxfam America, Patagonia, Quinney Foundation, SB Foundation, Seventh Generation Fund, and Walton Family Foundation.

For more information about Black Mesa Trust, visit
http://www.blackmesatrust.org or call (928) 213-9009 or (928) 734-9255. For more information about the Hopi to Mexico City Run in 2006, visit http://www.h2opirun.org or call Ruben Saufkie, run coordinator, at (928) 734-5438.

Photo captions:

An overflow crowd turned up to hear Ms. Marcussen's talk about how the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo could affect Hopi rights.

Ms. Marcussen explained what the terms of the treaty could mean to Hopi sovereignty.

Informant: Carrie Dann

Ireland Faces Big Chill as Ocean Current Slows


Wenn die Schuldenfalle zuschnappt


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Wear a Number: Support Dissent & Count the Cost of the War

May 10, 2005

In over 20 cities, CODEPINK activists gathered this past weekend to honor the original Mother's Day call for peace. From the recruitment center in Reno, Nevada and the Air and Space Museum in Washington DC to the Cinco de Mayo carnival in Chicago and the state capitol in Sacramento, CODEPINK was there. Thank you for ALL the ways you spoke out this weekend! (Check out some of the CODEPINK women and men in action)

It's another full week and once again, we'd love your help...

* Sailor Pablo Paredes (San Diego, CA) and soldier Kevin Benderman (Ft. Stewart, GA) will go before military court martial tribunals for their opposition to the Iraq war on Thursday. Join us in supporting these courageous young men by signing the petition urging their discharge. We must do all we can to support dissent within the ranks.

* When John Bolton was nominated to be our UN Ambassador, CODEPINK sprung into action -- disrupting his hearing with banners and exposing the bully he truly is. This week, we have a REAL chance to stop Bolton before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee votes on THURSDAY, May 12. Please take a moment to CALL YOUR SENATOR RIGHT AWAY to say that a UN-basher must not fill this important post.

* With the violence in Iraq escalating, we urge you to join Counting the Cost, a campaign to make the human cost of the war more visible. On May 15, 2005, people around the country will wear a number representing one of the Iraqi citizens, U.S. soldiers, coalition soldiers, and other international civilians who have been killed in Iraq. You can join a vigil being planned for that day, organize one of your own, or simply spend the day wearing your number and talking to your neighbors about it. Contact http://www.countingthecost.org to sign up for a number.

Let's use this week to build on our Mother's Day pledge to bring an end to war NOW.

Dana, Gael, Nancy, Jodie, Medea, Rae, Tiffany and Farida

Earth Lightens Up - Why the Sun seems to be 'dimming'

I have to say it's interesting reading these two articles together. I've attached the additional article from January '05 entitled "Why the Sun Seems to Be Dimming" - which many of us will remember seeing posted. Now they are saying the Earth's surface is actually brightening.


Earth Lightens Up

Richland WA (SPX) May 06, 2005

Earth's surface has been getting brighter for more than a decade, a reversal from a dimming trend that may accelerate warming at the surface and unmask the full effect of greenhouse warming, according to an exhaustive new study of the solar energy that reaches land.

Ever since a report in the late 1980s uncovered a 4 to 6 percent decline of sunlight reaching the planet's surface over 30 years since 1960, atmospheric scientists have been trying out theories about why this would be and how it would relate to the greenhouse effect, the warming caused by the buildup of carbon dioxide and other gasses that trap heat in the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, a group led by Martin Wild at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, home of the international Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) archive, had gone to work collecting surface measurements and crunching numbers.

"BSRN didn't get started until the early '90s and worked hard to update the earlier archive," said Charles N. Long, senior scientist at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and co-author of a BSRN report in this week's issue (Friday, May 6) of the journal Science.

"When we looked at the more recent data, lo and behold, the trend went the other way," said Long, who conducted the work under the auspices of DOE's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program.

Data analysis capabilities developed by ARM research were crucial in the study, which reveals the planet's surface has brightened by about 4 percent the past decade.

The brightening trend is corroborated by other data, including satellite analyses that are the subject of another paper in this week's Science.

Sunlight that isn't absorbed or reflected by clouds as it plunges earthward will heat the surface. Because the atmosphere includes greenhouse gasses, solar warming and greenhouse warming are related.

"The atmosphere is heated from the bottom up, and more solar energy at the surface means we might finally see the increases in temperature that we expected to see with global greenhouse warming," Long said.

In fact, he said, many believe that we have already been seeing those effects in our most temperature-sensitive climates, with the melting of polar ice and high altitude glaciers.

The report's authors stopped short of attributing a cause to the cycle of surface dimming and brightening, but listed such suspects as changes in the number and composition of aerosols—liquid and solid particles suspended in air—and how aerosols affect the character of clouds.

Over the past decade, the ARM program has built a network of instrumentation sites to sample cloud characteristics and energy transfer in a variety of climates, from tropical to polar.

"The continuous, sophisticated data from these sites will be crucial for determining the causes," Long said.

Long also pointed out that 70 percent of the planet's surface is ocean, for which we have no long-term surface brightening or dimming measurements.



Why the Sun seems to be 'dimming'


By David Sington

They have reached the disturbing conclusion that the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface has been gradually falling.

Paradoxically, the decline in sunlight may mean that global warming is a far greater threat to society than previously thought.

The effect was first spotted by Gerry Stanhill, an English scientist working in Israel.

Cloud changes

Comparing Israeli sunlight records from the 1950s with current ones, Dr Stanhill was astonished to find a large fall in solar radiation.

"There was a staggering 22% drop in the sunlight, and that really amazed me." Intrigued, he searched records from all around the world, and found the same story almost everywhere he looked.

Sunlight was falling by 10% over the USA, nearly 30% in parts of the former Soviet Union, and even by 16% in parts of the British Isles.

Although the effect varied greatly from place to place, overall the decline amounted to one to two per cent globally every decade between the 1950s and the 1990s.

Dr Stanhill called it "global dimming", but his research, published in 2001, met a sceptical response from other scientists.



The Sentinel, Newcastle


12:00 - 10 May 2005

No Disciplinary action will be taken against council officials despite a blunder which meant a phone mast was put up without planning permission. Newcastle Borough Council launched an investigation into plans by mobile phone firm Orange to build a mast at the junction of Clayton Lane and Clayton Road, in Clayton.

The probe was ordered because planning officers failed to inform Orange's agent, Marconi, that the mast plan had been refused by councillors after a 350-name petition against the development was handed in by residents in March. Orange say the mast will now be installed.

But the council has ruled no disciplinary action should be taken, although a review of procedures will now take place.

Families living near the site say the decision is unacceptable. Ray Rees, a father-of-four from Warwick Avenue, Clayton, said: "The council seem to be unable to acknowledge what happened and give the full details."

Mr Rees, aged 53, has submitted a formal complaint to the council but says his questions about what happened have not been fully answered.

He said: "Planning officer Neale Clifton apologised for the error but there was no response relating to the reasons why it happened in the first place."

Planning legislation says that if a certain period of time passes without the planning authority notifying the applicant about the decision - 56 days - then the development can proceed.

Marconi said the deadline to notify it of a decision was March 17. It claimed they did not receive the notice until March 18.

An officers' report to councillors says post from Orange requesting details of a council decision was received by the council on January 21, but not marked as received until January 24. So officers used January 24 instead of January 21 to start the countdown for a notification.

The report states: "In this case the decision notice was sent, by fax, to the agents on March 18, one day late. At the time of the sending of the fax, officers were acting in the belief that they had until March 21 to ensure the agent had received the decision."

The gaffe has forced the council to admit procedural changes are needed.

The report adds: "The investigation has been unable to identify a specific individual who made an error. Accordingly no disciplinary proceeding has been taken in this matter. Nevertheless the investigation has highlighted procedural weaknesses that must, be addressed to minimise the likelihood of this kind of event arising in the future."

A spokesman for Orange confirmed the company had contacted Newcastle Borough Council and announced it intends to proceed and build the mast.

The spokesman could not confirm when the work will start, but said Orange was keen to proceed, because the site has deemed planning consent for a mast.


Bath Chronicle

11:00 - 11 May 2005

Representing the Mobile Phone Operators, Michael Dolan's letter (Letters, May 5) selectively quotes from both the Stewart and National Radiological Protection Board reports attempting to mask the health concerns regarding the electro magnetic radiation emissions from phone masts. Far from being reassured by the vested interest government and phone industry, making huge profits at the risk to public health, the following quotes from these same reports confirm this technology is far from safe:

6.38. "There is now scientific evidence which suggests that there may be biological effects occurring at exposures below these (NRPB and ICNIRP) guidelines" (Stewart Report).

And from the NRPB's Mobile Phones and Health 2004.

"6. We conclude that it is not possible to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is without adverse health effects . . . 7. The board notes that a central recommendation in the Stewart Report was that a precautionary approach to the use of mobile phone technologies be adopted . . .

18. There remain particular concerns in the UK about the impact of base stations on health."

So is this meant to reassure us Mr Dolan? You deliberately site your harmful masts next to housing and schools. Do you call this a "precautionary approach"?

While government/phone operator funded research attempts to gloss over the health concerns, independent research is regularly confirming the dangers to health, and proving the current guidelines, set 9,000 times too high, are meaningless. Only last week research from Germany again showed how the pulsed microwave signals from phone masts permanently damages living cells. The phone operators' blatant disregard for our health is outrageous.

Badminton Road Mast Action Group

Emersons Green


MICHAEL Dolan has every incentive to back this perspective, but what does Sir William Stewart say in his recent report of December 2004 for the NRPB?

If you take the time to read the recent Stewart Report for the NRPB you will find this statement: the Stewart Report states at Para 1.19: "We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that the gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach."

Mast Sanity committee member Advice line co-ordinator
Oakwood Court
Bognor Regis

Hardline approach by Fife Council on future masts in the town

COUNCILLORS were expected to refuse permission for a trio of telecom masts at yesterday's development committee meeting (Tuesday).

Three separate applications for mobile 'phone monopoles in Glenrothes were being considered as The Gazette went to press. Planners were recommending prior refusal on all of them. All three were deemed to set an "undesirable precedent" for similar developments if they were approved. And the signs seem to indicate a hardline approach by Fife Council on future masts in the town.

Vodafone applied to erect a 12-metre mast on Flemington Road - a few yards away from the Aldi supermarket car park. The council received an objection from the store, which said company Head Office had not been notified. Aldi also stated the information it had received had been poor.

Elsewhere, Vodafone wanted to put up a 10-metre mast in Minto Place, but council planners concluded this would be "out of scale and out of character" with the area. Three objections for the Minto mast were received from members of the public.

Thirdly, a controversial device planned for Leslie Road - also submitted by Vodafone - was similarly expected to be blocked yesterday. Eight letters of objection were lodged with the council on a number of issues, including health risks, visual impact on the area and road safety.

The company had hoped to construct the 13.4 metre mast between Leslie and Leslie Roundabout, on the same side of road as the Fettykil Fox inn.

However, council planners advised that any device should be no larger than the existing street furniture, which stands at 10 metres tall.

11 May 2005

BATF/IRS - Criminal Fraud


Informant. Friends

US threatens Iran when North Korea has the real WMD capability


US capture of al-Qaida leader was another lie


Iraqi deputy gets official pardon for $300 million fraud


World unites to discuss a new coalition to stop the USA


Bilderberg's secret agenda

Bilderberg's secret agenda 2005

US Ambitions Need Reality Check


No Room On the Spectrum


They lied to us


Can you remember how little you knew about a war with Iraq in July 2002? Most of us who opposed the war concluded some time ago this was the way it went down. There was plenty of evidence, though nothing this direct and cold. Think of the difference it would have made if we had known all this three years ago. Now? The memo was a huge story in Britain, but is almost unreported here. The memo does get us some forwarder. At least it finally settles this ridiculous debate about how Dear Leader Bush just wanted to bring democracy all along and we did it all for George Washington...


from AlterNet, by Molly Ivins

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fair and balanced bashing


Last Sunday, Fox TV News re-ran a one-hour documentary called 'Iran: The Nuclear Threat.' From start to finish, it assumes (without presenting any evidence) that Iran is building nuclear weapons and is a horrendous threat to the peace of the world. The only dissenting views shown are there merely to demonstrate how stupid or devious some people are (people such as a UN weapons inspector and an Iranian spokesman). Watching it, the sense of déjà vu is overwhelming. It's almost exactly like the buildup to the attack on Iraq: call the inspectors woolly-headed, call the deniers liars, call the dissenters cowards. Assert the case but offer no evidence to support it...


from LewRockwell.Com, by Harry Browne

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How to fund freedom


The techniques for funding tyranny are quite well-developed, one could almost say perfected. At present, the US government can withdraw any desired proportion of privately produced wealth simply by typing higher numbers into the Federal Reserve computers...


from Strike the Root, by Bill Walker

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

I'm here for my bill of goods


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Western-style democracy proves to be a tough sell


Baradi, the coffee shop at the corner of Tahrir and Dokki streets [in Cairo], is typical of thousands of cafes in this largest and most moderate of Arab Muslim cities. White-tiled walls and high ceilings lined with fans help patrons keep cool in a climate that can be sweaty even in winter. The courtliness of the clientele -- accountants and government clerks in worn dishdashe gowns and polyester suits -- also helps keep things temperate, even when the conversation amid the smoke from apple-scented waterpipes turns to President Bush's push for democracy in the Muslim world. No one here wears the distinctive clothing and beard of Muslim fundamentalists. Voices are not raised in anger, no matter the intensity of feelings. But there is no mistaking the deep distrust and dislike patrons harbor toward the United States...


from Boston Globe

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Germany: Rethinking legal sex trade


When it legalized prostitution two years ago, Germany sought to bring the industry under state control, providing sex workers with labor rights and greater health protection. But some Germans are now saying the law has failed to achieve its objective. The issue came to the fore earlier this year when a 25-year-old waitress looking for work was told that she faced losing her unemployment benefits because she had turned down a job at a brothel. The woman was desperate to work, although not in a sex establishment. But under a new welfare law ... women under the age of 55 who have been out of work for more than a year must accept any job offered to them -- or give up unemployment benefits. ... The threat ... was not a real one. Nevertheless, the case has driven the country to reexamine the difficulties connected with one of the most controversial pieces of social legislation Germany has ever dealt with...


from Fox News

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Supreme Court urged to protect reporters


The Supreme Court has been asked to throw out contempt orders against two journalists who refused to reveal sources in the leak of an undercover CIA officer's identity. Lawyers for Time magazine's Matthew Cooper and The New York Times' Judith Miller want the justices to clarify protections reporters have in keeping sources confidential. Cooper's appeal was filed Tuesday; Miller's was made Monday. The Supreme Court ends a nine-month term next month and could not consider the cases before next fall...


from Detroit Free Press

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Frist expects showdown over filibuster


A long-threatened showdown over changing Senate rules to stop Democratic filibusters of President Bush's judicial nominations could come as early as next week, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Tuesday. Frist, in his weekly news conference with reporters, said he hopes the Senate finishes a highway bill and an emergency spending package to fund military operations overseas this week. 'And then we need to turn to 100 United States senators and move to the issue surrounding judges,' he said. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada said he's ready and expects to win...


from ABC News

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

States set to fight, defy driver's license rules


States are threatening to challenge in court and even disobey new orders from Congress to start issuing more uniform driver's licenses and verify the citizenship or legal status of people getting them. There is concern among some states that they'll get stuck with a large tab to pay for implementing the new rules and that getting a driver's license will become a bigger headache for law-abiding residents...


from MSNBC

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The public outcry: 'Give us back our democracy'


Kennedy calls on Blair to 'pick up the phone' for talks on fairer voting



Informant: NHNE

Smoking Gun Memo?

Because this is true, shouldn't this quote be the top of the news and lead to Congressional hearings? "There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."


A Deadly Guessing Game

Don't ask America's top brass exactly how the Iraq war is going. They don't know. The various U.S. services have never managed to agree on a unified system for gauging successes and failures in the counterinsurgency campaign. Instead, everyone uses a different yardstick. Recently the National Intelligence Council, the information clearinghouse for America's spy services, produced a study of the problem. NEWSWEEK has learned that the document, which remains classified, urges that the present babel of war assessments be replaced with a coherent system, one that would help U.S. forces react faster and more effectively to shifting insurgent tactics and other challenges. The paper's overall tone is "not uplifting," according to a source familiar with its contents. In blunt terms, things are looking grim. How grim? It's anybody's guess.


Krieg gegen den Irak: Außergewöhnlichste Katastrophe in der modernen Militärgeschichte

Über die Propaganda der Bush-Regierung, die (ausbleibenden) Massenproteste gegen den Irak-Feldzug und die Parallele zum Widerstand gegen den Vietnam-Krieg in den sechziger Jahren. Interview von Harald Neuber mit Noam Chomsky in der Wochenendbeilage der jungen Welt vom 30. April 2005.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 6

Studiproteste - Summer of Resistance

In vielen Städten laufen seit Anfang Mai Proteste gegen Studiengebühren, für die (Wieder-)Einführung von Verfassten Studierendenschaften und gegen die neoliberale Umstrukturierung der Universitäten. Hintergrund ist die Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts im Januar, dass ein bundesweites Gebührenverbot sowie die Festschreibung von Verfassten Studierendenschaften, wie es das Hochschulrahmengesetz (HRG) des Bundes vorsah, verfassungswidrig ist. Dadurch ist - je nach Bundesland - mit der Einführung von allgemeinen Studiengebühren zu rechnen (500 Euro sind vermutlich nur der Anfang). Der Summer of Resistance hat begonnen. In Freiburg wird seit dem Beginn der Proteste am Montag das Rektorat der Uni besetzt. Auf der Seite von indymedia finden sich in übersichtlicher Form weitere Informationen zu den Protesten und Links zu den unterschiedlichen Aktionsseiten.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 6

Marktradikale Lobbyorganisationen der Großkonzerne arbeiten weiter an Regularien zur Absenkung von Lohn- und Sozialstandards

Kein Grund zur Entwarnung. Nach regierungsamtlicher Kritik aus Paris und Berlin scheint die EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie vom Tisch. Marktradikale Lobbyorganisationen der Großkonzerne arbeiten unterdessen weiter an Regularien zur Absenkung von Lohn- und Sozialstandards. Artikel von Sahra Wagenknecht in junge Welt vom 02.05.2005


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 6

'B Liar' Bush




Living in the land of mushy news conferences, staged town hall meetings and opinion-less editorials, it is hair-raising to read accounts of Tony Blair’s election campaign. The British people and the press have grilled "B Liar" on every issue, domestic and international, showing what real watchdogs can do. He has been raked over the coals for lying about the Iraq war, asked to check out life on minimum wage and shown toothless gums by a patient unable to find a dentist in Blair’s Britain.. It is a daily mauling by tough audiences of real people and real reporters. [...] Read the rest at Outlookindia web site: http://tinyurl.com/7ske3

© Virginia Metze

The Rise of the Christo-Fascists

Intelligence Squad #102

Over the last few years, a band of conservative Christians has been quietly waging a religious war on American society that only recently has broken out into a full-fledged "hot" war.

These bigots, not to be confused with mainstream Christians, have decided that the government, indeed all of American society, must be organized around their brand of Christianity, with no deviation allowed whatsoever. We refer to these fundamentalists as "Christo-fascists." [...] Read the rest at: http://www.intelligencesquad.com/id115.html

© Virginia Metze

Fools and Fanatics

posted by Jack Dalton at 5:04 PM Monday May 9

“If it were my say, I’d have him [Sgt Kevin Benderman] gassed, and publicly executed to set the example that America is not a nation of fools.” This is but one sentence in an email sent by a no-nothing 17 year old to Sgt Kevin Benderman (the entire letter is at the end of this commentary). Is the young man that wrote those words to blame for his mindlessness? Or is the blame with an older generation which is teaching this nation’s youth a mindless ideology that preaches nothing but entitlement, hate, and intolerance? Maybe even a little of both, after all, it is members of my own generation that have pushed this nation to the brink of the abyss we now find ourselves looking into. [...] Read the rest at: http://jackdalton.blogspot.com/

© Virginia Metze

DeLay scales back usual power plays: Ethics flap is wearing on House majority leader, colleagues say

by John F. Harris and Mike Allen
updated: 12:00 a.m. ET May 9, 2005

In the euphemism favored on Capitol Hill, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is "not staff driven." Translation: He is used to doing what he wants.

It happens all the time, DeLay friends and advisers say. An aide will suggest that the leader soften his tone, or back off just a bit from some inflammatory position. As often as not, the Texas Republican will respond with a snort, suggesting that the adviser is more worried about how a decision will play inside the Beltway than how it will be perceived — if it is noticed at all — by the rest of the country. [...] Read the rest at MSNBC:


© Virginia Metze

The Quagmire: As the Iraq war drags on, it's beginning to look a lot like Vietnam

Rolling Stone
(Posted May 05, 2005)

The news from Iraq is bad and getting worse with each passing day. Iraqi insurgents are stepping up the pace of their attacks, unleashing eleven deadly bombings on April 29th alone. Many of the 150,000 Iraqi police and soldiers hastily trained by U.S. troops have deserted or joined the insurgents. The cost of the war now tops $192 billion, rising by $1 billion a week, and the corpses are piling up: Nearly 1,600 American soldiers and up to 100,000 Iraqi civilians are dead, as well as 177 allied troops and 229 private contractors. Other nations are abandoning the international coalition assembled to support the U.S., and the new Iraqi government, which announced its new cabinet to great fanfare on April 27th, remains sharply split along ethnic and religious lines. [...] Read more at: http://tinyurl.com/bxb5d

Grist magazine has a good column about winning environmental arguments. (Remember to the GOP environmentalists are "special interest groups.") Read the article, "Just the Facts, Ma'am," on the Grist web site: http://tinyurl.com/9w4qy

ZaZona has a searchable database of companies that hire H-1Bs . There is also a petition to abolish the H-1B program. If you are interested in this, the web site is at http://www.zazona.com/ .

© Virginia Metze







Informant: NHNE

Is Congress Taking Handouts From the Drug Companies?




Informant: Milo

Another Bio Scientist Killed

From: AAP

Crash scene

Crash wreckage is shown in this picture provided by police.

ONE of Australia´s leading scientists and a pioneering policewoman are among the 15 victims of the nation´s worst plane crash in almost 40 years. Police today said all aboard the Fairchild Metroliner III aircraft were killed when it crashed and exploded in flames yesterday near the Lockhart River Aboriginal community in Cape York, in far north Queensland.

The plane smacked into a 500m high, tree covered hillside on approach to Lockhart River airstrip on a flight from Bamaga at the tip of Cape York.

Although there was rain, low cloud and strong wind at the time, the two pilots had not reported problems. Investigators said it was too early to determine the cause of the crash.

The aircraft´s flight recorder has been recovered and it will be taken to Canberra for analysis.

Among the dead was Dr David Banks, 55, the principal scientist with quarantine authority Biosecurity Australia.

He was in north Queensland doing work for the northern Australian quarantine strategy, which aims to protect the country from pests and diseases that can enter the country from more northern nations.


Informant: Dani Djinn

Death of an Elite - Is this why the microbiologists are being killed?

The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists

Squad seeks tips in death of researcher - What you know WILL kill you http://omega.twoday.net/stories/468874/

The Aachen Peace Award 2005 is given to Roy Bourgeois (USA)


Gegen die Folterausbildung in den USA


Bush, Posada & Terrorism Hypocrisy

The New York Times has finally put the case of fugitive terrorist Luis Posada Carriles on Page One, observing that the violent anti-Castro Cuban’s presence in Florida “could test” George W. Bush’s universal condemnation of terrorism. But that principle already appears to have been tested and failed.



CIA and FBI Documents Detail Career in International Terrorism; Connection to U.S.

From Information Clearing House

Blix Says Washington's Own Nuclear Moves Cost It Support

The former chief U.N. weapons inspector also cited positions taken by Undersecretary of State John R. Bolton devaluing treaties and international law.


From Information Clearing House

US media and Iran's nuclear threat

The US media is nowadays filled with news on Iran's nuclear threat, preparing the American public for yet another Middle East conflict without, however, maintaining a modicum of balance by reflecting the Iranian point of view.


From Information Clearing House

Two Wars Too Many

Neocons hunt for the right surrogate at the right time to take on Iran.

From Information Clearing House

Neocon History

Justin Raimondo explains how the neoconservatives went from being communists to Republicans, and why they took America to war in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

The Hon. John Bolton

Mr. Bolton - a member of the Institute for National Security Affairs is responsible for withdrawing the U.S. signature from the treaty on the International Criminal Court.


John Bolton: Inflate and Intimidate

The Bush Administration, with Chairman Richard Lugar's assistance, is withholding crucial information describing how Bolton tried to spy on colleagues through National Security Agency intercepts and how he skewed intelligence on Syria.


Prisoner Rights and International Law

Japanese and American Responsibility From World War II to Guantanamo.


From Information Clearing House

A Tentative Strategy for ending the War

The war will only end when support for the war ends at home. We have a new weapon in that struggle; the truth. Let's use it.


Blair faces growing chorus to quit

Labour MPs have engaged in a fierce war of words over Prime Minister Tony Blair's future in Downing Street.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. data manipulated for Iraq war

British memo

Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and [weapons of mass destruction]. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.


Remote Control: Americans Don't Want Uncle Sam turning into Big Brother


Our War for 'Whatever'


Afghans Protest Over US Abuse of Koran


Hans Blix Blames US for Nuke-Weapons Stalemate


Killing people on behalf of a foreign regime



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